Implante Angulate Ejoi - 2014 - 02 - Sup0171
Implante Angulate Ejoi - 2014 - 02 - Sup0171
Implante Angulate Ejoi - 2014 - 02 - Sup0171
around axial vs. tilted implants was analysed using meta-analysis. Correspondence to:
Results: The literature search yielded 758 articles. A first screening based on titles and abstracts identi- Massimo Del Fabbro
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico
fied 62 eligible studies. After a full-text review, 19 articles (14 prospective and five retrospective studies) Galeazzi Università degli
Studi di Milano,
were selected for analysis. A total of 670 patients have been rehabilitated with 716 prostheses (415 in Via Riccardo Galeazzi,
the maxilla, 301 in the mandible), supported by a total of 1494 axial and 1338 tilted implants. Peri- 4 20161 – Milano Italy
Tel: +39 02 50319950
implant crestal bone loss after 1 year of function ranged from 0.43 to 1.13 mm for axial implants and Fax: +39 02 50319960
from 0.34 to 1.14 mm for tilted implants. In spite of a trend for a lower bone loss around axial implants Email: massimo.delfabbro@
with respect to tilted ones at 12 months, as well as after 3 or more years of function, no significant
difference could be found (P = 0.09 and P = 0.30, respectively). The location (maxilla vs. mandible),
the loading mode (immediate vs. delayed), the restoration type (full vs. partial prosthesis) and the
study design (prospective vs. retrospective) had no significant effect on marginal bone loss. Forty-six
implants (18 axial and 28 tilted) failed in 38 patients within the first year of function. All failures except
five occurred in the maxilla. After 12 months of loading, the survival rate of implants placed in the
maxilla (97.4%) was significantly lower as compared to the mandible (99.6%). No prosthesis failure
was reported.
Conclusions: Tilting of the implants does not induce significant alteration in crestal bone level
change as compared to conventional axial placement after 1 year of function. The trend seems to
be unchanged over time even though the amount of long-term data is still scarce. The use of tilted
implants to support fixed partial and full-arch prostheses for the rehabilitation of edentulous jaws can
be considered a predictable technique, with an excellent prognosis in the short and mid-term. Further
long-term trials, possibly randomised, are needed to determine the efficacy of this surgical approach
and the remodelling pattern of marginal bone in the long term.
Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
studies, the crestal bone level change around tilted Inclusion criteria
implants has not been systematically reported16-18.
The primary aim of this systematic review was to The search was limited to clinical studies involving
evaluate the fate of marginal bone around tilted ver- human subjects. Restrictions were not placed regard-
sus axial implants supporting partial and complete ing the language. Both prospective and retrospective
rehabilitations, after at least 1 year of function. Fur- studies were included. Further inclusion criteria were:
ther aims were to investigate if a relationship exists a minimum of 10 partially edentulous or completely
between marginal bone change and the survival rate edentulous patients rehabilitated with partial or
of axial and tilted implants over time and if factors complete fixed prosthesis supported by both axially
like the arch (maxilla vs. mandible) the type of pros- placed and tilted implants; a minimum follow-up
thesis (partial vs. complete) or the loading timing duration of 1 year; bone loss around tilted and axial
(immediate vs. delayed) could affect marginal bone implants clearly reported; survival rate for tilted and
changes. axial implants clearly indicated or calculable from
data provided; and implants placed in a pristine jaw-
bone without additional grafting.
Materials and methods Publications that did not meet the above inclu-
sion criteria and those that were not dealing with
Search methods original clinical cases (e.g. reviews, technical reports)
were excluded. Multiple publications of the same
An electronic search was performed on the following pool of patients were also excluded from the data-
databases: MEDLINE; Embase; and the Cochrane base. When papers from the same group of authors,
Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). with very similar databases of patients, materials,
The last search was performed on 15 January, 2014. methods and outcomes were identified, the authors
The search terms used were: ‘dental implant*’; were contacted for clarifying if the pool of patients
‘oral implant*’; ‘tilted implant*’; ‘angled implant*’; was indeed the same. In case of multiple publications
‘angulated implant*’; ‘offset implant*’; ‘upright im- relative to consecutive phases of the same study,
plant*’; ‘straight implant*’; ‘axial implant*’; ‘eden- only the most recent data (those with the longer
tulous patient*’; ‘edentulous mandible’; ‘edentulous follow-up) were considered.
maxilla’; ‘All-on-four’; ‘All-on-4’, ‘All-on-six’; and
‘All-on-6’. They were used alone or in combination
Selection of the studies
using Boolean operators OR and AND. Furthermore,
a hand search of issues from 2000 up to the last Two reviewers (MDF and VC) independently
issue available on 15 January, 2014, including the screened the titles and the abstracts of the articles
‘Early view’ (or equivalent) section was undertaken initially retrieved through the electronic search. The
on the following journals: Clinical Implant Den- reviewers were previously calibrated by assessing
tistry and Related Research; Clinical Oral Implants a sample of 20 articles. The concordance between
Research; Implant Dentistry; European Journal of reviewers was assessed by means of the Cohen’s
Oral Implantology; International Journal of Oral Kappa coefficient. In case of disagreement, a joint
and Maxillofacial Surgery; International Journal decision was taken by discussion. The full texts of
of Prosthodontics; Journal of Implantology; Jour- all studies of possible relevance were independently
nal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Journal of assessed by the same two reviewers to check if they
Periodontology; Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry; met all inclusion criteria. For articles excluded at this
The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial stage, the reason for exclusion was noted.
Implants; and The International Journal of Perio-
dontics and Restorative Dentistry. The reference list
Data extraction
of the retrieved reviews and of the included stud-
ies was also searched for possible additional eligible Data were extracted by two reviewers independently
studies not identified by the electronic search. (MDF and VC). Cases of disagreement were subject
to joint evaluation until an agreement was reached. were imported in the software RevMan (Review
The following variables were extracted from each Manager [RevMan] Version 5.2, 2012; The Nor-
included study: study design; sample size; patient dic Cochrane Center, The Cochrane Collaboration,
gender and age; proportion of smokers; total num- Copenhagen, Denmark) for meta-analysis. For mar-
ber of implants; number, type and location of the ginal bone loss evaluation the mean value and standard
prostheses; follow-up duration; number of tilted and deviation of crestal bone level change and the number
upright implants; degree of tilting; number of failed of tilted and axial implants available for analysis in each
implants and details (time after loading, location; study were used. A random effect model was chosen.
reason for failure); number of patients experienc- The estimates of the bone level change around axial
ing implant failure; prosthesis success rate; mar- and tilted implants were expressed as mean difference
ginal bone level change around tilted and upright (mm) together with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
implants; occurrence and type of complications. The statistical evaluation was conducted considering
The following methodological parameters were the implant as the analysis unit. The contribution of
also recorded: for randomised studies (if any), the each article to the primary outcome was weighted
random sequence generation method and alloca- based on the sample size and standard deviation.
tion concealment; for all studies: clear definition of Subgroup analysis was performed taking into account
inclusion and exclusion criteria; clear definition of location (maxilla or mandible), angulation (tilted or
outcomes assessment and success criteria; number axial), loading timing (immediate or delayed), study
of surgeons involved; completeness of the outcome design (prospective or retrospective) and restoration
data reported; recall rate (it was assumed ade- type (partial or complete prosthesis).
quate if dropout <20%); explanation for dropouts/ Regarding implant survival, the estimates of the
withdrawal (when applicable); sample size (it was effects of an intervention were expressed as odds
assumed adequate if >20 patients were treated); and ratio (OR) together with 95% confidence intervals.
length of follow-up period (it was assumed ade- The statistical evaluation was conducted considering
quate if the mean duration was ≥3 years). Details on both the implant and the patient as the analysis unit.
the methods adopted for crestal bone level change Comparison among studies was performed by meta-
evaluation were also noted, such as: type of radio- analysis. ORs were combined using a fixed-effects
graphs and standardisation (periapical radiographs model (Mantel-Haenszel method). Pearson’s chi-
(PA) with an individual holder; PA without individual square analysis was used to investigate the effect of
holder, panoramic radiographs); blinding or inde- implant location, angulation, loading timing, study
pendency of evaluators. The methodological quality design and restoration type on implant survival at
of the selected studies was evaluated independently 1-year follow-up. P = 0.05 was considered as the
and in duplicate by two reviewers (MDF and VC) significance level.
according to the above methodological parameters.
All the criteria were assessed as adequate, unclear, or
inadequate. The authors of the included studies were Results
contacted for providing clarifications or missing in-
formation as needed. Studies were considered at low The flowchart summarising the screening process is
risk of bias if more than 2/3 of the nine parameters presented in Fig 1. The last electronic search was per-
were judged as adequate. formed on 15 January, 2014. The electronic search
yielded a total of 758 articles. No additional article was
found by the hand search. After a first screening of the
Statistical analysis
titles and abstracts, 62 articles were selected, which
In order to make comparisons between studies with reported results of clinical studies in which edentulous
different follow-up duration, the statistics were made patients have been rehabilitated using prostheses sup-
considering the 1-year data for all studies. Studies ported by axial and tilted implants14,15,20,26-84. The
reporting longer follow-ups were considered sep- Cohen’s kappa coefficient was 0.92, indicating excel-
arately. The data extracted from each included study lent agreement between reviewers.
gion, and in the study by Malò et al32 there were Fortin et al, 200281 Inadequate report of bone loss
83 trans-sinus implants). A total of 1576 maxil- Krekmanov et al, 200014 Inadequate report of bone loss
lary (904 axial, 742 tilted) and 1171 mandibular Krekmanov et al, 200082 Inadequate report and partially redundant
(Krekmanov et al, 200014)
implants (590 axial, 581 tilted) was considered for
Mattsson et al, 200083 Inadequate report of bone loss
the analysis on marginal bone level change.
Peñarrocha et al, R University 18 33% / 67% NR (35–69) 39% 117 18 (62)* - Full-arch 39.2 (12–84)
Pozzi et al, 201243 P University 27 56% / 44% 54 (38–77) NR 81 37(81) - FPD 43.3 (36–54)
Weinstein et al, P University 20 40% / 60% 60.8 (44–77) 20% 80 - 20 (80) Full-arch 30.1 (20–48)
Agliardi et al, 201056 P Private Centre 24 42% / 58% 56.4 (42–73) 25% 96 - 24 (96) Full-arch 26.8 (14–42)
Hinze et al, 201060 P Private Centre 37 49% / 51% 64.6 (39–84) 30% 148 19 (76) 18 (72) Full-arch 12
Agliardi et al, 200963 P University 20 55% / 45% 57 (44–68) 35% 120 20 (120) - Full-arch 27.2 (18–42)
Tealdo et al, 200869 P University 21 52% / 48% 58 (NR) NR 111 21 (111) - Full-arch 20 (13–28)
Capelli et al, 200771 P University 65 34% / 66% 59.2 (28–83) 15% 342 41 (246) 24 (96) Full-arch 55 (33–82)
Koutouzis and R University 38 53% / 47% 59.5 (NR) 26% 111 24 (40) 18 (39) FPD 60
Wennstrom, 200772
Calandriello and P Private Centre 18 39% / 61% 64 (51–76) heavy 60 19 (60) - 12 FPD 7 12
Tomatis, 200576 smokers full-arch
Aparicio et al, 200120 R University 25 40% / 60% 59 (M) 49 (F) 24% 101 29 (101) - 29 FPD 37 (21–87)
P = prospective; R = retrospective; NR = not reported; * only tilted (n = 30) and conventionally placed axial implants (n = 32) were considered; **the implants were all splinted by a
welded bar.
Table 3 Main outcomes of the included studies.
Articles Inserted implants PSR Location of 12 m bone loss, mm (no. of >12 m bone loss, mm (no. of Complications reported
(failures) failed implants implants) implants)
axial tilted axial tilted axial tilted
Browaeys et 40 40 100% – 1.13 ± 0.71 1.14 ± 1.,14 1.55 ± 0.73 1.67 ± 1.22
al, 201427 (n = 32) (n = 32) (n = 32) (n = 32)
Di et al, 172 172 100% 11 maxilla 0.7 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.4 3 abutment screw loosened, 5 artificial teeth
201329 (1 ax, 10 tilt), (n = 148) (n = 148) separated from the acrylic resin base. Fracture
2 mandible near the implant metal coping in 3 provisional
(1 ax 1 tilted) restorations.
Krennmair et 76 76 100% – – – 1.17 ± 0.26 1.24 ± 0.32 256 in total (described in details in a table).
al, 201331 (n = 76) (n = 76)
Malò et al, 140(1) 57(1)* 100% Maxilla 0.62 ± 0.35 0.89 ± 0.54 1.15 ± 0.51 1.06±0.71 Mechanical complications in 36 patients
201332 (n = 114/135) (n = 47/55) (n = 88/123) (n = 40/50) (28 prosthetic screw loosening, 8 prosthe-
sis fracture); Biological complications in 26
patients/30 implants: bone resorption and BoP
(11), fistulae (2), excessive bone loss (2).
Crespi et al, 88 88 (3) 100% 1 maxilla Maxilla: Maxilla: Maxilla: Maxilla: 1 case of mucositis around 1 axial implant.
201237 2 mandible 1.02 ± 0.35 1.05 ± 0.29 1.08 ± 0.4 1.07 ± 0.46
(n = 48) (n = 47) (n = 48; 24m) (n = 47; 24 m)
1.10 ± 0.45 1.11 ± 0.32
(n = 48; 36m) (n = 47; 36 m)
Mandible: Mandible: Mandible: Mandible:
Del Fabbro / Ceresoli
(n = 54; 36 m) (n = 54; 36 m)
0.51 ± 0.17 0.39 ± 0.18
(n = 24; 60 m) (n = 24; 60 m)
Grandi et al, 94 94 100% – 0.57 ± 0.13 0.60 ± 0.16 0.68 ± 0.14 0.68 ± 0.14 Three patients had a fracture of the provi-
201240 (n = 94) (n = 94) (n = 94; 18 m) (n = 94; 18 m) sional restoration, but all of the definitive
prostheses remained stable throughout the
study period without any complications.
Peñarrocha 32 (2) 30 (1) 100% 3 maxilla 0,52 ± 0,10 0,76 ± 0.06 – – NR
et al, 201242 (n = 32) (n = 30)
Table 3 (cont.) Main outcomes of the included studies.
Articles Inserted implants PSR Location of 12 m bone loss, mm (no. of >12 m bone loss, mm (no. of Complications reported
(failures) failed implants implants) implants)
axial tilted axial tilted axial tilted
Pozzi et al, 39 (1) 42 (2) 100% 3 maxilla 0.48 ± 0.3 Ant: 0.6 ± 0.5 ± 0.3 Ant: 0.7 ± 0.38 No biological or mechanical complications
201243 (1 patient) (n = 38) 0.38 (n = 38. 36m) (n = 14; 36 m) occurred during the entire follow-up period.
(n = 14) Post: 0.7 ± 0.2
Post: 0.62 ± (n = 26; 36 m)
(n = 26)
Weinstein et 40 40 100% – 0.6 ± 0.3 0.7± 0.4 – – NR
al, 201244 (n = 36) (n = 36)
Agliardi et al, 48 48 100% – 0.9 ± 0.4 0.8 ± 0.5 – – No complication during surgical and prosthetic
201056 (n = 42) (n = 42) procedures.
Del Fabbro / Ceresoli
Degidi et al, 90 (1) 120 100% maxilla 0.60 ± 0.11 0.63 ± 0.24 0.92 ± 0.89 1.03 ± 0.87 Three implants had serious biologic complica-
201059 (n = 89) (n = 120) (n = 89; 36 m) (n = 120; 36 m) tion (peri-implantitis).
Hinze et al, 74 (3) 74 (4) 100% Tilted: 0.82 ± 0.31 0.76 ± 0.49 – – 4 fractures of provisional prostheses. One
201060 3 maxilla (n = 71) (n = 70) fracture of definitive prosthesis. Loss of the
1 mandible screw access hole restoration in 9.5% of the
cases. Occlusal screw loosening in 6% of
cases. Extensive bruising in 2 patients.
3 maxilla
Agliardi et al, 40 80 100% – 0.8 ± 0.4 0.9 ± 0.5 – – No complications occurred during surgical and
200963 (n = 30) (n = 60) prosthetic procedures.
(n = 61) (n = 42)
Capelli et al, 189 (2) 117 (1) 100% maxilla Maxilla: Maxilla: – – Two more implants failures (1 axial and 1
200771 0.95 ± 0.44 0.88 ± 0.59 tilted in maxilla) were recorded during the
(n = 84); (n = 42); second year of function.
Mandible: Mandible:
0.82 ± 0.64 0.75 ± 0.55
(n = 32) (n = 32)
Kout- 36 33 100% – – – 0.4 ± 0.94 0.5 ± 0.95 Three implant fractures, three cases with
ouzis and (n = 36; 60 m) (n = 33; 60 m) crown-screw loosening and three cases with
Wennstrom, minor porcelain fractures.
Calandriello 33 (1) 27 (1) 100% maxilla 0.82 ± 0.86 0.34 ± 0.76 – – One fracture of the acrylic bridge that prob-
and Tomatis, (n = 32) (n = 26) ably lead to implant failure.
Aparicio et 59 (2) 42 100% maxilla 0.43 ± 0.45 0.57 ± 0.50 0.92 ± 0.55 1.21 ± 0.68 28 mechanical incidents in 16 prostheses
al, 200120 (n = 53) (n = 40) (n = 12; 60 m) (n = 12; 60 m) (55.2%). 18 retightening of the abutment
screw in 14 prostheses, gold screw retighten-
ing in five prostheses. Fracture of the abut-
ment screws and of the occlusal material was
in two prostheses.
Study or subgroup axial tilted Mean difference Mean difference Fig 2 Forest plot of
Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% Year IV, Random, 95% CI (mm) the mean differences
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) CI (mm)
Aparicio et al, 200120 0.43 0.45 57 0.57 0.5 42 5.0% -0.14 [-0.33, 0.05] 2001 in marginal bone level
Calandriello et al, 200576 0.82 0.86 35 0.34 0.76 26 2.0% 0.48 [0.07, 0.89] 2005 change between axial
Capelli et al, 2007 71 0.91 0.58 116 0.81 0.57 74 5.5% 0.10 [-0.07, 0.27] 2007
and tilted implants in
Tealdo et al, 2008 0.74 0.5 61 0.98 0.5 42 4.8% -0.24 [-0.44, -0.04] 2008
Agliardi et al, 2009 63 0.8 0.4 30 0.9 0.5 60 5.0% -0.10 [-0.29, 0.09] 2009
the included studies at
Hinze et al, 201060 0.82 0.31 71 0.76 0.49 70 6.3% 0.06 [-0.08, 0.20] 2010 12-months follow-up.
Degidi et al, 201059 0.6 0.11 89 0.63 0.24 120 8.3% -0.03 [-0.08, 0.02] 2010
Agliardi et al, 201056 0.9 0.4 42 0.8 0.5 42 4.9% 0.10 [-0.09, 0.29] 2010
Pozzi et al, 201243 0.48 0.3 38 0.61 0.38 40 5.9% -0.13 [-0.28, 0.02] 2012
Crespi et al, 2012 37 1.03 0.33 88 1.05 0.31 85 7.3% -0.02 [-0.12, 0.08] 2012
Grandi et al, 201240 0.57 0.13 94 0.6 0.16 94 8.4% -0.03 [-0.07, 0.01] 2012
Weinstein et al, 201244 0.6 0.3 36 0.7 0.4 36 5.6% -0.10 [-0.26, 0.06] 2012
Peñarrocha et al, 201242 0.52 0.1 32 0.76 0.06 30 8.4% -0.24 [-0.28, -0.20] 2012
Francetti et al, 201238 0.51 0.37 98 0.43 0.25 98 7.5% 0.08 [-0.01, 0.17] 2012
Di et al, 201329 0.7 0.2 148 0.8 0.4148 7.9% -0.10 [-0.17, -0.03] 2013
Malo et al, 2013 32 0.62 0.35 114 0.89 0.54 47 5.5% -0.27 [-0.44, -0.10] 2013
Browaeys et al, 201427 1.13 0.71 32 1.14 1.14 32 1.6% -0.01 [-0.48, 0.46] 2014
Total (95% CI) 1181 1086 100.0% -0.06 [-0.12, 0.01]
Heterogeneity: Tau² = 0.01; Chi² = 110.31, df = 16 (P < 0.00001); I² = 85%
Test for overall effect: Z = 1.72 (P = 0.09)
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Favours axial Favours tilted
Study or subgroup axial tilted Mean difference Mean difference Fig 3 Forest plot of
Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% Year IV, Random, 95% CI (mm) the mean differences
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) CI (mm)
Aparicio et al, 200120 0.92 0.55 13 1.21 0.68 12 3.5% -0.29 [-0.78, 0.20] 2001 in marginal bone level
Koutouzis & Wennstrom, 200772 0.4 0.94 36 0.5 0.95 33 4.0% -0.10 [-0.55, 0.35] 2007 change between axial
Degidi et al, 2010 59 0.92 0.89 89 1.03 0.87 120 9.6% -0.11 [-0.35, 0.13] 2010 and tilted implants in
Crespi et al, 201237 1.08 0.43 88 1.115 0.33 85 17.5% -0.03 [-0.15, 0.08] 2012
Pozzi et al, 201243 0.5 0.3 94 0.7 0.3 94 19.5% -0.20 [-0.29, -0.11] 2012
the six included studies
Francetti et al, 201238 0.91 0.49 68 0.72 0.48 68 14.0% 0.19 [0.03, 0.35] 2012 reporting data of at
Malo et al, 201332 1.15 0.51 88 1.06 0.71 40 9.5% 0.09 [-0.15, 0.33] 2013 least 36-months follow-
Krennmair et al, 2013 31 1.17 0.26 76 1.24 0.32 76 19.0% -0.07 [-0.16, 0.02] 2013
Browaeys et al, 2014 27 1.55 0.73 32 1.67 1.22 32 3.4% -0.12 [-0.61, 0.37] 2014
Total (95% CI) 1181 1086 100.0% -0.06 [-0.12, 0.01]
Heterogeneity: Tau² = 0.01; Chi² = 21.36, df = 8 (P < 0.006); I² = 63%
Test for overall effect: Z = 1.04 (P = 0.30) –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Favours axial Favours tilted
Fig 4 Forest plot of Study or subgroup axial tilted Odds Ratio Odds Ratio
the differences in im- Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Fixed, 95% CI Year M-H, Fixed, 95% CI
plant survival between Aparicio et al, 200120 2 57 0 42 1.8% 3.83 [0.18, 81.87] 2001
axial and tilted implants Calandriello et al, 200576 1 25 1 16 3.8% 0.63 [0.04, 10.76] 2005
Koutouzis & Wennstrom, 200772 0 36 0 33 Not estimable 2007
in the included studies
Capelli et al, 200771 2 162 1 103 3.9% 1.27 [0.11, 14.24] 2007
at 12-months follow-up.
Tealdo et al, 200869 3 61 5 42 18.3% 0.38 [0.09, 1.70] 2008
Agliardi et al, 200963 0 40 0 80 Not estimable 2009
Hinze et al, 201060 3 71 4 70 12.5% 0.73 [0.16, 3.38] 2010
Degidi et al, 201059 1 88 0 119 1.4% 4.10 [0.16, 101.77] 2010
Agliardi et al, 201056 0 24 0 24 Not estimable 2010
Pozzi et al, 201243 1 38 2 40 6.2% 0.51 [0.04, 5.91] 2012
Crespi et al, 201237 0 88 3 85 11.5% 0.13 [0.01, 2.62] 2012
Francetti et al, 201238 0 98 0 98 Not estimable 2012
Peñarrocha et al, 201242 2 30 1 29 3.1% 2.00 [0.17, 23.34] 2012
Grandi et al, 201240 0 94 0 94 Not estimable 2012
Weinstein et al, 201244 0 40 0 40 Not estimable 2012
Malo et al, 201332 1 135 0 55 2.3% 1.24 [0.05, 30.85] 2013
Di et al, 201329 2 172 11 172 35.3% 0.17 [0.04, 0.79] 2013
Krennmair et al, 201331 0 76 0 76 Not estimable 2013
Browaeys et al, 201427 0 40 0 40 Not estimable 2014
Total (95% CI) 1375 1258 100.0% 0.56 [0.31, 1.00]
Total events 18 28
Total (95% CI) 1181 100.0% -0.06 [-0.12, 0.01]
Heterogeneity: Chi² = 8.28, df = 10 (P = 0.60); I² = 0%
Test for overall effect: Z = 1.97 (P = 0.05)
0.002 0.1 0 500
Favours axial Favours tilted
were not reported separately. The study by Krenn- loss around axial and tilted implants was found
mair et al31 and Koutouzis et al72 provided bone at 12-months follow-up in 14 prospective stud-
loss data on fixed partial dentures relative only to ies27,29,37,38,40,43,44,56,59,60,63,69,71,76
5-year follow-up, so they were excluded from this (P = 0.32, mean difference -0.02 mm, 95% C.I.:
subgroup analysis. -0.07, 0.02), while significant difference in favour of
axial implants was found in three retrospective stud-
ies20,32,42 (P <0.001, mean difference -0.24 mm,
Implant location (fifteen studies)
95% C.I.: -0.28, -0.20). Again, the retrospective
When considering the data from the maxilla and studies by Krennmair et al31 and Koutouzis et al72
from the mandible separately, no significant dif- were not considered because they only reported
ference was found in marginal bone loss between 5-year data.
axial and tilted implants at 12-months follow-up in
both jaws. For maxillary implants the mean differ-
Loading timing (eighteen studies)
ence in bone loss was -0.08 mm, 95% C.I.: -0.17,
0.01 (P = 0.09) and for the mandibular implants it A similar result was found when considering the
was 0.00 mm, 95% C.I.: -0.06, 0.05 (P = 0.96). The studies separately according to loading timing. In
studies by Hinze et al60, Di et al29 and Browaeys et fact, 14 of the 15 immediate loading studies were
al27 were not considered because the bone loss data the same prospective studies considered above.
of axial and tilted implants relative to maxilla and Only one study adopting immediate loading pro-
mandible were not reported separately. Conversely, tocol had a retrospective design32. Two studies in
the study by Koutouzis et al72 reported separately which conventional delayed loading procedure was
the bone loss data for maxilla and mandible, but only adopted20,42 showed significant difference in bone
5-year data were provided. loss in favour of axial implants (P <0.001, mean
difference -0.24 mm, 95% C.I.: -0.28, -0.19). The
overall sample size of implants rehabilitated accord-
Study design (eighteen studies)
ing to a delayed loading protocol was consistently
When separating the studies according to the lower than immediately loaded implants (n = 161
study design, no significant difference in bone and 2106, respectively).
Delayed 0.849 99.4% 98.1% 181 213
tilted) failed in two patients later than 1 year, after Axial 0.003* 98.1% 99.8% 904 590
15 and 18 months of function71 and another maxil-
* = significant difference.
lary tilted implant failed after 23 months in another
patient32. Of the implants that failed within 12
months, 18 were axial and 28 tilted and all but five Table 4 reports the results of the comparisons of
implants (one axial and four tilted) were placed in implant survival between axial and tilted implants
the maxilla. Two of the failed implants (one axial and according to the arch and the loading mode, as well
one tilted, both in maxilla) had a machined surface76. as comparisons between survival rates of maxil-
One-year implant survival was 97.4% and 99.6% lary and mandibular implants. Implants placed in
for the maxilla and the mandible, respectively. No the mandible (independent of the inclination) dis-
prosthesis failure was reported in any of the evalu- played a significantly better survival rate after 12
ated studies. Consequently, no further analysis was months as compared to maxillary ones (P <0.001).
performed at prosthesis level. This trend was confirmed when the analysis was
The results of the fixed effects meta-analysis for performed separately for tilted (P = 0.037) and
implant survival at 1 year is presented in Fig 4. Con- axial implants (P = 0.003). When performing the
sidering the outcome of tilted versus axial implants in analysis at patient level, no significant difference
both jaws, slightly statistically significant difference in implant survival rate was found according to the
in favour of axial implants (OR = 0.56, 95% CI: 0.31, loading mode (P = 1.00), while a significant differ-
1.00, P = 0.05) and no heterogeneity was found ence was found according to the arch, with patients
(Fig 5). In this analysis, a single recent study had a rehabilitated in the mandible experiencing signifi-
consistent influence on such result, as its weight was cantly fewer implant failures than patients treated
more than one-third (35.3%) of the overall stud- with maxillary prostheses (P = 0.01).
ies29. Sensitivity analysis performed excluding this As most of the failed implants were located in
study showed no significant difference in implant the maxilla, a further meta-analysis was conducted
survival between axial and tilted implants (P = 0.43). on 14 studies that reported 1-year treatment out-
RX examination method
The most common complications described in the
included studies were fracture of the temporary
Follow-up length
No. of surgeons
Sample size
No significant relationship with the arch was found
for such mechanical complications. A few authors
reported wear patterns in the opposing dentition41.
Agliardi et al, 2009 + + + + + + + + – L
Most of patients that experienced fracture of the
prosthetic reconstruction orloosening of the pros-
Agliardi et al, 2010 + + + + – ? + + – H
thetic screw displayed parafunctions like bruxism41,43
Aparicio et al, 2001 – – + + – ? + + + H or had a short face morphotype with powerful mas-
Browaeys et al. 2014 + + + + – + + + + L tication muscles46,48.
ised periapical radiographs 20,27,31,32,40,76 , and in ies used panoramic radiographs and, when possi-
three studies it was performed using only panoramic ble, periapical films, but did not specify the relative
radiographs29,37,60. Finally, eight studies reported a proportion of both techniques44,63. Standardised
mean follow-up shorter than 3 years (see Table 2). periapical radiographs should be adopted whenever
possible because they have a better accuracy than
panoramic radiographs, estimated within a range
Discussion of 0.2 mm from actual values85. In adjunct to a low
resolution, panoramic radiographs may cause image
The aim of this review was to determine the trend of distortion rate averaging up to 25%86. However, it
marginal bone loss around axial and tilted implants has to be acknowledged that in cases of extremely
supporting partial and full-arch rehabilitations, after atrophic jaws in patients with a shallow vestibule, it
at least 1 year of function. For this reason, some might be practically very difficult to take periapical
studies with a large sample size and/or long term radiographs. Furthermore, in nine studies the radio-
follow-up that reported details on the survival/suc- graphic evaluation was reported to be performed by
cess of axial and tilted implants, but not on crestal a non-independent/not blinded evaluator or was not
bone level changes around axial and tilted implants specified20,29,31,32,37,42,56,59,60. Therefore, the non
have been excluded from the present review. A dif- systematic use of a standardised technique aiming
ferent situation was represented by the study by at obtaining a precise and reproducible bone loss
Agnini et al, which correctly reported the results of measurement poses an experimental limitation and
bone loss evaluation separately for tilted and axially suggests that the results of the present review should
placed implants for the maxilla and mandible, up to 5 be cautiously interpreted.
years of function35. However, it had to be excluded, The meta-analyses comparing axial versus tilted
because not all patients received tilted implants and implants were performed at implant level. In fact,
the bone loss data of those patients treated with since all patients received both axial and tilted
both tilted and axial implants could not be separated implants and no individual data was provided, it was
from the overall data. not feasible to present results at patient level. The
The level of evidence of the included studies was analysis took into account different factors. Consid-
rather poor because no randomised clinical trials ering the overall studies, peri-implant bone loss at 1
neither comparative prospective trials were found. year of function did not show significant difference
The included studies were mostly prospective single between axial and tilted implants, although there
cohort or multicentre studies. The study quality was a trend in favour of the axially placed implants.
assessment showed that more than half of the stud- Only the study of Calandriello and Tomatis, which
ies were at high risk of bias. Among the parameters also included partial prostheses, was discordant with
that were considered to potentially affect the reli- such a trend76. In that study, lower bone loss values
ability of the study outcomes was the procedure for for tilted implants were recorded, as compared to
radiographically evaluating the peri-implant bone axial ones. The authors suggested that this could be
loss. Since the main aim of the present review was related to the position of the implant neck relative to
to assess changes in peri-implant bone level around the bone crest: mesially, the neck was in a supracrestal
tilted and axial implants, particular emphasis was position, while distally it was positioned subcrestally,
dedicated to parameters related to such outcome. resulting in a favourable soft tissue seal76. It should
In fact, the quality of the radiographic method be considered that in the study by Calandriello and
adopted might potentially affect the accuracy of Tomatis76, partial and complete restorations were
the measurements. Of the 19 included studies only analysed together, even though a different perfor-
eight (42%) adopted a standardised paralleling tech- mance could be expected, given the biomechanical
nique based on periapical radiographs taken with differences between complete and partial prosthetic
an individual film holder, while others used non rehabilitations. However, after performing a sensitiv-
standardised periapical radiographs (five studies) or ity analysis by excluding this specific study, the result
panoramic radiographs (three studies). Two stud- did not substantially change, suggesting that the
weight of this study was negligible, and highlighting is applied vertically24. Furthermore, tensile stresses
the robustness of the meta-analysis. were shown to peak on the opposite side of the
In all the included studies, limited peri-implant inclination87, posing tilted implants in a situation
bone loss was observed over a follow-up period of nonhomogeneous stress pattern88. In vivo ani-
of 1 year, the greatest value reported averaging mal studies showed that both cortical and trabecu-
1.13 mm and 1.14 mm around axial and tilted lar bone remodelling is greater around non-axially
implants, respectively27. In the nine studies report- placed implants under loading89-90. Nevertheless the
ing peri-implant bone loss after 3 or more years present meta-analysis, like the previously published
of function, a similar trend was observed, that is ones, did not support the hypothesis of greater bone
an overall limited bone loss around axial and tilted loss around tilted implants.
implants, with the latter presenting slightly higher The use of posterior tilting of the implants pre-
(but not significant) bone loss values (Fig 3). The sents some biomechanical advantages as compared
subgroup analysis showed that such a trend was to the configuration based fairly axial position for all
unaffected by the arch and the prosthesis type, implants22-23. This could be due to several reasons.
and a significant difference was achieved in the For example, tilting of the implants may allow using
delayed loading studies but not in the immediate longer implants that may engage greater quantity
loading ones. However, one should consider that of residual bone, which is beneficial to implant sta-
the sample size of delayed loading studies is very bility. In the majority of studies on tilted implants,
small respect to the immediate loading cases, pre- length ranged from at least 10 mm up to 20 mm20.
venting any comparison. When increasing implant length, a more even dis-
The results of the present review are slightly dis- tribution of stress around implants is achieved as
cordant with another recent meta-analysis on a simi- shown by a number of computer-simulated stud-
lar topic18. That review found that marginal bone loss ies91-94. Further important means for reducing
was lower (though not significantly) around tilted as stress around tilted implant necks are splinting
compared to axial implants at 12 months, while the into a fixed suprastructure and shortening of the
trend reversed in favour of the axial implants in stud- distal cantilever, both producing favourable bio-
ies with follow-up greater than 1 year. Our review mechanical situations21,95-96. These features were
adopted similar inclusion criteria but since we could observed in most of the prosthetic configurations
count upon a more extended database of studies, of the included studies. In all studies, tilted implants
a greater number of patients could be included. In were splinted in both partial and full-arch recon-
fact most of the recent studies report a slight dif- structions. The distalisation of the implant platform
ference in bone loss in favour of axial implants at reduces the moments of force, improving the load
12 months29,31,40,42-44. This trend is maintained in distribution22-23,78,97. Recent finite element stud-
studies with a longer follow-up, this result being ies support the hypothesis that reduction of the
similar to that found in the review by Monje et al18. cantilever length in a full-arch prosthesis, achieved
However, it must be acknowledged that, significant by tilting of the distal implants, allows for a more
or not, the order of magnitude of the mean differ- widespread distribution of the occlusal forces under
ence in marginal bone loss between axial and tilted loading and consequently for a reduction of the
implants (0.05 mm in the Monje et al review18 and stresses at the implant neck23,95-96,98. The findings
0.06 mm in the present one at 12-months follow- of such computer-simulated studies may partially
up) can be considered clinically irrelevant. explain the favourable crestal bone level changes
In theory, the stress received by tilted implants observed around tilted implants.
under functional loading is higher than axially placed One limitation to the widespread use of tilted
implants, which should result in greater marginal implants is the relative difficulty in the placement
bone loss. Studies based on finite element ana- of the fixtures that must be inserted with a pre-
lysis showed higher stress around a tilted implant cise angulation, so as to engage as much cortical
neck24,25. The compressive stress can be up to five bone as possible. The latter is essential for achiev-
times higher around tilted implants when the load ing adequate primary implant stability, which is a
prerequisite in case an immediate implant loading latter more closely reflects the standard clinical out-
protocol is adopted, as in the majority of the studies comes of most clinical studies included in the review
included in the present review. However, in recent as well as the results of all the subgroup analyses. In
years, the placement of tilted implants has become fact, when considering subgroups, no effect could
easier due to the introduction of computer-guided be attributed to loading temporisation, to the arch or
implant planning and the widespread use of custom- to a combination or both. In other words, as shown
ised surgical mask. in Table 4, there was no significant difference in
The survival of tilted vs. axial implants was not failure rate between axial and tilted implants when
the primary aim of the present review. Therefore the the immediate and the delayed loading cases were
failure analysis performed on the studies included evaluated separately, though the latter was not sig-
according to the specific criteria of this review is nificantly different between implants placed in the
under-representative of the published evidence maxilla and those placed in the mandible.
regarding tilted vs. axial implant survival. Neverthe- The technical difficulty of placing angulated
less, the results of the present analysis are in line with implants in the maxilla for surgeons not accustomed
those of other recent reviews that addressed this to such a technique has been claimed by some
topic in a more comprehensive way16-19. authors as a factor contributing to implant failure29.
In this review, slight statistically significant dif- As a consequence, for achieving optimal outcomes
ference in implant survival at 12-months follow-up when dealing with tilted implants, a learning curve is
was observed, favouring axial over tilted implants recommended and guided surgery might help in the
(Fig 4), although, similar to what was discussed early approaches.
for marginal bone loss, such difference cannot be The improvement in oral hygiene parameters fre-
considered clinically relevant, being less than 1%. quently reported in some studies on tilted implants
Regarding implant survival, a fair homogeneity was might reflect the easy maintenance of this type of
found among studies, as shown by the funnel plot rehabilitations, in which there is a relatively wide
in Fig 5. Due to the absence of randomised clinical distance between fixtures. Another factor that might
studies, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn on be accounted for such a good compliance is the high
the efficacy of rehabilitations supported by a combi- level of satisfaction correlated with this treatment, as
nation of axial and tilted implants. However, based reported by patients45-46,49 in a few studies.
on the available included studies, the present review The most frequent complication reported by
suggests that the prognosis of such a therapeutic the included studies was the fracture of the acrylic
approach is excellent, as only 1.54% of the implants prosthesis. One of the reasons addressed for such
was lost during the first year of loading, and only inconvenience was the progressive shift from a soft
three failures were recorded thereafter. diet to a diet including hard food, as well as the wear
From the implant failure analysis, some trends of the resin due to repeated cycles of deglutition
can be observed. Regarding the comparison and mastication38,44,63. Furthermore, some authors
between axial and tilted implants, the meta-analysis pointed out that most fractures of the prosthesis
performed on the overall studies provided borderline occurred close to the temporary abutments of the
significance (P = 0.05, Fig 4) in favour of the axial anterior implants, which can be considered a rela-
implants. However, such meta-analysis was strongly tively weak point26,38,68. In the study by Tealdo and
affected by a single study29 in which 2 axial and co-workers, the provisional and definitive prostheses
11 tilted implants failed (that is 40% of the over- were made of cast metal (palladium-alloy) frame-
all failed tilted implants). Since the author of that works69. Metal reinforced frameworks, as suggested
study attributed most failures to the early cases in by these authors, are significantly stronger than all-
which there was scarce acquaintance with the all- acrylic resin frameworks since they provide increased
on-four technique, we repeated the meta-analysis rigidity, and could represent a solution for reducing
after excluding that study. Such sensitivity analysis the incidence of such complication.
displayed no significant difference in survival rate The current review presents some limitations,
between axial and tilted implants (P = 0.43). The which deserve to be discussed. First of all, the follow-
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