Chapter 10 The Nano World
Chapter 10 The Nano World
Chapter 10 The Nano World
In the pursuit of science and technology, humans are now dealing more and
more with a world not seen by the naked eye. This is no surprise as the study
of science keeps leading us beyond the world of everyday. The information
we search for is always available in nature but we need tools to harvest it.
The nano world, like the other scienti c principles, provides both knowledge
and instrument to control nature.
The term “nano” refers to a unit meaning one billionth or ten raised to
negative nine (10-9). For example, a nanometer is one billionth of a meter.
Hence, “nano” expresses a very tiny amount of size.
Figure 3.9 and 3.10 compare objects of different sizes. A particle of beach
sand is almost ten times larger than a pollen grain. Nanostructures can be
found in nature. Catalysts, minerals and other particles are measured on a
nano scale. A single strand of DNA is about three nonometers wide.
Nanoscience, therefore, deals with materials that are very small using
specialized microscopes and other nanodevices.
Just as we are not aware of the air we breath or the molecules constantly
feeding our cells at every second, we are also not conscious of these very
little particles. Since the nano world cannot be seen by the naked eye, it was
only recognized and identi ed after technology has allowed for the discover
of nanostructures. Without the microscope and its attendant technology,
people would not even be aware of how this tiny world surrounds and
affects us. But what is the purpose of dealing with such small entities.
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