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1. Nomad is a four-wheel driye robot roughly the size of a small car. Nomad has searched for
meteorites in Chile and Antarctica. (which)
2. Nomad is one of a new breed of robots. The robots are programmed to make some decisions.
3. Nomad spent 45 days exploring the Atacama Desert inChile. The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) conducted field experiments for space missions in Chile.
4. The robot covered over 130 miles of difficult terrain in the Atacama Desert. The Atacama ...,J
Desert is one of the driest spots on Earth. (which)
5. Nomad is equipped with a video-based, panoramic camera. The camera takes one frame every
second. (that)
6. Nomad's chassis provides increased stability on rough terrain. Nomad's chassis can expand
or contract.
7. Nomad has also searched for meteorites in eastern Antarctica .Scientists have found
over 2,000 meteorites in seven previous visits.
8. Nomad has crossed Chile's desert sand and Antarctica's ice. The wheels were fitted
with cleats.The wheels were fitted with studded tires.
9. NASA scheduled Nomad for other expeditions.lhe expeditions included trips to the Moon.
10. Nomad produces geological maps through a particular technique. Scientists call the technique
patterned navigation.
11. Scientists were excited about Nomad's success. They are designing robots. The robots will last
several years and will cover thousands of miles.
12. The science of robotics continues to produce amazing technological advances. These advances
promise to disclose the secrets of both Earth and space.