Roth Low
Low Silhouette
Boiler Feedwater
Feedwater Heater
Capacities to
to 50,000
50,000 lb/hr
Model RDTV-150-5-1-2
vertical tray type
Roth tray type deaerators condition feedwater to 0% CO2 and only .005 cc/l of oxygen
pumps 150-5-1-* 150-10-2-* 150-15-3-* 150-20-4-* 150-25-5-* 150-30-6-* 150-35-7-* 150-40-8-* 150-45-9-* 150-50-10-*
Capacity Lb/h 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000
(kg/h) (2,268) (4,536) (6,804) (9,072) (11,340) (13,608) (15,876) (18,144) (20,412) (22,680)
Boiler hp 145 290 435 580 725 870 1,015 1,160 1,305 1,450
(kW) (1,422) (2,844) (4,267) (5,686) (7,107) (8,529) (9,950) (11,372) (12,793) (14,214)
Storage 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
gallons (l) (378) (757) (1,135) (1,514) (1,893) (2,271) (2,650) (3,028) (3,407) (3,785)
Dimensions A. Overall 66 66 66 84 84 84 96 96 96 96
in (cm) length (168) (168) (168) (213) (213) (213) (244) (244) (244) (244)
except as B. Overall 54 54 54 72 72 72 84 84 84 84
width (137) (137) (137) (183) (183) (183) (213) (213) (213) (213)
C. Overall 83 99 113 108 116 124 125 131 141 147
height (211) (251) (287) (274) (295) (315) (318) (333) (358) (373)
D. Tank 42 42 42 60 60 60 72 72 72 72
diameter (107) (107) (107) (152) (152) (152) (183) (183) (183) (183)
E. Overflow 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb
trap flange flange flange flange flange flange flange
F. Tray access 20 20 20 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
door dia. (51) (51) (51) (61) (61) (61) (61) (61) (61) (61)
G. Pump 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 6”, 150 lb 6”, 150 lb 6”, 150 lb 6”, 150 lb
suction flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange
H. Pump bypass 2 NPT 2 NPT 2 NPT 2 NPT 2 NPT 2 NPT 3 NPT 3 NPT 3 NPT 3 NPT
I. Hi-temp
2”, 150 lb 2”, 150 lb 2”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb
flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange
J. Steam 4”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 6”, 150 lb 6”, 150 lb 6”, 150 lb 8”, 150 lb 8”, 150 lb 8”, 150 lb 8”, 150 lb
connection flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange
K. Water 2”, 150 lb 2”, 150 lb 2”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 3”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb 4”, 150 lb
connection flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange flange
L. Base 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
height (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10)
Sample Specification—Roth Deaerator
A. The deaerator shall be a Roth style “RDTV” deaerator which guarantees oxygen removal to 0.005 cc/l (7 ppb) or less and
carbon dioxide removal to a zero measurable level in the effluent throughout all load conditions between 0% and 100% of
rated capacity. The deaeration process will take place in a 5-15 psig steam environment that will heat the water to 228-
250°F requiring a pressurized vessel. The deaerator shall be manufactured in strict accordance with the ASME Section VIII,
Div. 1 code and bear the ASME stamp for a maximum working pressure of 50 psig at 300ºF. An atmospheric deaerator is not
acceptable. A minimum of 1/16” corrosion allowance shall be added to the ASME calculated material thickness for
heads and shell and will be noted on the ASME data report (form U-1). The deaerator is to be of the vertical design with a
vessel of _____” diameter x _____” high setting less than 18” from the floor.
B. The deaerator is to be of the tray type design. Spray type deaerators are not acceptable. Flow of steam shall be such that
the steam entering the heater first comes in contact with the hottest water which is leaving the last row of trays and then
proceeds upward through the tray stack in a counter-flow fashion. The water to be deaerated will enter the vessel through a
stainless steel spray tube. The spray tube will disperse water into a 304L stainless steel box that is sealed so that escaping
gasses can not come in contact with the vessel walls. The gases escape through a 304L vent condenser pipe on top of the
tray box that extends out the top of the vessel. The spray tube directs the water into sections of a 304L stainless steel vent
welded on top of the tray box. The water falls downward from the vent condenser and spreads over the stainless steel trays
and, after deaeration, falls into the storage area. The stainless steel (304L) trays will be removable through a minimum 20”
dia. hinged tray access door. Each tray shall weigh no more than 30 lbs. for easy handling and inspection and shall be of
welded construction. Rivets are not acceptable. The deaerator will be designed so that undeaerated water will only come
into contact with stainless steel components.
C. The tray type deaerator is to be fully trimmed by the manufacturer including the following items:
1. Low Level Control: An external float type control is to be supplied to monitor a low level condition. A low level shall
ring an alarm bell and light a red light on the control panel notifying the operator. The control shall also shut off the
deaerator pumps protecting them from harm.
2. High Level Control: An external float type control is to be supplied to monitor a high level condition. A high level shall
ring an alarm bell and light a red light on the control panel notifying the operator. The high level control shall be
activated before the water reaches the overflow level.
3. Overflow Trap: A mechanical self-contained external float type overflow trap shall be supplied to overflow the water in
the storage area before flooding the deaerator. The overflow trap body is to be constructed of cast iron. Inside the body,
a stainless steel ball float automatically operates a double-seated brass valve. The cast iron body is to be bolted
together in order to take apart for inspection/maintenance of the valve assembly. A butterfly valve is to be supplied
between the deaerator and the trap for inspection without having to shut down the deaerator.
4. Make-up Water Assembly: An electric water level controller and make-up water valve is to be supplied to monitor the
level of water storage in the deaerator and add make-up water when necessary for continued operation. The level to
activate the water valve shall be field adjustable to match desirable operating conditions. The water valve shall be
suitable for operation with a pressure differential of up to 150 psi. The valve shall default to a closed position when de-
energized and be a modulating or slow closing valve in order to reduce or eliminate water hammer. The valve shall be
factory piped with a 3-valve bypass assembly and strainer.
5. Pressure Reducing Valve: A self-contained pilot operated valve shall be supplied when necessary to reduce the
available steam pressure to the operating pressure of the deaerator (5-15 psig). The valve is to be shipped loose for
field installation. Relief valve(s) acceptable for ASME service shall also be supplied. The relieving capacity of the
valves shall be greater than the maximum capacity of the pressure reducing valve and set to relieve at 50 psig.
6. Vacuum Breaker: A vacuum breaker is to be supplied to release any vacuum in the deaerator during operation.
7. Vent Valve: A manual valve shall be supplied to vent the deaerator. The valve is to have the ability to be field adjust-
able with a 1/8” drilled orifice to avoid complete shut off capability.
8. Drain Valve: A gate valve is to be supplied and sized the same diameter as the drain connection and be supplied by
the manufacturer.
9. Misc. Gauges: A pressure and temperature gauge shall be supplied and installed by the manufacturer. The gauges
shall be sized suitable for the operation and design range of the deaerator and follow any ASME or local codes and
requirements. A gauge glass shall be supplied and installed to cover the water level range from low level to overflow
level. The gauge glass shall be protected from getting hit by outside objects and be so mounted to protect from getting
10. Pump Suction: The pump suction shall be sized based on a velocity 3 ft/sec of twice the deaerator capacity. A
separate gate valve, strainer, and flexible connector shall be supplied for each pump.
Roth Tray Type Deaerators Roth Deaerator Pumps