Silabus Marketing UGM
Silabus Marketing UGM
Silabus Marketing UGM
Marketing Management
The goal of this course, accordingly, is to delineate the means of creating and
fulfilling these wants and needs. Creating this value requires that the marketing
manager must:
1. effectively assess marketing opportunities by analyzing customers,
competitors, and company (the 3 C's), and
2. design effective marketing programs by selecting appropriate strategies
for pricing, promotion, place, and product (the 4 P's)
Hence, at the completion of this course, you should be able to assess marketing
opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, and the company, and able to
design effective marketing programs by selecting appropriate product, price,
promotion, and place strategies.
This class is for you to discuss marketing management issues - please speak up!
Comments should reflect the reading. Meaningful participation will be considered
with borderline final grades. Hence, attendance and insightful participation in
discussion is required. In the event an assignment is missed due to absence, it
cannot be made up, unless arrangements are made prior to the absence.
No make-up exams will be given for exams missed without prior approval of the
instructor. Materials (cases, papers, presentations) will not be accepted late.
You should read assigned material and come to class prepared to discuss the
subjects to be covered. Class attendance is an important factor in learning and
an indicator of course grades.
Please note FE-UGM attendance policy: if you miss more than 25% of classes,
you will be dropped. Unless receiving notice from Academic Affairs reflecting an
extenuating circumstance, this policy remains in addition to the course policy
stated above.
1. Respect others
2. We will begin and end on time
3. Please turn off cell phones
4. Act Professional
5. No plagiarism
Kotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller (2006), Marketing Management, 12th ed.,
Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.