B2 Student's Book Answer Key PDF
B2 Student's Book Answer Key PDF
B2 Student's Book Answer Key PDF
5 4a
Unit 1 1 a 2 f 3 e 4 c 5 d 6 b 7 g 1 ’s forever playing 2 studies
Vocabulary p6 6a 3 ’re always leaving 4 ’s constantly saying
1 activities 2 facilities 3 friends 5 coach
1a 4 independent 5 abroad 6 residence 4b
Students’ own answers 7 loan Students’ own answers
1b 5
anthropology, archaeology, art, science Reading p7 Students’ own answers
(biology, chemistry, physics), economics, 1 6a
languages (English, French, Spanish, Students’ own answers 1 a 2 b 3 d 4 c
German, etc.), geography, history 2 6b
2 and 3 a 3 b 1 c 4 d 2 e 5 1 present perfect continuous
undergraduate (noun) /ˌʌndə(r)ɡrædʒʊət/ – a 3 2 present perfect simple
student who is studying for a first degree
1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 e 6 c Present perfect simple: subject + has/have
at a college or university. A student who
4 + past participle
already has a first degree is a graduate.
Example answer Present perfect continuous: subject +
graduate (verb) /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/ – to complete
I think these subjects aren’t too specialised. has/have been + verb + -ing
your studies at a university or college,
usually by getting a degree
It’s a good idea to study something 6c
unusual because you are more likely to be 1 present perfect simple 2 present
degree (noun) /dɪˈɡriː/ – a course of study
interested and study more. Also they often perfect continuous 3 present perfect
at a university, or the qualification that you
give you very specific skills that are more simple 4 present perfect continuous
get after completing the course
useful in the workplace. Furthermore, an 7
master’s (noun) /ˈmɑːstə(r)z/ – a university
unusual degree could make your CV stand 1 For goes with periods of time, like three
degree that students get if they study for
out in a competitive marketplace. hours, ten minutes, a long time. It goes just
one or two years after their first degree
In my opinion, these subjects are too before the time period.
lecture (noun) /ˈlektʃə(r)/ – a talk to a group
specialised and they are a bad thing 2 Since goes with points in time, like 1990,
of people about a particular subject,
because your employment options are very Christmas, last week. It goes just before
especially at a college or university
narrow when you finish your degree. You the time period.
tutorial (noun) /tjuːˈtɔːriəl/ – a lesson in which
can’t transfer your skills easily to another 3 Ever means ‘sometime before now’. It
a student or a small group of students
subject area. Also, they are often not very is used in questions, e.g. Have you ever/
discusses a subject with a tutor, especially
academically rigorous so they don’t show Haven’t you ever …?, and in negative
at university or college
what you are intellectually capable of. statements, e.g. Nobody has ever travelled
term (noun) /tɜː(r)m/ – one of the periods
5 there before. It goes between have and
of time into which the year is divided for
uni = short form of ‘university’ the past participle.
students. In the UK, there are usually three
drives me mad = makes someone feel 4 Never means ‘at no time before’ and it
terms: the autumn term, the spring term
extremely angry or upset is used in negative statements, e.g. I’ve
and the summer term.
in great depth = in a very detailed way and never been to New York before. It goes
continuous assessment (noun) /kənˈtɪnjʊəs
giving a lot of information between have and the past participle.
əˈsesmənt/ – a way of judging a student by
implications = possible results or effects 5 Just means ‘not so long ago’. It comes
looking at the work that they do during the
year instead of or in addition to looking at hands-on = hands-on experience or between have and the past participle, e.g.
their examination results training involves you doing something They have just gone out.
rather than just reading about it or 6 Already shows an action has been
coursework (noun) /ˈkɔː(r)sˌwɜː(r)k/ – school
watching other people do it completed. It comes between have and
work that a student must do as part of a
specialise = to be an expert in a particular the past participle: I have already heard
course of study, with the mark that they
part of a subject or profession that song.
achieve forming part of their exam result
6 7 Yet means ‘up to a specified time’ and
assignment (noun) /əˈsaɪnmənt/ – work that
Students’ own answers is used only in the negative and question
you must do as part of a course of study or
as part of your job forms of the present perfect tense. It is
Grammar in context pp8–9 normally placed at the end of a sentence,
tutor (noun) /ˈtjuːtə(r)/ – a teacher in a
1a e.g. I haven’t been to the supermarket yet.
college or university
1 present simple 2 present continuous 8
grade (noun) /ɡreɪd/ – a letter or number
3 present simple 4 present continuous 1 She’s failed 2 since 2012
that shows the quality of a student’s work
5 present simple 3 We went 4 I’ve been doing
mark (noun) /mɑː(r)k/ – a school score
1b 5 has just had 6 has painted
notes (noun plural) /nəʊts/ – details from
a 1 b 3 c 5 d 2 e 4 7 for five hours 8 I’ve lost
something such as a lecture or a book that
2 9 I haven’t done 10 I’ve been waiting
you write down so that you can remember
them 1 understand 2 goes 3 is coming 9a
4 are getting 5 usually walks, is going Example answers
resit (verb) /ˌriːˈsɪt / – to take an examination
6 Do you wear 7 don’t agree 1 How long have you lived here?
again after failing it previously
8 sounds 2 How long have you been watching TV?
3a 3 Have you ever done a bungee jump?
1 veterinary medicine 2 lecture
1 constantly 2 always 3 forever 4 How many times have you eaten sushi?
3 mark 4 undergraduate 5 tutor
4 continually
6 coursework/assignment 7 psychology 5 What have you been doing all day?
8 resit it 3b
6 Have you just had your lunch?
Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers
Vocabulary revision p29 Paragraph 3: ideas for party I think the self-driving car is useful because
1 Paragraph 4: suggest a time to meet on while you are on the move you can do
Thursday; say goodbye anything you want.
1 for 2 dealing 3 employee
4 earn 5 skilled 6 shift 7 overtime 7 I think drones are very useful because they
8 qualifications Students’ own answers can do dangerous work more cheaply and
8 safely than humans can.
1 set up = start a new business, office, etc. Example answers I think the lunar space elevator is a
‘Helicopter’ parents and ‘lawnmower’ fascinating idea, but it’s not very useful.
2 get ahead = progress faster than other
people parents are good because they support 5
3 turn down = not accept an offer, request their children. boldest = riskiest
or application I think ‘helicopter’ and especially capsule = the part of a space vehicle in
4 work on = spend time working or ‘lawnmower’ parents are a bad thing which people travel
improving something because children don’t learn to become currently = at the present time
5 fill in = add information on a document independent and take care of themselves. sharp increase = sudden rise
6 take over = take control of something self-driving = an autonomous or driverless
Listening p31 vehicle
9 norm = something that is normal or
a look b applied c redundant
Speaker 1: C expected
d unemployed e fired/sacked/dismissed
f offered Speaker 2: F drawing up = to prepare or write
Speaker 3: B something
Speaker 4: A 6
Gateway to exams: Units 1–2 Speaker 5: D Students’ own answers
Reading p30 Students’ own answers Grammar in context pp34–35
1 1a
Speaking p31 a be going to b present continuous
Example answers
On an Erasmus exchange, students spend
11 c be going to d will e present simple
at least three months studying in a university Students’ own answers 1b
in one of the 30 countries involved in the 12 1 be going to 2 be going to 3 will
programme. Students’ own answers 4 the present continuous 5 the present
Some of the advantages of this exchange simple
could include: it looks good on your CV, you Unit 3 1c
learn life skills, you make an international 1 will 2 will 3 the present simple
network of friends and have fun, you Vocabulary p32 2
discover a different culture, and you learn 1 1 future fact 2 sudden decision
another language. Students’ own answers 3 prediction based on opinion
2 2 4 prediction based on expectations
1 Students’ own answers 1 crew 2 traffic jam 3 the Underground/ 5 future fact 6 sudden decision
2 Nelly Samuels – modern history, John subway/tube 4 spacecraft 5 take off 3
Vaughan – business, Teresa Lopez – media 6 land 7 gate 1 starts 2 ’ll 3 ’s going to rain
studies, Keith Johnson – politics 3 4 correct 5 ‘s talking 6 are going
3 1 stand away from the edge of the platform 7 are, doing 8 ’m going to eat
1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 D 6 A 2 shouldn’t 3 shouldn’t 4 a, West 9 correct 10 ’s going to drop
7 D 8 C 5 need 6 bags 4a
4 4 1 will land, am 2 will be/is
Students’ own answers 1 trip 2 voyage 3 Travel 4 journey 3 are meeting 4 are, going to do
5 trips 6 voyages 7 travel 8 trip 5 will snow 6 ’s going to have
Writing p31 5 7 ’ll open 8 get, ’ll switch 9 ’m seeing
5 Students’ own answers 10 ’s going to rain
Students should answer these questions in 4b
their reply: Reading p33 Students’ own answers
How are you? 1 5
What do you think (about the welcome Students’ own answers a have b are going to become c are
home party)? 2 d will be e off f will be g won’t
Could you come and give me a hand 1 Hyperloop h are talking
getting things ready on Thursday 2 electric car, sports car, high-speed train,
Developing vocabulary p35
planes, supersonic air travel, self-driving
Apart from food, is there anything that you car, flying cars, drones, elevator 1a
can think of that would make the party 3 1 mis 2 post 3 under 4 over
really special? 1 c 2 b 3 f 4 a 5 e 6 d 5 inter 6 dis 7 re 8 co 9 sub-
6 4 10 super
Suggested answer Example answers
Paragraph 1: greeting, say how I am, I think the Hyperloop is very useful as it is
1 disappeared 2 underpaid
mention pizza place much faster than ordinary transport and
3 misunderstood 4 sub-zero 5 rewrite
Paragraph 2: the party is a good idea; yes, more ecological.
6 overbooked 7 superhuman
I can help
3a 3 5a
Students’ own answers 1 Aerial 2 negative 3 stop 4 aerial Students’ own answers
3b images 5 offers us new reporting 5b
disadvantage, disagree, unbelievable, possibilities 6 quite possible 7 thinks Students’ own answers
incapable, incomplete, unexpected, 4 5c
unlikely, illogical, unnecessary, disobey, Positive points: patrolling parks/ Students’ own answers
impatient, impossible, irregular, protecting wild animals; examining sites of
irresponsible, unsuccessful, invisible natural disasters; taking medicine, water Developing speaking p40
3c or food to victims; making movies; filming 1
Students’ own answers sports events Students’ own answers
4a Negative points: privacy – spying on 2
Students’ own answers ordinary people; create laws on why/how/ 1 Students’ own answers 2 yes 3 yes
4b when/who can use them 3
Students’ own answers 5 a Both photos show b In the first photo
Example answers c whereas d One big difference between
Gateway to life skills pp36–37 I think drones will change the world in the photos is that e while f Compared
1a a good way. They can save lives and do with g Another important difference
From Turkey to Thailand to the US – dangerous jobs. Moreover, drones will h One similarity
approximately 22,000km/14,000 miles generate a lot of money and jobs. 4
1b I think drones will change the world in a Students’ own answers
The distance food travels from where it is bad way. It’s possible for terrorists to take 5a
produced to our table. control of drones and use them against us. Students’ own answers
2 Grammar in context p38–39 5b
Students’ own answers Students’ own answers
3 5c
1 future continuous 2 future continuous
Text A Students’ own answers
3 future perfect simple 4 future perfect
1 They weren’t in season then.
simple 5 future perfect continuous Developing writing p41
2 They produce 25% of CO2 emissions.
Future continuous: will/won’t + be + verb-ing
3 They are responsible for 11% of carbon 1
Future perfect simple: will/won’t + have +
emissions. Students’ own answers
past participle
4 They are an example of unnecessary 2
Future perfect continuous: will/won’t +
food travel. Students’ own answers
have + been + verb + -ing
5 We need to produce more food locally 3
and buy locally produced food Students’ own answers
1 future perfect simple 2 future continuous
Text B 4
3 future perfect continuous 4 future
1 We need to keep them cool for a year or 1 f 2 d 3 a 4 g 5 c 6 e 7 b
perfect simple, future perfect continuous
buy them from another country. 5
2 Buying them from another country as the Variety of past tenses: past continuous:
1a At 7 o’clock, the activity is in progress.
energy used in keeping them fresh for ten … We were soon preparing for landing;
months is worse for the environment.
1b At 7 o’clock, the activity has finished.
past simple … I learnt that …, past perfect
3 Because they have conditions to grow 2a In half an hour the activity will start.
simple: … I had flown …, past perfect
tomatoes all year and if they are produced 2b In half an hour, the activity will be continuous: … I had been waiting …, past
in the UK, you need energy to heat the finished. with ‘would’: … we would observe …,
greenhouses. 3a This action will happen sometime future with ‘will’: I’ll never forget
4 The workers and economy of these before 2050. Participle clauses: Having collected my
countries depend on selling fruit, etc. to 3b This action will happen in 2050. luggage, I immediately saw …
other markets. 4a I have a plan to have lunch at 1 pm Linkers of time and sequence: Four
5 Food miles are not good, but sometimes tomorrow. months ago, Luckily
they are better than the alternatives 4b At 1 pm tomorrow, lunch will be in Adjectives and adverbs: excited and
4 progress. nervous, brilliant, immediately, amazing
Students’ own answers 3a 6a
5 1 will be having 2 will have eaten Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers 3 will have arrived 4 will have been going 6b
6a 5 will be having 6 will have seen
Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers 7 will be watching 8 will have been
1 running 2 to fork 3 cold storage
3b Language checkpoint: Unit 3
4 seasonally 5 sustainable 6 market Students’ own answers
6c 3c Grammar revision p43
Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers 1
4 1 comes 2 ’ll help 3 ’m going to do
Listening p38 a will, be doing b will, be working 4 are getting 5 will take 6 leaves
1 c will have finished d will have left 2
Students’ own answers e won’t be living f will have learnt
a 4 b 5 c 6 d 3 e 2 f 1
2 g will have bought h will be saving
Students’ own answers
3 3 2
1 We exchange items for services. 1 had 2 has 3 ought 4 aren’t 1 Can you pick up some milk on the way
2 You have to find the right person to 5 needn’t 6 mustn’t home?
barter with. 4 2 That coat is expensive, but I’m going to
3 You don’t have to find ‘the right person’. Suggested answers splash out on it.
4 Their uses gave them a basic value. You can’t use your mobile phone at school. 3 We need to cut back on luxury items.
5 They last for such a short time. You don’t have to wear a school uniform. 4 We haven’t got much money, but we
6 They maintained their value over time, You had better not talk in Mrs Williams’ get by.
can be easily translated into prices and class – she’s very strict. 5 I can’t go to the concert because I
were widely accepted. You must start learning our language need to set money aside for the summer
7 They were heavy to carry around. because most of our lessons aren’t in English. holidays.
8 The first paper money was a type of You mustn’t chew gum in the class. 6 You should buy the game now because
receipt or note. You needn’t buy textbooks – the school will they’re selling out fast.
9 The cash we carry around with us. lend them to you. 7 I’ll pay back the money you lent me
You ought to buy a big rucksack to carry tomorrow.
10 It leads to higher prices and money
loses its value. your books. 8 The book was £10 and the magazine
5a was £2.50 so the total came to £12.50.
1 had to/ needed to 3
Example answer
2 needn’t have 1 aside 2 back 3 out 4 out 5 by
I think society will become more collaborative
3 didn’t have to, didn’t need to 6 up
and we will share our things. The more you
share, the more points you will get. 4 weren’t allowed to/couldn’t 4
5 5 should/ought to have/shouldn’t have Students’ own answers
barter = exchange goods or services for 5b
Gateway to life skills pp62–63
other goods or services instead of using have + past participle
6 1
1 You should have asked them for advice. 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c
medium = a way of communicating
information and ideas, especially to a lot 2 She had to arrive on time every morning. 2
of people 3 Did you have to go to the meeting? Students’ own answers
standardising = keeping something the same 4 We weren’t allowed to wear jeans and 3
widely = by a lot of people, in a lot of places T-shirts. 1 £750 a month for accommodation
worthless = having no value, or not useful 5 I needn’t have got up early (but I did). 2 Credit card debt £3,657
6 6 She didn’t need to wear a uniform (so 3 38% splash out more often than they
Example answers she didn’t). should
I think many people are thinking about 7 We ought to have worked as a team. 4 Average overdraft £1,509
giving up money. Money is the cause of 7 4
unemployment, wars, crime, terrorism, 1 I had to do the exercises last night. 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 F
pollution, etc. A lot of people are beginning 2 We needn’t have taken food to the 7 T 8 F
to share resources and build a better world party, but we did. 5
for everyone. 3 She ought to have revised for the exam. 1 Both – students are often influenced to
I think people in general are motivated by 4 They weren’t allowed to go into the office. spend more than they have; banks throw
money and profits. We have been doing 5 The plane needed to land. credit at students
this for so long that it seems like a very 6 I didn’t have to show my receipt to the 2 payday loans, store cards, not enough
important part of our lives. shop assistant. financial education at school or at home
7 I shouldn’t have got angry with you 3 Students’ own answers
Grammar in context pp60–61 4 withdraw cash and only spend that;
1a 8a resist temptation to use debit card; avoid
1 have to/must/need to Example answers accounts with overdraft facilities; check
2 don’t have to/doesn’t need to/needn’t I didn’t have to wear a tie, but I had to
bank account regularly; discuss money with
3 mustn’t/aren’t allowed to/can’t friends; use discount card
wear short trousers.
4 ought to/should/’d better 6
I couldn’t run in the corridors.
1b I had to arrive on time.
1 developing budgeting skills as a
1 to + infinitive: ought, have/don’t have to, teenager will help you in the future
I needed to go to the school doctor a
allowed, need/don’t need 2 before you buy anything, ask if it is an
couple of times.
the infinitive without to: should, must/ essential purchase; only take out the cash
I needn’t have worried about secondary
mustn’t,’d better, needn’t, can’t you need from the cashpoint
school, but I did.
2 Do we all have to use money? 3 look at your income; look at how much
I ought to have studied more.
3 It shouldn’t be something that you’re spending; look how much money
I shouldn’t have talked so much in class.
maintains its value. You’d better not keep you have left
I wasn’t allowed to leave before 3 o’clock.
your money in your pocket. 4 to trace where your money is going in
8b order to better plan your money
4 You need to carry it all with you.
Students’ own answers
5 had 5 contactless payment means that
2 Developing vocabulary p61 sometimes we spend more money than we
1 You mustn’t 2 Do you have to want to
3 You needn’t open 4 She’d/had better 7
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 g 5 f 6 d
5 We ought to 6 don’t need to have Students’ own answers
7 h 8 e
5 6
Unit 7 master his craft = become good at the skill 1 Yes, they do.
needed for his profession 2 No, we don’t.
Vocabulary p84
high-end = more expensive and more 3 Yes, the subject goes before the verb in
1 advanced reported questions (i.e. normal word order).
Example answers
devalued = reduce the value 4 No, reported questions are not real
Music: alternative, blues, classical, country, questions and therefore do not need
spins = in radio broadcasting, a spin is a
dance, folk, funk, heavy metal, hip hop, question marks.
single play of a song
house, indie, jazz, pop, punk, rap, rock, ska,
royalties = a payment that someone such 5 Questions that do not begin with a
soul, techno, world
as a writer or musician gets each time their question word are reported by using ask +
Films: action, adventure, animated, if/whether.
work is sold or performed
biographical, comedy, crime, documentary,
is it any wonder that = an expression that 7
drama, fantasy, historical, horror, martial
means that something isn’t surprising or Olivia wanted to know if Tom had ever
arts, musical, mystery, romance, science
that the following conclusion is obvious. been to a music festival.
fiction, sports, spy, thriller, war, western.
You can replace it with ‘I think it’s obvious Tom said he had and that he had been to
why …’ one the previous year.
a gig b live c stage d crowd
given way to = to be replaced by something, Olivia asked who had been the best band.
e recorded f tracks g lighting h lyrics
especially something newer or better Tom told her that he had really enjoyed the
i starred j role k performance l acting
imbalanced = unevenly or unfairly arranged Foo Fighters and that he was going to see
m plot n scene o soundtrack
3 6 them again later that year.
Students’ own answers Olivia said she might go if it wasn’t too
1 gig 2 lyrics 3 live 4 crowd
expensive. She asked him when they were
5 tracks 6 scene 7 record Grammar in context pp86–87 playing.
8 soundtrack
4 1 Tom said he thought the concert would
1 The tense of the verbs usually goes one be in July and asked her if she was going
1 download 2 stream 3 live streams to able to go. Olivia said she thought so.
tense ‘back’ in reported speech. Some
4 mobile device 5 purchase She told him that she had been saving up
tenses cannot go any further back and stay
6 file-sharing sites 7 peer-to-peer money to go to the US, but she still hadn’t
the same.
8 transfer got enough.
5 2 If the reporting verb is in the present
simple or present perfect (i.e. He says/He Tom wanted to know when Olivia thought
Students’ own answers she would be able to go. Olivia said she
has said), the tense does not change.
Reading p85 3 I changes to he in the reported speech. was probably going to go the following
4 When we use say, we do not need a year and that she would love to go to a
1 festival there.
personal object to say who you are saying
Students’ own answers 8a
something to. With tell, we must use a
2 Students’ own answers
personal object to say who we are saying
legal streaming of songs because 8b
something to.
songwriters aren’t paid fairly for their songs
5 No, we do not always need to use that Students’ own answers
which are streamed
after say and tell. 8c
2 Students’ own answers
1 Power to capture people’s emotions
Most tenses move one tense back, but
and imaginations, to transcend traditional
some tenses (i.e. past perfect/would) can’t Developing vocabulary p87
barriers of age, language and culture, and
go any further back and stay the same. 1
to generate positive social change.
1 past continuous 2 past perfect Nouns: download, file-sharing,
2 She wants to be fairly paid for her work.
3 past perfect continuous 4 past perfect marketplace, songwriter, soundtrack
3 They have more control over their work. 5 past perfect 6 would 7 would Adjectives: brand-new, fast-moving,
4 It was the most streamed song on Spotify 8 could 9 might 10 had to thought-provoking
and 13th most played song on Pandora. 3 2
5 Streaming services make big profits, but 1 there 2 that day 3 the day before In compound nouns, the stress usually
songwriters don’t. 4 the next/following day 5 that night falls on the first word. For compound
6 Buy albums and encourage streaming 6 the following (week/month/year) adjectives, we usually pronounce both
services to respect the value of song writing. 7 the previous (week/month/year) parts with equal stress.
4 8 a (week/month/year) before download, file-sharing, marketplace,
Example answers 4 songwriter, soundtrack
I don’t agree with Aloe Blacc’s arguments. 1 said 2 said 3 told 4 told 5 said brand-new, fast-moving, thought-provoking
Artists and musicians make enough money 6 said 3
as it is, and downloading a few songs won’t 5 1 c 2 b 3 g 4 h 5 f 6 e 7 d
hurt them much. True fans will still buy their 1 Steve says (that) he never buys DVDs. 8 a
albums or support them in other ways. 2 Sam told us (that) we had to leave if we 4
People already download music for free, so wanted to get to the cinema on time. 1 blockbuster 2 outcome 3 page-
let’s just leave it as it is.
3 Emma said (that) those books were hers. turner 4 drawback 5 feedback 6 box
I agree with Aloe Blacc. Music isn’t going 4 Alicia said (that) she was going to record office 7 turnout 8 screenplay
to be around much longer. I wouldn’t a new album.
like to work and not get paid. When we
5 Juliet said (that) the crowd had been
download music for free we are essentially
screaming throughout the concert.
doing this to the musician. We are, in
6 Dave told Simon (that) he would see him
effect, stealing their music.
the next day.
2 2 5 correct
Example answers Students’ own answers 6 They went to bed early because the next
1 Argentina is a country where you can 3 day was going to be be very busy.
find lots of natural wonders. 1 NM 4a
2 2014 was the year when Germany won 2 F (PETA argue that although students Suggested answers
the World Cup. may get rid of their stress with a petting 1 I knew it was going to be a great day
3 Caviar is a type of food which/that zoo, these zoos actually cause stress for the because the sun was shining.
comes from a fish called a sturgeon. animals in them.) 2 I was going to do my homework when
4 Ice hockey is a sport that/which is played 3 T (They believe that if students knew the the phone rang.
in Canada. facts, these zoos wouldn’t have become so 3 I never thought it would happen, but
5 Marie Curie was a scientist who created popular on campuses.) one day it did.
the theory of radioactivity. 4 T (Travel, confinement to small cages 4 I was meeting my friends the next day,
6 Tea is a drink which can be drunk hot or and rough handling cause animals intense but I came down with a cold.
cold. stress.) 5 I was going to call my parents when
7 Glass is a material which/that breaks 5 F (The students got excited. Reese suddenly they called me.
easily if it’s dropped. already had plans – he was going to buy a 6 The car was about to hit the dog when it
3 car for his mum, and a boat!) swerved at the last moment.
1 to switch 2 painting 3 writing 6 T (The students knew that they hadn’t 4b
4 to go 5 seeing 6 to do 7 playing earned the money …) Students’ own answers
7 NM 5
Vocabulary revision p121 4 1 Mixed conditionals are a mixture of
1 Example answer second and third conditionals.
1 network 2 drop-down menu The texts outline the events as they 2 a
3 webcam 4 headphones happened and appear not to judge 3 b
5 broadband 6 wireless people’s actions. In the first text, it is clear 6
2 that PETA disapproves of petting zoos and 1 b, c (In b, the speaker would currently
1 press 2 pinch 3 insert 4 freeze there are no arguments in favour so we are take photos; in c, they would have taken
5 adjust 6 delete 7 recharge encouraged to criticise wrong behaviour. photos in the past, but not now.)
3 However, in the second text, we are 2 b, c (In b, the speaker doesn’t like
1 up 2 pick 3 out 4 popped 5 on encouraged to value the college students’ science fiction movies now; in c, they didn’t
6 in 7 off right behaviour. like science fiction movies at that time in
5 the past.)
Unit 10 a bad bet = a bad idea 3 b, c (In b, she currently/regularly takes
confinement = forced to stay in a place, the medicine that helps her; in c, she took
Vocabulary p122 especially in a prison or a cage, and not the medicine in the past.)
1 allowed to leave 4 b, c (In b, it focuses on the present
Students’ own answers bouncy castles = large plastic structures situation – people would still be dying;
2 filled with air, and often in the shape of a in c, it refers to people in the past.)
Students’ own answers castle. Children play on them by jumping 5 b, c (In b, the speaker is talking about
3 up and down, for example at a party or a a hypothetical future; in c, it refers to a
funfair. possible lie in the past.)
Students’ own answers
4 smelly = with an unpleasant smell 7
1 a 2 c 3 d 4 b pick = select 1 If Jenna didn’t love taking photos, she
5 empty-handed = without getting anything wouldn’t have joined a camera club.
a A (new) government plan has been for your effort 2 If Sam hadn’t spent lots of time studying,
supported by universities. 6 he wouldn’t be a journalist now.
b A football star has resigned after a Text 1: It’s really cruel. I think we should 3 If they hadn’t spent years making their
disagreement with his manager. start a campaign to boycott petting zoos. new film, it wouldn’t be great.
c People are worried about a new virus. Text 2: They did the right thing. Your 4 If they knew where the key was, they
d Police are holding an investigation into actions, whether good or bad, will often would have opened the door.
possible/suspected corruption. have consequences that you can’t predict. 5 If they could speak English, they would
e There is a connection between a spy have interviewed the actor.
Grammar in context pp124–125
mystery and an explosion in the city centre. 6 If I had known you were coming, I would
1 have something for you to eat.
f The government is taking a step towards
making fast-food advertising illegal.
1 were about to 2 was going to 3 was 7 He wouldn’t have a new phone if he
to turn to 4 would have 5 was opening hadn’t lost his old one.
g An important politician has been
involved in a tense situation in a plane.
2 8 If I had remembered to do my homework
6 a playing b about c going to yesterday, I wouldn’t have to do it now.
d would e to f would survive g were
1 c 2 b 3 d
3 Developing vocabulary p125
1 They sky went black and it looked like it 1
Students’ own answers
was about to rain very soon. Students’ own answers
Reading p123 2 correct 2
1 3 They were to get an incredible surprise a news item b hold a press conference
the day after. c make the headlines d news updates
Students’ own answers
4 They thought it would snow/was going e breaking news f front-page-news
to snow the next day, but it didn’t.
Reading p134
Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers
1 NM
2 F (After looking at Cent’s records they
found out …)
3 T (… because we are of Polish origin, his
story really stuck with us.)
4 NM
5 NM
6 T (A website set up in his honour has so
far received donations of over $14,580 to
reward him.)