Determination of Shrinkage of Weld: Nikolay Velikanov
Determination of Shrinkage of Weld: Nikolay Velikanov
Determination of Shrinkage of Weld: Nikolay Velikanov
1 Introduction
Determining the shrinkage of welds is an urgent task. It is solved theoretically and
experimentally in a number of papers [1–16].
The aim of the paper [1] was to study the influence of various arc welding processes on
the development of microstructure, mechanical properties, residual stresses and
deformations in welded joints of sheets of austenitic stainless steel 9 mm thick. Welded
joints were made in 3 different modes of arc welding, which are used in the nuclear
industry. All the welds underwent X-ray examination. The microstructural characteristic
was determined using an optical and scanning electron microscope.
As shown in [2], welding deformations not only worsen the accuracy of the production
of hull blocks, but also reduce productivity due to correctional work. An accurate prediction
of the deformation caused by welding will help to control the accuracy of the structure
The work [3] shows that linear shrinkage of two-component specimens was greater than
the shrinkage of one-component specimens because the incompatibility of shrinkage of
both materials causes biaxial stresses and enhances bonding processes.
In [4], the process of joining of steel plates 25 mm thick with a narrow gap between
them. The joint was made using gas arc welding with the preservation of vertical building
up. The assembly of thick plates was also performed by the widely used multistage
multipass building up procedure. Shrinkages in welded joints were determined, and the
influence of the heat parameters of welding on shrinkage and bending was studied.
In some cases, the welded elements undergo stresses even before welding begins. The
initial stress state of structure, which can be caused by previous technological operations
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MATEC Web of Conferences 224, 01108 (2018)
2 Calculation-experimental procedure
The weld (Figure 1) is modeled by a rectangular insert in a plate with longitudinal and
transverse interferences equal to, respectively 2∆1 and 2∆ 2 (Figures 2, 3). Residual
stresses after welding are determined using the Kolosov-Muskhelishvili potentials [4]:
G g (t )
ϕ( z ) = ∫ dt ,
πi (χ + 1) L t − z
G ′
g (t ) + t g (t )
ψ( z ) = − ∫ t−z d t .
πi (χ + 1) L
Expressions for displacements at the edge of insert g (t ) depend on the longitudinal and
transverse shrinkage of the insert: for the upper edge g (t ) = ∆1 x l + i∆ 2 , for the bottom
edge – g (t ) = ∆1 x l − i∆ 2 .
MATEC Web of Conferences 224, 01108 (2018)
2G (∆1h − ∆ 2l ) l − z
ϕ( z ) = ln ,
πi (χ + 1) l+z
− 2G l − z 2lz (∆1h − ∆ 2l )
ψ( z ) = (3∆1h + ∆ 2l ) ln + .
πi (χ + 1) l+z z2 − l2
Residual stresses are expressed through the potentials (2) by the Kolosov-
Muskhelishvili formulas.
MATEC Web of Conferences 224, 01108 (2018)
Then these values were used to calculate the values of the longitudinal ∆1 and
transverse ∆ 2 shrinkages during the weld deposit and the welding of the stiffening rib.
In the calculations we took the value of the coefficient of transverse deformation
(Poisson's ratio) µ =0.3, the modulus of elasticity (the Young's modulus) E =2.1 105 MPa.
The shrinkage values obtained this way, depending on the metal thickness, are shown in
Figures 4, 5.
As follows from the figures, as the thickness of the metal increases, the shrinkage values
also increase. This is due to the fact that as the thickness of the metal increases, the heat
input required to penetrate it also increases, i.e. the electric current value in arc welding and
the gas rate in gas welding increase. The same factors explain the increase in shrinkage,
compared with manual welding, in case of semi-automatic and automatic welding.
We also note that when the length of the weld increases, the transverse shrinkage
remains practically unchanged, and the longitudinal shrinkage increases in linear
dependence with the weld length.
MATEC Web of Conferences 224, 01108 (2018)
The obtained graphical dependences of weld shrinkages on the metal thickness (Figures
4, 5) can be used to develop techniques aimed at preventing the destruction of hull
4 Conclusion
The above method of determination of residual welding stresses can be used in structure
individual parts while the thermal heating, warming up with a laser beam, etc.
The proposed methodology can be used not only to calculate the stress field in the
current construction, but also to create residual stresses fields of specified type in the
structure. This fact can be used to reduce stress concentrations in structure individual parts
to reduce post-repair stresses and in particular cases, for example, to remove camber,
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