Summary-The reliability problem is reviewed minimization of size and the long service life re-
with respect to present and future requirements for quired without failures.
military and commercial equipment. Methods of It is, therefore, safe to say that reliability con-
reliability improvement are reviewed and achiev- siderations will continue to be a major factor in
able levels of improvement are indicated for each our ability to progress technologically. Technical
method. Special emphasis is placed on redundancy, journals portray today's situation all too well when
its benefits and disadvantages. The subject of Ma- editorials quote the military. For instance, from
jority Vote is discussed along with failure detection one source we hear that at any given time more
circuitry capable of detecting first failures. The than half of our military radar is down for main-
entire paper is intended to aid the circuit designer tenance and repair and from yet another source,
in his task of achieving higher reliability. The dis- gall of a battleships electronics has never worked
closures pertaining to Majority Vote and failure at any one time." Whether totally true or not, this
detection are considered advances in the state of type of statement is disturbing to those of us who
the art. design and build such equipment. Further, the Air
Force is now asking for satellite equipment with
80,000 hours continous service without failure.
INTRODUCTION With these existing problems facing the design-
ers and manufacturers of electronic (and other) de -
The subject of reliability has been with man vices, a careful review of reliability improvement
from his earliest memories. Unreliable equip- methods is in order. The methods involved canbe
ment has frequently been the cause of incon- divided into the following catagories: 1) Com-
venience and on occasion his death. The desirable ponent Part Improvement, 2) Stress-Level Reduc-
level of reliability of any one device depends upon tion (derating), 3) Circuit Simplification, 4) Main-
the importance of that device to one's comfort of tenance and Production Techniques, and 5) Redun-
safety. When life itself depends upon successful dancy.
performance, reliability cannot be too high. Also,
as the number of devices within a system increases,
reliability of the individual device must in- Component Part Improvement
crease or their utility is lost in a continuous maze
of maintenance problems. The method of component part improvement is
The emphasis on reliability can only be ex- in general quite similar for all cases in that cer-
pected to increase for the following reasons: 1) tain steps are required regardless of the type of
The user of present devices, either home, com- component. These steps are: 1) A large number
mercial, or military, piqued by repeated failures of testing hours must be accrued to establish the
and the resulting repair problems will carefully reliability of the component. These tests include
consider the potential reliability of any replace- various operating stress levels and all applicable
ment item or new additional device. 2) The mili- environmental conditions. These tests are first
tary, faced with the problems of modern technol- run on a control lot and the resulting data usedfor
ogical warfare on the one hand and solving them future comparison. 2) The design of the compo-
with efficiency with respect to the tax dollar on nent is carefully reviewed and all possible im-
the other hand, must insist and is already insist- provements listed. Improvement items may in-
ing on drastic increases in reliability. 3) The ef- clude better base materials, new mechanical de-
fect of the space age on reliability is more pro- sign, new electrical design, improved production
found than any of the foregoing due to required control of materials and assembly techniques. 3)
_____________ ~~~~~~The component is redesigned according to good
*Received June 12, 1962. engineering judgment based on the results of pre-
tThe Martin Company, Denver, Colo. vious tests and past experience with the component.
4) The tests enumerated in step 1) are repeated liability while good workmanship and procedures
on the improved component. Again large sample can be effective in improving reliability.
sizes and long test periods are required to assure Maintenance techniques bear a similar rela-
reasonable confidence in the test results. 5) These tionship to the realization of high reliability in
steps are repeated until the desired level of re- that unless an intelligent and well-trained main-
liability is realized. tenance staff exists, reliability can become prac-
An excellent example of this method of ap- tically nonexistent after a few maintenance oper-
proach is the Minuteman program. The resulting ations.
improvement in reliability is in the order of one
or two orders of magnitude. Such improvement,
however, has been accomplished at considerable Redundancy
expense in time and dollars. Not as heavily pub-
licized, but of extreme importance, are the relia- After (and only after) all the above have been
bility programs now under way at the majority of fully exploited should redundancy be considered,
the component part manufacturers' plants. and then most carefully. When properly utilized,
two and even three orders of magnitude improve-
ment in reliability can be accomplished. This
Stress-Level Reduction subject will be discussed in detail later in this
Most types of components become more reli-
able when operated in a manner which results in
reduced stress on the part. These stresses are DETAILED DISCUSSION ON RELIABILITY
introduced not only by the electrical environment IMPROVEMENT IN NONREDUNDANT EQUIPMENT
to which they are subjected, but by their physical
environment as well. In general the reduction of The basic equation for reliability is
any environmental condition to which a component
is vulnerable will result in increased reliability. R = e r
In some cases one or more orders of magnitude
of reliability improvement can be realized. Some where R is the fractional reliability, t is the time
components do not evidence such improvements of required operation, and fr is the effective fail-
and certainly some designs do not lend themselves ure rate. In order to achieve a totally reliable
to derating and environmental isolation. However, equipment (R = 1) the product of t and fr must
this is an effective tool worthy of careful consider- equal zero. Such a condition is considered im-
eration. possible. Further, time may be shortened in
some cases, but cannot be reduced to zero. The
remaining device is to drive the composite fail-
Circuit Simplification ure rate toward zero.
Fig. 1 shows the list of the components from a
The mechanism of simplification of circuitry typical logic and solid-state circuit along with
works at both system and circuit levels. Certainly initial reliabilities for each. The various columns
reduction of system functions and /or performance show representative reliabilities resulting from
levels should reduce the complexity of the system, the improvement methods listed above. Since the
thus improving reliability. At the circuit level, a factor of workmanship is not usually assessed, no
careful review of all applicable circuits will some- figures exist for this important consideration.
times show one to be less complicated, in which Workmanship excellence is assumed to be inher-
case more reliability can be expected. ent. The effects of redundancy are left for later
Fig. 1 shows relative degrees of improvement.
Manufacturing and Maintenance Techniques The degree of derating and also simplification are
assumed values for sake of discussion. The fail-
ure rates used herein are not meant to be used
The reliability of any system is highly depend- for actual reliability calculations. They are, how-
ent upon the techniques used in the assembly of ever, typical values which maintain a high degree
both the system and the individual component parts. of reality in the conclusions drawn. The degree
The effect here is very profound in that poor of improvement resulting from derating can be
workmanship can destroy any semblance of re - extracted from curves presented in standard re -
Composition -6
600 Resistors 45 x 10 27 x 10 22.5 x lO 4.8 x 10
Silicon -6 -6 -6 2 1
200 Diodes 16x 10 4 x 10 8 x 10 2 x 10
Silicon -6 10 1 l 1
200 Transistors 20 x 10 6 x 106 10 x 10 10 x 10
Foil-Mica -6 -6 -6 -1
100 Capacitors 12 x 10 0.4 x 10 6 x 10 5 x 10-6
Total 93 x 10 6 37.4 x 106 46.5 x 10 21.8 x 10
Fig. 1
liability handbooks and will vary depending upon order of magnitude improvement in failure rate
the component and the degree of derating. The can be predicted.
degree of improvement resulting from simplifica-
tion is directly proportional to the degree of
simplification so long as all other factors remain CALCULATION OF RELIABILITY
unchanged as a result of the simplification.
The figure shows the individual improvements This subject has been discussed in detail in
resulting from the three listed devices. Further other papers [ 1]. However, one point is often
benefits are available through combinations of all overlooked which can cause considerable error in
three devices. The result of any combination is reliability predictions. This has to do with duty
the product of all improvement factors. For in- cycle and the consideration of "ON" failure rates
stance the Fr for six hundred composition resis- vs 'OFF" failure rates. Normally the failure
tors is 45 x 10-6. If Minuteman resistors are rates and resulting reliability only consider the
used and derated to one -tenth maximum rating and failures which occur during operation of equip-
the circuit is then simplified by 50 per cent, the ment. In many cases such consideration is satis-
resulting Fr is 1.44 x 10-6. factory. However, in cases where a very long
storage or "READY" state is maintained followed
4.8 _ 4.8 =144 by a short operational period with no intervening
45 x 45 1.66 x 2 ) maintenance allowed, it is necessary to treat the
\ 27 22.5 / two periods seperately. This last is due to the
difference in failure rates which change as a re-
Similarly the system Fr is equal to 4.75 x 10-6. sult of the changing stress levels. Extrapolation
of existing derating curves indicates that the non-
7 21 .8 21.8 = 4.38 operating failure rate is between one one-hun-
x 93
2.48 x 2
dredth and one one -thousandth of the operating
failure rate. We hasten to emphasize that little
is made onbeen
work has
when all the nonredundant improvement devices the done in this area and that no claim
accuracy of the above ratio other
are considered. Thus a failure rate of forty-five than that such an indication does exist. We fur-
failures per million hours for six hundred re- ther assert that the failure rate cannot become
sistors can be reduced to a failure rate of ap-
proximately one and one-half failures per million zero when the equipment is nonoperative
hours of operation. On the system level, a failure Sample Reliability Calculations
rate of ninety-three failures per million hours
reduces to less than five failures per million Several sample calculations are presented here
hours of operation. In each case more than an to lend emphasis to the foregoing comments.
Case 1-Assume a single circuit element having 1) Reliability (R)-This number is the statis-
F r - 105500 x 10-6 tical prediction of successful completion of the
mission of the function to which the reliability fig-
t = hour - (105500) (10-6) ure applies. Expressed in per cent, it is simply a
R = e = e prediction of the percentage of attempts which can
= 0.90 or 90 per cent. be expected to be successful.
Case 2-Assume that derating, component im- 2) Unreliability (Q)-This number is the prob-
provement and circuit simplification have re-
duced the Case 1 failure rate to 5270 x 10-6. ability of failure of a mission. Since the quanti-
R= e
-(I) (5270) (10 -6 ) ties Q and R encompass all possibilities, Q is
equal to l -R.
= 0.9947 or 99.47 per cent.
Case 3-Assume that the Case 2 system is re- 3) Redundancy-A redundant element is any
quired to remain under "READY" status for 2100 duplication of parts or circuitry incorporated for
hours (3 months) and then perform for one hour the sole purpose of increasing reliability.
'OPERATIONAL" without maintenance procedures.
Further assume the failure rate during "READY" 4) Failure-Any change of characteristic, or
is one one-hundredth of the "OPERATIONAL" characteristics, which causes unacceptable oper-
failure rate. ation.
- (1) (-6) -(2100)(5270 N -6)) 5) Circuit Element-Any circuit or arbitrary
R = e (l) (5270 )(10 e s2100
o) division thereof having a defineable function. A
= (0.9947) (0.8994) circuit element may consist of any number of
= 0.8946 or 89.46 per cent. components from one upward.
Case 4-Assume that Case 2 operating time is ex- 6) Failure Rate (Fr) -The predicted rate at
tended to 8000 hours. -6) which a particular circuit element can be expected
R e -(8000) 1(5270) 40- 2 e-42.16
4-1 to fail. Differentiation is made between open and
4.2 x 10 -19 or 4.2 x 10 -17 per cent!! short failure
defined as anymodes.
type of Open-mode failure (Fro) is
failure which precludes
Case 1 assumes a modest reliability in keeping having the proper output with proper input con-
with later discussion on redundancy. Case 2 ditions. Short-mode failure (Frs) is defined as
shows the effects of normal reliability improve- any type of failure which causes an output with no
ment methods whereby better than one order of input. The total failure rate (Frt) is defined as
magnitude improvement is shown. Case 3 shows the sum of Fro and Frs. Four general cases are
the effect of a three month "READY" period on of interest and are now discussed in detail.
the gains achieved by Case 2. Case 4 shows dra-
matically the effects of a one-year operating
time. The obvious conclusion is that such a sys- Case 1-Nonredundant Element
tem cannot meet the requirement. Further cal-
culation shows that the effective system failure
rate must be reduced to less than thirteen fail- ° o
ures per million hours of operation to have a Input (S) Output
ninety per cent probability of a one-year success-
ful operating time. This is an improvement of
over four hundred times in our hypothetical case. Circuit Element Representation
Further steps must be taken to reduce the system
failure rate and/or redundancy must be utilized. From previous definitions we know that:
It is safe to predict that some form of redundancy
will be required to meet such a requirement. 1) The circuit element may have any number
of component parts from one upward.
2) Any component failure within the element
For the purposes of this discussion, the follow- wl as vralfiue
ing definitions are presented:
The summation failure rate (Fr) for the ele-
ment is equal to the summation of the individual
Rt = (R + Q
1 -
0)lQ0fnn n
component part failure rates (fr). = QS Qo (6)
In those cases where 'ON' or 'OFF" failure Where Rt is the total reliability of an nth level
modes are of interest, the following statements parallel redundancy. R is the reliability of a
apply: single-circuit element (R = e-t Fr). QO is the
a) The circuit element can be expected to fail
Fr) Qoeisn-od theur
unreliability in the open-mode failure
in either mode. (Qo = I -Ro).
b) The failure rate of either mode of the cir- R = (R + Q0)n = (1 - Q)n (7)
cuit element failure is simply the summation of R =1 - Q n (8)
component part failure rates, fro and frs, which 0 0
would cause that particular element failure mode; If (6) is applied to a first-degree redundancy,
i.e., it is possible to have a component part fail- n becomes 2 and the expression reduces to
ure in one mode and cause an element failure of
the opposite mode. This being true, a detailed R =R +2 RQ (9)
charting of individual component part modes and t o
their resulting circuit element effect is required Assuming R = 0.90, Qt = 0.10 Qs = QO = 0.05
in order to evaluate the summation failure rate in and substituting in (9)
a particular mode. Rt = (0.9)2 +(2) (0.9) (0.05) 0.90 or 90 per
From the above
If Qs becomes 0.1, QO = 0
Fr = ro (*)+ F rs(*)
frr = z~~~r
Fro rs (1)
~~~cent Rt = (0.9)2 + (2) (0.9) (0) = 0.81 or 81 per
Fro Zfro(*)
(2)If Qs = and QO = 0.1
rs Z frs( ) (3) Rt (0.9)2 + (2) (0.9) (0.1) 0.81 + 0.18
= 0.99 or 99 per cent.
where (*) is used to designate particular compo-
nent-failure modes as they effect the circuit ele- These three sample calculations emphasize the
ment performance. importance of recognizing probable modes of fail-
ure. The above shows that if the failure modes
c) The reliability of the circuit element in are of equal probability, no improvement in over-
either mode is then calculable and is expressed all reliability can be expected through use of
by parallel redundancy. On the other hand if all
-t F failures are in the short mode, parallel redun-
Ro = e ro (4) dancy will reduce over-all reliability and, if all
R = -t FrS. (5) failures are in the open mode, a considerable in-
s crease in reliability is predicted.
These are simply expressions of the ability of the Eq. (7) expresses the ability of a parallel re-
circuit element to perform without failure in the dundancy to work without short-mode failures.
mode under consideration. Again assuming
R = 0.9, QO = 0.05, and Qs = 0.05 for a first
Case 2-Parallel Redundancy order redundancy (7) becomes
Rs= (R + QO)2 = (0.9 + 0.o5)2 = (0.95)2
This case is presented as two or more circuit = 0.9025 or 90.25 per cent
elements connected in parallel. The circuit ele- similarly (8) becomes
ments used are mutually identical and must meet 2 2
the criteria of Case 1. R0 = 1- Q0 = 1 - 0.05 = 0.9975 or 99.75.
Appendix I, A presents the development of the
mathematical statements which pertain to this per cent which demonstrates that parallel redun-
case. The development is kept general so as to dancy improves open-mode failure reliability to
cover any level of redundancy. From this we de - a marked degree. It follows that if the case exists
rive the statement in which a circuit component has a very small
Frs or such failures are inconsequential, parallel 1 2
redundancy can be used effectively.
Case 3-Series Redundancy 1
This case is presented as two or more cir-
cuit elements connected in series. As in Case -
2 the circuit elements are identical and are de-
fined in Case 1. z
Appendix I, B develops this case. From this -- -
section of Appendix I we derive Li tn ' n
t s) -Qs (a)
(1 QO)n Qsn (10)
where Rt and R are as defined in Case 2 and Qs
is the unreliability in the short-mode failure 2 -1
(Qs=1 -RS). -
Ro (R +Q)n = (i Q (1)
R= 1(QJ. L 'II
Substitution of the numbers used in Case 2 F-----'
into (10) reveals the following: --A 2
L___ L_____.... ___
1) Again there is no increase in reliability (b)
when QO = Qs. 2) There is a decrease in re-
liability when QO = 0.1 and Qs = 0. 3) There
is an increase in reliability when Q0 = 0 and Fig. 2-(a) 'N' parallel redundancies in series '' times.
(b) 'N' series redundancies in parallel 'm' times.
Qs= O. 1.
Eqs. (11) and (12) show that the converse of
Case 2 is true, i.e., the series redundant case is R = 1 - - (R
(\ + Q )n m (14)
effective in raising reliability in those cases s L oi
where Fro is extremely small or its effect canbe nm
neglected in the application. R = (- Q ) (15)
Case 4-Series-Parallel Redundancy 'N' Series Redundancies in Parallel 'M' Times
(Fig. 2(b)).
There are two possibilities under this head- R = 1 nlm - (R + Qnm (16)
ing, namely; "m" number of case 2 redundancies t L s L V "sJ(
connected in series or, am" number of Case 3 re- R = I
- Qn]m (17)
dundancies connected in parallel. The resulting s s
configurations are shown in Fig. 2. As in previous R = 1 1-(R + Q>n 1 (18)
cases, the predicted relative weights of Fro vs o L \ 5 i
Frs will dictate the choice between these two last
possibilities. Using the numbers from previous examples
where R = 0.90, Qs = Qo= 0.05, let m = n = 2
From Sections C and D of Appendix I, two sets from (16)
of equations are presented here for discussion.
'N' Parallel Redundancies in Series 'M' Times Rt Li - 60X05)2]- [1 - (o.95)2]2
(Fig. 2(a)). 0.99752- 0.0975
= 0.99501 - 0.0095
t~ ~ ~~[
]1-Q1-( (13 = 0.98551 or 98.55 per cent.
Since (13) and (16) are identical except for circuits followed by a threshold device which re-
QO and Qs, they will give the same Rt in the case jects the sum of less than the majority of inputs.
where Qo = Qs. The two are therefore of equal This is a useable device, but does not provide al-
advantage where Qs = QO. However, where ternate paths in case of first failure within itself.
Qs 7 QO, one configuration will provide better To overcome this difficulty, designers have in
reliability than the other. For instance, as- some cases made the MV logic redundant. The
sume that QO = 0.1 and Qs = 0 substituting in (16) use of 'AND"-'OR' logic may consist of any
logic blocks which satisfy the basic MV (19).
Rt [1 - 0] 2 -[_ - (0.9 + o)202 Fig. 3 is the logic diagram of (19).
= 1- [1 - (0.81)] A
= 1 - (0.19)2
= 0.9639 or 96.39 per cent, substituting AB
in (13)
Rt =[l -(0.1)2]2-[1 -(09 )2 22 ut
= (o.99)2 - (1-1)2
= 0.9801 or 98.01 per cent. Co B
0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(a)
InpUt (s) 4,Dissenting a Otu
Vote (b
Input(s) E Majority
Dissenting Dissenting
Vote ~~~~Vote
ELemen Logic Indication
From these equations, (20) may be simplified by In the table of n redundancies the terms R and
saying QO excluding Qs, (since Qs defines a failure) will
Rt = R2 + 2RQ (21) appear in the following combinations:Rn, Rn Q09
R Q .. ., RQ , and Q
n-i n
Derivation of the nth Case These terms .
1! 10+ 1! 0 1
N = Normal Condition since 1! = 1 and 0! = 1, the above may be re-
S = Short Condition
0 = Open Condition written as
F = Failure (x+1) 1 = X+Y. (26)
(x+y)n+1 = (x+y) n (x+y) = (x+y) n x+(x+y) ny. Taking the second summation of 27)2
Substituting for (x+y)n as in(25) 1 (n) n1) yk + [(n)x(n+1-k) k]
+Y)n+l = n(nxn+1-k k (/)n-k k+1 k=01 k=0
k=0' k=0 n± (n+1-k) k
ky0 (k)
y k (1)x yY (0-1)!n! y
£+1 n n-(k-1) ykk1+1 = n+1 x(n1k)yk
k=1 k=0
n+1 - nr,n 1-k k n+1 (n+l-k)) k 1 n+l1o
+ (n )n+1-k y k.
k=1 1 (27) n+1 x(n+lk)yk
Taking the first summation of (27) k=
n) (n + 1 kk (n+1[-k n+1
k-0 Vk Y+ L xkx
yj (*) j (n1)x(n+1-k)yk+
k 1 (n+1)
k= n+1 k=1
n+n 1
k=0 (k E k-1) y
n n (n+l-k) yk n! o n+n1
k n n1k (nY1)] x(n+y)!
n! o n+1
= (n)k
k=0 y [- n+1 1
IE1 )
,n (n+1-k yk k=(
k=0 n+ 1 n (+-)k
n (n k)k
y + n! o (n+ 1), = (29
k0 (kY= (x
-1)(n+1)! X y k=Y (29
En+1 kkn x(+ k)y + 0lI oyn1 k=*)Substituting (28) and (29) into (27)
= n\(n+l-k) k n1 n+ 1
k xx
k k/ atrn
(x+y) n
Z E)x (n+lI k)yk
(n+l-k) k
en i 1 o (n+ 1)
(*) kk,X +(n1)X y n+ 1 (n+ 1-k)k
n± 1k=
~~~~ k ~~~~~~~~~+
k_EI x
1- Q RtREl RE2 REl QSE2 RE2 QSEl
thenR° - t n If the elements are similar the inherent failure
1 (33) rates are the same; hence,
Since sign is of no consequence, + oo was written. R = RE2
SECTION B: SERIES REDUNDANCY Then the formula may be rewritten as
E Rt parallel= (R+Q)n
~~R5parallel (R+Q)n =
Q (series)= 1-(R+Q )n
ll l the formula associated with the new element (E')
I| may be substituted into the derived parallel for-
| t mula.
l I.-___ _ , l
E E---J
- Rt= [(R+Q )n-Q5n+ 1-(R+Q ) 3 mn[(RQ)nm
F/\n~n n\l- I m
Rs = R+Qs -Qs + 1-(R+Q A B C
= -Q s (39) | 2 ON ON OFF
R = 1- [1- (R+QS)m. (40) 4 ON OFF OFF
= [l-Q ]m (42) (note that this is the last protected point within
° the circuit). Since x = a (b+c) and y = bc, there-
fore, by substitution
s= 1- [l-(R+Q0) m* (43) xy + yx = a(b+c) (bc)+bc [a (b+c)J.
Since by Boolean algebra
(bc) = b + c
APPENDIX 11 and a (b + c) = (ab + ac)
= (ab) (ac)
=a + ab + ac + cb
Inituitive Proof therefore,
xy + yx= (ab + ac) (b + c) + (a +ab
The possible modes of three elements are _ _
shown in Fig. 14. Of these possible modes of + ac + EL) (bc)
combinations only mode 1 and mode 8 satisfy = abb + acb +abc + acc + abc+ abbc
equality and it follows that modes 2 through 7 are
unequal. These modes are the ones of interest to + acbc + bcbc
Dissenting Vote and may be represented in Bo-
olean format as by Boolean Duality this reduces to
abc + abc + abc + abc + abc + abc. (44) abc + abc + abc.
This equation is then representative of and equal Note that this is only one portion of (44). The
to a dissention of the voting members. rest of the logic substatements express the pres-
ence of only one input and not the other two. Since By applying the above dualities (56) to (55)
an output requires any two inputs to be present
the rest of the failures will be denoted by an in- 0+abc + abc + 0±abc + 0.0 + 0+ab (c+c)
put and not an output or expressed in Boolean +ac (b+b) + abc +0+0
format as = abc + abc + abc + abc + abc + abc. (57)
(a + b + c) x. (46) By the Law of Association (57) can be rewritten
as (45)
Formal Proof abc + abc + abc + abc + abc + abc + abc + abc
d orif
C adFEar
[ 43
= F = le(
2) (0.42 x 106) =9.24 x0-o6
Q Q 1e(22) (0.31 x10 6)
(b) -
= 6.82 x 106
Fig. 15-(a) Majority vote logic. (b) Success diagram. -(22) (0.11 X 1o-)
Step 2-Combine in series redundancy element A = 2.42 x 10 6
and one-half of element D with group X and one-
half of elemient D. Let this become leg 1. -12
QG= 131 x 10 (see Appendix III-Section 11)
Step 3-Combine in series redundancy element B
and one-half of element F with element C and -12
one-half of element F. Let this become leg 2. QGO= 44 x 10
Step 4-Combine in parallel redundancy leg 1 and
one-half of element G with leg 2 and one-half of Q = 87 x 1012
element G.
-(22) 2 (0.32 x 10 6) -6
Calculation of Individual Element Unreliability (0) QE = 1-e 14.08 x 10
QT1 =~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ti =0.05725968
1 -R
RX R +2RQ02 (61)
where QS = Q iQ2 = 0.004876687
Q Q= 0.0047885
B = Step 3-Again using (61)
QAO QBO QCO 0.0023942 R1 =-R R1/2 F = 0.995210714
QAS = 0.0023942 Qs QCS + Q1/2 FS = 0.00239426
R T2 =R 1 2 +2
QD =
QF =0.42 X 10 -6 + 2R1QS
QDO= 0.00000031 RT2 = 0.99044436526 + 0.0047655864 =
QDS - 0.00000011 2
Q 22 x 10 12 S =S2 = 0.00000573248
QTQ 0.0047900483
QE 0.00000064T
Q= 0Q4T - Q = 0.0047843159.
QES= 0.0000004266 0
QEO = 0.0000002134. Step 4-Using (63) the total reliability is
R =R R + +R Q
Step 1-Using (61) T T1T2 Tl02 T2QOl
R R R 0.99521118 0.999965266.
C 1/2E=-
This is greater than two orders-of-magnitude
= Q + Q 1/2E = 000119725 improvement over the individual element re-
Rx= R + 2RQ0 = 0.992828326
RT1 = RIR2+
R21QS2 + R2QS1 RA==R B= RR C -RD'
RTl = 0.98807176213 + 0.0071359735 + Failure rates
1) F RT = 0.32 X 10
-6 per hour.
RTTi = 0.9975846886 T
= 0.0024153114
Q TlR 2) F = 0.2133 X 10 per hour.
QS= Q5Q5 = 0.000017167658
S1 S2 FR = 0.1067 x 10 -6 Per hour.
=O QT1 - Q= 0.0023981438.O
1) Nonoperating time = maximum time since [1] D. R. Earles, 'Reliability Application and
last checkout = 2100 hours. Analysis Guide," The Martin Co., Denver,
2) Operating time = maximum operating time Colo., Martin Doc. M1-60-54; September,
during one operating cycle = 1 hour. 1960.
3) Nonoperating failure rate = 0.01 x operating
failure rate. [2] C. E. Leake, "Understanding Reliability,"
Calculations, Pasadena Lithographers, Inc., Pasadena,
RT =1[ Q ]m [ (R+Q)n Q
m Calif.;
= 1 - [ (4.6926 x 10
The Martin Co., Denver,
M-60-47; December, 1960.
Martin Doc.
- (0.99999296 + 0.0000046926) 2 [5] L. F. Crossman, and E. L. Eagle, 'EagleRe-
0.999999999956 - 0.000000000022
= liability Problem," Bendix Sys. Div. Docu-
ment, Ann Arbor, Mich.; January, 1961.
= 0.999999999934.
R of one diode [6] Aerospace Industries Assn., E. R. P. No.61-9;
T May 12, 1961.
= e - (22 x 0.32 x 10 6) 0.99999296
RQ = 1- [l-(R
OQ [( QS +QS)nm
1- [ 1- (0.999999296 + 4.6926 x 10 6) 2]
1 - [1(-99999755) 2] 2 = 999999999978
RSQ (1 - Qn )m = (1 - 22. 1-12)2
= 0.999999999956.