Document Attributes: Document No OCW/SOP/0017.1 Approval Taken From CEO Policy Owner Human Resources Effective From Date
Document Attributes: Document No OCW/SOP/0017.1 Approval Taken From CEO Policy Owner Human Resources Effective From Date
Document Attributes: Document No OCW/SOP/0017.1 Approval Taken From CEO Policy Owner Human Resources Effective From Date
Document Attributes
Document no OCW/SOP/0017.1
Approval taken from CEO
Objective: When an employee resigns, retires or is being terminated from work, the required
paperwork and formalities associated with employee exit need to go through a systematic process
Scope: Clearance from IT, Accounts and HR department , and full & Final settlement
Procedure of Exit Formalities
Accepting Resignation
Last working day will
of Employee, and HR will conduct final
be informed by HR at
confirming Last day of exit interview
[email protected]
Clearance formality
Full and Final payment
Employee is marked are performed on
will be calculated and
exit from the system last day of an
Exit Process
➢ HR should receive resignation, duly approved by the Reporting Manager.
➢ HR will intimate Accounts to stop any payment if resignation date is close to the payroll date.
➢ Final clearance form: Where the employee is supposed to take signatures from different Department Managers
after handling charge. E.g. IT for desktops and deletion of email ID. Admin for stationary and cabinet keys, visiting
cards. Finance for any kind of dues. Reporting Manager for Files, documents, etc.
➢ Exit interview form to be filled by the employee.
➢ Exit interview to be conducted between the employee and HR only.
➢ HR would then give a feedback to the Reporting Manager if required.