Repeated Plyometric Exercise Attenuates Blood Glucose in Healthy Adults
Repeated Plyometric Exercise Attenuates Blood Glucose in Healthy Adults
Repeated Plyometric Exercise Attenuates Blood Glucose in Healthy Adults
International Journal of Exercise Science 10(7): 1076-1084, 2017. Plyometric exercise
is popular in commercial exercise programs aiming to maximize energy expenditure for weight
loss. However, the effect of plyometric exercise on blood glucose is unknown. The purpose of this
study was to investigate the effect of relatively high intensity plyometric exercise on blood
glucose. Thirteen subjects (6 females age= 21.8 ± 1.0 yrs.; height= 163.7 ± 7.8 cm; mass= 60.8 ± 6.7
kg and 7 males age= 22.0 ± 2.6 yrs.; height= 182.3 ± 3.6 cm; mass= 87.4 ± 12.5 kg) volunteered to
participate. Subjects completed two random conditions on two separate days, consisting of either
five sets of 10 maximal effort countermovement squat jumps (SJ) with 50 seconds’ rest between
sets or quiet sitting (SIT) for the time equated to the SJ duration (~4min). Immediately after each
condition, subjects drank 75g of anhydrous glucose (CHO) in 100ml of water. Blood glucose
measurements were taken via finger prick pre and immediately post SJ or SIT, and 5, 15, 30, and
60 min post. A 2x6 (condition x time) ANOVA revealed a significant interaction where SJ blood
glucose was lower at 15 (114.0 ± 14.6 mg/dl) and 30 (142.1 ± 22.5 mg/dl) min compared to SIT
(15min 130.8 ± 14.0 mg/dl and 30min 159.3 ± 21.0 mg/dl). The current plyometric protocol
attenuated CHO-induced blood glucose at 15 and 30 min. This may be due to increased
physiological stress applied to the muscles, thus increasing muscular glucose uptake.
The prevalence of diabetes in the United States in 2012 was 14.3%, which has increased from
10% in 1999 (8). Impaired glucose metabolism is the underlying mechanism in diabetes (25).
Carbohydrates are substrate macronutrients that release energy for cellular demands.
Carbohydrates broken down in the gut lead to elevated blood glucose concentrations. The
body stores the excess blood glucose in adipose, muscle, or liver tissue (21). Fasting blood
glucose at or below 99 mg/dl indicates normal glucose metabolism (2, 4, 21, 25, 34) while a
Int J Exerc Sci 10(7): 1076-1084, 2017
value above 100 mg/dl is considered pre-diabetic or diabetic (2, 4, 21, 25, 34). Exercise is on the
forefront of treatment options for glucose metabolic diseases due to its low price and
effectiveness. Exercise prescription with high intensity, short duration and/or Type II muscle
fiber recruitment increases glycogenolysis (21). This causes an elevation in glycogen synthase,
which increases blood glucose uptake and replenishes glycogen concentrations in the resting
muscle (21).
Aerobic exercise commonly involves low intensity, long duration bouts. Walking is a modality
of aerobic exercise that decreases blood glucose in Type 2 diabetic individuals, with an
additive effect if they walk at a higher intensity (13). Running type interventions based on
heart rate and or oxygen consumption have shown both positive (7, 36) and no relationships
(6, 9, 10) in controlling blood glucose. However, exercise adherence is a limiting factor in these
interventions designed to regulate blood glucose (6, 7, 9-11, 13, 17, 23, 24, 28, 33, 36).
Resistance training is variable, utilizing moderate to high intensities and low to high volumes.
It has been shown to be effective at decreasing blood glucose immediately post exercise (24),
and after 12 (23, 33), and 16 weeks (28), but has also been shown to have no effect (30).
Physiological blood glucose adaptations to resistance training have been shown to be similar
to aerobic training (3, 12, 15, 22, 27, 29, 37), while reducing total workout time. A dilemma with
resistance training for affecting blood glucose is that there is no standardized protocol to
follow relative to intensity and duration, thus the mixed results. High intensity, interval
training structured in a short duration model have been shown to decrease blood glucose (3,
12, 15, 22, 27, 29, 37). Jump plyometrics are a form of short duration, high intensity exercise
that normally involve low repetitions, thereby reducing fatigue and maximizing the storage
and release of kinetic energy (32). Furthermore, plyometric exercise training duration has been
shown to be significantly less than resistance or aerobic exercise training (20). One limiting
factor for current short duration, high intensity protocols is the necessary use of technical
equipment (e.g. cycle ergometer), which are not practical for the lay person due to their
Current literature has focused on performance adaptations to plyometric exercise (16, 17, 19)
with clear implications for strength and conditioning. Physiological adaptations such as,
increased bone mineral density (14, 18, 26), muscle strength (16, 31), neuromuscular function
(1, 5), and cardiorespiratory function (38) have been reported with plyometric exercise. In this
manner, plyometrics fit the short duration, high intensity profile and should elicit similar
responses in acute blood glucose, but have not been investigated.
Current effective protocols at increasing blood glucose regulation are limited by time,
equipment, and expense making them impractical to prescribe on a scale that matches the
prevalence of glucose metabolic diseases. Plyometric exercise is a more practical form of short
duration, high intensity exercise. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the
acute effect of plyometric exercise on blood glucose.
Assuming an effect size f of 0.25, a power of 80%, and a correlation of r=0.80 between repeated
measures, a power analysis estimated a sample size of 12 subjects. Thirteen recreationally
resistance trained participants, (age range 19-29; 6 females age=21.8 ± 1.0 yrs.; height=163.7 ±
7.8 cm; mass=60.8 ± 6.7 kg and 7 males age=22.0 ± 2.6 yrs.; height=182.3 ± 3.6 cm; mass=87.4 ±
12.5 kg) with no lower body injuries within the last year were recruited from within a
University Kinesiology program. Inclusion criteria were to be currently engaged in habitual
plyometric exercise (≥1 plyometric exercise per week for the past 6 months) and resistance
training (>3 resistance training days per week for the past 6 months). Additional inclusion
criteria was the ability to achieve 80% of age predicted max heart rate (APMHR) following the
plyometric exercise. Participants read and signed a University IRB approved informed consent
form before testing began.
Familiarization: Height and mass were recorded using a scale (ES200L; Ohaus Corporation
Pinebrook, NJ, USA) and stadiometer (752KL, Seca; Ontario, CA) on day one. They then
performed a dynamic warm-up consisting of walking knee hugs, reverse lunges, single leg
hamstring bows, and side lunges twice for 10 meters. Participants were then familiarized with
the squat jump protocol by standing inside a four-square foot box with their feet slightly wider
than hip width. They extended their arms over head with a slight bend in the elbows followed
by squatting down and swinging their arms to perform a counter movement maximal effort
jump. Participants performed three jumps with maximal effort for familiarization. They were
instructed and encouraged to perform these maximal effort counter movements jumps 10
times. Participants were also familiarized with a finger prick blood draw. They returned for
days two and three after an eight-hour fast. Additionally, they were asked to refrain from
resistance training or alcohol consumption for 48 and 24 hours, respectively.
Participants arrived on both day two and three and sat for 10 min. They then performed the
same warm up as day one. After the warm up they either performed SJ or SIT conditions. For
SJ they were instructed to stand inside a four-square foot box and perform five sets of 10
maximal effort counter movement jumps with 50 seconds of standing rest. For SIT they sat for
a time that was equated to the SJ condition which was predetermined by the time of the 10-
maximal effort counter movement jumps on day one multiplied by four with 200 seconds
added (~4min).
Measuring Blood Glucose: Blood glucose was measured using a glucose meter (Accu-Chek
Performa, Indianapolis, IN). Participant’s blood was drawn with a lancing device (Accu-Chek
Softclix Plus, Indianapolis, IN) on the fourth and fifth phalange tip. Fasting blood glucose was
measured after the initial 10 min of quiet sitting (pre) and immediately post the SJ or SIT
conditions. They ingested a 75g load of anhydrous glucose (CHO) dissolved in 100 ml of water
within two min of finishing SJ or SIT. Dosage amount is consistent with previous research (36,
37). Blood glucose was then measured at 5, 15, 30, and 60 min post the drink.
Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed using a 2x6 (condition x time) analysis of variance (ANOVA). Main effects
were followed up with pairwise comparisons. An alpha level of 0.05 was used to determine
statistical significance, and SPSS version 23.0 software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used
for all analyses.
For blood glucose, there was a significant two-way interaction. This was followed up with two
1X6 ANOVAs for time, one for each condition.
Pairwise comparisons revealed that SJ and SIT at 5, 15, 30 and 60 min post were significantly
greater than baseline (table 1). Also, SJ blood glucose was lower at 15 and 30 min post
compared to SIT (table 1).
Table 1. Blood glucose (mean ± SD mg/dl) between time and squat jump (SJ) and sitting (SIT) conditions.
Baseline 93.8 ± 8.8 94.9 ± 8.7
Immediately Post 98.2 ± 8.1 97.0 ± 7.8
5m Post 106.1 ± 9.5* 106.1 ± 12.8*
15m Post 114.0 ± 14.6*† 130.8 ± 14.0*
30m Post 142.1 ± 22.5*† 159.3 ± 21.0*
60m Post 146.5 ± 34.1* 144.6 ± 19.1*
* = Significantly greater than baseline (p<0.05). † = Significantly less than SIT value (p<0.05)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of plyometric exercise on blood glucose.
Our results demonstrated there was a significant decrease in glucose at 15m and 30m
following SJ exercise when compared to sitting rest. Therefore, it appears that an exercise
protocol of five sets of 10 maximal effort counter movement jumps places enough
physiological stress on recreationally resistance trained males and females to elicit an
attenuated blood glucose response post CHO ingestion. A possible factor for this response
could be a cardiovascular intensity of 80% APMHR providing adequate physiological stress to
the muscles, thus increasing muscular glucose uptake.
Mul et al. conducted a review of current literature surrounding the role of exercise in glucose
uptake (21). Skeletal muscle has energy substrates that originate from either glucose or
triglyceride like compounds. Glycogenolysis, breakdown of glycogen, is increased by either
increasing duration, intensity of the exercise, or utilizing Type II muscle fibers, followed by an
increase in glycogen synthase. However, the transportation process is the rate-limiting step for
glucose utilization; hence, exercise promotes glucose uptake into the liver, skeletal muscle, and
adipose tissue. Therefore, increasing intensity of the exercise may elicit better glucose
Intensity of exercise can be graded as low, moderate, or high and can be defined by heart rate,
maximal effort, or % V02max (3, 7). Dube et al, had participants cycle at 75% peak HR and
found blood glucose uptake was increased greater when higher kilocalories were expended
(7). Little et al. utilized 90% and 65% peak HR and found blood glucose was better regulated
post exercise with higher intensity (15). Babraj compared a maximal effort Wingate protocol to
continuous self-paced cycling and found a chronic adaptation of increased blood glucose
regulation with the Wingate protocol (3). Intensity can also be graded by percentage of peak
energy expenditure (pEE). Karlsoft et al. measured intensities of interval walking above and
below 75% pEE, and continuous constant walking at 55% pEE (13). Steps per day did not differ
between conditions. However, a decrease in body mass adiposity and lower blood glucose
with an increase in VO2max were only shown in interval walking. The present study varied
intensity by heart rate with the same number of jumps and rest per participant. The inclusion
of 80% APMHR fits within prior investigations that used 70-90% of peak HR (7, 13, 15).
Similarly, the present study showed lower blood glucose following SJ at 15 and 30 min,
possibly due to the relatively high intensity of the protocol. Glycogen utilization is dependent
on exercise intensity and duration (21). Therefore, the current study exhibits exponential
glycogen utilization with increased exercise intensity (35).
Exercise volume can be varied by duration, sets or repetitions. Little et al. varied volume by
having subjects perform either 10 sets of one-min cycle sprints or 30 min of continuous cycling
(15). Ortega et al. used either four sets of 30 second maximal effort cycle sprints, or 60, or 30
min of continuous cycling and found that the lower volume protocols increased blood glucose
regulation greater than the higher volume protocols (22). The present study lasted less than
five min overall, while work bouts were one min. The average duration of one set for the
current plyometric protocol was 11 seconds whereas prior research has utilized no less than 30
seconds. However, there was a decrease in blood glucose with the current exercise
prescription. Plyometric exercise sets rarely last more than four – six repetitions in order to
reduce fatigue and maximize storing and releasing of kinetic energy (1). The low volume
prescription used in the present study may have been mediated by the high intensity.
Increasing volume and intensity stimulates muscle glycogen depletion and decreases blood
glucose. However, in a practical sense, volume directly relates to duration as greater volume
takes a longer time to complete. In contrast, with increased intensity a low duration can be
maintained, yet still stimulate blood glucose uptake.
Variance in fitness of the participants, exercise choice, volume or intensity may have played a
role in the results of the present study. Future studies may want to investigate various exercise
prescriptions that reach 80% APMHR with untrained and diabetic populations to further
investigate the effect of plyometric exercise on blood glucose. Reaching 80% APMHR might be
the desired physiological stress level to stimulate a change in blood glucose.
The present study demonstrated that an exercise protocol of five sets of 10 maximal effort
counter movement placed enough physiological stress on recreationally resistance trained
males and females to elicit an attenuated blood glucose response post CHO ingestion.
However, this type of exercise may require skill and could possibly be unsafe for special
populations, such as Type II diabetics, the elderly, low bone mineral density, etc. Future
research should examine exercise selection with similar movement patterns, such as medicine
ball slams, squats, kettle bell swings, etc. to elicit similar effects.
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