Aerodynamic Investigation of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

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The key takeaways are that aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blades depends on factors like airfoil design, angle of attack, and twist distribution. Parameters like lift, drag, and lift to drag ratio need to be optimized for better power output.

Important aerodynamic parameters for wind turbines include lift, drag, lift to drag ratio, angle of attack, chord length, camber, and thickness of the airfoil. These parameters need to be optimized to maximize lift and minimize drag for extracting more power.

The twist distribution of blades is important for performance. It is given by the pitch angle that varies with the radius of the blade based on factors like the tip speed ratio and acceleration factor. Proper twist distribution can optimize the torque generated.

International Journal of Research (IJR)

e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p- ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 2, Issue 05, May 2015

Available at

Aerodynamic investigation of horizontal axis wind turbine

Prabhat Ranjan Mishra1*& Brijesh Patel2*

Student,M.Tech,Turbomachinery, MATS school of Engineering and IT, Raipur
Asst. Professor , Department of Aeronotical Engineering ,, MATS school of Engineering and IT,Raipur
*E-mail:[email protected]
Wind energy is renewable, pollution free and Airfoil nomenclature
abundant in the earth and it can reduce the
dependency on fossil fuel for energy Figure 1 shows airfoil nomenclature and its
requirement. Wind energy is different form of terminology is as following:
Chord length – length from the LE to the TE
solar energy, and it will available till sun is
of a wing cross section that is parallel to the
available. Large amount of wind energy can vertical axis of symmetry
be continuously generated from wind source, Mean camber line – line halfway between the
that’s why large horizontal axis wind upper and lower surfaces
turbines are being installed to produce Leading edge (LE) is the front most point on
power, for more power extraction the mean camber line,
Trailing edge (TE) is the most rearward point
aerodynamic parameters associated with
on mean camber line
blade geometry and the material for blade Camber – maximum distance between the
are important. so in this paper we will mean camber line and the chord line,
discuss about the various aerodynamic measured perpendicular to the chord line
characteristics which is important in terms of - 0 camber or uncambered means the airfoil
large power extraction with less material is symmetric above and below the chord line
and cost expenditure. Thickness – distance between upper surface
and lower surface measured perpendicular to
Keywords: the mean camber line [1].
HAWT; aerodynamics; airfoils

Wind energy power production are directly
depends upon the interaction held between
the rotor and the balde. In a horizontal axis
wind turbine the mean power output and
mean loads are determined by the
aerodynamic forcesgenerated by the mean
wind. Practical horizontal axis wind turbine
designs use airfoils to transform the kinetic
Fig.1. Airfoil nomenclature
energy in the wind into useful energy.

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International Journal of Research (IJR)
e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p- ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 2, Issue 05, May 2015
Available at

Lift and Drag drag(L/D) ratio for aerofoil [2,3]. High L/D
ratio contributes to high values of torque and
Lift on a body is defined as the force on the which is desirable for small sized rotors and
body in a direction normal to the flow significant in gaining good response at low
direction. Lift will only be present if the fluid wind speed to generate maximum power
incorporates a circulatory flow about the [2,4,5].
body such as that which exists about a
spinning cylinder. The velocity above the Ƞaero=1-(cD/cL)cotφ /1+( cD/cL)tanφ (1)
body is increased and so the static pressure is
reduced. The velocity beneath is slowed tan ϕ = (1-α)/ λr(1+α) (2)
down, giving an increase in static pressure.
So, there is a normal force upwards called the where ϕ is the in flow angle and λr = ωr/Vo is
lift force. The drag on a body in an oncoming local speed ratio at any station represented in
flow is defined as the force on the body in a velocity diagram shown in Fig.3[6]. From the
direction parallel flow direction. For a above Eq. (1), it can be seen that the
windmill to operate efficiently the lift force aerodynamic efficiency is substantially
should be high and drag force should be low. influenced by lift to drag ratio and flow
For small angles of attack, lift force is high angle.
and drag force is low. If the angles of attack
(α) increases beyond a certain value, the lift
force decreases and the drag forces increases.
So, the angle of attack plays a vital role.

Fig.2. Forces on a stationary rotor blade

Aerodynamic performance
Fig.3. velocity diagram at radial station [6].
The efficiency of rotor basically
depends on the aerofoil,which is used to Parameters associated with blade geometry
reduce the pressure on the upper surface to optimization are important, because once
increase the lift which generates sufficient optimized, shorter rotor blades could produce
torque.The power coefficient and the torque similar power compared to one that is not
generated can be optimized by maximizing optimized and larger in diameter. Increasing
the lift coefficient (CL) and the lift to the power extraction from the low wind

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International Journal of Research (IJR)
e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p- ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 2, Issue 05, May 2015
Available at

areas, aerodynamic optimization of the rotor addition of trips causes an overall increase in
is very essen- tial, which is to be coupled drag except for the airfoils that have suffered
with optimization of chord and twist from severe laminar separation effects under
distribution, number of blades, selection of clean conditions. Also drag polar shows that
airfoil geometry, and the tip speed ratio for fixed transition the performance is
(TSR) [6]. essentially Reynolds number inde-pendent as
Flapwise (chord) distribution and the drag polar,forms almost a single curve.
edgewise (bladethickness) distribution and Roughness affects a significant increase in
twist distribution based on blade element the overall drag and canal so negatively
momentum theory,BEM.Eq. (6) gives the affect the lift characteristics and thus
chord distribution along the bladespan. aerodynamic performance with simulated
leading-edge roughness is likely to be useful
in the airfoil selecting process.[8]

Effect of pitch angle on starting

where NB is the number of blades, CD/CL is The starting characteristics was
ratio of the airfoil section, F is the tip loss analysed in the 5kW wind turbine for two
factor, λr=λ. r is the local speed ratio at radial different pitch angles. At a large pitch
distance r along the blade, λ=ωR/Vo is the angle,the blade takes 10s to reach their
design tip-speed ratio, ω is the rotational maximum speed of 50rpm at wind speed of
speed of the blade, Vo is the free stream wind 8m/s and at a lower pitch the blade takes 50s
velocity at hub height and R is the rotor to start at same wind speed for the
radius. The twist distribution based on the operational rotor speed of about 300rpm. A
twist of the zero lift line [7] is givenby significant trade-off between starting and
operating performance has been identified
Where θp is the pitch angle, R is the radius of Conclusion
the blade, r is the radial location, αt is the
angle of attack at the tip of the blade and k Aerodynamic analysis of blade profile is very
is the acceleration factor (a constant) such much important before the desiging of
that k > 0. HAWT. There are so many blade profiles
Low Reynolds number available we have to choose proper one
according to their characteristics , location
airfoil:roughness effect or and wind speed for maximum power output.
leading edge flap blade profile should be such that in which
Low Reynolds number airfoils generally darg force should be minimum and lift force
loses its performance due to laminar should be maximum at an proper angle of
separation bubbles, which is encountered by attack.
adding small trips or tabulators on the upper
surface leading edge and it reduces the length
of laminar separation bubble,and quickly
produces the turbulent boundary layer. The

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International Journal of Research (IJR)
e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p- ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 2, Issue 05, May 2015
Available at

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