Cbse/ /dir (Acad D) /2020 N April 9, 2 Notification 2020 N: 45

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D)/2020 April 9, 2020
N n: 45
ct: BRICS Math
M ne Competition 2020 – reg.
BRICSMATH.COM national Online Compe
M is an annual Intern etition in Mathematics
M s, for
studentts of classe o 07 BRICS countriies (Brazil, Russia, In
es I – XII of ndia, China and
South Africa, Indoonesia andd Vietnam)..The competition is held online on the website om and is completely
c f
free of costt.
The pu urpose of the
t compettition is to cultivate innterest in Mathematic
M cs and devvelop
logical reasoning skills, as well to unite children fro
om differentt countries.
This ye
ear the prep
paratory rou
und for the online commpetition is scheduled from 22nd April
2020 to
o 22 May 2020. The main comp petition will take place in July-Octtober 2020..
The deetails of th he compettition are enclosed
e f
for informa
ation and participatio
on of
studentts of all the affiliated schools
s of th
he Board, on
o voluntaryy basis.

(Dr. Joseph Emmannuel)

or (Academ
Encl: as
a above

Copy to the
t respectivee Heads of Dirrectorates, Organizations and Institutions s as indicated
d below with a
request to
t disseminate
e the informattion to all the schools unde er their jurisdic ction:
1. The
T Commissiioner, Kendriya aVidyalayaSan ngathan, 18-Insstitutional Area a, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg g, New
2. The
T Commissioner, NavodayyaVidyalayaSam miti, B-15, Secctor-62, Institutional Area, Noida201309
3. The
T Director off Education, Diirectorate of Edducation, Govt.. of NCT of Dellhi, Old Secreta ariat, Delhi-110
0 054
4. The
T Director off Public Instrucctions (Schoolss), Union Territoory Secretariat, Sector 9, Chaandigarh-16001 17

5. The Director off Education, Go

T ovt. of Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkiim –737101
6. T Director off School Educa
The ation, Govt. of Arunachal
A Praddesh, Itanagar –791 111
7. T Director off Education, Go
The ovt. of A&N Islaands, Port Blair – 744101
8. T Director off Education, S..I.E., CBSE Ce
The ell, VIP Road, Junglee Ghat, P.O.
P 744103, A&N
A Island
9. T Director, Central
The C Tibetan
n School Admin nistration, ESSESS Plaza, Co ommunity Centtre, Sector 3, Rohini
10. T Additional Director Gene
The eral of Army Edducation, A – Wing,
W SenaBhaw wan, DHQ, PO O, New Delhi-11 10001
11. T
The Secretaryy AWES, Integrated Headqua arters of MoD (Army), FDRC C Building No. 202,Shankarr Vihar
(Near APS), Delhi Cantt-1100 010
12. T Under Sec
The cretary (EE-1), MHRD, Govt. of India, Department of SE&L L, ShastriBhaw wan, New Delhii-01
13. A Regional Directors/Region
All D nal Officers of CBSE with the e request to se
end this circula
ar to all the Heads of
chools of the Board in their re
t affiliated sc
the espective regions
14. A Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary/ Assisstant Secretaryy / Analyst, CBS
All SE
15. A Head(s)/ In--Charge(s), Ce
All entre of Excelle
ence, CBSE
16. In charge IT Unit with the req
quest to put thiss circular on the
e CBSE Acade emic website
17. In-Charge, Library
18. T Senior Public Relations Officer,
19. PPS to Chairpe erson, CBSE
20. SPS to Secreta ary, CBSE

“ श ासदन”17, राउ
उजएवे यु, नई द ल - 110 00
ha Sadan”, 17, Rouse
R Avenue, New
N Delhi – 110 002
फोन/ Telephone
T : +91-11-23212603, 23234324
2 वेबसाइ
ाइटWebsite : ww

21. SPS to Controller of Examinations, CBSE

22. SPS to Director (Information Technology), CBSE
23. SPS to Director (CTET), CBSE
24. SPS to Director (Professional Examinations), CBSE
25. SPS to Director (EDUSAT), CBSE
26. SPS to Director (Academics), CBSE
27. SPS to Director (Skill Education& Training), CBSE
28. Record File

(Dr. Joseph Emmanuel)


“ श ासदन”17, राउजएवे यु, नई द ल - 110 002

“Shiksha Sadan”, 17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi – 110 002
फोन/ Telephone : +91-11-23212603, 23234324 वेबसाइटWebsite :
The international online Mathematics competition
for students from Classes 1-12
A competition that brings children from 7 countries together

April 22 – May 22, 2020

What is ?
BRICSMATH.COM + is a large preparatory round for the annual international online
mathematics competition for students of grades 1-12. Since 2020, the geography of the
competition has been expanding, now students from 7 countries will be able to take part
in it: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Indonesia and Vietnam. The competition
tasks are available in all the official languages of all the participating countries.
The purpose of the competition is to cultivate interest in Mathematics and develop
logical reasoning skills, as well to unite children from different countries.
In 2020, the BRICSMATH.COM competiiton will be held for the fourth time and is
dedicated to the 12th BRICS Summit that will take place in Russia.

Chronology of The competition was included in the Brasilia

Declaration of the 11th BRICS Summit

2017 2018 2019 2020

1st competition 2nd competition 3rd competition 4th competition
9th BRICS Summit, 10th BRICS Summit, 11th BRICS Summit, 12th BRICS Summit
China South Africa Brazil Russia
670 000 1 000 000 1 600 000 3 000 000
Recognition and support


Media about us
BRICSMATH to be 中国学生在2019年金砖国家在 Registrations open for an Запустилась Nos dias da cúpula dos
inaugurated at the BRICS 线数学联欢节表现出色 online international международная BRICS, foi realizada a
summit in Brazil on 13th Mathematics competition for онлайн-олимпиада по abertura da competição
November 2019 2019-12-13 school students математике на платформе internacional online
NOV 8, 2019 November 23, 2019
15 ноября 2019 26 nov 2019
Dates of

22 April – 22 May 2020

The competition consists of the best tasks of past years

and provides an opportunity to practice solving
non-standard problems.

Each participant has the opportunity to solve interactive

tasks without any restrictions.
Distribua a água de tal maneira que todos

The uniqueness of the

recipientes tenham quantidades iguais de água.

Every student from Brazil, Russia, India,
China, South Africa, Indonesia and Vietnam
can take part in the competition
All they need is an electronic device with an
Internet connection. Joseph built a new tower, outlined the shadows
and broke it. Build this tower again.
The Competition consists of 10 colourful
interactive mathematics tasks. The tasks on
logical and spatial thinking do not require
an in-depth knowledge of the school
Перемести камень на башню со слоном так,
Mathematics books. чтобы выражения на двух башнях совпали.

The tasks are available in Portuguese,

Russian, Hindi, English, Chinese,
Indonesian and Vietnamese.
Examples of the tasks
Classes 1-4 Blueberry cookies (Difficulty level: difficult)
Skills: The relative position of objects in space and on the surface. Planning the progress of
solving the problem. Basic arithmetic.
Section: Spatial relationships. Visual geometry. Geometric shape. Formation of ideas about the
meta-subject concept of “shape”. Shapes in geometry and in the surrounding world.

Crossing the river (Difficulty level: difficult)

Skills: Analysis of the received information. Logical and algorithmic thinking. Simple algorithm.
Drawing up the final sequence (chain) of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, etc. according to
the rule. Logical reasoning. Completing, writing, and solving a simple algorithm.
Section: Data handling.

Classes 5 - 12 Dragon ship (Difficulty level: easy)

Skills: The relative position of objects in space and on the plane. Logical and algorithmic
thinking, spatial imagination.
Section: Spatial Relations and Spatial Thinking.

The mystery of the ancient temple (Difficulty level: difficult)

Skills: Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication. Identifying the unknown component of an
arithmetic action. Logical and algorithmic thinking.
Section: Spatial relations and spatial thinking. Arithmetic operations.
competition will take place in April–May 2020

To participate you need: Teachers: Students:

A computer or a tablet. Register their students on the website. Log in on using
Internet access. Choose the class and language. their logins and passwords.
Print out and give students Solve the tasks.
their logins and passwords.



Ксения Строгина 王丽


Certificado de CERTIFICATE 进行

honra ao mérito of ACHIEVEMENT

BRICSMATH.com组织委员会主席 伊万·科洛莫耶茨

conferimos a awarded to
Results and Awards of

Upon the completion of the BRICSMATH.COM+

competition, all students will recieve certificates that will
be available in their personal accounts on
Teachers can print out the certificates and organise an
award ceremony at their schools.




Ксения Строгина 王丽
Online Mathematics competition for Primary School students
Olimpíada online de matemática


Certificado de CERTIFICATE 进行

honra ao mérito of ACHIEVEMENT

BRICSMATH.com组织委员会主席 伊万·科洛莫耶茨

conferimos a awarded to

Laura Alves David Tjale

A Olimpíada é organizada pela plataforma

Presidente do Conselho do Comitê Chairman of the organizing committee

Register and compete
on the website

[email protected]

How to participate in BRICSMATH.COM+

It gives us a great pleasure to invite you all to participate in the Preparatory round of the
International Online Competition in Mathematics called BRICSMATH.COM+. After the tremendous
success of BRICSMATH, in 2020 the geography of the competition has been expanding, now
students from 7 countries will be able to take part in it: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa,
Indonesia, and Vietnam.
The purpose of the competition is to cultivate an interest in Mathematics for students and
develop their logical reasoning skills, as well to unite children from different countries.

The format -
The competition is held online on the website ​ and is completely free of cost. To take
part in the competition students need to have access to a computer or tablet with a modern browser
and Internet connection. The fun and interactive tasks of the competition are designed in a
child-friendly game form. The tasks get students to think outside the box but do not require any prior
knowledge of Mathematics syllabus or any preparation. The competition tasks will be available for all
classes in Portuguese, Russian, English, Hindi, Chinese, Indonesian and Vietnamese languages.

The Dates -
The Preparatory round of BRICSMATH.COM+ competition will be held - from April 22 to May 22.
It will consist of one of the best tasks of the previous years’ competitions. Each participant has the
opportunity to solve interactive tasks without any restrictions or time bounds.

Registration of teachers and students -

Teachers register their students on and select the country, class, and language.
Teachers print out students’ individual logins and passwords and send them to their students. Using
their own logins and passwords students log in on and solve the tasks.

Results and rewards -

Upon the completion of the BRICSMATH.COM+, after May 22, all the students will get certificates
that will be available in their personal accounts on

The online format allows every child to take part regardless of their level of knowledge, social and
geographical background. For that reason, we would recommend giving every student the opportunity
to participate.

For more information, please write to us at [email protected]

The 3rd
International Online Competition
in Mathematics
(Oct 12 - Dec 13, 2019)

Prepared for the MHRD, Govt. of India
January 2020

I. Chronology
of the project

2017 2018 2019

BRICSMATH.COM is a non-profit international online competition in Mathematics for students On March 7, 2018, at the meeting In 2019 the competition was supported by the Ministry of
from classes 1 - 12 which has been conducted since 2017 in the five BRICS countries, namely Brazil, of the Supervisory Board of the Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Human
Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It operates in the educational sphere addressing the needs Agency for Strategic Initiative Resource Development of the Republic of India, Ministry of
of more than a million students in the BRICS countries and brings them together by creating the Mr V. V. Putin initiated an idea to Education of the People’s Republic of China and Department
spirit of good-faith competition. In 2017, the Russian project UCHi.RU received the status of the launch the 2nd international on- of the Basic Education of the Republic of South Africa, along
Leadership Project in the field of education of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. It was presented line competition BRICSMATH.COM with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,
to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at a meeting with representatives of together with the leaders of BRICS Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of India, Ministry
socially-oriented organizations during the meeting of the Agency’s Supervisory Board on July 26, countries at the 10th BRICS Sum- of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and
2017. mit in Johannesburg, South Africa. Department of International Relations and Cooperation of
the Republic of South Africa.
Following the meeting with the President, has implemented an initiative to launch the large- On July 25, 2018, the BRICSMATH.COM
In India, the competition was organised in cooperation with
scale online competition, BRICSMATH.COM. The goal of this initiative is to popularize mathematics team attended the business forum
local partners, FICCI ARISE and Atal Innovation Mission by
as a school subject, develop logical thinking skills and increase interest in studying exact sciences which was a part of the 10th BRICS
NITI Aayog.
by uniting children from different countries. Over 6,70,000 pupils from Brazil, Russia, China, Summit in Johannesburg. The 2nd
The number of participants in the third competition reached
India and South Africa took part in the first international online competition BRICSMATH.COM BRICSMATH.COM competition was
1.6 million.
in November 2017. officially inaugurated at the East-
ern Economic Forum in Vladivo- BRICSMATH.COM was included in the Brasilia Declaration of
the 11th BRICS Summit, which was signed by the leaders of
stok and witnessed 9,80,000 partic-
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
ipants from five countries.
The ceremonial launch of the main round was held at the
prestigious schools in all the capitals of the BRICS countries
with the participation of representatives from the Ministries
of education and Embassies of the BRICS countries.

2 | 3
III. Problems the
project addresses
and their solution
BRICSMATH.COM competition provides The tasks of BRICSMATH.COM are translated
constructive solutions to improve the logical into all the official languages of the BRICS
thinking and reasoning skills of students by countries. It is not a typical mathematics
means of the latest ICT tools. Any school student competition since tasks require the use of
may participate in the BRICSMATH.COM logical and spatial thinking and imagination, so
competition, since it is open to everyone. that children with different mindsets can
Students do not have to go through a demonstrate their skills. The competition
complicated qualification process or spend consists of a big diversity of interesting tasks
much time for any preparations. The that cannot be technically resolved on paper

II. Process
competition is held within two months and is but the ICT allows multimedia solutions to be
divided into two lengthy stages, with students found. The competition plays a great role in
being able to solve as many tasks as they need fortifying international relations within BRICS

of enrolment
during the trial round. Students may participate countries. Apart from that, it also gives the
in the competition at any time and from any participants motivation and self-confidence as
place, as long as they have ICT at their disposal. all of them receive awards to mark their
achievements regardless of their performance
on the competition.
The format Durations
The competition is held online on the website The BRICSMATH.COM is held in two rounds: and is completely free of one month of the trial round and one month of
charge. To take part in the competition students the main round. The trial round gives students
need to have an access to a computer or a an opportunity to practice before the main
tablet with a modern browser and an Internet round as during the trial tour they have
connection. The fun and interactive tasks of the unlimited number of attempts to solve the
competition are designed in a child-friendly tasks.The results of the trial round do not affect
game form. the main round. In the main round, however,
the pupils have only one attempt and are given
Registration strictly 60 minutes to complete all the tasks of
the competition.
All children must be registered by their teachers
or their parents. They select the country,
language and class, register themselves on the
Results and rewards
website and add their children to the class list. Upon the completion of the BRICSMATH.COM,
The system then generates an individual login all the students get certificates that are available
and password for each participant. Using their in their personal accounts on www.bricsmath.
login credentials, students log in their profiles com. The teachers are able to print out the
and solve the tasks. certificates and organize an award ceremony at
their schools.

4 | 5
IV. Impact
BRICSMATH.COM provides the young generation with the
inspiration to become future leaders, engage in studying
STEM subjects, develop IT skills.

BRICSMATH.COM creates a international aims to develop their overall personality and

community of future contributors to the logical thinking skills. While the children know
development of society and stimulates that they are competing at a global level, they
children’s interest in mathematics. It is a unique are highly motivated to improve their
project that encourages children of different knowledge and skills and represent their state
backgrounds and levels of preparation to prove with pride. This project unites students with
themselves, regardless of their race, physical different backgrounds and cultural assets in a
condition, gender or nationality. friendly environment where they can share
their passion for education and mathematics in
The competition helps to promote global
integrity and spirit of fraternity among children.
It erases the boundaries between students and

6 | 7
Tasks Overview
The tasks of the competition are skills-based and do not
require any in-depth knowledge of the school curriculum.

Classes 1–4

8 | 9
Parking Skills:
Logical colouring Skills:
The relative position of objects in space and on the plane. Analysis of the received information. Logical
Difficulty level: Logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination. book and algorithmic thinking. Completing, writing,
Easy and solving a simple algorithm.
Section: Difficulty level:
Spatial relations and spatial thinking. Easy Section:
Data handling.

Crossing the river Skills:
Analysis of the received information. Logical and Establishing the relationship between the values
Difficulty level: algorithmic thinking. Simple algorithm. Drawing up the Difficulty level: presented in the task, planning the progress of solving
Difficult final sequence (chain) of objects, numbers, geometric Difficult the problem, the choice of actions. The relative position of
shapes, etc. according to the rule. Logical reasoning. objects in space and on the plane. Spatial imagination.
Completing, writing, and solving a simple algorithm.
Section: Spatial relations. Arithmetic operations.
Data handling.

10 | 11
Time Skills:
Target Skills:
Addition, Subtraction. Identifying the unknown Logical and algorithmic thinking. Addition
on the watch component of an arithmetic action. Analysis of the Difficulty level: and Subtraction. Identifying the unknown
received information. Logical and algorithmic thinking. Medium component of an arithmetic action.
Difficulty level:
Easy Section: Section:
Arithmetic operations. Data handling. Arithmetic operations. Data handling.

Snails Skills:
Blueberry cookies Skills:
The relative position of objects in space and on the The relative position of objects in space and
and frogs plane. Planning the progress of solving the problem. Difficulty level: on the surface. Planning the progress of
Difficult solving the problem. Basic arithmetic.
Difficulty level: Section:
Medium Spatial relations. Data handling. Section:
Spatial relationships. Visual geometry. Geometric shape.
Formation of ideas about the meta-subject concept of
“shape”. Shapes in geometry and in the surrounding world.

12 | 13
Classes 5–12

Dragon ship Skills:

The relative position of objects in space and on the plane.
Difficulty level: Logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination.
Spatial Relations and Spatial Thinking.

The mystery of the
Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication.
ancient temple Identifying the unknown component of an arithmetic
action. Logical and algorithmic thinking.
Difficulty level:
Difficult Section:
Spatial relations and spatial thinking. Arithmetic operations.

14 | 15
Robot Skills:
Target Skills:
The relative position of objects in space and on the plane. Logical and algorithmic thinking. Addition,
Difficulty level: Logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination. Difficulty level: Subtraction. Identifying the unknown
medium Easy component of an arithmetic action.
Spatial relations and spatial thinking. Section:
Arithmetic operations. Data handling.

Hole punch Skills:
The relative position of objects in space and on the plane. The relative position of objects in space and on the plane.
Difficulty level: Logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination. Difficulty level: Logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination.
Difficult Easy
Section: Section:
Spatial relations and spatial thinking. Spatial relations and spatial thinking.

16 | 17
over India
Pattern Skills:
The relative position of objects in space and on the plane.
Difficulty level: Logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination.
Spatial relations and spatial thinking. The total number of all the participants in the trial round
from the all the BRICS countries reached 9,32,356 and
1,199,265 in the main round.

18 | 19
8 70 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 1
931 Uttarakhand 38.50462963 35.67797695 Nagaland 50.2585034 37.25471698 47.75 103
9 70 - 60 59 - 40 39 - 1
52 Manipur 48.28055077 43.27756654 Mizoram 62.36363636 45.70634921 48.27272727 81
10 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1 Meghalaya 53.80769231 33.1056338 51.80152672 107
06 Himachal Pradesh 47.25539867 43.75734549
In India70the
11 - 65
total number of
64 - 40 39 - 1
Table 2. Main round. Number of participants Marks
State criteria. Male Female
Winner's Certificate
52.98823529 449 State
25 Mizoram 48.93518519 46.00943396 Participants Participants certificate, of appreciation, of participation,
registered students during Oct by state and gender
26 12 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1
Trials round All the participants of the main round Maharashtra 41.69490309 37.22786121
no of points no of points 50.51083308
no of points 3955 Puduch
3 - Dec 13, 2019 was 5,98,669. Assam Main round 46.26633872 West Bengal
37.71096774 3348 2166
were divided into 3 groups, approx. Madhya Pradesh 32.8897893 36.76424646 47.95887962 2552 Jammu
835 Uttar Pradesh 14551 8773 1 80 - 65 64 - 35 34 - 1
529,619 of them were registered Goa 39.91549296 38.07017544
33%. The certificates were distirbutes Kerala 50.57123835 33.76030369 47.93387909 1880
12 854 Chandi
433 Tripura 275 230 2
by teachers and 69,050 State
Madhya Pradesh
Male Female 14 323
Class Winner's
38.10573842 on the points
and rating ofKarnataka
80 - 65 64 - 35
34 - 1
51.16692963 3673
State Avg. score, boys Avg score, girls Megha
740 individually by parents. the
Telangana students in each class. 3713
5182 3 80 - 60 59 - 30 29 - 1
Participants Participants certificate,38.76514947
of appreciation, of participation, Jammu and
Telangana 41.76283288
Trials round 12 854 39.95833333 36.5915493 46.06956522 289 Daman
556 2 no of points no of points
Tamil Nadu no of points
12912 11487
Kashmir Puducherry 46.53316953 33.82082695
West Bengal 4 80 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 1
Main round Maharashtra 3348 2166 14 121 43.37459051 39.87880041
Sikkim 78 93Himachal Pradesh 45.82017544
Jammu and Kashmir 42.09723757 49.06302966
42.0508744 1453
38.01324503 Sikkim
Uttar Pradesh 14551 8773 1 80 - 65 64 - 35 34 - 1 5 70 - 40 39 - 20 19 - 1
Registered by teachers Andhra Pradesh
16 121
45.66449612 41.45031056
Haryana 46.1415616 33.78696478 46.8590434 3907 Delhi
974 12 854 3 Rajasthan 4253 2960 Chandigarh 46.35034803 44.09830508
1 Registered by parents
14 323
Tamil Nadu
275 230 17 778 2
80 - 65 64 - 35
34 - 1 6 70 - 40 39 - 20 19 - 1
Punjab 6035 Gujarat
5396 41.60090961 36.039544 49.66303219 2019 Arunac
344 Meghalaya 42.53448276 43.88
Telangana 5182 3713 3 80 - 60 59 - 30 29 - 1 7 70 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 1
88,47 % 12 854
Uttar Pradesh
556 42.36156389
Puducherry 407 Daman
653 and Diu
Daman and Diu
34 32.42857143
4 Andam
2 Tamil Nadu 12912 11487 8
20 812
4 80 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 1 Goa 70 - 55
30.87692308 54 - 30
38.94190871 29 - 1
54.72661871 144
14 121 Jharkhand 50.11732456 45.82264957
Odisha 3029 1931 Uttarak
4 Sikkim 78 93 Sikkim 49.33333333 45.01075269
5 70 - 40 39 - 20 19 - 1 Delhi 41.92978972
9 70 - 60 33.07519766
59 - 40 45.87880851
39 - 1 7419
Tripura5 19 356
51.71272727 Nagaland
46.7826087 189 152 Manipu
85 16 121 Rajasthan 4253 2960 Delhi 40.19352721 37.00424433
3 20 809 Chandigarh 53.55327869
10 70 - 65 36.78145695
64 - 40 48.95
39 - 1 256
17 778 6 70 - 40 Mizoram 39 - 20 19 - 108
1 106
West Bengal 49.26224612 50.54939982 Arunachal Pradesh 41.52071006 35.37102473 Himach
0838 Punjab 6035 5396 Bihar 47.15428571 38.98336414 51.26442953 721
22 7
265 70 - 55 54 - 30
Meghalaya 29 - 174
1 125 11 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1
18 556 Haryana
6 42.35378092 40.61957335 Mizoram
95 Puducherry 407 653 Assam Andaman and Nicobar Islands
44.95214106 37.11720511 32.18181818
45.81526104 33.6 1024
4 26 116 Manipur 54 - 30 12 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1
20 812 8 70 - 55 29 - 581
1 526
90 Odisha Chhattisgarh 3029 1931 41.54414984 37.77150723 Arunachal Pradesh 44.91005291
Uttarakhand 32.9676259 41.5
38.50462963 180
21 459 70 - 60 Maharashtra
59 - 40 39 - 7021
1 4835
550 5
11,53 %
19 356 Nagaland 7
Rajasthan 189 152 42.13214202
27 428
40.09560811 Andhra Pradesh
Manipur 44.04291045 39.35534125 49.54648303
48.28055077 2030
20 809 Madhya Pradesh 5231 3433
10 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1 Madhya
83 Mizoram Punjab 108 106 42.83479702 38.51352854 Andaman andHimachal Pradesh 47.25539867 43.75734549
Kerala 3116 2740 22.1 42.63636364 1
21 172
11 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1 Nicobar Islands
22 265 Meghalaya 8 174 125 Telanga
576 Kerala 44.78722721 38.65 Mizoram 48.93518519 46.00943396
6 27 937 Karnataka 5337 4556
26 116 Manipur 581 526 12 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1 Chhattisgarh 37.32146249 34.36799436 50.36210222 1865 Mahara
Bihar 45.59672338 41.54915254
Jammu and Kashmir 629 453 Assam 46.26633872 37.71096774
0 19 710 Jharkhand 59.33877551 46.28062678 46.47806005 698
21 459 Maharashtra 9 7021 4835
Registered by teachers 39.91549296 38.07017544
7 Gujarat 43.56636943 26 496 38.56330347
Himachal Pradesh 2408 1974
27 428 Madhya Pradesh 5231 3433 Uttarakhand Registered by
39.65196998 parents
32.10732833 42.52546125 931
Tamil N
906 Madhya Pradesh 41.69489581 38.10573842
Nagaland Haryana 7074 5344
17 16843.7037037 47.88815789
68 21 172
Kerala 10 3116 2740 Individual 88,47 % Uttar P
8 20 694 Gujarat 3925 2567 Telangana 41.76283288 38.76514947
27 937 Odisha 40.93234323 36.63904713
Karnataka 5337 4556 participants (without 56.08347799 40.95405313 48.94921071 10087 Jharkha
562 Daman and Diu 2 14 Maharashtra 43.37459051 39.87880041
Karnataka 8 897 45.40715758 41.91330114 school participation)
Jammu and Kashmir 629 453
19 710 11 Tripura
9 12 127 Registered by
Goateachers 355 285 Andhra Pradesh 45.66449612 41.45031056
103 26 496 Himachal Pradesh Individual participants
2408 (without 1974
Table 1. Total number of Registered by parents
Delhi 15233 10838
Total Tamil Nadu 42.76579926 38.7890659
West B
Haryana participation) 7074 5 628 5344 48.39335199 46.85462175
participants from each class17 168 12
7 054 Chandigarh 431 295 Haryan
Gujarat 3925 2567
88,47 % Uttar Pradesh 45.60153941 42.36156389
20 694
Bihar 1587 590 Chhatti
0 7500 15000 22500 30000 Jharkhand 50.11732456 45.82264957
Daman and Diu 2 14
Class Trials8round
897 Main round Assam 1423 1550 11,53 % Rajasth
11 Tripura 51.71272727 46.7826087
12 127 Goa 355 285
Arunachal Pradesh 338 283 Punjab
1 12854 14323 West Bengal 49.26224612 50.54939982
Delhi 15233 10838
5 628 Andhra Pradesh 3225 2576 Kerala
12 2 Haryana 42.35378092 40.61957335
7 05412854 14121 Chandigarh 431 295
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 11 10 Chhattisgarh 41.54414984 37.77150723
3 16121 17778 Bihar 1587 590
0 7500 15000 22500 30000
4 18556 20812 Assam 1423 1550 Chhattisgarh
11,53 % 4111 2906
Rajasthan 42.13214202 40.09560811
5 19356 20809 Arunachal Pradesh 338 283 Jharkhand 912 468 Punjab 42.83479702 38.51352854
6 22265 26116 Andhra Pradesh 3225 2576 Uttarakhand 2592 1562 Kerala 44.78722721 38.65
7 21459 27428 Bihar 45.59672338 41.54915254
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 11 10 Individual participants (without
14290 8103 Individu
8 21172 27937 school participation) Gujarat 43.56636943 38.56330347
Chhattisgarh 4111 2906
9 19710 26496 Nagaland 43.7037037 47.88815789
Jharkhand 912 468
10 17168 20694 Odisha 40.93234323 36.63904713
Uttarakhand 2592 1562
11 8897 12127 Karnataka 45.40715758 41.91330114
12 5628 7054 Individual participants (without
14290 8103 Individual participants (without school
school participation)
Total 196040 235695 participation) 48.39335199 46.85462175

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Table 3. Avg. score % by state, levels of schooling and number of certificates Table 4. Avg. score by state and gender

State Avg. score,

State % Avg. score, % MaleAvg. score, %Female Winner's Certificate
Class of
Winner's Certificate of
Certificate Certificate State
State Avg. score, boys Avg score, girls
classes 1-4 classes 5-8 classes 9-12 Participants
Participants certificate appreciation participation
certificate, of appreciation, of participation,
round no of points no of points no of points Puducherry 46.53316953 33.82082695
ound West Bengal West Bengal
56.8527027 38.88925803 334852.40120968 2166 2520 1855 1139 West Bengal
Jammu and Kashmir 42.0508744 38.01324503
Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 37.89032933
47.43575261 14551
50.44555938 8773 8543 1 8589
80 - 65 6192
64 - 35 34 - 1 Uttar Pradesh
12 854 Tripura 51.74336283 44.71291866 Chandigarh 46.35034803 44.09830508
Tripura 275 53.49180328 230 208 2 236- 65
80 61- 35
64 34 - 1 Tripura
14 323
Telangana 37.97191953 37.74621811 49.31298077 2926 3252 2717 Meghalaya 42.53448276 43.88 Telangana
Telangana 5182 3713 3 80 - 60 59 - 30 29 - 1
12 854 Tamil Nadu 42.96273445 34.53589086 50.69625907 7498 9402 7499 Daman and Diu 34 32.42857143 Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu 12912 11487
4 80 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 1
14 121 Sikkim 66.75 38 50.57522124 45 84 42 Sikkim
Sikkim 78 93 Sikkim 49.33333333 45.01075269
Rajasthan 41.86676116 36.07090187 49.03822496 2182 5 70 - 40
2876 39 - 20
2155 19 - 1 Rajasthan
16 121
Rajasthan 4253 2960 Delhi 40.19352721 37.00424433
17 778 40.90536913 36.17526601 47.3314121 3365 6 4329
70 - 40 3737
39 - 20 19 - 1 Punjab
Punjab 6035 5396 Arunachal Pradesh 41.52071006 35.37102473
Puducherry 28.29518072 33.98065764 49.75862069 238 477 345 Puducherry
7 70 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 1
18 556 Puducherry 407 46.10780142 653 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 32.18181818 33.6
Odisha 42.87694832 33.23156089 1527 1705 1728 Odisha
20 812 8 70 - 55 54 - 30 29 - 1
Nagaland Odisha
50.2585034 37.25471698 302947.75 1931 103 152 86 Uttarakhand 38.50462963 35.67797695 Nagaland
9 70 - 60 59 - 40 39 - 1
19 356 Nagaland
62.36363636 45.70634921 189 48.27272727 152 81 92 41 Manipur 48.28055077 43.27756654 Mizoram
20 809
Meghalaya 53.80769231 33.1056338 10 70
106- 65 64
86- 40 39 - 1 Meghalaya
Mizoram 108 51.80152672 106 107
Himachal Pradesh 47.25539867 43.75734549
Manipur 43.09027778 44.4952381 52.98823529 449 11 365- 65
70 293- 40
64 39 - 1 Manipur
22 265 Meghalaya 174 125 Mizoram 48.93518519 46.00943396
Maharashtra26 116 41.69490309 37.22786121 50.51083308 3955 4515 3386 Maharashtra
Manipur 581 526 12 70 - 65 64 - 40 39 - 1
Assam 46.26633872 37.71096774
Madhya Pradesh 32.8897893 36.76424646 47.95887962 2552 3111 3001 Madhya Pradesh
21 459 Maharashtra 7021 4835
Kerala 50.57123835 33.76030369 47.93387909 1880 2161 1815 Goa 39.91549296 38.07017544 Kerala
27 428 Madhya Pradesh 5231 3433
Karnataka 45.71272409 37.54834348 51.16692963 3673 3585 2635 Madhya Pradesh 41.69489581 38.10573842 Karnataka
21 172 Kerala 3116 2740
Jammu and Telangana 41.76283288 38.76514947 Jammu and
39.95833333 36.5915493 46.06956522 289 473 320
Kashmir 27 937 Karnataka 5337 4556 Kashmir
Maharashtra 43.37459051 39.87880041
Himachal Pradesh 45.82017544 42.09723757
Jammu and Kashmir 629 49.06302966 453 1453 1889 1040 Himachal Pradesh
19 710
Registered by teachers Andhra Pradesh 45.66449612 41.45031056
26 496 46.1415616 33.78696478
Himachal Pradesh 240846.8590434 1974 3907 4625 3886
Registered by parents Tamil Nadu 42.76579926 38.7890659
Gujarat 41.60090961 36.039544 49.66303219 2019 2459 2014 Gujarat
Haryana 7074 5344
17 168
Daman and Diu 32.625 4 88,47 % 6 6 Uttar Pradesh 45.60153941 42.36156389 Daman and Diu
20 694 Gujarat 3925 2567
Goa 30.87692308 38.94190871 54.72661871 144 262 234 Jharkhand 50.11732456 45.82264957 Goa
Daman and Diu 2 14
8 897 Delhi 41.92978972 33.07519766 45.87880851 7419 9542 9110 Delhi
Tripura 51.71272727 46.7826087
12 127 Chandigarh
53.55327869 36.78145695
256 307 163 Chandigarh
West Bengal 49.26224612 50.54939982
Bihar Delhi
47.15428571 38.98336414 15233
51.26442953 10838 721 961 495 Bihar
Assam Chandigarh
44.95214106 37.11720511 431 45.81526104 295 1024 920 1029 Haryana 42.35378092 40.61957335 Assam
7 054
Arunachal Pradesh 44.91005291
Bihar 32.9676259 158741.5 590 180 229 212 Chhattisgarh 41.54414984 37.77150723 Arunachal Pradesh
7500 15000 22500 30000
Andhra Pradesh 44.04291045
Assam 39.35534125 142349.54648303 1550 2030 2207 1564 11,53 % Rajasthan 42.13214202 40.09560811 Andhra Pradesh

Andaman and Arunachal Pradesh 338 283 Punjab 42.83479702 38.51352854 Andaman and
22.1 42.63636364 1 9 11
Nicobar Islands Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh 3225 2576 Kerala 44.78722721 38.65
Chhattisgarh 37.32146249 34.36799436 50.36210222 1865 2847 2305 Chhattisgarh
Bihar 45.59672338 41.54915254
Jharkhand Andaman and Nicobar
59.33877551 Islands
46.28062678 11 46.47806005 10 698 355 327 Jharkhand
Gujarat 43.56636943 38.56330347
Uttarakhand 39.65196998 32.10732833 42.52546125 931 1627 1596 Uttarakhand
Chhattisgarh 4111 2906
Nagaland 43.7037037 47.88815789
Individual Jharkhand 912 468 Individual
Odisha 40.93234323 36.63904713
participants (without 56.08347799 40.95405313 48.94921071 10087 7145 5161 participants (without
Uttarakhand 2592 1562
school participation) Karnataka 45.40715758 41.91330114 school participation)

Individual participants (without

14290 8103 Individual participants (without school
Total school participation) 74880 82755 66431 Total
participation) 48.39335199 46.85462175

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