Applied Thermal Engineering: Santanu Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna
Applied Thermal Engineering: Santanu Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna
Applied Thermal Engineering: Santanu Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna
h i g h l i g h t s
This paper reviews hybrids of CSP with coal, natural gas, biomass, wind, geothermal.
Technologies have been categorized into high, medium, and low-renewable hybrids.
CO2 emissions highest for low-renewable hybrids, followed by medium and high.
Low-renewable hybrids offer higher efficiency and capacity factor at lower cost.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper reviews the hybrid power generation technologies of concentrated solar power (CSP) and
Received 5 April 2017 other renewable and non-renewable resources such as biomass, wind, geothermal, coal, and natural
Revised 6 August 2017 gas. The technologies have been categorized into high, medium, and low-renewable hybrids based on
Accepted 7 August 2017
their renewable energy component. The high-renewable hybrids report the least specific CO2 emissions
Available online 12 August 2017
(<100 kg/MW h), followed by the medium (<200 kg/MW h) and low-renewable hybrids (>200 kg/MW h).
The hybrids have been compared based on their plant characteristics and performance metrics using data
from the literature and of actual hybrid power plants. The low-renewable hybrids such as ISCC, solar-
Concentrated solar power
Brayton, and solar-aided coal Rankine power systems are technologically mature and offer superior per-
Biomass formance over the high and medium-renewable hybrids. The medium renewable hybrids such as solar
Wind plants with natural gas backup offer high solar share but suffer mostly from low efficiency and high cost
Geothermal that hinders their market penetration. The high-renewable hybrids such as CSP-wind, CSP-biomass, and
Coal CSP-geothermal have minimum negative impact on the environment. However, several parameters such
Natural gas as energy efficiency, solar-to-electricity efficiency, capacity factor, and cost effectiveness need to improve
for these systems to be competitive.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
2. Hybrid technology categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
3. Review of hybrid technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
3.1. High renewable hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
3.1.1. CSP-biomass hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
3.1.2. CSP-geothermal hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
3.1.3. CSP-wind hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
3.2. Medium-renewable hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
3.2.1. Size of the solar field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
3.2.2. Impact on the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
3.2.3. Performance comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
3.2.4. Other studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
3.2.5. Operational plants and challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
3.2.6. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.V. Ravikrishna).
1359-4311/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 603
Fig. 1. Map of the yearly averaged downward surface solar radiation reaching the surface (W/m2) [4].
604 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
Fig. 2. Hourly variation of DNI (W/m2) on four different dates at representative locations of four different continents, namely, Daggett in the USA, Sevilla in Spain, Ahmedabad
in India, and Antofagasta in Chile. The profiles have been obtained from the Solar Advisor Model (SAM), NREL [11].
(a) High – hybrids of CSP with wind, biomass, and geothermal [18]. Also, it can provide greater penetration to both CSP and
energy resources. This category has the highest potential in biomass-generated power into the market compared to standalone
decelerating global warming and climate change. CSP and biomass plants.
(b) Medium – this category includes solar plants that use sup-
plementary firing of fossil fuels such as natural gas to Combinations of CSP and biomass technologies. Various
enhance the plant output and capacity factor. Examples of hybrid combinations of CSP and biomass technologies offer distinct
this category include SEGS II-IX in Mojave Desert, California advantages in terms of efficiency and cost. Several hybrid systems
[15] that uses natural gas backup for evaporation and super- (Table 1) have been studied by Peterseim et al. [23]. The maximum
heating. The use of backup fossil fuel in such plants is lim- energy efficiency of 33.2% is obtained for solar tower and gasifica-
ited to 12–15% in Spain, and to 25% in the US [10]. tion, whereas Fresnel and fluidized bed offer the lowest specific
(c) Low – this category represents conventional fossil fuel investment ($/MWe). The efficiency difference between the 17
plants that incorporate solar energy for auxiliary functions combinations is 13%, while the difference in the specific invest-
such as preheating and evaporation. This category includes ments is 31%.
ISCC plants, solar-aided coal power plants, and solar Brayton
cycles. The solar share in such plants is usually less than 20%. Plant capacity. The selection of capacity for CSP-biomass
hybrids is critical as the scaling of cost with plant size follow
3. Review of hybrid technologies reverse trends for standalone CSP and biomass plants [18]. A
capacity of at least 50 MWe is recommended for CSP plants as they
This section will review the existing literature on the various incur high initial investment. Contrarily, the capacity of biomass
CSP-hybrid technologies suitable for power generation. The appli- plants is restricted below 50 MWe due to the increased logistical
cation of such hybrids for other purposes such as heating and cool- costs of biomass transportation. A small size plant receives a con-
ing and polygeneration will be reviewed only briefly. tinuous supply of biomass, although at the expense of a reduction
in efficiency (Fig. 5). A minimum capacity of 5 MWe is recom-
3.1. High renewable hybrids mended for biomass plants to obtain economy of scale benefits
[14]. Peterseim et al. [19] report that several locations in Australia
As discussed in the previous section, these hybrids are formed can support 5–25 MWe hybrid plants, while some others can sup-
by integrating CSP with other renewable sources of energy. port 50 MWe and higher capacity plants. A similar case study for a
30 MWe hybrid plant combining biomass with molten salt solar
3.1.1. CSP-biomass hybrid tower system and 3 h of storage has been reported for Griffith, Aus-
Biomass provides a promising renewable extension to CSP tralia [20]. The first operating commercial CSP-biomass hybrid
plants for continuous operation. Several regions in the world have plant, the Termosolar Borges, has a capacity of 22.5 MWe. How-
biomass and solar resources suitable for hybridization (Fig. 4). The ever, lower capacity plants in the range of 2–10 MWe are possible
potential number of locations for CSP-biomass hybridization is in the case of trigeneration systems. Nixon et al. [16] recommend
improved if multiple feedstocks are considered, although the initial trigeneration as an efficient choice for CSP-biomass hybrids under
investment is higher. Although CSP-biomass hybridization is in the Indian conditions.
nascent stages, a number of feasibility and technology assessment
studies have been conducted for countries such as India [16], Brazil Installation cost. The installation cost for CSP-biomass
[17,18], Indonesia [18], Australia [14,19,20] and Europe [21]. The hybrids is lower than standalone CSP with similar power output.
global warming potential (GWP) of such a hybrid can be up to 10 Also, the specific investment decreases with an increase in the
times lower than that of CSP plants with non-biomass extensions plant capacity (Fig. 6). Significant cost reduction of the order of
Table 1
Comparison of various CSP-biomass hybridization schemes [23]. Exchange rate: 1 AU$ = 0.74 US$.
CSP technology CSP working fluid Biomass technology Peak net efficiency (%) Specific investment (m$/MWe)
Parabolic trough Thermal oil Grate 29.3 4.96
Parabolic trough Thermal oil Fluidised bed 29.5 4.88
Parabolic trough DSG Fluidised bed 30.3 4.74
Fresnel DSG Fluidised bed 30.4 3.55
Parabolic trough DSG Fluidised bed 31.5 4.59
Fresnel DSG Fluidised bed 31.5 3.4
Solar tower DSG Fluidised bed 31.5 3.85
Parabolic trough Molten salt Fluidised bed 32.2 4.59
Fresnel DSG Fluidised bed 32.5 3.33
Solar tower DSG Fluidised bed 32.5 3.77
Solar tower Molten salt Fluidised bed 32.3 3.85
Parabolic trough Molten salt Fluidised bed 32.7 4.59
Solar tower DSG Fluidised bed 33.0 3.7
Solar tower Molten salt Fluidised bed 32.8 3.85
Parabolic trough Molten salt Gasification 32.8 4.59
Solar tower DSG Gasification 33.2 3.7
Solar tower Molten salt Gasification 32.9 3.85
50% is possible with CSP-biomass hybridization [14]. Other authors Cost of electricity. The cost of electricity (COE) of CSP-
have reported a 43% and 69% reduction in investment compared to biomass hybrids in India is currently greater than that of a com-
a standalone CSP system [20,23]. In comparison to a biomass-only mercial CSP by a factor of two and coal-fired power plant by a fac-
plant, hybridization reduces the biomass demand and conse- tor of four [16]. The COE is also higher in comparison to standalone
quently decreases land usage by 14–29% [16]. But, the decreased biomass plants. However, the COE may be comparable if the price
demand for biomass and land could not offset the increased initial of biomass increases by 1.2–3.2 times or the cost of solar technol-
investment due to the high cost of CSP. The investment can be ogy decreases by 47.7–98.5% [16]. A scenario such as this is likely
reduced significantly by local production of CSP components and in the future owing to the rising biomass prices and advancements
through advancements in technology. Currently, the installation in CSP technologies. For Indian conditions, the cost of grid expan-
cost of CSP-biomass hybrids is greater than biomass-only plants sion is higher than the establishment of CSP-biomass hybrids. Local
but less than standalone CSP, which makes the hybrid systems outsourcing of biomass can significantly reduce the logistical costs
commercially viable. Hybridization also provides an affordable and reduce the COE in comparison to a centralized system that
way to dispatch CSP in locations where the electricity price is tra- charges higher for distant locations due to transmission and distri-
ditionally low due to large fossil fuel reserves [20]. bution losses.
Fig. 6. Variation of specific investment of solar-biomass hybrids with plant capacity Fig. 7. Exergy destroyed in individual components as a fraction of the input exergy.
for different biomass feedstocks [19]. The regions selected receive DNI > 21–24 MJ/ The exergy lost in the exhaust is 8.72% of the input exergy. The gasifier is operated
m2/day. Exchange rate: 1AU$ = 0.74 US$. at Tg = 1073 K with biomass containing 20% moisture [26].
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 607
Table 2 mass plants. The superheating increases the overall hybrid plant
Details of the Termosolar Borges plant [32,33]. efficiency that can lead to the decrease in CSP cost by up to
Technology Parabolic trough-biomass 23.5%. Liu et al. [28] have analyzed two hybrid combined cycles
Background where the solar energy is utilized either for gasification of biomass
Status Operational or preheating of the compressed air. The solar gasification system
Country Spain offers better performance in terms of energy efficiency
Power 22.5 MWe (gI = 29.4%) and solar-to-electricity efficiency (S-E g = 18.5%) in
Land area 96 hectares
Electricity generation 98000 MW h/year (estimated)
comparison to the air preheating configuration (gI=28% and S-E
Cost (approx.) 153 million euros g = 15.1%). The scope of CSP-biomass hybrids for polygeneration
Start date December 2012 under Indian conditions has been analyzed by Sahoo et al. [29].
Technology Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a solar aided sugarcane
Receiver type Evacuated tube parabolic trough bagasse cogeneration plant has been performed by Burin et al.
Heat transfer fluid (HTF) Dowtherm A [30,31]. The hybridization led to an increase of annual electricity
HTF inlet temperature 293 C
production in the range of 1.3–19.8%.
HTF outlet temperature 393 C
Power cycle Steam Rankine
Turbine efficiency 37% at full load Challenges. Several challenges need to be addressed before
Backup type Biomass (2 22 MWt) CSP-biomass hybrid plants are implemented extensively. Most of
Storage None
the CSP plants around the world are located in areas with
DNI > 20 MJ/m2/day. The number of locations that simultaneously
have large biomass resources suitable for hybridization is less.
Srinivas et al. [25]. The addition of solar energy increases the plant The use of cultivable land for the growth of high energy crops for
fuel efficiency (which is the ratio of the work output to the fuel utilization as biomass has given rise to the food versus fuel debate.
energy input, in this case, biomass) from 15% to 32% while decreas- Recent developments in the use of cellulosic biomass for energy
ing the thermal efficiency from 15% to 11% due to the low effi- production have alleviated some concerns. Increasing climate
ciency of the solar reflectors [25]. A couple of recent studies change concerns have also created uncertainty in the production
[26,27] have proposed a novel solar cycle incorporating a biomass and supply of biomass. For the construction of any biomass/hybrid
gasifier, a solar tower system, and a supercritical CO2 Brayton plant, a steady supply of fuel for an average plant lifespan of
cycle. A maximum cycle thermal efficiency of 40.8% is estimated 25 years needs to be ensured. Finally, with the current technolog-
in this hybridization scheme. An exergetic analysis reveals that ical capability, only 30% of the electricity is produced by solar
maximum exergy destruction occurred in the gasifier, followed energy in a CSP-biomass hybrid for a rated steam flow rate (ton-
by the combustion system (Fig. 7). Peterseim et al. [22] have inves- nes/h) [23]. A higher storage capacity (7 h considered in the anal-
tigated the concept of using biomass for superheating the steam ysis) can increase the solar share above 30%.
generated from a 50 MWe parabolic trough system with 7.5 h of
thermal energy storage. The concept is also feasible in regions with Operational plant. Inspite of these challenges, the first and
small biomass resources and would provide higher conversion effi- the only commercial CSP-biomass plant has been operational in
ciencies compared to the installation of small-scale standalone bio- Spain since 2012 [32–34]. It has a capacity of 22.5 MWe and is sup-
plied by 2 22 MW thermal biomass units operating on waste for- resource, several modes of utilization are possible. Geothermal
est biomass and energy crops. The operational experience obtained wells that produce dry steam can be used directly in a turbine to
from this plant will be valuable in the development of newer CSP- generate power. Flash systems use hot water at high pressure to
biomass hybridization strategies. The details of the plant are generate steam in a flash chamber that can drive the turbine. Flash
shown in Table 2 and Fig. 8. geothermal systems are the most common type of geothermal
power plants. The third type of plants uses the low-temperature Summary. In summary, we observe that several combina- geothermal resource to generate vapors of an organic fluid with a
tions of CSP and biomass technologies can be hybridized that offer low boiling point. Such systems are referred to as binary geother-
distinct cost and efficiency advantages. The capacity of these plants mal plants and run on an organic Rankine cycle (Fig. 9). Data cor-
is restricted between 5 and 50 MWe due to the considerations of responding to operational and planned geothermal plants
cost and the steady supply of biomass. Currently, the cost of these worldwide have been compiled elsewhere [37,38].
hybrids lies in between standalone biomass and CSP plants. The Geothermal plants operate at base load with high capacity fac-
cost of electricity is also higher compared to standalone systems, tors due to the continuous supply of energy. However, the low
which can change with an increase in the cost of biomass or a temperature of the resource (150–200 °C) results in reduced
decrease in the cost of CSP components. Several novel schemes power plant efficiency (12%) [37] that increases the specific
are being proposed in the literature that can overcome some of installation cost. The output from a geothermal plant also
the current challenges and make this hybridization economically decreases with increase in the ambient temperature (Fig. 9). The
feasible. A summary of the key parameters and performance met- gradual depletion of a geothermal well reduces the power output
rics of selected studies on CSP-biomass hybrids is presented in of the plant over time. Hybridization with CSP (380 °C) can over-
Table A1 in the Appendix. come some of the challenges currently faced by standalone
geothermal and CSP plants.
3.1.2. CSP-geothermal hybrids
Geothermal energy is another renewable resource that holds Integration schemes. Several integration schemes have been
promise for hybridization with CSP. Geothermal plants use the reported for the hybridization of CSP with geothermal energy
thermal energy beneath the earth’s surface to generate electricity. (Fig. 10). The two most common integration schemes are, (a) pre-
Depending on the temperature and type of the geothermal heating of the geothermal brine using solar energy, and (b) super-
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) T-s diagram of an organic Rankine cycle with recuperation showing the various state points and operating conditions [39]. (b) Reduction in power output from a
geothermal plant with an increase in ambient temperature [39].
heating of the steam by solar energy before entering the turbine. curve shows the opposite trend. The addition of CSP can address
The preheating configuration is the simplest in terms of retrofitting this issue as its output increases with a rise in the ambient temper-
to an existing geothermal power plant [40]. No significant modifi- ature (Fig. 11a). The monthly power output of a hybrid system is
cations in the operation and control of the plant are necessary as also higher and smoother compared to a standalone geothermal
the CSP raises the brine temperature close to the design point of plant (Fig. 11b). The annual decline in power output due to a
operation. This also addresses the issue of the decline in decrease in the temperature of the geothermal well is suitably
geothermal-well productivity with time. However, the utilization modified by hybridization (Fig. 11c). The authors have also
of solar energy at a lower temperature in this configuration leads reported that the solar-to-electricity efficiency of the plant
to exergy destruction and reduces the solar-to-electricity efficiency increases with a decrease in both the geothermal well temperature
of the plant. The superheating configuration offers higher solar-to- and the ambient temperature for a constant solar heat input
electricity efficiency due to high-temperature solar energy input (Fig. 11d). The increase in the plant thermal efficiency is attributed
into the working fluid before the turbine. This also raises the over- to the operation of the plant closer to the design point due to
all plant energy and exergy efficiency. The retrofit cost in such a hybridization.
configuration is significantly higher due to substantial changes in
the power block operating conditions and control strategies. Solar field size. The selection of the solar field size is critical
in determining the hybrid plant performance. The influence of the Output characteristics. The integration of solar energy mod- solar field size on the performance of the hybrid plant has been
ifies the output characteristics of a geothermal plant. Several such reported by Zhou et al. [42–44] under the climatic conditions of
results have been reported in a study by Turchi et al. [40,41] which Australia and New Zealand. In these studies, the parabolic trough
has analyzed the integration of parabolic trough collectors into a system is used to superheat the working fluid before entering the
binary geothermal plant. The hourly output of a standalone turbine. The results show that the solar fraction in the system
geothermal plant decreases as the ambient temperature increases increases with increase in the collector area, but decreases with
with the progress of the day. However, the daily electricity demand increase in the geothermal temperature (Fig. 12a). This can be
Fig. 11. (a) Hourly comparison of power output from a standalone geothermal plant and a hybrid plant [40]. (b) Effect of geothermal resource temperature decline on the
base and hybrid plant monthly power generation [40]. (c) Effect of geothermal resource temperature decline on the base and hybrid plant annual power generation [40]. (d)
Variation of the solar to electricity efficiency of the hybrid plant as a function of the geothermal well temperature and the ambient temperature [40]. The solar energy input is
25% of the geothermal plant design input.
610 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. (a) Determination of the solar energy fraction as a function of solar aperture area at various geothermal reservoir temperatures (Tair = 31 °C; design-point solar
DNI = 1000 W/m2) [43]. (b) Net electrical power output as a function of the solar share for various operation strategies [43].
attributed to the reduction in usage of geothermal energy as the 27.9%, and 71.1% were obtained at San Diego, Imperial, and Pisa,
temperature of the well decreases, which is compensated by a respectively. The economic analysis revealed that hybridization
higher solar fraction. Again, at a constant geothermal temperature, could lead to a 50% cost reduction compared to standalone solar
a rise in the solar fraction increases the net power output of the plants. Improvement in power output and efficiency due to
plant (Fig. 12b). The type of operation strategy also has a signifi- hybridization has also been reported by Ghasemi et al. [39,51].
cant influence on the power output. Overall, a net exergy efficiency Escobar et al. [45,52] have studied two integration configurations
of 12.4% was reported by the authors. The annual output of the for CSP-geothermal hybridization under Chilean conditions and
hybrid plant was 73.6% higher than that of the standalone geother- reported that the double flash hybrid configuration offered the best
mal plant. performance. Greenhut et al. [53] also reported that the flash
hybrid configuration performed better in comparison to the super- Cost of electricity. The cost of electricity (COE) is highly sen- heat configuration in terms of power output, energy, and exergy
sitive to the capital cost of the solar field (Fig. 13). At low prices of efficiency. Zhou [54] has compared the performance of subcritical
the solar field, a higher solar share reduces the cost of electricity. and supercritical organic Rankine cycle in a hybrid CSP-
The opposite trend is observed when the specific cost of the solar geothermal power plant. In comparison to the subcritical plant,
field is high. A low solar share is recommended in such cases to the supercritical plant produces 4–17% more electricity and
make the COE competitive with the base plant. Zhou et al. [43] reduced the solar capital cost by 6–24% and solar to electricity cost
have reported that the COE for a hybrid plant (171$/MW h) was by 4–19%. The maximum energy efficiency is reported for the sub-
23% less than that of the standalone geothermal plant (225$/ critical condition while the exergy efficiency is higher for the
MW h). Thus, a properly designed hybrid plant can become eco- supercritical condition. However, Boghossian [55] found no syn-
nomically superior to that of two standalone plants. Escobar ergy between a Kalina hybrid cycle operating on geothermal brine
et al. [45] have also reported a reduction in COE (56.89$/MW h) and a parabolic trough CSP system. The author reported a 29%
due to hybridization. However, Manente et al. [46] have reported reduction in power output compared to the standalone plants.
that the COE of a hybrid system (180–190 $/MW h) is much greater Changes such as regeneration, reheat, different working fluids,
than that of a standalone geothermal only plant. Similar observa- and incorporating the solar energy at other locations in the cycle
tions have been made by Ghasemi et al. [47]. This shows that the can improve the system thermodynamic performance.
COE is highly sensitive to the location and the availability of
resources. Novel schemes and other studies. Several other studies have
been conducted on CSP-geothermal hybridization for power gener-
ation. A brief analysis of the feasibility of CSP-geothermal hybrids
in Australia has been reported by Peterseim et al. [14]. The analysis
showed that the power output of the standalone geothermal plant
increased from 6.3 MWe to 8.4 MWe for parabolic trough hybrid
and 9.9 MWe for solar tower hybrid. The plant thermal efficiency
also increased to 12.5% and 14.1% from 10.2%, for a parabolic
trough hybrid and solar tower hybrid, respectively. However, ther-
mal storage systems or supplementary fuel firing are required at
night for superheating. Lentz et al. [48,49] have analyzed three
hybrid configurations using parabolic troughs for the Cierro Prieto
geothermal plant located in Mexico. The authors report that the
hybrid system can enhance the power output by augmenting the
steam flow rate. Astolfi et al. [50] have studied the integration of
parabolic trough collectors with a supercritical binary plant for
four different locations. The maximum annual average solar-to-
electricity efficiency, solar share and capacity factor of 9.4%, Fig. 13. Cost of electricity as a function of the solar field capital cost [40].
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 611 Operational plant. The Stillwater triple hybrid power plant ing, etc. A tabulated summary of selected studies on CSP-
(Fig. 14) is the first hybrid solar-geothermal plant located in geothermal hybrids is presented in Table A2 in the Appendix.
Nevada, USA [56]. It consists of a 33.1 MWe geothermal binary
plant that was commissioned in 2009. Later in 2012, a 26.4 MWe 3.1.3. CSP-wind hybrids
PV unit was added to enhance the output during the hot summers. Wind energy is currently the lowest cost renewable energy and
The system capacity was further augmented by 2 MWe due to the is widely available throughout the world (Fig. 15). Hybridization of
addition of parabolic trough (PT) collectors that preheat the incom- CSP with wind energy is an area that has not been explored widely.
ing geothermal brine. The PT adds around 17 MW of solar thermal This is predominantly because wind and CSP do not have wide syn-
energy into the system. The plant acts as an excellent case study ergy in terms of sharing of infrastructure (Fig. 16), unlike other
for understanding the hybridization of multiple renewable energy thermal energy sources such as biomass and geothermal. Hence,
sources. The combined plant is expected to produce around CSP-wind integration has been referred to as a light hybrid [14].
200 GW h/year of electricity. The capital investment for the instal- However, solar energy naturally complements wind energy in gen-
lation of the parabolic trough system was estimated at $15 million erating power more uniformly as wind speed is lower during the
in 2013. day and summer compared to nights and winter. Summary. CSP-geothermal hybridization can overcome Feasibility studies. Feasibility studies for CSP-wind hybrids
several challenges faced by standalone geothermal plants such as have been conducted for several locations such as Ontario [58],
cost, low efficiency, and reduction in output over time. CSP can Iberian Peninsula [59], India [60], Italy [61] and Arabian peninsula
be incorporated in the geothermal plant both in the preheating [62]. Chen et al. [63] have proposed a model for selection of a suit-
or the superheating configuration. Such integrations lead to more able CSP-wind power generation project by considering the associ-
favorable plant output characteristics compared to standalone sys- ated benefits, opportunities, costs and risks. A study by Kost et al.
tems. However, the capacity of the solar field significantly influ- [64] has suggested that a CSP-wind portfolio of energy production
ences the plant output and the cost of electricity. Several new is economically viable compared to standalone CSP in North Africa.
configurations with thermal storage or supplementary fuel firing Sioshansi et al. [65] have analyzed several configurations for co-
are being proposed to improve the performance of these systems. locating solar and wind power plants in Texas, USA. Their analysis
CSP-geothermal hybrids have also been studied for applications suggests that deployment of hybrid plants with up to 67% CSP can
such as polygeneration, heating of greenhouses, desalination, cool- yield a positive return on investments. However, the results are
Fig. 14. Aerial view of the Stillwater triple hybrid power plant [57].
Fig. 15. Map of the yearly averaged world wind speed (m/s) at 100 m above sea level [4].
612 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
sensitive to CSP and transmission costs. Peterseim et al. [14] have highest at night when the utility electricity load is the minimum
reported that CSP-wind hybrids have potential in Australia as sev- and vice versa (Fig. 17a). A standalone 100 MWe CSP plant with
eral wind farms and CSP plants are co-located. A number of loca- 6 h of thermal storage performed best to match the peak utility
tions in South Australia are particularly promising as they have loads in July and August. Overall, a 67 MWe wind farm and a
wind speeds >7 m/s and DNI >19.1 MJ/m2/day. The authors also 33 MWe CSP plant with 6 h of thermal storage were found to be
suggest that the excess electricity produced at night by the wind the best match for the utility electricity load (Fig. 17b). However,
farm can be utilized to charge the thermal energy storage system the COE of the hybrid plant was much higher ($108–129/MW h)
of the CSP plant. However, a 260% difference in the day and night in comparison to that of the wind farm ($64/MW h). Reichling
time electricity prices is necessary to make this integration eco- et al. [69] have analyzed the hybridization of an 800 MWe wind
nomically feasible. Santos-Alamillos et al. [66] have also analyzed farm with a 705 MWe parabolic trough solar field in Southern Min-
the hybridization of CSP with wind farms to produce stable renew- nesota. The hybridization led to a more favorable power output
able power in the region of Andalusia in Spain. Their analysis curve that matched the load demand curve. Also, the specific CO2
shows that optimal location of wind and CSP plants can overcome emissions (10.8 g/kW h) are slightly higher than those associated
the spatiotemporal variability in standalone CSP and wind plants with wind (10.2 g/kW h), but lower than those for electricity gen-
and provide stable base-load power. The addition of thermal stor- erated from a parabolic trough solar field (13.4 g/kW h). However,
age to CSP plants enhanced the performance of the hybrids. the cost of electricity (COE) of the hybrid plant (123 $/MW h) is
higher than that of standalone wind plant (67.8 $/MW h). A reduc- Hybrid system performance. The performance of a CSP-wind tion in capital cost for solar technology by 75% could bring the COE
hybrid plant at Texas Panhandle has been analyzed by Vick et al. of the hybrid plant to within 7% of the COE of the wind plant. Pet-
[68]. The objective was to determine the suitability of CSP-wind rakopoulou et al. [70] have analyzed the hybridization of CSP with
hybrids to match the utility electrical load in comparison to a stan- wind for energy autonomy on the Greek island Skyros. The solar
dalone wind farm. The standalone wind farm generation is the plant has a capacity of 10 MWe, while each wind turbine is rated
Fig. 17. (a) Comparison of electricity load and wind farm capacity factor [68]. (b) Annual utility loading compared to different ratios of the wind farm to CSP rated generation
(2004) [68].
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 613
at 3.3 MWe. A total of two wind turbines has been used, thereby
taking the total capacity to 16.6 MWe. The mean annual efficiency
of the plant is 19.2% that lies between the reported efficiencies of
CSP and wind plants. The cost of electricity is 400 €/MW h. The
hybrid plant was reported to have lower land use requirement
and higher exergetic efficiency, thus making it a promising option
for energy autonomy of remote locations such as islands.
Fig. 18. Plant configurations using solar concentrators with both thermal energy storage (TES) system and supplementary fossil fuel burner (adapted from [72]).
614 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
backup. With 12% of the output energy being supplied by the 3.2.4. Other studies
backup, the maximum CO2 emission was obtained for coal Other studies on medium hybrids include that of Larrain et al.
(187 kg/MW h) and the minimum for wheat straw (34 kg/MW h). [82], who have analyzed the performance of a 100 MWe direct
The solar-only plant reported an emission of 26.9 kg/MW h. In steam generation (DSG) parabolic trough (PT) solar power plant
another study, Corona et al. [75] have analyzed the impact of fossil in Chile with fossil fuel backup. A model was developed to estimate
backup percentage on the environment. While CO2 emission the solar fraction and fossil fuel backup requirements for the plant
increased with increase in natural gas backup, the effects on the at four different locations. All the locations required fuel backup in
environment decreased slightly (Fig. 20) due to higher electricity the range of 40–80%, and the location with the least backup
outputs. requirement was determined to be the most suitable for construc-
tion of CSP plants. In another study, Larrain et al. [83] developed a
3.2.3. Performance comparison lifecycle model for a 100 MWe hybrid natural gas-CSP plant to
Several authors have compared the performance of medium determine the most suitable locations for the construction of such
renewable hybrids with standalone solar plants. Price et al. [76] plants in the Chilean Atacama Desert. Such a model is useful in
reported an improvement in the performance metrics of parabolic determining the locations at which a CSP plant becomes a net
trough hybrid plant with auxiliary natural gas firing in comparison energy source. Boukelia et al. [84] have optimized two parabolic
to the standalone plant. The solar-to-electricity efficiency, capacity trough plants using molten salt and Therminol VP-1 as the heat
factor and cost of electricity (COE) for the 30 MWe solar-only plant transfer fluid for Algerian conditions. The results have also been
were 10.6%, 22.2%, and 170 $/MW h, respectively. For the hybrid compared with the Andasol-1 plant. The molten salt plant was
plant with 25% backup, the values were 10.7%, 30.4%, and 141 $/ shown to be the best technology in terms of capacity factor, power
MW h. Similar results were obtained by Malagueta et al. [77,78] generation, water usage, investment cost, and cost of electricity.
who reported 50–70% decrease in COE and 100% increase in capac- Poghosyan et al. [85] tried to determine the size of thermal energy
ity factor due to natural gas backup. The impact of storage systems storage system that would be required by the Shams-I PT plant at
on standalone and hybrid plants has been analyzed by Wagner Madinat-Zayed, United-Arab-Emirates to replace the natural gas
et al. [79]. Their analysis shows that for small backup capacities heater. Their analysis showed that storage cannot completely
(1–4 h), the COE for plants with storage was lower as compared replace the heat transfer fluid heater within a reasonable size
to that of natural gas. For higher backup capacities (5–12 h), the (solar multiple of two, storage for 16 h).
COE of plants with storage had slightly higher. However, Dersch
et al. [80] reported that a solar plant with natural gas backup but 3.2.5. Operational plants and challenges
without storage offers higher efficiency. The effect of the heat Several operating solar plants use auxiliary natural gas burners
transfer fluid on the standalone and hybrid plant performance for heating purposes. Price et al. [15] have reviewed the nine Solar
has been analyzed by Boukelia et al. [81]. The highest energy effi- Electric Generating Systems (SEGS) (Table 3) located in the Mojave
ciency (18.5%) and lowest COE (75.9 $/MW h) was obtained for the Desert, California. It was reported that 8 of these 9 plants have nat-
molten salt plant with both storage and natural gas backup. The ural gas backup for evaporation and superheating. The authors pre-
thermic-oil plant with both storage and natural gas backup had dict that advanced parabolic trough plants in the future would
the highest exergy efficiency (21.8%), capacity factor (38.2%) and have the cost of electricity (COE) in the range of 50–60 $/MW h
annual power generation (165.8 GW h). that would directly compete with conventional fossil fuel power
plants. However, these systems report low solar-to-electricity effi-
ciency owing to the higher solar share. This increases the capital
investment and cost of electricity. More studies should focus on
the use natural gas backup in solar tower systems that can offer
greater solar-to-electricity and thermal efficiencies due to higher
operating temperatures. Transient energy and exergy analysis
(over a day/ month/ year) of these hybrids will also be useful in
optimizing the hourly fuel consumption and plant performance
parameters while determining the sources of exergy destruction.
Fig. 21 shows parts of two SEGS plants using solar tower and para-
bolic troughs with fossil fuel backup.
3.2.6. Summary
Medium renewable hybrids are the most common solar plants
Fig. 20. Variation of impact on the environment with natural gas backup as they can operate continuously. The trade-off between the solar
percentage [75]. field size (solar multiple) and percentage of fossil fuel backup
Table 3
Characteristics of SEGS I-IX [15]. (Acronym: HTF – heat transfer fluid).
SEGS plant First year of operation Net output (MWe) Solar field outlet temperature (°C) Solar field area (m2) Annual output (MW h) Backup
I 1985 13.8 307 82,960 30,100 Thermal storage (3 h)
II 1986 30 316 190,338 80,500 Gas-fired
III 1987 30 349 230,300 92,780 Gas-fired HTF boiler
IV 1987 30 349 230,300 92,780 Gas-fired HTF boiler
V 1988 30 349 250,500 91,820 Gas-fired HTF boiler
VI 1989 30 390 188,000 90,850 Gas-fired HTF boiler
VII 1989 30 390 194,280 92,646 Gas-fired HTF boiler
VIII 1990 80 390 464,340 252,750 Gas-fired HTF heater
IX 1991 80 390 483,960 256,125 Gas-fired HTF heater
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 615
Brayton cycles (Fig. 22) in the power range of 1.4–4.2 MWe has
been performed by Schwarzbozl et al. [88]. The performance was
tested using three different turbines at two different locations,
namely Sevilla in Spain and Daggett in the US. The analysis showed
that the annual plant capacity factor decreased with an increase in
the solar share. A maximum solar share reported at 100% capacity
factor was 18.1%. However, the power production cost being higher
than that of conventional fossil fuel plants, the authors recom-
mended the introduction of these plants into distributed markets
(<10 MWe) along with cogeneration until the technology matures.
A similar study has been performed by Barigozzi et al. [89] in
which they have modeled the performance of a 36 MWe solar-
hybrid gas turbine system under the climatic conditions of
Palermo, Italy. The analysis revealed that such systems can achieve
a solar thermal share (Qsolar/Qin) of the order of 60–70% during the
peak sunny hours of the day in all seasons except winter. Kalatha-
kis et al. [90] have analyzed the performance of a CSP-Brayton sys-
tem for various spool arrangements of a 5 MWe gas turbine. The
single shaft recuperated turbine was the best choice for perfor-
mance, simplicity and cost considerations. The effect of storage
in a CSP-Brayton plant has been analyzed by Spelling et al. [91].
Under constant power operation, the addition of storage increased
the solar share while reducing the water consumption. Olivenza-
León et al. [92] have developed an analytical model for a CSP-
Brayton cycle considering the irreversibilities associated with a
Fig. 21. (a) 19.9 MWe Gemasolar plant [86] located in Seville, Spain using solar real plant. Their model could satisfactorily predict the performance
tower with 15% natural gas backup. (b) Part of the 354 MWe SEGS plant in northern
San Bernardino County, California using parabolic troughs with natural gas backup
of real plants.
[87]. Solarized steam injection gas turbines. Several studies on
solarized steam injection gas turbine (STIG) systems have been
determines the cost of electricity, efficiency, and CO2 emissions. performed by Kribus et al. [93–97]. In these systems (Fig. 23),
The plants with higher fossil fuel backup report higher efficiency steam generated using low-temperature solar energy is injected
and lower cost of electricity compared to standalone solar plants, into the combustor to increase the power output and efficiency.
although they have a higher negative impact on the environment. The exhaust from the turbine is recuperated by superheating the
Restrictions on the maximum usage of fossil fuel have resulted in solar-derived steam and preheating the water. The authors have
low solar-to-electricity for these systems. Also, currently they are performed energy, exergy and economic analysis for a wide range
not competitive with conventional power plants or with photo- of operating parameters under the climatic conditions of India and
voltaics. A tabulated summary of selected studies on medium Israel. The addition of 4 h storage to the STIG cycle [97] increases
renewable hybrids has been presented in Table A4 in the Appendix. the capacity factor beyond 50% while adding stability to the power
All existing, under construction and planned SEGS plants with fos- output. Other studies on solar steam injection gas turbines with
sil fuel backup have been summarized in Table A5 in the Appendix. carbon capture have been performed by Kosugi et al. [98–100]. A
novel steam injection gas turbine system with carbon capture
3.3. Low renewable hybrids and storage has been proposed by Gou et al. [101]. The saturated
steam generated from the solar collectors is superheated by burn-
Low renewable hybrids are fossil fuel power plants with the ing natural gas with pure oxygen before injection into the gas tur-
integration of solar energy for auxiliary purposes such as preheat- bine. Under design conditions, the system offers high solar-to-
ing. The solar share in low renewable hybrids is usually less than
Fig. 23. Layout of the solar hybrid steam injection gas turbine (STIG) cycle [93].
electricity efficiency (30.8%) and solar share (59.85%) at an average that was aimed at developing a 100 KWe prototype solar-hybrid
collector temperature of 272.8 °C. Zhang et al. [102] have proposed microturbine system for cogeneration. Kerosene, used in the SOL-
a 361 MWe recuperated gas turbine system in which solar energy GATE project was replaced by biodiesel to make the operation fully
is used to produce steam for the upgrading of methane to syngas. sustainable. At megawatt scales, the first pilot solarized gas turbine
The system offered superior performance in comparison to a gas plant with a capacity of 4.6 MWe was operated under the Solugas
turbine system without a solar assist. The solar-to-electricity effi- project [103,109] at Sanlucar la Mayor, Sevilla, Spain. Fig. 24 shows
ciency varies in the range of 25–30% and reduces CO2 emission that the power output of the turbine in the Solugas project can be
by around 20%. The COE of the system is around 59 $/MW h. maintained constant irrespective of the varying weather condi-
tions. A similar 1.4 MWe hybrid solar-gas turbine system was Summary. The first prototype of a solar-powered gas tur- tested at the Thermis site, Targasonne, France under the PEGASE
bine system was tested under the SOLGATE project (Fig. 25) in project [110,111]. However, there are currently no operational
the CESA-1 tower at Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) in Spain CSP-Brayton hybrid plants in the world. A tabulated summary of
[104–106]. The primary objective of the project was to develop a selected studies on solar Brayton cycles has been presented in
pressurized volumetric receiver that could heat the air above Table A6 in the Appendix.
1000 °C for direct use in a gas turbine. In the hybrid operation, a
net power of 227 kWe was produced with a net efficiency of 3.3.2. Solar-aided coal power plants
18.2% and a solar share of 60%. The high-temperature receiver is Solar-aided coal-fired power plants utilize solar energy for pre-
promising and the authors expect that the system can operate with heating and boiling. Often, the solar energy replaces the bled-off
a minimum fuel usage of 5%. This was followed by the SOLHYCO steam used for feed water heating in a regenerative Rankine cycle.
(Solar Hybrid Power and Cogeneration Plants) project [107,108] Retrofitting a solar field to a fully depreciated Rankine cycle power
Fig. 25. SOLGATE [106,112] and SOLUGAS projects [103]. (Acronyms: LT – low temperature, MT – medium temperature, HT: high temperature).
Fig. 26. Configurations of solar-aided Rankine cycle power plants in which the bled-off steam in the (a) low pressure and (b) high-pressure feedwater heaters are replaced by
solar energy [114].
plant is reported to be much more profitable compared to the inte- steam generation (DSG) and heat-transfer-fluid (HTF) technologies
gration of carbon capture technologies [113]. to a 300 MWe coal-fired power plant. The authors have reported a
peak solar-to-electricity efficiency (S-E g) of 27%. The integration
of solar energy into a steam power plant for feedwater preheating Configurations for integration. The configuration for integra-
has been the focus of several studies. In one such study, Yan et al.
tion of solar energy into the steam power plant (Fig. 26) is critical
[118] analyzed the performance of several plants ranging from 200
in determining the performance of the hybrid plant. Odeh et al.
to 1000 MWe. The performance was observed to be sensitive to the
[115] have analyzed three such configurations in which the solar
size of the plant and the position of integration. The performance
energy is utilized for boiling, preheating, and both boiling and pre-
improved with an increase in the power plant capacity for the
heating. The study suggests that boiling is the best configuration to
same level of integrated solar power. The S-E g also improved with
reduce fuel consumption. In a similar study, Yang et al. [116,117]
an increase in the temperature of integration. For a 200 MWe coal-
has investigated several strategies for the integration of direct
618 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
fired power plant, Yang et al. [119] reported S-E g of 25.5% and with solar energy was the most advantageous in terms of solar
36.6% at integration temperatures of 215 °C and 260 °C, respec- share, fossil fuel saving, and plant efficiency. A similar study using
tively. Similar studies on the utilization of solar energy for feedwa- linear Fresnel reflectors has been performed by Reddy et al. [130].
ter preheating has been performed by several authors [120–126]. The study reported 20% increase in instantaneous power output by
All these studies report a higher S-E g compared to standalone replacing the turbine bleed streams with solar feed water heating.
solar plants. Effect of solar field size. The variation of plant output charac- Effect of CSP technology. The type of CSP technology used for teristics with an increase in the solar field size (Fig. 27) has been
hybridization has a significant influence on the hybrid plant perfor- discussed by Wu et al. [131] and Hong-juan et al. [132]. The
mance. A comparison of direct steam generation (DSG) and heat- increase in solar field area enhances the annual plant output while
transfer-fluid (HTF) parabolic trough technologies applied to operating in the power boosting mode. In the fuel saving mode,
coal-fired subcritical (550 MWe) and supercritical (660 MWe) this causes a decrease in the annual coal consumption. The
steam power plants has been conducted by Suresh et al. [127]. increase in aperture area increases the solar-to-electric efficiency
The DSG technology was observed to be more cost effective as as it replaces the bled-off steam for preheating. However, beyond
compared to the HTF technology. Also, the hybrid supercritical an optimal area, the additional solar contribution is wasted as all
plant is reported to have performed better than the subcritical of the bled-off steam has already been replaced by solar energy.
plant in terms of thermal efficiency (45.5% and 41.8%, respectively). The higher solar field size incurs additional costs and hence the
The specific CO2 emission for the subcritical and supercritical cost of electricity (COE) increases beyond the optimum value. This
plants was 790 kg/MW h and 760 kg/MW h, respectively. The use can be observed in Fig. 27(c) and (d) where the solar-to-electricity
of solar energy for feed water heating was exergetically more effi- efficiency is maximized and the COE is minimized for an optimal
cient and led to a reduction in coal consumption by 14–19%. Inte- aperture area. This optimal area depends on the total capacity
gration of parabolic trough (PT) collectors into a 300 MWe lignite- (MWe) of the plant and hence poses a limit on the maximum solar
fired power plant has also been simulated by Bakos et al. [128]. The share in these systems. It is, therefore, necessary to determine uses
plant efficiency increased from 33% to 37.6% with the addition of of solar generated steam in a coal fired plant other than the
the solar field. Popov [129] studied the integration of linear Fresnel replacement of bled-off steam. Power cycles in which the solar
reflectors into a 130 MWe coal-fired power plant. The studies generated steam is directly used in the turbine will be a favorable
showed that the replacement of high-pressure feedwater heaters development and very few studies have addressed this issue, such
Fig. 27. Annual performance parameters with solar field area and storage capacity at 100% load [131].
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 619
as [133]. Solar towers may be particularly attractive to generate for determining the solar contribution in a solar-aided coal-fired
the high-temperature steam. Critical issues such as mode of oper- power plant has been developed by Hou et al. [142]. They have
ation (power boost or fuel saving) and sizing of the components then used this method to study a 600 MWe coal power plant in
have to be addressed. Finally, we note that the cost of electricity which the steam extracted in the first stage is completely replaced
for a solar aided coal-fired power plant (98 $/MW h) is lower than by solar energy. The method proposed provides a theoretical refer-
that of a CSP-natural gas system (140 $/MW h) [116,117]. Peng ence in determining the solar contribution and thereby help poli-
et al. [134,135] have also reported the potential of hybrid plants cymakers in granting subsidies.
to reduce the COE by 20–30% in comparison to a standalone solar
plant. Power plants. The Lidell power station at New South Wales,
Australia is the first solar aided coal-fired power plant [143,144]. It Novel schemes and other studies. Several other studies have uses compact linear Fresnel reflectors to generate solar steam for
been performed on solar-aided coal-fired hybrid plants. Campore- feedwater heating. The solar capacity is around 3 MWe while the
ale et al. [136] performed thermodynamic analysis on the repow- plant capacity is 2000 MWe. Another hybrid plant using parabolic
ering of an existing 364 MWe steam power plant with solar trough collectors is the Colorado Integrated Solar Project located in
energy. They obtained a reduction in fuel consumption by 8% at Colorado, USA. The solar field produces around 2 MWe of electric-
the maximum solar irradiance. Wang et al. [114] have analyzed a ity [143]. However, both the above-mentioned plants are currently
300 MWe subcritical coal-fired power plant integrated with solar non-operational. Fig. 28 shows selected images of the two hybrid
collectors and post-combustion carbon capture. Among the various plants.
configurations studied, they found that the integration of medium
temperature solar energy to replace the high-pressure feedwater Summary. Solar energy forms a small fraction of the total
heaters provided the highest solar-to-electricity efficiency of output in solar-aided coal power plants. The solar field can be used
around 24%. Gupta et al. [137] have compared the performance for boiling, preheating, or both boiling and preheating. Both direct
of a 50 kWe solar thermal power plant to that of a 220 MWe hybrid steam generation (DSG) and heat-transfer-fluid (HTF) technologies
plant using direct steam generation (DSG) technology and reported can be used, although the DSG technology is reported to be more
a higher efficiency for the hybrid system. Zhai et al. [138] have cost effective. There also exists an optimal solar field size for a
optimized the solar contribution in a 660 MWe solar-aided plant given coal power plant that uses solar energy to replace the
under different load conditions and direct normal irradiation bled-off steam. Beyond this optimum size, an increase in the solar
(DNI) levels. They proposed a model that calculated the solar con- field incurs additional costs that result in higher cost of electricity.
tribution in the solar-aided coal fired power plant at various load Finally, the cost of electricity from these hybrid plants is lower
conditions. In another study [139], the authors have analyzed the than that from CSP-natural gas systems. A tabulated summary of
performance of a 1000 MWe plant and concluded that hybridiza- selected studies on solar-aided coal-fired power plants has been
tion facilitates solar power generation at large capacities while presented in Table A7 in the Appendix.
reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants. The addition of
storage systems to such hybrid plants also improves the perfor- 3.3.3. Integrated solar combined cycles (ISCC)
mance [140]. Zhu et al. [141] have performed exergy analysis of Integrated solar combined cycle (ISCC) refer to combined cycle
a 1000 MWe coal-fired power plant fitted with solar towers. It systems with solar energy integration in the topping or the bot-
was observed that maximum exergy loss occurs in the boiler toming cycle. Integration of solar energy into a combined cycle is
(53.5%), followed by the solar field (26%). An exergy based method attractive as they offer higher efficiency in comparison to Brayton
Fig. 28. Images of (a) Lidell solar thermal station [145], (b) Fresnel reflectors at Lidell power plant [145], (c) parabolic trough solar field at the Integrated Solar Project in
Colorado [146].
620 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
and Rankine cycle power plants. Several ISCC plants are currently Table 5
operational or under construction around the world (Table 4). Results for integration of solar energy to the topping and bottoming cycles of a
combined cycle plant [8,148].
The type of solar integration in a combined cycle plant has been
investigated by several authors. Integration can be performed with Plant Integration method gI (%) gII (%)
the topping cycle (similar to solar-Brayton plants), the bottoming A Both supplemental heat to the topping and 26.2 27.1
cycle (similar to solar-aided coal-fired plant), or both. Oda et al. bottoming cycle
[148] has analyzed all the three configurations (Fig. 29) and B Supplemental heat to the bottoming cycle only 29.8 30.9
C Supplemental heat to the topping cycle only 27.5 28.3
reported that solar integration to the bottoming cycle provides
higher overall efficiency (Table 5). Integration in the topping cycle
is also promising due to the higher efficiency of the solar compo-
nent [8]. Similar observations have been made by Barigozzi et al.
steam for the bottoming cycle in a heat recovery steam generator
[149], who have compared the performance of a combined cycle
(HRSG). Earlier studies on this configuration include SMUD
with solar integration in the topping and bottoming cycles. The
Kokhala [151], Kribus et al. [152], Segal and Epstein [153]. While
analysis suggests that higher solar-to-electricity efficiency is
solar towers are the predominant choice [154], Amelio et al.
obtained by solar integration in the topping cycle. However, inte-
[155] reported the use of air-linear parabolic trough collectors
gration in the bottoming cycle boosts power output. Buck et al.
for air-preheating in such systems. Low-temperature parabolic
[150] have compared the performance of a 30 MWe plant with
troughs (PT) can also be integrated into the topping cycle by gen-
solar heat integrated into the topping cycle with that of a
erating steam for injection into the combustion chamber (STIG,
310 MWe plant with solar heat integrated into the bottoming
[93]). One such steam injection combined cycle system
cycle. The topping cycle integration is reported to offer several
(46.6 MWe) has been proposed by Kakaras et al. [156]. The effi-
advantages over the bottoming cycle integration.
ciency of the proposed system (57.6%) was higher than conven-
tional combined cycle systems. A novel configuration of heat Combined cycle with solar integration in the topping cycle. transfer fluid (HTF)-ISCC employing inlet air cooling of the gas tur-
Solar integration in the topping cycle (Fig. 30) is similar to the CSP- bine has been proposed by Popov [157]. The inlet air cooling is
Brayton plant, where the gas turbine exhaust is used to generate achieved either by a PV module or by an absorption chiller pow-
Table 4
Summary of existing ISCC plants [143,147].
Project name Location Technology Total output (MWe) Solar contribution (MWe) Status
Agua Prieta II Mexico Parabolic trough 478 14 Under construction
Ain Beni Mathar Morocco Parabolic trough 470 30 Operational
Archimede Italy Parabolic trough 765 5 Operational
ISCC Duba 1 Saudi Arabia Parabolic trough 600 43 Under construction
ISCC Hassi R’mel Algeria Parabolic trough 150 20 Operational
ISCC Kuraymat Egypt Parabolic trough 140 20 Operational
Martin US Parabolic trough 1150 75 Operational
Palmdale US Parabolic trough 570 50 Under development
Victorville 2 US Parabolic trough 563 50 Under development
Ningxia China Parabolic trough 92.5 92.5 Under development
Fig. 29. Possible configurations for solar energy integration into a combined cycle (adapted from [8]). (Acronyms: C – compressor, GT – gas turbine, HE – heat exchanger,
HRSG – heat recovery steam generator, ST – steam turbine, PT – parabolic trough).
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 621
Fig. 30. Schematic diagram of an ISCC with integration in the topping cycle (adapted from [72]). (Acronyms: HS – hot storage, CS – cold storage, HE – heat exchanger, C –
compressor, GT – gas turbine, ST – steam turbine, HRSG – heat recovery steam generator).
Fig. 31. Schematic of solar syngas fired power plant (adapted from [163]). (Acronyms: C – compressor, GT – gas turbine).
ered by a direct steam generation (DSG) linear Fresnel solar field. of the hybrid plant are higher than that of combined cycle with car-
These configurations improve the overall thermal efficiency of bon capture and storage. The authors reported a solar thermal
the plant by 1.2% in comparison to HTF-ISCC. The authors also con- share of 28.2% and a net solar-to-electricity efficiency of 36.4%. A
cluded that the inclusion of the solar energy in the Brayton cycle is model for performance evaluation and optimization of a combined
much more advantageous than its integration into the steam cycle. cycle with hybrid solar reforming of methane has been developed
Another novel ISCC with a topping steam turbine plant supplied by by Sheu et al. [161]. Pilot-scale studies of solar reforming have
a parabolic trough system and a bottoming organic Rankine cycle been performed under the SOLASYS project in which a 250 kWe
has been proposed by Al-Sulaiman [158]. liquid-fuelled turbine was modified to operate on syngas [162]. Solar reforming. Solar reforming has also been studied by Size of solar field. The performance of a hybrid plant as a
several authors for integration of solar energy into the topping function of the solar field capacity (Fig. 32) has been analyzed by
cycle (Fig. 31). Solar reforming is used to upgrade the fuel so that Saghafifar et al. [164]. The authors have optimized the heliostat
it can be utilized during periods of low solar insolation. The process field and thermo-economic parameters for a 50 MWe ISCC plant
is used to convert high-temperature solar energy into chemical located in the UAE. A solar tower system is integrated with the top-
energy by thermochemical processes such as methane steam ping cycle for air-preheating. The hybrid plant reported an annual
reforming (CH4+H2O = CO + 3H2), the water-gas shift reaction plant thermal efficiency of 47.16% with a solar share of 8.87%. The
(CO + H2O = CO2+H2) and steam or CO2 gasification of coal. The fuel specific CO2 emission decreased while the COE increased with
produced by this thermochemical process is a mixture of H2 and increase in the heliostat field capacity. The authors have also con-
CO, also known as syngas. Low and mid-temperature solar energy cluded that establishment of a new hybrid plant is more econom-
[470–570 K] can also be used for methanol reforming to generate ical compared to hybridization of an existing combined cycle plant.
syngas [159] that is oxidized in the combustion chamber of the The operating temperature of the receiver and the low efficiency of
topping cycle. The system can reach a solar-to-electricity efficiency the solar collector were determined to be the key bottlenecks for
of up to 35%. An advanced direct steam generation (DSG)-ISCC sys- hybridization. Similar thermo-economic optimization studies have
tem with solar thermochemical fuel conversion of methane has been performed by Spelling et al. [165] in which they have devel-
been studied by Li et al. [160]. The energy and exergy efficiencies oped a dynamic model for a combined cycle system using solar
622 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
Fig. 32. Variation of (a) annual fuel consumption, specific CO2 emission, (b) COE and payback period with heliostat field capacity [164].
mental costs are considered. Allani et al. [172] have studied the and technical details of Kuraymat ISCC, located in Egypt. Elsaket
integration of solar energy in a combined cycle under the climatic [179] has proposed the modification of the existing 4 x 51 MWe
conditions of Tunisia. They have concluded that the maximum Brayton cycles into an ISCC with DSG technology under Libyan cli-
power strategy of operation is better at CO2 mitigation as com- matic conditions. Such a modification would increase the plant
pared to maximum efficiency operation. Several authors have per- capacity to 286.12 MWe at the design point, thereby saving
formed thermodynamic analysis of the Hassi R’Mel ISCC power 151,260 t of fossil fuel annually and avoiding 468,910 t of CO2
plant in Algeria. Khaldi et al. [173] have found that the gas turbine per year. Li et al. [180] have studied the performance of a two-
combustor and the solar field are the major sources of energy and stage solar input DSG-ISCC under the climatic conditions of Yulin
exergy losses, whereas the turbine and the compressor exhibit high city, China.
efficiencies. The solar energy share is around 14% whereas the solar Type of solar collector. The type of solar collector influ-
exergy share is 12%. The energy and exergy efficiencies at the ences the performance of the hybrid cycle. However, the optimum
design point are reported to be 56% and 53%, respectively. A study choice for collectors depends on several factors such as local cli-
by Derbal-Mokrane et al. [174] has shown that the ISCC plant at matic conditions, plant operating conditions, etc. Franchini et al.
Hassi R’Mel can produce 150 MWe at 52% efficiency, with a solar [181] have compared the performance of solar tower central recei-
share of 20%. Behar et al. [175] have calculated that the design ver system with that of parabolic troughs for the location of Seville,
point efficiency of the heat transfer fluid (HTF)-ISCC power plant Spain. The hourly transient analysis performed by them reveals
is better than that of the combined cycle. The feasibility of ISCC that parabolic troughs offer better performance as compared to
plants in southern Greece has been analyzed by Bakos et al. towers in the summer months with thermal efficiencies up to
[176]. El-Sayed [177] has studied the performance of a direct steam 60%. However, the yearly performance analysis shows that the
generation (DSG)-ISCC at Kuraymat, Egypt and concluded that the tower technology provides more energy at a higher efficiency as
power boosting mode is more economical compared to the fuel compared to the parabolic troughs. Horn et al. [182] have com-
saving mode. Brakmann et al. [178] have provided the design pared parabolic trough heat transfer fluid (HTF)-ISCC with air-
Fig. 34. Comparison of electricity production from a CCGT and an ISCC plant at Almería, Spain (top) and Las Vegas, US (bottom) [185].
624 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
tower ISCC and concluded that the solar levellized cost of electric-
ity for the trough is lower as compared to that for the tower. How-
ever, the cost of electricity (COE) is same for both the parabolic
trough (PT) and solar tower (ST) systems (31 $/MW h), which is
higher than that of the reference combined cycle plant (24 $/
MW h). Manente et al. [183] have analyzed and compared the per-
formance of several ISCC plant configurations using solar collectors
such as parabolic trough, solar tower, and linear Fresnel reflectors.
The configuration using parabolic trough offered the best perfor-
mance with solar-to-electricity efficiency reaching 30%. Also,
Rovira et al. [184] have reported that direct steam generation
(DSG) offers better performance as compared to the heat transfer
fluid (HTF) system. Performance comparison. Several studies have compared
the performance of ISCC with that of solar electric generating sys-
tems (SEGS or CSP-natural gas hybrid) and combined cycle gas tur-
bine (CCGT) systems. Montes et al. [185] have compared the Fig. 35. Trade-off between solar-to-electricity efficiency and solar share [189].
Fig. 36. Images of ISCC plants (a) Ain Beni Mathar, Morocco [196] (b) Martin, US [197] (c) Kuraymat, Egypt [198] (d) Hassi R’Mel, Algeria [199].
Fig. 37. Mean specific CO2 emissions from the CSP-hybrid technologies (bullets). The solar share in various CSP-hybrids is presented in Fig. 38.
The lines represent the range of emissions reported in the literature. (Acronyms: NG
The highest solar share is reported for SEGS plants that use natural
– natural gas, SEGS – solar electric generating system, ISCC – integrated solar
combined cycle). gas of the order of 10–25% for backup. CSP-biomass hybrid systems
using biomass for backup also report high solar share comparable
medium (<200 kg/MW h) and low renewable hybrids (>200 kg/ to CSP-natural gas systems. The configurations in which both bio-
MW h). The lowest CO2 emission is reported for CSP-wind hybrids, mass boiler and CSP field operate in parallel to supply steam to the
while the highest is reported for solar-aided coal-fired power turbine report low solar shares. CSP-geothermal hybrids use the
plants. The values were in the range of emissions reported for stan- geothermal brine for base power output and have a low solar
dalone plants [200,201]. While both CSP-natural gas and ISCC use share. The low hybrids mostly use solar energy for preheating
natural gas, the emission of the former is lower due to the higher and hence have a low solar contribution. This also corroborates
solar share. Thus, hybridization of CSP with conventional power with the high CO2 emission reported from such systems (Fig. 37).
plants such as natural gas combined cycle and coal-fired Rankine It can also be observed from the data that the systems with ther-
cycle does not offer a significant reduction in their specific CO2 mal energy storage have a higher solar share.
No data for CO2 emissions from CSP-geothermal hybrid power 4.3. Capacity
plant was available in the literature. However, CO2 emissions for
a hybrid geothermal combined heat and power (CHP) plant using The various CSP-hybrid systems are suitable only in some lim-
evacuated tube collectors was reported in the range of 29.2– ited range of output capacities. CSP-biomass hybrids are restricted
38 kg/MW h [202]. This value has been presented in Fig. 37. The below 50 MWe [19] to ensure a continuous supply of biomass and
global warming potential reported for standalone geothermal bin- to reduce logistical costs. The capacity of standalone geothermal
ary plant and parabolic trough CSP plants is approximately 50 kg/ plants can vary from 0.2 to 68 MWe for binary systems to 4–
626 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
Fig. 38. Solar share in the power produced from various CSP-hybrids. The lines
represent the range of data reported in the literature. (Acronyms: NG – natural gas, 4.5. Overall energy and exergy efficiency
SEGS – solar electric generating system, ISCC – integrated solar combined cycle).
For wind, no data was available on the overall thermal effi-
330 MWe for flash systems [37]. The average capacity of 8.3 MW ciency of the hybrid plant. The exergy efficiency of such a plant
(Fig. 39) for CSP-geothermal hybrids is obtained as more hybridiza- was reported to be 19.2% in [70]. However, if we assume the CSP
tion studies have been performed for binary plants. Hybridization plant efficiency to be 15%, wind turbine efficiency of 32% [70],
studies for flash hybrids of capacity 20 MWe have also been and solar share to be 48% [70], the overall thermal efficiency
h i
reported [45]. Depending on the solar resource, larger CSP-
obtained is 20.73% 0:48þ1 0:52 ¼ 0:2073 . This has been shown in
geothermal hybrid plants can also be constructed. The capacity of 0:15 0:32
wind farms can be up to several hundred megawatts (Roscoe wind Fig. 41. The thermal efficiency of CSP-biomass hybrids is also high
farm, 781.5 MWe) with each turbine up to 10 MWe [206]. Thus, (>30%) as the plants are able to operate near the design conditions
CSP-wind hybrids can vary in capacity from 10 MWe to several by burning biomass. The CSP-geothermal hybrids report the lowest
100 MWe as observed in Fig. 39. Also, the wind farm does not con- efficiency (13%) due to the low temperature of the geothermal
strain the capacity of the CSP system as they share the power block source. The CSP-natural gas systems have a high solar share and
only. The CSP-natural gas plants can vary in capacity from 10 to hence report a low overall efficiency. The increase in the backup
500 MWe [143]. However, the average is lower (68.5 MWe) as sev- percentage from natural gas can increase the overall efficiency,
eral CSP-natural gas plants of 50 MWe are currently operational in although at the expense of higher CO2 emissions. The ISCC plants
Spain and other locations. The solar-aided coal-fired power plants report the highest overall efficiency, followed by the solar-
are typically of capacities ranging from 100 to 1000 MWe. The Brayton and solar-aided coal fired plants. These plants also have
solar-Brayton plants are limited in capacity due to the requirement the lowest solar share (Fig. 38) and are able to operate at the design
of high-temperature and high-pressure solar receivers that are cur- conditions continuously. The solar-Brayton reports slightly higher
rently unavailable. ISCC plants with solar integration in the topping efficiency than the coal-fired plants due to the higher temperature
cycle are also of smaller capacities due to the same reason. ISCC of operation. The ISCC plants report the highest efficiency due to
plants with solar integration in the bottoming Rankine cycle can the dual cycle configuration.
vary in capacity from 50 to 1000 MWe. The exergy efficiency reports similar trend as that of the energy
efficiency. The ISCC system reports the highest exergy efficiency of
60.9%, although the mean is higher for the solar-Brayton system as
4.4. Solar-to-electricity efficiency (S-E g)
only one data point is available in [114].
For CSP-wind hybrids, the solar-to-electricity efficiency is same
as that for standalone CSP plants (14%) [69] as they share only the 4.6. Capacity factor
power block (Fig. 40). This value will change as other modes of
integration are proposed in which CSP and wind share some com- The capacity factor of CSP-wind hybrids is the lowest due to the
intermittent nature of both the resources (Fig. 42). CSP-biomass
Fig. 39. Capacity of various CSP-hybrid systems. The mean capacities of some of the
CSP-hybrid systems have been shown in the plot. The lines represent the range of Fig. 40. Solar-to-electricity efficiency of various CSP-hybrid systems. The lines
data reported in the literature. (Acronyms: NG – natural gas, SEGS – solar electric represent the range of data reported in the literature. (Acronyms: NG – natural gas,
generating system, ISCC – integrated solar combined cycle). SEGS – solar electric generating system, ISCC – integrated solar combined cycle).
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 627
bines (100%) while the capacity factors for steam injection gas
turbines (STIG) are in the range of 30–50%. For the STIG cycle ana-
lyzed in [94], the capacity factor is limited due to the operation of
the system only during peak sunshine hours. It can be increased by
the addition of storage [97] (capacity factor of 51.5%) or extended
to 100% by the continuous burning of fuel. This also implies that
systems with higher capacity factors have a low solar share.
4.7. Investment
Fig. 41. Overall energy (top) and exergy (bottom) efficiency of various CSP-hybrid
systems. The lines represent the range of data reported in the literature. (Acronyms:
NG – natural gas, SEGS – solar electric generating system, ISCC – integrated solar
combined cycle).
Fig. 43. Specific investment for various CSP-hybrid systems. The lines represent the
range of data reported in the literature. (Acronyms: NG – natural gas, SEGS – solar
electric generating system, ISCC – integrated solar combined cycle).
Fig. 42. Capacity factor of various CSP-hybrid systems. The lines represent the
range of data reported in the literature. (Acronyms: NG – natural gas, SEGS – solar
electric generating system, ISCC – integrated solar combined cycle).
4.8. Cost of electricity (COE) advancement of technology, the COE of the low hybrids is expected
to rise due to increase in the price of fossil fuels driven by scarcity.
The cost of electricity is higher for the high and medium hybrids
as compared to the low hybrids (Fig. 44). The low-renewable 5. Summary
hybrids such as ISCC, solar-Brayton and solar-aided coal plants
have a low solar share (Fig. 38) and require significantly less In this work, literature pertaining to various CSP-hybrids has
investment (Fig. 43). For high and medium hybrids the mean val- been reviewed in detail. The hybrids have been categorized into
ues are close to 20 c/kW h, which is almost twice as that of the high, medium and low based on their renewable energy compo-
low hybrids. However, there is significant variability in the nent. Hybrids of CSP with wind, biomass, and geothermal energy
reported COE as it depends on the local conditions, their tariff have been categorized as high-renewable hybrids. The medium-
structure, subsidies, etc. For example, the COE for a CSP-biomass renewable hybrids refer to solar plants with natural gas backup.
hybrid at an archipelago in Indonesia has been reported to be The low-renewable hybrids encompass ISCC, solar-Brayton, and
60 c/kW h [18]. Similarly, the COE for a CSP-wind hybrid in the solar-aided coal Rankine plants that use solar energy for auxiliary
Skyros island of Greece has been reported to be 45.2 c/kW h [70]. purposes such as preheating and evaporation. The high-
Such locations are away from the national grid and have poor renewable hybrids report the least specific CO2 emissions
accessibility, leading to increase in the COE. However, the lowest (<100 kg/MW h), followed by the medium (<200 kg/MW h) and
COE values reported for the high and medium hybrids are close low hybrids (>200 kg/MW h). A comparative analysis of the
to that of the mean of the low hybrids. While the COE of the high hybrids has also been performed based on their plant characteris-
and medium hybrids are expected to decrease with time due to the tics and performance metrics such as capacity, solar share, solar-
Table A1
Summary of selected CSP-biomass hybrid plants reviewed in the present study. (Acronyms: PT – parabolic trough, ST – solar tower, gI – net thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy
efficiency, S-E g – solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
Technology gI gII S-E g CO2 COE Investment Capacity (MWe) Capacity Solar Comments
(kg/MW h) (c/kW h) ($/kWe) factor (%) share (%)
PT + TES + wheat straw[2] 34.2 50 88 7.5 h TES
PT + TES + wood pellets[2] 37.5 50 88 7.5 h TES
Biomass + PT [17] 11.3 30 51.4 53.6
SolComBio [18] 29.6 23 4371 20 Brazil
24.8 60 8193.8 20 Indonesia
Biomass + PT [19] 22.6–34.1 3108–5624* 5–60 *
1 AU$ = 0.74 $
Biomass + ST [20] 33.4 11.5 4144* 30 23.9 *
1 AU$ = 0.74 $
PT + biomass [22] 25.6–27.5* 4514–5476** 50 *
1 AU$ = 0.74 $
Various hybrids [23] 29.3–33.2 3330–4958* 17.3–19.5 *
1 AU$ = 0.74 $
b-IGCC + PT in 36.7 70 MWth (gasifier)
bottoming [24] + 100 MWth CSP
IGSCC [26] 40.8 36
SGCC [28] 32.4 34.9 21.25 19 51.7 On-design
SHCC [28] 30.9 33.3 17.28 20 49.3 On-design
PT + bagasse [77] 19.7 4692 100 37.1 43 Table 13
Borges Termosolar [143] 30.5* 7684* 22.5 *
1 € = 1.13 $
Table A2
Summary of selected studies on CSP-geothermal hybrids reviewed in the present study. (Acronyms: PT – parabolic trough, ST – solar tower, ETC – evacuated tube collector, gI –
net thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy efficiency, S-E g – solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
Technology gI gII S-E g CO2 COE Investment Capacity Capacity Solar Comments
(kg/kW h) (c/kW h) ($/kWe) (MWe) factor (%) share (%)
Flash + PT [14] 12.5 16,354* 8.4 For Australia
Flash + ST [14] 14.1 12,432* 9.9 1 AU$ = 0.74 $
Binary + PT [50] 8.6 16.5 61.8 27.9 Annual average quantities
9.4 19.8 62.2 22.8
9.1 26 68.3 18.3
8.8 31.3 71.1 14.8
Binary + PT [43] 12.4 17.2 16,950
17.1 16,750
17.7 18,480
Binary + PT [54] 8–11.8 11.6–14.1 6.6–13.7 1.4–5 Subcritical
9.2–10.8 8.9–14.7 -3.8–14.4 1–5.4 Supercritical
Binary + PT [53] 10.8–1.4 12.7–13.1 11–11.4 For superheat
17.4–18 12.2–12.7 11.6–12.1 For flash hybrid
Binary + PT [55] 14.5 9.6 Uses Kalina cycle
Flash + PT [45] 6.5 17.5 Single flash
5.7 20.2 Double flash
Binary + PT [39] 17.9
Binary + ETC [202] 29.2–38 Evacuated tube collector
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 629
to-electricity efficiency, capacity factor, specific investment and emission due to high solar share. The capacity of such plants can
cost of electricity. range from 20 to 500 MWe and is suitable both for distributed
An extensive pool of literature exists for the low-renewable and centralized power systems. The capacity factor of these sys-
hybrids such as ISCC, solar-Brayton, and solar-aided coal Rankine tems can be greater than 70% with natural gas backup and thermal
power systems. For solar-Brayton with compressed air preheating, storage. However, these systems report low solar-to-electricity
the key challenge is the development and operation of high- efficiency that increases the investment and cost of electricity. Cur-
temperature high-pressure receivers. A similar challenge is faced rently, efficiency and cost are the primary constraints that prevent
by ISCC systems with topping cycle integration. For solar-aided further penetration of these systems into the market and should be
coal Rankine plants and ISCC with bottoming cycle integration, the focus of future research. Partial replacement of the backup nat-
the future studies should focus on methods of increasing the solar ural gas by renewable fuels such as syngas obtained from gasifica-
share to reduce CO2 emissions. In terms of other thermo-economic tion of local biomass can also reduce the CO2 emissions of these
parameters such as capacity factor, solar-to-electricity efficiency, systems.
investment, and cost of electricity, these systems offer superior The high-renewable hybrids such as CSP-wind, CSP-biomass,
performance over medium and high-renewable hybrids. and CSP-geothermal have minimum negative impact on the envi-
The medium renewable hybrids (CSP-natural gas) are also well ronment. This category is the least explored and presents tremen-
understood because of the operational experience gained from sev- dous potential for future research. However, such plants will be
eral such power plants. Such hybrids report moderate specific CO2 restricted to selected locations due to the requirement of two
Table A3
Summary of selected studies on CSP-wind hybrids reviewed in the present study. (Acronyms: WF – wind farm, PT – parabolic trough, TES – thermal energy storage, gI – net
thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy efficiency, S-E g – solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
Technology gI gII S-E g CO2 COE Investment Capacity Capacity Solar Comments
(g/kW h) (c/kW h) ($/kWe) (MWe) factor (%) share (%)
WF + PT [68] 10.8–12.9 3733 100 38 33
WF + PT [69] 10.8 12.3 1508 20 800 MW wind + 708 MW PT
(equivalent to 200 MW wind)
* ** *
WF + PT+TES [70] 19.2 45.2 16.6 48 1 € = 1.13 $
1 CSP + 2 wind turbines
Table A4
Summary of selected studies on medium hybrids reviewed in the present study. (Acronyms: DSG – direct steam generation, PT – parabolic trough, NG – natural gas, ST – solar
tower, TES – thermal energy storage, gI – net thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy efficiency, S-E g – solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
Technology gI gII S-E g CO2 COE Investment Capacity (MWe) Capacity Solar Comments
(kg/MW h) (c/kW h) ($/kWe) factor (%) share (%)
DSG PT + NG [82] 100 40–80% backup of natural gas
SEGS VI [76] 11 19.4 30 33 70
SEGS VIII [76] 10 16.4 80 28 70
SEGS [15] 10.7 14.1 30 30.4 75
SEGS [15] 14.1 9.6 50 39.6 75
DSG PT + NG [73] 27 8.9* 50 70.8 *
1 € = 1.13 $
25.6 9.6* 50 80.6
24.8 10.4* 50 84.8
23.9 11.3* 50 88.2
22.9 12.5* 50 91.4
PT + NG [74] 127–317 100 50 6 h NG
PT + TES + NG [2] 125 50 88 7.5 h TES
PT + TES + NG [81] 17.6 21.7 169.4 7.9 4703 50 32.4 Configuration 3
17.7 21.8 184 9.1 6904 50 38.2 Configuration 4
18.3 21.1 169.4 7.7 4003 50 29 Configuration 7
18.5 21.7 184 7.6 4752 50 34 Configuration 8
PT + TES + NG [84] 14.4 19.4 184 12.7 50 36.1 Batna
14.3 19.3 184 12.9 50 35.6 Setif
15.2 20.1 184 10.8 50 42.6 Djelfa
14.4 20.7 184 10.4 50 44.3 Ghardaia
14.7 20.8 184 9.6 50 48 Hassi R’mel
16.2 20.9 183.9 9.1 50 51.6 Adrar
16.4 21.4 183.9 8.5 50 54.6 Bechar
17 21.4 184 7.6 50 61.5 Tamanrasset
16.9 21.1 184 8.5 50 54.3 Amenas
16.6 20.8 184 8.1 50 57.4 Salah
PT + NG [77] 21.6 4638.5 100 41.3 47
PT + NG [80] 34.7 50 Without TES
32.6 50 TES
PT + NG + TES [75] 67.2 50 95
108 50 90
148 50 85
189 50 80
230 50 75
270 50 70
311 50 65
630 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
renewable energy resources. While CSP-biomass hybrids are suit- The COE is highly variable depending on the resource, location, tar-
able for capacities less than 50 MWe, CSP-wind, and CSP- iff structure, etc. Further research is necessary to address several
geothermal hybrids can reach capacities greater than 100 MWe. issues pertaining to this class of hybrids. For CSP-biomass systems,
CSP-wind systems suffer from low capacity factor due to the inher- the primary challenge lies in the steady supply of biomass to loca-
ent fluctuation is wind and solar resource. The investment for high- tions with high DNI. Location-specific optimization of logistics,
renewable hybrids is moderately high due to medium solar share. development of burners for use of multiple feedstocks, use of gasi-
Table A5
Summary of all SEGS plants (operational/under construction/planned) with fossil fuel backup [143]. (Acronyms – gI – net thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy efficiency, S-E g –
solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
Technology gI gII S-E g CO2 COE Investment Capacity Capacity Solar Comments
(kg/MW h) (c/kW h) ($/kWe) (MWe) factor (%) share (%)
Andasol-1 16 30.51 49.9 88
Andasol-2 16 30.51 49.9 88
Andasol-3 7119 50 85
Andasol-4 16 30.51 49.9 88
Arcosol 50 6114.2 49.9
Arenales 30.51 50 88
Aste 1A 15 30.51 50 88
Aste 1B 15 30.51 49.9 88
Astexol II 15 30.51 50
Bokpoort 11,300 50
Caceres 30.51 50 88
Casablanca 30.51 50 88
Dahan 13.7
EL REBOSO II 17 36.386 50
Enerstar 30.51 50 88
Extresol-1 16 30.51 88
Extresol-2 16 30.51 49.9 88
Extresol-3 16 30.51 50 88
Gemasolar [10] 13060.3 19.9 74 85
Genesis 250
Guzmán 30.51 50 88
Helioenergy 1 30.51 50
Helioenergy 2 30.51 50
Helios I 30.51 50 85
Helios II 30.51 50 85
Ibersol 4520 50
Ivanpah 28.7 5835.5 377
La Africana 30.51 8746.2 50 85
La Dehesa 13.8 49.9 88
La Florida 13.8 50 88
La Risca 30.51 50 88
Lebrija 1 30.51 50 88
Manchasol-1 16 30.51 49.9 88
Manchasol-2 16 30.51 50 88
Mojave Solar 6400 250
Morón 30.51 6667 50
Nevada Solar One 3694.4 72 98
NOOR I 43.74 7359.1 160 1 Dirhams = 0.27 $
Olivenza 1 30.51 6418.4 50 88
Palen SEGS 500 98
Pedro de Valdivia 7250 360
Planta Solar 10 30.64424 11
Planta Solar 20 30.64424 20
Shams 1 6000 100
Solaben 1 30.51 50
Solaben 2 30.51 50
Solaben 3 30.51 50
Solaben 6 30.51 50
Solacor 1 30.51 50
Solacor 2 30.51 50
Solana 8000 250
Solnova 1 50
Solnova 3 50
Solnova 4 50
Termesol 50 6114.2 49.9
Termosol 1 50
Termosol 2 50
S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637 631
Table A6
Summary of selected studies on solar-Brayton cycles reviewed in the present study. (Acronyms: GT – gas turbine, gI – net thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy efficiency, S-E g –
solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
Technology gI gII S-E g CO2 COE Investment Capacity Capacity Solar Comments
(kg/MW h) (c/kW h) ($/kWe) (MWe) factor (%) share (%)
Recuperated GT [88] 40.4 15.4 21.6* 1.4 100 15 *
1 € = 1.13 $
38.4 14.5 22.5* 1.4 100 18.1
35.9 14.2 11.3* 4.2 100 7.5
35.9 14.6 11.2* 4.2 100 8.8
Brayton + storage [91] 456 10.5 1897 37 17.8
451 13.7 3011 38.2 37.6
STIG [94] 39.1 36.9 17.6 37.9 Constant power
39.1 35.9 17.6 41.7
39 37.9 17.6 36.7
39 37.7 17.6 38
39.5 38.4 17.6 34.3 Variable power
39.9 39.2 17.6 35.7
39.8 40.9 17.6 30.9
40.2 42.1 17.6 30.7
STIG + storage [97] 39.2 37 17.6 51.5 Table 6, ref: RGT, real storage
STIG [100] 75.2 3.82 22.4
SOLRGT [102] 45.9 52.3 29.1 343 5.9 736 361 20.3
Table A7
Summary of selected studies on solar-aided coal fired power plants reviewed in the present study. (Acronyms: PT – parabolic trough, CR – Coal Rankine, LFR – linear Fresnel
reflector, ST – solar tower, gI – net thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy efficiency, S-E g – solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
Technology gI gII S-E g CO2 COE Investment Capacity Capacity Solar Comments
(kg/MW h) (c/kW h) ($/kWe) (MWe) factor (%) share (%)
PT + CR [116,117] 27 9.8 300
PT + CR [119] 36.6 200
PT + CR [131] 21* 6.3 330 *
Annual, Fig. 8a
PT + CR [134] 21 12* 349 *
1 Yuan = 0.15 $
PT + SubcR [127] 41.8 38.2 790 3.62* 789* 500 85 14.4 *
INR 1 = 0.015 $
PT + SupcR [127] 45.5 41.6 760 3.67* 843* 660 85 18.9
CR [120] 30.12 500
PT + CR [121] 45.9 200
LFR + CR [129] 33.1 17.3 104 6.5 For case B
35.4 34 116 9.9 For case C
35.7 39.2 117 22.8 For case D
LFR + CR [130] 38.4 41.3 9.4 636 3.7 LPH
35.8 41.7 20.6 738 17 LPH and HPH
PT + CR [118] 36.6 219 10.3 Subcritical
36.24 334 8.53 Subcritical
40.26 653 8.23 Subcritical
41.22 655 7.91 Supercritical
35.61 646 8.31 Ultra-supercritical
PT + CR [142] 24.1 600 4.3
PT + CR [122] 24.2 225 10.6
PT + CR [124] 23.6 100
25 125
25.6 200
24.6 330
25.3 600
27.9 1000
PT + CR [125] 36 300 11.5
PT + CR [126] 3.4–18 600
PT + CR [128] 8.6 275 Fuel saving
1 € = 1.13 $
34.9 285 2.2 Power boost
35.2 290 4 1 € = 1.13 $
36 296 6.1
36.7 8.5* 302 7.9
PT + CR [139] 42.5 13.6 4.2 637.5 1000 5.8 Fuel saving
42.9 13.5 4 601.6 1058 5.4 Power boost
PT + CR [132] 26.2 7.1 358 12.5 Configuration 1
1 Yuan = 0.15 $
ST + CR [133] 8.7 450 Power boost low capacity factor
7.8 450 Power boost high capacity factor
2.9 350 Fuel saver base loaded
PT + CR [209] 45.3–48 5.1–28.5 600
632 S. Pramanik, R.V. Ravikrishna / Applied Thermal Engineering 127 (2017) 602–637
Table A8
Summary of selected studies on ISCC power plants reviewed in the present study. (Acronym: CC – combined cycle, ST – solar tower, GT – gas turbine, PT – parabolic trough, R –
Rankine, gI – net thermal efficiency, gII – net exergy efficiency, S-E g – solar-to-electricity efficiency, COE – cost of electricity).
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