Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) Engineers and Executives of Airports Authority of India
Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) Engineers and Executives of Airports Authority of India
Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) Engineers and Executives of Airports Authority of India
Surveillance (CNS)
engineers and executives of
Airports Authority of India
Right from the first contact with the ATC Control Tower till the time the
Pilot switches of his engines, the Pilot and the Controller depends on the various
voice and data Communication systems provided through Very High Fre-
quency (VHF), High Frequency (HF) and Satellite communication data link.
Once airborne till his safe touch down on the Runway the Pilot depends
on the various Navigation systems like VHF Omni-range (VOR) which pro-
vides the bearing information to the pilots, Distance Measuring equipment
(DME) as the name describes it provides the distance information, Instrument
Landing System (ILS) this is the facility which the pilots use at its most critical
stage of flight, that is during landing of the aircraft.
For safe monitoring of the flight the Controllers depends on the various
Surveillance systems like Radars, Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS),
Advanced Surface Movement Ground Control System (A-SMGCS) etc.
In the airports, with the high density of aircraft movements, the Control-
lers are also provided with Air Traffic Management (ATM) Automa-
tion System for safe and efficient Air Traffic Control.
⇒ Planning
⇒ Operation and Maintenance
⇒ Radio Construction & Development Unit
⇒ Flight Inspection Unit
⇒ Centralized Maintenance Cell with its Special Maintenance
⇒ Central Radio Stores Depot
⇒ Training
⇒ Aviation Safety
The new entrant has to successfully pass the ab-initio course con-
ducted at Civil Aviation Training College (CATC), Allahabad, U.P.
There is a continuous process of training at CATC and at Regional
Training Centers for development of competency/ proficiency at various levels
for the CNS and Automation facilities/ equipment.
The executives have the scope of undergoing factory training at for-
eign countries for the new/latest equipment procured.