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Application Guide Raw Natural Gas: Capstone Turbine Corporation Phone: (818) 734-5300

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA

Phone: (818) 734-5300 • Fax: (818) 734-5320 • Web: www.capstoneturbine.com

Application Guide
Raw Natural Gas

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without incurring any obligation either with respect to equipment previously sold or in the process of construction.
Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

Capstone Turbine Corporation

21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Telephone: +1 (818) 407-3600
Facsimile: + 1 (818) 734-5382
Website: www.capstoneturbine.com

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without incurring any obligation either with respect to equipment previously sold or in the process of construction.
Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................5
1.1. Safety Information .......................................................................................................5
1.2. Referenced Documents ..............................................................................................6
1.3. Standard and Code Compliance ................................................................................6
1.4. Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................6
2. Fuel Properties and Requirements ......................................................................................7
2.1. Raw Natural Gas Sources ..........................................................................................7
2.2. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) ..............................................................................................7
2.3. Fuel Moisture and Dew Point Suppression ................................................................7
3. Fuel Conditioning System......................................................................................................9
3.1. Low Pressure Fuel Conditioning...............................................................................10
3.1.1. Shutoff Valve ................................................................................................10
3.1.2. Vapor-Liquid Separator ................................................................................11
3.1.3. Filter Element ...............................................................................................11
3.1.4. Flame Arrestor (Optional) ............................................................................11
3.1.5. Inlet Pressure Regulator ..............................................................................11
3.2. Compressor System .................................................................................................11
3.3. High Pressure Fuel Conditioning ................................................................................12
3.3.1. Gas Cooler ....................................................................................................12
3.3.2. Vapor-Liquid Separator .................................................................................12
3.3.3. Economizer (Optional) ...................................................................................12
3.3.4. Gas Heater (optional) ....................................................................................12
3.3.5. Pressure Relief ..............................................................................................12
3.3.6. Bypass Valve ................................................................................................13
3.4. Final Fuel Preparation ..............................................................................................13
3.4.1. Heat Tracing (optional) ................................................................................13
3.4.2. Microturbine Inlet Filter ................................................................................13
3.4.3. Microturbine Inlet Pressure Regulator .........................................................14

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

List of Figures
Figure 1. General Fuel Conditioning System Diagram................................................................ 9
Figure 2. Raw Natural Gas Fuel Conditioning Process Flow Diagram .......................................10

List of Tables
Table 1. Referenced Capstone Documents ............................................................................. 6

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

1. Introduction
This Raw Natural Gas Application Guide provides supplementary, application-specific
information for use by Capstone business partners and end-users. It presents fuel
application information for Capstone Microturbines operating on raw natural gas, commonly
known as “associated gas” or “wellhead gas”. Compliance with the requirements detailed in
this document is essential to avoid problems that may affect the performance, life, reliability,
warranty, and in some cases, the safe operation of the Capstone Microturbine.
Capstone bases its warranty on multiple factors, including the quality of the fuel at the
microturbine inlet. Operational fuel requirements for the Capstone Microturbine are provided
in Capstone Microturbine Fuel Requirements Technical Reference (410002). The business
partner and/or end-user is responsible for:
• Assessing the need for fuel conditioning.
• Selecting and properly installing, operating, and maintaining the appropriate fuel
conditioning equipment.
For additional information regarding fuels and fuel usage, please refer to the Capstone
Microturbine Fuel Requirements Technical Reference (410002).
This document supports the necessity for proper fuel delivery design and installation in
compliance with all applicable state and local codes.
In the event of any conflict between the information provided in this document, and the
information and requirements contained in the Capstone Microturbine Fuel Requirements
Technical Reference (410002), the Fuel Requirements Technical Reference shall take

1.1. Safety Information

Read and understand the Safety Information section of the applicable Capstone User’s
Manual and any referenced Work Instructions or other installation, service or maintenance
documents before operating or working on Capstone Microturbines and related equipment.
Any work on gas or electrical interfaces or internal equipment is restricted only to a certified
Capstone Authorized Service Provider (ASP).
User personnel must not open or work on any Capstone equipment unless they have
successfully completed Capstone’s ASP training course for the applicable equipment.
Give special consideration to minimize the exposure of workers to both the gaseous and
liquid condensate streams as they perform maintenance on the systems. In addition, all
workers must have the proper safety training.
It is the user’s responsibility to read and obey all safety procedures.

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without incurring any obligation either with respect to equipment previously sold or in the process of construction.
Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

1.2. Referenced Documents

Table 1 lists Capstone documents referenced in this Application Guide.
Table 1. Referenced Capstone Documents
Document No. Description
410002 Fuel Requirements Technical Reference
440384 Standard Maintenance Schedule Work Instruction, C30
440385 Standard Maintenance Schedule Work Instruction, C65
440386 Standard Maintenance Schedule Work Instruction, C200/C1000 Series

1.3. Standard and Code Compliance

Capstone Microturbines are designed and manufactured to comply with applicable national
and international standards. These standards include those established by the International
Organization for Standards (ISO), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and European Conformity (CE). Capstone
Microturbines also carry a number of third-party certifications. Consult the applicable
Product Specification for a list of certifications.
Compliance with applicable local and national codes is the installer’s responsibility.
Standards and codes vary by municipality, region, country, and application. Some areas
may require a certificate–of–need, zoning permit, building permit or other site-specific
certificate. Be sure to contact all local government and/or regulatory authorities early in the
planning process to establish requirements, and check periodically for updates.

1.4. Disclaimer
Information in this document represents data available at the time of publication. Capstone
Turbine Corporation reserves the right to change this document and the products
represented without notice and without any obligation or liability whatsoever.
All instructions and diagrams have been checked for accuracy and simplicity of application.
However, the skills of the installer are most important. Capstone Turbine Corporation does
not guarantee the result of any installation described in this document. Capstone Turbine
Corporation cannot assume responsibility for any injury or damage to property. Persons
engaging in installation do so entirely at their own risk.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

2. Fuel Properties and Requirements

2.1. Raw Natural Gas Sources
Raw natural gas, commonly called “wellhead gas” or “associated gas”, is a product of oil &
gas drilling. It can be found at oil and gas wells. Similar to natural gas, this fuel is
predominantly methane. As its name describes, it is unprocessed and can contain a wide
variety of compounds, including varying concentrations of heavier hydrocarbons and
contaminants such as hydrogen sulfide and chlorides, and diluent such as carbon dioxide
and nitrogen.
Often raw natural gas, though a valuable fuel, is treated as a waste product and “flared” in
areas lacking the infrastructure or distribution network to treat and transport it. Capstone
Microturbines offer a solution to this problem by using natural gas as a fuel to produce
electricity in remote areas, without the need for large infrastructure and piping systems.

2.2. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen sulfide is a common and naturally occurring compound found in oil & gas
production. The concentration can vary from 0% to over 90% of the gas concentration. Fuels
containing hydrogen sulfide are referred to as “sour”, in reference to the odor of H2S at low
Hydrogen sulfide is an extremely dangerous gas and is toxic to humans even at low
concentrations. Special care and training are necessary when dealing with fuels containing
hydrogen sulfide.
Hydrogen sulfide is corrosive to metals and sealing materials, although some materials are
more corrosion-resistant than others. The level of H 2S content in the fuel will impact the
selection of both microturbine model and each component of a raw natural gas fuel
conditioning system. Capstone Medium Btu and Sour Natural Gas fuel system products can
handle varying amounts of H2S, and the specific limits for each product line are described in
the appropriate Product Specification documents.
Corrosion in fuel conditioning system components can shorten equipment lifetimes, reduce
reliability, and increase the risk of sending out-of-specification fuel to the microturbine.
Similarly, higher-than-allowable H2S levels in the microturbine can cause premature failure
of fuel system components, injectors, combustion liners, and, if allowed to progress too
long, catastrophic engine failure and fire risk.
Project developers should be aware that any hydrogen sulfide in the fuel will be combusted
to form sulfur oxides in the exhaust, which in many parts of the world are regulated as
polluting emissions. Contact your local air quality regulating body for more information.

2.3. Fuel Moisture and Dew Point Suppression

Capstone Microturbines have a strict “dew point suppression” requirement, which is a
statement about the required degree of moisture removal to protect the microturbine from
internal condensation. The fuel temperature at the microturbine inlet must be at a minimum
of 10°C (18°F) above its dew point temperature, or 0°C (32°F), whichever is higher.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas
Always assume that raw natural gas fuel is fully saturated with water vapor. The gas
contains water naturally from the ground, and liquid water contained at low points in piping
systems humidifies the fuel stream by evaporation. Warm, low-pressure natural gas can
hold a relatively higher amount of water vapor than cool, high-pressure raw natural gas.
Raw natural gas may also contain varying amounts of heavier hydrocarbon vapors, which
when condensed may cause clogging, corrosion, or severe damage to the microturbine
Any cooling of the gas in process piping (usually due to ambient temperatures lower than
the fuel temperature) will cause condensation. Likewise, compression of the gas will also
cause condensation. The condensate will contain water, heavy hydrocarbons, and other
contaminants and must be disposed of accordingly.
Failure to prevent condensation inside the microturbine can seriously damage or destroy the

“Fully saturated” means that the fuel gas has absorbed the maximum possible water vapor content for the current temperature and
pressure state. At this state, the dew point temperature is equal to the fuel temperature.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

3. Fuel Conditioning System

Proper maintenance of the fuel delivery system is imperative for the microturbine to perform
properly and remain within its routine maintenance intervals. Designers and/or end-users
with little or no practical experience in installing and/or operating a raw natural gas project
may benefit from using services of companies experienced in this field. Capstone does not
recommend that those inexperienced in raw natural gas applications undertake such
projects without engaging appropriately skilled personnel as these can be particularly
technically challenging applications. Capstone is not responsible for the design, installation,
or operation of the fuel conditioning and delivery system, although Capstone can assist
business partners and end-users in the selection of appropriate equipment, and in the
design and integration of the fuel processing equipment into the overall installation. The
Capstone business partner or end-user is responsible for the fuel delivery system, and may
use any equipment that reliably meets the fuel inlet requirements of the Capstone
These decisions depend on existing site features, the preferences of the designer and end-
user, and the size of the application.
The use of industry-accepted, proven technology for compression and drying of these fuels
is essential. There are many vendors worldwide with significant experience in raw natural
gas fuel conditioning, and you should work with these vendors to specify the best system for
your specific application.
Figure 1 below shows a general fuel conditioning system diagram with the four major
subsystems of a complete fuel conditioning system. Figure 2 shows a more detailed process
flow diagram with the particular components discussed in this document.

Figure 1. General Fuel Conditioning System Diagram

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

Figure 2. Raw Natural Gas Fuel Conditioning Process Flow Diagram

Though often similar, every raw natural gas installation is unique. Not all equipment will be
required for every application, and the steps may appear in different sequences in different
applications. Take proper care when engineering the fuel conditioning system for a given

3.1. Low Pressure Fuel Conditioning

Components in this section primarily protect or simplify downstream equipment from one or
more properties of the raw natural gas fuel. This could be moisture, particulate, or
temperature for example.
If the fuel is being supplied at a suitable pressure for operation, the compressor system or
other components may not be necessary. It is important however to read and understand
the purpose of each piece of equipment to ensure whether or not it is required for the
specific fuel being used.

3.1.1. Shutoff Valve

An inlet shutoff valve must be installed to lock out the fuel delivery system and microturbine
from the fuel source. This can be any type of valve that provides a vapor tight seal and is
compatible with the fuel components. In some cases, this may be an automated valve,
which will fail closed if the system shuts down or fails.

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without incurring any obligation either with respect to equipment previously sold or in the process of construction.
Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

3.1.2. Vapor-Liquid Separator

Certain fuel piping systems will deliver raw gas with entrained liquid. Low points in the
upstream fuel delivery piping can collect liquid condensation, and the high velocity gas may
periodically push “slugs” of liquid into the fuel conditioning system. Install a vapor-liquid
separation vessel (“slug catcher” or “knockout pot”) to catch this liquid and protect
downstream equipment.
This equipment need not be sophisticated, and is usually a steel vessel with an expanded
diameter and centrifugal path that forces the condensate droplets to the wall of the vessel
and form droplets. The liquids drain to the bottom and are disposed of in a condensate
removal system. A demister pad is often installed inside the vapor-liquid separator to further
remove fine liquid droplets.

3.1.3. Filter Element

Carefully select both the size and type of low-pressure filter. The approach will be different
from one site to another, depending on ambient temperatures, fuel type, moisture content,
existing fuel treatment, etc.
In many cases, addition of a coalescing filter will provide the best separation. This filter can
remove liquid phase condensate and provide additional filtration prior to the inlet of the
downstream equipment being protected. Liquid-collecting filters must be drained into an
appropriate condensate removal system.

3.1.4. Flame Arrestor (Optional)

Installation of a flame arrestor is optional. Selection is dependent on the pipe size, fuel type,
and local code requirements. If a flame arrestor is required, a flame arrestor dealer can help
with sizing and selection.

3.1.5. Inlet Pressure Regulator

Well-site gas pressure is unreliable and can quickly reach extremely high levels. If the pre-
treatment system does not contain a regulator, or if that regulator is set for a pressure above
the limits of the compressor, install an inlet pressure regulator upstream of the compressor
system. Set this regulator to the desirable outlet pressure at maximum fuel flow.

3.2. Compressor System

Capstone business partners and end-users have significant experience with oil-flooded
compressors such as rotary sliding vane and screw compressors for raw natural gas
applications. Both have shown a tolerance for H2S in low to moderate levels. When sizing a
compressor, consider the maximum pressure required at the compressor outlet. Be sure to
factor in the pressure drop across the system, and the pressure or suction at the
compressor inlet. Compressor dealers can help with the sizing and selection of the correct
The ability of the gas compressor to successfully operate over a long term is strongly
dependent on the maintenance of the compressor system. For oil-flooded compressors, the
levels of H2S and gas moisture content will degrade the oil, and will determine the actual
frequency of oil and oil filter changes required. Thus, it may be necessary to periodically
sample and test the oil to determine the frequency of required compressor oil changes to

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

maintain compressor life and performance. Many compressors used for raw natural gas
require specific oils for both compressor lubrication and to provide some degree of
protection against corrosion.

3.3. High Pressure Fuel Conditioning

3.3.1. Gas Cooler
After compression, the high-pressure vapor stream is usually cooled in order to compensate
for temperature rise during compression as well as condense out water vapor and heavier
hydrocarbons from the fuel. These gas coolers usually consist of a radiator type heat
exchanger and fan.
The size and type of gas cooler depends on the system flow rate, fuel properties and
ambient conditions. Some compressor systems include integrated after-coolers.

3.3.2. Vapor-Liquid Separator

This filter/vessel system is generally a larger capacity system used for removing all of the
accumulated liquid condensate and entrained droplets present at this lowest-temperature,
highest-pressure point of the system. Removing all the liquid droplets at this point is critical,
as the dew point suppression heating after this stage will not generally be rated to re-
vaporize any liquids.
Carefully select the type of vapor-liquid separators used in the system. Common
applications employ coalescing, mesh-pad, cyclonic, or baffled separators made of stainless
steel. To optimize reliability of the fuel conditioning systems, oversizing these vessels is
common, with the added benefit of extending service intervals.

3.3.3. Economizer (Optional)

An economizer is a heat exchanger that uses a hot stream and a cold stream from the same
process line. In this case, the economizer would be installed between the compressor and
the gas cooler as the hot stream, and takes the outlet of the vapor-liquid separator as the
cold stream. It provides the dual benefits of cooling the hot compressor gas, prior to, or in
place of, the gas cooler, and heating the cool, dry gas from separator outlet.

3.3.4. Gas Heater (optional)

A gas heater may be necessary to raise the temperature above the dew point suppression
requirement. This heater could be electrically powered, gas powered (such as a catalytic
heater), or could use an available waste heat source (such as microturbine exhaust). When
calculating the temperature required of the gas it is important to consider the ambient
temperature, distance from the microturbine inlet, and any insulation and heat tracing
installed. Energy efficiency and minimizing parasitic loads are desirable to increasing overall
site efficiency.

3.3.5. Pressure Relief

The internal microturbine fuel systems for all high-pressure natural gas (HPNG) and sour
natural gas fuel systems are rated for maximum pressure of 100 psig (for temporary
fluctuations). Since exceeding this pressure could damage the microturbine fuel system, a

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without incurring any obligation either with respect to equipment previously sold or in the process of construction.
Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

pressure relief device set at 100 psig is recommended. Local code may also require
pressure relief for safety purposes.
Spring-loaded pressure relief valves are reusable and will re-seat immediately when
pressure goes below the set point. Rupture disc (or burst disc) pressure relief may be a
lower cost option, but these devices are single use and must be replaced if burst.
Regardless of the type of pressure relief, pipe the exit of the pressure relief device to a safe
area to reduce the possibility of accidental gas ignition.

3.3.6. Bypass Valve

A three-way bypass valve may be installed after the high-pressure separator. The purpose
of this valve is to return off-spec fuel back to the system’s low-pressure inlet. This valve is
used regularly during site startup, and maintenance activities.

3.4. Final Fuel Preparation

3.4.1. Heat Tracing (optional)
Heat tracing is an electric heating cable designed specifically to maintain dew point
suppression. For a variety of reasons, the fuel conditioning system cannot always be located
near the microturbines. For any long pipe runs, adding heat tracing and insulation may be
necessary to maintain dew point suppression during all seasons. Consider wrapping heat
tracing around any larger components like valves, regulators, and filters so that the large
thermal capacity of the metal does not cause inadvertent local cooling to the fuel stream.
Sunlight and ambient air convection can help heat the fuel piping, but this is not a reliable
method as weather and seasons change. Furthermore, pipe insulation is generally added to
minimize heat loss during the colder seasons, which will limit the available contribution from
sunlight and ambient air.

3.4.2. Microturbine Inlet Filter

Particulate/coalescing filtration is required for each microturbine fuel inlet 1 per the Capstone
Fuel Requirements Technical Reference (410002), the O&I drawings, and the P&ID
After commissioning microturbines using raw natural gas as fuel, inspect the required
coalescing filters once a week during the first month of operation. These inspections will
determine whether the filters are wet or dry, and if they are collecting significant amounts of
particulate matter.
If the filters are wet, the gas does not meet the dew point suppression requirement. As a
consequence, performance of the microturbine will be impacted, and the warranty may be
voided if damage to fuel system components or engine is caused by fuel moisture. If this
occurs, take immediate corrective action; following the corrective action, replace the filter
elements, and continue checking once a week for several weeks, to verify that the filters
remain dry. Note that particulate matter is collected on the inside surface of the cylindrical
filter element.

Capstone offers a Sour Fuel Option Kit accessory for H2S concentrations above 5 ppm, for C30 and C65 applications that
includes a particulate/coalescing filter, pressure regulator, shutoff ball valve, bleed ball valve, and pressure gauge.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation • 21211 Nordhoff Street • Chatsworth • CA 91311 • USA
Application Guide: Raw Natural Gas

Once the weekly filter inspections have verified that the fuel is clean and dry, inspect at
least one filter every month for several months. Depending on the results of these
inspections, it may be necessary to change the filter elements more often than every 8,000
hours (which is the guideline for pipeline-quality natural gas), as noted in the microturbine
Standard Maintenance Work Instruction (see Table 1).

3.4.3. Microturbine Inlet Pressure Regulator

Each microturbine fuel inlet must be equipped with a fuel pressure regulator as detailed in
the Capstone Fuel Requirements Technical Reference (410002), the O&I drawings, and the
P&ID drawings. This regulator will improve reliability by lessening the impact of fuel system
pressure dynamics on combustion stability.

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