Mobile Seo Guide
Mobile Seo Guide
Mobile Seo Guide
2 / 76 Share
How to Optimize Your Advanced Mobile SEO Tips
Mobile Site for UX Signals and Best Practices
Chapter 1
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6 / 76
What Is Mobile SEO? Share
In fact, 58% of all searches in Google are now done from a mobile
7 / 76 And this trend is growing fast. According to Google, there are 27.8 Share
billion more queries performed on mobile than desktop.
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Is “SEO” Now About Optimizing for Share
“Mobile SEO”?
10 / 76 Share
But if your target audience doesn’t search that much from their
phone, this update wasn’t a big deal.
That is, until Google made EVERY search a mobile search. How?
By making their entire algorithm “Mobile-First”.
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What Is Google’s Mobile-First Index? Share
12 / 76 Today, no matter what device you use, Google shows you results Share
from their mobile index.
I’ll have A LOT more on making sure your site is optimized for
mobile SEO in chapters 3, 4 and 5.
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Is Google’s Mobile-First Index a Big Share
It depends.
So if your site…
If not, you may notice a rankings drop as Google rolls this out.
But first…
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What Does Google Consider “Mobile”? Share
The main idea here is to optimize your site for ANY device. This
includes phones, tablet… or anything else that Elon Musk invents
in the future.
Chapter 2
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With this setup, you have the “main” desktop version of your site.
You also have a mobile version (“M.”) version of your site.
In other words, your site figures out what device your visitor is
using… and then directs them to a URL optimized for that device.
Separate URLs were popular back in the day. Today? Not so much.
But if you visit the page from your iPhone 8, you’d still be on, but would get shown the “iPhone
8” version of the page:
20 / 76 Share
21 / 76 For example, dynamic serving sites are notorious for showing Share
desktop versions to mobile users. You also need to constantly
create different versions of your content for new devices that
come out. If you don’t, your site may not recognize a new device…
and show them a version that looks terrible on that device.
I saved the best for last. With Responsive Design, your page’s
layout and content responds to each individual user.
22 / 76 The best part? Responsive design pulls this off without separate Share
URLs or different HTML for each device.
Why? In short:
Chapter 3
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Use Google’s Mobile Usability Test Share
This nifty tool found in the Google Search Console lets you know
if your site has any mobile usability issues.
26 / 76 And Google will let you know if mobile users have trouble using Share
your site.
(For example, the tool may letcha know that you use Flash or that
your font is too small for mobile users to read).
27 / 76 You can also use Google’s Mobile-Friendly test. Share
28 / 76 …and get a full report. Share
29 / 76 As you can see, I passed. But the tool let me know that mobile Share
Googlebot had trouble loading all of the resources on my page:
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Let Google Crawl Everything Share
This used to be no big deal. But today, this is a VERY bad idea.
Unless Google can fully crawl your page, they can’t tell it’s mobile-
friendly or not. And if they’re not sure it’s mobile-friendly, good
luck ranking in the Mobile-first index.
First, check out your robots.txt file. This tells Googlebot to not
crawl or index certain parts of your site. This file is usually found
at You can also see it inside of the Google
Search Console.
31 / 76 While you’re there, click on “Google Index” —> “Blocked Share
Resources”. This will let you know if you’re blocking Googlebot
from crawling certain parts of your site.
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Put the Kibosh on Interstitial Popups Share
I’m not going to get into that debate here. But I WILL tell you that
Google also hates popups… especially for mobile users.
So if you use a giant popup on your site, this could seriously
33 / 76 Share
impact your rankings.
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How Does Your Responsive Site Actually Share
It’s one thing to see how Google views your mobile site. But
nothing beats actually seeing your site on different devices.
It’ll show you how your site looks on iPhones, tablets and more:
But personally, it’s much more helpful to actually SEE how Google
sees my page.
Just enter a URL of a popular page from your site into it:
36 / 76 (Make sure to choose “Mobile” from the dropdown box) Share
And they’ll show you exactly what the Googlebot saw. You can
even scroll down to see if Google missed anything (like images,
videos, menus etc.). Very helpful.
Back in the day, people would block certain resources from mobile
38 / 76 See how you need to hit “Read More” to see all of the content? Share
This might be a problem with Google’s Mobile-first index.
And if your content is hidden to mobile users, they may not index
or crawl that content. Or they may weigh it differently.
39 / 76 But then Google’s John Mueller recently said that, for the Mobile- Share
first index:
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Chapter 4
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Heck yes!
In fact, they recommend that your site loads in under a second for
mobile users.
That’s insanely hard to pull off. Fortunately, there are some free tools
out there that can help you reach Google’s ambitious guideline.
First up, we have Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. This tool lets
you know how quickly your site loads on Mobile…and gives you
some recommendations that you can implement to speed things up.
44 / 76 I also recommend checking out By default, Share
the tool will load your site on a desktop browser. So make sure to
choose a mobile browser from the menu:
45 / 76 And if you want to get real geeky with pagespeed, check out this Share
excellent resource from Big G.
This guide will help you tweak the nuts and bolts of your site so it
loads lightning-fast.
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Make Your Content Insanely Easy to Share
Read on Phones
For example, you don’t want your content to look like this:
47 / 76 Yes, this page is technically optimized for mobile. But it’s hard as Share
heck to read.
Instead, you want your font to be big, bold and legible, like this:
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Use HTML5 For Video and Animated Share
Do you embed videos in your content? Or does your page
perform all sorts of fancy animations when people visit?
This tag changes the size of your page based on the user’s device.
And Google recommends that you setup your viewport meta tag
like this:
50 / 76 If you forget this tag, or if it’s not configured correctly, your site Share
could look funky to mobile users.
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Implement These 3 Quick Mobile UX Hacks Share
52 / 76 Instead, either delete them or make them smaller for mobile Share
visitors, like this:
53 / 76 #2: Use Lots of “Negative” Space Share
54 / 76 This is especially important for content that you want to rank in Share
Google. If a Google searcher has trouble reading your content or
finding what they need, they’ll bounce back to the search results.
And using lots of negative space, like this, is one simple way to
improve your site’s dwell time and bounce rate:
55 / 76 #3: Put Social Share Buttons as a Tab Bar Share
That said, social share buttons work best when they’re in the
sidebar, like this:
56 / 76 That way, they’re not distracting. But if someone wants to share — Share
boom! — the buttons are right there.
Chapter 5
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Fix Your Mobile CTR, Get More Traffic Share
And if Google sees that mobile users don’t click on your result,
they’re going to downrank you.
But how do you know if your CTR is up to snuff? Here’s the exact
60 / 76 Next, click “+ New”. Share
Click “Device”
61 / 76 And hit “Compare” to compare desktop vs. mobile: Share
Finally, take a look at how your desktop and mobile CTR size up.
But if you notice that your desktop CTR crushes your mobile CTR
for a certain keyword, search for that keyword in Google (on your
It could be that your title tag is getting cut off (more on that
later). Or it could be that the mobile SERPs have features (like
more ads) that are crowding out the organic results.
Either way, you’ll usually come away with an insight that you can
use to bump up your mobile CTR. BACKLINKO.COM
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Turn Mobile Donkeys Into Unicorns Share
63 / 76 This will show you the most popular pages on your site. Click on a Share
page that you want to get more traffic to.
64 / 76 This’ll show you how your UX signals compare on desktop vs. Share
For example, for this page, my bounce rate and dwell time are
almost identical. So this page is probably optimized well for
mobile users.
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Boost Your Mobile Page Speed With Share
These 3 Tips
Here’s how to add some rocket fuel to your site’s mobile loading
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This test is similar to any other site speed testing tool, except that
it zeroes-in on mobile loading speed. It even loads your site in 3G
to simulate a mobile environment.
And you get a helpful report that tells you how long it takes for
your site to load on a mobile device…
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Do you get the vast majority of your organic traffic from mobile?
Then you may want to optimize your title and description tags
specifically for the mobile search results.
Here’s how:
Believe it or not, but Google actually gives you MORE title tag
characters to work with on mobile.
Title: Approximately 70 Characters
Description: Approximately 155 Characters
Title: Approximately 78 Characters
Description: Approximately 155 Characters
For example, let’s say your title tag looks like this:
But let’s say you wanted to use a word or phrase that’ll bump up
your CTR. Your title tag would now look like this:
That’s 78 characters.
Yes, 78 characters means that Google will truncate your title tag
on desktop searches. But it’ll show up just fine on mobile.
71 / 76 And because AMP is a Google project, lots of SEOs rushed to Share
implement AMP for their clients’ sites.
Higher rankings aside… Google also shows a little icon next to your
result in the search results that may boost your CTR:
72 / 76 With all that, the question is: Share
Here’s why:
Well, you can at least brand your site however you want, right?
Not so fast. AMP puts significant restrictions on CSS. This helps
your site load faster… but makes your content look generic.
When someone links to your AMP pages, that link points to the domain.
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75 / 76 And these cards make structured data super Share