Jessica's Project
Jessica's Project
Jessica's Project
Twisted By: Laurie Halse Anderson September 2009
Newsletter 1
One on One Interview With
Tyler Miller
Interviewer: “So, seventeen year old I: “Well that’s good to know. Switching
Tyler Miller is here with us today to subjects… Can you tell us about nerd
tell us about living on his harsh boy and your ideas of how to escape
probation after doing graffiti n your probation?”
school property. So how are things T: “Nerd boy was actually I before my
doing?” arrest because I was a nobody to the
Tyler: “Well my probation caused other students… Especially Bethany.
everyone to treat me differently One of my ways to escape was running
which led me to have various away to Minnesota but my sister
outbursts with my peoples. And my Hannah found out and the bomb was
family especially my father is killing dropped. My second thought was
me.” committing suicide with my father’s
I: “Well did you learn anything? pistol. My best man convinced me not
Meaning did this experience open to.”
your eyes to the real world?” I: “Does your probation officer know
T: “I would say I’m in the middle these things?”
because it has took me far away from T: “ Nope its only between me, Haflly
being a regular teen but caused the Hannah, and Yoda. But to make my
girl of my dreams to ask me out.” situation worse, I was getting accused of
I: “ So what did you girl f your a crime that I NEVER DID”
dreams do and what do you consider I: “Was this before or after the suicide
a regular teen?” attempt? What was the outcome.”
T: “That girl and me went far into T: “This was before my suicide attempt
our relationship but then it ended and ad I wasn’t guilty as I had said.” Are we
a regular teen is like her… Bethany done yet?”
Milbury. My girl…” I: “Sure thanks for coming here today
and sharing part of your life story.”
Newsletter 2
It Cost Him Part Of His Life,
How Much Will It Cost You?
By: Jessica Ramtahal
Newsletter 3