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*Please follow the scheme of studies of relevant prospectus strictly.

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*Prospectus are available in soft form at university website.

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person (Department of Chemistry)

Dr. Matloob Ahmad

[email protected]

M.Sc Chemistry
Semester 1

CHM-551 Physical Chemistry-I 4(3-1)

Kinetic Theory of Gases

Virial equations. Maxwells law of molecular velocities. Calculation of molecular
velocities and binary collisions. Maxwell-Boltzmanns law of energy distribution.
Chemical Thermodynamics
Relation of entropy and energy with equilibrium constant and their dependence on
temperature. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Chemical potential. Partial molar quantities.
Chemical Kinetics
Integrated rate laws second and third order reactions with same and different initial
concentrations of reactants. Elementary and complex reactions opposing, parallel and
consecutive reactions. Steady state approximation, Lindemann theory of unimolecular
reactions. Chain reactions, kinetics of interfacial reactions.
CHM-551 Practicals
 Equilibrium constant of the KI + I2 = Kl3 reaction
 Kinetics of saponification of ethyl acetate
 Acid catalyzed hydrolysis of sucrose
 Study of the adsorption isotherms of acetic acid charcoal system
 Study of the charge transfer complex formation between iodine and benzene
 Determination of activation energy for the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of ethyl
 Determination of partial molar volumes
 Determination of partition coefficient of a substance in two immiscible liquids.
Books Recommended:

1. R. A. Alberty, J. S. Robert, G. B. Moungi, “Physical Chemistry”. 4th Ed, John Wiley

and Sons (2004).
2. D. W. Ball, “Physical Chemistry” 1st Ed, Brooks/Cole Co. Inc. (2003).
3. Engel, Thomas, P. Reid, “Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and
Kinetics” 1st Ed, Benjamin Cummings (2006).
4. K. James, P. Wothers, “Why Chemical Reactions Happen”. 5 th Ed, Oxford University
Press, USA (2003).
5. Smith, E. Brian, “Basic Chemical Thermodynamics” 5 Ed, Imperial College Press,
6. B. R. Stephen, S. A. Rice, J. Ross,“Physical Chemistry” 2nd Ed., Oxford University
Press, USA (2000).
7. I. Chorkendorff, J. W. Niemantsverdriet, “Concepts of Modern Catalysis
and Kinetics”1st Ed, John Wiley and Sons, USA (2003).
9. J. H. Espenson, “Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism” 2nd Ed, McGraw Hill

CHM-553 Organic Chemistry-I 4(3-1)

Acids and Bases

Concepts of acids and bases; scale of acidity and basicity; pka values; predicting
acids/basis reactions from pKa values; the effect of structure on the strengths of acids and
bases, field effects, resonance effects, steric effects, hydrogen bonding effects and
hybridization effects, the effect of the medium on the strengths of acids and bases; the
Hammett and Tafts equations, applications and limitations.
Introduction; optical isomerism; optical activity, chirality, symmetry elements and optical
inactivity, relative and absolute configuration, R, S notation, methods of determining
configuration. Racemic mixtures and their resolution, asymmetric synthesis, optical
activity in biphenyls, alkenes and spiro compounds, stereospecific and stereoselective
reactions; Geometrical isomerism. Determination of configuration of geometrical
isomers, Z, E, conventions cis-and trans- isomerism in cyclic systems; Conformational
isomerism conformational analysis of monosubstituted cyclohexanes, disubstituted
cyclohexanes and decalin systems.
Oxidation Reduction Reactions:
a) Oxidation: Introduction. Oxidation of saturated, olefinic and aromatic
compounds. System containing oxygen and nitrogen compounds.
b) Reduction Introduction. Reduction of cycloalkanes, olefins, alkynes and
aromatic rings. Hydrogenolysis. Reduction of systems containing oxygen and nitrogen
compounds. CHM-553 Practicals
Purification Techniques: Fractional distillation, fractional distillation under reduced
pressure and fractional crystallization
Mixture Analysis: Analysis of two component mixture.
Books Recommended:

1. B. S. Fumiss, A. J. IIannaford, P.W.G. Smith, A. R. Tatchell “Vogel‟s Practical

Organic Chemistry”, 5th Ed, Addition Wesley Longman, Harlow, England( 1989).
2. J. Leonard, B. Lygo, G. Proctro, “Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry” 2nd Ed,
Chapman, & Hall, London (1995).
3. H. L. Clarke, D. Hynes, “A Hand Book of Organic Analysis”, Edward Arnold,
London, (1995).
4. F. A Carey, R. J Sunderg, “Advanced Organic Chemistry”. 3rd Ed, Part A & B,
Pleman Press, New York, USA (1990).
5. K. Mislow “Stereochemistry”, 2nd Ed, W. A. Benjamin Inc. New York, USA
6. E. L Eleil, S. H Wilen, L. N Mander, “Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds”,
4th Ed, John Wiley & Sons, USA (1994).
7. S. H. Pine, “Organic Chemistry”, 5th Ed, McGraw Hill, New York, USA (1987).
8. G. M. London, “Organic Chemistry”, Addison Wesley, London, UK (1998).

CHM-555 Inorganic Chemistry-I 4(3-1)


(a) Covalent bond. VSEPR model followed by VBT for prediction of geometries of
molecules and ions containing sigma bonds as well as pi bonds. MOT for homonuclear
and heteronuclear diatomic molecules.
(b) Metallic bond. Band theory to describe conductors, insulators and semiconductors.
(c) 3 center 4 electrons bond, 3 center 2 electrons bond, bent bond, H bonding.
Nomenclature, theories of bonding (Werners theory, Sigwick theory, Chain theory, VBT,
CFT, LFT). Stereochemistry of coordination compounds, Coordination geometries (CN 2
6). Preparation of coordination compounds Stability of coordination compounds.
Spectrochemical series. Application of coordination compounds in Chemistry, life and
Historical survey, occurrence, separation and preparation. Oxidation states, magnetic
properties of Lanthanides and Actinides. Lanthanides contraction. Applications and uses
of elements and their compounds.
CHM-555 Practicals
1. Separation of cations by paper chromatography: ( Pb2+,Cd2+,Cu2+,Co2+,Ni2+,Ag+)
2. Preparation And Characteristation Of Complex Compounds:
(i) Sodium Cobaltinitrate (ii)Potassium trioxalato aluminate (iii) Ammonium Nicke
(II) Sulphate (iv) Hexa aqua Chromium (III) chloride).
3. Complexometric Titration (Any four) Cu2+ / Ni2+;Ca2+ /Ba2+;Au2+ /Pb2+;Cd2+
/Zn2+;Ni2+ /Mg2+;Ca2+ /Zn2+
Books Recommended:
1. P. Atkins, L. Jones, “Chemical Principles” 2nd Ed, Freeman and Company (2002).
2. F. Basolo, R. C. Johnson, “Coordination Chemistry: The Chemistry of Metal
Complexes” W. A. Benjamin, Inc. (1964).
3. J. E. Brady, J. R. Holum, “Chemistry-The Study of Matter and Its Changes” 3rd Ed,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2000).
4. B. Douglas, D. McDaniel, J. Alexander, “Concepts and Models of Inorganic
Chemistry” 3rd Ed John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1994).
5. S. F. A. Kettle, “Coordination Compounds” 1st Ed, Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.
6. G. L. Miessler, A. T. Donald, “Inorganic Chemistry” 2nd Ed, Prentice-Hall
International, Inc. Prentice-Hall, (1991).
7. D. F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins, C. H. Langford, “Inorganic Chemistry”. 2nd Ed, Oxford
University Press. USA (1994).

CHM-557 Environmental Chemistry 3(3-0)

Introduction, General principle and Techniques. Soil, sludge, sediment and dust analysis.
Analysis of plant Material, Analysis of Atmospheric samples, Analysis of Water,
determination of toxic organic Chemistry. Toxicity of heavy metals. Biological
indicators, Green Chemistry, Echo toxicology.

Recommended Books:

1. B. B. Kebbekus, S. Mitra “Environmental Chemical Analysis”, 1st Ed., Blackie

Academic & Professional, New York, USA (1998).
2. D. Barcelo, “Environmental analysis: Techniques, Applications and Quality
Assurance”, Volume 13, Elsevier B.V., Netherland (1993).
3. P. Patnaik, “Handbook of Environmental Analysis”, 2nd Ed, CRC Press, Taylor
and Francis Group, UK (2010).

CHM-559 Analytical Chemistry-I 3(3-0)

Chemical Analysis and Data Handling

Accuracy of analytical processes such as sampling, weighing, volume measurements,
precipitation, washing, filtration and ignition. Recent developments in the sampling
techniques, statistical analysis; random and systematic errors, rounding off the data,
arithmetic mean, median, mode, standard deviation, relative standard deviation, student t-
test, F-test etc., quality control and quality assurance constructing and interpreting quality
control and quality assurance constructing and interpreting quality control plots. The use
of computer in data handling.
Ionic Equilibria in Solutions
Activity and activity coefficients, Hydrogen ion activity and pH for weak acids and
bases, Determination of pKa and pKb value, common ion effect and its industrial
applications. Buffer its composition and mechanism and buffer capacity. Stability and
formation constants of complexes, methods for their determination.
Separation Techniques
Solvent extraction Principle, factors affecting the extraction systems, Distribution la,
coefficient and ratio, multiple batch extraction, practical applications in chemical
Chromatographic methods General theory of chromatography, classification of
chromatographic methods, column, paper, thin-layer, and ion-exchange chromatography
and their applications.

Books Recommended:

1. Blackburn, R. Thomas, “Equilibrium- A Chemistry of Solutions”, 2nd Ed,

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., (1969).
2. G. D. Christian, “Analytical Chemistry” 6th Ed, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, USA (2003).
3. D. C. Harris, “Quantitative Chemical Analysis” 4 Ed, Freeman (1995).
4. D. A. Skoog, D. D. West, F. J. Holler, “Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry” 6 Ed., Saunders College Publishing (1992).

CHM-561 Biochemistry-I 3(3-0)

Introduction to biochemistry, scope of biochemistry, living systems, evolution and rise of

living systems, important elements of living systems including carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus, hydrogen etc. foundations of biochemistry, the physical, cellular, chemical,
genetic and evolutionary foundations of life, nature of organic matter, isomerism, general
reactions of different functional groups, biologically important organic compounds,
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids

Books Recommended:

1. D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox. W. H. Freeman “Lehningers Principles of Biochemistry,

5th Ed. (2008).
2. D. J. Voet, G.J. Voet, C. W. Pratt “Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 3rd Ed., J. Wiley
& Sons Inc. USA (2008).
3. C. K. Mathews, K. E. Van Holde, K.G. Ahern “Biochemistry, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall

Semester 2

CHM-552 Physical Chemistry-II 4(3-1)

Theory of metallic conduction, electrode potential, electrochemical cell, electrolysis and
related issues, liquid junction potential electron transfer reactions, rate of charge transfer
reaction, cell potential and thermodynamics, and Nernst equation, Voltammetry, fuel
cells. Corrosion and its prevention. Ion in aqueous solution, ionic activity and Debye
Huckel Theory.
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Eigen functions and eigenvalues, Schrödinger wave equation and its applications,
Hamiltonian operator, Simple harmonic oscillator. Rigid rator, vibrator, Quantum

Symmetry Elements
Introduction, Coordinate System, Symmetry operations and symmetry Elements, The
Symmetry Point Groups.

CHM-552 Practicals
 Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscosity method
 Precipitation value of electrolytes
 Measurement of IR spectra of simple compound and their interpretation
 Measurement of cyclic voltammogram of an organic compound and its
 Determination of dipole moment of an organic liquid
 Determination of percentage composition of KMnO4 / K2Cr2O7 in a given
solution by spectroscopy.
 Stoichiometry of a complex in solution by jobs method
 Evaluation of pKa value of indicator by spectrometric method

Books Recommended:

1. F. Cotton, Albert “Chemical Applications of Groups Theory”, 1 st Ed,

Interscience Publishers (1963).
2. G. W. King, “Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure”, 1st Ed, Rinehart and
Winston (1964).
3. J. Albery, “Electrode Kinetics”, 2nd Ed, Clarendon, Oxford, (1975).
4. O. M. J. Bockris, A. K. N. Reddy, “Modern Electrochemistry” 2 nd Ed, Vol. I and
2, Plenum Press, New York, USA (1970).
5. D. F. Micheal, “Elements of Quantum Mechanics” 2 nd Ed., Oxford University
Press, USA (2005).
6. H. H. Lowell, “Group Theory and Symmetry in Chemistry” 1 st Ed, McGraw Hill
Book Company (1969).
7. D. H. Whiffen, “Spectroscopy” 1st Ed, Longmans Green and Co.: London,

CHM-554 Organic Chemistry-II 4(3-1)

Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution and Elimination reactions

Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution reactions Meachanisms and study of SN1, SN2, SN1,
SN2, mechanism; neighbouring group participationintra molecular displacement by
neighbouring oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and halogen; The effects of the substrate
structure, entering group, leaving group and reaction medium on the mechanisms and
rates of substitution reactions.
Elimination ReactionsMechanisms study of E1, E1cB and E2 mechanisms; attacking
base, leaving group and the reaction medium on the rates and mechanisms of elimination
reactions; competition between elimination andsubstitution reactions.
Aromatic Substitution reactions
Electrophilic substitution Aromaticity; mechanisms of substitution; orientation
sulfonation, Friedel-Crafts reactions, diazo-coupling, formylation and carboxylation.
Nucleophilic substitutionMechanisms-Study of SNAr, SN1 and benzyne mechanisms;
The effects of substrate structure, leaving group and the attacking nucleophile on the rates
of substitution reactions.
Named Organic Reactions
Cannizzaro reaction, Perkin reaction, Michael reaction, Claisen-Schmidt reaction,
Darzens Glycidic Ester reaction, Stobbe reaction, Mannich reaction, Wittig reaction, Ene
reaction and Reformatsky reaction, Diels-Alder reaction.
CHM-554 Practicals
Organic Synthesis at least four experiments involving two step synthesis
Estimation of Amide and Carboxyl groups, Phenol and other functional groups.
Determination of Saponification value and acid value in oil.

Books Recommended:

1. F. A. Carey, R. J. Sundberg, “Advanced Organic Chemistry (Part B:

Reactions and Synthesis)”, 3rd Ed, Plenum Press, New York, USA (1990).
2. B. K. Carpenter, “Determination of Organic Reaction Mechanisms, “John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1984).
3. G. R. Chatwal, “Reaction Mechanism and Reagents in Organic Chemistry”,
1st Ed., Himalaya Publishing House (1987).
4. J. Fuhrhop, G. Penzlin, “Organic Synthesis Concepts, Methods, Starting
Materials”, 2nd Ed., Weinheim Germany (1983).
5. R. K. Mackie, D. M. Smith, “Guide book to Organic Synthesis”, Longman
Group Ltd. (1982).
6. J. March, “Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanisms and
Structure”, 4th Ed, John Wiley & Sons, Inc; USA (1992).
7. A. Streitwieser, C. H.H. Cock, “Introduction to Organic Chemistry”, 3rd Ed,
Macmillan Publishing Company (1989).
8. P. Sykes, “A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry”, 6th Ed,
Longman Group Ltd. (1986).
9. A. L. Vogel, “Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part III:
Quantitative Organic Analysis”, 1st Ed., Longman Group Ltd (1958).

CHM-556 Inorganic Chemistry-II 4(3-1)

1. Chemistry of Non-Aqueous Solvents;
Classification of solvents. Type of reactions in non-aqueous solvents. Physical and
chemical properties of solvents. Study of reactions in liquid NH3, HF, SO2, BrF3,
CH3COOH and HCN. Reactions in molten salt system.
2. Pi-Acceptor Ligands:
Class of ligands. Metal carbonyls, molecular structure, localized bonding (EAN rule, 18
electron rule). Delocalized bonding (Wades rule), spectroscopic evidence of bonding
situation. Chemical properties of metal-carbonyls (carbonylate anions, carbonyl hydrides
and carbonyl halides). Metal nitrosyls and their derivatives. Applications of metal
carbonyls and their derivatives to catalysis and organic synthesis.
3. Kinetics and mechanism of inorganic reactions:
Rate law, Stationary state approximation, Labile and inert complexes. Mechanism of
substitution reactions in octahedral complexes(hydrolysis reactions, anation reactions,
reactions of substituted ligand and redox reactions). Thermodynamic and kinetic stability.
Half life.

CHM- 556 Practicals

1. Estimation Of Anions (Any four)

Chloride/Phospate; Chloride/Nitrate; Bromide/Nitrate; Iodide/Nitrate; Borate/
Acetate; Oxalate/ Chloride; Sulphate/Phosphate
2. KIO3 Titrations (Any two)
3. Gravimetric Estimations:
Estimations of Ba2+ ; Oxalate ions.

Books Recommended:
1. J. E. Huheey, “Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Structure and Reactivity” 2
Ed. Harper and Row Publishers (1978).
2. J. D. Lee, “Concise Inorganic Chemistry” 5 Ed. Chapman and Hall (1996).
3. K. M. Mackay, R. A. Mackay, W. Henderson, “Introduction to Modern
Inorganic Chemistry” 5 Ed. Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd. (1996).
4. G. L. Miessler, A. T. Donald, “Inorganic Chemistry”. 2nd Ed, Prentice-Hall
Prentice-Hall International, Inc. (1991).
. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, “Advance Inorganic Chemistry”, 5th Ed, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. (1988).
6. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A. Murillo, M. Bockhmann, “Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry” 6th Ed, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA (1999).
7. A. K. Holliday, A. G. Massey, “Inorganic Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Solvents”, 6th
Ed., Pergamon Press. (1985).

CHM-558 Analytical Chemistry II 3(3-0)

Properties of Light and its interaction with matter, relation between frequency , velocity
and wave number, Lambert-Beer‟s Law and its limitations, Single and double beam
spectrophotometers, sources of light (lamp and lasers), monochromators, photomultiplier
tubes, detectors, diode array and charged coupled devices, applications of UV-Vis
spectrophotometer in natural product research, pharmaceutical industry, separation
process, enzyme essay study, clinical studies, microbiology. Applications of IR, NMR
and Mass spectrophotometer in research & development and quality control process.
Reference Books:
1. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York,
2. Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and
Company, New York, (2011).
3. Skoog, D. A., West, P.M., Holler, F.J. and Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, 9th ed., Cengage Learning, (2013).
4. Braun, R.D. Introduction to instrumental Analysis, International student Edition,
CHM-560 Biochemistry-II 3(3-0)

Physical aspects of Biochemistry

Weak interaction in aqueous system. Ionization of water. Weak acids and weak bases.
Buffers. Buffering against ph changes. Diffusion, osmosis and osmotic pressure.
Digestion Absorption and Utilization:
Carbohydrates, Lipids proteins nucleic acids, vitamins, minerals.
Chemical nature, nomenclature and classification. Enzyme activity. Effect of different
factors on enzyme activity. Coenzymes and immobilized enzymes.

Books Recommended:

1. J. F. Robert. “Essentials of Carbohydrate Chemistry” 2nd Ed., Springer verlag,

2. D. J. Voet, G. J. Voet, C. W. Pratt “Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 3rd Ed. by. J.
Wiley & Sons Inc, USA (2008).
3. S.C. Rastogi “Biochemistry, 2nd Ed, McGraw Hill, (2008).
4. S. P. Singh “Text book of Biochemistry, 4th Ed, CBS Publishers, (2008).
5. Vasudevan “Text book of Biochemistry for Medical Students, 4th Ed, J P Brothers
medical (2005).

CHM-562 Introductory Spectroscopy 2(2-0)

Introduction to principle, instrumentation and application of Electronic (UV / Visible)
Atomic (Emission /Absorption), Molecular (Infrared) and Nuclear Magnetic
Recommended Books:

1. H. H. Jaffé, M. Orchin, "Theory and Applications of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy,"

1st Ed, Wiley, USA (1962).
2. H. Gunther, "NMR Spectroscopy - An Introduction," 3rd Ed, John Wiley and
Sons, USA (1980).
3. J. Akitt, "NMR and Chemistry; An Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy," Chapman and Hall, London, (1973).
4. D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kriz, Jr., "Introduction to Spectroscopy," 2nd
Ed, W. B. Saunders, (1979).

Semester 3

Specialization in Organic Chemistry

CHM-651 Spectroscopic Organic Techniques 3(3 – 0)

(a) Introduction
Electromagnetic radiations. Wavelength, frequency, wave number and energy of
electromagnetic radiations and their interconversion. Electromagnetic spectrum.
Interaction transitions and spectral regions. Relaxation of the excited molecules.

(b) Ultraviolet/Visible Spectroscopy:

Introduction, Electronic transitions and absorption of electromagnetic radiations,
Intensities of absorption, Beer-Lambert Law and its applications, Instrumentation and
sample handling, The chromophore, Absorption by conjugated systems, Woodward fieser
rules for conjugated dienes and unsaturated carbonyl systems, Absorption by aromatic
compounds, Application of UV/Vis spectroscopy.

(c) Infrared Spectroscopy:

Introduction, Vibrational modes and absorption frequencies, Hooks Law, Instrumentation
and sample handling, Interpretation of Infrared spectra, Characteristic absorptions
frequencies of some common functional groups, Applications of Infrared spectroscopy.
(d) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:
Introduction, Spin flipping Nuclear Precession and absorption of electromagnetic
radiation, Spin relaxation, The Chemical shift and integration curve, Molecular structure
and chemical shifts, Instrumentation and Sample handling, Spin splitting and coupling
constants. Interpretation of NMR spectra.
(e) Mass spectrometry:
Introduction, Basic Principle, Instrumentation (theory and operation) The mass spectrum,
Modes of Fragmentation of various organic molecules. Applications of mass
spectrometry determination of molecular weight, molecular formula and molecular
structure. Interpretation of mass spectra.
Recommended Books:

1. H. E Duckworth, R. C Barber, V.S Barber, V.S Venkatasubramanian “Mass

Spectroscopy”, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, London, UK (1996).
2. E. D. Hoffmann, J. Charette, V. Stroobant, “Mass Spectrometry, Principes &
Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, USA (1996).
3. A. Frigerio “Essential Aspects of Mass Spectrometry”, Spectrum Publication, Ine
New York, USA (1974).
4. H. Friebolin “Basic one and two dimensional NMR Spectroscopy”, 2 Ed, VCH
5. G. E Martin, A. S Zektzer, “Two Dimensional NMR Methods for Establishing
Molecular Connectivity” VCH (1988).
6. W. Voelter “Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy”, 3 Ed., VCH (1990).
7. Atta-ur-Rahman “Nuclear Manetic Resonsance Spectroscopy”,UGC, Islamabad
8. H. Gunther, “NMR Spectroscopy”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York,
USA (1972).
9. R. M. Silverstein, G. G. Bassler, “Spectrometric Identification of Organic
Compounds” 5th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA (1998).
10. W. Kemp, “Organic Spectroscopy”, 3rd Ed., Macmillan, London, USA (1991).

CHM-653 Rearrangements and Pericyclic Reactions 3(3 – 0)

Classification of rearrangement, Pinacol Pinacolon rearrangement, Benzil benzilic acid

rearrangement, R.A involving Diazomethane, Favorski R.A, Hofman R.A. Schmidt R.A,
Lossen R.A, Bayer Villiger, R.A, benzidine R.A, Fries R.A. Sigma tropic R.A. Migration
of carbon, cope rearrangement, claisen rearrangement benzidine rearrangement. [1,3] H,
[1,5], [1,7] H, [1,9] H migration.

Pericyclic Reactions
Conrotatory and Disrotatory motion of orbital, electrocyclic reactions, thermal
cyclization, Photochemical cyclization, Hofman rule, Fukui Theory of Frontier orbitals.
Introduction to cycloaddition reactions. Supraficial and Antanafacial addition woodmard
Hofman Rule. Frontier theory and mobius huckle theory for (2 + 2) and (2 + 4) thermal
and photochemical cycloaddition reaction.

Recommended Books:

1. R. O .C. Norman “Principles of Organic Synthesis”, Blackie Academic &

Professional, 3 Ed. (1993).
2. F. L. Ansari, R. Qureshi and M. L. Qureshi “Electrocyclic Reactions – from
Fundamentals to Research”, 1st Ed., John Wiley and Sons, (1999).
3. J. Clayden, N. Greeve, S. Warren, P. Wothers, “Organic Chemistry”, 1st Ed.,
Oxford University Press, USA (2001).
CHM-655 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3(3 – 0)

Introduction, occurrence, function of Alkolids in plants, Classification, Nomenclature,
Pharmaceutical Applications, Isolation, Qualitative Test and General Properties, General
Method of Structure Determination. Morphines, Nicotine, Quinine.
Introduction, Sources, Route of administration, Metabolites and mechanism of drug
action. Sulfonamide, Antipyretics, Analagasic, Barbiturates, Antibiotics, their general
synthesis and structure activity relationship.
Recommended Books:

1. Koji Nakanishi et “Natural Products Chemistry”, 1st Ed., Vol. I. (1974).

2. Mann, “Secondary Metabolism”, Oxford Science Publication, 2 Ed. (1987).
3. J. D. Bu Lock “The Biosynthesis of Natural Products”, 1st Ed., McGraw-Hill,
London, UK (1965).
4. S. V. Bhat, B. A. Nagasampagi, M. Sivakumar “Chemistry of Natural Product” 1 st
Ed., Narosa Publishing House (2005).

CHM- 657 Advanced Organic Chemistry Practicals -I 2(0-2)

Synthesis of Organic Compounds:

Students must be informed of MSDS of all compounds used in experiments.
The experiments may be arranged as per choice/requirement of instructor but should be
designed from following categories;
Various experiments involving the development of amide, ester and ether linkages.
Experiments involving oxidation and reduction of organic compounds.
Synthesis of various dyes.

Recommended Books:

1- J. Fuhrhop, G. Penzlin, “Organic Synthesis Concepts, Methods, Starting

Materials”, 2nd Ed., Weinheim Germany (1983).
2- A. L. Vogel, “Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part III:
Quantitative Organic Analysis”, 1st Ed., Longman Group Ltd (1958).
3- F. A. Carey, R. J. Sundberg, “Advanced Organic Chemistry (Part B:
Reactions and Synthesis)”, 3rd Ed, Plenum Press, New York, USA (1990).
4- B. S. Fumiss, A. J. IIannaford, P.W.G. Smith, A. R. Tatchell “Vogel‟s Practical
Organic Chemistry”, 5th Ed, Addition Wesley Longman, Harlow, England( 1989).

Specialization in Analytical Chemistry

CHM-659 Electroanalytical Techniques 3(3-0)

Introduction: Electrochemistry, Electrochemical cells, Standard cell potential, Indicator

electrode, Reference electrodes, Classification of electro analytical methods, Bulk
method, Interfacial methods, static methods, dynamic methods
Potentiometric method of analysis: Potentiometric measurements, Indicator electrodes,
Metalic indicator electrode, Membrane indicator electrode, working of potentiometer and
its application including pH measurements, ion selective electrode systems, ion exchange
membrane electrode, solid state membrane electrodes and bio-membrane electrodes,
potentiometric titrations.
Coulometry and Electrogravimetry: Basic electrochemistry, principle, instrumentation
of coulometry, principle, instrumentation of electrogravimetry, consequences of
electrogravimetry, Ohmic drop, activation over potential, concentration and gas
polarization, basic difference and merits/demerits of coulometry and electrogravimetry.

Reference Books:
1. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York,
2. Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and
Company, New York, (2011).
3. Skoog, D. A., West, P.M., Holler, F.J. and Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, 9th ed., Cengage Learning, (2013).
4. Braun, R.D. Introduction to instrumental Analysis, International student Edition,

CHM-661 Advanced Separation Techniques 3(3-0)

Classification of chromatographic techniques, chromatographic processes, rate theory of
chromatography, Van-Deemter equation and its significance in evaluating column
Gas Liquid Chromatography:
General principle, sample preparation/derivatization, separation process and instrumental
aspects and its applications.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography:
General principle, sample preparation, separation process (normal phase and reverse
phase separation), instrumentation, method development and applications.
Capillary Electrophoresis (CE):
Introduction of Electrophoresis, Theory and principle of CE, mobility, electro-osmotic
flow separation by CE, instrumentation, modes of operation, applications.
Reference Books:
1. Skoog, D. A., West, P.M., Holler, F.J. and Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, 9th ed., Cengage Learning, (2013).
2. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York,
3. Braun, R.D. Introduction to Chemical Analysis, International student Edition,

CHM-663 Atomic Spectroscopy 3(3-0)

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry:

principle of atomic absorption spectrophotometry, concentration dependence of
absorption, quantitative methodology, instrumentation for atomic absorption
spectrophotometry, radiation sources, atomizers, flames, graphite furnaces and
electrochemical atomizers, wavelength selectors, detectors, handling background
absorption, interferences in atomic absorption spectrophotometry, sample handling in
atomic absorption spectrophotometry, preparation of the sample, use of organic solvents,
microwave, digestion, sample introduction methods, applications of atomic absorption
Atomic Emission Spectrophotometry:
introduction, principle of atomic emission spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry
using plasma sources, plasma and its characteristics, inductively plasma, direct current
plasma, microwave induced plasma, choice of argon as plasma gas, instrumentation for
Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry:
Origin of atomic fluorescence, atomic fluorescence spectrum, types of atomic
fluorescence transitions, principle of atomic fluorescence spectrometry, fluorescence
intensity and analyte concentration, instrumentation for atomic fluorescence
spectrometry, applications of atomic absorption spectrophotometry, interferences, merits
and limitations.
Reference Books:
1. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York,
2. Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W. H. Freeman and
Company, New York, (2011).
3. Skoog, D. A., West, P.M., Holler, F.J. and Crouch, S. R., Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, 9th ed., Cengage Learning, (2013).
4. Braun, R.D. Introduction to instrumental Analysis, International student Edition,

CHM-665 Analytical Chemistry Practicals 2(0 - 2)

The experiments may be set making use of the following instruments depending upon
their. Availability, special experiments may also be designed for which a specimen list of
instruments is Given below. For the innovative designing of experiments the Journal of
Chemical Education may be consulted.
UV/Visible spectrophotometers
Flame photometers
Conductivity bridge
Gas chromatography
HPLC chromatography
Electro gravimetric apparatus
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer
Infrared spectrophotometers
Determination of iron in soil by spectrophotometry.
Spectrophotometric determination of molybdate ion.
Separation of dyes using column/paper/thin layer chromatography.
Separation of sugars using paper chromatography.
Separation of amino acids using paper/thin layer chromatography.
Separation of hydrocarbons using GC/HPLC.
Determination of iron in foods products spectrophotometrically.
Determination of phosphate content in commercial fertilizers by spectrophotometry.
Determination of nickel in vegetable ghee by spectrophotometry involving solvent
Identification and spectrophotometric determination of aspirin, phenacetine and caffeine
in pharmaceutical samples.
IR analysis and identification of human body stones
Mass spectrometry of mineral oil samples.
To determine pKa values for the given samples of weak acids by potentiometric method.
To determine the quality parameters i.e. pH, conductance and concentration of anions
To determine Ni (II) in steel using DMG reagent by spectrophotometric method.
To determine vitamin-C concentration in the given samples.
To determine calcium and zinc in milk by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
To determine lead in sewage sludge by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
To determine Mn and Cr in stainless steel spectrophotometrically.
To record and characterization of IR spectra of at least 1organic compounds.

Specialization in Physical Chemistry

CHM-675 Kinetics of Complex Reactions 3(3-0)
Chemical Reactions
Advanced theories of unimolecular reactions, Chain and non chain complex reactions,
Fast reactions, Experimental techniques for measurement of fast reaction kinetics,
Kinetics of catalyzed reactions

Photochemical reactions
Introduction, Photochemical reactions, photochemical reactions in gas phase and in
solutions, quantum yields, flash photolysis, photochemical reaction kinetics

Interfacial Phenomena
Solid surfaces, Gas solid interfaces, thermodynamics of adsorption, adsorption at liquid
surfaces, organized molecular assemblies, colloids and surfactants, liquid interfaces,
surface tension and adsorption from solutions,

Recommended Books:

1. S. Asperger, “Chemical Kinetics and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms” 2 nd Ed.,

Springer Verlag (2003).
2. J. H. Espenson, “Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism “2nd Ed., McGraw
Hill London, UK (2002).
3. D. C. Neckers, G. von, B. Unau, W. S. Jenks, “Advances in Photochemistry”,
Vol. 27, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA (2002).
4. P. W. Atkins, “Physical Chemistry” 6th Ed, W. H. Freeman and co. New York,
5. K. J. Laidler, “The World of Physical Chemistry” 1st Ed., Oxford University
Press, pp. 488 (1993).

CHM-677 Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry 3(3-0)

Nuclear Chemistry
Introduction to Nuclear chemistry, Nuclear systematic, sources of nuclear instability,
nuclear energetics , nuclear fission and fusion

Nuclear Techniques
Principles, sources of nuclear radiation. Nuclear track detectors. Etchings. Kinetics and
mechanism of track etching. Nuclear materials. Nuclear techniques.

Radiation Chemistry
Tracers. Radiation Chemistry, theoretical aspects. Various models. Kinetic studies of
radiolytic processes. Dosimetry (physical and chemical). Radiation chemical yields. Dose
and dose rate effects on primary and secondary products. Steady atate and pulse
radiolysis techniques. Radiolytic studies of gaseous, water, aqueous and organic systems.

Recommended Books:
1. G. Friedlander, J. W. Kennedy, “Nuclear and Radiochemistry”, 3rd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons, New York, USA (1981).
2. G. R. Choppin, J. Rayberg “Nuclear Chemistry Theory and Applications”, 1 st Ed.,
Pergaman Press, Oxford, USA (1998).
3. F. Aziz, M. A. J. Rodgers, “Radiation Chemistry Principles and Application” Ed.,
VCH Publishers, Inc, (1987).
4. R. Gregory, Choppin, J. Rayberg “Nuclear Chemistry Theory and Applications”,
1st Ed., Pergaman Press, Oxford, USA (1998).

CHM-683 Material Chemistry 3(3-0)

Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules

Introduction, molecular forces and chemical bonding in macromolecules, configurations
and conformation of polymer chains, theories of polymer solutions, spectroscopic
analysis, thermal analysis, polymer reheology
Solid State
Introduction, attractive forces, properties of solids, crystal structure, crystal defects,
crystallography, theories of bonding, packing of atoms in metals.
Modern Materials
Composite materials, superconductors, conducting polymers, biopolymers, Bullet proof
polymers, edible plastics, smart materials, nano particles.

Recommended Books:

1. S. F. Sun, “Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules” 2nd Ed, John Wiley and Sons,
INC. New York, USA (2004).
2. G. C. Bond, “Heterogeneous Catalysis” 2nd Ed., Clarendon Press. Oxford, USA
3. Anthony West “Basic Solid State Chemistry” John Wiley and sons, 1988, USA.
4. Robert J. Young, “ Introduction to polymers” Capmann and Hall, 1981, USA.
5. Joel R. Fried “ Polymer Science and Technology “ Prentice Hall PTR. 1995.USA.
6. Fred W. Billmeyer “Text of Polymer Science” Wiley Interscience Publications,
John Wiley and sons , 1984, USA.

CHM-685 Physical Chemistry Practicals 2(0 –2)

1. Sugar analysis and inversion studies by polarimetry

2. Verify Beer‟s Lambert‟s Law for the given solution.
3. Investigate the kinetics of hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in the presence of
hydrochloric acid at room temperature and determination of order of reaction.
4. Interpretation of IR and NMR spectra
5. Determination of molecular weight of given sample of polymer viscometrically
6. Thermal analysis of given polymer sample with the help of available established
7. Surface characteristics of given polymer sample with the help of available
established literature
8. Waste water treatment using chemicals
9. Waste water treatment using advanced oxidation process
10. Study of isotherms and experiments of surface chemistry
11. Preparation of colloidal solution and determination of precipitation value of
colloidal solution by using monovalent, bivalent and trivalent cations
12. Determination of apparent molar volume of different sample solutions
13. Calculation of partial molar volume by graphical method
14. Kinetic study of enzyme catalyzed reactions

Specialization in Inorganic chemistry

CHM-687 Main Group Organometallic and Organic Reagents 3(3 - 0)

Main Group Organometallic Reagents

Introduction, Preparation, classes of necleophilic organometallic reagents organo-Li, S,
Sc, Si, B, Sn, Sb and Zn in organic synthesis, control side reaction (Enolization vs.
nuelecophilic addition, substitution vs. elimination, selectively among functional griops
via organometallic reagents
Organic reagents in inorganic Analysis
Type of reagents, their specific nature and methods of applications with specific
examples, Complexometric and gravimetric methods involving various reagents, chelates
and chelate effect.
Recommended Books:

1. C. R. Dillard, D. E. Goldberg, “Chemistry, Reactions, Structure and Properties”

Colliers-Macmillan Limited, London, UK (1971).
2. E. S. Gould, “Inorganic Reactions and Structures” Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Inc. Revised Edition (1962).
3. A. K. Holliday,A. G. Massey, “Inorganic Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Solvents”,
6th Ed., Pergamon Press. (1985).
4. J. E. Huheey, “Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Structure and Reactivity” 2nd
Ed., Harper and Row Publishers (1978).

CHM- 689 Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis 3(3-0)

Physical methods of analysis in Inorganic Chemistry, NMR, IR, UV Spectroscopy, Mass

Spectrometry, Basic Principles, Instrumentation and Applications.
Recommended Books:
1. D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kriz, Jr., "Introduction to Spectroscopy," 2nd Ed.,
W.B. Saunders, (1979).
2. D. W. Mathieson, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for organic Chemistry," Academic
Press, London, UK (1967).
3. A. Douglas, F. Skoog, J. Holler, A. T. Neuman “Principles of Instrumental Analysis”,
5th Ed, Saunders College Publishing, New York, USA (1997).
4. E. A. V. Ebsworth, D. W. H. Rankin, S. Cradock, "Structural Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry," 2nd Ed., Blackwell, (1987).
5. E. D. Hoffmann, “Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications” 2nd Ed., V.
Stroobant (Ed.,) John Wiley & Sons, USA (2001).
6. H. Budzikiewitz, C. Djerassi, D. H. Williams, J. R. Chapman, "Practical Organic Mass
Spectrometry," John Wiley and Sons, USA (1985).

CHM-691 Organo-Transition Metal Compounds 3(3-0)

Introduction, Cluster Compounds: Nomenclature and Structural Patterns, Metal Carbonyl

Type Clusters, Anionic, Hydrido, Larger and Superlarge Carbonyl Clusters, Non-
Carbonyl Clusters, Heteroatom in Clusters, Electron Counting Rules (TEC, Wades,
Capping). Metal to Carbon Single, Double and Triple bonds; Acyls, Alkylidene and
Alkalidyne Complexes, Bonding to Olefins, Polyolefins, Allyl, Alkyne and Arene

Recommended Books
F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A. Murillo, M. Bochmann, “Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry”, 6th Edition, John Wiley and Sons (2003).
G. L. Miessler and D.A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry”, 3 rd Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.,
W. W. Porterfield, Inorganic Chemistry, A Unified Approach, 2 nd Edition, Elsevier
B. Douglas, D. McDaniel, J. Alexander, Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry,
3rd Edition, Johan Wiley and Sons (2006).

CHM-693 Inorganic Chemistry Practicals 2(0-2)

1. Conductometry
- Titration of strong acid and weak acid with a strong base.
- Precipitation titration involving AgNO3 and KCI.
2. Potentiometry
- Determination of K1, K2 and K3 for H3PO4
- Determination of chloride in the presence of iodide and evaluation of AgI and AgCl
3. Spectrophotometry
- Micro determination of Cr(III) by Di-phenyllecarbazide.
- Determination of Fe (II) by 1-10Phenanthroline.
- Determination of nitrites. Determination of Fe (III) by 8-hydroxyquinoline.
4. Use of some Organic Reagents for the estimation of various elements by
gravimetric estimation.
- 8-Hydroxyquinoline AI (III) and Fe (III)
- Salicylaldoxime: Ni (II) in the presence of Cu (II)
- Anthranilic acid: Co (II) and Zn (II)
5. Inorganic Synthesis:
Preparation of at least six inorganic compounds/complexes in a pure state and
determination of their state of purity.

Semester 4

Specialization in Analytical Chemistry

CHM-652 Thermal Methods of Analysis 3(3-0)

Thermal Analysis:
Introduction, classification and principles of thermal analysis, thermograms,
instrumentations, applications and limitations of thermal analysis.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Derivative Thermal analysis (DTA):
Introduction and principle of thermogravimetric analysis and derivative thermal analysis,
its instrumentation, applications, data interpretations, limitations.
Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA):
Introduction and principle of differential thermal analysis, its instrumentation,
applications, data interpretations, limitations.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC):
Introduction and principle of differential scanning calorimetry, its instrumentation,
applications, data interpretations, limitations.
Differential Photo-Calorimetry (DPC):
Introduction and principle of evolved gas analysis, its instrumentation, data
interpretations, applications.
Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA):
Introduction and principle of evolved gas analysis, its instrumentation, data
interpretations, applications.
Thermo-mechanical Analysis (TMA):
Introduction and principle of thermo-mechanical analysis, its instrumentation,
applications, data interpretations, limitations.
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA):
Introduction and principle of dynamic mechanical analysis, its instrumentation, data
interpretations, applications.
Di-electric Thermal Analysis (DETA):
Introduction and principle of di-electric thermal analysis, its instrumentation, data
interpretations, applications.
Reference Books:
1. Principles of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, by P. J. Haines Oakland
Analytical Services, Farnhurn, Surrey, U K, Royal Chemical Society.
2. Braun, R.D. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, International student Edition,
3. Haines. P. J., Whiltby, On Canada Mcgraw Hill Ltd., Thermal Methods of
Analysis Principles, applications and problems, 1st ed. Springer, (1985).
4. Stephen Z.D. Cheng, Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 3,
Elsevier, (2002).
5. Brown, M. E. Introduction to Thermal Analysis: Techniques and Applications, 2 nd
ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2001).
6. Gabbot, P., Principles & Applications of Thermal Analysis, Wiley-Blackwell,

CHM-654 Nuclear Analytical Techniques 3(3-0)

Introduction to Nuclear sciences, Radioactive decay, Production of nuclear radiation,

Interaction of radiation with matter, Radio-analytical techniques, Radiation detection and
measurement instruments,Role of radiotracers in development of modern nuclear
analytical techniques, Applications of radio-tracers in medical, environment, agriculture
and industrial.

Reference Books:
1. V.S. Ramachandran, J.J. Beaudoin Handbook of Analytical Techniques in
Concrete Science and Technology, Principle, Technique and Applications.
William Andrew Publishing. Norwich, New Yourk, USA, 2001.
2. Brune, D.; Forkman, B.; Persson, B. Nuclear analytical chemistry, Chartwell-
BrattLtd.,Bromley, England, United States, 1984.
3. R Cornelis, J Caruso, H Crews, K Heumann Handbook of elemental speciation II:
species in the environment, food, medicine and occupational Health. Wiley
Online Library, England, 2005

CHM-656 Luminescence Spectrophotometry 3(3-0)

introduction, origin of fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra, Jablonski diagram,
activation, deactivation, fluorescence spectrum, fluorescent and phosphorescent species,
photoluminescence and structure, factors affecting fluorescence and phosphorescence,
fluorescence quenching, quantum yield, instrumentation for fluorescence measurement,
sources, wavelength selectors, sampling, detectors, read out devices, instrumentation for
phosphorescence measurement, sampling , recording procedure, application of
fluorescence and phosphorescence.
Reference Books:
1. Skoog, D. A., West, P.M., Holler, F.J. and Crouch, S. R., Principle of
Instrumental Analysis,5th ed., Cengage Learning, (2013).
2. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 6th ed., John-Wiley & Sons, New York,
3. Braun, R.D. Introduction to Chemical Analysis, International student Edition,

CHM-658 Food and Drug Analysis 3(3-0)

Course Contents:
Introduction to food analysis, food gradients and nutritional values, sampling of food,
general methods of analysis. Analysis of milk, butter, wheat flour, meat, beverages, tea,
coca, honey and soft drinks.
Classification of drugs, test for analysis of different pharmaceuticals, introduction to US
and British pharmacopeia.
History and scope of forensic Science, forensic ethics, forensic toxicology. Classification
and analysis of narcotics & dangerous drugs, examination of crime scene evidences,
fingerprinting, skeletal material to provide scientific opinion for legal.
Reference Books:
1. Yolanda Picó, Chemical Analysis of Food: Techniques and Applications
Academic Press, ELSEVIER, Spain, 2012.
2. Leo M. L. Nollet. Handbook of Food Analysis: Physical characterization and
nutrient analysis.CRC Press, Technology & Engineering, New Yourk USA, 2004.
3. David E. Newton, Forensic Chemistry, United States of America, (2007).

CHM- 680 Standard Methods and Quality Assurance 3(3– 0)

The objectives of this course are to:
 Introduce students to the concept and benefits of quality assurance/quality control
in the manufacturing industries
 Expose students to the process of conducting quality control of products in
chemical and allied industries
 Expose students to the causes and effects of industrial and laboratory hazards and
 Educate them on prevention and control of industrial and laboratory accidents


Method development and validation: Selection of analytical methods for problem

solving, Optimizing the experimental procedures, Single operator characteristics, Blind
analysis of standard samples, Ruggedness testing, Equivalency testing, , Sensitivity of
instruments, Limits of detection and Signal-to-noise ratio.
Quality Control: Introduction and concept of quality control and quality assurance,
Development of quality standards in industries, Quality control chart, Quality control in
some industries, General safety practices, Good laboratory practices
Quality Assurance: Internal Methods of Quality Assessments, External Methods of
Quality Assessments, Evaluation of quality assurance data, Prescriptive approach,
Performance-based approach.
Automation in analytical methods; Automatic, automated and smart instruments and
their applications with special emphasis on clinical, industrial and quality control aspects

Books Recommended:

1. Christian, G.D. 2003. Analytical Chemistry. Sixth edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York
2. Harvey, D. 2008. Modern Analytical Chemistry. The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. USA.
3. Bender, G.T. 1987. “Principles of Chemical Instrumentation” W.B. Saunders Co., London
4. Hargis, L.G. 1988. “Analytical Chemistry: Printice Hall Publishers, London
5. Skoog, D.A. and J.J. Leary. 1992. “Principles of Instrumental Analysis. Saunders College
Publishing Co., London
6. FAO and WHO (2000). Codex Alimentarius General Requirement Vol. 14
7. Bender, G.T. 1987. “Principles of Chemical Instrumentation” W.B. Saunders Co., London.
8. Reilley, C. 1993. Laboratory Manual of Analytical Chemistry. Allyn& Bacon, London.

CHM- 670/ Analytical Chemistry Practicals 2(0 - 2)

The experiments may be set making use of the following instruments depending upon
their. Availability, special experiments may also be designed for which a specimen list of
instruments is Given below. For the innovative designing of experiments the Journal of
Chemical Education may be consulted.
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer
Infrared spectrophotometers
UV/Visible spectrophotometers
Flame photometers
Conductivity bridge
Thin Layer Chromatography
Electro gravimetric apparatus
Potentiometric determination of Fluoride in drinking water.
Spectrophotometric determination of Iron in soil.
Determination of pH of Hair Shampoos.
IR analysis and identification of human body stones
Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric determination of Aspirin and Caffeine in pharmaceutical
Determination of iron in foods products spectrophotometrically.
Determination of Calcium by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.
Determination of Mercury in Laboratory Air using Atomic Absorption
Flame Emission Spectrometric determination of Sodium.
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Fruit juices for Vitamin C using HPLC.
Enzymatic determination of Glucose in Blood.
Separation of dyes using column/paper/thin layer chromatography.
Separation of sugars using paper chromatography.
Separation of amino acids using paper/thin layer chromatography.
Identification of fingerprints by chemical test.
Analysis of Analgesics using HPLC.
Determination of phosphate content in commercial fertilizers by spectrophotometry.
Determination of nickel in vegetable ghee by spectrophotometry involving solvent
Mass spectrometry of mineral oil samples.
To determine calcium and zinc in milk by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Test for analysis of drugs.
To determine lead in sewage sludge by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Identification of fingerprints by powder test.
To record and characterization of IR spectra of at least 1organic compounds.
Gas Chromatographic analysis of drugs and poison.
Analysis of milk, beverages and meat.

Reference Books:
1. Yolanda Picó, Chemical Analysis of Food: Techniques and Applications
Academic Press, ELSEVIER, Spain, 2012.
2. Leo M. L. Nollet. Handbook of Food Analysis: Physical characterization and
nutrient analysis.CRC Press, Technology & Engineering, New York USA, 2004.
3. David E. Newton, Forensic Chemistry, United States of America, (2007).

Specialization in Organic Chemistry

CHM–660 Organic Polymers 3(3 – 0)

Introduction to polymer chemistry. Step-growth polymerization, free radical addition

polymerization, ionic polymerization; stereochemistry polymers; polymerization using
Ziegler-Ziegler-Niegler-Natta catalyst. Stereo-regulation and conformation of polymers.
Moleculars weight determination. Structure property relation. Reactions of synthetic
polymers; polymers degradation and stability with special emphasis on thermal and

Recommended Books:

1. W. Fred, B. Meyer “ Text Book of Polymer Science”, 3 Ed,. Johan Wiley &
Sons, (1992).
2. Joel R. Fried “Polymer Science & Technology”, Prentice Hall, Inc. (1995).
3. L.H Sperling “Introduction to Physical Polymer Sciences”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley &
Sons, USA (1990).
4. J. R. Fried “Polymer Science & Technology”, Prentice Hall, Inc. (1995).

CHM–662 Reactive Intermediates and Photochemistry 3(3 –0)

Nomerclature, Preparation, Reaction of Carbene. Nintrene: Nomenclature, Preparation,

Reactions, Preparation, Reaction. Arynes: Preparation, Reactions.
Introduction, Principles, Difference between thermal and photochemical reaction, laws of
photochemistry, quantum yield, inter system crossing, jablonski diagram,
Photofregmentation, Norish type I and II reaction. Photoreduction, Pateno Buchi
Reaction. Reactivity of keton, photochemistry of olefins. Pinerization reaction.

Recommended Books:

1. N.S Isaacs “Reactive Intermediates in Organic Chemistry”, John Wiley & Sons
USA (1974).
2. H. Okabe “Photochemistry of small Molecules”, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
USA (1978).
3. C. W Rees, T.I. Gilehrist, “Carbenes, Nitrenes Arynes,” Nelson, London, UK

CHM – 664 Disconnection Approach 3(3–0)

The Disconnection Approach

Basic Principles: Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds, One Group: C – X Disconnections,
Strategy II: Chemoselectivity, Two Group C – X Disconnections, Strategy V:
Stereoselectivity A, One Group C – C Disconnections II: Carbonyl Compounds, Strategy
VI: Regioselectivity, Two Group Disconnections II: 1,3-Difunctionalized Compounds
and α,β-unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds, Two Group Disconnections III: 1,5-
Difunctionalized Compounds, Michael Addition and Robinson Annelation, Two Group
Disconnections IV: 1,2-Difunctionalized Compounds, Strategy XIII: Introduction to Ring
Synthesis. Saturated Heterocycles, Three Membered Rings, Strategy XV: Use of Ketenes
in Synthesis, Six-membered Rings
Recommended Books:
1. T. H. Lowry, K. S. Richardson, “Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry”,
3 Ed, Harper and Row Publisher (1987).
2. G. M. Loudon “Organic Chemistry”, 3 Ed. Addison Wesley London Company
3. S. H. Pine, “Organic Chemistry”, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, USA (1987).
4. G. M. Loudon, “ Organic Chemistry”, 2nd Ed., Addison Wesley, London (1998).
5. H.O. House “Modern Synthetic Reactions”, 2nd Ed, Benjamin, California, USA

CHM – 666 Organic Catalyst and Catalysis 3(3–0)

Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, Acid Catalysis, Base Catalysis, Metal ion
catalysis, Hydrogenation, Asymmetric hydrogenation, Hydroboration and
Hydrocyanation of olefins, Transformation of alkenes and alkynes i.e. polymerization,
metathesis, dimerization and oligomerization and olefin isomerization, oxidation of
olefins using catalysts, Metal complexes and Quaternary ammonium compounds in
organic synthesis.
Recommended Books:
1. T. H. Lowry, K. S. Richardson “Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry”,
3 Ed, Harper and Row Publisher (1987).
2. S. H. Pine, “Organic Chemistry”, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, USA (1987).
3. G. M. Loudon, “Organic Chemistry”, 2nd Ed., Addison Wesley, London (1998).

CHM-672 Advanced Organic Chemistry Practicals -II 2(0-2)

The experiments may be arranged as per choice/requirement of instructor but should be

designed from following categories;
Synthesis of the organic compounds involving multi step synthesis using various
synthetic methods. Synthesis of five or six membered heterocyclic compounds. Synthesis
of targeted molecules; Anthranilic Acid. Benzilic acid, p-nitro aniline, Phenacetin and

Recommended Books:

1- J. Fuhrhop, G. Penzlin, “Organic Synthesis Concepts, Methods, Starting

Materials”, 2nd Ed., Weinheim Germany (1983).
2- A. L. Vogel, “Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part III:
Quantitative Organic Analysis”, 1st Ed., Longman Group Ltd (1958).
3- F. A. Carey, R. J. Sundberg, “Advanced Organic Chemistry (Part B:
Reactions and Synthesis)”, 3rd Ed, Plenum Press, New York, USA (1990).
4- B. S. Fumiss, A. J. IIannaford, P.W.G. Smith, A. R. Tatchell “Vogel‟s Practical
Organic Chemistry”, 5th Ed, Addition Wesley Longman, Harlow, England( 1989).
Specialization in Inorganic Chemistry

CHM-676 X-ray Spectroscopy 3(3-0)

Introduction, Lattice and unit cell , geometry of crystals, crystal systems, primitive and
non primitive cells, Lattice direction and planes crystal shapes Dimensional relationship,
Braggs equation, reciprocal lattice, experimental methods of single & multicrystal
(power) analysis, diffraction and diffractrometer, identification and applications.
Recommended Books:
1. B. D. Cullity “Elements of X-ray diffraction” 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley publishing
company, California, USA (1977).
2. E. P. Bertin, “Principles and Practice of X-ray Spectrometric Analysis”, Plenum
Press (1975).
3. S. Prakash, G. D. Tuli, S. K. Basu, R. D. Madan, “Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry” Vol.I (1997).

CHM-678 Homogenous Catalysis 3(3-0)

Reaction of CO and hydrogen, Hydroformylation, reductive carbonylation, reduction of

CO by hydrogen, synthesis of water gas and shift reactions. Carbonylation reaction,
Synthesis of methanol and methyl acetate, adipic ester, other carbonylation and
decarbonylation reactions. Catalytic addition of molecules to C-C multiple bonds,
Homogeneous hydrogenation, and hydrocylation and hydrocynation.
Recommended Books:

1. P. Powell, “Principles of Organometallics Chemistry”, 2 Ed, London,
Chapman and Hall, New York, USA (1988).
2. A. Yamamoto “Organotransition metal chemistry” John Wiley and Sons: New
York, USA (1986).
3. M. Bochmann “Orgaometallics 2, complexes with transition metal carbon π-
bonds” Oxford University Press, UK (1993).
4. G. L. Miessler, D. A. Tarr, “Inorganic chemistry” 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall
International, USA (1998).
5. F. A. Cary, “Organic Chemistry” 7th Ed, The McGraw-Hill Company, USA

CHM-684 Radio Nuclear Chemistry 3(3-0)

Fundamentals and applied aspects of Radio activity and nuclear chemistry. Trans-
Uranium elements; Natural and artificial radioactivity, methods for isotope production,
nuclear reactions; mass spectrograph, Astam mass spectrograph, The structure of the
nucleus; nuclear stability and radioactive decay; Types, characteristics and detection of
radio active Particles; laws of radioactive decay; the interaction of radiation with matter
including radiological health hazards; Processing of the nuclear materials. Accelerators of
charged particles Applications of radioisotopes.

Recommended Books:

1. F. Landler, Kennedy, Miller, “Nuclear and Radiochemistry”, 2nd Ed, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc. (1964).
2. G. R. Choppin, J. Rydber, “Theory and Applications”, 1st Ed., Pergamon (1980).
3. H. J. Arnikan, “Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry”, 4 Ed, (1990).
4. B. G. Harvey, “Nuclear Physics and Chemistry”, Prentice-Hall Inc., (1990).
5. I. I. Naqvi, “Radiochemistry”, McGraw Hill, USA (1990).

CHM-686 Magneto Chemistry 3(3-0)

Theory of magnetism, diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferro-, ferri- and
antiferromagnetism, magnetic susceptibility, magnetic moments, Faraday‟s & Gouy‟s
methods,orgital contribution to magnetic moment, Russell-Sanders coupling scheme,
1 6 1 10
derivation of term symbols of for p - p and d - d systems, pigeon holes diagram, effect
of temperature on magnetic properties of complexes. Magnetic moment of lanthanides.

Recommended Books:

1. B. Douglas, D. McDaniel, J. Alexander, “Concepts of Models of

InorganicChemistry”, 3 Ed, John Wiley & Sons Inc., (.1994).
2. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, “Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of
Structure and Reactivity”, 4th Ed., Harper & Row, New York, USA (2001).
3. K. M. Mackay, R. A. Mackay, W. Henderson, “Introduction to Modern
Inorganic Chemistry”, 5 Ed, Stanley Thomas Publisher Ltd. (1996).
4. 4. G. L. Miessler, A. T. Donald, “Inorganic Chemistry”, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall
International, 1991.

CHM- 668 Advanced Inorganic Practicals 2(0-2)

Preparation of at least six compounds/organometallic compounds and characterization by

IR and UV spectrophotometer to the subject of availability of facilities, Spectroscopic
determination of some metal ions, Estimation of different metals in food, tap water and
brass etc. By atomic absorption spectrometer/flame photometer/UV/Visible
spectrophotometer, subject to the availability of facilities.
Recommended books:
1. Bassette, J., Denney, G.H. and Mendham, J., Vogel‟s Textbook of Quantitative
Inorganic Analysis Including Elementary Instrumental Analysis ‟‟ English
Language Book Society, 4th Edition .1981.
2. Vogel, A. I., „‟A Textbook of Micro and Semi-micro Qualitative Inorganic
Analysis ‟‟ Longman Green & Co. 1995.
3. Fritz, J . S. and Schenk, G. H., „‟Quantitative Analytical Chemistry‟‟, Allyn and
Bacon Inc., 4th Edition, 1979.
4. Pass. G and Sutcliffe .H., „‟Practical Inorganic Chemistry „‟. Van Nostrand
Reinhold Company. 1972.

Specialization in Physical Chemistry

CHM-688 Group Theory and Solutions 3(3-0)

Advanced Group Theory

Group Algebra. Point groups. Classes Symmetry, The character table and representation,
Group theory application in chemistry

Solution Chemistry
Physicochemical characteristics of solvents. Solute-solvent interaction, salvation of ions,
preferential salvation. Thermodynamic methods for study of solutions

Biophysical Chemistry
Principles of biophysical chemistry; thermodynamic aspect of simple molecules, macro
molecules, lipids and biological membranes; nucleic acids and proteins; enzyme kinetics
and catalysis; experimental techniques

Recommended Books:

1. F. A. Cotton, “Chemical Applications of Groups Theory”, Interscience Publishers

2. A. Mohammad, “Application of Symmetry and Group Theory in
Chemistry” University Grants Commission, Islamabad, (1984).
3. Alan Vincent “Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory” John Wiley & sons ,
1976, USA.
4. Alberty, R. A., Robert J. S. and Moungi G. B. “Physical Chemistry”. 4th
Edition , John Wiley and Sons, (2004).
5. Smith, E. Brian, “Basic Chemical Thermodynamics” 5 Edition. Imperial
College Press,. (2004).
6. Stephen B. R., Rice S. A., and Ross J., “Physical Chemistry” 2nd Ed.,
Oxford University Press, (2000).
7. Jurg, W., “Basic Chemical Thermodynamics” W. A. Benjamin (1969).
8. Robert G. Mortimer. “Physical Chemistry” 3rd Edition, Elsevier Academic
Press, UK (2008).
CHM-690 Quantum and Statistical Mechanics 3(3-0)
Statistical Mechanics
Average values, fluctuations. Partition functions of diatomic and polyatomic gases.
Statistical mechanical treatment of chemical processes and equilibria. Imperfect gases,
liquid state , dilute solutions and perfect crystals.
Quantum Chemistry
Operators and their properties, angular momentum. Central field problem. Variation and
perturbation methods. Approximate methods in molecular quantum chemistry.
Applications to quantum mechanical systems.

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Molecular orbital calculations. Essential concepts, semiempirical and Ab-initio methods.
Reactivity. Configuration interaction method. Potential energy surfaces. Quantitative
structura-activity relationship (QSAR). Computer programming and three dimensional
graphics using standard packages.
Recommended Books:
1. D. J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics” 2nd Ed, Prentic Hall (2004).
2. M. G. Barrow, “Physical Chemistry” 5th Ed., Mc Graw Hill (1992).
3. R. Alberty, “Physical Chemistry” 17th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, USA (1987).
4. P. W. Atkins, “Physical Chemistry” 6th Ed, W. H. Freeman and co. New York,
5. USA (1998).
6. K. J. Laidler, “The World of Physical Chemistry” 1st Ed., Oxford University
Press, USA (1993).
7. K. J. Laidler, H. M. John, C. S. Bryan, “Physical Chemistry” 4th Ed., Houghton
Mifflin Publishing Company Inc. (2003).
5. E. Thomas, P. Reid, “Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics”, and
Kinetics 1st Ed., Benjamin Cummings, (2006).
CHM-692 Advanced Spectroscopy 3(3-0)

Molecular Spectroscopy
Electromagnetic radiations, interactions of electromagnetic radiations with matter,
microwave, infrared and Raman spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules, vibrational-
rotational spectra,
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Principles of megnatic resonance. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Coupling phenomenon in simple (AXn) and complex systems. Relaxation mechanisms
and their applications. Dynamic NMR. Applications in structure elucidation.
Electron Spin Resonance
Electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR). Principles and applications to solids and

Recommended Books:
1. J. D. Graybal, “Molecular Spectroscopy,” McGraw-Hill, New York, USA (1988).
2. G. M. Barrow, “Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy,” 2nd Ed, McGraw-Hill,
New York, USA (1962).

3. C.N. Banwell, “ Molecular Spectroscopy” 3rd edition Tata-Mc Grahill Publishing

Company , New Delhi, India, 1983.

CHM-694 Electrochemical Aspects of Solutions 3(3-0)

Electrochemistry of Solution
Introduction to solution and its units, Conductance and resistance, Fugacity, activity,
activity coefficient, colligative properties of electrolytes, ionic mobility, cell constant,
ionic strength
Kinetics of Electrode Process
Theories of electrolytes, interfacial phenomena, electrode kinetics, mechanism of
electrode reactions, Butlar Volmer equation, cyclic voltametry and its applications
Electrochemistry of Colloidal Solution
Colloids, classification, preparation of colloidal solution, peptisation, coagulation,
flocculation, peptisation, Dialysis, Electrophoresis, Zeta potential, Solutions of

Recommended Books:
1. J. Albert, “Electrode Kinetics” Clarendon, Oxford, USA (1975).
2. B. R. Stephen, S. A. Rice, J. Ross, “Physical Chemistry” 2nd Ed., Oxford
University Press, USA (2000).
3. W. Jurg, “Basic Chemical Thermodynamics” W. A. Benjamin (1969).
4. Smith, E. Brian, “Basic Chemical Thermodynamics” 5 th Ed, Imperial College
Press. (2004).
5. R. A. Alberty, J. S. Robert, G. B. Moungi, “Physical Chemistry”. 4th Ed, John
Wiley and Sons, (2004).
6. D. W. Ball, “Physical Chemistry” 1st Ed., Brooks/Cole Co. Inc., (2003).

CHM-674 Advanced Physical Chemistry Practicals 2(0-2)

NB: At least eight experiments should be performed from following list subjected to
availability of apparatus and chemicals.
1. Determination of Equivalent and molar conductance of aqueous and non-aqueous
solutions of different electrolytes.
2. Determination of partial molar volumes and excess molar volumes for binary and
ternary systems.
3. Purification of the given commercial solvent using pertinent methods of
separation (distillation, fractional distillation, reflux).
4. Verification of Ostwald‟s Dilution law.
5. Verification of Debyle-Huckel Limiting law.
6. Determination of heat of solutions of selected compounds by solubility methods
in aqueous and non-aqueous media.
7. Determination of critical micelle concentration of selected surfactants in aqueous
and non-aqueous media by surface tension and conductivity.
8. Determination of free energy of micellization of selected surfactants in aqueous
and non-aqueous media by surface tension and conductivity.
9. Determination of equivalence point of acid-base titration by electrical
10. Determination of degree of dissociation of weak electrolytes.
11. Determination of pKa values of acids.
12. Determination of pKa values of indicators.
13. Preparation of buffers of required pH values.
Books recommended:
1. C.W. Garland, J.W. Nibler and DP Shoemaker, Experiments in Physiacl
Chemistry, Mc Grawhill, 7th edition (1996).
2. James, A. M., Prichard, F. E., Practical Physical Chemistry, 3rd
ed., Longman Group Limited, New York, (1974).
3. A. Findly‟s Practical Physical Chemistry, Longmann, London(1972).
4. LP Gold, L. Gold, Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Primis Publishers (1997)
ISB: 0072902698.

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