Calculating The Sos in Natural Gas - Aga Report No. 10 To Aga Report No. 8

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Jerry Paul Smith

JPS Measurement Consultants, Inc.

Joel Clancy
Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc. (CEESI)

The speed of sound in natural gas is the velocity a sound wave travels in the gas. There are a number of gas properties
that affect the speed of sound and they include the composition of the gas, the pressure of the gas, and the temperature of the
gas. The American Gas Association (AGA) Report No. 10, Speed of Sound in Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon
Gases, first published in 2003 provided an accurate method for calculating the speed of sound in natural gas and other related
hydrocarbon fluids.

Purpose of AGA Report No. 10

The development of ultrasonic flow meters prompted the development of AGA Report No. 10 (AGA 10). The ultrasonic
meter determines the speed of sound in the gas as it calculates the flow of gas through the meter. In order for one to check the
accuracy of the speed of sound measured by the ultrasonic meter, it was necessary to have an accurate method to calculate
the speed of sound in natural gas. AGA 10 was developed to do just that. The speed of sound calculated by the method
in AGA 10 compares very favorably to the speed of sound determined by the highly accurate research that was the basis for
the report. The information in AGA 10 is not only useful for calculating the speed of sound in natural gas, but also, other
thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon fluids for other applications, such as the compression of natural gas and the
critical flow coefficient represented by C*.
The audience for the revised AGA Report No. 8 is the same as it was for AGA 10 which includes measurement engineers
involved with the operation and start-up of ultrasonic meters, sonic nozzles, and other meter types that are involved in
applying the principles of natural gas thermodynamics to production, transmission, or distribution systems.
The methods for calculating the speed of sound in AGA 10 were an extension of the information contained in AGA
Report No. 8 (AGA 8), Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases, and it does contain
excerpts from AGA 8. This is especially true since the speed of sound is related to the compressibility of the gas.

Why the Return to AGA Report No. 8

With the expanded research done primarily by the GERG (Groupe European de Recherches Grazieres) between1985-1990 it
was apparent that the equations equation of state developed for the 1985 version of AGA 8 needed to be improved. Since it
was necessary to update the equations in AGA 8, it was decided to include the calculation for the Speed of Sound in the
revised AGA 8 since the method to calculate the speed of sound in AGA 10 was derived from the equations in the original
AGA 8 and retire the AGA Report No. 10.

Applicable Gas Compositions

The calculations described in AGA 8 Part 1 are only for the gas phases with characteristics within the ranges outlined in
Table1which have changed from the original version. For the liquid phase, mixed phase and saturation properties including
dew point see AGA 8 Part 2.
The DETAIL equation of state can be applied, as shown in Figure 1, for temperatures above -200 °F and pressures up to
40,000 PSIA. The upper temperature limit is approximately 350 °F or the onset of decomposition of the gas components. For
applications outside of these ranges, refer to AGA Report No. 8 Part 2.
Calculation Method
The equations used for calculating the speed of sound are shown below and are extremely difficult to solve without the use of
a computer. They are best solved using programs that are available from various sources. They make the job of calculating
the speed of sound a rather simple task, once you have the accurate input data.
The reliability of the calculation results is dependent on the accuracy of the determination of the composition, the flowing
temperature, and the flowing pressure of the natural gas under consideration. Changes in the flowing pressure has a lesser
degree of an effect on the accuracy of the calculations than changes of a similar amount in either of the other two inputs. In
other words, an error of 1 psi in the flowing pressure measurement has a much less effect on the accuracy of the speed of
sound calculation than an error of 1 degree in the flowing temperature measurement.

Formulas for Calculation of the Speed of Sound

As one can see from the formulas on the following pages, these calculations are for people that are expert mathematicians.
These equations are directly from AGA 8. They are extremely difficult for people without a degree in mathematics to
perform and even then, it would take a while if they do the calculations without the use of a computer. It is certainly
something that most people would not want to attempt without access to a computer. There are a number of commercially
available programs that can be purchased and used for these calculations. It is relatively easy to make the calculations using
the computer programs. The inputs required are a complete gas analysis at least through C6+ or higher, the flowing pressure,
and the flowing temperature.

Nomenclature used in the equations

W = gas speed of sound cp = constant pressure heat capacity (real gas)

cv = constant volume heat capacity (real gas) R = universal gas constant
T = absolute gas temperature Mr = molar mass
P = absolute gas pressure u = molar energy (J/mol)
s = molar entropy (J/mol·K) Z = compressibility factor
h = molar enthalpy (J/mol) g = molar Gibbs energy (J/mol)
k = isentropic exponent d = molar density (mol/dm3)
h = Molar Helmholtz energy (J/mol)
Ultrasonic Meter Operation
An ultrasonic meter uses transducers to create sound pulses that travel across the flowing gas stream both with the flow and
against the flow of gas. The difference in the transit times can be used to calculate the velocity of the gas in the pipe. The
speed of sound in the gas can be calculated by dividing the distance between the transducer faces, known as path length, by
the time required for a pulse to travel that distance. The path lengths are measured very accurately in the manufacture of the
meters. One of the meter diagnostics is comparing the speed of sound determined by the meter to the theoretical speed of
sound in the gas as calculated by AGA 8.

As mentioned earlier, the three inputs to the equations are gas composition, flowing gas pressure, and flowing gas
temperature. Table 2 demonstrates the effect a change in the temperature and a change in the pressure can have on the
calculation of the speed of sound. The gas composition used for these calculations is the Gulf Coast Gas shown in Table 3.
Table 2: Speed of Sound (in ft/sec) Variation as a Function of Gas Pressure and Temperature
(For the Gulf Coast Gas composition shown in Table 4)

Temperature →
30°F 31°F 35°F 40°F 60°F 70°F 90°F 100°F 120°F
Pressure ↓
200 psig 1,351.1 1,352.6 1,358.5 1,365.9 1,394.4 1,408.3 1,435.1 1,448.1 1,473.4
201 psig 1,351.0 1,352.5 1,358.4 1,365.8 1,394.3 1,408.2 1,435.0 1,448.0 1,473.4
202 psig 1,350.9 1,352.4 1,358.3 1,365.7 1,394.3 1,408.1 1,434.9 1,448.0 1,473.3
205 psig 1,350.5 1,352.0 1,358.0 1,365.4 1,394.0 1,407.9 1,434.8 1,447.8 1,473.2
210 psig 1,350.0 1,351.5 1,357.5 1,364.9 1,393.6 1,407.5 1,434.4 1,447.5 1,472.9
500 psig 1,321.6 1,323.4 1,330.4 1,339.1 1,372.4 1,388.4 1,418.9 1,433.6 1,461.9
501 psig 1,321.5 1,323.3 1,330.3 1,339.0 1,372.4 1,388.3 1,418.9 1,433.6 1,461.9
502 psig 1,321.4 1,323.2 1,330.3 1,338.9 1,372.3 1,388.3 1,418.8 1,433.5 1,461.9
505 psig 1,320.7 1,323.0 1,330.0 1,338.7 1,372.1 1,388.1 1,418.7 1,433.4 1,461.8
510 psig 1,320.7 1,322.5 1,329.6 1,338.3 1,371.8 1,387.8 1,418.5 1,433.3 1,461.7
1,000 psig 1,296.3 1,298.4 1,306.8 1,317.1 1,356.2 1,374.6 1,409.7 1,426.4 1,458.3
1,001 psig 1,296.3 1,298.4 1,306.8 1,317.0 1,356.2 1,374.6 1,409.7 1,426.4 1,458.3
1,005 psig 1,296.2 1,298.4 1,306.7 1,317.0 1,356.2 1,374.7 1,409.7 1,426.4 1,458.4
1,010 psig 1,296.2 1,298.3 1,306.7 1,317.0 1,356.2 1,374.7 1,409.7 1,426.5 1,458.5

From Table 2, one can see that the speeds of sound are affected much less by a small pressure change than it is by a small
temperature change. For example, a one pound change in pressure from 200 psig to 201 psig only changes the speed of sound
by 0.1 ft/sec, if at all; whereas a temperature change of one degree Fahrenheit can change the speed of sound at 200 psig from
1.5 ft/sec to as much as 2.1 ft/sec at 1,000 psig. At pressures in the 1,000-psig range, it can require more than a 10 psig
change in pressure to cause the speed of sound to change by 0.1 ft/sec.
This shows that if a calculated speed of sound is used to verify that the speed of sound determined by your meter is correct,
you must have very accurate temperature measurements. The pressure is also very important in calculating the standard
volumes but a small change in the pressure does not affect the speed of sound calculation nearly as much as does a
corresponding change in the temperature. Stated another way, a 1 psig change in pressure does not affect the speed of sound
calculation nearly as much as a 1 degree change in the temperature. The speed of sound determined by the meter should agree
with the speed of sound calculated by using AGA 8 within ±0.2%.
The composition of the gas used to calculate the speed of sound in Table 2 is the Gulf Coast Gas composition from AGA 8.
This composition was determined by averaging a large number of gas samples collected by various companies that operate
facilities both onshore along the Gulf of Mexico Coast and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. The Gas Research Institute (GRI)
reference compositions of the Gulf Coast Gas, the Ekofisk Gas, the Amarillo Gas, and air are included in Table 3.
A comparison of how the composition of a gas affects the speed of sound in the gas is shown in Table 4. The comparison is
made at several pressures and temperatures. The composition of the Ekofisk gas has a high ethane content, nearly 8.5 mole
percent as compared to the ethane content of 1.8 mole percent in the Gulf Coast gas. The Ekofisk gas has no hexanes and
heavier hydrocarbon components, whereas, the composition of the Gulf Coast gas contains a small amount of n-hexane. The
Ekofisk gas also has five times the amount of propane, and the other components are also greater except for the hexanes and
the methane, which is only 85.9063 mole percent compared to 96.5222 mole percent in the Gulf Coast gas. As one can see
from the values in Table 4, there can be a significant difference in the speed of sound calculated for the same conditions when
the gas composition is changed.
Table3: Reference Gas Compositions
Components in Mole Percent Gulf Coast Gas Ekofisk Gas Amarillo Gas Air
Speed of Sound @14.73 & 60°F 1,412.4 1,365.6 1,377.8 1,118.05
Gr 0.581078 0.649521 0.608657 1.00
Heating Value 1,036.05 1,108.11 1,034.85
Methane 96.5222 85.9063 90.6724
Nitrogen 0.2595 1.0068 3.1284 78.03
Carbon Dioxide 0.5956 1.4954 0.4676 0.03
Ethane 1.8186 8.4919 4.5279
Propane 0.4596 2.3015 0.8280
Iso-Butane 0.0977 0.3486 0.1037
Normal Butane 0.1007 0.3506 0.1563
Iso-Pentane 0.0473 0.0509 0.0321
Normal Pentane 0.0324 0.0480 0.0443
Normal Hexane 0.0664 0.0000 0.0393

Table 4: Comparison of Speed of Sound (in ft/sec) in Gulf Coast Gas and Ekofisk Gas at Same Conditions
Temperature →
30°F Gulf Coast 30°F Ekofisk 60°F Gulf Coast 60°F Ekofisk 120°F Gulf Coast 120°F Ekofisk
Pressure ↓
200 psig 1,351.1 1,260.3 1,394.4 1,301.8 1,473.4 1,377.1
201 psig 1,351.0 1,260.2 1,394.3 1,301.7 1,473.4 1,377.1
205 psig 1,350.5 1,259.6 1,394.0 1,301.2 1,473.2 1,376.8
210 psig 1,350.0 1,258.9 1,393.6 1,300.6 1,472.9 1,376.4
500 psig 1,321.6 1,220.0 1,372.4 1,270.6 1,461.9 1,358.7
501 psig 1,321.5 1,219.9 1,372.4 1,270.5 1,461.9 1,358.7
505 psig 1,320.7 1,219.4 1,372.1 1,270.2 1,461.8 1,358.5
510 psig 1,320.7 1,218.8 1,371.8 1,269.7 1,461.7 1,358.2
1,000 psig 1,296.3 1,180.0 1,356.2 1,241.7 1,458.3 1,345.5
1,001 psig 1,296.3 1,179.9 1,356.2 1,241.7 1,458.3 1,345.5
1,005 psig 1,296.2 1,179.8 1,356.2 1,241.7 1,458.4 1,345.5
1,010 psig 1,296.2 1,179.8 1,356.2 1,241.6 1,458.5 1,345.5

Figure 2 shows the speed of sound for the Gulf Coast gas mixture plotted for four different temperatures and for pressures
from near 0 psia to 1,500 psia. This figure clearly shows how the speed of sound varies with the changes in temperature and
pressure. This covers a large span of the normal operating pressures and temperatures except for most gas storage operations.

Figure 3 shows the speed of sound in four different gases, including air from near 0 psia to 1,500 psia at 60°F. This
demonstrates, in graphical form, how the speed of sound varies for gases with different compositional mixtures at various
pressures. Air, being composed of primarily of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen, is included as a reference.

As stated previously, one of the diagnostics available in the ultrasonic meter is the speed of sound calculated by the meter.
One meter manufacturer also has the ability to connect to pressure and temperature transmitters, as well as a gas
chromatograph, and bring those inputs into the meter electronics. The meter software then uses the AGA-10 calculation
method, along with pressure, temperature, and gas composition to compute a theoretical or calculated speed of sound. The
AGA 8 calculated speed of sound is then compared to the speed of sound measured by the ultrasonic meter. This comparison
is one of many diagnostics available in the ultrasonic meter. By using this diagnostic (along with the other available
diagnostics), the ultrasonic meter user can then determine the meter’s overall health and functionality. Advanced users trend
this data over time to observe any potential drifts occurring over time in the ultrasonic meter. A drift in the meter’s speed of
sound calculation can point to a number of potential problems, including deposit buildup on the wall of the meter or face of
the transducers, liquid inside the meter, or, possibly, a transducer that may be beginning to fail. Figure 4 shows one
manufacturer’s software that does a live comparison of the meter’s speed of sound compared to the AGA 8 calculated speed
of sound.

Figure 2: Speed of Sound in 0.58 Gr "Gulf Coast" Gas Below 1,500 psia

Figure 3: Speed of Sound in Various Gases at 60ºF

Figure 4: Ultrasonic Meter Software Plotting Meter Speed of Sound vs. AGA-10 Calculated Speed of Sound

AGA-10 was conceived following the development and wide use of ultrasonic flow meters for custody transfer measurement.
With the revision of AGA Report No 8 it was decided that it was necessary to revise AGA Report No 10 and rather than
revise AGA 10, since it was based on AGA equations that it was best to include the speed of sound calculation in the revised
AGA Report No 8 and eliminate AGA Report No 10. With this revision, AGA Report No 8 includes the equations and
calculation methods necessary to compute the speed of sound in natural gas and other hydrocarbon gases. By using the
equations laid out in the AGA 8 document, users can accurately calculate speed of sound and, in turn, compare the calculated
speed of sound to that of measurement devices, such as ultrasonic meters, for diagnostic purposes.
1. AGA Report No. 8, "Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases," 2nd Printing,
American Gas Association, Washington, D.C.,April 2017.

2. AGA Report No. 9, "Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic Meters," 2nd Edition, American Gas Association,
Washington, D.C., April 2007.

3. AGA Report No. 10, " Speed of Sound in Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases," American Gas
Association, Washington, D.C., January 2003.

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