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Assignment # 4

Subject Chemical Engg. Plant Design

Submitted To Dr Azam Saeed

Submitted By 2016-CH-418

Topic HAZOP Study of Heat Exchanger

UET Lahore FSD Campus

‘Systemati c technique to IDENTIFY potenti al  HAZard and OPerati ng problems’

 A qualitati ve technique based on “guide words” to help provoke thoughts

about the way deviati ons from the intended operati ng conditi ons can lead to
hazardous situati ons or operability problems.
 HAZOP is basically for safety.
 Hazards are the main concern.
 Operability problems degrade plant performance (product quality,
producti on rate, profi t).

Objective of HAZOP
For identi fying cause and the consequences of perceived operati ons of equipment
and associated operator interfaces in the context of the complete system.

How and Why HAZOP is Used

 HAZOP identi fi es
potenti al hazards,
failures and
 Its use is
recommended as a
principal method
by professional
insti tuti ons and
legislators based
on proven
capabiliti es for
over 40 years.
 It is most eff ecti ve
as a team eff ort
consists of plant
and designers,
operati ng
personnel, control
instrumentati on
engineer etc.
Guide words for HAZOP study

Guide Word Deviation Example

NONE or NO No part of the intenti on is No forward fl ow when it

achieved should be

MORE Quanti tati ve increase in Higher pressure, fl owrate

physical quanti ty and temperature

LESS Quanti tati ve decrease in Lower pressure, fl owrate

physical quanti ty and temperature

MORE THAN All intenti ons achieved but Impuriti es in fl ow

with additi onal eff ects

PART OF Only some of the intenti ons One or more components of

are achieved. the mixture is missing

OTHER THAN A result other than Unusual circumstances

intenti on is achieved

REVERSE Exact opposite of intenti on Reverse fl ow

is achieved

Strength of HAZOP
 HAZOP is a systemati c, reasonably comprehensive and fl exible.

 It is suitable mainly for team use where by it is possible to incorporate the

general experience available.

 It gives good identi fi cati on of cause and excellent identi fi cati on of criti cal
deviati ons.

 The use of keywords is eff ecti ve and the whole group can parti cipate.
HAZOP Study of Heat Exchanger

Guide Word Deviation Causes Consequences Action

Failure of inlet Process fluid Install high

NONE No cooling cooling valve to temperature is not temperature
water flow open lowered accordingly alarm (TAH)

MORE Failure of inlet Output of process fluid Install check

More cooling cooling valve to temperature is too low valve
water flow close

Less cooling Process fluid Instruct

LESS water Pipe leakage temperature is too low operators on
REVERSE Reverse Failure of Check
process fluid process fluid Product off set maintenance
flow inlet valve procedures
If less
CONTAMINATION Process fluid Contamination Outlet temperature too cooling, TAH
contamination in cooling low will detect. If
water detected,
isolate water
source. Back
up water

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