New Trends in Image and Video Compression
New Trends in Image and Video Compression
New Trends in Image and Video Compression
Im a g e
a n a ly s is
F e a tu re C o n te n t S e a rc h
e x tr a c tio n d e s c r ip t io n e n g in e
Figure 4. Five training views of the image José Mari Figure 5. Decoded (reconstructed) image Ana. Left:
original image. Center: reconstructed image. Right:
Once these training images have been found (usually Error image.
coming from an image data base), a Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) is performed for each
individual using the corresponding training set of
each person. This means that we obtain a PCA
decomposition for every face image to be coded. The
PCA is done previously to the encoding process. The
first stage of the encoding process is automatic face
segmentation and extraction of the video sequence.
To that end we have used the face detection
algorithm proposed in [36]. Once detected, all faces
Figure 6. Decoded (reconstructed) image José Mari.
have been projected and reconstructed using each set
Left: original image. Center: reconstructed image.
of different eigenvectors (called eigenfaces) obtained
Right: Error image.
in the PCA stage. If the reconstruction error using a
Although not directly related to source video coding,
let us mention that many efforts are being dedicated January 23-29, 1999, San Jose, California, pp.
to provide robust video transmission through a varie- 282-293.
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