Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: Matthew M. Peet
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: Matthew M. Peet
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: Matthew M. Peet
Matthew M. Peet
Arizona State University
Newton’s Laws
P ~ d ~
• Mi = dt H
P~ d
• Fi = m dt ~v
These forces and moments have standard labels. The Forces are:
X Axial Force Net Force in the positive x-direction
Y Side Force Net Force in the positive y-direction
Z Normal Force Net Force in the positive z-direction
Newton’s Second Law tells us that for a particle F = ma. In vector form:
X d~
F~ = F~i = m V
du dv dw
Fx = m Fx = m Fz = m
dt dt dt
Definition 1.
~ is referred to as Linear Momentum.
Definition 2.
A coordinate system is Inertial if it is not accelerating or rotating.
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6DOF: Newton’s Laws
Lecture 16 Forces
Newton’s Second Law tells us that for a particle F = ma. In vector form:
X d~
F~ = F~i = m V
2018-04-19 That is, if F~ = [Fx Fy Fz ] and V
~ = [u v w], then
du dv dw
Fx = m Fx = m Fz = m
dt dt dt
Definition 2.
A coordinate system is Inertial if it is not accelerating or rotating.
where ω~ I = [p, q, r]T is the angular rotation vector of the body about the
center of mass.
• p = ωx is rotation about the x-axis.
• q = ωy is rotation about the y-axis.
• r = ωz is rotation about the z-axis.
• ωI is defined in an Inertial Frame.
The matrix I is the Moment of Inertia Matrix (Here also in inertial frame!).
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Newton’s Laws
Lecture 16 Moments
~ I = [p, q, r]T is the angular rotation vector of the body about the
center of mass.
• p = ωx is rotation about the x-axis.
• q = ωy is rotation about the y-axis.
• r = ωz is rotation about the z-axis.
• ωI is defined in an Inertial Frame.
The matrix I is the Moment of Inertia Matrix (Here also in inertial frame!).
~rc and ~vc are position and velocity vectors with respect to the centroid of the
Newton’s Laws
Moment of Inertia
Hx Ixx −Ixy −Ixz pI
Hy = −Iyx Iyy −Iyz qI
Hz −Izx −Izy Izz rI
where pI , qI and rI are the rotation vectors as expressed in the inertial frame
corresponding to x-y-z.
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Moment of Inertia
1 + 13 rh2
0 0 23 0 2.97
1 2
Idisk = mr 0 1 + 13 rh2 0 I = 0 15.13 0 kslug − f t2
4 1
0 0 2
2.97 0 16.99
Cube Box
b2 +c2
1 0 0 3 0 0
2 2 a2 +c2
Icube = l 0 1 0 Ibox = 0 0
3 3
0 0 1 a2 +b2
0 0 3
[6] J.L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons
M. Peet inc., 4 edition, Lecture
1997. 16: 13 / 39
The Body-Fixed Frame
d~a d~a
= ω × ~a
dt I dt B
Equations of Motion
−Ixz ω̇x − Iyz ω̇y + Izz ω̇z −ωx Ixz − ωy Iyz + ωz Izz
Ixx ω̇x − Ixy ω̇y −Ixz ω̇z +ωy (ωz Izz −ωx Ixz −ωy Iyz )−ωz (ωy Iyy − ωx Ixy −ωz Iyz )
= Iyy ω̇y −Ixy ω̇x −Iyz ω̇z −ωx (ωz Izz −ωy Iyz −ωx Ixz )+ωz (ωx Ixx −ωy Ixy −ωz Ixz )
Izz ω̇z − Ixz ω̇x − Iyz ω̇y +ωx (ωy Iyy −ωx Ixy −ωz Iyz )−ωy (ωx Ixx −ωy Ixy −ωz Ixz )
• Rotational variables (ωx , ωy , ωz ) do not depend on translational variables
I For spacecraft, Moment forces (L,M,N) do not depend on rotational and
translational variables.
I Can be decoupled
• However, translational variables (u,v,w) depend on rotation (ωx , ωy , ωz ).
I But we don’t care.
Notice that even in the absence of external moments, the dynamics are still
0 Ix ω̇x + ωy ωz (Iz − Iy )
0 = Iy ω̇y + ωx ωz (Ix − Iz )
0 Iz ω̇z + ωx ωy (Iy − Ix )
which yield the 3-state nonlinear ODE:
Iz − Iy
ω̇x = − ωy (t)ωz (t)
Ix − Iz
ω̇y = − ωx (t)ωz (t)
Iy − Ix
ω̇z = − ωx (t)ωy (t)
Thus even in the absence of external moments
• The axis of rotation ω~ will evolve
• Although the angular momentum vector ~h will NOT.
I occurs because tensor I changes in inertial frame.
• This can be problematic for spin-stabilization!
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Euler Equations
Spin Stabilization
introduce products of inertia in the spacecraft inertia axis is illustrated in Figure 5. Conversely
We can use Euler’s equation to study Spin Stabilization.
tensor. is spinning about its major axis, any nu
Angular Momentum coincides will simply decay.
There are twowith
important cases:
Nominal Spin Axis
ASMOS can be used to investiga
energy dissipation effects. With ASMO
introduce various rates of internal energy
the rigid body model by entering vi
coefficients and wheel inertias. The user
resulting motion. This motion can also
further analysis.
Angular Momentum
Vector & New Spin Ax
Figure 3. Spin Stabilized Spacecraft
Axisymmetric: Ix = Iy Non-Axisymmetric: Ix 6=spacecraft
Figure 1: Sketch of NEAR Shoemaker Iy 3
I = 0 Angular
Ix 0 Momentum I[5] C.D.
= Hall. 0 Dynamics and
Spacecraft 494.973 0 kg·m2
Control, AOE 4140 Class Notes.
Vector̃dhall/courses/aoe4140/, February 5, 2003.
0 0 Iz 0 0 269.83
[6] J.L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons,
inc., 4 edition, 1997. Old Sp
M. Peet Lecture 16: 19 / 39
Euler Equations
Lecture 16 Spin Stabilization
I = 0 Angular
Ix 0 Momentum I[5] C.D.
= Hall. 0 Dynamics and
Spacecraft 494.973 0 kg·m2
Control, AOE 4140 Class Notes.
Vector̃dhall/courses/aoe4140/, February 5, 2003.
0 0 Iz 0 0 269.83
[6] J.L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons,
inc., 4 edition, 1997. Old Sp
Nominal Spin
Nutation Angle
Figure 5. Reorientation of the Sp
" Iz −Iy
ω̇x 0 − Ix ωz ωx (t)
ω̇y − IxI−I
ωz 0 ωy (t)
Angular M
Which is a linear ODE.
ωxy = (ωx (0) sin(λt) + ωy (0) cos(λt))2 + (ωx (0) cos(λt) − ωy (0) sin(λt))2
= ωx (0)2 sin2 (λt) + ωy (0)2 cos2 (λt) + 2ωx (0)ωy (0) cos(λt) sin(λt)
+ ωx (0)2 cos2 (λt) + ωy (0)2 sin2 (λt) − 2ωx (0)ωy (0) cos(λt) sin(λt)
= ωx (0)2 (sin2 (λt) + cos2 (λt)) + ωy (0)2 (cos2 (λt) + sin2 (λt))
= ωx (0)2 + ωy (0)2
• ωz is constant
I rotation about axis of symmetry
• ωx2 + ωy2 is constant
I rotation perpendicular to axis of symmetry
This type of motion is often called Precession!
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Circular Motion in the Body-Fixed Frame
ωx (t) cos(λt) − sin(λt) 0 ωx (0) ωx (0)
ω(t) = ωy (t) = sin(λt) cos(λt) 0 ωy (0) = R3 (λt) ωy (0)
ωz (t) 0 0 1 ωz (0) ωz (0)
• For λ > 0, this is a Positive (counterclockwise) rotation, about the z-axis, of the
angular velocity vector ω as expressed in the body-fixed coordinates!
Prolate vs. Oblate
The speed of the precession is given by the natural frequency:
Iz − Ix
λ= ωz
2π 2πIx −1
with period T = λ = Iz −Ix ωz .
Direction of Precession: There are two cases
Definition 4 (Direct).
An axisymmetric (about z-axis) rigid body is Prolate if Iz < Ix = Iy .
Definition 5 (Retrograde).
An axisymmetric (about z-axis) rigid body is Oblate if Iz > Ix = Iy .
Now lets find the orientation of ω and ẑ with respect to this fixed vector.
~h = Ix ωx x̂ + Iy ωy ŷ + Iz ωz ẑ
= Ix (ωx x̂ + ωy ŷ + ωz ẑ) + (Iz − Ix )ωz ẑ
~ + (Iz − Ix )ωz ẑ
= Ix ω
we have that
1 ~ Ix − Iz
~ = h+ ẑ
Ix Ix ωz
hx Ix ωx
~h = hy = Iy ωy
hz Iz ωz
The angle θ is defined by
q q
h2x + h2y Ix ωx2 + ωy2 Ix ωxy
tan θ = = =
hz I z ωz Iz ωz
Since ωxy and ωz are fixed, θ is a constant of
hx Ix ωx
~h = hy = Iy ωy
hz Iz ωz
Ix ωxy Ix
tan θ = = tan γ
Iz ωz Iz
Thus we have two cases:
1. Ix > Iz - Then θ > γ
2. Ix < Iz - Then θ < γ (As Illustrated)
Figure: The case of Ix > Iz (θ > γ) Figure: The case of Iz > Ix (γ > θ)
We illustrate the motion using the Space Cone and Body Cone
• The space cone is fixed in inertial space (doesn’t move)
• The space cone has width |ω − θ|
• The body cone is centered around the z-axis of the body.
• In body-fixed coordinates, the space cone rolls around the body cone (which is
• In inertial coordinates, the body cone rolls around the space cone (which is fixed)
Motion in the Inertial Frame
The orientation of the body in the inertial frame is defined by the sequence of
Euler rotations
I θ̇ = 0.
I θ̇ = 0.
0 0 0
~ = R3 (φ)R1 (θ)R3 (ψ) 0 + R3 (φ)R1 (θ) θ̇ + R3 (φ) 0
ψ̇ 0 φ̇
ψ̇ sin θ sin φ 0 0
= ψ̇ sin θ cos φ + 0 + 0
ψ̇ cos θ 0 φ̇
Motion in the Inertial Frame
ω̇x ψ̇ φ̇ sin θ cos φ
ω̇y = −ψ̇ φ̇ sin θ sin φ
ω̇z 0
Problem: The earth is 42.72 km wider than it is tall. How quickly will the
rotational axis of the earth precess due to this effect?
Solution: for an axisymmetric ellipsoid with height a and width b, we have
Ix = Iy = 15 m(a2 + b2 ) and Iz = 25 mb2 .
Thus b = 6378km, a = 6352km and we have
(me = 5.974 · 1024 kg)
2 2
Iz = 9.68 · 1037kg−m , Ix = Iy = 9.72 · 1037kg−m
If we take ωz = 2π ∼
= 2πday −1 , then we have
Iz − Ix
λ= ωz = .0041day −1
That gives a period of T = 2πλ = 243.5days. This motion of the earth is known
as the Chandler Wobble.
• Actual period is 434 days
I Actual I = I = 8.008 · 1037 kg − m2 .
x y
I Actual I = 8.034 · 1037 kg − m2 .
I Which would predict T = 306days
• The precession of the earth was first notices by Euler, D’Alembert and Lagrange
as slight variations in lattitude.
• Error partially due to fact Earth is not a rigid body(Chandler + Newcomb).
• Magnitude of around 9m
• Previous plot scale is milli-arc-seconds (mas)
Next Lecture
Energy Dissipation
• The effect on stability of rotation