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Digital Signal Processing EC-602 Contracts: 3L Credits - 3: Module - I

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Digital Signal Processing

EC- 602
Contracts: 3L
Credits- 3

Discrete-time signals:
Concept of discrete-time signal, basic idea of sampling and reconstruction of signal, sampling theorem, sequences – periodic, energy,
power, unit-sample, unit-step, unit-ramp, real & complex exponentials, arithmetic operations on sequences. [3L]

LTI Systems:
Definition, representation, impulse response, derivation for the output sequence, concept of convolution, graphical, analytical and
overlap-add methods to compute convolution supported with examples and exercises, properties of convolution, interconnections of
LTI systems with physical interpretations, stability and causality conditions, recursive and non-recursive systems. [6L]

Definition, mapping between s-plane and z-plane, unit circle, convergence and ROC, properties of Z-transform, Z-transform on
sequences with examples and exercises, characteristic families of signals along with ROCs, convolution, correlation and
multiplication using Z-transform, initial value theorem, Perseval’s relation, inverse Z-transform by contour integration, power series
& partial-fraction expansions with examples and exercises. [6L]

Discrete Fourier Transform:

Concept and relations for DFT/IDFT, Twiddle factors and their properties, computational burden on direct DFT, DFT/IDFT as linear
transformations, DFT/IDFT matrices, computation of DFT/IDFT by matrix method, multiplication of DFTs, circular convolution,
computation of circular convolution by graphical, DFT/IDFT and matrix methods, linear filtering using DFT, aliasing error, filtering
of long data sequences –Overlap-Save and Overlap-Add methods with examples and exercises. [5L]

Fast Fourier Transform:

Radix-2 algorithm, decimation-in-time, decimation-in-frequency algorithms, signal flow graphs, Butterflies, computations in one
place, bit reversal, examples for DIT & DIF FFT Butterfly computations and exercises. [4L]

Filter Design:
Basic concepts of IIR and FIR filters, difference equations, design of Butterworth IIR analog filter using impulse invariant and
bilinear transforms, design of linear phase FIR filters, no. of taps, rectangular, Hamming and Blackman windows. [5L]

Digital Signal Processor:
Elementary idea about the architecture and important instruction sets of TMS320C 5416/6713 processor, writing of small programs
in Assembly Language. [4L]

Architecture, different sub-systems, design flow for DSP system design, mapping of DSP algorithms onto FPGA. [3L]

1. Digital Signal Processing –Principles, Algorithms and Applications, J.G.Proakis & D.G.Manolakis, Pearson Ed.
2. Digital Signal processing –A Computer Based Approach, S.K.Mitra, TMH Publishing Co.
3. Digital Signal Processing Signals, Systems and Filters, A. Antoniou, TMH Publishing Co.
4. VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation, Wiley International Publication.
5. Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays, U.Meyer-Baese, Springer.

13. Digital Signal Processing, P. Rameshbabu, Scitech Publications (India).
14. Digital Signal Processing, S.Salivahanan, A.Vallabraj & C. Gnanapriya, TMH Publishing Co.
15. Digital Signal Processing; A Hands on Approach, C. Schuler & M.Chugani, TMH Publishing Co.
16. Digital Signal Processing, A. Nagoor Kani, TMH Education
17. Digital Signal Processing S. Poornachandra & B. Sasikala, MH Education
18. Digital Signal Processing; Spectral Computation and Filter Design Chi-Tsong Chen, Oxford University Press
19. Texas Instruments DSP Processor user manuals and application notes.
20. Xilinx FPGA user manuals and application notes.

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