Undp 2018 Awp Smartseas PDF

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United Nations Development Programme


Project Title: Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve

Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines
2018 Annual Work Plan

Implementing Partner : Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Biodiversity

Management Bureau

Responsible Parties : Conservation International Philippines Foundation Inc., Haribon

Foundation, World Wild Fund for Nature – Philippines, RARE
Philippines, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – National
Fisheries Research and Development Institute, UP Marine Science
Institute and Fishbase Information and Research Group, Inc.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 1

Brief Description
The Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the
Philippines (SMARTSeas PH Project), formerly MKBA Project, was developed due to the urgent need to
accelerate the establishment of MPAs and MPANs to include more key marine biodiversity areas and
improve MPA/MPAN management effectiveness to reduce the rapid degradation of marine and coastal
habitats. This need was borne out of a careful analyses of BMB, conservation NGOs, academe and research
organizations of the current situation of marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the country.
The Project developed the following outcomes:
• Outcome 1 - Increased management effectiveness of MPAs and MPA Networks. Conservation
effectiveness of existing MPAs and new MPANs will be enhanced through improvements in spatial
coverage and representativeness, strengthening of the national system for MPA identification,
designation and management under the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS)
legislative framework, and quantifiable improvements in management of at least 10% of identified
marine key biodiversity nationwide, with concomitant increases in local stakeholder participation and
• Outcome 2 - Improved financial sustainability of MPA and MPA Networks. Financial resources for
the management of MPAs and MPANs will be sufficient to meet all critical management needs and will
grow in line with the expansion of the MPA system. Sources of revenue for MPA management will be
progressively diversified, with the percentage of revenue to be derived from the government will decline
to less than 50%.
• Outcome 3 - Established enabling policy framework of marine biodiversity conservation. A
comprehensive policy framework to be in place and effectively implemented for the conservation,
protection and management of the country’s marine ecosystems and fishery resources, that will
harmonize the mandates and activities amongst all key MPA stakeholders (BMB, BFAR and LGUs).
The Project Documenrt was officially signed in August 2014 and started to set-up the project management
office. The national and local inception workshops were completed in February 2015 and the project was
officially launched in 28 May 2015. Thereafter, the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the
Implementing, Responsible and Collaborating Partners were signed and approved in July 2015. Towards
the ends of 2015, kick-off activities were conducted in the five (5) project sites (VIP, SP, TSPS, DG and LB).
Most of the LGUs in the 5 project sites were oriented with the MKBA Project and they were equally receptive.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 2

In 2016, the Project focused on assessing individual MPAs and ensuring that they are functional while
preparatory work to establish MPA networks commenced. Responsible and collaborating partners conducted
connectivity studies, community and LGU consultations, resource assessment, METT/MEAT scoring; reviewed
existing planning tools and guidelines of MPAs and MPANs; and undertook various capacity building activities
to achieve Outcome 1.

For Outcome 2, the Project has developed training module for business and financial planning; identified
biodiversity-friendly social enterprises; and commenced study on possible sources of revenues in fisheries and
tourism. Moreover, responsible partners were able to collect and analyse data to evaluate gaps between the
ideal and existing management cost.

On the other hand, the Project has engaged the services of a national and five (5) local policy experts who
conducted policy studies and reviewed and drafted policy recommendations and instruments arising from the
policy studies under Outcome 3. Validation and feedback meeting with LGUs and other stakeholders regarding
the results of the completed policy review were undertaken and areas for policy amendments were also

In 2017, the following are the salient achievements of the project:

1. Provided concrete basis for the establishment of MPA network i.e., ecological connectivity studies,
resource assessments, mapping and zoning 

2. Estimated gap between the actual management cost and the available resources in several MPAs 

3. Identified biodiversity-friendly enterprise to diversify the revenue sources from fishery and ecotourism
and other creative financial mechanisms to support the management cost of MPA 

4. Engaged national government agencies including the Tourism Department and Trade and Industry 

5. Close collaboration with National Commission on Indigenous People to ensure the involvement of
indigenous people in the MPA management 

6. Completed national and local policy review leading to the crafting of MPAN Legal Policy Framework 

This document is the Annual Work Plan (AWP) for the 4th year of the Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to
Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines. Unlike in 2015, 2016 and 2017 where the planning
workshops were done at the national level only, the 2018 Annual Work Plan was developed through a series of
joint meetings, workshops and consultations with partner local government units, national government agencies,
responsible and collaborating partners, UNDP and academe.

• The SMARTSeas Ph Local 2017 Year-End Assessment And 2018 Planning Workshop was held in the
five project sites to assess the progress of the project as against the project’s objectives, outcomes and
outputs; identify project implementation issues and challenges and explore/provide
strategies/solutions; and to prepare the CY 2018 Annual Work and Financial Pla. It was participated by
various local stakeholders such as the local government units, regional offices of DENR and BFAR and
the concerned responsible partners.
• The “National Year-End Assessment cum Work and Financial Planning Workshop” held last 22
November 2017, gathered around 30 participants from the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), United Nations Development Programme and responsible and collaborating
partners. In this planning workshop, the Project has assessed its progress and identified its priority
activities for 2018. Local level activities and targets were based on the 2017 progress, budget
performance, updated multi-year targets, project site’s storyline and 2017 Quality Assurance Rating.
• The 2018 AWP was presented to the SMARTSeas Project Board last 12 December 2017 for their
review and approval. PMU has incorporated the comments and suggestions discussed during the said

The total revised budget for 2018 is USD 2,316,762.54 which comprises of USD 1,667,484.54 from the
Global Enviroment Facility and USD 649,278.00 from the Biodiversity Management Bureau. The 2018
revised AWP will focus efficiently and effectively achieving target results in key outcome areas. For year 4, the
Project plans to achieve the following results per Outcome:
SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 3
Outcome 1 - National-level efforts are focused on development of completing and piloting the Competency
Standards on MPA and MPAN management; development of guidelines on Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
system; and support to MPAN management plan implementation through provision of technical assistance to
local partners on the establishment of MPA Network. Local-level activities are centered on assisting local
government units and MPA managers through provision of capacity building to the LGU and MPA local body
to strengthen their conservation, protection and management capabilities.

Outcome 2 – Site-level activities like conduct of business and financial planning for MPA and MPAN;
development of social enterprises in fisheries and tourism; and support to implementation of business and
financial plan will be pursued to improve the financial sustainability of MPAs and MPANs.

Outcome 3 – The Project will continue strengthen capacities of DENR and BFAR personnel on aspects of
MPA and MPAN establishment and management. The project will also actively collaborate with DILG since
they are mandated to supervise the local government units. Priority site-level activities under this outcome are
crafting of and lobbying for policy instrument on MPA/MPAN; and provision of assistance to LGUs in designing
MPA/MPAN, crafting policy instruments therefor and conducting consultations.

Outcome 4 - The budget under cost of the PMU will cover the conduct of project planning and review,
management and coordination, monitoring and evaluation activities, resource mobilization, procurement of
equipment, and salaries and wages which are mandatory for the project.

Programme Period: 2014-2019 2018 AWP budget : USD 2,316,762.54

Atlas Award/Project ID: 00076994/00088065 Total resources required : USD 33,833,490

Start Date: June 2014 Total allocated resources:

End Date : July 2019 • Regular
• Other:
PAC Meeting Date o GEF: USD 8.000,000
______________ o Government: USD 16,853,171
o UNDP: USD 1,500,000
o CSOs: USD 7,480,319

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 4

a.1 Strategic Plan Outcome and Output

Strategic Plan 2014-2017 Outcome and Output Statements & Indicators

Outcome Indicator Baseline Milestone 2017
Code Indicator Description Year Quantity/ Points /Rating 2015 2016 2017 Target Actual
SP Outcome 2. Citizen expectations for voice, development, the rule of law and accountability are met by stronger systems of democratic governance
2.1 Number of countries with open access to data on government budgets,
expenditures and public procurement
2.2 Voter turn-out
2.3 Percentage of women in national parliaments
2.5 Legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and institutions enabled to ensure conservation, sustainable use, access and benefit sharing of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, in line
with the international conventions and national legislation.
2.5.1 Number of contries with legal, policy and institutional frameworks in place for 2014 2 2 2 3 3
conservation, sustainable use, and access and benefit sharing of natural
resources, biodiversity and ecosystems.
2.5.2 Number of countries with improved capacities to implement national or sub- 2014 2 2 2 3 3
national plans for Integrated Water Resources Management, or to protect
and restore the health, productivity and resilience of oceans and marine

Note: Rating Scale:

1. Not adequately : No action has yet taken and/or activities have been carried out but these have not yet led to the following results e.g. Conservation, sustainable-use, and
access and benefit sharing objectives are found in existing legal/policy/institutional frameworks;
2. Very partially : The case for change has been made e.g. Evidence gathering, piloting and demonstration activities, and/or activities to build partner capacity (knowledge,
skills, approaches) have demonstrably made the case for the framework and/or improved framework; or conservation, sustainable use and access and benefit sharing
objectives are mentioned in legal/policy/institutional frameworks, but not sufficiently to ensure sustainability of those practices;
3. Partially – the framework has been approved by government e.g. conservation, sustainable use and access and benefit sharing objectives are formalized in stand alone
legal/policy/institutional frameworks; and
4. Largely – e.g. Sufficient staff capacities and resources have been allocated for implementation of the framework; and or there is evidence of impact from the framework
which can be recorded and verified; legal/etc. frameworks on conservation/etc. align with international conventions and national legislation; mechanisms exist for the
implementation/enforcement of the relevant legal/etc. frameworks; and/or implementation/enforcement of the relevant legal/etc. frameworks has been documented and

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 6

a.2 UNDAF/CPD Outcome
UNDAF/CPD Outcome Statement/s & Indicators

UNDAF Outcome 4 : Adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities and ecosystems are strengthened to be resilient to threats, shocks, disasters, and climate change.

Sub-Outcome Statement/s

Sub-Outcome Area 4.3. Capacities of key duty bearers at national and local levels, to conserve and sustainably manage the country’s environment and natural resources,
including sustainable energy development and utilization, enhanced by 2018.

Baseline Milestone Target

Outcome Indicator Description
Year Quantity/Points/Rating 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year Qty/Points/Rating

% degradation rates of critical environment and natural 2015 518,221 ha (Tanon 2018 At least 959,489.2
resources parameters Strait Protected hectares more will
Seascape) be placed under PA
or IUCN Category

% productivity of ENR sub-sectors over baselines

% of rates of renewable energy development/use and energy


Note: Rate is relative to the contribution of the MKBA Project to UNDAF Objective

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 7

a.3 Project Document Outcome

Project Document Outcome Statement/s & Indicators

Project Document Outcome Statement

1. Increased Management Effectiveness of MPAs and MPANs
2. Improved Financial Sustainability of MPAs and MPANs
3. Established Enabling Policy Framework for Marine Biodiversity Conservation
Sub-Outcome Statement/s
Sub-Outcome Area – MPA/MPAN Management
This component will strengthen the management effectiveness of a large and diverse subset of existing MPAs (al least 95 of the approximately 1,620 existing locally
managed MPAs), establish and strengthen networks of MPAs in at least three sites and build the capacity of key stakeholders in MPA/MPAN establishment, management
and operation.
1.1. New MPA Networks (NPANs) established in designated priority areas.
1.2. Management improved at least 95 existing MPAs through the development and effective implementation of local government or community based MPA
management plans.
1.3. MPA and MPAN management structures institutionalized in Southern Palawan, Verde Island Passage, Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf.
1.4. Increased capacity in Marine Protected Area Management with Capacity Development Scorecards incorporated into management planning and monitor processes
for MPAs/MPANs at all five target sites.
1.5. At least 20% increase in LGUs or local partners support in each target site in terms of funding or other tangible support for capacity building on marine conservation,
MPA management, ecological monitoring or related activities at site level.
Sub-Outcome Area – Sustainable MPA/MPAN Financing
This Outcome will include a suite of interventions at the national, MPAN, and individual MPA level to promote cost efficiencies and cost effectiveness in MPA management,
improve and diversify funding resources, enhance capacities for business planning including sound decision making pertaining to resource allocation, and transparent
processed for fund management.
2.1. Benchmark management costs established for MPAs of varying size (<5 ha, < 50ha, <250ha, >250 ha) and potential cost savings or cost efficiencies on average
per site identified through consolidation of management functions in MPANs.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 8

2.2. At least two MPANS (Verde Island Passage and Davao Gulf) implementing financing and business plans targeting increases in revenue generation from the
tourism and fisheries sectors.
2.3. At least 5 of locally managed MPA in each of five sites have revenue generation schemes in operation, including market-based visitor and service fees for tourism
operators, pilot ecological service payments from the fisheries sector and local taxes for conservation and management of key tourism draws. (Field level activity).
2.4. MPA financing plans developed and piloted in at least 30% of MPAs in each of five sites, incorporating governance mechanisms to ensure participatory
management of revenues and resources involving local communities, local government and national government agencies as appropriate. (Field level activity).
Sub-Outcome Area – Enabling Policy Framework
This component will focus on ensuring that policy and regulatory frameworks governing marine resources in the Philippines support the expansion, management and
conservation of marine protected areas in a coherent and comprehensive way.
3.1. A set of policy recommendations under implementation to strengthening laws, policies and regulations governing major facets of marine resource management
(including fisheries, tourism, coastal resource management, shipping, etc.), to reduce external threats and pressures on MPAs.
3.2. Effective policy and regulatory frameworks in place for the designation and management of MPA Networks (MPANs) encompassing subsets of the national MPA
system according to ecological connectivity and/or management effectiveness criteria.
3.3. Existing mechanisms and resources for fisheries and marine PA policy implemented at BFAR and DENR assessed, improved and institutionalized.
3.4. Tools, guidance and best-practice examples available to support LGUs in implementing effective regulations and policies for MPA establishment, management
and financing within their local government regulatory frameworks.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 9

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Project Objective: Strengthened Conservation, Protection and Management of Key Marine Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines
Number of Marine Key 2013 53/123 MKBAs Process initiated in the At least 66 out of the 123 MKBAs in At least 66 out of the 123 At least 66 out of the 123
Biodiversity Areas in the inclusion of the 13 mKBAs Philippines are included in the MKBAs in Philippines are MKBAs in Philippines are
Philippines included in the in the PA system. Protected Area (PA) System included in the Protected Area included in the Protected Area
Protected Area (PA) System ( (International Union for (PA) System (PA) System
International Union for Conservation of Nature Categories I (International Union for (International Union for
Conservation of Nature – VI). Conservation of Nature Conservation of Nature
Categories I – VI). Categories I – VI). Categories I – VI).
Verde Island Passage – 7
Southern Palawan – 2 Verde Island Passage – 7 Verde Island Passage – 7
Davao Gulf – 7 Southern Palawan – 2 Southern Palawan – 2
Lanuza Bay – 3 Davao Gulf – 7 Davao Gulf – 7
Lanuza Bay – 3 Lanuza Bay – 3
Fish biomass of commercially 2015 Siganidae, Acanthuridae 3 commercially important 0% increase in fish biomass of at 5% increase in fish biomass of 5% increase in fish biomass of
important species and Serranidae. The fish species in each of the 5 least 3 commercially important at least 3 commercially at least 3 commercially
biomass will be sites determined and species. important species. important species.
established in Year 2. baseline gathered.

Level of water pollution levels 2015 Baselines to be Parameters for water Reduction in pollution level against Reduction in pollution level Reduction in pollution level
in Verde Island Passage, established in Year 1 quality established and the baseline levels. Targets to be against the baseline levels. against the baseline levels.
Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf, baseline gathered. agreed in Year 1. Targets to be agreed in Year 1. Targets to be agreed in Year 1.
Southern Palawan and
Tanon Strait Protected
Presence of large marine 2015 Lanuza Bay: Large marine vertebrate Large marine vertebrate species No net decrease in sightings of No net decrease in sightings of
vertebrates (e.g. Marine 1. Green sea turtle species per site determined per site determined and baseline on large marine vertebrates. large marine vertebrates.
mammals, reptiles, sharks) (Chelonia mydas) and baseline on sightings sightings gathered.
2. Hawksbill turtle gathered.
(Eretmochelys imbricata) (Note: Determination of no net
3. Whale shark
( decrease in sighthings will be done
Rhincodon typus) on the last quarter of 2018)
Davao Gulf:
1. Green sea turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
2. Hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata)

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 10

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
3. Dugong dugon
4. Spinner dolphin
(Stenella longirostris)
5. Gray’s spinner dolphin
(S.I. longirostris)
6. Short-finned pilot
whales (Globicephala
1. Dwarf Sperm whale
(Kogia sima)
2. Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus)
3. Short-finned pilot
whales (Globicephala
1. Green sea turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
2. Hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
3. Dwarf Sperm whale
(Kogia sima)
4. Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus)
5. Spinner dolphin
(Stenella longirostris)
OUTCOME 1 - Increased Management Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and MPA Networks (MPANs)
Output 1.1 New MPA Networks (MPANs) established in designated priority areas.
Number of hectares covered 2013 518,221 ha. (Tañon Strait Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 800,000 Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage:
under International Union for Protected Seascape) hectare hectares 1,000,000 hectares 1,000,000 hectares
Conservation of Nature Davao Gulf: 0 hectares Davao Gulf: 0 hectares Davao Gulf: 0 hectares Davao Gulf: 0 hectares
(IUCN) Category V Protected Lanuza Bay: 0 hectares Lanuza Bay: 147,238 hectares Lanuza Bay: 147,238 hectares Lanuza Bay: 147,238 hectares
Landscape and Seascape
PAs in the 5 target sites.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 11

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Number of gender, 2013 Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 1 Verde Island Passage: 1
indigenous peoples (IP) and Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Seascape: 1 Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
climate change risk-sensitive Seascape: 0 Seascape: 0 Davao Gulf: 0 Seascape: 1 Seascape: 1
Marine Protected Areas Davao Gulf: 0 Davao Gulf: 0 Lanuza Bay: 0 Davao Gulf: 1 Davao Gulf: 1
Network (MPAN) Lanuza Bay: 0 Lanuza Bay: 0 Lanuza Bay: 0 Lanuza Bay: 1
management plans
formulated and implemented.

Extent to which gender, 2015 There are draft Verde Island Passage: NOT Verde Island Passage: NOT Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage:
indigenous peoples (IP) and management plans that ADEQUATELY (drafting of ADEQUATELY (Draft management LARGELY (Developed and LARGELY (Developed and
climate change risk-sensitive have not been approved Verde Island Passage plan is finalized) jointly implemented a gender jointly implemented a gender
Marine Protected Areas and implemented in 4 of Marine Protected Area and IP sensitive management and IP sensitive management
Network (MPAN) the proposed project sites Network and Law Tañon Strait Protected Seascape: plan in the VIP MPAN and Law plan in the VIP MPAN and Law
management plans (Verde Island Passage, Enforcement (LE) Network PARTIALLY ( Gender, indigenous Enforcement Network) Enforcement Network)
formulated and implemented. Tañon Strait Protected Management Plan) peoples (IP) and climate change
Seascape, Davao Gulf and risk-sensitive TSPS general Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Lanuza Bay) Tañon Strait Protected management plan already Seascape: LARGELY - (With Seascape: LARGELY - (With
Seascape: VERY implemented for 3-6 months) approved/adopted and approved/adopted and
PARTIALLY (TSPS general implemented TSPS general implemented TSPS general
management plan for Davao Gulf: NOT ADEQUATELY - management plan) management plan)
implementation) (A draft MPAN management
framework; existing tools on MPAN Davao Gulf: PARTIALLY - (With Davao Gulf: LARGELY - (With
Davao Gulf: NOT establishment and management approved/Adopted and approved/adopted and
ADEQUATELY - (A draft planning drafted incorporating implemented MPAN implemented MPAN
MPAN management gender, IP and climate risk management plan) management plan)
framework; existing tools on analysis)
MPAN establishment and Lanuza Bay: PARTIALLY Lanuza Bay: LARGELY
management planning Lanuza Bay: VERY PARTIALLY (Gender, indigenous peoples (Effectively implemented
drafted incorporating (Approved and for implementation (IP) and climate change risk- gender, indigenous peoples (IP)
gender, IP and climate risk gender, indigenous peoples (IP) sensitive Marine Protected Area and climate change risk-
analysis) and climate change risk-sensitive Network plan already sensitive Marine Protected Area
Marine Protected Area Network implemented for 3-6 months) Network management plan)
Lanuza Bay: NOT plan)
and drafting of gender,

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 12

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
indigenous peoples (IP) and
climate change risk-
sensitive Marine Protected
Area Network management
Percent increase in 2013 Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – 35% Verde Island Passage – 39% Verde Island Passage – 39%
Management Effectiveness 29% 31% Southern Palawan – 44% Southern Palawan – 45% Southern Palawan – 50%
Tracking Tool (METT) Scores Southern Palawan – 40% Southern Palawan – 42% Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
in each of Lanuza Bay, Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected 42% Seascape – 43% Seascape – 50%
TSPS, Southern Palawan, Seascape – 40% Seascape – 42% Davao Gulf – 52% Davao Gulf – 54% Davao Gulf – 58%
VIP and Davao Gulf target Davao Gulf – 48% Davao Gulf – 50% Lanuza Bay – 50% Lanuza Bay – 50% Lanuza Bay – 54%
sites Lanuza Bay – 44% Lanuza Bay – 46%
Output 1.2 Management improved in at least 95 existing MPAs through the development and effective implementation of local government or community-based MPA management plans.
Number of gender, 2015 Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 18 Verde Island Passage – 38 Verde Island Passage – 38
indigenous peoples (IP) and Southern Palawan – 0 Southern Palawan – 0 Southern Palawan – 1 Southern Palawan – 3 Southern Palawan –5 (but will
climate change risk-sensitive Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Tañon Strait Protected cover 7 MPAs)
Marine Protected Area (MPA) Seascape – 0 Seascape – 0 5 Seascape – 15 Tañon Strait Protected
management plans Davao Gulf – 0 Davao Gulf – 0 Davao Gulf – 4 Davao Gulf – 8 Seascape – 15
formulated and implemented. Lanuza Bay – 0 Lanuza Bay – 0 Lanuza Bay – 0 Lanuza Bay – 0 Davao Gulf – 14
Lanuza Bay – 14

Extent to which gender, 2015 There are draft Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
indigenous peoples (IP) and management plans that NOT ADEQUATELY (Final PARTIALLY 18 gender, indigenous LARGELY (Effectively LARGELY (Effectively
climate change risk-sensitive have not been approved draft of the 20 initially peoples (IP) and climate change implemented gender, implemented gender,
Marine Protected Area (MPA) and implemented in 5 of drafted MPA Managements risk-sensitive Marine Protected indigenous peoples (IP) and indigenous peoples (IP) and
management plans the proposed project sites Plans from 2015 and initiate Area plans already implemented for climate change risk-sensitive climate change risk-sensitive
formulated and implemented. (VIP, TSPS, Davao Gulf, the drafting of an additional 3-6 months) Marine Protected Area Marine Protected Area
Lanuza Bay and Southern 15 MPA Managements management plans) management plans)
Palawan) with gender, IP Plans with gender and IP Southern Palawan – NOT
and CCA components. component and climate risk ADEQUATELY (Review and Southern Palawan – LARGELY Southern Palawan – LARGELY
analysis) drafting of gender, indigenous (Effectively implemented 3 (Effectively implemented
peoples (IP) and climate change gender, indigenous peoples (IP) gender, indigenous peoples (IP)
Southern Palawan – NOT risk-sensitive Marine Protected and climate change risk- and climate change risk-
ADEQUATELY (Review Area management plan) sensitive Marine Protected Area sensitive Marine Protected Area
and drafting of gender, management plans) management plans)
indigenous peoples (IP) and Tañon Strait Protected Seascape –

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 13

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
climate change risk- LARGELY (Effectively implemented Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
sensitive Marine Protected 5 gender, indigenous peoples (IP) Seascape – LARGELY Seascape – LARGELY
Area management plan) and climate change risk-sensitive (Effectively implemented 15 (Effectively implemented 15
Marine Protected Area gender, indigenous peoples (IP) gender, indigenous peoples (IP)
Tañon Strait Protected management plans) and climate change risk- and climate change risk-
Seascape – NOT sensitive Marine Protected Area sensitive Marine Protected Area
ADEQUATELY (Review Davao Gulf – LARGELY (Effectively management plans) management plans)
and drafting of gender, implemented 4 gender, indigenous
indigenous peoples (IP) and peoples (IP) and climate change Davao Gulf – LARGELY Davao Gulf – LARGELY
climate change risk- risk-sensitive Marine Protected (Effectively implemented 8 (Effectively implemented
sensitive Marine Protected Area management plans) gender, indigenous peoples (IP) gender, indigenous peoples (IP)
Area management plan) and climate change risk- and climate change risk-
Lanuza Bay – NOT ADEQUATELY sensitive Marine Protected Area sensitive Marine Protected Area
Davao Gulf –NOT (Review and drafting of gender, management plans) management plans)
ADEQUATELY (Review indigenous peoples (IP) and climate
and drafting of gender, change risk-sensitive Marine Lanuza Bay – NOT Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
indigenous peoples (IP) and Protected Area management plan) ADEQUATELY (Review and (Effectively implemented
climate change risk- drafting of gender, indigenous gender, indigenous peoples (IP)
sensitive Marine Protected peoples (IP) and climate and climate change risk-
Area management plan) change risk-sensitive Marine sensitive Marine Protected Area
Protected Area management management plans)
Lanuza Bay – NOT plan)
and drafting of gender,
indigenous peoples (IP) and
climate change risk-
sensitive Marine Protected
Area management plan)
Percent increase in 2013 "Baselines to be 5% increase from baseline 10% increase from baseline 15% increase from baseline 25% increase from baseline
Management Effectiveness and established in Year 2 for
Tracking Tool (METT) Scores 2016 newly established MPAs.
in each of the selected 95
MPAs targeted by
Management Plan
development and

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 14

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Output 1.3 MPA and MPAN management structures institutionalized in Southern Palawan, Verde Island Passage, Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf.
Proxy indicator: Number of 2015 Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 1 MPAN Verde Island Passage: 38 MPA Verde Island Passage: 38 MPA
MPA and MPAN gender and management body management body and 1 MPAN management and 1 MPAN management
IP sensitive management Southern Palawan: 1 MPA bodies bodies
structures/bodies established management body Southern Palawan: 2 MPA Southern Palawan: 4 MPA
and institutionalized. management bodies management bodies Southern Palawan: 5 MPA Southern Palawan: 5 MPA
Tañon Strait Protected management bodies covering 7 management bodies covering 7
Seascape: Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected MPAs MPAs
Seascape: 5 MPA Seascape:15 MPA management
Davao Gulf: 3 MPA management bodies bodies Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
management bodies Seascape: 15 MPA Seascape: 15 MPA
Davao Gulf: 4 MPA Davao Gulf: 8 MPA management management bodies management bodies
Lanuza Bay: 8 community- management bodies bodies
based organization Davao Gulf: 14 MPA Davao Gulf: 14 MPA and 1
Lanuza Bay: 2 MPA Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA management management bodies MPAN management bodies
management bodies bodies
Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA and 1
management bodies MPAN management bodies
Proxy indicator: Extent of 2015 Baselines to be Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: PARTIALLY Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage:
participation of women and IP established in Year 2 VERY PARTIALLY - (Women and IP collaborate in each LARGELY - Women and IP are LARGELY - Women and IP are
in management decision (Minimal or passive aspect of decision making) empowered (we will implement empowered (we will implement
making, plan preparation and participation of women and what you decide) what you decide)
implementation. IP in management decision Southern Palawan: Partially-
making, plan preparation Women and IP collaborate in each Southern Palawan: Partially- Southern Palawan: Largely-
and implementation - aspect of decision making Women and IP collaborate in Women and IP are empowered
passive participation) each aspect of decision making
Tañon Strait Protected Seascape: Tañon Strait Protected
Southern Palawan: Very PARTIALLY (Women and IP Tañon Strait Protected Seascape: LARGELY - Women
partially- Minimal or passive collaborate in each aspect of Seascape: LARGELY - Women and IP are empowered (we will
participation of women and decision making) and IP are empowered (we will implement what you decide)
IP in management decision implement what you decide)
making, plan preparation Davao Gulf: Partially - increased Davao Gulf: Partially (
and implementation. participation of women and IPs in Davao Gulf: Partially - increased participation of
the MPA/N Management Body increased participation of women and IPs in the
Tañon Strait Protected women and IPs in the MPA/N institutionalized MPA/N
Seascape: VERY Lanuza Bay: Partially (increased Management Body Management Body)

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 15

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
PARTIALLY - (Minimal or participation of women and IPs in
passive participation of the MPA/N Management Body) Lanuza Bay: Very partially Lanuza Bay: Partially (
women and IP in (increased participation of increased participation of
management decision women and IPs in the women and IPs in the
making, plan preparation institutionalized MPA/N institutionalized MPA/N
and implementation - Management Body) Management Body)
passive participation)

Davao Gulf: Very partially -

limited participation of
women and IPs in the
updating of MPA Plans and
reconstitution of MPA
Management Body

Lanuza Bay: Very partially

(limited participation of
women and IPs in the
updating of MPA Plans and
reconstitution of MPA
Management Body)
Proxy indicator: Scores on 2013 Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Level 1 (for Verde Island Passage – Level 1 Verde Island Passage – Level 1
items 23-24 of the Level 0 (for both items 23 Level 0 (for both items 23 both items 23 and 24) (for both items 23 and 24) (for both items 23 and 24)
assessment form of the and 24) and 24)
METT in Southern Palawan, Southern Palawan – Level 1 for Southern Palawan – Level 1 for Southern Palawan – Level 1 for
Verde Island Passage, Southern Palawan – Level Southern Palawan – Level 0 item 23 and Level 3 for item 24 item 23 and Level 3 for item 24 item 23 and Level 3 for item 24
Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf. 0 for item 23 and Level 2 for item 23 and Level 2 for
for item 24 item 24 Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for both Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for both Davao Gulf – Level 2 (for both
items 23 and 24) items 23 and 24) items 23 and 24)
Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for
both items 23 and 24) both items 23 and 24) Lanuza Bay – Level 1 for item 23 Lanuza Bay – Level 1 for item Lanuza Bay – Level 1 for item
and Level 3 for item 24 23 and Level 3 for item 24 23 and Level 3 for item 24
Lanuza Bay – Level 0 for Lanuza Bay – Level 0 for
item 23 and Level 2 for item 23 and Level 2 for item
item 24 24

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 16

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Output 1.4 Increased capacity in Marine Protected Area Management with Capacity Development Scorecards incorporated into management planning and monitor processes for
MPAs/MPANs at all five target sites.
Average increase in technical 2013 Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard:
and management capacity Lanuza Bay – 18, Lanuza Bay – 27, Lanuza Bay – 27, Lanuza Bay – 34, Lanuza Bay – 34,
scores in the 5 target MPA Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
networks. Seascap – 18, Seascape – 27, 27, Seascape – 34, Seascape – 34,
Southern Palawan – 13, Southern Palawan – 23, Southern Palawan – 25, Southern Palawan – 29, Southern Palawan – 29,
Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – 28, Verde Island Passage – 28, Verde Island Passage – 35, Verde Island Passage – 35,
19, Davao Gulf – 35 Davao Gulf – 35 Davao Gulf – 42 Davao Gulf – 42
Davao Gulf – 26
Output 1.5 At least 20% increase in LGUs or local partners support in each target site in terms of funding or other tangible support for capacity building on marine conservation,
MPA management, ecological monitoring or related activities at site level.
Proxy indicator - Percent 2015 Baseline to be established Lanuza Bay – 5% Lanuza Bay – 10% Lanuza Bay – 15% Lanuza Bay – 20%
average increase in annual during Year 1. Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
funding or other tangible Seascape – 5% 5% Seascape – 10% Seascape – 20%
support for capacity needs of Southern Palawan – 5% Southern Palawan – 10% Southern Palawan – 15% Southern Palawan – 20%
at least 48 MPAs and 3 Verde Island Passage – 5% Verde Island Passage – 10% Verde Island Passage – 15% Verde Island Passage – 20%
MPANs. Davao Gulf – 5% Davao Gulf – 10% Davao Gulf – 15% Davao Gulf – 20%

OUTCOME 2 - Improved Financial Sustainability of MPAs and MPANs

Output 2.1 Benchmark management costs established for MPAs of varying size (<5 ha, < 50ha, <250ha, >250 ha) and potential cost savings or cost efficiencies on average per
site identified through consolidation of management functions in MPANs.
Proxy Indicator: Percent 2015 Funding Gap present , Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – 0% Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
reduction or cost efficiency baseline to be established 0% Operational cost at the VIP Operational cost at the MPAN
improvement of MPAs when in Year 2 (Year 2). Southern Palawan – 0% MPAN level is reduced by 5% VIP level is reduced by 10%
management functions are Southern Palawan – 0%
consolidated. Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Southern Palawan – 5% Southern Palawan – 10%
Tañon Strait Protected Operational cost is reduced by 10%
Seascape – 0% (thru the (thru the alliances) Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
alliances) Seascape –Operational cost is Seascape –Operational cost is
Davao Gulf – 0% reduced by 20% (thru the reduced by 10% (thru the
Davao Gulf – 0% alliances) alliances)
Lanuza Bay – 5%
Lanuza Bay – 0% Davao Gulf – 5% Davao Gulf – 10%

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 17

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)

AVERAGE - 0% AVERAGE - 5% Lanuza Bay – 5% Lanuza Bay – 10%


Proxy Indicator: Management 2016 Baseline to be established Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – LARGELY Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
costs of 20 MPAs established in Year 2 (Year 2). LARGELY (Benchmark of (Benchmark of management costs LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark of
and benchmarked. management costs of 4 of 4 MPAs established) management costs of 4 MPAs management costs of 4 MPAs
MPAs established) established) established)
Southern Palawan – LARGELY
Southern Palawan – (Benchmark of management costs Southern Palawan – LARGELY Southern Palawan – LARGELY
LARGELY (Benchmark of of 4 MPAs established) (Benchmark of management (Benchmark of management
management costs of 4 costs of 4 MPAs established) costs of 4 MPAs established)
MPAs established) Tañon Strait Protected Seascape –
LARGELY (Benchmark of Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Tañon Strait Protected management costs of 4 MPAs Seascape – LARGELY Seascape – LARGELY
Seascape – LARGELY established) (Benchmark of management (Benchmark of management
(Benchmark of costs of 4 MPAs established) costs of 4 MPAs established)
management costs of 4 Davao Gulf – LARGELY
MPAs established) (Benchmark of management costs Davao Gulf – LARGELY Davao Gulf – LARGELY
of 4 MPAs established) (Benchmark of management (Benchmark of management
Davao Gulf – LARGELY costs of 4 MPAs established) costs of 4 MPAs established)
(Benchmark of Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
management costs of 4 (Benchmark of management costs Lanuza Bay – LARGELY Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
MPAs established) of 4 MPAs established) (Benchmark of management (Benchmark of management
costs of 4 MPAs established) costs of 4 MPAs established)
Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
(Benchmark of
management costs of 4
MPAs established)
Output 2.2 At least two MPANS (Verde Island Passage and Davao Gulf) implementing financing and business plans targeting increases in revenue generation from the tourism
and fisheries sectors.
Number of sustainable 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 0 plan Verde Island Passage – 1 plan Verde Island Passage – 1 plan
financing plans implemented sustainable financing plan Davao Gulf – 0 plan Davao Gulf – 1 plan Davao Gulf – 1 plan
in participating MPANs. plans for two (2) the Davao Gulf – 0 plan

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 18

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Proxy Indicator: Extent of 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – VERY Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
implementation of sustainable financing NOT ADEQUATELY PARTIALLY (Approved and for LARGELY (Effectively LARGELY (Effectively
sustainable financing plans in plans for two (2) the (Drafting of business and implementation) implemented business and implemented business and
participating MPANs. MPANs. financial plan) financial plan with revenue financial plan with revenue
Davao Gulf – NOT ADEQUATELY generated) generated)
Davao Gulf – NOT (Drafting of business and financial
ADEQUATELY (Drafting of plan) Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY Davao Gulf – LARGELY
business and financial plan) (business and financial plans (Effectively implemented
implemented) business and financial plan with
revenue generated)
Financial resources for 2015 Funding Gap present. Verde Island Passage – 1 Verde Island Passage – business Verde Island Passage – VIP Verde Island Passage – VIP
conservation and Baseline to be determined biodiversity friendly plan developed and implemented MPAN has income from various MPAN has income from various
management of MPANs in in 2017 after the formation enterprise identified for VIP for the identified biodiversity sources that covers the sources that covers the
VIP and Davao Gulf. of MPAN in VIP and friendly enterprise to secure recurrent costs as defined by recurrent costs as defined by
Davao Gulf. financial resources financing plans. financing plans.

Davao Gulf – Some financial Davao Gulf – DG MPAN has Davao Gulf – DG MPAN has
requirement comes from other income from various sources income from various sources
sources other than the government that covers the recurrent costs that covers the recurrent costs
funds. as defined by financing plans. as defined by financing plans.
Percentage of MPAN funding 2015 All funding disaggregated Verde Island Passage – 0% Verde Island Passage –5% Verde Island Passage – 5% Verde Island Passage – 10%
coming from sources other into local government, Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 5% Davao Gulf – 10%
than government budget. central government.
Baseline to be determined
in 2017 after the formation
of MPAN in VIP and
Davao Gulf.
Output 2.3 At least 5 of locally managed MPA in each of five sites have revenue generation schemes in operation, including market-based visitor and service fees for tourism
operators, pilot ecological service payments from the fisheries sector and local taxes for conservation and management of key tourism draws. (Field level activity).
Number of sustainable 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 3 plans Verde Island Passage – 5 plans Verde Island Passage – 5 plans
financing plans implemented sustainable financing plan Southern Palawan – 2 plans Southern Palawan – 4 plans Southern Palawan – 5 plans
in participating MPAs. plans for individual MPA. Southern Palawan – 0 plan Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Tañon Strait Protected 3 plans Seascape – 5 plans Seascape – 5 plans
Seascape – 0 plan Davao Gulf – 1 plan Davao Gulf – 3 plans Davao Gulf – 5 plans
Davao Gulf – 0 plan Lanuza Bay – 5 plans Lanuza Bay – 5 plans Lanuza Bay – 5 plans
Lanuza Bay – 0 plan

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 19

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Proxy Indicator: Extent of 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – VERY Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
implementation of sustainable financing NOT ADEQUATELY PARTIALLY (Approved and for PARTIALLY (Implemented 5 LARGELY (Effectively
sustainable financing plans in plans for individual MPA. (Review and drafting of implementation of business and business and financial plans implemented 5 business and
participating MPAs. business and financial plan) financial plan) with revenue generated) financial plans with revenue
Southern Palawan – NOT Southern Palawan – VERY Southern Palawan – Very generated)
ADEQUATELY (Review PARTIALLY - Approved and for Partially (Approved and for Southern Palawan – LARGELY
and drafting of business implementation of business and implementation of business and (Effectively implemented 5
and financial plan) financial plan of 5 LGUs financial plan of 5 LGUs) business and financial plans
Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Tañon Strait Protected with revenue generated)
Seascape – NOT PARTIALLY (Implemented 3 Seascape – PARTIALLY Tañon Strait Protected
ADEQUATELY (Review business and financial plans with (Implemented 5 business and Seascape – LARGELY
and drafting of business revenue generated) financial plans with revenue (Effectively 5 implemented
and financial plan) Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY generated) business and financial plans
Davao Gulf – NOT (Implemented 1 business and Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY with revenue generated)
ADEQUATELY (Review financial plan with revenue (Implemented 3 business and Davao Gulf – LARGELY
and drafting of business generated) financial plans with revenue (Effectively implemented 5
and financial plan) Lanuza Bay – PARTIALLY generated) business and financial plans
Lanuza Bay – NOT (Implemented 5 business and Lanuza Bay – PARTIALLY with revenue generated)
ADEQUATELY (7 business financial plans with revenue (Implemented 5 business and Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
and financial plans generated) financial plans with revenue (Effectively implemented 5
developed and incorporated generated) business and financial plans
into the management plan with revenue generated)
Financial resources for 2015 Funding Gap present , Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 0 MPA Verde Island Passage – 3 Verde Island Passage – 5
conservation and baseline to be established MPA Southern Palawan – 0 MPA MPAs have income from MPAs have income from
management of MPAs in five in Year 2 Southern Palawan – 0 MPA Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – various sources that covers the various sources that covers the
project sites. Tañon Strait Protected 3 MPAs recurrent costs as defined by recurrent costs as defined by
Seascape – 0 MPA Davao Gulf – 1 MPA financing plans. financing plans.
Davao Gulf – 0 MPA Lanuza Bay – 0 MPA Southern Palawan – 5 MPAs
Lanuza Bay – 0 MPA Southern Palawan – 0 MPA have income from various
sources that covers the
Funding gap identified. Tañon Strait Protected recurrent costs as defined by
Seascape – 5 MPAs financing plans.
Eight (8 out of the 25 Tañon Strait Protected
MPAs) biodiversity-friendly Davao Gulf – 3 MPAs Seascape – 5 MPAs have
enterprises for MPAs income from various sources
identified. Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs that covers the recurrent costs

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 20

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
as defined by financing plans.
Davao Gulf – 5 MPAs have
income from various sources
that covers the recurrent costs
as defined by financing plans.
Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs have
income from various sources
that covers the recurrent costs
as defined by financing plans.
Percentage of MPA funding 2015 All funding disaggregated By the end of 2016, at least Verde Island Passage – 10% Verde Island Passage – 10% Verde Island Passage – 50%
coming from sources other into local government, 5% of the financial Southern Palawan – 0% Southern Palawan – 25% Southern Palawan – 50%
than government budget. central government, requirements comes from Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
baseline to be established other sources other than 10% Seascape – 12% Seascape – 50%
in Year 2 government funds from the Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 50%
8 MPAs. Lanuza Bay – 0% Lanuza Bay – 0% Lanuza Bay – 50%
Output 2.4 MPA financing plans developed and piloted in at least 30% of MPAs in each of five sites, incorporating governance mechanisms to ensure participatory management
of revenues and resources involving local communities, local government and national government agencies as appropriate. (Field level activity).
Number of MPAs with 2015 Zero number of MPAs with 8 of 30 target MPAs have Verde Island Passage – 12 MPAs Verde Island Passage – 12 Verde Island Passage – 12
participatory multi- participatory multi- participatory multi- Southern Palawan – 0 MPA MPAs MPAs
stakeholder systems in place stakeholder systems. stakeholder systems Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Southern Palawan – 3 MPAs Southern Palawan – 5 MPAs
to oversee utilization of MPA including women and IPs, 2 MPAs Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
funds and revenues include where appropriate with Davao Gulf – 3 MPAs Seascape – 3 MPAs Seascape – 5 MPAs
women and IPs where oversight functions on Lanuza Bay – 2 MPAs Davao Gulf – 4 MPAs Davao Gulf – 5 MPAs
appropriate. disbursement/ resource Lanuza Bay – 4 MPAs Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs
allocation by 2016.

OUTCOME 3 -Established Enabling Policy Framework for Marine Biodiversity Conservation

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 21

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Output 3.1 A set of policy recommendations under implementation to strengthening laws, policies and regulations governing major facets of marine resource management
(including fisheries, tourism, coastal resource management, shipping, etc.), to reduce external threats and pressures on MPAs.
Proxy Indicator: Number of 2016 Policy studies and "Verde Island Passage – 1 "Verde Island Passage – 1 policy "Verde Island Passage – 1 "Verde Island Passage – 1
national and local policy recommendation to policy recommendation recommendation policy recommendation policy recommendation
recommendations that commence in 2016. Southern Palawan – 1 Southern Palawan – 1 policy Southern Palawan – 1 policy
support MPA and MPAN policy recommendation recommendation Southern Palawan – 1 policy recommendation
management incorporating Tañon Strait Protected recommendation Tañon Strait Protected
gender and IP rights. Seascape – 1 policy Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Seascape – 1 policy
recommendation 1 policy recommendation Tañon Strait Protected recommendation
Davao Gulf – 1 policy Seascape – 1 policy Davao Gulf – 1 policy
recommendation Davao Gulf – 1 policy recommendation recommendation
Lanuza Bay – 1 policy recommendation Davao Gulf – 1 policy Lanuza Bay – 1 policy
recommendation recommendation recommendation
National – 1 policy Lanuza Bay – 1 policy Lanuza Bay – 1 policy National – 1 policy
recommendation recommendation recommendation recommendation
At least one (1) national and National – 1 policy At least one (1) national and
five (5) local policy National – 1 policy recommendation recommendation five (5) local policy
recommendations with draft At least one (1) national and five (5) At least one (1) national and recommendations with draft
ordinances that support local policy recommendations with five (5) local policy ordinances that support MPA
MPA and MPAN draft ordinances that support MPA recommendations with draft and MPAN management
management incorporating and MPAN management ordinances that support MPA incorporating gender and IP
gender and IP rights. incorporating gender and IP rights. and MPAN management rights.
incorporating gender and IP
Output 3.2 Effective policy and regulatory frameworks in place for the designation and management of MPA Networks (MPANs) encompassing subsets of the national MPA
system according to ecological connectivity and/or management effectiveness criteria.
Presence of comprehensive 2016 Policy and regulatory At least five (5) local policy A comprehensive MPA and MPAN A comprehensive MPA and A comprehensive MPA and
MPA, MPAN, and MKBA review to be conducted in review instruments Policy Framework in place MPAN Policy Framework in MPAN Policy Framework in
policy framework that is also Year 2 (2016) drafted/amended (e.g. local incorporating gender equality and place incorporating gender place incorporating gender
gender and IP- sensitive. ordinances) at the site level. IP rights developed and effectively equality and IP rights developed equality and IP rights developed
implemented addressing at least and effectively implemented and effectively implemented
50% of the policy recommendations addressing at least 50% of the addressing at least 50% of the
identified through the policy review. policy recommendations policy recommendations
identified through the policy identified through the policy
review. review.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 22

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Number of proposed local 2016 Policy and regulatory At least 1 policy instrument Verde Island Passage – 1 local Verde Island Passage – 1 local "Verde Island Passage – 1 local
and national policies that review to be conducted in in the establishment and policy instrument in the policy instrument in the policy instrument in the
govern major facets of MPA, Year 2 (2016) management of MPANs establishment and management of establishment and management establishment and management
MPAN and MKBA drafted. MPAs developed. of MPAs developed. of MPAs developed.
management following
scientifically grounded Gathered pertinent Southern Palawan – 1 local policy Southern Palawan – 1 local Southern Palawan – 1 local
principles. documents for the drafting instrument in the establishment and policy instrument in the policy instrument in the
of the "Manual of management of MPAs developed. establishment and management establishment and management
Establishment, Planning of MPAs developed. of MPAs developed.
and Management of Tañon Strait Protected Seascape –
MPA/MPAN". 1 local policy instrument in the Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
establishment and management of Seascape – 1 local policy Seascape – 1 local policy
MPAs developed. instrument in the establishment instrument in the establishment
and management of MPAs and management of MPAs
Davao Gulf – 1 local policy developed. developed.
instrument in the establishment and
management of MPAs developed. Davao Gulf – 1 local policy Davao Gulf – 1 local policy
instrument in the establishment instrument in the establishment
Lanuza Bay – 1 local policy and management of MPAs and management of MPAs
instrument in the establishment and developed. developed.
management of MPAs developed.
Lanuza Bay – 1 local policy Lanuza Bay – 1 local policy
National – 1 policy instrument in the instrument in the establishment instrument in the establishment
establishment and management of and management of MPAs and management of MPAs
MPANs developed. developed. developed.

Manual of Establishment, Planning National – 1 policy instrument in National – 1 policy instrument in

and Management of MPA/MPAN the establishment and the establishment and
drafted. management of MPANs management of MPANs
developed. developed.

Manual of Establishment, Manual of Establishment,

Planning and Management of Planning and Management of
MPA/MPAN finalized. MPA/MPAN finalized. "

All policies for MPA and MPAN

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 23

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
management incorporate
scientifically based ecological
conservation criteria (species
abundance and distribution,
threats and pressure, larval
transmission and dispersal,
climate change stresses, etc.)
Output 3.3 Existing mechanisms and resources for fisheries and marine PA policy implemented at BFAR and DENR assessed, improved and institutionalized.
Proxy indicator: Number of 2015 No DENR and BFAR 30 personnel from DENR Verde Island Passage – 15 Verde Island Passage – 15 Verde Island Passage – 15
DENR and BFAR personnel personnel fully and BFAR trained on ICRM- personnel (DENR and BFAR personnel (DENR and BFAR personnel (DENR and BFAR
trained concerning ICRM, capacitated/trained on related competencies. Regional Office and PA managers) Regional Office and PA Regional Office and PA
MPA and MPAN ICRM, MPA and MPAN managers) managers)
management. management. Competency development Southern Palawan – 0 personnel
programme for MPA and (DENR and BFAR Regional Office Southern Palawan – 15 Southern Palawan – 15
ICM practitioners and PA managers) personnel (DENR and BFAR personnel (DENR and BFAR
developed. Regional Office and PA Regional Office and PA
Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – managers) managers)
0 personnel (DENR and BFAR
Regional Office and PA managers) Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – 15 personnel Seascape – 15 personnel
Davao Gulf – 15 personnel (DENR (DENR and BFAR Regional (DENR and BFAR Regional
and BFAR Regional Office and PA Office and PA managers) Office and PA managers)
Davao Gulf – 15 personnel Davao Gulf – 15 personnel
Lanuza Bay – 0 personnel (DENR (DENR and BFAR Regional (DENR and BFAR Regional
and BFAR Regional Office and PA Office and PA managers) Office and PA managers)
Lanuza Bay – 15 personnel Lanuza Bay – 15 personnel
National - 15 personnel (DENR and (DENR and BFAR Regional (DENR and BFAR Regional
BFAR Central Office) Office and PA managers) Office and PA managers)

National - 15 personnel (DENR National - 15 personnel (DENR

and BFAR Central Office) and BFAR Central Office)

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 24

Baseline Targets End of Project Target
Project Indicator/s
Year Quantity / Quality 2016 2017 2018 (2019)
Proxy indicator: Number of 2015 No JMC and/or A/DO One (1) Joint Memorandum One (1) Joint Memorandum One (1) Joint Memorandum One (1) Joint Memorandum
Joint Memorandum issued for the exchange of Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) between Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) Circular/Order (JMC/JAO)
Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) ideas and knowledge and between DENR and BFAR DENR and BFAR drafted. between DENR and BFAR between DENR and BFAR
between DENR and BFAR how to address drafted. issued. issued.
and/or overlapping functions, Two (2) administrative/department
administrative/department conflicting policies ordinances (A/DO) drafted (site Two (2) Two (2)
ordinances (A/DO) issued between DENR and level). administrative/department administrative/department
(site level). BFAR. ordinances (A/DO) issued (site ordinances (A/DO) issued (site
level). level).
Output 3.4 Tools, guidance and best-practice examples available to support LGUs in implementing effective regulations and policies for MPA establishment, management and
financing within their local government regulatory frameworks.
Proxy indicator: Number of 2015 Good practices contained Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 2 (good Verde Island Passage – 2 Verde Island Passage – 2
good practices and video in achieving synergies Southern Palawan – 0 practices for Provincial and VIP (good practices for Provincial Southern Palawan – 2
production from the five sites through MPANs of USAID- Tañon Strait Protected level MPANs are documented) and VIP level MPANs are Tañon Strait Protected
documented, analysed and CTSP (Alino, et al, 2011). Seascape – 1 Southern Palawan – 1 documented) Seascape – 2
published. Davao Gulf – 0 Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – Southern Palawan – 1 Davao Gulf – 2
Lanuza Bay – 0 2 Tañon Strait Protected Lanuza Bay – 2
Davao Gulf – 1 Seascape – 2
Lanuza Bay – 2 Davao Gulf – 2
Lanuza Bay – 2

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 25


Project Title : Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to Conserve Marine Key

Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines
Award ID : 00076994
Project ID : 00088065
Implementing Partner : Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Biodiversity
Management Bureau

The principles of partnerships will be adopted in the implementation of the project. The Biodiversity Management
Bureau (formerly PAWB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) will be the main
implementing partner. BMB was selected as the main implementing partner based on the assessment of
implementing partner and because it is the mandated agency on the establishment and management of
protected areas. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), which has also the experience on coastal
resource management, and the establishment of fish sanctuaries declined to be the implementing partner
because MPA management and establishment is not its main focus of work. At the site level, the responsible
partners (RPs) are the Haribon Foundation, Conservation International (CI), World Wide Fund for Nature–
Philippines (WWF-Phil), RARE-Phil and BFAR – National Fisheries Research and Development Institute
(BFAR-NFRDI). These RPs were selected based on their involvement and participation in the project
development and their work in the demonstration sites.

With the effectivity of contracts signed between the 2 collaborating partners, UP Marine Science Institute and
FishBase Information and Research Group, Inc. was made parallel to the local RPs.

Following the programming guidelines for national implementation of UNDP supported projects, DENR, together
with NEDA signed the Project Document with UNDP and will be accountable to UNDP for the disbursement of
funds and the achievement of the project objective and outcomes, according to the approved work plan. In
particular, the BMB, as the Implementing Partner (IP), will be responsible for the following functions: (i)
coordinating activities to ensure the delivery of agreed outcomes; (ii) certifying expenditures in line with
approved budgets and work-plans; (iii) facilitating, monitoring and reporting on the procurement of inputs and
delivery of outputs; (iv) coordinating interventions financed by GEF/UNDP with other parallel interventions; (v)
approval of tender documents for sub-contracted inputs; and (vi) reporting to UNDP on project delivery and

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 27

At the central level, the project will establish a Project Board/Steering Committee (PB/SC), and a Project
Management Unit (PMU) within BMB. The PB/SC will be responsible for making consensus management
decisions for the project when guidance is required by the Project Manager, reviews and approves the Project
Annual Work Plans and corresponding revisions in activities and budgets, provides overall guidance and policy
direction to the implementation of the project, and provides advice on appropriate strategies for project
sustainability. The Project Board plays a critical role in project monitoring and evaluations by quality assuring
these processes and products, and using evaluations for performance improvement, accountability and
learning. It ensures that required resources are committed and arbitrates on any conflicts within the project or
negotiates a solution to any problems with external bodies. In addition, it approves the appointment and
responsibilities of the Project Manager and any delegation of its Project Assurance responsibilities. Based on
the approved Annual Work Plan, the Project Board can also consider and approve the quarterly plans (if
applicable) and also approve any essential deviations from the original plans. In order to ensure UNDP’s
ultimate accountability for the project results, Project Board decisions will be made in accordance to standards
that shall ensure management for development results, best value for money, fairness, integrity, transparency
and effective international competition.

The Project Board shall be established at project inception. It shall be composed of the DENR, BMB, UNDP,
NEDA, DILG, BFAR, DOT, NCIP, DSWD, PCW, Leagues of Provinces, Cities and Municipalities, a
representative from academe, and at least 3 representatives from national NGOs chosen by the NGO
implementing partners. The PB/SC shall be chaired by the DENR Undersecretary for Staff Bureaus and Co-
Chaired by NEDA. It shall meet at least quarterly, and will provide overall guidance for the project throughout

Project Management Unit (PMU) will have overall project administration and coordination of project sites and
relevant organizations under the overall guidance of the PB/SC. The Director of BMB will serve as the National
Project Director of the PMU. A qualified staff of the DENR/BMB shall be appointed/seconded Project Manager.
The Project Manager shall be assisted by key technical consultants and administrative support staff. The PMU
shall be based at the BMB-CMD and shall be staffed by regular personnel of the BMB, to be complemented by
staff and consultants to be contracted under the project. The PMU is responsible for overall management,
monitoring, and coordination of Project implementation according to UNDP rules on managing UNDP/GEF
projects. Specifically, its responsibilities include: (i) ensuring professional and timely implementation of the
activities and delivery of the reports and other outputs identified in the project document; (ii) coordination and
supervision of the activities outlined in the project document; (iii) contracting of and contract administration for
qualified local and international experts who meet the formal requirements of the UNDP/GEF; (iv) management
and responsibility of all financial administration to realize the targets envisioned ; (v) facilitating communication
and networking among key stakeholders at the national level; (vi) organizing the meetings of the PB/SC; (vii)
review and approval of work and financial plans of implementing partners; (viii) monitor and support the activities
of the implementing partners. The Project Assurance Committee will be responsible for the programmatic
monitoring of the implementation of the Project and the Technical Working Group will provide technical
assistance in achieving the project outputs. The TWG shall be composed of RPs, technical consultants and
heads of BMB divisions. The TWG shall be convened by the CMD and PMU on a quarterly basis or more often
if appropriate. The Project Manager will be responsible for the administrative, financial and technical
management of the project and consolidate inputs from RPs and report progress to PB/SC and UNDP. He/She
will also participate in meetings of the UNDP Outcome Board. He/She shall have the authority to run the Project
on a day-to-day basis on behalf of the BMB/CMD within the constraints laid down by the Board. The Project
Manager’s prime responsibility is to ensure that the Project produces the results specified in the project
document, to the required standard of quality and within the specified time and cost.

The DENR regional offices, led by the Regional Executive Directors, shall act as extensions of the BMB in
monitoring and evaluating site based activities. He/She shall designate the appropriate official who will serve as
the Regional Coordinator. The Regional Coordinator, including other relevant field offices of DENR, shall,

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 28

develop their own work and financial plans in support of project implementation. They shall work in close
coordination with the responsible partners (RPs).

The responsibilities of the Responsible Partners (RPs) include: (i) preparing detailed annual and quarterly work
programs for the sites, in coordination with local partners; (ii) facilitate linkages and secure support and
participation of local stakeholders in the project; (iii) project administration of site based activities; (iv) preparation
of reports on site based activities; and (v) strengthening of local bodies, organizations, such as fishers and IPs,
FARMCs, local community organizations, LGUs; (vii) syndicating the support of local organizations and
stakeholders in developing and implementing the common management framework and plan for the
MPAMPAN. Existing local coordinating bodies will be utilized, enhanced, and/or expanded to ensure there is
coordination of activities at the site level, and the participation of important stakeholders are secured.

The works of the Collaborating Partners (CPs) include: conduct of gap analysis, provide recommendations on
establishment of MPANs, provide biophysical status of MPAs, connectivity status and development of database.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 29


Project monitoring and evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the established UNDP and GEF
procedures and will be provided by the Project Team and the UNDP CO with the support from UNDP/GEF in
UNDP’s Regional Office. The Project Results Framework provides performance and impact indicators for
project implementation along with their corresponding means of verification. The METT tool, Financial
Scorecard and the Capacity Scorecards will be used as instruments to monitor progress of the selected sites at
the mid-term and end of the project.

The project will be monitored through the following M&E activities.

A. Monitoring

a) Progress made shall be monitored in the UNDP Enhanced Results Based Managment Platform.
b) Based on the initial risk analysis submitted, the risk log shall be regularly updated in ATLAS. Risks
become critical when the impact and probability are high. Note that for UNDP GEF projects, all
financial risks associated with financial instruments such as revolving funds, microfinance schemes,
or capitalization of ESCOs are automatically classified as critical on the basis of their innovative
nature (high impact and uncertainty due to no previous experience justifies classification as critical).
c) Based on the information recorded in Atlas, a Project Progress Reports (PPR) can be generated in
the Executive Snapshot.
d) Other ATLAS logs can be used to monitor issues, lessons learned etc... The use of these functions is
a key indicator in the UNDP Executive Balanced Scorecard.

Annual Project Review/Project Implementation Reports (APR/PIR): This key report is prepared to monitor
progress made since project start and in particular for the previous reporting period (30 June to 1 July). The
APR/PIR combines both UNDP and GEF reporting requirements.

The APR/PIR includes, but is not limited to, reporting on the following:
a) Progress made toward project objective and project outcomes - each with indicators, baseline data
and end-of-project targets (cumulative)
b) Project outputs delivered per project outcome (annual).
c) Lesson learned/good practice.
d) AWP and other expenditure reports
e) Risk and adaptive management
g) Portfolio level indicators (i.e. GEF focal area tracking tools) are used by most focal areas on an
annual basis as well.

Periodic Monitoring through site visits:

UNDP CO and the UNDP RCU will conduct visits to project sites based on the agreed schedule in the
project's Inception Report/Annual Work Plan to assess first hand project progress. Other members of the
Project Board may also join these visits. A Field Visit Report/BTOR will be prepared by the CO and UNDP
RCU and will be circulated no less than one month after the visit to the project team and Project Board

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 30

Mid-term of project cycle:
The project will undergo an independent Mid-Term Evaluation at the mid-point of project implementation. The
Mid-Term Evaluation will determine progress being made toward the achievement of outcomes and will identify
course correction if needed. It will focus on the effectiveness, efficiency and timeliness of project
implementation; will highlight issues requiring decisions and actions; and will present initial lessons learned
about project design, implementation and management. Findings of this review will be incorporated as
recommendations for enhanced implementation during the final half of the project’s term. The organization,
terms of reference and timing of the mid-term evaluation will be decided after consultation between the parties
to the project document. The Terms of Reference for this Mid-term evaluation will be prepared by the UNDP
CO based on guidance from the Regional Coordinating Unit and UNDP-GEF. The management response and
the evaluation will be uploaded to UNDP corporate systems, in particular the UNDP Evaluation Office Evaluation
Resource Center (ERC).

The relevant GEF Focal Area Tracking Tools will also be completed during the mid-term evaluation cycle.

Learning and knowledge sharing:

Results from the project will be disseminated within and beyond the project intervention zone through existing
information sharing networks and forums.

The project will identify and participate, as relevant and appropriate, in scientific, policy-based and/or any other
networks, which may be of benefit to project implementation though lessons learned. The project will identify,
analyze, and share lessons learned that might be beneficial in the design and implementation of similar future

Finally, there will be a two-way flow of information between this project and other projects of a similar focus.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 31


Data Collection Frequency & Risks and

Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Project Objective: Strengthened Conservation, Protection and Management of Key Marine Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines
Number of Marine 53/123 MKBAs At least 66 out of the 123 At least 66 out of the 123 BMB report and Secondary data Annually Responsible
Key Biodiversity MKBAs in Philippines are MKBAs in Philippines are database research partners, DENR-
Areas in the included in the Protected Area included in the Protected BMB and
Philippines (PA) System Area (PA) System MSN report and SMARTSeas-
included in the (International Union for (International Union for database PMU
Protected Area Conservation of Nature Conservation of Nature
(PA) System ( Categories I – VI). Categories I – VI).
International Union
for Conservation of Verde Island Passage – 6 Verde Island Passage – 6
Nature Categories Southern Palawan – 2 Southern Palawan – 2
I – VI). Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape - 2 Seascape - 2
Davao Gulf – 2 Davao Gulf – 2
Lanuza Bay – 1 Lanuza Bay – 1
Percent increase in Siganidae, 5% increase in fish biomass of 5% increase in fish biomass Resource Assessment Fish visual 2016 and 2018 on Responsible
Fish biomass of Acanthuridae and at least 3 commercially of at least 3 commercially Report from the census and the same month partners and
commercially Serranidae. The fish important species. important species. result of fish visual Phototransect SMARTSeas-
important species biomass will be census and method PMU
established in Year 2. phototransect method. Community based
monitoring system
Level of water Baselines to be Reduction in pollution level Reduction in pollution level Report from the Secondary data Annually SMARTSeas-
pollution in Verde established in Year 1 against the baseline levels. against the baseline levels. National Water Quality research PMU
Island Passage, Targets to be agreed in Year 1. Targets to be agreed in Year Status Report (DENR-
Lanuza Bay, 1. EMB)
Davao Gulf,
Southern Palawan
and Tanon Strait
Presence of large Lanuza Bay: No net decrease in sightings of No net decrease in sightings Survey and monitoring Line-transect 2016 and 2018 on Responsible 10,000.00
marine vertebrates 1. Green sea turtle large marine vertebrates. of large marine vertebrates. report from survey the same month partners and
(e.g. Marine (Chelonia mydas) local/community team Community based SMARTSeas-
mammals, reptiles, 2. Hawksbill turtle monitoring system PMU
sharks) (Eretmochelys
3. Whale shark
Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Rhincodon typus)
Davao Gulf:
1. Green sea turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
2. Hawksbill turtle
3. Dugong dugon
4. Spinner dolphin
(Stenella longirostris)
5. Gray’s spinner
dolphin (S.I.
6. Short-finned pilot
whales (Globicephala
1. Dwarf Sperm
whale (Kogia sima)
2. Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus)
3. Short-finned pilot
whales (Globicephala
1. Green sea turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
2. Hawksbill turtle
3. Dwarf Sperm
whale (Kogia sima)
4. Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus)
5. Spinner dolphin
(Stenella longirostris)
OUTCOME 1: Increased Management Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and MPA Networks (MPANs)
OUTPUT 1.1: New MPA Networks (MPANs) established in designated priority areas.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 33

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Number of 518,221 ha. (Tañon Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: Ordinances and MOA Documents Annually Responsible
hectares covered Strait Protected 289,030.20 hectares 289,030.20 hectares declaring the review partners (CIPFI,
under International Seascape) Davao Gulf: 0 hectares Davao Gulf: 5,000 hectares establishment and KKPFI and
Union for Lanuza Bay: 147,238 hectares Lanuza Bay: 147,238 management of Haribon
Conservation of hectares MPAN in the 3 project Foundation) and
Nature (IUCN) sites (VIP, DG and SMARTSeas-
Category V (Note: Total area must be at TSPS) PMU
Protected least 959,489.2 ha. from the
Landscape and four MPA networks including MPAN Management
Seascape PAs in TSPS) Plan
the 5 target sites.
Zoning map showing
the coverage of the

BMB report and


MSN report and

Number of gender, Verde Island Verde Island Passage: 1 Verde Island Passage: 1 Adopted MPAN Documents Annually Responsible 2,000.00
indigenous peoples Passage: 0 Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected management plans review partners
(IP) and climate Tañon Strait Seascape: 1 Seascape: 1 and annual work plan (CIPFI,Rare,
change risk- Protected Seascape: Davao Gulf: 1 Davao Gulf: 1 KKPFI and
sensitive Marine 0 Lanuza Bay: 0 Lanuza Bay: 1 Local and/or joint Haribon
Protected Areas Davao Gulf: 0 policy Documents Foundation) and
Network (MPAN) Lanuza Bay: 0 issuance/ordinance review SMARTSeas-
management plans that addresses PMU
formulated and gender, IP and CCA.
Key informants from
LGUs and MPAN Surveys, focus
management bodies. group discussion
and interviews.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 34

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Extent to which There are draft Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: Adopted MPAN Documents Annually Responsible
gender, indigenous management plans LARGELY (Developed and LARGELY (Developed and management plans review partners
peoples (IP) and that have not been jointly implemented a gender jointly implemented a and Annually work (CIPFI,Rare,
climate change approved and and IP sensitive management gender and IP sensitive plan KKPFI and
risk-sensitive implemented in 4 of plan in the VIP MPAN and Law management plan in the VIP Haribon
Marine Protected the proposed project Enforcement Network) MPAN and Law Enforcement Local and/or joint Documents Foundation) and
Areas Network sites (Verde Island Network) policy review SMARTSeas-
(MPAN) Passage, Tañon Tañon Strait Protected issuance/ordinance PMU
management plans Strait Protected Seascape: LARGELY - (With Tañon Strait Protected that addresses
formulated and Seascape, Davao approved/adopted and Seascape: LARGELY - (With gender, IP and CCA.
implemented. Gulf and Lanuza Bay) implemented TSPS general approved/adopted and
management plan) implemented TSPS general Key informants from Surveys, focus
management plan) LGUs and MPAN group discussion
Davao Gulf: PARTIALLY - management bodies. and interviews.
(With approved/Adopted and Davao Gulf: LARGELY -
implemented MPAN (With approved/adopted and
management plan) implemented MPAN
management plan)
(Gender, indigenous peoples Lanuza Bay: LARGELY
(IP) and climate change risk- (Effectively implemented
sensitive Marine Protected gender, indigenous peoples
Area Network plan already (IP) and climate change risk-
implemented for 3-6 months) sensitive Marine Protected
Area Network management
Percent increase in Verde Island Verde Island Passage – 39% Verde Island Passage – 39%METT PA assessment Documents 2016, 2017 (mid- Responsible 5,000.00
Management Passage – 29% Southern Palawan – 45% Southern Palawan – 50% scorecard review, focus term) and 2019 partners
Effectiveness Southern Palawan – Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected group discussion (end-term)
Tracking Tool 40% Seascape – 43% Seascape – 50% and interviews.
(METT) Scores in Tañon Strait Davao Gulf – 54% Davao Gulf – 58%
each of Lanuza Protected Seascape Lanuza Bay – 50% Lanuza Bay – 54%
Bay, TSPS, – 40%
Southern Palawan, Davao Gulf – 48%
VIP and Davao Lanuza Bay – 44%
Gulf target sites
OUTPUT 1.2: Management improved in at least 95 existing MPAs through the development and effective implementation of local government or community-based MPA management plans.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 35

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Number of gender, Verde Island Verde Island Passage – 38 Verde Island Passage – 38 Adopted MPA Documents Semi-annually Responsible 2,000.00
indigenous peoples Passage – 0 Southern Palawan – 3 Southern Palawan –5 (but management plans review partners and
(IP) and climate Southern Palawan – Tañon Strait Protected will cover 7 MPAs) and annual work plans SMARTSeas-
change risk- 0 Seascape – 15 Tañon Strait Protected PMU
sensitive Marine Tañon Strait Davao Gulf – 8 Seascape – 15 Local policy
Protected Area Protected Seascape Lanuza Bay – 0 Davao Gulf – 14 issuance/ordinance Documents
(MPA) –0 Lanuza Bay – 14 that addresses review
management plans Davao Gulf – 0 gender, IP and CCA.
formulated and Lanuza Bay – 0
implemented. Key informants from Surveys, focus
LGUs and MPAs group discussion
management bodies. and interviews.
Extent to which There are draft Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Adopted MPA Documents Semi-annually Responsible
gender, indigenous management plans LARGELY (Effectively LARGELY (Effectively management plans review partners and
peoples (IP) and that have not been implemented gender, implemented gender, and Annually work SMARTSeas-
climate change approved and indigenous peoples (IP) and indigenous peoples (IP) and plan PMU
risk-sensitive implemented in 5 of climate change risk-sensitive climate change risk-sensitive
Marine Protected the proposed project Marine Protected Area Marine Protected Area Local policy Documents
Area (MPA) sites (VIP, TSPS, management plans) management plans) issuance/ordinance review
management plans Davao Gulf, Lanuza that addresses
formulated and Bay and Southern Southern Palawan – LARGELY Southern Palawan – gender, IP and CCA.
implemented. Palawan) with (Effectively implemented 3 LARGELY (Effectively
gender, IP and CCA gender, indigenous peoples implemented gender, Key informants from
components. (IP) and climate change risk- indigenous peoples (IP) and LGUs and MPAs Surveys, focus
sensitive Marine Protected climate change risk-sensitive management bodies. group discussion
Area management plans) Marine Protected Area and interviews.
management plans)
Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – LARGELY Tañon Strait Protected
(Effectively implemented 15 Seascape – LARGELY
gender, indigenous peoples (Effectively implemented 15
(IP) and climate change risk- gender, indigenous peoples
sensitive Marine Protected (IP) and climate change risk-
Area management plans) sensitive Marine Protected
Area management plans)
Davao Gulf – LARGELY
(Effectively implemented 8 Davao Gulf – LARGELY
gender, indigenous peoples (Effectively implemented
(IP) and climate change risk- gender, indigenous peoples
sensitive Marine Protected (IP) and climate change risk-
Area management plans) sensitive Marine Protected

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 36

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Area management plans)

Lanuza Bay – NOT
ADEQUATELY (Review and Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
drafting of gender, indigenous (Effectively implemented
peoples (IP) and climate gender, indigenous peoples
change risk-sensitive Marine (IP) and climate change risk-
Protected Area management sensitive Marine Protected
plan) Area management plans)
Percent increase in "Baselines to be 15% increase from baseline 25% increase from baseline
METT PA assessment Surveys, focus 2016, 2017 (mid- Responsible 5,000.00
Management established in Year 2 Scorecard group discussion term) and 2019 partners
Effectiveness for newly established and interviews. (end-term)
Tracking Tool MPAs.
(METT) Scores in
each of the
selected 95 MPAs
targeted by
Management Plan
development and
OUTPUT 1.3 MPA and MPAN management structures institutionalized in Southern Palawan, Verde Island Passage, Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf.
Proxy indicator: Verde Island Verde Island Passage: 38 MPA Verde Island Passage: 38 Legal instruments Documents Annually Responsible 5,000.00
Number of MPA Passage: and 1 MPAN management MPA and 1 MPAN establishing gender review partners
and MPAN gender bodies management bodies and IP sensitive
and IP sensitive Southern Palawan: 1 management bodies. Key informant
management MPA management Southern Palawan: 5 MPA Southern Palawan: 5 MPA interviews from
structures/bodies body management bodies covering management bodies LGU, and local
established and 7 MPAs covering 7 MPAs stakeholders.
institutionalized. Tañon Strait
Protected Seascape: Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape: 15 MPA Seascape: 15 MPA
Davao Gulf: 3 MPA management bodies management bodies
management bodies
Davao Gulf: 14 MPA Davao Gulf: 14 MPA and 1
Lanuza Bay: 2 management bodies MPAN management bodies
organization Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA and 1
management bodies MPAN management bodies

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 37

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Proxy indicator: Baselines to be Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: MPA and MPAN Documents Annually Responsible
Extent of established in Year 2 LARGELY - Women and IP are LARGELY - Women and IP management plan review, partners
participation of empowered (we will implement are empowered (we will indicating its interviews,
women and IP in what you decide) implement what you decide) management surveys
management structure.
decision making, Southern Palawan: Partially- Southern Palawan: Largely-
plan preparation Women and IP collaborate in Women and IP are Key informants from
and each aspect of decision empowered LGUs and
implementation. making MPA/MPAN
Tañon Strait Protected management bodies.
Tañon Strait Protected Seascape: LARGELY -
Seascape: LARGELY - Women and IP are Minutes of the
Women and IP are empowered empowered (we will meeting.
(we will implement what you implement what you decide)
Davao Gulf: Partially (
Davao Gulf: Partially - increased participation of
increased participation of women and IPs in the
women and IPs in the MPA/N institutionalized MPA/N
Management Body Management Body)

Lanuza Bay: Partially Lanuza Bay: Partially (

(increased participation of increased participation of
women and IPs in the MPA/N women and IPs in the
Management Body) institutionalized MPA/N
Management Body)
Proxy indicator: Verde Island Verde Island Passage – Level Verde Island Passage – METT PA assessment Surveys, focus 2016, 2017 (mid- Responsible
Scores on items Passage – Level 0 1 (for both items 23 and 24) Level 1 (for both items 23 Scorecard group discussion term) and 2019 partners
23-24 of the (for both items 23 and and 24) and interviews. (end-term)
assessment form 24) Southern Palawan – Level 1
of the METT in for item 23 and Level 3 for item Southern Palawan – Level 1
Southern Palawan, Southern Palawan – 24 for item 23 and Level 3 for
Verde Island Level 0 for item 23 item 24
Passage, Lanuza and Level 2 for item Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for both
Bay, Davao Gulf. 24 items 23 and 24) Davao Gulf – Level 2 (for
both items 23 and 24)
Davao Gulf – Level 1 Lanuza Bay – Level 1 for item
(for both items 23 and 23 and Level 3 for item 24 Lanuza Bay – Level 1 for
24) item 23 and Level 3 for item
Lanuza Bay – Level 0

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 38

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

for item 23 and Level

2 for item 24

OUTPUT 1.4 Increased capacity in Marine Protected Area Management with Capacity Development Scorecards incorporated into management planning and monitor processes for MPAs/MPANs at all five target sites.
Average increase Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Accomplished GEF Surveys, focus 2016 and 2018 Responsible 5,000.00
in technical and Lanuza Bay – 18, Lanuza Bay – 29, Lanuza Bay – 29, Capacity Scorecard. group discussion partners
management Tañon Strait Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected and interviews.
capacity scores in Protected Seascap – Seascape – 29, Seascape – 29, Technical assistance Annually
the 5 target MPA 18, Southern Palawan – 21, Southern Palawan – 21, and training report Document review
networks. Southern Palawan – Verde Island Passage – 31, Verde Island Passage – 31,
13, Davao Gulf – 42 Davao Gulf – 42 M&E plans of the 95 2017, 2018, 2019
Verde Island MPAs and 3 MPANs Document review
Passage – 19,
Davao Gulf – 26
OUTPUT 1.5 At least 20% increase in LGUs or local partners support in each target site in terms of funding or other tangible support for capacity building on marine conservation, MPA management, ecological monitoring or
related activities at site level.
Proxy indicator - Baseline to be Lanuza Bay – 15% Lanuza Bay – 20% Annually Investment Secondary data Annually Responsible 2,500.00
Percent average established during Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Program (AIP) research, partners
increase in annual Year 1. Seascape – 10% Seascape – 20% documents review
funding or other Southern Palawan – 15% Southern Palawan – 20% Annually work plan
tangible support for Verde Island Passage – 15% Verde Island Passage – 20% Document review,
capacity needs of Davao Gulf – 15% Davao Gulf – 20% MPA management Interviews
at least 48 MPAs plan
and 3 MPANs.
OUTCOME 2: Improved Financial Sustainability of MPAs and MPANs.
OUTPUT 2.1 Benchmark management costs established for MPAs of varying size (<5 ha, < 50ha, <250ha, >250 ha) and potential cost savings or cost efficiencies on average per site identified through consolidation of
management functions in MPANs.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 39

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Proxy Indicator: Funding Gap present Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Agreements between Documents Annually Responsible
Percent reduction , baseline to be Operational cost at the VIP Operational cost at the and among MPA review partners and
or cost efficiency established in Year 2 MPAN level is reduced by 5% MPAN VIP level is reduced management body SMARTSeas-
improvement of (Year 2). by 10% specifying the cost PMU
MPAs when Southern Palawan – 5% sharing agreement
management Southern Palawan – 10%
functions are Tañon Strait Protected
consolidated. Seascape –Operational cost is Tañon Strait Protected
reduced by 10% (thru the Seascape –Operational cost
alliances) is reduced by 10% (thru the
Davao Gulf – 5%
Davao Gulf – 10%
Lanuza Bay – 5%
Lanuza Bay – 10%
Proxy Indicator: Baseline to be Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – MPA financial Documents Annually Responsible
Management costs established in Year 2 LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark of statements indicating review partners and
of 20 MPAs (Year 2). management costs of 4 MPAs management costs of 4 expenditures and SMARTSeas-
established and established) MPAs established) revenues. PMU
Southern Palawan – LARGELY Southern Palawan –
(Benchmark of management LARGELY (Benchmark of
costs of 4 MPAs established) management costs of 4
MPAs established)
Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – LARGELY Tañon Strait Protected
(Benchmark of management Seascape – LARGELY
costs of 4 MPAs established) (Benchmark of management
costs of 4 MPAs established)
Davao Gulf – LARGELY
(Benchmark of management Davao Gulf – LARGELY
costs of 4 MPAs established) (Benchmark of management
costs of 4 MPAs established)
Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
(Benchmark of management Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
costs of 4 MPAs established) (Benchmark of management
costs of 4 MPAs established)
OUTPUT 2.2 At least two MPANS (Verde Island Passage and Davao Gulf) implementing financing and business plans targeting increases in revenue generation from the tourism and fisheries sectors.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 40

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Number of Zero number of Verde Island Passage – 1 plan Verde Island Passage – 1 Approved and Document review Annually Responsible 4,000.00
sustainable sustainable financing Davao Gulf – 1 plan plan adopted business and partners (CIPFI
financing plans plans for two (2) the Davao Gulf – 1 plan financial plans, Surveys, focus and KKPFI) and
implemented in MPANs. feasibility study group discussion SMARTSeas-
participating and interviews. PMU
Proxy Indicator: Zero number of Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Approved and Document review Annually Responsible
Extent of sustainable financing LARGELY (Effectively LARGELY (Effectively adopted business and partners (CIPFI
implementation of plans for two (2) the implemented business and implemented business and financial plans, Surveys, focus and KKPFI) and
sustainable MPANs. financial plan with revenue financial plan with revenue feasibility study group discussion SMARTSeas-
financing plans in generated) generated) and interviews. PMU
MPANs. Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY Davao Gulf – LARGELY
(business and financial plans (Effectively implemented
implemented) business and financial plan
with revenue generated)
Financial Funding Gap present. Verde Island Passage – VIP Verde Island Passage – VIP Financial statement, Document review Annually Responsible
resources for Baseline to be MPAN has income from MPAN has income from balance sheet partners (CIPFI
conservation and determined in 2017 various sources that covers the various sources that covers Surveys, focus and KKPFI) and
management of after the formation of recurrent costs as defined by the recurrent costs as group discussion SMARTSeas-
MPANs in VIP and MPAN in VIP and financing plans. defined by financing plans. and interviews. PMU
Davao Gulf. Davao Gulf.
Davao Gulf – DG MPAN has Davao Gulf – DG MPAN
income from various sources has income from various
that covers the recurrent costs sources that covers the
as defined by financing plans. recurrent costs as defined by
financing plans.
Percentage of All funding Verde Island Passage – 5% Verde Island Passage – 10% Financial statement, Document review Annually Responsible
MPAN funding disaggregated into Davao Gulf – 5% Davao Gulf – 10% balance sheet partners (CIPFI
coming from local government, Surveys, focus and KKPFI) and
sources other than central government. group discussion SMARTSeas-
government Baseline to be and interviews. PMU
budget. determined in 2017
after the formation of
MPAN in VIP and
Davao Gulf.
OUTPUT 2.3 At least 5 of locally managed MPA in each of five sites have revenue generation schemes in operation, including market-based visitor and service fees for tourism operators, pilot ecological service payments from
the fisheries sector and local taxes for conservation and management of key tourism draws. (Field level activity).

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 41

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Number of Zero number of Verde Island Passage – 5 Verde Island Passage – 5 Approved and Document review Annually Responsible 5,000.00
sustainable sustainable financing plans plans adopted business and partners and
financing plans plans for individual Southern Palawan – 4 plans Southern Palawan – 5 plans financial plans, Surveys, focus SMARTSeas-
implemented in MPA. Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected feasibility study group discussion PMU
participating MPAs. Seascape – 5 plans Seascape – 5 plans and interviews.
Davao Gulf – 3 plans Davao Gulf – 5 plans
Lanuza Bay – 5 plans Lanuza Bay – 5 plans

At least 25 MPAs in five sites

have sustainable financing
plans being implemented as
part of their management
Proxy Indicator: Zero number of Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Approved and Document review Annually Responsible
Extent of sustainable financing PARTIALLY (Implemented 5 LARGELY (Effectively adopted business and partners and
implementation of plans for individual business and financial plans implemented 5 business and financial plans, Surveys, focus SMARTSeas-
sustainable MPA. with revenue generated) financial plans with revenue feasibility study group discussion PMU
financing plans in Southern Palawan – Very generated) and interviews.
participating MPAs. Partially (Approved and for Southern Palawan –
implementation of business LARGELY (Effectively
and financial plan of 5 LGUs) implemented 5 business and
Tañon Strait Protected financial plans with revenue
Seascape – PARTIALLY generated)
(Implemented 5 business and Tañon Strait Protected
financial plans with revenue Seascape – LARGELY
generated) (Effectively 5 implemented
Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY business and financial plans
(Implemented 3 business and with revenue generated)
financial plans with revenue Davao Gulf – LARGELY
generated) (Effectively implemented 5
Lanuza Bay – PARTIALLY business and financial plans
(Implemented 5 business and with revenue generated)
financial plans with revenue Lanuza Bay – LARGELY
generated) (Effectively implemented 5
business and financial plans
with revenue generated)
Financial Funding Gap present Verde Island Passage – 3 Verde Island Passage – 5 Financial statement, Document review Annually Responsible
resources for , baseline to be MPAs have income from MPAs have income from balance sheet (for partners and
conservation and established in Year 2 various sources that covers the various sources that covers confirmantion with Surveys, focus SMARTSeas-
management of recurrent costs as defined by the recurrent costs as EAD and RPG) group discussion PMU
financing plans. defined by financing plans. and interviews.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 42

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

MPAs in five Southern Palawan – 5 Local ordinances

project sites. Southern Palawan – 0 MPA MPAs have income from approving the
various sources that covers business/financial
Tañon Strait Protected the recurrent costs as plan, PES, local taxes,
Seascape – 5 MPAs defined by financing plans. etc.
Tañon Strait Protected
Davao Gulf – 3 MPAs Seascape – 5 MPAs have
income from various sources
Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs that covers the recurrent
costs as defined by financing
Davao Gulf – 5 MPAs have
income from various sources
that covers the recurrent
costs as defined by financing
Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs have
income from various sources
that covers the recurrent
costs as defined by financing
Percentage of All funding Verde Island Passage – 10% Verde Island Passage – 50% Financial statement, Document review Annually Responsible
MPA funding disaggregated into Southern Palawan – 25% Southern Palawan – 50% balance sheet (for partners and
coming from local government, Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected confirmantion with Surveys, focus SMARTSeas-
sources other than central government, Seascape – 12% Seascape – 50% EAD and RPG) group discussion PMU
government baseline to be Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 50% and interviews.
budget. established in Year 2 Lanuza Bay – 0% Lanuza Bay – 50%

OUTPUT 2.4 MPA financing plans developed and piloted in at least 30% of MPAs in each of five sites, incorporating governance mechanisms to ensure participatory management of revenues and resources involving local
communities, local government and national government agencies as appropriate. (Field level activity).
Number of MPAs Zero number of Verde Island Passage – 12 Verde Island Passage – 12 Business and financial Document review Annually Responsible
with participatory MPAs with MPAs MPAs plans partners and
multi-stakeholder participatory multi- Southern Palawan – 3 MPAs Southern Palawan – 5 MPAs SMARTSeas-
systems in place to stakeholder systems. Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected MPA and MPAN Focus group PMU
oversee utilization Seascape – 3 MPAs Seascape – 5 MPAs management structure discussion
of MPA funds and Davao Gulf – 4 MPAs Davao Gulf – 5 MPAs
revenues include Lanuza Bay – 4 MPAs Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs Local ordinances
women and IPs specifiying transparent Documents
where appropriate. accounting system for review
PA revenues and

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 43

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

OUTCOME 3: Established Enabling Policy Framework for Marine Biodiversity Conservation

OUTPUT 3.1 A set of policy recommendations under implementation to strengthening laws, policies and regulations governing major facets of marine resource management (including fisheries, tourism, coastal resource
management, shipping, etc.), to reduce external threats and pressures on MPAs.
Proxy Indicator: Policy studies and "Verde Island Passage – 1 "Verde Island Passage – 1 National and local Policy review, 2016, 2017 Responsible
Number of national recommendation to policy recommendation policy recommendation policy reviews/studies surveys, focus partners and
and local policy commence in 2016. with emphasize on group discussion SMARTSeas-
recommendations Southern Palawan – 1 policy Southern Palawan – 1 policy gender and IP, draft and interviews. PMU
that support MPA recommendation recommendation and adopted statutes,
and MPAN draft ordinances.
management Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
incorporating Seascape – 1 policy Seascape – 1 policy
gender and IP recommendation recommendation
Davao Gulf – 1 policy Davao Gulf – 1 policy
recommendation recommendation

Lanuza Bay – 1 policy Lanuza Bay – 1 policy

recommendation recommendation

National – 1 policy National – 1 policy

recommendation recommendation
OUTPUT 3.2 Effective policy and regulatory frameworks in place for the designation and management of MPA Networks (MPANs) encompassing subsets of the national MPA system according to ecological connectivity and/or
management effectiveness criteria.
Presence of a Policy and regulatory A comprehensive MPA and A comprehensive MPA and Gender and IP Documents 2017, 2018, 2019 PMU
comprehensive review to be MPAN Policy Framework in MPAN Policy Framework in sensitive national review
MPA and MPAN conducted in Year 2 place incorporating gender place incorporating gender framework MPAN.
Policy Framework (2016) equality and IP rights equality and IP rights 2018, 2019
that is also gender- developed and effectively developed and effectively Map of MPANs
and IP- sensitive implemented addressing at implemented addressing at superimposed on
and inclusive. least 50% of the policy least 50% of the policy SMARTSeass.
recommendations identified recommendations identified 2017, 2018, 2019
through the policy review. through the policy review. Manual for MPAN
establishment and
Number of policies Policy and regulatory Verde Island Passage – 1 local "Verde Island Passage – 1 Local and national Document review 2017, 2018, 2019 Responsible
for MPAs and review to be policy instrument in the local policy instrument in the policies supporting partners and
MPANs conducted in Year 2 establishment and establishment and (e.g. financing, SMARTSeas-
management that (2016) management of MPAs management of MPAs enforcement, legal) PMU
incorporate developed. developed. the establishment of
scientifically-based MPANs. Documents Annually
ecological Southern Palawan – 1 local Southern Palawan – 1 local review

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 44

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

conservation policy instrument in the policy instrument in the Local policies

criteria (species establishment and establishment and supporting the
abundance and management of MPAs management of MPAs establishment and
distribution, threats developed. developed. management of MPAs
and pressures, in all the five (5) sites.
larval transmission Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
and dispersal, Seascape – 1 local policy Seascape – 1 local policy
climate change instrument in the establishment instrument in the
stresses, etc and management of MPAs establishment and
developed. management of MPAs
Davao Gulf – 1 local policy
instrument in the establishment Davao Gulf – 1 local policy
and management of MPAs instrument in the
developed. establishment and
management of MPAs
Lanuza Bay – 1 local policy developed.
instrument in the establishment
and management of MPAs Lanuza Bay – 1 local policy
developed. instrument in the
establishment and
National – 1 policy instrument management of MPAs
in the establishment and developed.
management of MPANs
developed. National – 1 policy
instrument in the
Manual of Establishment, establishment and
Planning and Management of management of MPANs
MPA/MPAN finalized. developed.

Manual of Establishment,
Planning and Management
of MPA/MPAN finalized. "

All policies for MPA and

MPAN management
incorporate scientifically
based ecological
conservation criteria
(species abundance and
distribution, threats and

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 45

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

pressure, larval transmission

and dispersal, climate
change stresses, etc.)
OUTPUT 3.3 Existing mechanisms and resources for fisheries and marine PA policy implemented at BFAR and DENR assessed, improved and institutionalized.
Proxy indicator: No DENR and BFAR Verde Island Passage – 15 Verde Island Passage – 15 Capacity assessment, Surveys, focus Annually PMU 5,000.00
Number of DENR personnel fully personnel (DENR and BFAR personnel (DENR and BFAR training needs group discussion
and BFAR capacitated/trained Regional Office and PA Regional Office and PA analysis, training and interviews,
personnel trained on ICRM, MPA and managers) managers) program, training document review
concerning ICRM, MPAN management. Southern Palawan – 15 Southern Palawan – 15 reports, BFAR and
MPA and MPAN personnel (DENR and BFAR personnel (DENR and BFAR DENR meeting
management. Regional Office and PA Regional Office and PA reports.
managers) managers)
Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – 15 personnel Seascape – 15 personnel
(DENR and BFAR Regional (DENR and BFAR Regional
Office and PA managers) Office and PA managers)
Davao Gulf – 15 personnel Davao Gulf – 15 personnel
(DENR and BFAR Regional (DENR and BFAR Regional
Office and PA managers) Office and PA managers)
Lanuza Bay – 15 personnel Lanuza Bay – 15 personnel
(DENR and BFAR Regional (DENR and BFAR Regional
Office and PA managers) Office and PA managers)
National - 15 personnel (DENR National - 15 personnel
and BFAR Central Office) (DENR and BFAR Central
Proxy indicator: No JMC and/or A/DO One (1) Joint Memorandum One (1) Joint Memorandum Joint BFAR-DENR Surveys, focus 2017 and 2019 PMU
Number of Joint issued for the Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) issuances. group discussion
Memorandum exchange of ideas between DENR and BFAR between DENR and BFAR and interviews.
Circular/Order and knowledge and issued. issued. Annually
(JMC/JAO) how to address Document review
between DENR overlapping functions, Two (2) Two (2)
and BFAR and/or conflicting policies administrative/department administrative/department
administrative/dep between DENR and ordinances (A/DO) issued (site ordinances (A/DO) issued
artment ordinances BFAR. level). (site level).
(A/DO) issued
OUTPUT 3.4 Tools, guidance and best-practice examples available to support LGUs in implementing effective regulations and policies for MPA establishment, management and financing within their local government
regulatory frameworks.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 46

Data Collection Frequency & Risks and
Indicator Baseline Data Target (2018) End of Project Target Means of Verification Responsibilities Resources
Methods Schedule assumptions

Proxy indicator: Good practices Verde Island Passage – 2 Verde Island Passage – 2 Publication Research, key Annually Responsible 10,000.00
Number of good contained in (good practices for Provincial Southern Palawan – 2 Video production informant partners and
practices and video achieving synergies and VIP level MPANs are Tañon Strait Protected interview, focus SMARTSeas-
production from the through MPANs of documented) Seascape – 2 group discussion. PMU
five sites USAID-CTSP (Alino, Southern Palawan – 1 Davao Gulf – 2
documented, et al, 2011). Tañon Strait Protected Lanuza Bay – 2
analysed and Seascape – 2
published. Davao Gulf – 2
Lanuza Bay – 2

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 47


Date Countermeasures / Submitted, Last Risk Level

# Description Type Owner Status
Identified Management response updated by Update Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Technical working group
LGUs may change (TWG),network alliances, and
priority and shift other management structure
The project to continuously Project
support from the Project were created /
engaged local partners in Management
1 program to other 2014 Political Management Dec-17 developed/enhanced. These
the implementation of site Unit and Local
programs given the Unit new and exisiting
level activities. Partners
two election periods management / corrodinating
within the program life bodies include the concerned
local government units.
The PMU to continuously
Difficulty in conduct meetings with the Some of the meetings and
coordinating with the Bureau of Fisheries and Project workshops conducted were,
partners of the Aquatic Resources and Management brainstorming meeting, Annual
2 2014 Organizational Management Dec-17
program given their Department of the Interior Unit and Local Work Planning Workshop and
different mandates and Local Government to Partners regular monitoring at the site
and expertise enhance work level.
The national policy consultant
PMU to origanize workshops Project is will be engaged again in
Overlaps in the
and round table discussions Management 2018 to determine and
mandates of BFAR, Project
as venue to resolve conflicts Unit, BMB- strategies next actions to be
3 BMB and LGUs will 2014 Organizational Management Dec-17
between and among the DENR, BFAR taken to resolve conflicts
result in conflicts and Unit
mandates of BFAR, BMB and and partner between and among the
LGUs. LGUs. mandates of BFAR, BMB and
Climate change adaptation
measures will be an integral Project
Climate The project will be engaging a
part of the management Management
unpredictability may Project climate change specialist to
plans. The PMU will be Unit, BMB-
4 impact the outputs and 2014 Environmental Management Dec-17 integrate adaptation measures
having a consultative DENR, BFAR
outcomes of the Unit in the management of marine
meeting with the Climate and partner
program protected areas.
Change Commission and LGUs.
other non government

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 49

Date Countermeasures / Submitted, Last Risk Level
# Description Type Owner Status
Identified Management response updated by Update Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
organizations regarding
vulnerability assessment and
climate change adaptability.
Each RP has initially
conducted activiites such as
Policy advocacy, IEC and inventory of local ordinances
social marketing are in relation to PA management;
Policy harmonization important components of the Project for 2016, a local consultant
and complementation program to ensure Management was hired who will identfy the
5 2014 Strategic Management Dec-17
may go beyond understanding of the benefits Unit and Local issues and gaps based on the
program life and experiences gained will Partners inventory of ordinances. A
effect change at national and policy consultant at the
local policies. national level will ensure
harmonization of the local
ordinances and national laws.
Other alternatives will be
explored in order for the
local management system Continuous round of
work and not just a mere discussion is being conducted
Sustainability for Project
coordinating body in the Project by responsible partners
MPANs at local and Management
6 2014 Strategic MKBA Project Sites. The Management Dec-17 especially in the Davao Gulf
national levels may not Unit and Local
Project to come up with a Unit since the legality/validity of the
materialize Partners
management strategy for the creation of TWG is not being
MPANs in order for all the recognized by the LGUs.
existing MPAs to follow a
single management system.

Level of Risk Low risk

Medium risk
High risk

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 50


The CPAP signed by the Government and UNDP constitute together a Project
Document as referred to in the Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA);
as such all provisions of the CPAP applied. All references in the SBAA to
“Executing Agency” shall be deemed to refer to “Implementing Partner”, as such
term is defined and used in the CPAP .

Consistent with the Article III of the Standard Basic Assistance Agreement
(SBAA), the responsibility for the safety and security of the Implementing Partner
and its personnel and property, and of UNDP’s property in the Implementing
Partner’s custody, rests with the Implementing Partner. To this end, the
Implementing Partner shall:

a) put in place an appropriate security plan and maintain the security

plan, taking into account the security situation in the country where
the project is being carried;
b) assume all risks and liabilities related to the implementing partner’s
security, and the full implementation of the security plan.

UNDP reserves the right to verify whether such a plan is in place, and to suggest
modifications to the plan when necessary. Failure to maintain and implement an
appropriate security plan as required shall be deemed a breach of the
Implementing Partner’s obligations under the Project Document [and the Project
Cooperation Agreement between UNDP and the Implementing Partner].

The Implementing Partner agrees to undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure

that none of the UNDP funds received pursuant to the Project Document are
used to provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism and
that the recipients of any amounts provided by UNDP hereunder do not appear
on the list maintained by the Security Council Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1267 (1999). The list can be accessed via
http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/committees/1267/1267ListEng.htm. This provision
must be included in all sub-contracts.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 51

Annex 1 - 2018 Annual Work Plan

Project Objective: Strengthening the Conservation, Protection and Management of Key Marine Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Number of Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the 2015 53/123 MKBAs Process initiated in the At least 66 out of the 123 At least 66 out of the 123 At least 66 out of the
Philippines included in the PA System (IUCN inclusion of the 13 mKBAs in MKBAs in Philippines are MKBAs in Philippines are 123 MKBAs in
Categories I – VI) the PA system. included in the Protected included in the Protected Philippines are included
Area (PA) System Area (PA) System in the Protected Area
(International Union for (International Union for (PA) System
Conservation of Nature Conservation of Nature (International Union for
Categories I – VI). Categories I – VI). Conservation of Nature
Categories I – VI).
Verde Island Passage – 7 Verde Island Passage – 7
Southern Palawan – 2 Southern Palawan – 2 Verde Island Passage –
Davao Gulf – 7 Davao Gulf – 7 7
Lanuza Bay – 3 Lanuza Bay – 3 Southern Palawan – 2
Davao Gulf – 7
Lanuza Bay – 3
Fish biomass of commercially important species 2015 Siganidae, Acanthuridae 3 commercially important 0% increase in fish 5% increase in fish biomass 5% increase in fish
and Serranidae. The fish species in each of the 5 sites biomass of at least 3 of at least 3 commercially biomass of at least 3
biomass will be determined and baseline commercially important important species. commercially important
established in Year 2. gathered. species. species.
Level of water pollution levels in Verde Island 2015 Baselines to be Parameters for water quality Reduction in pollution level Reduction in pollution level Reduction in pollution
Passage, Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf, Southern established in Year 1 established and baseline against the baseline levels. against the baseline levels. level against the
Palawan and Tanon Strait Protected Seascape. gathered. Targets to be agreed in Targets to be agreed in baseline levels. Targets
Year 1. Year 1. to be agreed in Year 1.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 52

Presence of large marine vertebrates (e.g. Marine 2015 Lanuza Bay: Large marine vertebrate Large marine vertebrate No net decrease in No net decrease in
mammals, reptiles, sharks) 1. Green sea turtle species per site determined species per site sightings of large marine sightings of large
(Chelonia mydas) and baseline on sightings determined and baseline vertebrates. marine vertebrates.
2. Hawksbill turtle gathered. on sightings gathered.
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
3. Whale shark
( (Note: Determination of no
Rhincodon typus) net decrease in sighthings
will be done on the last
Davao Gulf:
quarter of 2018)
1. Green sea turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
2. Hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
3. Dugong dugon
4. Spinner dolphin
(Stenella longirostris)
5. Gray’s spinner dolphin
(S.I. longirostris)
6. Short-finned pilot
whales (Globicephala
1. Dwarf Sperm whale
(Kogia sima)
2. Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus)
3. Short-finned pilot
whales (Globicephala
1. Green sea turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
2. Hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
3. Dwarf Sperm whale
(Kogia sima)
4. Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus)

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 53

5. Spinner dolphin
(Stenella longirostris)

OUTCOME 1. Increased Management Effectiveness of MPAs and MPANs

Output 1.1 New MPA Networks (MPANs) established in designated priority areas.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 54

Number of hectares covered under International 2013 518,221 ha. (Tañon Strait Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage:
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Category V Protected Seascape) hectare 800,000 hectares 1,000,000 hectares 1,000,000 hectares
Protected Landscape and Seascape PAs in the 5 Davao Gulf: 0 hectares Davao Gulf: 0 hectares Davao Gulf: 0 hectares Davao Gulf: 0 hectares
target sites. Lanuza Bay: 0 hectares Lanuza Bay: 147,238 Lanuza Bay: 147,238 Lanuza Bay: 147,238
hectares hectares hectares

(Note: Total area must

be at least 959,489.2
ha. from the three MPA
networks plus 518,221
ha. From TSPS)
Number of gender, indigenous peoples (IP) and 2013 Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 1 Verde Island Passage:
climate change risk-sensitive Marine Protected Areas Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected 1
Network (MPAN) management plans formulated and Seascape: 0 Seascape: 0 Seascape: 1 Seascape: 1 Tañon Strait Protected
implemented. Davao Gulf: 0 Davao Gulf: 0 Davao Gulf: 0 Davao Gulf: 1 Seascape: 1
Lanuza Bay: 0 Lanuza Bay: 0 Lanuza Bay: 0 Lanuza Bay: 0 Davao Gulf: 1
Lanuza Bay: 1

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 55

Extent to which gender, indigenous peoples (IP) and 2015 There are draft Verde Island Passage: NOT Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage:
climate change risk-sensitive Marine Protected Areas management plans that ADEQUATELY (drafting of NOT ADEQUATELY (Draft LARGELY (Developed and LARGELY (Developed
Network (MPAN) management plans formulated and have not been approved Verde Island Passage management plan is jointly implemented a and jointly implemented
implemented. and implemented in 4 of Marine Protected Area finalized) gender and IP sensitive a gender and IP
the proposed project sites Network and Law management plan in the sensitive management
(Verde Island Passage, Enforcement (LE) Network Tañon Strait Protected VIP MPAN and Law plan in the VIP MPAN
Tañon Strait Protected Management Plan) Seascape: PARTIALLY ( Enforcement Network) and Law Enforcement
Seascape, Davao Gulf Gender, indigenous Network)
and Lanuza Bay) Tañon Strait Protected peoples (IP) and climate Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape: VERY change risk-sensitive Seascape: LARGELY - Tañon Strait Protected
PARTIALLY (TSPS general TSPS general (With approved/adopted Seascape: LARGELY -
management plan for management plan already and implemented TSPS (With approved/adopted
implementation) implemented for 3-6 general management plan) and implemented TSPS
months) general management
Davao Gulf: NOT Davao Gulf: PARTIALLY - plan)
ADEQUATELY - (A draft Davao Gulf: NOT (With approved/Adopted
MPAN management ADEQUATELY - (A draft and implemented MPAN Davao Gulf: LARGELY
framework; existing tools on MPAN management management plan) - (With
MPAN establishment and framework; existing tools approved/adopted and
management planning on MPAN establishment Lanuza Bay: PARTIALLY implemented MPAN
drafted incorporating and management planning (Gender, indigenous management plan)
gender, IP and climate risk drafted incorporating peoples (IP) and climate
analysis) gender, IP and climate risk change risk-sensitive Lanuza Bay: LARGELY
analysis) Marine Protected Area (Effectively
Lanuza Bay: NOT Network plan already implemented gender,
ADEQUATELY (Review and Lanuza Bay: VERY implemented for 3-6 indigenous peoples (IP)
drafting of gender, PARTIALLY (Approved months) and climate change
indigenous peoples (IP) and and for implementation risk-sensitive Marine
climate change risk-sensitive gender, indigenous Protected Area Network
Marine Protected Area peoples (IP) and climate management plan)
Network management plan) change risk-sensitive
Marine Protected Area
Network plan)

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 56

Percent increase in Management Effectiveness 2013 Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – 31% Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage
Tracking Tool (METT) Scores in each of Lanuza Bay, 29% Southern Palawan – 42% 35% 39% – 39%
TSPS, Southern Palawan, VIP and Davao Gulf target Southern Palawan – 40% Tañon Strait Protected Southern Palawan – 44% Southern Palawan – 45% Southern Palawan –
sites Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – 42% Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected 50%
Seascape – 40% Davao Gulf – 50% Seascape – 42% Seascape – 43% Tañon Strait Protected
Davao Gulf – 48% Lanuza Bay – 46% Davao Gulf – 52% Davao Gulf – 54% Seascape – 50%
Lanuza Bay – 44% Lanuza Bay – 50% Lanuza Bay – 50% Davao Gulf – 58%
Lanuza Bay – 54%
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 1.1.1 Survey report/ update on NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of status of cetaceans and GEF NFRDI 3,295.76
biological survey module for MPAN M&E KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
System which include key GEF KKPFI 43,011.29
indicators and Technical UPMSI 72115 Contractual Services -
Report GEF UPMSI 72,237.61
PMU 75705 Learning Costs
DENR-BMB 649,278.00
PMU Local Consultant-Short
GEF 71305 Term-TECH 5,583.75
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 170.15
GEF 72415 Courier Charges 13.09
PMU Stationery and Other
GEF 72505 Supplies 8.39
GEF 74525 Sundry 442.11
GEF 75705 Learning costs 582.76
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 48.69
Activity 1.1.2 MPAN Davao Gulf MPAN KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
management Vulnerability Assessment & GEF KKPFI 11,763.11
planning Climate Change Adaptation Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
Plan and Lanuza Bay GEF Haribon 5,314.09

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 57

Environmental Management PMU
Plan GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 4,392.87
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 914.44
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 903.33
GEF 74525 Sundry 368.82
GEF 75705 Learning costs 561.29
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 132.79
Activity 1.1.3 Davao Gulf Operational Plan NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Support to MPAN and draft agreements or MOA GEF NFRDI 5,079.08
management plan from concerned LGUs in Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
implementation Southern Palawan. GEF RARE 5,156.55
KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF KKPFI 11,946.62
Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF Haribon 11,913.58
GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 3,045.29
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 175.10
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 242.40
GEF 75705 Learning costs 7,073.81
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 551.75
Output 1.2 Management improved in at least 95 existing MPAs through the development and effective implementation of local government or community-based MPA management plans.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 58

Number of gender, indigenous peoples (IP) and 2015 Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 18 Verde Island Passage – 38 Verde Island Passage
climate change risk-sensitive Marine Protected Area Southern Palawan – 0 Southern Palawan – 0 Southern Palawan – 1 Southern Palawan – 5 – 38
(MPA) management plans formulated and Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Southern Palawan –5
implemented. Seascape – 0 Seascape – 0 Seascape – 5 Seascape – 15 (but will cover 7 MPAs)
Davao Gulf – 0 Davao Gulf – 0 Davao Gulf – 4 Davao Gulf – 8 Tañon Strait Protected
Lanuza Bay – 0 Lanuza Bay – 0 Lanuza Bay – 0 Lanuza Bay – 14 Seascape – 15
Davao Gulf – 14
Lanuza Bay – 14
Extent to which gender, indigenous peoples (IP) and 2015 There are draft Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
climate change risk-sensitive Marine Protected Area management plans that NOT ADEQUATELY (Final PARTIALLY 18 gender, LARGELY (Effectively LARGELY (Effectively
(MPA) management plans formulated and have not been approved draft of the 20 initially drafted indigenous peoples (IP) implemented gender, implemented gender,
implemented. and implemented in 5 of MPA Managements Plans and climate change risk- indigenous peoples (IP) and indigenous peoples (IP)
the proposed project sites from 2015 and initiate the sensitive Marine Protected climate change risk- and climate change
(VIP, TSPS, Davao Gulf, drafting of an additional 15 Area plans already sensitive Marine Protected risk-sensitive Marine
Lanuza Bay and Southern MPA Managements Plans implemented for 3-6 Area management plans) Protected Area
Palawan) with gender, IP with gender and IP months) management plans)
and CCA components. component and climate risk Southern Palawan –
analysis) Southern Palawan – NOT LARGELY (Effectively Southern Palawan –
ADEQUATELY (Review implemented 3 gender, LARGELY (Effectively
Southern Palawan – NOT and drafting of gender, indigenous peoples (IP) and implemented gender,
ADEQUATELY (Review and indigenous peoples (IP) climate change risk- indigenous peoples (IP)
drafting of gender, and climate change risk- sensitive Marine Protected and climate change
indigenous peoples (IP) and sensitive Marine Protected Area management plans) risk-sensitive Marine
climate change risk-sensitive Area management plan) Protected Area
Marine Protected Area Tañon Strait Protected management plans)
management plan) Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – LARGELY
Seascape – LARGELY (Effectively implemented 15 Tañon Strait Protected
Tañon Strait Protected (Effectively implemented 5 gender, indigenous peoples Seascape – LARGELY
Seascape – NOT gender, indigenous (IP) and climate change (Effectively
ADEQUATELY (Review and peoples (IP) and climate risk-sensitive Marine implemented 15
drafting of gender, change risk-sensitive Protected Area gender, indigenous
indigenous peoples (IP) and Marine Protected Area management plans) peoples (IP) and
climate change risk-sensitive management plans) climate change risk-
Marine Protected Area Davao Gulf – LARGELY sensitive Marine
management plan) Davao Gulf – LARGELY (Effectively implemented 8 Protected Area
(Effectively implemented 4 gender, indigenous peoples management plans)
Davao Gulf –NOT gender, indigenous (IP) and climate change
ADEQUATELY (Review and peoples (IP) and climate risk-sensitive Marine Davao Gulf – LARGELY
drafting of gender, change risk-sensitive Protected Area (Effectively

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 59

indigenous peoples (IP) and Marine Protected Area management plans) implemented gender,
climate change risk-sensitive management plans) indigenous peoples (IP)
Marine Protected Area Lanuza Bay – NOT and climate change
management plan) Lanuza Bay – NOT ADEQUATELY (Review risk-sensitive Marine
ADEQUATELY (Review and drafting of gender, Protected Area
Lanuza Bay – NOT and drafting of gender, indigenous peoples (IP) and management plans)
ADEQUATELY (Review and indigenous peoples (IP) climate change risk-
drafting of gender, and climate change risk- sensitive Marine Protected Lanuza Bay –
indigenous peoples (IP) and sensitive Marine Protected Area management plan) LARGELY (Effectively
climate change risk-sensitive Area management plan) implemented gender,
Marine Protected Area indigenous peoples (IP)
management plan) and climate change
risk-sensitive Marine
Protected Area
management plans)

Percent increase in Management Effectiveness 2013 and Baselines to be 5% increase from baseline 10% increase from 15% increase from baseline 25% increase from
Tracking Tool (METT) Scores in each of the selected 2016 established in Year 2 for baseline baseline
95 MPAs targeted by Management Plan development newly established MPAs.
and implementation


TIMEFRAME Budget Amount

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 60

Activity/Sub- Code Description USD
Activity/Sub-Activity Responsible Funding
Activity Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Deliverables Party Source
Activity 1.2.1 Verde Island Passage – 38 NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Management Southern Palawan – 5 GEF NFRDI 4,981.26
planning for MPAs Tañon Strait Protected Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
Seascape – 15 GEF RARE 25,508.80
Davao Gulf – 8 KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Lanuza Bay – 14 GEF KKPFI 3,921.04
Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF Haribon 9,127.22
GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 264.86
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 275.89
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 192.89
GEF 74525 Sundry 94.42
GEF 75705 Learning costs 105.96
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 195.01
Activity 1.2.2 95 MPA management plans CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Support to MPA approved GEF CIPFI 9,503.13
management plan NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
implementation GEF NFRDI 6,117.47
KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF KKPFI 1,960.52
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 110.64
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 11.17
Activity 1.2.3 15% increase from baseline NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of METT NFRDI 3,630.60
at annual project
assessment and
planning GEF

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 61

Output 1.3 MPA and MPAN management structures institutionalized in Southern Palawan, Verde Island Passage, Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Proxy indicator: Number of MPA and MPAN gender 2015 Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: 0 Verde Island Passage: 1 Verde Island Passage: 38 Verde Island Passage:
and IP sensitive management structures/bodies management body MPAN management body MPA and 1 MPAN 38 MPA and 1 MPAN
established and institutionalized. Southern Palawan: 1 MPA management bodies management bodies
management body Southern Palawan: 2 MPA Southern Palawan: 4 MPA
management bodies management bodies Southern Palawan: 5 MPA Southern Palawan: 5
Tañon Strait Protected management bodies MPA management
Seascape: 3 MPA Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected covering 7 MPAs bodies covering 7
management bodies (San Seascape: 5 MPA Seascape:15 MPA MPAs
Carlos, Ayungon and management bodies management bodies Tañon Strait Protected
Bindoy) Seascape: 15 MPA Tañon Strait Protected
Davao Gulf: 4 MPA Davao Gulf: 8 MPA management bodies Seascape: 15 MPA
Davao Gulf: 3 MPA management bodies management bodies management bodies
management bodies Davao Gulf: 14 MPA
Lanuza Bay: 2 MPA Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA management bodies Davao Gulf: 14 MPA
Lanuza Bay: 8 management bodies management bodies and 1 MPAN
community-based Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA management bodies
organization management bodies
Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA
and 1 MPAN
management bodies

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 62

Proxy indicator: Extent of participation of women and 2015 Baselines to be Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage: Verde Island Passage:
IP in management decision making, plan preparation established in Year 2 VERY PARTIALLY - PARTIALLY (Women and LARGELY - Women and IP LARGELY - Women
and implementation. (Minimal or passive IP collaborate in each are empowered (we will and IP are empowered
participation of women and aspect of decision making) implement what you decide) (we will implement what
IP in management decision you decide)
making, plan preparation and Southern Palawan: Southern Palawan:
implementation - passive Partially-Women and IP Partially-Women and IP Southern Palawan:
participation) collaborate in each aspect collaborate in each aspect Largely-Women and IP
of decision making of decision making are empowered
Southern Palawan: Very
partially- Minimal or passive Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
participation of women and Seascape: PARTIALLY Seascape: LARGELY - Seascape: LARGELY -
IP in management decision (Women and IP Women and IP are Women and IP are
making, plan preparation and collaborate in each aspect empowered (we will empowered (we will
implementation. of decision making) implement what you decide) implement what you
Tañon Strait Protected Davao Gulf: Partially - Davao Gulf: Partially -
Seascape: VERY increased participation of increased participation of Davao Gulf: Partially (
PARTIALLY - (Minimal or women and IPs in the women and IPs in the increased participation
passive participation of MPA/N Management Body MPA/N Management Body of women and IPs in the
women and IP in institutionalized MPA/N
management decision Lanuza Bay: Partially Lanuza Bay: Very partially Management Body)
making, plan preparation and (increased participation of (increased participation of
implementation - passive women and IPs in the women and IPs in the Lanuza Bay: Partially (
participation) MPA/N Management institutionalized MPA/N increased participation
Body) Management Body) of women and IPs in the
Davao Gulf: Very partially - institutionalized MPA/N
limited participation of Management Body)
women and IPs in the
updating of MPA Plans and
reconstitution of MPA
Management Body

Lanuza Bay: Very partially

(limited participation of
women and IPs in the
updating of MPA Plans and
reconstitution of MPA
Management Body)

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 63

Proxy indicator: Scores on items 23-24 of the 2013 Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage
assessment form of the METT in Southern Palawan, Level 0 (for both items 23 Level 0 (for both items 23 Level 1 (for both items 23 Level 1 (for both items 23 – Level 1 (for both items
Verde Island Passage, Lanuza Bay, Davao Gulf. and 24) and 24) and 24) and 24) 23 and 24)

Southern Palawan – Level Southern Palawan – Level 0 Southern Palawan – Level Southern Palawan – Level 1 Southern Palawan –
0 for item 23 and Level 2 for item 23 and Level 2 for 1 for item 23 and Level 3 for item 23 and Level 3 for Level 1 for item 23 and
for item 24 item 24 for item 24 item 24 Level 3 for item 24

Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for Davao Gulf – Level 1 (for Davao Gulf – Level 2
both items 23 and 24) both items 23 and 24) both items 23 and 24) both items 23 and 24) (for both items 23 and
Lanuza Bay – Level 0 for Lanuza Bay – Level 0 for Lanuza Bay – Level 1 for Lanuza Bay – Level 1 for
item 23 and Level 2 for item 23 and Level 2 for item item 23 and Level 3 for item 23 and Level 3 for item Lanuza Bay – Level 1
item 24 24 item 24 24 for item 23 and Level 3
for item 24
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 1.3.1 Verde Island Passage: 38 Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
Review, revisions MPA and 1 MPAN Haribon 526.57
and enhancement management bodies
of policies creating
the management Southern Palawan: 5 MPA
bodies of MPAs management bodies covering
and MPANs 7 MPAs

Tañon Strait Protected

Seascape: 15 MPA
management bodies

Davao Gulf: 14 MPA

management bodies

Lanuza Bay: 14 MPA

management bodies GEF
Activity 1.3.2 At least two resolutions CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of regular deliberated by the GEF CIPFI 127,848.26

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 64

meetings of the Management Body in VIP, 5 NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
management body approved executiv orders in GEF NFRDI 9,240.16
South Palawan, and Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
Resolution/EO/local policy GEF RARE 2,291.80
formalizing the MPA KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Management Body in Davao GEF KKPFI 980.26
Gulf. Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF Haribon 22,606.46
GEF 74525 Sundry 127.72
Output 1.4 Increased capacity in Marine Protected Area Management with Capacity Development Scorecards incorporated into management planning and monitor processes for MPAs/MPANs at all five
target sites.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Average increase in technical and management 2013 Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard: Capacity scorecard:
capacity scores in the 5 target MPA networks. Lanuza Bay – 18, Lanuza Bay – 27, Lanuza Bay – 27, Lanuza Bay – 34, Lanuza Bay – 34,
Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascap – 18, Seascape – 27, Seascape – 27, Seascape – 34, Seascape – 34,
Southern Palawan – 13, Southern Palawan – 23, Southern Palawan – 25, Southern Palawan – 29, Southern Palawan – 29,
Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – 28, Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – 35, Verde Island Passage –
19, Davao Gulf – 35 28, Davao Gulf – 42 35,
Davao Gulf – 26 Davao Gulf – 35 Davao Gulf – 42


Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 1.4.1 Handbook on Competence NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Development of Standards for MPA GEF NFRDI 1,647.88
Competency Practitioners UPMSI GEF 72115 Contractual Services -
Standards on MPA UPMSI 34,111.95
Management GEF 75705 Learning costs 10,232.54
Activity 1.4.2 25 MPA practitioners trained NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Capacity GEF NFRDI 1,647.88
development of the Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF RARE 11,840.96

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 65

MPA/MPAN KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
management body GEF KKPFI 7,842.08
Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF Haribon 13,406.19
PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
71305 Term-TECH 2,796.83
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 11.12
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 7.73
GEF 75705 Learning costs 5,512.98
Activity 1.4.3 Trained LGUs and key KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of agencies (PENRO, CENRO, GEF KKPFI 1,960.52
resource PCSD, BFAR-PFO) Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
assessment and Haribon 44,252.77
other researches
that will input into
the management
plans GEF
Output 1.5 At least 20% increase in LGUs or local partners support in each target site in terms of funding or other tangible support for capacity building on marine conservation, MPA management,
ecological monitoring or related activities at site level.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Proxy indicator - Percent average increase in annual 2015 Baseline to be established Lanuza Bay – 5% Lanuza Bay – 10% Lanuza Bay – 15% Lanuza Bay – 20%
funding or other tangible support for capacity needs during Year 1. Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
of at least 48 MPAs and 3 MPANs. Seascape – 5% Seascape – 5% Seascape – 10% Seascape – 20%
Southern Palawan – 5% Southern Palawan – 10% Southern Palawan – 15% Southern Palawan –
Verde Island Passage – 5% Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – 20%
Davao Gulf – 5% 10% 15% Verde Island Passage –
Davao Gulf – 10% Davao Gulf – 15% 20%
Davao Gulf – 20%


Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 66

Activity 1.5.1 Lanuza Bay – 15% NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of Tañon Strait Protected GEF NFRDI 3,295.76
meetings and Seascape – 10% KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
consultations with Southern Palawan – 15% GEF KKPFI 980.26
partners, donors Verde Island Passage – 15% Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
and key Davao Gulf – 15% GEF Haribon 15,095.01
stakeholders and PMU Travel Tickets -
engagement in the GEF 71605 International 665.67
LGU Annually PMU
investment planning GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 3,905.55
(AIP) process PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 376.91
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 405.24
PMU Stationery and Other
GEF 72505 Supplies 422.37
GEF 74210 Printing and Publications 529.07
GEF 74520 Storage 2.70
GEF 74525 Sundry 2,735.49
GEF 75705 Learning costs 9,215.54
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 1,241.03
Activity 1.5.2 Technical reports NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Participation to incorporating learnings related GEF NFRDI 1,647.88
conference, to management of MPA/N Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
seminar and GEF RARE 954.92
symposia KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF KKPFI 5,881.56
Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF Haribon 11,029.51
UPMSI 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF UPMSI 5,166.86
PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
71305 Term-TECH 22,971.79

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 67

75705 Learning Costs 2,384.93
GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 6,153.97
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71615 Allowance -I 144.53
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 807.74
GEF 71630 Shipment 172.22
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 367.37
PMU Stationery and Other
GEF 72505 Supplies 454.30
GEF 74210 Printing and Publications 1,279.81
GEF 74520 Storage 7.52
GEF 74525 Sundry 2,973.13
GEF 75705 Learning costs 9,046.66
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 2,529.10
Activity 1.5.3 BMB-wide Database system PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
Development and 71305 Term-TECH 1,048.73
management of PMU Daily Subsistence
SMART Seas' web GEF 71620 Allowance- L 371.56
portal and PMU
database. GEF 71635 Travel - Other 642.90
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 64.77
Output 1.6 Project Management Cost (PMU)
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 68

1.6.1 Allocate PMU GEF 72215 Transportation Equipment
Office and communication
Resources for 5,000.00
equipment, supplies and
materials procured.
Operating Cost
1.6.2 Conduct Programme Planning, Review, PMU GEF International Consultant-
Programme Monitoring and Evaluation 71205 6,129.40
Short Term-TECH
Planning and activities conducted. PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
Review 71305
Term-TECH 6,187.56
PMU GEF Service Contracts -
Individual 301.27
71605 Travel Tickets-International
71610 Travel Tickets-Local
71615 Daily Subsistence Allow-Intl
PMU GEF Daily Subsistence Allow-
Local 3,399.05
71635 Travel - Other
72425 Mobile Telephone Charges
PMU GEF Stationery and Other
Supplies 10.34
PMU GEF Acquisition of Computer
Hardwa 564.38
PMU GEF Information Technology
Supplie 481.14
74525 Sundry
GEF 4,405.46
75705 Learning Costs
GEF 9,890.41
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF Allowan 1,094.24
1.6.3 Provision of Salaries and other benefits PMU GEF Service Contracts-
Salaries and other provided 71405 Individuals 35,312.20
benefits PMU GEF
71410 MAIP Premium SC 17.19

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 69

71415 Contribution to Security SC 743.17
OUTCOME 2. Improved Financial Sustainability of MPAs and MPANs
Output 2.1 Benchmark management costs established for MPAs of varying size (<5 ha, < 50ha, <250ha, >250 ha) and potential cost savings or cost efficiencies on average per site identified through
consolidation of management functions in MPANs.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Proxy Indicator: Percent reduction or cost efficiency 2015 Funding Gap present , Verde Island Passage – 0% Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage
improvement of MPAs when management functions baseline to be established 0% Operational cost at the VIP – Operational cost at
are consolidated. in Year 2 (Year 2). Southern Palawan – 0% MPAN level is reduced by the MPAN VIP level is
Southern Palawan – 0% 5% reduced by 10%
Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – 0% (thru the Tañon Strait Protected Southern Palawan – 5% Southern Palawan –
alliances) Seascape – Operational 10%
cost is reduced by 10% Tañon Strait Protected
Davao Gulf – 0% (thru the alliances) Seascape –Operational Tañon Strait Protected
cost is reduced by 20% Seascape –Operational
Lanuza Bay – 0% Davao Gulf – 0% (thru the alliances) cost is reduced by 10%
(thru the alliances)
AVERAGE - 0% Lanuza Bay – 5% Davao Gulf – 5%
Davao Gulf – 10%
AVERAGE - 5% Lanuza Bay – 5%
Lanuza Bay – 10%

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 70

Proxy Indicator: Management costs of 20 MPAs 2016 Baseline to be established Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
established and benchmarked. in Year 2 (Year 2). LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark
management costs of 4 management costs of 4 management costs of 4 of management costs of
MPAs established) MPAs established) MPAs established) 4 MPAs established)

Southern Palawan – Southern Palawan – Southern Palawan – Southern Palawan –

LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark
management costs of 4 management costs of 4 management costs of 4 of management costs of
MPAs established) MPAs established) MPAs established) 4 MPAs established)

Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – LARGELY Seascape – LARGELY Seascape – LARGELY Seascape – LARGELY
(Benchmark of management (Benchmark of (Benchmark of (Benchmark of
costs of 4 MPAs established) management costs of 4 management costs of 4 management costs of 4
MPAs established) MPAs established) MPAs established)
Davao Gulf – LARGELY
(Benchmark of management Davao Gulf – LARGELY Davao Gulf – LARGELY Davao Gulf – LARGELY
costs of 4 MPAs established) (Benchmark of (Benchmark of (Benchmark of
management costs of 4 management costs of 4 management costs of 4
Lanuza Bay – LARGELY MPAs established) MPAs established) MPAs established)
(Benchmark of management
costs of 4 MPAs established) Lanuza Bay – LARGELY Lanuza Bay – LARGELY Lanuza Bay –
(Benchmark of (Benchmark of LARGELY (Benchmark
management costs of 4 management costs of 4 of management costs of
MPAs established) MPAs established) 4 MPAs established)
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 2.1.1 Manual of MPA cost NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of standards GEF NFRDI 1,647.88
workshop/training KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
on MPA costing GEF KKPFI 862.33
(i.e. training of Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
trainors) GEF Haribon 834.92
Activity 2.1.2 Verde Island Passage – Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
Analysis of the Operational cost at the VIP RARE 1,043.26
MPA costing and MPAN level is reduced by 5%

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 71

identification of Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
MPAN cost Southern Palawan – 5% Haribon 834.92
Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape –Operational cost
is reduced by 20% (thru the

Davao Gulf – 5%

Lanuza Bay – 5%

Output 2.2 At least two MPANS (Verde Island Passage and Davao Gulf) implementing financing and business plans targeting increases in revenue generation from the tourism and fisheries sectors.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Number of sustainable financing plans implemented 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 1 Verde Island Passage
in participating MPANs. sustainable financing plan plan plan – 1 plan
plans for two (2) the Davao Gulf – 0 plan Davao Gulf – 0 plan Davao Gulf – 1 plan Davao Gulf – 1 plan
Proxy Indicator: Extent of implementation of 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage
sustainable financing plans in participating MPANs. sustainable financing NOT ADEQUATELY VERY PARTIALLY LARGELY (Effectively – LARGELY (Effectively
plans for two (2) the (Drafting of business and (Approved and for implemented business and implemented business
MPANs. financial plan) implementation) financial plan with revenue and financial plan with
generated) revenue generated)
Davao Gulf – NOT Davao Gulf – NOT
ADEQUATELY (Drafting of ADEQUATELY (Drafting of Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY Davao Gulf – LARGELY
business and financial plan) business and financial (business and financial (Effectively
plan) plans implemented) implemented business
and financial plan with
revenue generated)

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 72

Financial resources for conservation and 2015 Funding Gap present. Verde Island Passage – 1 Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – VIP Verde Island Passage
management of MPANs in VIP and Davao Gulf. Baseline to be determined biodiversity friendly business plan developed MPAN has income from – VIP MPAN has
in 2017 after the formation enterprise identified for VIP and implemented for the various sources that covers income from various
of MPAN in VIP and identified biodiversity the recurrent costs as sources that covers the
Davao Gulf. friendly enterprise to defined by financing plans. recurrent costs as
secure financial resources defined by financing
Davao Gulf – DG MPAN plans.
Davao Gulf – Some has income from various
financial requirement sources that covers the Davao Gulf – DG
comes from other sources recurrent costs as defined MPAN has income from
other than the government by financing plans. various sources that
funds. covers the recurrent
costs as defined by
financing plans.
Percentage of MPAN funding coming from sources 2015 All funding disaggregated Verde Island Passage – 0% Verde Island Passage –5% Verde Island Passage – 5% Verde Island Passage
other than government budget. into local government, Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 5% – 10%
central government. Davao Gulf – 10%
Baseline to be determined
in 2017 after the formation
of MPAN in VIP and
Davao Gulf.
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 2.2.1 1 Project Proposal accepted CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Support to by donors GEF CIPFI 20,496.43
implementation of UPMSI 72115 Contractual Services -
business and UPMSI 8,816.25
financial plan GEF
Activity 2.2.2 Sustainable financing plans CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Implementation of implemented (FS, revenue GEF CIPFI 1,858.10
business and generating mechanisms, other KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
financial plan sources of funding, etc…) GEF KKPFI 5,174.00
74525 Sundry
Output 2.3 At least 5 of locally managed MPA in each of five sites have revenue generation schemes in operation, including market-based visitor and service fees for tourism operators, pilot ecological
service payments from the fisheries sector and local taxes for conservation and management of key tourism draws. (Field level activity).

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 73

Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Number of sustainable financing plans implemented 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 3 Verde Island Passage – 5 Verde Island Passage –
in participating MPAs. sustainable financing plan plans plans 5 plans
plans for individual MPA. Southern Palawan – 0 plan Southern Palawan – 2 Southern Palawan – 4 plans Southern Palawan – 5
Tañon Strait Protected plans Tañon Strait Protected plans
Seascape – 0 plan Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – 5 plans Tañon Strait Protected
Davao Gulf – 0 plan Seascape – 3 plans Davao Gulf – 3 plans Seascape – 5 plans
Lanuza Bay – 0 plan Davao Gulf – 1 plan Lanuza Bay – 5 plans Davao Gulf – 5 plans
Lanuza Bay – 5 plans Lanuza Bay – 5 plans

At least 25 MPAs in five

sites have sustainable
financing plans being
implemented as part of
their management plans
Proxy Indicator: Extent of implementation of 2015 Zero number of Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage –
sustainable financing plans in participating MPAs. sustainable financing NOT ADEQUATELY VERY PARTIALLY PARTIALLY (Implemented LARGELY (Effectively
plans for individual MPA. (Review and drafting of (Approved and for 5 business and financial implemented 5
business and financial plan) implementation of plans with revenue business and financial
Southern Palawan – NOT business and financial generated) plans with revenue
ADEQUATELY (Review and plan) Southern Palawan – Very generated)
drafting of business and Southern Palawan – VERY Partially (Approved and for Southern Palawan –
financial plan) PARTIALLY - Approved implementation of business LARGELY (Effectively
Tañon Strait Protected and for implementation of and financial plan of 5 implemented 5
Seascape – NOT business and financial plan LGUs) business and financial
ADEQUATELY (Review and of 5 LGUs Tañon Strait Protected plans with revenue
drafting of business and Tañon Strait Protected Seascape – PARTIALLY generated)
financial plan) Seascape – PARTIALLY (Implemented 5 business Tañon Strait Protected
Davao Gulf – NOT (Implemented 3 business and financial plans with Seascape – LARGELY
ADEQUATELY (Review and and financial plans with revenue generated) (Effectively 5
drafting of business and revenue generated) Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY implemented business
financial plan) Davao Gulf – PARTIALLY (Implemented 3 business and financial plans with
Lanuza Bay – NOT (Implemented 1 business and financial plans with revenue generated)
ADEQUATELY (7 business and financial plan with revenue generated) Davao Gulf –
and financial plans revenue generated) Lanuza Bay – PARTIALLY LARGELY (Effectively
developed and incorporated Lanuza Bay – PARTIALLY (Implemented 5 business implemented 5
into the management plan (Implemented 5 business business and financial

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 74

and financial plans with and financial plans with plans with revenue
revenue generated) revenue generated) generated)
Lanuza Bay –
LARGELY (Effectively
implemented 5
business and financial
plans with revenue

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 75

Financial resources for conservation and 2015 Funding Gap present , Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 3 Verde Island Passage –
management of MPAs in five project sites. baseline to be established MPA MPA MPAs have income from 5 MPAs have income
in Year 2 Southern Palawan – 0 MPA Southern Palawan – 0 various sources that covers from various sources
Tañon Strait Protected MPA the recurrent costs as that covers the
Seascape – 0 MPA Tañon Strait Protected defined by financing plans. recurrent costs as
Davao Gulf – 0 MPA Seascape – 3 MPAs defined by financing
Lanuza Bay – 0 MPA Davao Gulf – 1 MPA Southern Palawan – 0 MPA plans.
Lanuza Bay – 0 MPA Southern Palawan – 5
Funding gap identified. Tañon Strait Protected MPAs have income
Seascape – 5 MPAs from various sources
Eight (8 out of the 25 MPAs) that covers the
biodiversity-friendly Davao Gulf – 3 MPAs recurrent costs as
enterprises for MPAs defined by financing
identified. Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs plans.
Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – 5 MPAs
have income from
various sources that
covers the recurrent
costs as defined by
financing plans.
Davao Gulf – 5 MPAs
have income from
various sources that
covers the recurrent
costs as defined by
financing plans.
Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs
have income from
various sources that
covers the recurrent
costs as defined by
financing plans.

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 76

Percentage of MPA funding coming from sources 2015 All funding disaggregated By the end of 2016, at least Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage – Verde Island Passage
other than government budget. into local government, 5% of the financial 10% 10% – 50%
central government, requirements comes from Southern Palawan – 0% Southern Palawan – 25% Southern Palawan –
baseline to be established other sources other than Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected 50%
in Year 2 government funds from the 8 Seascape – 10% Seascape – 12% Tañon Strait Protected
MPAs. Davao Gulf – 0% Davao Gulf – 0% Seascape – 50%
Lanuza Bay – 0% Lanuza Bay – 0% Davao Gulf – 50%
Lanuza Bay – 50%
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 2.3.1 Valuation study on marine and Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of terrestria ecosystem. GEF RARE 2,503.82
feasibility study on Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
possible sources of GEF Haribon 14,279.07
revenues in PMU
fisheries and GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 4,801.20
tourism (including PMU Daily Subsistence
revenue baseline, GEF 71620 Allowance- L 349.39
value chains and PMU
willingness-to-pay GEF 71635 Travel - Other 2,373.98
survey) PMU
GEF 72425 Mobile Telephone Charges 25.51
GEF 75705 Learning costs 3,794.57
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 363.57
Activity 2.3.2 Developed sociala enterprise Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
Development of for 10 MPAs Haribon 7,400.45
social enterprises in
fisheries and
tourism GEF
Activity 2.3.3 FS on MPA financing sources Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
Preparation of Haribon 6,945.04
business and
financial plan GEF

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 77

Activity 2.3.4 Business Forum held; activity KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Support to completion report GEF KKPFI 12,486.60
implementation of PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
business and 71305 Term-TECH 82,805.19
financial plan. PMU
GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 7,917.60
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 10,054.17
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 1,606.11
GEF 75705 Learning costs 26,695.77
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 968.62
Activity 2.3.5 10 sustainable financing plans CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Implementation of implemented. GEF CIPFI 1,858.10
business and KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
financial plan GEF KKPFI 29,731.08
Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF Haribon 5,692.65
Activity 2.3.6. 4 BFEs implemented and CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Montioring and monitored in VIP CIPFI 3,602.76
evaluation of MPA
business plan GEF
Output 2.4 MPA financing plans developed and piloted in at least 30% of MPAs in each of five sites, incorporating governance mechanisms to ensure participatory management of revenues and
resources involving local communities, local government and national government agencies as appropriate. (Field level activity).
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Number of MPAs with participatory multi-stakeholder 2015 Zero number of MPAs 8 of 30 target MPAs have Verde Island Passage – 12 Verde Island Passage – 12 Verde Island Passage
systems in place to oversee utilization of MPA funds with participatory multi- participatory multi- MPAs MPAs – 12 MPAs
and revenues include women and IPs where stakeholder systems. stakeholder systems Southern Palawan – 0 Southern Palawan – 3 Southern Palawan – 5
appropriate. including women and IPs, MPA MPAs MPAs
where appropriate with Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
oversight functions on Seascape – 2 MPAs Seascape – 3 MPAs Seascape – 5 MPAs
disbursement/ resource Davao Gulf – 3 MPAs Davao Gulf – 4 MPAs Davao Gulf – 5 MPAs
allocation by 2016. Lanuza Bay – 2 MPAs Lanuza Bay – 4 MPAs Lanuza Bay – 5 MPAs

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 78

Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 2.4.1 Initial assessment on MPA NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Organizational management structure GEF NFRDI 1,647.88
development for using the harmonized OD tool. Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
MPA governing RARE 1,043.26
body GEF
Activity 2.4.2 Verde Island Passage – 12 NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of MPAs GEF NFRDI 1,647.88
consultations on Southern Palawan – 3 MPAs Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
structures of Tañon Strait Protected GEF RARE 27,242.69
governing body. Seascape – 3 MPAs PMU Daily Subsistence
Davao Gulf – 4 MPAs GEF 71620 Allowance- L 65.16
Lanuza Bay – 4 MPAs PMU
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 78.70
Activity 2.4.3 Technical reports NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Paricipation to incorporating learnings related GEF NFRDI 1,647.88
conferences, to sustainable financing PMU
seminar and GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 26,881.30
symposia PMU
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 124.71
GEF 75705 Learning costs 1,410.08
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 960.74
Output 2.5 Project Management Cost (PMU)
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
2.5.1 Allocate PMU
Office and communication
Resources for GEF 74210 Printing and Publications 2,022.84
equipment, supplies and
Programme PMU GEF 72215 Transporation Equipment
materials procured.
Operating Cost

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 79

2.5.2 Conduct Programme Planning, Review, PMU GEF
Programme Monitoring and Evaluation International Consultant- 13,041.52
Planning and activities conducted. Short Term-TECH
PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
Term-TECH 20,102.93
71360 Local Consult-Security
71605 Travel Tickets-International
71610 Travel Tickets-Local
71615 Daily Subsistence Allow-Intl
PMU GEF Daily Subsistence Allow-
Local 7,872.78
71635 Travel - Other
PMU GEF Stationery and Other
Supplies 1.85
PMU GEF Acquisition of Computer
Hardwa 1,193.96
PMU Information Technology
GEF Supplie 990.19
74525 Sundry
GEF 2,083.55
75705 Learning costs
GEF 15,189.62
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF Allowan 2,331.20
2.5.3 Provision of Salaries and other benefits PMU GEF Service Contracts-
Salaries and other provided 71405 Individuals 37,164.27
benefits PMU GEF
71410 MAIP Premium SC 73.96
71415 Contribution to Security SC 1,693.06
PMU Stationery and Other
GEF 72505 Supplies 20.44

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 80

Outcome 3: Established Enabling Policy Framework for Marine Biodiversity Conservation.
Output 3.1 A set of policy recommendations under implementation to strengthening laws, policies and regulations governing major facets of marine resource management (including fisheries, tourism,
coastal resource management, shipping, etc.), to reduce external threats and pressures on MPAs.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Proxy Indicator: Number of national and local policy 2016 Policy studies and "Verde Island Passage – 1 "Verde Island Passage – 1 "Verde Island Passage – 1 "Verde Island Passage
recommendations that support MPA and MPAN recommendation to policy recommendation policy recommendation policy recommendation – 1 policy
management incorporating gender and IP rights. commence in 2016. recommendation
Southern Palawan – 1 policy Southern Palawan – 1 Southern Palawan – 1
recommendation policy recommendation policy recommendation Southern Palawan – 1
policy recommendation
Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – 1 policy Seascape – 1 policy Seascape – 1 policy Tañon Strait Protected
recommendation recommendation recommendation Seascape – 1 policy
Davao Gulf – 1 policy Davao Gulf – 1 policy Davao Gulf – 1 policy
recommendation recommendation recommendation Davao Gulf – 1 policy
Lanuza Bay – 1 policy Lanuza Bay – 1 policy Lanuza Bay – 1 policy
recommendation recommendation recommendation Lanuza Bay – 1 policy
National – 1 policy National – 1 policy National – 1 policy
recommendation recommendation recommendation National – 1 policy
At least one (1) national and At least one (1) national At least one (1) national and
five (5) local policy and five (5) local policy five (5) local policy At least one (1) national
recommendations with draft recommendations with recommendations with draft and five (5) local policy
ordinances that support MPA draft ordinances that ordinances that support recommendations with
and MPAN management support MPA and MPAN MPA and MPAN draft ordinances that
incorporating gender and IP management incorporating management incorporating support MPA and
rights. gender and IP rights. gender and IP rights. MPAN management
incorporating gender
and IP rights.
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 81

Activity 3.1.1 Comprehensive/ unified local CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Drafting of at least policy adopted (DG), 5 GEF CIPFI 16,450.71
5 policy ammended policy instruments Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
recommendations approved (LB) GEF RARE 1,025.53
arising from policy KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
studies GEF KKPFI 30,837.28
GEF 75705 Learning costs 146.21
GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 70.53
Output 3.2 Effective policy and regulatory frameworks in place for the designation and management of MPA Networks (MPANs) encompassing subsets of the national MPA system according to
ecological connectivity and/or management effectiveness criteria.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Presence of comprehensive MPA, MPAN, and MKBA 2016 Policy and regulatory At least five (5) local policy A comprehensive MPA A comprehensive MPA and A comprehensive MPA
policy framework that is also gender and IP- review to be conducted in review instruments and MPAN Policy MPAN Policy Framework in and MPAN Policy
sensitive. Year 2 (2016) drafted/amended (e.g. local Framework in place place incorporating gender Framework in place
ordinances) at the site level. incorporating gender equality and IP rights incorporating gender
equality and IP rights developed and effectively equality and IP rights
(Identified gaps from the 5 developed and effectively implemented addressing at developed and
local sites will be reviewed implemented addressing at least 50% of the policy effectively implemented
by the national policy least 50% of the policy recommendations identified addressing at least 50%
consultant which will be used recommendations through the policy review. of the policy
in harmonizing with existing identified through the recommendations
national policies and will be policy review. identified through the
used as reference in crafting policy review.
a national policy instrument.
Target for the succeeding

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 82

Number of proposed local and national policies that 2016 Policy and regulatory At least 1 policy instrument Verde Island Passage – 1 Verde Island Passage – 1 "Verde Island Passage
govern major facets of MPA, MPAN and MKBA review to be conducted in in the establishment and local policy instrument in local policy instrument in – 1 local policy
management following scientifically grounded Year 2 (2016) management of MPANs the establishment and the establishment and instrument in the
principles. drafted. management of MPAs management of MPAs establishment and
developed. developed. management of MPAs
Gathered pertinent developed.
documents for the drafting of Southern Palawan – 1 Southern Palawan – 1 local
the "Manual of local policy instrument in policy instrument in the Southern Palawan – 1
Establishment, Planning and the establishment and establishment and local policy instrument
Management of management of MPAs management of MPAs in the establishment
MPA/MPAN". developed. developed. and management of
MPAs developed.
Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – 1 local policy Seascape – 1 local policy Tañon Strait Protected
instrument in the instrument in the Seascape – 1 local
establishment and establishment and policy instrument in the
management of MPAs management of MPAs establishment and
developed. developed. management of MPAs
Davao Gulf – 1 local Davao Gulf – 1 local policy
policy instrument in the instrument in the Davao Gulf – 1 local
establishment and establishment and policy instrument in the
management of MPAs management of MPAs establishment and
developed. developed. management of MPAs
Lanuza Bay – 1 local Lanuza Bay – 1 local policy
policy instrument in the instrument in the Lanuza Bay – 1 local
establishment and establishment and policy instrument in the
management of MPAs management of MPAs establishment and
developed. developed. management of MPAs
National – 1 policy National – 1 policy
instrument in the instrument in the National – 1 policy
establishment and establishment and instrument in the
management of MPANs management of MPANs establishment and
developed. developed. management of MPANs
Manual of Establishment, Manual of Establishment,
Manual of

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 83

Planning and Management Planning and Management Establishment, Planning
of MPA/MPAN drafted. of MPA/MPAN finalized. and Management of
MPA/MPAN finalized. "

All policies for MPA and

MPAN management
incorporate scientifically
based ecological
conservation criteria
(species abundance
and distribution, threats
and pressure, larval
transmission and
dispersal, climate
change stresses, etc.)


TIMEFRAME Budget Amount

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 84

Activity/Sub- Code Description USD
Activity/Sub-Activity Responsible Funding
Activity Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Deliverables Party Source
Activity 3.2.1 MOA / EO for the netwrok; Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
Assistance to sites Legal instrument to execute GEF RARE 26,779.80
in designing the MPA management plan KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
crafting policy PMU
instruments therefor GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 157.42
and conducting PMU
consultations GEF 71620 DSA-Local 148.63
GEF 71635 Travel-other 13.79
Activity 3.2.2 Signed national level JAO for NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Crafting of a MPAN national policy GEF NFRDI 11,407.24
National Policy framework UPMSI GEF 72115 Contractual Services -
Framework for UPMSI 8,816.25
MPAN PMU Local consultants - Short
GEF 71305 term 1,210.19
GEF 75705 Learning costs 67.60
PMU Local consultants - Short
GEF 71305 term 1,953.69
GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 315.53
Output 3.3 Existing mechanisms and resources for fisheries and marine PA policy implemented at BFAR and DENR assessed, improved and institutionalized.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 85

Proxy indicator: Number of DENR and BFAR 2015 No DENR and BFAR 30 personnel from DENR Verde Island Passage – 15 Verde Island Passage – 15 Verde Island Passage –
personnel trained concerning ICRM, MPA and MPAN personnel fully and BFAR trained on ICRM- personnel (DENR and personnel (DENR and 15 personnel (DENR
management. capacitated/trained on related competencies. BFAR Regional Office and BFAR Regional Office and and BFAR Regional
ICRM, MPA and MPAN PA managers) PA managers) Office and PA
management. Competency development managers)
programme for MPA and Southern Palawan – 0 Southern Palawan – 15
ICM practitioners developed. personnel (DENR and personnel (DENR and Southern Palawan – 15
BFAR Regional Office and BFAR Regional Office and personnel (DENR and
PA managers) PA managers) BFAR Regional Office
and PA managers)
Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected
Seascape – 0 personnel Seascape – 15 personnel Tañon Strait Protected
(DENR and BFAR (DENR and BFAR Regional Seascape – 15
Regional Office and PA Office and PA managers) personnel (DENR and
managers) BFAR Regional Office
Davao Gulf – 15 personnel and PA managers)
Davao Gulf – 15 personnel (DENR and BFAR Regional
(DENR and BFAR Office and PA managers) Davao Gulf – 15
Regional Office and PA personnel (DENR and
managers) Lanuza Bay – 15 personnel BFAR Regional Office
(DENR and BFAR Regional and PA managers)
Lanuza Bay – 0 personnel Office and PA managers)
(DENR and BFAR Lanuza Bay – 15
Regional Office and PA National - 15 personnel personnel (DENR and
managers) (DENR and BFAR Central BFAR Regional Office
Office) and PA managers)
National - 15 personnel
(DENR and BFAR Central National - 15 personnel
Office) (DENR and BFAR
Central Office)
Proxy indicator: Number of Joint Memorandum 2015 No JMC and/or A/DO One (1) Joint Memorandum One (1) Joint One (1) Joint Memorandum One (1) Joint
Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) between DENR and BFAR issued for the exchange of Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) Memorandum Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) Memorandum
and/or administrative/department ordinances (A/DO) ideas and knowledge and between DENR and BFAR Circular/Order (JMC/JAO) between DENR and BFAR Circular/Order
issued (site level). how to address drafted. between DENR and BFAR issued. (JMC/JAO) between
overlapping functions, drafted. DENR and BFAR
conflicting policies Two (2) issued.
between DENR and Two (2) administrative/department
BFAR. administrative/department ordinances (A/DO) issued Two (2)
(site level). administrative/departme

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 86

ordinances (A/DO) drafted nt ordinances (A/DO)
(site level). issued (site level).


Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 3.3.1 focal areas for training PMU GEF
Development of identified / Policy developed in 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 84.56
capacity building line with the stakeholders PMU Daily Subsistence
program/plan for capaciity assessment / GEF 71620 Allowance- L 65.87
BFAR and DENR competency levels PMU
on aspects of MPA 4.60
and MPAN
establishment and
management GEF 71635 Travel - Other
Activity 3.3.2 At least 3 meetings conducted Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of capacity with DILG (1. exploratory talk ; GEF Haribon 11,256.84
assessment/training 2. coordination meeting ; 3. PMU
needs analysis of partnership building) 16.94
relevant DENR and
BFAR offices and Daily Subsistence
their key personnel GEF 71620 Allowance- L
Activity 3.3.3 PMU
Conduct of capacity 14.44
building activities
for relevant DENR
and BFAR
personnel GEF 71635 Travel - Other
Activity 3.3.4 Draft JAO between BFAR, Local Consultant-Short
Drafting of JAO DENR and DILG to harmonize PMU GEF 71305 2,222.07
between BFAR, overlaps in provisions and
71610 Travel Tickets- Local
GEF 1,872.11

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 87

Harmonized mandates between DENR and PMU Daily Subsistence
policies re: ICRM, DA-BFAR. GEF Allowance- L 284.42
Mpa and MPAN PMU
71635 Travel - Other
Manafement GEF 309.96
75705 Learning costs
GEF 22,730.76
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF Allowan 250.37
Output 3.4 Tools, guidance and best-practice examples available to support LGUs in implementing effective regulations and policies for MPA establishment, management and financing within their local
government regulatory frameworks.
Baseline Target
Consolidated Project Output Indicator/s 2017 2018 End-of-project Target
Year Quantity / Quality 2016
Proxy indicator: Number of good practices and video 2015 Good practices contained Verde Island Passage – 0 Verde Island Passage – 2 Verde Island Passage – 2 Verde Island Passage
production from the five sites documented, analysed in achieving synergies Southern Palawan – 0 (good practices for (good practices for –2
and published. through MPANs of Tañon Strait Protected Provincial and VIP level Provincial and VIP level Southern Palawan – 2
USAID-CTSP (Alino, et al, Seascape – 1 MPANs are documented) MPANs are documented) Tañon Strait Protected
2011). Davao Gulf – 0 Southern Palawan – 1 Southern Palawan – 1 Seascape – 2
Lanuza Bay – 0 Tañon Strait Protected Tañon Strait Protected Davao Gulf – 2
Seascape – 2 Seascape – 2 Lanuza Bay – 2
Davao Gulf – 1 Davao Gulf – 2
Lanuza Bay – 2 Lanuza Bay – 2
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
Activity 3.4.1 9 good practices documented CIPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Documentation and GEF CIPFI 5,874.31
publication of best Rare 72115 Contractual Services -
practices by the GEF RARE 5,946.29
project KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF KKPFI 9,889.48
Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
GEF Haribon 19,411.94
PMU Acquisition of Computer
GEF 72810 Software 812.30
74525 Sundry
GEF 2,304.12

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 88

PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 187.25
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 12.02
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 32.03
Activity 3.4.2 Guidelines in documentation NFRDI 72115 Contractual Services -
Conduct of IEC and of good practices and case GEF NFRDI 10,857.94
advocacy on the stories KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
importance of GEF KKPFI 9,796.63
marine PMU Travel Tickets -
conservation 71605
GEF International 2,620.78
71610 Travel Tickets- Local
GEF 1,924.20
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF Allowance -I 3,819.45
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF Allowance- L 798.53
71635 Travel - Other
GEF 829.63
PMU Stationery and Other
GEF Supplies 33.24
74525 Sundry
GEF 2,239.10
75705 Learning costs
GEF 3,993.54
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF Allowan 0.57
Activity 3.4.3 Knowledge exchange / KKPFI 72115 Contractual Services -
Participation in sharing of good practices GEF KKPFI 7,837.30
conferences, Haribon 72115 Contractual Services -
seminars, symposia GEF Haribon 12,599.73
and annual PMU
celebrations GEF 71610 Travel Tickets- Local 396.90
PMU Daily Subsistence
GEF 71620 Allowance- L 28.28
GEF 71635 Travel - Other 17.73

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 89

GEF 75705 Learning costs 2,343.05
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF 75707 Allowan 61.81
Output 3.5 Project Management Cost (PMU)
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
3.5.1 Allocate
Office and communication
Resources for
equipment, supplies and
materials procured.
Operating Cost
3.5.2 Conduct Programme Planning, Review, PMU GEF International Consultant-
Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Short Term-TECH 8,121.19
Planning and activities conducted. PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
Review Term-TECH 7,694.65
PMU GEF Service Contracts -
Individual 90.71
PMU GEF Travel Tickets -
International 5,575.40
71610 Travel Tickets-Local
71615 Daily Subsistence Allow-Intl
PMU GEF Daily Subsistence Allow-
Local 3,040.74
71635 Travel - Other
72425 Mobile Telephone Charges
PMU GEF Stationery and Other
Supplies 10.34
PMU Acquisition of Computer
GEF Hardwa 564.52
PMU Acquisition of Computer
GEF Software 2,267.92

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 90

PMU Information Technology
GEF Supplie 324.57
74525 Sundry
GEF 1,284.37
75705 Learning costs
GEF 10,648.03
PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF Allowan 927.51
3.5.3 Provision of Salaries and other benefits PMU GEF Service Contracts-
Salaries and other provided 71405 Individuals 35,024.27
benefits PMU GEF
71410 MAIP Premium SC 24.50
71415 Contribution to Security SC 987.12
Outcome 4 Project Management
Activity/Sub- TIMEFRAME Responsible Budget Amount
Activity/Sub-Activity Funding
Activity Party Code Description USD
Deliverables Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Source
4.1 Allocate Office and communication PMU Service Contracts -
Resources for equipment, supplies and GEF 71405 Individual 23.83
Programme materials procured. PMU Daily Subsistence
Operating Cost GEF 71620 Allowance- L 0.73
GEF 72205 Office Equipment 292.75
GEF 72425 Mobile Telephone Charges 2,782.73
GEF 72440 Connectivity Charges 1,423.06
PMU Stationery and Other
GEF 72505 Supplies 1,361.61
PMU Information Technology
GEF 72800 Equipt 515.88
PMU Maintenance , operation of
GEF 73410 tra 478.66
GEF 74210 Printing and Publications 74.61

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 91

GEF 74505 Insurance 111.77
GEF 74525 Sundry 3,632.25
GEF 75705 Learning costs 2,031.37
4.2 Conduct Program planning and review PMU GEF International Consultant-
Programme conducted. Short Term-TECH 663.15
Planning and PMU GEF Local Consultant-Short
Review Term-TECH 660.33
71605 Travel Tickets-International
PMU GEF 71610 Travel Tickets-Local
71615 Daily Subsistence Allow-Intl
PMU GEF Daily Subsistence Allow-
Local 564.77
71635 Travel - Other
72425 Mobile Telephone Charges
PMU GEF Stationery and Other
Supplies 1.37
PMU GEF Acquisition of Computer
Hardwa 64.78
PMU GEF Information Technology
Supplie 63.95
PMU GEF Maintenance and Operation
of Transport Equipment 21.99
74110 Audit Fees
74510 Bank Charges
74525 Sundry
75705 Learning Costs
GEF 2,136.85

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 92

PMU Learning - Subsistence
GEF Allowan 180.88
4.3 Provision of Salaries and other benefits PMU GEF Service Contracts-
Salaries and other provided 71405 Individuals 59,501.32
benefits PMU GEF
71410 MAIP Premium SC 25.70
71415 Contribution to Security SC 1,063.41
GEF 74525 Sundry 1,198.50


Annex 2 – 2018 Annual Procurement Plan

duration of
Target Date for Home-
each of the
Requested delivery the Submission Delivery based Duty Station
Atlas Category (Identify if Goods, IC, Brief Description Estimated Estimated procureme
Unit of date (for goods and of Location (Yes or (if
Project Civil Works, Recurring Cost, of goods, services Quantity Unit Price Total Price nt activity
Measure works) or start of TOR/Specs/SOWs (for No, if consulting
ID No. Consulting Services) or works required in USD in USD (No. of
services (if services) to Procurement goods) consulting services)
Team services)

Website/Database Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe

2 months No Metro Manila
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local Developer 60,849.19 60,849.19 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
GIS Specialist Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
2 months No Metro Manila
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local 2,400.00 2,400.00 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Database Manager Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
2 months No Metro Manila
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local 6,000.00 6,000.00 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Vulnerability, CCA Lumpsum 1
and DRR Resource 1,440.00 1,440.00 2 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local Person February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018
Vulnerability, CCA Lumpsum 1
and DRR 220.00 220.00 2 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local Documentor February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 93

Consultant Lumpsum 1
(Modeller, 5,000.00 5,000.00 2 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local Programmer) February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018
MPAN Specialist Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
1,500.00 1,500.00 2 months No Metro Manila
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
88065 Illustrator Lump sum 1 SMARTSe
1,600.00 1,600.00 2 months No Metro Manila
Individual Consultant (IC) - Local February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
88065 Workshop Lump sum 5 SMARTSe
2 months No Metro Manila
Individual Consultant (IC) - Local Organizer 1,600.00 8,000.00 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
88065 Ecotourism Lump sum 10
Specialist/BDFE 16,000.00 160,000.00 2 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
Individual Consultant (IC) - Local Consultants February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018
88065 Business Planner Lump sum 1 SMARTSe
5,000.00 5,000.00 2 months No Metro Manila
Individual Consultant (IC) - Local February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
88065 Events organizer Lump sum 1 SMARTSe
2 months No Metro Manila
Individual Consultant (IC) - Local 11,200.00 11,200.00 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Policy Consultant Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
2 months No Metro Manila
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local 10,896.00 10,896.00 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Cost Financing Lumpsum 2
Specialist (GA / 5,000.00 5,000.00 2 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local LGU) February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018
Consultant for Good Lumpsum 1
Practice 1,200.00 1,200.00 SMARTSe
2 months No Metro Manila
Documentation as Unit
88065 Individual Consultant (IC) - Local Training February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018
IT Equipment Computer Laptop per piece 1 SMARTSe
17" iCore7 2,400.00 2,400.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Microsoft Office per piece 2 SMARTSe
License 2013 160.00 320.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 February 19, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Portable mobile per piece 2 SMARTSe
printer 380.00 760.00 2 months No Metro Manila
88065 October 29, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Assurance activity- Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
spot check 1,000.00 1,000.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 Audit/HACT Assessment November 15, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Assurance activity- Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
external audit 12,000.00 12,000.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 Audit/HACT Assessment January 23, 2019 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Security Equipment Equipment lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
Insurance 2,400.00 2,400.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 October 15, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 94

Communications Equipment Mobile unit/plan - per piece 9 SMARTSe
smart 360.00 3,240.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Travel Plane Fare Tickets, Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
DSA, transportation 91,954.00 91,954.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Workshop/Conference facilities Hotel Lumpsum 1
accommodation, 237,416.00 237,416.00 1 month No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 meals, venue October 01, 2018 March 01, 2018
Courier month 12 SMARTSe
Postage/Pouch 20.00 240.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 Other Services January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Other Services Connetivity/Inernet/l month 12 SMARTSe
andline charges 888.00 10,656.00 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Stationery & Office Lateral Filing unit 3
consummables Cabinet (Four 300.00 900.00 1 month No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 draweres) January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018
Stationery & Office Office and IT Lumpsum 1 SMARTSe
1 month No Metro Manila
88065 consummables supplies 6,000.00 6,000.00 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Stationery & Office Office Supplies and Lump sum 12 SMARTSe
1 month No Metro Manila
88065 consummables Stationary 1,500.00 18,000.00 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
GSIS Insurance Lump sum 1 SMARTSe
Vehicle 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 300.00 300.00 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
LTO Renewal Lump sum 1 SMARTSe
Vehicle 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 150.00 150.00 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit
Gasoline, oil and month 12 SMARTSe
Vehicle 1 month No Metro Manila
88065 other services 700.00 8,400.00 January 03, 2018 March 01, 2018 as Unit

duration of
Target Date for Home-
each of the
Requested delivery the Submission Delivery based Duty Station
Atlas Category (Identify if Goods, IC, Brief Description Estimated Estimated procureme
Unit of date (for goods and of Location (Yes or (if
Project Civil Works, Recurring Cost, of goods, services Quantity Unit Price Total Price nt activity
Measure works) or start of TOR/Specs/SOWs (for No, if consulting
ID No. Consulting Services) or works required in USD in USD (No. of
services (if services) to Procurement goods) consulting services)
Team services)

Other Equipment SCUBA Diving set 25 SMARTSe

3 months No Metro Manila
88065 Gears 6,292.85 157,321.34 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
Other Equipment SCUBA Air set 3 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 Compressor 12,000.00 36,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Waterproof Remote set 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 Control System 4,000.00 4,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 95

IT Equipment Smart Troll set 2 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 2,400.00 4,800.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Thermal cycler unit 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 12,000.00 12,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Liquid Nitrogen dry unit 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 shipper 4,000.00 4,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Otolith Grinders unit 3 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 1,800.00 5,400.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
Communication Equipment Delta Kites for low- unit 2
altitude 640.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 observations 320.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
Communication Equipment DGPS RTK Base set 1
station and radio 46,000.00 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
system for mobille as Unit
88065 unit 46,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
Communication Equipment Handheld VHF set 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 Radio 400.00 400.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
Other goods Broadband global set 1
area network for 4,000.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 satellite internet 4,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
Other goods Dry cabinet for unit 2
electronics storage, 2,400.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 size 1.5 m height 1,200.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
Other goods Auto Dry Box unit 4 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 1,000.00 4,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Reinforced steel unit 3 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 storage cabinet 1,000.00 3,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Sound system set 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 1,000.00 1,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment 24.2 MP DSLR unit 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 camera 600.00 600.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment 24.2 MP Camera set 2
with underwater 4,400.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 housing 2,200.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
IT Equipment 24.2MP DSLR set 2
camera with 22,000.00
underwater housing 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
and other
88065 peripherals 11,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
IT Equipment Computing Servers set 10 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 and peripherals 5,400.00 54,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 96

IT Equipment Networking set 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 equipment 15,366.97 15,366.97 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment 16TB Network- set 2
Attached Storage 4,600.00 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
System (NAS) with as Unit
88065 UPS 2,300.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
IT Equipment 8TB Network- unit 7
Attached Storage 4,200.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 System (NAS) 600.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
IT Equipment Portable External unit 43 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 Hard Drive 314.00 13,502.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment UPS 900Watts/1500 unit 3 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 VA 670.00 2,010.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment i3 Desktop with set 3 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 peripherals 700.00 2,100.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment i7 Desktop set 5
computer with 7,500.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 peripherals 1,500.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
IT Equipment i7 6th Gen Desktop set 3
with dedicated 9,000.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 graphics 3,000.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
IT Equipment i7 6th Gen Laptop unit 46
with dedicated 64,400.00 3 months No Metro Manila
as Unit
88065 graphics 15" 1,400.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018
IT Equipment i7 6th Gen Laptop unit 18 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 (Ultrabook) 1,200.00 21,600.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment i3 Notebook unit 16 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 600.00 9,600.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment Multi-Monitor set 2 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 Desktop- UNDP 2,200.00 4,400.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
IT Equipment i7 Laptop with set 2 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 External Monitor 1,200.00 2,400.00 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit
Office furniture Furniture/Fixtures Lot 1 SMARTSe
3 months No Metro Manila
88065 (Modular, Cabinets) 103,159.72 103,159.72 March 01, 2018 May 01, 2018 as Unit

SMARTSeas 2018 Annual Work Plan 97

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