USA Vs UK Education

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USA VS UK Education

United States Of America United Kingdom

The American educational system More than 90 percent of pupils in the UK
can be one of the best in the world, attend publicly-funded state schools.
but only if you make sure you and Approximately 8.5 million children attend
your children get the most out of it. one of the 30,000 schools in England and
The United States really has several Wales; in Scotland, 830,000 children
systems, at different levels, from attend about 5,000 schools, including pre-
public elementary and secondary schools and other special education
schools through universities and schools; and Northern Ireland sends
colleges of every variety. Trade and 350,000 children to 1,300 state schools.
technical schools fill important Primary schools usually include both girls
needs. American educational and boys as pupils. Secondary schools may
resources are impressive, even if the be either single-sex or co-educational.
delivery of educational services is
haphazard no uniform is required in The relevant education departments in
the US.  England, Scotland and Wales dispense
funding for schools through a Local
Every community in the United Education Authority (or Education
States has a public school system, Authority in Scotland). In Northern
responsible for educating children at Ireland, schools are largely financed from
elementary and secondary levels. public funds through five Education and
Public schools are supported largely Library Boards.
by property taxes, with additional aid
from state and federal governments. There are 114 university institutions (and
Federal and state agencies set 60 higher education colleges) in the UK,
standards for local public schools, counting separately the constituent
but local community school boards colleges of the federal universities of
actually administer the schools. Wales and London. Approximately 1.8
Among literally thousands of million students currently are in the higher
different public school jurisdictions, education system; about one third of young
districts, taxing authorities, and people go on to higher education at age 18
administrations, educational (with almost 50% of students in Scotland),
procedures and standards can vary and an increasing number of "mature"
widely across the country. students are studying either full-time or
part-time for university degrees.  Higher
Public schools are free. They are education is a priority in current policy for
also mandatory starting with First the current government, with a target set to
Grade. Parents can be arrested for attract 50 percent of 18- to 30-year-olds to
keeping their children from school, higher education.
unless they go through a difficult
process of proving that the children Most undergraduate degrees take three
are receiving an adequate education years to complete, with undergraduate
at home. degrees at Scottish universities lasting four
years. At the graduate level, a taught
Begins at Age Five. Some master's degree normally is earned in a
communities offer pre-school single year, a research master's takes two
education or nursery schools for 3 years, and a doctoral degree is completed
and 4 years olds, but public school in after three years. Professional courses,
America usually begins with such as medicine, veterinary medicine, law
kindergarten, for five year olds. and teaching, usually are undertaken as
Kindergartens children learn the five-year undergraduate degrees, but
basic elements of numbers and the students who already have been awarded a
alphabet, often by watching different undergraduate degree often can
educational television programs like take a shorter, graduate-level course.
Sesame Street.
in the UK
High school is a special experience
in American culture with a The National Academic Recognition
mythology of its own. It's the time Information Centre provides information
when boys and girls awkwardly on an equivalent UK degree to one gained
discover each other. It is in the US or other foreign country.  There
questionable how much actual is no charge to individual inquirers. (Note:
education occurs in high school the National Academic Recognition
given these circumstances. The Information Centre does not comment on
terms "freshman, sophomore, junior institutions that are not regionally
and senior" refer to the first through accredited.)
fourth years of high school (as well
as the first through fourth years of The Department of Education and Skills
college). also provides a list of officially validated
and recognized UK degrees.
Some Definitions. The terms
"college" and "university" are often Information from
used interchangeably. A university is
a larger institution often having more
than one college, law, medical, and  
dental schools, or business or other
specialized schools. The term
"campus" refers to the land the
college sits on and the buildings on
it. Colleges range from huge state-
supported university systems, to
small "liberal arts" and religious

Two year colleges, often called

community colleges, usually award
the Associate of Arts degree (A.A.).
They accept most applicants, are
often public supported, and have
lower tuition than four-year schools.

Four year colleges, called

"undergraduate" schools, form the
mainstream of American "higher
education." Admission requirements,
courses offered, residence facilities
and other features will vary widely.
These colleges give "bachelors"
degrees, usually a bachelor of arts
(B.A.) or a bachelor of science

Private colleges can be extremely

expensive. Students with financial
difficulties have access to a well-
developed system of financial aid,
however, which can dramatically
reduce costs through a combination
of grants, loans, and work-study

Types of Colleges. The most

prestigious colleges in the eastern
part of the United States--like
Harvard, Princeton and Yale--are
known as the "Ivy League" because
of the characteristic ivy plants that
frequently grow on the sides of their
beautiful old buildings. (The term
"Ivy League" also refers to the type
of people who have traditionally
attended such universities, as well as
certain clothing styles associated
with them.) Other colleges,
especially some of the large state
schools, are known as football or
basketball schools due to their
emphasis on athletics. Most colleges
are co-educational ("co-ed"),
meaning that they accept both men
and women, though many single-sex
colleges still exist. (The term "a co-
ed" refers to a female student at a co-
educational college. It is not popular
with feminists.)

Colleges and universities with

religious affiliations are widely
found in America. Some, though not
all, give or require religious
instruction along with academic
subjects. Most major religious
groups in America have their own
systems of sponsored colleges.

Information from Life in the usa a

definitive guide to everything
Universities and Colleges are reputedly the hallowed halls of intellectual development, the
schools of maturation from where the leaders of our world emerge to set the world ablaze with
the fruits of intellectualism. However, the produce all vary in flavours according the nature of the
curriculum prescribed. The most marked divergence of tastes lie within institutions separated by
oceans, and continents. Although the UK and USA share an Anglo-Saxon culture, disparities are
marked within ideals of their respective education systems, further being indicative of their
particular cultures.
In the USA, no matter if one is enrolled in a state school or a private liberal arts college, it is
expected that students will study academic subjects outside their intended field of study. The
premise of which is to cultivate a rounded individual, comfortably conversant with all mediums of
academic literature, whether of artistic or scientific character. Hence on American campuses you
will discover scenarios where historians may be taking courses in astrophysics.

Needless to say such a scenario would not engender smiles on the faces of their British
counterparts, who�ve journeyed through system of education where from an early age
specialization has been expected. Thus by the time these students commence their
undergraduate training they are only expected to study within their chosen area of study. (This
happens to less of a degree in Scottish universities, where students are encouraged to explore
topics beyond their major, although in reality students rarely venture beyond their chosen

These structural differences influence changes within the deliverance of classes. Due to
obligation of students to study outside their fields of study the US prescribes a broader, but less
in depth of an enquiry of study. Whereas, breadth is shunned in favour of more narrowly focused,
but deeper lines of study within British establishments. Each system has its strengths and
weaknesses. Critics of British education would point towards the enforced learning of
unnecessary information, whereas defenders of the British universities may counter by
accusations of dumbing down in college classes. My personal perception, based from studying in
two small universities/colleges in the UK and the US, that aside from a divergence between
curriculum's, there is a marked difference of ethos between UK and USA higher education
On American campuses, work is constantly requested from students on a daily basis. In contrast
the British university calendar invites extra-intensive work in patches, separated by periods of
lulls, thus creating large tracts of downtime between assignments. It this downtime that
characterises the British university lifestyle where social life is the veritable engine of UK
university life, pushing academia into the passenger seat. In contrast academia takes the fore in
America colleges, largely due to structured system in American colleges brought by an emphasis
upon teaching. Work is definitely more intensive in American colleges, which is to be expected
given that American students pay significantly more than their British counterparts, and hence
American students tend to be more motivated than their apathetic British counterparts.

So concluding with my personal endnote of bias, I would have to admit that American Colleges
invite more of a rigorous, dynamic intellectually arousing ethos, though at the expense of
cultivating an active social scene. The lessons derived within the UK university establishment
arise from outside the classroom within the pubs and clubs, where social development rather
than intellectual development takes preponderance.

 Apex University
Penubuhan Universiti Apex (Accelerated Programme For Excellence) telah ditubuhkan selaras dengan
hasrat murni Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi  untuk mewujudkan IPT yang setanding dengan universiti terbaik di
dunia.  Secara umumnya, universiti terkemuka di dunia terbahagi kepada tiga kumpulan iaitu Universiti Apex,
Universiti Elit dan Universiti Kompetitif.

Universiti Apex yang pertama di Malaysia iaitu USM telah menerima pengiktirafan ini pada 27 Ogos 2008
daripada persetujuan sebulat suara Kabinet. Pemilihan USM sebagai Universiti Apex adalah berdasarkan kepada
tahap kesediaan USM untuk melalui transformasi dan pencapaian akademik. Antara matlamat penubuhan
Universiti Apex adalah untuk menjadi sebuah universiti yang tersohor dan menjadi universiti rujukan kepada
Universiti lain. Di samping itu, Universiti ini bertanggungjawab untuk menghasilkan pelajar yang cemerlang,
gemilang dan terbilang serta mampu menghasilkan kajian dalam bidang R&D&C yang berkualiti dan memberi
manfaat kepada masyarakat sejagat. Selain daripada itu, Universiti ini juga bertanggungjawab untuk
menghasilkan penyelidik yang bertaraf Nobel Laureate dan pensyarah bertaraf dunia

Universiti Apex telah diberi keistimewaan dan pengiktirafan yang tertinggi dari Kerajaan dengan diberi autonomi
penuh dari segi kewangan, skim perkhidmatan, pengurusan, pengambilan pelajar, perlantikan kakitangan,
pensyarah dan kepimpinan tertinggi serta penetapan yuran pengajian. Universiti Apex telah diberi fleksibiliti
untuk menyediakan keperluan bagi meletakkannya pada status berkelas dunia dan LPU yang terdiri daripada
profesional berkalibel yang mempunyai kuasa tadbir urus yang penuh. LPU ini bertanggungjawab untuk
melaksanakan proses pemilihan yang ketat untuk memilih calon terbaik bagi mengisi jawatan Naib Canselor dan
barisan pemimpin tertinggi Universiti.

Pemilihan pelajar juga akan dibuat berdasarkan kepada merit akademik dan kriteria lain yang dilaksanakan
secara holisitik termasuk melalui temu duga. Komposisi pelajarnya juga terdiri daripada masyarakat majmuk di
Malaysia dan sekurang-kurangnya 10 peratus pelajar antarabangsa.Bagi menjamin kecemerlangan akademik
yang berterusan, pemilihan ahli akademik yang cemerlang dan mempunyai kesarjanaan yang tersohor oleh
Universiti tersohor dunia seperti Universiti Harvard,  Universiti Oxford dan Universiti Cambridge akan dibuat
melalui pemilihan yang ketat dan kompetitif. Di samping, prestasi universiti ini juga akan dinilai berdasarkan
kepada sasaran KPI yang tinggi dan bertaraf antarabangsa. Sebagai sebuah pusat kecemerlangan, Universiti
Apex juga akan dilengkapi dengan segala kemudahan terbaik dan terkini yang mampu menarik tumpuan pelajar
pintar dan ahli akademik cemerlang dari pelosok dunia.

Bagi tujuan ini, Universiti Apex perlu mempunyai ciri-ciri berikut: iaitu:

1. Pemimpin » Cemerlang, berwawasan, bersemangat, dan komited untuk mencapai matlamat

Terbaik kecemerlangan dalam bidang kesarjanaan ;
» Pengurus dan pentadbir yang berbakat untuk mengurus sumber manusia serta aset
universiti yang lain ; dan
» Komunikator cemerlang yang fasih berbahasa Inggeris, bermoral tinggi, dan berintegriti
serta bertindak sebagai peniup semangat.
2. Fakulti » Ahli akademik yang berbakat dan tersohor kesarjanaannya dalam pelbagai bidang. Ahli
Terbaik akademik yang terdiri daripada rakyat tempatan dan rakyat luar negara akan
mewujudkan suntikan ilmu global yang sihat serta menjadi pengajar yang hebat selain
menjadi penyelidik yang cemerlang dalam bidang masing-masing.
» Teknik pengajaran sentiasa berkualiti dan relevan
» Penyelidikan mereka kreatif dan inovatif yang direka khusus untuk kemajuan
penyelidikan serta memperluas ilmu.
3. Pelajar Kecemerlangan akademik yang tinggi secara berterusan dan konsisten sepanjang jangka
Terbaik masa kursus ;
» Pencapaian yang baik melalui penilaian kualiti yang ketat ; dan
» Pelajar dalam dan luar negara yang cemerlang.
4. Kemudahan » Universiti Apex akan dilengkapi dengan kemudahan terbaik dan terkini untuk
Terbaik meningkatkan proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran serta menggalakkan penyelidikan
dan pembangunan.
Sehubungan itu,  diharapkan agar USM sebagai Universiti Apex yang pertama di Malaysia mampu melaksanakan
hasrat murni ini dengan  menjadi Universiti Bertaraf Dunia dan seterusnya menjadi role model kepada Universiti
lain dalam usaha untuk memperkasakan pengajian tinggi.

An APEX (Accelerated Programme for Excellence) University was further created in 2008,
hoped to be Malaysian’s first world class university. With this Malaysia hopes to bump its
universities up to the Top 100 in THE-QS world university ranking (THE-QS) by 2010. Due to
rapid changes in the Malaysian education landscape, not to mention the high expectation posed
on the academia, issues and complications may arise as Malaysia is venturing forward into
shifting the mindset of not only Malaysians but also the world that Malaysia too has an equal
footing in the global education arena. The challenges faced should be anticipated prior to APEX
implementation and strategies should be put in place in line with problem identification. The
impact this education revolution should be carefully weighed and studied especially the
foreseeable gap of education quality and funding allocation in APEX, research and other local
HEIs. The success of this new aspiration requires commitment, effort, collaboration and
cooperation from all, not only HEIs and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) but also
encompassing the government and corporate sectors.

PENANG, 6 May: A premier university not only needs to be recognized for its scientific
excellence but also as a treasure house for art and cultural heritage. In this way, there won’t be a
divide between these two fields.

Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. M. Zawawi Ismail, Chairman of the University Board of Directors said
that if fragmentation or knowledge divide occurs between these two fields, then the university
too will also be divided along these lines, where life calls for people to experience the diversity
that exists.

“The different forms of knowledge are interrelated, interlinked, interdependent and synergistic
with one another. Science per se, without the contribution of the arts, culture and heritage will
not provide a comprehensive perspective in facing reality, what more in developing a profile of
man and society that is prosperous,” he said during the launching of the ‘Karnival Sains Bestari
Sains & Seni 2010’ today.

The 'Karnival Sains Bestari Sains & Seni 2010’ today, now into its third year is organized by the
Tuanku Fauziah Museum & Art Gallery (MGTF) which has targeted more than 20 000 visitors

Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. M. Zawawi added that the carnival exemplifies the practice of the
university which not only unites the sciences and the arts but has also turned the carnival into a
medium for educating the community directly.

“The delivery of knowledge in the arts and sciences can be simplified through creative and
innovative presentations. Presenting facts and details about the sciences as well as the finer
aspects of the arts that in an interesting and captivating manner will create an atmosphere that
stimulates the mind so that these two areas will be better appreciated. This in turn can give
knowledge to the community, just like what this carnival attempts to do,” he added.

Also present at the event were Dato’ Mohd Nor bin Khalid SAC II; Wan Abdullah Tuanku Said,
Head of the Crime Investigation Department, Police Contingent, Penang and En. Hasnul Jamal
Saidon, Director of MGTF.

Picture: FOSSIL… Zawawi examining a fossil that was exhibited at the carnival.

Criteria for Apex varsity selection

CONGRATULATIONS to Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for being conferred the Apex
status, the nation’s only varsity to have been accorded the honour.

Many have questioned why the Apex (Accelerated Programme for Excellence) was awarded to
USM, while others have voiced their dissatisfaction over the manner in which the selection and
decision was made.
Such sentiments are due to the lack of understanding about the criteria required for a university
to be accorded Apex status.

If they had understood it, they would then be able to assess it in a more rational manner.

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin had stated that the ministry had
applied three conditions to assess the universities. These were “the state of readiness,
preparedness for change and preparation of the transformation plan”.

If these were the conditions for the award, then the university which fulfils them would
obviously win. Other factors were certainly not considered. We have to comply with and
understand the stated conditions because those were the areas that the government specifically
wanted to see.

World-class institutions such as Oxford and Cambridge which appear in the list of the 10 best
universities according to THES-QS (The Times Higher Education Supplement-Quacquarelli
Symonds), and Shanghai Jiao Tong were not listed in the Webometric survey for the year 2007
among the top 10 universities.

And why was that so? It was because Webometric uses a qualitative analysis obtained from the
Internet and the Web content of all the universities that were assessed. This therefore means that
if the website of a particular university does not appear to be compelling, then the University will
not fare well in the Webometric ranking.

Oxford or Cambridge are not upset or angry with the decisions made by Webometric because
they fully understand the conditions that were imposed.

Therefore all the other universities in the country which failed to be awarded Apex status need to
internalise and ask whether they were armed to the hilt with the requirements and reinforcements
to face the rigorous audit.

Members of the board of directors of the universities too might need to ask if they themselves
should also be accountable, and therefore need to focus their attention on this matter. If not, then
it is not necessary to question the decision of the Apex-awarding committee.

As the victor, USM has to live up to its new image, which comes with new challenges and

The other universities need to display their existing strengths and capabilities, apart from coming
up with a plan that could elevate them to even greater heights.

However, under the current circumstances, it would be difficult for the other universities to out-
perform USM because the Apex status comes with special privileges and advantages.
Needless to say, the other universities will be relegated to the proverbial status of “stepchildren”.
In the race towards excellence, it follows that with the privileges and advantages, USM would be
well ahead of the others.

These are some of the drawbacks that the other universities will have put up with.

One of the objectives of the Apex University is to be listed among the top 100 universities in the
world by 2020 and a pre-requisite factor in achieving this is through student enrolment.

The minister also added that he expected USM to be in the THES-OS ranking in five years and to
make it to the top 100 by 2020.

Meanwhile, USM Vice-Chancellor Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak made a statement that he
would question the THES-QS rankings. “What is so special about that ranking that we should
break our backs for it?”

He referred to the ranking as a “blind obesssion not fully understood by politicans”.

Such contradiction would confuse many people and the government should now come out with
clear statements regarding this.

The 2008 THES-QS rankings is expected to be out next month. What will happen if USM’s
position doesn’t improve, or if other Malaysian universities perform well and move up?.


"Transforming Higher Education for a Sustainable Tomorrow."

USM is a pioneering, transdisciplinary research intensive university that empowers future
    talents and enables the bottom billions to transform their socio-economic well-being.

Quality, Equity, Availability, Accessibility, Affordability, Appropriateness   

  Future-oriented,Unique, Sustainability, Humanity,Universality, Change, Sacrifice

UK Education System

British Education has long attracted and welcomed high caliber students of different nationalities and backgrounds,
and today builds on hundreds of years of experience in providing quality education to international students. To
ensure that the quality is maintained, Britain has implemented unrivalled quality assurance and academic audit
systems. The university departments are obliged to meet stringent standards by professional bodies. Standards are
high not just in teaching but in other facilities as well : Libraries, computers, research equipment and living

British higher and further education provides value for money by offering shorter, more intensive courses than are
available in many other countries, thereby reducing living expenses and time spent away from home. Closely
supervised study in an intellectually and culturally stimulating environment, together with an emphasis on student
welfare and close contact between staff and students also ensures that individual students get maximum support and,
as a result, pass rates are high and the drop-out rate for international students is very low.

Britain has long been a popular destination for Indian students. With more than 150 institutes of higher education to
choose from, all equipped with extensive facilities, Britain is able to offer a broad spectrum of subjects from the
highly academic to the purely practical in anything from architecture to zoology.

For more details of the costs of education and living in UK and comparisons of costs of education in UK with other
countries, check out the Expenses & Fees for International Students section.

Details about various Qualifications offered by UK Colleges and Universities:

1. First Degree Courses in Arts and Sciences (Bachelor's degree) are normally of three or four years'
duration and are largely taught courses, sometimes including the preparation of a short written thesis.

2. Sandwich Courses are where the coursework is accompanied by practical work. A student could either
complete 2 years of college, then a year of commercial training before returning for a final year in college.
Or, he/she could do a 4-year course with 3-6 months’ training interspersed each year. The main advantage
is that the student gets real experience while in the learning mode. Most universities offer this type of

3. Higher National Diploma (HND) is awarded by Vocational and Technical Educational Councils. They
offer a 2-year course in a vocational subject like scientific and technical business subjects. Great emphasis
is placed on work experience. It is often seen as the first step towards a degree course as the credits can be

4. Vocational Courses offer an opportunity to enter the university system slowly. Business and Technology
Education Council (BTEC), General Vocational Qualifications (GNVQ), General Scottish Vocational
Qualifications (GSVQ) offer recognized courses in a range of disciplines. Most students opt to take 1-2
years of, for example, BTEC courses before being transferred to a degree programme. BTEC national
certificates/diplomas are usually accepted as an alternative to A-Levels.

5. Postgraduate study may take the form of an independent piece of research under supervision or a taught
course, and leads to a variety of degrees and awards. The taught courses normally last for one or sometimes
two years. Completion of a doctorate normally takes a minimum of three years. Many post-experience
courses are also available, either leading to a qualification or providing a refresher course for graduates
wishing to update or extend their knowledge. Occasional students are admitted by some institutions in
limited numbers. They attend courses or undertake research, possibly for a period of one or two years.
These courses do not lead to any formal qualification or 'credit' although certificate of satisfactory
attendance may be given.
7. Universities and Colleges are reputedly the hallowed halls of intellectual development,
the schools of maturation from where the leaders of our world emerge to set the world
ablaze with the fruits of intellectualism. However, the produce all vary in flavors
according the nature of the curriculum prescribed. The most marked divergence of tastes
lie within institutions separated by oceans, and continents. Although the UK and USA
share an Anglo-Saxon culture, disparities are marked within ideals of their respective
education systems, further being indicative of their particular cultures.
8. In the USA, no matter if one is enrolled in a state school or a private liberal arts college,
it is expected that students will study academic subjects outside their intended field of
study. The premise of which is to cultivate a rounded individual, comfortably conversant
with all mediums of academic literature, whether of artistic or scientific character. Hence
on American campuses you will discover scenarios where historians may be taking
courses in astrophysics.
9. Needless to say such a scenario would not engender smiles on the faces of their British
counterparts, who have journeyed through system of education where from an early age
specialization has been expected. Thus by the time these students commence their
undergraduate training they are only expected to study within their chosen area of study. 
(This happens to less of a degree in Scottish universities, where students are encouraged
to explore topics beyond their major, although in reality students rarely venture beyond
their chosen faculty.
10. These structural differences influence changes within the deliverance of classes. Due to
obligation of students to study outside their fields of study the US prescribes a broader,
but less in depth of an enquiry of study.  Whereas, breadth is shunned in favor of more
narrowly focused, but deeper lines of study within British establishments.  Each system
has its strengths and weaknesses.  Critics of British education would point towards the
enforced learning of unnecessary information, whereas defenders of the British
universities may counter by accusations of? dumping down? in college classes. My
personal perception, based from studying in two small universities/colleges in the UK
and the US, that aside from a divergence between curriculum's, there is a marked
difference of ethos between UK and USA higher education institutions.
11. On American campuses, work is constantly requested from students on a daily basis. In
contrast the British university calendar invites extra-intensive work in patches, separated
by periods of lulls, thus creating large tracts of downtime between assignments. It this
downtime that characterizes the British university lifestyle where social life is the
veritable engine of UK university life, pushing academia into the passenger seat. In
contrast academia takes the fore in America colleges, largely due to structured system in
American colleges brought by an emphasis upon teaching. Work is definitely more
intensive in American colleges, which is to be expected given that American students pay
significantly more than their British counterparts, and hence American students tend to be
more motivated than their apathetic British counterparts.
12. So concluding with my personal endnote of bias, I would have to admit that American
Colleges invite more of a rigorous, dynamic intellectually arousing ethos, though at the
expense of cultivating an active social scene. The lessons derived within the UK
university establishment arise from outside the classroom within the pubs and clubs,
where social development rather than intellectual development takes preponderance.
Choose your pick!
13. By: Sunjit "Sunny" Lalli

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