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Assignments Master Ofarts (Education) - 1St Year January 2019 & July 2019

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January 2019 & July 2019

a) Describe different types of parenting styles and their impact on learning.

b) Explain Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and discuss its educational


c) Motivation is one of the key factors in the learning process. Justify with illustrations.


a) Describe different types of parenting styles and their impact on learning.

Ans.: A parenting style is a psychological construct representing standard strategies that

parents use in their child rearing. The quality of parenting can be more essential than the
quantity of time spent with the child. For instance, a parent can spend an entire afternoon
with his or her child, yet the parent may be engaging in a different activity and not
demonstrating enough interest towards the child. Parenting styles are the representation of
how parents respond to and make demands on their children. Parenting practices are specific
behaviors, while parenting styles represent broader patterns of parenting practices. There are
various theories and opinions on the best ways to rear children, as well as differing levels of
time and effort that parents are willing to invest.

Psychologist Diana Baumrind studied more than 100 children and families and established
the popularly-accepted theory of parenting styles. By watching the children and their parents
interact, as well as having them complete questionnaires, Baumrind identified three distinct
parenting styles based on how demanding the parents were and how responsive they were to
their children's needs. A fourth style was later added to the list:

 Permissive parents are highly responsive to their children, but place few demands or
expectations for behavior.
 Authoritarian parents showed quite the opposite behavior, placing high demands on
their children but offering little nurturing or responsiveness.
 Authoritative parents were both highly responsive and highly demanding of their
 Uninvolved parents demonstrated both low responsiveness and low levels of demands
for their children.

Parenting style can affect multiple aspects of a child's life. Common areas studied include:

 Self-esteem
 Self-discipline and motivation
 Behavior
 Socialization

Each parenting style correlates with different findings in these areas, and each of these areas
has a distinct impact on overall educational outcomes. What effect does parenting style have
on children in school? To answer that question, a look at how each parenting style affects the
other aspects of the child is very informative.

Permissive Parents: Permissive parents are often warm and nurturing, but may have few
expectations of their children as far as behavior goes. In general, Diana Baumrind identified
the following qualities of children raised by permissive parents:

 Poor regulation of emotions

 Defiant when someone challenges their behavior
 May give up easily when things get difficult
 May display antisocial behaviors

Children who display these behaviors may have difficulty accepting educational challenges,
and they may struggle with authority as represented by teachers and administration. They
may also have trouble adapting socially with their peers while in school.

Authoritarian Parents: Authoritarian parents may be seen as autocratic. They often have
extremely high expectations of their children, and may display little warmth or response to
their children's needs. Children raised in authoritarian households may have the following

 Being anxious or unhappy

 They don't handle frustration well
 They typically do quite well in school
 They are unlikely to engage in risk-taking behaviors

Because there is such an emphasis on achievement and accomplishment, children raised in

authoritarian homes often do well in school because they are afraid to rock the boat at home.
Likewise, they are unlikely to take drugs or alcohol; however, they may also have difficulty
socially because of their level of anxiety, and if things don't go well for them in school, they
may react with angry outbursts.

Authoritative Parents: Authoritative parents teach their children to have high expectations
of themselves, and they apply logical consequences when their kids don't meet reasonable
standards of behavior. Children raised in this environment often display the following

 Pleasant or happy disposition
 Strong belief in their own personal abilities
 Good sense of self-control, self-discipline, and motivation
 Well-developed social skills

With their high level of adjustment and self-motivation, children raised in authoritative
homes typically do well in school, accepting challenges openly and showing the motivation
and discipline to carry through with tasks. They often develop good friendships and display
appropriate respect for authority.

Uninvolved Parents: Not originally one of Baumrind's original parenting styles,

psychologists later added uninvolved parents to the parenting styles rubric. Children from
homes with uninvolved parents may:

 Form poor attachments

 Have low self-esteem
 Have low socialization skills
 Sometimes be self-sufficient
 Sometimes exhibit aggressiveness or problem behaviors

Children from uninvolved homes often do poorly in school, both academically and socially.
While they have developed some level of self-sufficiency, it is typically with regards to
survival skills and not often lead to high-level positive educational outcomes. They may also
display behavioral problems in school, as well as have difficulty accepting authority.

b) Explain Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and discuss its educational


And.: Erikson showed developmental stages that seamlessly integrate into a comprehensive
theory of personality based on self-organization. Each stage corresponds to access to a
structural level. Our maturation is discontinuous. The trouble is that every child will not
access them the same age and with the same ease. A chance for our diversity? This
complicates the task of educators. Easier to teach a class of children at the same stage than a
heterogeneous class, especially if these children are given the same social status because they
belong to the same generation. Prioritization is pejorative. Things were better in rural
classrooms mixing different generations and different scholar levels: the social position of tall
and little ones was clear, and mutual support could be exercised easily. In a classroom of the
same age, the least developed are “drags” and the most advanced « pretentious”.

Erikson’s theory was largely influenced by Sigmund Fred. But Erikson extended the theory
and incorporated cultural and social aspects into Freud’s biological and sexually oriented
theory. It’s also interesting to see how his ideas developed over time, perhaps aided by his
own journey through the ‘psychososial crisis’ stages model that underpinned his work.
Erikson’s model is simple and well-designed. The theory is a basis for broad and complex

discussion and analysis of personality, and behavior, and also for understanding and for
facilitating personal development – of self and others. It can help the teacher in becoming
more knowledgeable of and at the same time understand the various environmental factors
that affect his/her own and his/her students’ personality and behavior.

Erikson’s eight stages theory is a tremendously powerful mode. It is very accessible and
obviously relevant to modern life, from several different perspectives, for understanding and
explaining how personality and behavior develop in people. It is important to note that if the
conflict occurs during a certain stage and it is not resolved, this same conflict may happen in
the future stage. Past conflicts may also arise during certain life experiences. As such
Erikson’s theory is useful for teaching, parenting, self-awareness, managing and coaching,
dealing with conflict, and generally for understanding self and others.

Teachers may use Erikson's theory of psychosocial stages in a variety of ways. According to
the research that I read and browsing in the internet, it says that Stages one through five will
be the main stages that teachers must consider. As student of teacher education, the next few
paragraph will discussed some educational implications related to Stages one to five.

In stage one, teachers or parents can meet physical needs consistently and provide physical
affection at regular intervals. In that case, children will develop the virtue of hope, the strong
belief that, even when things are not going well, they will work out well in the end. During
stage two, teachers can provide consistent, reasonable discipline, opportunities for students to
do for themselves, and positive role models. If you get the proper, positive balance of
autonomy and shame and doubt, you will develop the virtue of will power or determination.
In stage three, teachers can support efforts to plan and carry out activities and can help
children with realistic choices that consider other’s needs. During stage four, teachers can
give opportunities for children to achieve recognition and praise by producing things. Success
takes on a major role during a student's life at this time. During stage five, teachers must treat
students as adults, challenge them with realistic goals and address issues of identity. Any
teacher can practice what is in Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development and use it in
the classroom to produce positive outcomes in a student's life.

c) Motivation is one of the key factors in the learning process. Justify with illustrations.
Ans.: Motivation is something that supports someone to do something. Harmer reported in
his book “English Language Teaching” that motivation is some kind of internal drive which
pushes someone to do some things in order to achieve something (Harmer,1988: 51). In other
hand, Brown defines motivation based on behavioristic and cognitive definition. Based on
behavioristic brown defines motivation as anticipation of reinforcement which is powerful
concept for the class room. Based on cognitive definition, Brown classified motivation
definition into three categories. First based on drive theory, motivation stems from basic
innate drives, so motivation have been exist since we are born. Second based on hierarchy,
motivation is something that comes from individual needs. Third, based on self-control
theory, motivation is something that appear if there is opportunity to make some one to make
own choices about what to pursue and what not to pursue (self control) (Brown, 2001:73-75).

So, motivation is one of influential factor in learning that drives learners to struggle to reach
their goals in learning process and can become a stimulus in learning process. It very
influences the success of learning motivation. For example, a learner who is motivated to
study English because he want to get a gift from his teacher will try to study hard to get the
gift that is as stimulus in the learning process. Therefore, motivation is one of the most
influential factor in teaching learning process.
Motivation can be categorized in to some categories. Based on how motivation comes from,
it can be divided into two categories. They are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation rises from individual inside but extrinsic motivation come from outside
of individual.
Intrinsic motivation is not influenced by external factors but it comes from individual inside
factor. The internal factors might include needs, interest, and enjoyment (Marsh, 1996: 27).
The needs of students can engage them to achieve learning goal. For example, a learner who
learns English because he needs English skill to do communication In his social live has a
high motivation in learning English in order to master English to help him survive in social
live. In other hand, interest also has a role in increasing motivation level of student. If a
student is interested to study English they will reach the learning goal easily. Then,
enjoyment is also important in increasing motivation of student. If the students do not feel
enjoy in learning class, the material taught is difficult to be transferred. So, intrinsic
motivation is motivation that is created by individual self influenced by personal factors that
are needs, interest and enjoyment. The learners can create motivation by their self. For
example, Indonesian students who study in English speaking country are motivated to learn
English because English is the language that they use in their social life. They have to learn
English because they need it to survive.
Intrinsic motivation is more influence than extrinsic motivation because intrinsic motivation
rises from learner self not influence by external factor. This makes a learner to be aware that
they need to learn it. Brown reported in his book that intrinsically motivated activities are
ones for which there is no apparent reward except the activity self. People seem to engage in
the activities for their own sake and not because they lead to an extrinsic reward
(Brown,2000: 164).
Extrinsic motivation is the contrary of intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is influenced
by external factor of learner. Marsh wrote in his book that motivation refers to external
stimulus which follows as result of a certain response (Marsh,1996 : 28). In addition, Harmer
explained in his book that extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of outside factors.
That might include the hope of financial reward; need to pass an exam, or the possibility of
future level. So, extrinsic motivation is any stimulus which comes from outside of learner and
which drives the learner in learning process. Any factor that comes from learner outside and
that support students to study harder in learning process is called extrinsic motivation
High or low of students’ motivation can be influenced by some factors. In this article, the
writer classifies into two categories. They are external factors which is factors that comes
from outside of individual and internal factor which is factors from individual inside.

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