Assignment L01-T6
Assignment L01-T6
Assignment L01-T6
Answer ALL questions
Question 1
Nb −V ×g×h
ln =
Na (υ 2 −υ1 )×k×T
Where: Nb and Na = Number of particles, V = Volume, g = Gravitational acceleration,
h = Distance, ν2 and ν1 = Specific volume, T = Absolute temperature, and
k = Boltzmann’s constant (unit J/K).
Determine whether the equation is dimensionally homogenous.
(10 marks)
(b) A mixture with average molecular weight of 51.2 contains 30.0 wt% acetone ,
acetaldehyde, and acetic acid. It is found that the volume of acetone as 150.0 ft 3.
i. Solve the mass fractions for acetaldehyde and acetic acid in the mixture.
(4 marks)
ii. Determine the number of moles (in lbmol) of each compound in the mixture.
(7 marks)
iii. Solve the volume of acetaldehyde and acetic acid (in ft ).
(4 marks)
Question 2
ρ=45.0exp(5.77×10 P)
Where; ρ is the density (in kg/m3) and P is the pressure (in N/m2).
iii. Calculate the density of the fluid (in lbm/ft3) if the pressure is 15.0 psi.
(2 marks)
(b) 0.5 kmol of ethane (C2H6) at 130C is placed in a 0.2 m 3 cylinder. Determine the
gauge pressure inside the cylinder using Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state
with the assumption C2H6 is a non-ideal gas and the atmospheric pressure as 1 atm.
(10 marks)
(c) Humid air at 88C and 1 atm with relative humidity of 95% is cooled to 27C at
constant pressure. Solve the dew point and degrees of superheat of the air at 88C.
(6 marks)
Question 3
A condenser is used to condense substances from gaseous to liquid state, typically by cooling it.
In this problem, a stream of humid air (58.0 mol% water) enters a condenser at 150C.
80% of the water vapor in the humid air is condensed and removed as pure liquid water.
Both gas and liquid phase streams leave the condenser at 30C. N2 gas leave the condenser
at the rate of 5.18 mol/s. Air consists of 21 mol% O2 and the balance N2.
Question 4
(a) In a large-scale steam methane (CH4) reforming plant, liquid H2O at 25C is first
evaporated at a rate of 1.50 m3/min. N2 gas is also feed to the evaporator at 25C
and absolute pressure of 250.0 kPa to avoid CH 4 combustion, which can be harmful.
The stream leaving the evaporator is mixed with a CH 4 stream before entering compressor.
The CH4 stream flows in at 25.0 m3/min at 25C and gauge pressure of 150.0 kPa.
The gases are subsequently compressed to a total absolute pressure of 500.0 kPa
at 200C and N2 must leave the compressor at an absolute pressure of 350.0 kPa.
In addition, the ratio of the molar flow rate of N 2 to H2O at the outlet stream leaving
the compressor is 5.0. The diagram of this evaporation-compression process is
shown below in Figure 2. Assume ideal gas behavior for the gas compounds and the
atmospheric pressure as 1 atm.
Figure 2
i. Solve the molar flow rate of H2O prior entering into the evaporator and molar
flow rate of CH4 prior entering into the compressor.
(6 marks)
ii. Calculate the molar composition (mol%) of H 2O, N2, and CH4 in the stream
leaving the compressor.
(6 marks)
iii. Determine the volumetric flow rate of N2 prior entering the evaporator.
(6 marks)
(b) A vapor mixture consist of 55 mol% 1-Propanol (C 3H8O) and 2-Propanol (C3H8O) is in
equilibrium with its liquid mixture at 70°C. The gas-liquid mixture exhibits ideal solution
behavior. Determine the system pressure and the composition of the liquid mixture.
(7 marks)
Question 5
In the first step of the nitric acid production, ammonia (NH 3) must be oxidized with excess
air to form nitric oxide (NO) and H 2O. However, NH 3 oxidation also produces N 2 and H2O
in another reaction. 5000.0 kmol/hr of NH 3 enters the reactor at 25°C and 1 atm.
On the other hand, the air enters at 200°C and 1 atm at the rate of 6100.0 kmol/hr
(assume air consists of 21 mol% O2 and the balance N2). The gas mixtures exits the reactor
at 800°C and 1 atm with N 2 gas leaving the reactor at the rate of 5000.0 kmol/hr.
Selectivity of the desired, NO relative to the undesired, N 2 is 0.16.
(15 marks)
A. List Of Formulations
ρi g kg lbm
1. SGi= ; ρref =1 . 000 3
=1000 . 0 3 =62 . 43 3
ρref cm m ft
1 x
2. M̄=∑ y i M i ; =∑ i
M̄ Mi
3 .n i=n io +νi ζ
Reactant input to process −Reactant output from process
4 . Overall Conversion= ×100 %
Reactant input to process
Reactant input to reactor −Reactant output from reactor
5 . Single-Pass Conversion= ×100 %
Reactant input to reactor
(nair , feed )−(nair ,theoretical ) n−n s
6 . % Excess Air= ×100 %; % Excess = ×100 %
(nair , theoretical ) ns
7 . Q̇−Ẇ s = Δ Ḣ+ Δ Ėk +Δ Ė p
8 . Δ H=
^ ∫ C p (T )dT
9 . Δ Ḣ=∑ ṅi H^ i −∑ ṅ i H^ i
out in
10 . ΔH =ξΔ H^ 0r + ∑ n out H^ out −∑ nin H^ in
out in
|n A , out−n A , in|
11. ξ=
|v A|
12. PV =nRT ; P V^ =zRT
V V^ Pc
13 . V^ = ;V ideal =
n r RT c
14 . P r = ;T r =
Pc Tc
RT αa
The SRK equation of state: P= −
V^ −b V^ ( V^ +b)
( RT c )2 RT 2
a=0 . 42747 ;b=0 . 08664 c ;m=0. 48508+1 . 55171ω−0 . 1561ω 2 ;α=[ 1+m(1−√ T r ) ]
Pc Pc
P V^ B
The virial equation of state truncated after the second term: =1+
RT c 0 . 422 0 . 172
B= (B o +ωB1 ); Bo =0. 083− ;B1 =0 . 139−
Pc T 1 .6 T 4 .2
r r
15 . pi = y i P= pi(T )
16 . pi = y i P= p¿i(T )
17 . p A = y A P=x p A A(T )
18 . p A = y A P=x A H A(T )
19 . sr (hr )= i¿ ¿100%
pi( T )
B. Gas Constant
Pressure 1 atm = 1.01325 x 105 N/m2 (Pa) = 101.325 kPa = 1.01325 bars
= 1.01325 x 106 dynes/cm2
= 760 mm Hg at 0C (torr) = 10.333 m H2O at 4C
= 14.696 lbf/in2 (psi) = 33.9 ft H2O at 4C
= 29.921 in Hg at 0C