Questions On UNIT
Questions On UNIT
Questions On UNIT
Experiment No. 03
What will happen if content of register are shift left or right?
Can we design buffer and inverter using EX-OR gate? How?
What is shift register? List the mode of operation of shift register?
What e=are the applications of shift register?
Which flip-flop is used in IC 74194?
What are disadvantages SR and JK flip-flop? How it is overcome or avoided?
What is use of latch?
Experiment No. 04
What is use of reset and clear terminal in synchronous circuit?
Applications of counter and types of counter.
Which flip-flop is used in IC 74191 and IC 4520?
What is difference between synchronous and asynchronous?
Write the different triggering methods?
What is difference between flip-flop and latch?
What is use of (i) LOAD (PL) PIN (ii) TC PIN (iii) RC PIN ; in IC 74194?
What is glitch and clock skew
Difference between synchronous and asynchronous reset.
What is race around condition, how it can be avoided?
In SR flip-flop why we are not applies S=R=1 inputs.
Experiment No. 05 to 06
What is syntax error?
What is a meaning of clock’event?
What is digital comparator?
What is a simulator or compiler?
Which simulator used to simulate design VHDL experiments?
What is test bench? Why it is required?
How to instantiate component in VHDL?
How to declare component in VHDL?
What is ALU?
How to declare array of the variable in VHDL?
How to apply the inputs to DUT by using VHDL simulator?
Prof. V. B. Jagdale Prof. S. L. Kurkute
Subject Incharge H.O.D.