Vip Technical Analysis by Parabolic PDF
Vip Technical Analysis by Parabolic PDF
Vip Technical Analysis by Parabolic PDF
Abstract: In these days, trading automation is one of the 1.1. Fundamental Analysis in Forex Trading
major topics in the field of financial research. Buy and sell are Fundamental analysis (FA) is a method of determining asset
the key rule to an automated trading system which is possible valuation based on key underlying factors. For Forex
to generate by various technical indicators in Forex (Foreign transactions, significant factors are economic indicators of a
Exchange) market. Each indicator has its advantages and country and predictions of future economic performance
disadvantages. The evaluation is based on application of the which would provide a basis to determine that country’s
Parabolic-SAR indicator for four currencies namely currency’s value. Emphasis is also placed on interest rate
EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF and USDJPY individually to differentials between that country and other countries to arrive
identify effectiveness of the indicator regarding to the amount at a fair value of the currency, fundamentalist is an agent who
of profit generated, using hourly data of market stretch from trade by utilizing fundamental analysis [4].
January 2001 to December 2010. Virtual Historical Trading
Software (VHTS) is developed for the purpose of computing
the indicator based on its original formulas and 1.2. Technical Analysis in Forex
interpretations; for applying the assumptions; for trading Technical analysis (TA) or charting arrives at future currency
based on buy and sell signals generated by the Parabolic SAR price movements by using historical data generated by market
(P-SAR) indicator. and usually include price and volumes [5]. Although TA in
general has been used for more than hundred years, the field
Keywords: Forex, Parabolic SAR, Technical analysis, had received scant attention until recently by academicians
Fundamental Analysis, Indicator who had been more focused on fundamental approaches [6-8].
There are two main analytical concepts for TA; quantitative
and qualitative. The quantitative- based analysis attempts to
1. Introduction generate indicators such as MACD and P-SAR while the
Trading in foreign currencies began in 1973 following the qualitative-based analysis relies on elucidation of the shape of
collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement under which gold geometric patterns like levels of support and resistance and
held by central banks underpinned currency values. Forex is a double bottoms[7]. Successful TA is built on these three
free market in which currency prices are based on supply of essential principles [1]:
and demand for a particular currency [1].
The Forex market has several distinct advantages over other
financial markets, such as: operation on a 24-hour basis 5 days 1.3. Profitability
a week, no fixed location, and an over-the-counter market. Many studies show that TA provides valuable financial
Besides, Forex market currently generates a daily volume of signals [8] and recent empirical studies also provide
over USD 3.2 trillion thereby making it the largest financial increasing support for TA. Furthermore, the following
market [2]. Any currency can be traded as long as there is no researchers agree with this fact; Sweeney (1986, 1988);
restriction by central banks issuing the currencies [3]. Ding et Brock, Lakonishok, and LeBaron (1992); Blume, Easley, and
al. (2010) added that rapid technological changes to increase O’Hara (1994) ; Neely, Weller, and Dittmar (1997); Chan,
efficiency in Forex transactions have enabled the market to Jegadeesh, and Lakonishok (1996, 1999); Gencay (1996,
grow at a tremendous pace by reducing entry and transaction 1998, 1999); Brown, Goetzmann, and Kumar (1998);
costs as well as overcoming geographical limitations. Rouwenhorst (1998); Neely and Weller (1999); Chang and
Osler (1999); Lo, Mamaysky, and Wang (2000); Chan,
Hameed, and Tong (2000); and Hsu and Kuan (2004) [9-18].
Their findings imply the popularity of TA over FA is due to for market participants. Relative Strength
the fact that the former can “beat the market”. Index (RSI), Stochastic Oscillator (STOCH) and Williams’
Moreover, (Papadamou and Tsopoglou, 2001) indicated that %R are some example of Momentum Indicators.
TA approach can generate higher profit against a simple “buy
and hold” strategy which is a fundamental analysis [19]. They
have assessed USDDEM and USDGBP in their study for 2.5. Function of Indicators
about 8 years from 1989 to 1996 to find out whether TA is Thus, there are many indicators in market with different
profitable. Also, according to Lui (1998), more than 85% of formula and usage. The main function of them is giving signal
Forex traders in Hong Kong using both fundamental and to enter; open the buy or sell orders, and exit; close the opened
technical analysis together to forecast future price movements orders from market. Since, finding the optimum point of price
but they believe TA is more useful in predicting trends than to buy or sell is the main concern of traders, indicators are
FA [20]. trying to solve this problem and they are used to find the best
point of price for buying or selling. There are several
indicators which are more popular among traders such as
2. Indicators Moving Averages; Bollinger Bands; Relative Strength Index
Indicators are mathematical computations based on currencies (RSI); P-SAR (Stop And Reverse); Moving Average
data such as volume and prices (opening, low, high and Convergence/Divergence (MACD); and Stochastic Oscillator.
closing) with a specific formula. The value of result is used to
forecast upcoming changes in prices. They are used to provide
clearer and extra information about market to be used by 3. P-SAR
investors to make better decisions. Indicators are classified to The P-SAR first introduced in 1978 by Welles Wilder, Jr. in
four main categories based on their functions; trend indicators, his book, “New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems”. The
volume (strength) indicators, volatility indicators and components of P-SAR are time and price. The expression of
momentum indicators as follow [5]. “parabolic” is used in the P-SAR because when run for a chart
make a parabola with a string which made by spots. In
addition to that, “Stop and Reverse” abbreviated to “SAR”
2.1. Trend Indicators which is the main characteristic of this indicator; when
Trend is a term used to explain the persistence of exchange- touched by price, it stops the present parabola and reverses the
rate movement over time in one direction. There are three dots to make another one. Calculation of P-SAR is easy,
directions for trends; sideways, down and up. Trend indicators although it is complicated. LO SIP stands for low significant
level variable rate data to generate a combination of market point while HO SIP stands for high significant point in a SAR
direction. Moving Averages (MA), MACD, P-SAR and Trend cycle. The first point in each SAR cycle equals to either the
lines are some example of Trend Indicators. LO SIP or HI SIP of the previous SAR cycle so that the value
of starting point of each SAR cycle equals to LO SIP when
downward P-SAR reverses to upward, and vice versa as given
2.2. Volume (Strength) Indicators in Equation 1.
Market strength illustrates the market attitude intensity with
reference to a rate by inspecting the market positions in use by SAR1 = LO SIPPrevious or HI SIPPrevious
a variety of buyers and sellers. The basic data to compute (Eq. 1)
these indicators is volume. Their hints for buyers and sellers
are coincident or leading the market. Volume, Money Flow Besides, Upward and Downward SAR are calculated
Index (MFI), On-balance volume (OBV) and Force Index (FI) according to the aforesaid factors differently as given in
are some example of Volume Indicators. Equations 2 and 3. Note that for calculating the value of the
rest of the SAR cycle (not the first point), SIP is determined
by checking the same SAR pattern with respect to the SAR
2.3. Volatility Indicators situation; upward or downward.
Volatility is a common term used to explain the size or
magnitude of tick-to-tick price oscillation independent of their Upward: SARCurrent = SARPrevious + AF (LO SIPPrevious –
trend direction. By and large, variations in volatility tend to SARPrevious) (Eq 2)
direct variations in prices. Average True
Range (ATR), Bollinger Bands (BB) and Standard
Downward: SARCurrent = SARPrevious – AF (SARPrevious – HI
deviation (σ) are some example of Volatility Indicators.
SIPPrevious) (Eq 3)
2.4. Momentum Indicators As can be seen in Figure 1, every time the price contacts the
Momentum is a general term used to illustrate the rapidity at SAR, it reverses to the converse trend telling an entry signal
which rates move over a particular time period. Momentum opposed to the previous trade.
indicators specify the weakness or strength of a trend as it
grows over time. Momentum indicators provide clear signals
• Creates and objective trading environment
• Clear signals
• Great for exits
which is resulted from 33344 pips profit and 33778 pips loss.
Parabolic SAR The 1459 pips profit generated by 434 pips loss from sell
transactions and 1893 pips profit from buy orders. Application
of P-SAR for EURUSD is more effective compared to other
three currencies in term of high profitability.