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Specification For Geotechnical Surveys

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0 02-02-2002 Approved Issue

rev. date Description/issued for prepared authorised
client: ADWEA

tender: project: document: W-C-SS-002 rev: 0 sheet: 1 of: 14

Table of Contents page

1. SCOPE...................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction..................................................................................3
1.2 General Requirements ................................................................3
1.3 Geotechnical Investigation ..........................................................4
1.4 Subsurface Exploration ...............................................................4
1.5 Laboratory Testing.......................................................................7
1.6 Evaluation and Report .................................................................7
1.7 General......................................................................................10

2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ...............................................................11

2.1 Codes and Standards................................................................11
2.2 Project Documents ....................................................................12
2.3 Document Precedence ..............................................................12

3. PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT ........................................................12

3.1 Personnel ..................................................................................12
3.2 Equipment .................................................................................13

4. QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL ...............................14

4.1 General......................................................................................14
4.2 Documentation ..........................................................................14

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1.1 Introduction

This specification establishes the minimum requirements for the geotechnical survey of the
projected water works for ADWEA Projects.

The geotechnical survey shall consist of the following:

a) Field investigation, testing and engineering services.

b) Interpretation of test results and recommendations for PROJECT design and


c) Preparation of detailed Geotechnical Report.

1.2 General Requirements

CONTRACTOR's services include performance of subsurface exploration by borings and

sampling, cone penetration tests, test/trial pits, field and laboratory testing, geotechnical
analysis and the preparation of preliminary and final geotechnical reports.

ADWEA shall have the right to review and approve the qualifications and performance of all
personnel furnished by CONTRACTOR. ADWEA shall also have the right to review for
acceptance WORK being performed by CONTRACTOR. This review by ADWEA does not
alleviate any responsibility of CONTRACTOR to provide complete and correct data and

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining all work permits and any other permits
required to perform the WORK.

All text, dimensions, test data and results, and all other information regarding the WORK shall
be expressed in the English language and shall be in the Metric System. The same shall be
submitted in hard copy and magnetic floppy disk.

CONTRACTOR shall obtain information and details from land ADWEAs, concerned
Departments and local authorities regarding existing facilities and future developments along
the pipeline routes and other relevant locations.

Prior to proceeding with the WORK as specified herein, CONTRACTOR shall submit a work
plan for the execution of geotechnical services, a project schedule, and a list of key personnel
to ADWEA for review and approval.

The qualifications of key personnel shall be included in the work plan together with
descriptions of the designated areas of responsibility and technical tasks.

CONTRACTOR shall review the planned scope of work considering the planned facilities to
ensure the WORK is sufficient to define subsurface conditions, and to establish appropriate

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geological and geotechnical properties of the soil within the influence of structures and other
plant facilities.

CONTRACTOR shall propose modifications in the WORK plan as he deems necessary for
satisfactory performance and completion of the geotechnical WORK, and submit them to
ADWEA for approval.

1.3 Geotechnical Investigation

CONTRACTOR shall perform a geotechnical study noting topographical, geological, and

groundwater characteristics.

CONTRACTOR shall establish exploration locations in relation to permanent features in the

area. CONTRACTOR shall suitably mark these locations and provide ADWEA with sketches
showing field measured distances from markers to identified permanent features in order to
provide a means to recover the explorations. The markers shall be described in the WORK
plan and indicated on the topographical survey maps along with co-ordinates of the area.

1.4 Subsurface Exploration

1.4.1 General Requirements

The CONTRACTOR shall perform all operations required to make soil borings, cone
penetration tests, field testing, and classification of encountered soils. The WORK shall be
performed in accordance with the requirements given in applicable ASTM and British
Standards, and in accordance with the provisions described in the following paragraphs.
ADWEA may inspect the field WORK for compliance with the requirements of this requisition,
reference standards, and approved WORK plan.

Total number and locations of bore holes, trial pits, standard and cone penetration tests
(S.P.T.'s and C.P.T.'s), etc. as required shall be advised by the ENGINEER and/or ADWEA.

The subsurface exploration program shall be based upon boring and test/trial pit location
plans prepared by CONTRACTOR. All borings and test/trial pits shall be completely backfilled
prior to demobilisation and reinstated to original situation.

In general, sampling in cohesive soil strata shall be undisturbed sampling by thin-walled tube
as per ASTM D 1587. Sampling in non-cohesive soil strata shall be by split spoon as per
ASTM D 1586.

If encountered at exploration locations, rock shall be sampled by coring with a minimum core
diameter of 55 mm. In accordance with ASTM D 2113, coring shall be extended a minimum of
3 metres into reasonably competent rock. In area where the degree of weathering of the rock
makes sample recovery poor (i.e. less than 60% recovery) using conventional coring
techniques, the sampling methods shall be adjusted as required to provide a good sample
recovery. Upon receiving ADWEA's approval, all rock cores shall be photographed in
sufficient clarity and detail to show general appearance, colour, and discontinuities.
Photographs shall include date, sample identification depth interval, and linear scale. All

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photographs shall be included in the final report, and CONTRACTOR shall turn over to
ADWEA the negatives plus ten (10) copies of all photographs.

In the borings, standard penetration tests (S.P.T.) shall be carried out with a spacing of 1.0 m
for depth < 5.0 m; the first test shall be between 0.5 and 0.95 m deep. Beyond 5.0 m depth,
intervals between S.P.T. shall be 1.5 m.

For the purpose of monitoring the variations in the ground water level in time, piezometers
shall be installed and maintained by CONTRACTOR at representative locations along the
route, to be specified by CONTRACTOR in consultation with ADWEA and ENGINEER. The
number of piezometers as required shall be advised by the ENGINEER and/or ADWEA.

1.4.2 Cone Penetration Tests

Static cone penetration tests (C.P.T.) shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR.

They shall measure :

• cone resistance (qc).

• side friction (fe).

• friction ratio (fe/qc).

Reaction load shall be at least 20 metric tons.

Length of C.P.T. shall be down to the refusal of the C.P.T. on the bedrock or 10 m. If the
density of soil encountered causes refusal at depth less than 8 m, pilot holes shall be drilled
out using rotary flush boring techniques and the C.P.T. shall be continued from the bottom of
the pilot holes. If the refusal of the C.P.T. occurs beyond 8 m depth, the C.P.T. shall not be

1.4.3 Cone Penetration Test Logs

A complete and accurate log shall be kept for all borings and C.P.T.'s on pre-established
forms as approved by ADWEA. The following data shall be included as appropriate.

• Project name, Project Numbers, boring number, co-ordinate location, topographical

survey map reference, and area definition.

• Elevation of the ground surface at the boring.

• Date started and completed, with interruptions noted.

• Name of driller and technician.

• Soil classification and description.

• Laboratory classification of samples as verification of field description. Unified soil

classification symbols shall be shown in all final logs.

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• Location of each change in strata by depth or elevation.

• Location by depth or elevation of each sample taken, type of sampler used, method of
forcing sampler into ground, number of blows for each 6 inch (150 mm) for standard
penetration test, and amount of recovery.

• Any unusual conditions noted, such as gas, artesian water, loss of drilling fluid, or upward
boiling of bottom of boring. If any samples are lost, the location and apparent reason
should be noted, and another sample obtained at the depth immediately below the lost
sample. Any obstruction or change in the drilling conditions should be noted.

• Type and size of casing and type of drilling fluid. If no casing is used, note nominal
diameter of hole.

• Natural water content of cohesive soils and the results of Atterberg Limit tests on such
soils may be shown either graphically or by listing. Samples on which strength testing is
performed should be identified.

• Groundwater level and the time since termination of drilling operations when noted. If
drilling fluid is used, bore hole should be flushed with clean water and allowed to stabilise
prior to recording water level.

• Any other conditions or occurrences observed which may be pertinent should be noted.

1.4.4 Trial Pits

Test/trial pits shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR at intervals of maximum 1000 m

along the proposed pipeline route. If changes in soil conditions are visually observed this
spacing shall be reduced to maximum 500m, subject to ADWEA approval. In the distribution
networks, test/trial pits shall be performed at intervals of maximum 500 m.

Minimum size of trial pit shall be 3 m x 1.5 m x 1.5 m.

A complete and accurate log shall be kept for all test/trial pits on pre-established forms as
approved by ADWEA. The following data shall be included as appropriate.

• Project name, Project Numbers, pit number, co-ordinate location, topographical survey
map reference, and area definition.

• Elevation of the ground surface at the test/trial pit location.

• Date started and completed, with interruptions noted.

• Soil classification and description.

• Location of each change in strata by depth or elevation.

• Any unusual conditions noted, such as gas, artesian water, or upward boiling of bottom of
pits. Any obstruction or change in the excavation conditions should be noted.

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• Groundwater level and the time since termination of excavation operations when noted.

• Any other conditions or occurrences observed which may be pertinent should be noted.

1.5 Laboratory Testing

All equipment and material required for laboratory testing shall be modern, in good working
state, and with valid calibration. All personnel conducting testing WORK must be qualified
based upon education, training, and experience in their assigned tasks. ADWEA reserves the
right to inspect the laboratory facilities and review the qualifications of the personnel
performing the WORK.

Laboratory tests shall include, but not be limited to, those required to define the following
parameters :

• Classification properties of rock and soil including moisture content, grain size distribution,
Atterberg Limits, unit weight, specific gravity, Rock Quality Designation (RQD) including
grain size, texture, hardness and degree of weathering.

• Engineering properties of soil and rock including compressibility, swell potential, shear
strength, unconfined compressive strength and compaction characteristics to determine
the neutral, passive and active soil pressure and the allowable bearing pressure and
anticipated settlement CRR values.

• Chemical analysis of soils and water shall include determination of pH, sulphate content,
chloride content, sulphate reducing bacteria's and gypsum content.

• Samples not used for laboratory testing shall be stored under controlled temperature and
humidity conditions by CONTRACTOR until released for final disposition by ADWEA.

1.6 Evaluation and Report

The scope of this WORK shall include compilation, organisation, and evaluation of data from
field investigations and laboratory testing. It shall include geotechnical analyses and
evaluations pertaining to foundation recommendations and design criteria. Both a preliminary
and final geotechnical report shall be prepared.

1.6.1 Preliminary Report

The preliminary report shall include recommendations on :

• Soil improvement methods found to be necessary, such as compaction. The

recommendations shall give an indication of specific methods recommended, such as
dynamic compaction, vibro-replacement and use of geotextiles.

• Classification of soil types along the pipeline route, and recommendation of installation
method in particular in subkha (saline conditions with high groundwater level) and non-
subkha (in general sweet sand conditions or non-saline hard surfaces) areas.

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• Soil friction along the pipeline route and allowable bearing capacities at all intersection
points and proposed locations for valve stations.

• Foundation types such as thrust/anchor blocks, spread footings and pits, raft foundations,
piles, etc., including allowable bearing pressures and projected settlements.

• Protection against groundwater ingress to water sensitive soils. CONTRACTOR shall

recommend means of avoiding the development of water induced settlements of the
subsoil. This shall include consideration of the extent of plant paving or other
impermeable membrane, and the use of corrosion resistant materials for drains.

• Cost and comparisons of alternative approaches for soil improvement, foundation design,
and protection against water.

• Methods for field trials of the preferred techniques for the above.

• Proving source quarries.

• Soil resistivity survey to evaluate the corrosion potential of the existing soil.

1.6.2 Final Report

The final geotechnical report shall contain a full analysis of field trial data, and shall finalise
the recommendations from above. Details of the report requirements are given below.

The report shall be a complete record of all work performed and data derived, and shall
include all boring logs, field and laboratory test data, analyses, assumptions, methods and
results, criteria, photographs and recommendations. Test data shall be summarised in tables
grouped by material type and strata.

The report shall include plans identifying locations for all field explorations, and sections as
necessary to define the soil profile through the investigation area. A description of each
stratum in plan and profile shall be developed. The soil parameters selected for use in
geotechnical analyses shall be tabulated.

The report shall provide recommendations for the installation method for pipelines, buried or
in embankment, and for the design of thrust blocks at intersection points (change of direction).

The report shall provide in particular recommendations on the use of shallow foundations
such as spread, strip, and combined footings, and raft foundations. Allowable bearing
capacity for sustained and transient loading shall be given for the range of foundation sizes
and loading conditions anticipated. Any reduction in bearing capacity depending on the size of
the foundation shall be clearly stated and shown graphically. Allowable bearing capacity shall
be defined as net permissible bearing pressure.

1.6.3 Other Requirements

Total and differential settlement shall be calculated for the range of foundation sizes and
loading conditions anticipated. Time dependent settlement behaviour shall be clearly stated

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such that the magnitude of the post-construction total and differential settlement is known.
Increases in settlement rate or magnitude or decreases in bearing capacity due to foundation
interaction shall be stated.

For raft foundations, the unit area coefficient of subgrade reaction shall be given. Expressions
for calculating spring constants as a function of foundation size and stiffness relative to the
soil stiffness shall be provided.

Coefficient of friction resistance for base sliding and earth pressures for passive resistance for
in-situ and backfill soils shall be given to allow an allowable horizontal capacity to be

Methods used to analyse settlement, bearing pressure, and load deflection shall be described
sufficiently to allow confirmation of the performance criteria provided by ADWEA. Soil and
rock parameters used for the analyses shall be clearly stated.

CONTRACTOR shall identify all factors of safety and other applied or derived design margins
in the analyses.

CONTRACTOR shall identify any potentially aggressive or corrosive soil conditions and shall
provide recommendations to mitigate these effects.

CONTRACTOR shall provide recommendations applicable to underground pipelines including

material type, protection material and compaction requirements for bedding and fill, while
addressing the corrosiveness of soil and pore fluids.

CONTRACTOR shall provide pavement recommendations including design values for

subgrade modulus for in-situ and fill soils. Methods of subgrade preparation, and backfill and
base course material type and compaction requirements shall be addressed. Materials shall
be defined by gradation limits and plasticity criteria as applicable.

CONTRACTOR shall provide recommendations concerning earthen dikes and berms,

including base preparation, material types, slopes and cross-section, drainage, erosion
protection, settlement, slope stability and compaction for each type of material.

CONTRACTOR shall provide criteria and recommendations for open cut excavation slopes,
including earth support systems as required.

CONTRACTOR shall provide recommendations and criteria for groundwater control by

dewatering if required. Recommendations on site grading shall also be provided in order to
minimise the effects of groundwater on construction operations, foundations, and other
underground installations such as electrical cables and piping.

CONTRACTOR shall identify locations of suitable on and off site fill materials to meet project
needs. Compaction requirements for each fill type shall be provided. All compaction
requirements will be supported by laboratory test results as required to document soil type,
strength, and density of the fill, and the corresponding degree of compaction based upon
moisture-density relationships. Recommendations for maximum allowable lift thickness shall
be provided for different backfill types and placement conditions. General criteria for selection

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of appropriate compaction equipment and acceptable methods of subgrade preparation along
with acceptance criteria shall also be provided.

CONTRACTOR shall address methods for verifying in-situ foundation soil acceptability during
construction, as well as requirements for short and long term protection of existing structures
and facilities which are potentially affected by the planned construction.

CONTRACTOR shall address in a separate section of the report any soil or rock formations
which require special consideration during design or construction.

CONTRACTOR shall provide ADWEA three draft copies of the preliminary and final reports
for review. All ADWEA comments on the draft shall be incorporated to the satisfaction of
ADWEA prior the issue of the reports. Upon acceptance by ADWEA, CONTRACTOR shall
provide the original plus ten (10) copies of each report.

1.7 General

CONTRACTOR shall, with due care and diligence, execute the work in compliance with
international practice and all local laws, by-laws, ordinances, regulations, etc., provide all
plant, services and labour, inclusive of supervision thereof, provide all materials, excluding the
materials indicated as materials furnished by ADWEA in the Agreement, and provide all
equipment, appliances or other articles whatsoever required for the execution of the work,
whether of a temporary or permanent nature.

All works shall be carried out in compliance with the regulations and requirement of the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

CONTRACTOR shall take full responsibility for the stability and safety of all operations carried
out and all methods of work adopted. The CONTRACTOR shall also take full responsibility for
stability and safety of all existing facilities/utilities/roads/etc. affected by any operation, design
and method adopted by CONTRACTOR in executing the work.

CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have inspected the work area(s) and their surroundings
and to have satisfied himself as to the form and nature thereof, including sub-surface
conditions, hydrological and climatic conditions, the extent and nature of the work, the
materials necessary for the completion of the work and the means of access to all the work
area(s). No claims either by way of cost or time shall be admissible on account of non-
familiarity with site conditions due to CONTRACTOR's failure to fully access and fully allow for
possible conditions throughout the contract period at the works sites or in gaining access to
them, before submitting his bid.

CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as above

mentioned as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances, which may influence the

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2.1 Codes and Standards

The latest edition of the following codes and standards shall establish the minimum standards
for the work, as appropriate. CONTRACTOR may use alternate standards that meet or
exceed those listed if approved by ADWEA.

American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM)

ASTM D 420 Investigating and Sampling Soil and Rock for Engineering

ASTM D 421 Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and
Determination of Soil Constants

ASTM D 422 Particle-Size Analysis of Soils

ASTM D 1194 Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load and Spread Footings

ASTM D 1586 Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils

ASTM D 1587 Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils

ASTM D 1883 CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory Compacted Soil

ASTM D 2166 Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil

ASTM D 2216 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil,

Rock, and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures

ASTM D 2217 Wet Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle Size Analysis and
Determination of Soil Contents

ASTM D 2435 One-dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils

ASTM D 2487 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes

ASTM D 2488 Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)

ASTM D 2850 Unconsolidated, Undrained Compressive Strength of Cohesive

Soil in Triaxial Compression

ASTM D 2938 Unconfined Compressive Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimen

ASTM D 3080 Direct Shear Test of Soil Under Consolidated Drained Conditions

ASTM D 3441 Deep, quasi-static, cone and friction cone penetration tests of soils

ASTM D 4220 Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples

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ASTM D 4318 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils

ASTM D 4428 Cross hole seismic testing

ASTM D 4546 One Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils

ASTM D 5334 Thermal Conductivity of Soil/Soft Rock by Thermal Needle Probe

ASTM G 51 pH of Soil for Use in Corrosion Testing

ASTM G 57A Field Measurements of Soil Resistivity Using the Wenner Four-
Electrode Method

British Standards Institution

BS 1377 Methods of Test for Soil for Civil Engineering Purposes

BS 5930 Code of Practice for Site Investigation

BS 7361 Part 1 Cathodic Protection Code of Practice for Land and Marine

2.2 Project Documents

All specifications and drawings, listed in these tender documents, form a part of this
specification to the extent specified herein. When a revision number or edition date of a
document, code, standard, specification or drawing is not indicated, the latest edition in force
at the time of contract award shall apply.

2.3 Document Precedence

The CONTRACTOR shall notify ADWEA of any conflict between this Specification, the Codes
and Standards and any other specifications noted herein. Resolution and/or interpretation
precedence shall be obtained from ADWEA in writing before proceeding with the design or

ADWEA decision / interpretation shall be binding on CONTRACTOR without any cost

implication and shall be considered as part of his Scope of Work.

Where one or more criteria are specified for the same parameter, the more stringent shall
apply unless otherwise advised by ADWEA.


3.1 Personnel

The WORK shall be carried out by qualified personnel under the supervision of a
CONTRACTOR's fully qualified Survey Engineer who shall be assigned full time on Site.

The geotechnical survey crew shall include as a minimum:

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Field Personnel :

• One Geotechnical Surveying Engineer.

• One Surveyor per survey team.

• Two Operatives per survey team.

Office and Laboratory Personnel:

• One Senior Engineer.

• One Instrument technician.

• Sufficient Laboratory Analysts.

The number of teams and the field operations working hours shall be sufficient to carry out
the survey in accordance with ADWEA's scheduled requirements.

3.2 Equipment

CONTRACTOR shall supply all EQUIPMENT necessary to carry out the geotechnical survey
as specified herein.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all EQUIPMENT necessary to carry out the WORK has
been recently calibrated. Copies of relevant calibration certificates shall be made available to
ADWEA prior to commencement of WORK.

CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient and comprehensive equipment to maintain ADWEA's

Schedule to carry out the WORK

CONTRACTOR shall submit with his tender details and number of all major equipment he
intends to use for the Works, such as:

• Equipment used for bore holes.

• Equipment used for samples.

• S.P.T. equipment.

• C.P.T. equipment.

• Equipment used for trial pits.

• Equipment used for soil resistivity testing.

• Equipment and materials for laboratory testing.

• Personal Computers and software.

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• Telecommunication equipment.

• Vehicles.

• etc.


4.1 General

CONTRACTOR shall submit a Project specific Quality Plan to ADWEA for review, comment
and approval within 1 (one) week from the effective date of the Contract.

The Quality Control Plan shall detail how CONTRACTOR interprets the individual elements of
the ISO 9000 Series as applied to this Contract, in particular, the controls and verifications to
be put in place to assure quality.

The Quality Plan may be in the form of a reference to the appropriate documented
procedures that form an integral part of CONTRACTOR's Quality System.

4.2 Documentation

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring that the CONTRACTOR supplied

documentation in respect of quality control shall be prepared in order to obtain the relevant

CONTRACTOR shall supply a copy of each procedure, certificates, reports and records
applicable to the test, inspection and acceptance of the WORK as required.

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