Questions On UNIT

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Practical/Oral Questions

Subject: Digital Logic Design

UNIT 01 Combinational Logic Design
 Define Minterm, Maxterm, SOP & POS.
 How to convert given Boolean equation in to standard or canonical form.
 Which methods are used to simplify the Boolean equations?
 Why Gray Code is used in K-map?
 What are the applications of MUX/DEMUX/Decoder?
 What is meaning of ACTIVE HIGH or ACTIVE LOW input?
 What is BCD code? What are its advantages & disadvantages?
 Differentiate positive & negative Logic system.
 Define truth table
 What is logic gate?
 What is function of MUX select input?
UNIT 02 Sequential Logic Design
 What is ripple counter? State its disadvantages.
 What is Modulus counter?
 An 8 KHz square wave clock is applied to the 5-bit ripple counter. What is frequency of clock of
last Flip-Flop?
 Difference between synchronous and Asynchronous RESET input?
 Show how J-K flip flop is operated as toggle state.
 What is meant by edge triggering?
 What is difference in edge triggered & master slave flip flops?
 How race around condition is eliminating using master slave J-K flip flop.
 State the disadvantage of S-R flip flop. How it is overcome?
 List basic four applications of Flip Flops.
 What is shift register? List different types of shift register and its applications.
UNIT 03 Introductions to HDL
 Define VHDL, entity, architecture
 How to declare the signal / variable/ constant.
 State the operators used in VHDL.
 What is use of Library and USE clause?
 List the nine values of std_logic type.
 What are the modelling styles used in VHDL? Which one is better?
 Write a VHDL code for 4:1 MUX/ 3:8 decoder/AND, XOR, XNOR logic gates.
 Write syntax and examples for conditional & Loop statements.
 Difference between IF and CASE statements.
 What is use of concatenation operator?
 What is a process statement?
 List three packages used in VHDL design.
UNIT 04 State Machines
 Difference between Mealy and Moore Model.
 Define state table / transition table / State assignment.
 What is unused state / Lockout condition .
 What is a state reduction technique? State advantages of state reduction technique.
 Draw the state diagram to detect 1011 sequence using Mealy / Moore model.
 Draw the state diagram to generate 1011 sequence.
 How to design sequence generator using shift register?
 How many flip flops require for 15 states?

UNIT 05 Logic Families

 Define Fan-in, Fan-out, Noise margin, Propagation delays, current sinking and current sourcing.
 Is buffer amplifier is equivalent to 1-input AND gate or 1-input OR gate
 Classifies the logic families
 State the various characteristics of digital IC’s
 What is tri-state logic
 Draw the basic CMOS inverter circuit or CMOS NAND/NOR gate.
 Which gate is preferred to design NAND or NOR? Why?
 Compare CMOS & TTL logic families.
 State the advantages & disadvantage of CMOS family.
 Which is the good logic family?
UNIT 06 PLD’s & Semiconductor Memories
 Define memory cell, memory word, address & byte.
 What is ROM / PROM / EPROM / EEPROM?
 Difference between RAM & ROM.
 Difference between semiconductor memories & memories that uses magnetic material.
 Difference between static and dynamic RAM
 What is PLD? State its types.
 Can we design 4-bit up counter circuit using PAL? If, yes then How?
 List applications of PLA/PAL.
 Difference between PLA, PAL and PROM.
 How to expand word size & memory capacity?

Prof. V. B. Jagdale Prof. S. L. Kurkute

Subject Incharge H.O.D.
Experiment No. 01
 Can we implement AND gate using MUX? If yes then how?
 What are the applications of MUX?
 What are the advantages of MUX & DEMUX?
 What is difference between combinational & sequential circuits?
 What is difference between DEMUX & DECODER?
Experiment No. 02
 What is use of IC 7483?
 Can we design subtract or ckt using ADDER? And how?
 What is difference between BCD & binary number?
 Why we are using two IC 7483 in BCD adder circuit’s diagram?

Experiment No. 03
 What will happen if content of register are shift left or right?
 Can we design buffer and inverter using EX-OR gate? How?
 What is shift register? List the mode of operation of shift register?
 What e=are the applications of shift register?
 Which flip-flop is used in IC 74194?
 What are disadvantages SR and JK flip-flop? How it is overcome or avoided?
 What is use of latch?
Experiment No. 04
 What is use of reset and clear terminal in synchronous circuit?
 Applications of counter and types of counter.
 Which flip-flop is used in IC 74191 and IC 4520?
 What is difference between synchronous and asynchronous?
 Write the different triggering methods?
 What is difference between flip-flop and latch?
 What is use of (i) LOAD (PL) PIN (ii) TC PIN (iii) RC PIN ; in IC 74194?
 What is glitch and clock skew
 Difference between synchronous and asynchronous reset.
 What is race around condition, how it can be avoided?
 In SR flip-flop why we are not applies S=R=1 inputs.

Experiment No. 05 to 06
 What is syntax error?
 What is a meaning of clock’event?
 What is digital comparator?
 What is a simulator or compiler?
 Which simulator used to simulate design VHDL experiments?
 What is test bench? Why it is required?
 How to instantiate component in VHDL?
 How to declare component in VHDL?
 What is ALU?
 How to declare array of the variable in VHDL?
 How to apply the inputs to DUT by using VHDL simulator?
Prof. V. B. Jagdale Prof. S. L. Kurkute
Subject Incharge H.O.D.

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