Assignment: Submitted By: Anika Zafar (Sp20-Ben-005)

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Assignment 2

Submitted By: ANIKA ZAFAR (SP20-BEN-005)

Submitted To: Syad Ibrar Hussain Shah

Date: 29 March_2020

Department of Humanities

Briefly explain the minimum criteria required for the divine success for the
human as stated in Quran. How a Muslim can reach to the best and highest
level? Justify with examples.

Surah Al-Asr is one of the earliest Chapters of Quran Majeed which was revealed in
Makah and is also the second shortest Section of Furqan e Hameed after Surah Al-
Kawthar. Despite having just three verses it is considered to be the essence of the
entire Holy Quran as it is a tremendous means of salvation. This Surah brings one focus
towards four basic Islamic ideologies and beliefs which result in attaining a state of
rectitude and decency in all issues of life.
These four core principles are described as under
 Having Concrete Faith in Allah SWT
 Carrying Out Of Righteous Deeds
 Calling Each Other To Truth
 Recommending Each Other Towards Patience
 Having Concrete Faith in Allah SWT
The very first requisite for entrance to the circle of Islam is that one should have
complete trust in the Existence of Only One God. Tawheed has always been the
primary aim of sending Prophets into this world. Time after time, whenever people
forgot about the Almighty as being the Sole Worthy of worship and veneration the
Creator of the Universe rose among them His Apostle so as to redirect them towards
His remembrance.

Being among the initial Chapters of the Holy Quran Allah the Most Exalted through this
auspicious Surah of Al-Asr is directing the Arabs to leave Polytheism and come towards
His memory and adulation only. The Almighty Lord says in Furqan e Hameed

‘Indeed your Lord is Allah who created the heavens and earth in six days
and then established Himself above the Throne. He covers the night with
the day [another night] chasing it rapidly and [He created] the sun the
moon and the stars subjected by His command. Unquestionably, His is the
creation and the command blessed is Allah Lord of the worlds. [Quran 7:
 Carrying Out Of Righteous Deeds:
Having absolute devotion to the Almighty God, one also needs to live its life according
to the instructions given by Him. As ‘Actions speak louder than words’ therefore a
true believer also has to fulfil its obligations that are prescribed by Allah SWT. It
includes adherence of a Muslim to both of its religious and other moral responsibilities
as well as leaving all what has been forbidden in the Religion of Peace. The
accomplishment of virtuous actions in Islam includes carrying out Salah, fasting, Zakat
(charity) and Hajj etc. The Almighty Lord says in the Holy Quran

‘But they who believe and do righteous deeds-those are the companions of
Paradise they will abide therein eternally’ [Quran: 2: 82]

 Calling Each Other To Truth:

After setting one own life on the right track with having strong conviction in Allah
Almighty and carrying out righteous actions one also needs to preach fellow Muslim
brothers and sisters towards truthfulness and honesty. Truth here could be taken in
terms of advocating the word of God in front of others without any hesitation. The
Almighty Lord says in Furqan e Hameed.

‘And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you
know’ [Quran, 2: 42]
 Recommending Each Other Towards Patience

A true disciple of Islam firmly believes that the worldly life is nothing but just an interim
stay of trial and test. It is every Muslims duty not only to remain patient in times of
adversity but also preach others to keep calm and believe in Allah Help. One also has to
advocate others about patience in grievances and those hard times of this life are
temporary in nature and that they will be followed with great times of eternal peace and
tranquility in the hereafter. Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran

‘And seek help through patience and prayer and indeed it is difficult except
for the humbly submissive’ [Quran, 2: 45]
How to achieve success in the light of surah Al-Asr

 I swear by the passage of time, that man is surely in a state of loss, except those who
 Do good deeds..
 Ask one another to hold fast to the Truth.
 Who ask one another to have patience.
 I swear by the passage of time, that man is surely in a state of loss, except
those who believe.
Many of us are aware with the story of Firawn that how he disbelieved in ALLAH and tried to kill
Prophets Moosa and Haroon may ALLAH pleased be with them and the Bani Israel at the banks
of a Nile river with his huge army. But ALLAH drowned him and his army in the midst of a Nile
river. By preserving Firawn body from rotting ALLAH has brought him a disgrace and set a sign
for getting a heed for the coming generations till the arrival of the Judgment Day.

The people of Prophet Yunus may ALLAH pleased be with him in the early stages of his Prophet
hood rejected him and ALLAH. By seeing no sign of improvement in his people Prophet Yunus
prayed ALLAH to bring a torment on them and left the city.  When the people of Prophet Yunus
may ALLAH pleased be with him seen the early signs of torment from ALLAH they repented and
prayed to ALLAH to send their Prophet back in order to learn the ways of worshipping ALLAH.
ALLAH the Merciful and Beneficent accepted their repentance and prayers.

 Do good deeds
After attaining a firm belief in ALLAH our enemy Satan will use every sort of lethal weapon
against us to diminish our belief in ALLAH. His one of the common lethal weapon against us is
the slow poison of sorrow, grief anxiety. How much strong we may but there is always a
possibility that we may come under its influence. Once the slow poison of sorrow grief and
anxiety enters in our mind and starts its work and became uncontrollable then we may fall in
serious depression or try to commit suicide or gone mad or constant illness. To attain comfort
we will turn to such things which ALLAH and His Prophet prohibited us that is Shirk and other
illicit activities. Psychiatrists from all over the world could not able to find its antidote rather
than giving suggestions. More than 1400 years ago ALLAH has given an antidote in the Holy
Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of ALLAH – surely in
the remembrance of ALLAH hearts can find comfort.  {Surah Al-Ra’d/13:28}

 Ask one another to hold fast to the Truth

Have you ever think that how our ancestors came into the folds of Islam or who spread or
preach the divine message of ALLAH when Prophet MUHAMMAD peace be upon him departed
from this world If you are thinking about Sahabas,may ALLAH pleased be with them? Then I
would like to ask who spread or preach the message of ALLAH after them? You might be
thinking of some people voluntarily came forward to spread or preach the message of ALLAH.
The question arises here is what did they get by spreading or preaching the message of ALLAH?
You might say to attain the pleasure of ALLAH. Then  I would like to ask What type of pleasure
they would attain from ALLAH?

‘Allah will raise up to (suitable) ranks and (degrees) those of you who believe and who have
been granted knowledge. And Allah is well-acquainted with all you do’ {Surah Al-

 Who ask one another to have patience?

This one is quite difficult when compared to previous ones. As the ALLAH says in the Holy Quran

Do people think that once they say ‘We believe they will be left alone and not be put to the
test? We certainly tried those who have gone before them so ALLAH will certainly distinguish
between those who are truthful and those who are lying.   {Surah Al-An abut/29:2-3}

You might be thinking by what means ALLAH put us through the test. With an answer to queries
ALLAH also shows how to be successful in His test in the following verse.

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger some loss in goods lives and the
fruits (of your toil) but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.    {Surah Al-Baqarah

Hence the minimum and unified criteria for the divine success in the life of a Muslim are
described in Surah Al-Asr. A Muslim should fulfill these criteria to get the divine success in this
life and in the after world. And this is the minimum and unified among all others. Therefor Imam
shafi said if Allah (SWT) would have revealed only this surah instead of whole Quran this surah
would have been enough for the guidance of the humanity.

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