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UNLV Student: PSMT Name: Lesson Plan Title: Division Review Lesson Plan Topic: Math Date: Estimated Time: Grade Level: School Site

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UNLV Student:  Julio Perez PSMT Name:  Ms.

Lesson Plan Title:  Division Review Lesson Plan Topic:  Math 

Date:   10/15/19 Estimated Time:  1 hour

Grade Level:  4 Grade
School Site:  Ruben Diaz Elementary

1. State Standard(s): 
 4.NBT.B.6: Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit
dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the
properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and
division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular
arrays, and/or area models.

1. Teaching Model(s): 
 Direct instruction
 Lemov strategy wait time: instead of calling out to students immediately after
asking the question give the students time to think about the answer and
therefore increase participation from the quieter students.

1. Objective(s): 
 Students can identify the parts of a Division problem (DOK 1)

 Students  can identify the four methods to work through a division problem (DOK 1)

 Students can show their work on how the found an answer to a division problem
(DOK 2)

 Student will investigate the answer to division word problems using notes and the
help of peers.

1. Materials and Technology Resources 

 Elmo
 Review problems worksheet packet
 Chromebooks
 Quizizz activity
 Scratch paper/ Whiteboard and marker

1. Instructional Procedures:  
1. Motivation/Engagement: (10 minutes)
 For the motivation and engagement will work on our “target the
question” warm up
 Our focus will be week three from the available questions
 The students will use the VIEW (Vocabulary, Illustration,
Explanation, and Work) to answer the target question and prepare
students to think about math 

b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

 For the first part of the review will work on the Quizizz short quiz
 Student will be allowed to work in teams to complete the quiz, these
teams will consist of table mates
 As the game is completed I can quickly look at the results and look at
the questions the students get wrong and review strategy and the
methods there are to reach and answer.
 For the next part of the lesson we will be reviewing the 4 methods to
solve division problems using the review packet I have complied
 I will go over and work through with the help of the students on partial
quotients, area model, distribution method, and the standard algorithm,
modeling how to perform each operation and interpret the language of
the problems using the review worksheet, these will serve as notes and
study tools.
 Following the modeling students will work in their own groups to
complete the rest of the packet in their table groups helping each other
practice solving division problems with the four methods discussed.
 mentor teacher and student teacher will pull groups of students to work
on the packet with extra help and assistance,
c. Closure:  Will review the standards and have a quick think pair share on what
the students review for their math summative assessment.
c. Extension: Addition review worksheets will be available 
1. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  
 Modeling: The teacher will demonstrate and show students how to work division
problem and division word problems using the 4 methods discussed in class.
Students will have example which they will be able to refer back too.
 Group work: These students do very well learning from each other, there are stand
out students who can coach others through problems.. Students can learn much
more from each other.
 Teacher assisted/ teacher lead small groups: small groups of students will work
closely with the teacher to work through difficult problems. This way teachers can
guide student thinking and help them better understand the concepts they need to
1. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: 
1. Formative: 
 Quizizz Game/Quiz; Data can be observed instantly after the game and
can lead into review
 Review Packet work problems: these problems will serve as practice
problems for the upcoming summative assessment and can be checked
by the teacher as the students complete the problems
b. Summative: no summative assessment at this time 
1. Homework Assignment:  Continue working or review questions from review packet to
prepare for the summative assessment.

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