Classification of Economic: DR S e e

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Banaras Hindu University

Departmen t o f Geology Centre o f Ad vanced Study, In s titute of Scie nce, Varana s i - 221005, Indi a

Dr Di11 e\ h Po ndll, ( M. Sc Semest er- // · Or e Geology, Co urse No GLM-205, Th eo ry)

Classification of Economic Ore Deposits

..;v, '1lM11,n of on, O~pos1 ts ,s an attempt to ,, rr,in gc rela ted s ubi ects in logical o rd e r o r seque nc e and thu s help
clant} .1 d1vcr~c ,1sscmblage_ This 1s the cas e wi th classification of min e ra l depo sits . which co nsis t of s ubs tances that
·:ary grea tly in metal and mineral conten L and ,n form . size, mode of origin, and economi c va lues .
S, H•ral ;,;"0 i::-,r.s Jttempte<l tc da...<.s,fy e<onom1c mmeral deposlt:s based upon ongin and genetic processes since the begin ning of
: ·,u, · , 1•· o:r,:,,,-1 V.inou5, ,r.iporunt scheme of classiflcat1on are discussed as follows
f~ci( I '1114]. (, J Bergt-at·Ste,zner ( !90 4]. f111J ln·mg (1908). (iv) Lmdgren ( 19 1 l ). (v) Schne1der hohn ( l 'l32) and (v1) Bateman's
Prr !"'lsed C1.1 s1hc ,1:.. r;

, 8<',_;..:·s Cu,s.s,t ... 3t.r r, { l qQ.;

p, '!' 1'.'., A S/n~"'nict,,: I '.\ag·,auc Segregation. 2 Sedimentary ores
B Ep• 6 eneuc I \"ems. 2 Ep1geneuc deposits not veins
Ii V.,C'1nda,...,. A Re,:duJi B Placers

Br- rgeat·Stelzr>er s ClaSS1ficat1cn l'104,

I Pl-o : r.-gf: ne A Syngf'neuc I With eruptive rocks, 2 With sedimentary rocks
B £i;-1geneo-: C..w1tv fillin gs. 2 Replacements
11 Sl-<r,n:lar. A Rt-s1dudl , B Placers

., ,,..,.,g·s Class1f.cat1or. I 908

I B<:o~.x:h depos:ts A S:mger:e ,c l Igneous. 2. Sedi mentary
B Ep1gene::ic 1 Ca~1ty fillings, 2 Rep lacements. 3. Contact-metamorph1c deposits
II D1s1ntegrat10;; deposits A. Mechamcal, B Chemical

r.•: ) Lindgren·s C1assHicauon (19 11) on the basis of temperatu re and pressure of formation of economic mineral deposits.
I D~posits ;:,y ~l echamcal Processes
II D{,p r ts h· ChemJCal Processes
Prxr:,sses Tempe ra ture ( 0
() Pre ssure
-\ · "'. s..:rfacEc waters· I B·, react10ns. 2. Evapo ration 0-70 Medium to hi gh
B In '1od1es of rocks
I Concentrations of substances co ntained within rocks
" By weathenng 0 -1 00 Medium
ti By ground ·.,-ater 0- 100 Medium
c By metam orphism 0-400 High
2 By rnt roduceo substances
a. Withou t igneous aco1.1ty 0- 100 Medium
ra J By ascenoin g waters
' I J Ep,thermal deposits 50-200 Medium
( 2) Mesothermal deposits 200-500+ High
(3) H}•drothermal deposits 500-600+ High+
(b) By dtrect igneous emanatio ns
I (a) Pyrometasomauc de posits 500-800 High+
fb l Sublimates 100 -600 Low to medium
I (. In magmas by differentiation
I l MagmatJC deposits 700-1500 High+
•. 2. Pegma tites 575+ I Hi gh+ I

f v) S(J-.neide rh ohn 's Classification (19 32) based o n geneti c processes

/1. '.I Jgamuc rocks an d o re deposits
fa ) !rtrus1ve magmatic
I. Intrusi ve rocks and liq uid magmatic deposi ts
1-11. Liquid magmatic-pneumatolytic
II. Pne umatolyt,c: J. Pegmatite veins. 2. Pne umatolytic veins and impregnatio ns. 3. Contact pneumatolytic.
11-111. Pneumatolyuc -hydrotherma l
Ill. Hydrotherma l
(b) Extru sive magmatic
I. Extrusive -hydrothe rma l
II. E:<halat1on
8. Sedi mentary depos1tS: 1. Weathered wne (oxidation and enrichment); 2. Placers. 3. Residual ; 4 . Biochemical -inorgani c:
5. Salts; 6. Fuels; 7. Descending groundwater deposits
C. Metam o rphic depos its· 1. Therma l co ntact metamorphism ; 2. Metamo rphic roc ks ; 3. Metam o rphosed ore depo sits;
4. Rarely forme d metamorphic deposits.

There ,1re many llm1tation in the above classifi catio n sc hemes a nd m ost o f the ore forming processes are not included.

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Ban a ras Hindu Universi ty
Depa rtm ent o f Geo logy, Ce ntre of Advanced Study, In sti tute of Scie nce, Varanasi - 22 1005 , In dia

( vi ) Bateman 's Proposed Classificatio n is a simp le scheme ba sed 0 11 genetic processes and most use ful for th e stud y o l
economic geology and mining operato rs.
Bate man s c assi fi1ca ti o n o min er a Id epos 1ts
Geolo£ical Process T voe of Deposits Exam ples
l Magmatic Concentration I. Early Magmatic:
High T and P A. Disseminated Crysta ll ization Di amond deposits
B. Seg rega tion Chromite deposits
C. Inj ection Magn etite depo sits
II. Late Magmatic.
A. Resi du al Liquid Segregatio n Magn etite depos its
B. Resi dual Liquid In jection Magnetit e, Pegmat ites
C. Immiscib le Liquid Segregatio n PGM Sulphid e deposi ts
D. Immiscibl e Li quid In jection Go ld , PGM deposits
z Sublimation (Low T an d P) Sublim ates Sulphur
3 Contact Metamorphi sm Co ntact Metaso matic Magnetite, Co pper, Go ld
In t. Low high T and P
4 Hy drot hermal Processes I. Cav ity Fi lli ng (Ope n Space Deposits)
T and P conditions fro m low A. Fiss ure Vein s Go ld, Sil ver
to high B. Shea r -zone deposits Go ld , Silver
I. Telethermal C. Sto ckworl<s Go ld , Silver
2 Epith ermal D. Ladd er Vein s Go ld , Silver
3. Leptoth ermal E. Sa ddl e- r ee fs Gold , Sil ve r
4. Meso th ermal F. Tension -crack Fillin gs Lea d and Zin c
5. Hypothermal G. Breccia Fillings:
6. Xenothermal (3+4+5) a. Vo lca ni c Go ld, Silver
(1) Cavi ty filling b. Tectonic Zi nc
c. Co ll apse Co pper, Go ld
H. So lution Cav ity Fillin gs
a. Caves and Chann els Lea d and Zi nc
b. Gas Veins, Lead and Zin c
I. Pore Spa ce Fillings Co pper
1- Vesicula r Fillings Co pp er
(2) Replacem ent II. Repla cement
Lo w to high T and P A. Ma ss ive Copper
8. Lod e Fissu r e Go l d
C. Disse min ated Copper
5 Sed imen tation ( Lo w T and P) Sedim enta ry Iron , Manganese, Phosp hate
6 Bacteriogenic Bacteria l products or r edu ction Sulp hur i n sa lt dom es , Mn -nodul es
7 Submarin e Exhalati ve Submarin e vo lca nic Mn -nod ul es, po ly m eta\lic sulfid es
volcani sm
Low to high T and P
8 Evapor ation Evaporites:
Low T and P A. Marine Gypsu m, Salt, Potash
8. Lake Sodium Ca rbonate,
C. Ground Water Chil e Nitrates
9 A. Residual Concentration I. Re si dua l Deposits Iro n, M anga nese, Bau xite
8. Mechan ica l Co ncentratio n I I. Place r Deposits:
Lo w T and P A. Str ea m Go l d
B. Beach Go ld
C. Eluvia l Tin
D. Eoli an Gold
10 Surficial Oxida tion and Oxidized Superg ene Sulphid e Copper
Supergene En richm ent
Low T and P
11 Metam orphi sm A. Metamorphos ed Depos its Copper , Lea d, Zinc
Int. to high T and P B. Metamorphic Depo si ts Gr ap hite, Asbes to s, T alc,
Soa pston e, Sill imanite.
Ga rn et

Reference Books:
1. l ense, M.L. and Batem an, A.M. (1981): Economic Min er al Deposi ts, Jo hn Wil ey a nd Sons .

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