Reference ACC Hardware
Reference ACC Hardware
Reference ACC Hardware
Abstract— Driver Assistance Systems like Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) can help to prevent accidents by
reducing the workload on the driver. ACC is an automotive feature that allows a vehicle's cruise control system to
adapt the vehicle's speed to the traffic environment. A radar system attached to the front of the vehicle is used to detect
whether slower moving vehicles are in the ACC vehicle's path. If a slower moving vehicle is detected, the ACC system
will slow the vehicle down and control the clearance, or time gap, between the ACC vehicle and the forward vehicle. If
the system detects that the forward vehicle is no longer in the ACC vehicle's path, the ACC system will accelerate the
vehicle back to its set cruise control speed. This operation allows the ACC vehicle to autonomously slow down and
speed up with traffic without intervention from the driver. The purpose of this paper is to describe Failure Modes and
Effects Analysis (FMEA) and fault tree analysis (FTA) based safety-critical approach towards to development of
Adaptive Cruise Control system from a safety perspective. This approach using FMEA starts at early system design.
Thus, weaknesses in the design, leading to potential accidents, can be identified early and necessary interventions
Keywords: adaptive cruise control, safety analysis, speed control, FMEA, FTA.
Safety is a property of a system that it will not endanger human life or the environment. A failure of a safety-
critical system can lead to injuries and even loss of life it is extremely important to provide designers with safety
assessment methods that help to minimize the risk of the occurrence of such disastrous events. There are two safety
assessment methods mostly used in the safety analysis. One of the method is failure mode and effective analysis (F
MEA) [1]. In FMEA, trained engineers or system designers team analyses the cause consequence relationships of
component failures on system hazards. Second method is Fault tree analysis, serves as an effective method in reducing
component level testing effort and also plan an effective integration and system testing.
There are many applications that have traditionally been considered safety critical but the scope of the definitionha
s to be expanded as computer systems continue to be introduced into many areas that affect our lives.The future is likel
y to increase dramatically the number of computer systems that we consider to be safety critical [2]. The droppi
ng cost of hardware, the improvement in hardware quality, and other technological developments ensure that new appl
ications will be sought in many domains. The cost of critical system failure is so high means trusted
methods and techniques must be used for development. Adaptive cruise control (ACC) is an intelligent form of cr
uise control that slows down and speeds up automatically to keep pace with the car in front of you. If a slower mo
ving vehicle is detected, the ACC system will slow the vehicle down and control the clearance, or time gap, betwe
en the ACC vehicle and the forward vehicle. If the system detects that the forward vehicle is no longer in the ACC ve
hicle's path, the ACC system will accelerate the vehicle back to its set cruise control speed. Adaptive cruisecontrol is
also called active cruise control, autonomous cruise control, intelligent cruise control, or radar cruisecontrol.This is
the case because distance is measured by a small radar unit behind the front grille or under the bumper. The Focus of t
his paper is to investigate the failures of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system using FMEA and FTA methods.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2 deals with safety analysis section 3 describes case study of Adaptiv
e Cruise Control, section 4 presents Failure Mode and Effect Analysis of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), section 5
presents Fault Tree analysis of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)and final section concludes the paper.
Hazard identification: This step identifies the potential hazards in the proposed system.
Risk assessment: This examines each of the identified hazards to determine how much of a threat they pose. Th
is assists in deciding the steps required to reduce the risks to acceptable levels. Many initial safety requirements are se
t at this stage.
Preliminary system safety assessment (PSSA): This phase is concerned with ensuring that a proposed design can m
eet its safety requirements and also with refining these safety requirements as necessary.
System safety assessment: This stage is concerned with producing the evidence that demonstrates the safety re
quirements have been met by the implementation.
Safety Analysis methods: FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) and FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) are typical r
eliability analysis methods, that are widely used. The failures that are occurred in the Adaptive Cruise Control are
identified by using FMEA.
FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis): Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a step by step approach for i
dentifying all possible failures in adesign, a manufacturing or assembly process, or a productor service. Failures are pri
oritized according to how serioustheir consequences are, how frequently they occur and how easily they can be detect
ed. The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the highest priority ones.
Example of FMEA is shown in Figure 1. FMEA consists of three main phases. In the first phase of identification, one
needs to determine what can go wrong. In the second phase of analysis, one is required to identify the probability of
failure, its
consequences and according to this calculate the risk priority number. In the third phase one should think out how toeli
minate the occurrence or reduce the severity of undesired results. Failures are prioritized according to how serious
their consequences are, how frequently they occur and how easily they can be detected.
The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures, starting with the highest-priority
ones. Failure modes and effects analysis also documents current knowledge and actions about the risks of failures, for use
in continuous improvement. FMEA is used during design to prevent failures. Later it’s used for control, before and
during ongoing operation of the process. Ideally, FMEA begins during the earliest conceptual stages of design and
continues throughout the life of the product or service.
FTA(FaultTreeAnalysis): Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a popular and productive hazard identification tool. It prov
ides a standardizeddiscipline to evaluate and control hazards. The FTA process is used to solve a wide variety of
As shown in Figure 3, the ACC system consists of a series of interconnecting components and systems.The methodof co
mmunication between the different modules is via a serial communication network known as the Controller Area
Network (CAN).The ACC module is shown in Figure 4.
ACC Module
Radar system
ACC Module – The primary function of the ACC module is to process the radar information and determine if a
forward vehicle is present. When the ACC system is in 'time gap control', it sends information to the Engine Control and
Brake Control modules to control the clearance between the ACC Vehicle and the Target Vehicle. The Functions in the
ACC are Radar signal, vehicle speed signal and braking signal. The Radar signal transmits the radar
information to all interconnecting components and systems.
Engine Control Module – The primary function of the Engine Control Module is to receive information from the ACC
module and Instrument Cluster and control the vehicle's speed based on this information. The Engine Control Module
controls vehicle speed by controlling the engine's throttle.
Brake Control Module – The primary function of the Brake Control Module is to determine vehicle speed via each wheel
and to decelerate the vehicle by applying the brakes when requested by the ACC Module. The braking system is
hydraulic with electronic enhancement, such as an ABS brake system, and is not full authority brake by wire.
Instrument Cluster – The primary function of the Instrument Cluster is to process the Cruise Switches and send their
information to the ACC and Engine Control Modules. The Instrument Cluster also displays text messages and telltales
for the driver so that the driver has information regarding the state of the ACC system.
FMEA is a bottom up technique used to identify, prioritize, and eliminate potential failures from the system,
design or process. The failures of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) using FMEA method are listed in Table I.
Radar Failure
Noise failure
Error with
by all distance
electronic increases
Radar component
clutter failure
This event cannot be described further and is therefore considered an undeveloped event. Clutter refers to radio
frequency (RF) echoes returned from targets which a e uninteresting to the radar operators. Such targets include natural
objects such as ground, sea, precipitation (such as rain, snow or hail), sand storms, animals (especially birds),
atmospheric turbulence, and other atmospheric effects, such as ionosphere reflections, meteor trails, and three body
scatter spike. Clutter may also be returned from man-made objects such as buildings and, intentionally, by radar
counter measures such as chaff. The third fault is Signal noise, it is an internal source of random variations in the signal,
which is generated by all electronic components. Reflected signals decline rapidly as distance increases, so noise
introduces a radar range limitation. The noise floor and signal to noise ratio are two different measure of performance
that impact range performance. Reflectors that are too far away produce too little signal to exceed the noise floor and
cannot be detected. Detection requires a signal that exceeds the noise floor by at least the signal to noise ratio. Noise
typically appears as random variations superimposed on the desired echo signal received in the radar receiver. The lower
the power of the desired signal, the more difficult it is to discern it from the noise. Noise figure is a measure of the noise
produced by a receiver compared to an ideal receiver, and this needs to be minimized. The failures of speed sensor using
FTA is shown in Figure 6.
Speed Sensor
The Vehicle Speed sensor measures transmission output or wheel speed. The speed sensor faulted due power supply
to sensor system fails and also faults in the crucial electronic components. When wiring of the speed sensor was
defect then there is no power supply to sensor and also subsystems connecting to the sensors fails. The crucial electronic
components of any sensor are resistors, electrolytic capacitors, ceramic capacitors, metal film capacitors, power
MOSFETs. Failure of these components leads to sensors failure which in turn causes catastrophic problems when these
sensors used in critical application. Sudden component failure generates enough heat due to fault current to damage and
carbonize the sensor’s insulating material. This carbonization can lead to conduction between traces at different
potentials and may cause sensor to fail.
Recommendation To Designer:
To overcome radar sensor failures:
a) Radar sensor is failed due to failures of Electrical components , induced noise and clutter effects. The clutter effects
are occurred due change in weather condition and road condition. So components used in the radar
should be resistible to weather condition and road condition. The electrical components used in the radar should re
liable and properly worked.
b) The radar sensor in the front shall detect small objects (e.g. a motorcycle) or a vehicle driving far off center. An
extra radar sensor should be added in the back of the vehicle to detect the speed and distance of vehicles behind.
To overcome speed sensor failures:
a) Placing components strategically can help limit damage to the sensors when components fail thermally
or heat due to large amounts of power dissipation.
b) Robust design for environmental stresses is needed.
c) Components that generate heat should be placed away from fault sensitive parts such as the power
d) supply or input
e) Components that may fail exothermically, such as power FETs can be strategically placed such that a failure
does not propagate beyond the component.
Adaptive Cruise Control system was developed for the purposes of driving safety and comfort. It reduces the number
of brake and switch operations that are required of the driver. As a result, the system reduces the driving burden so that
the driver can drive in comfort. This paper has investigated the possible failures in Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
system using FMEA and FTA in the failure analysis of safety-critical system. We have identified the failures that
commonly occur in the working of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system. The failures parts in the ACC system are
radar failures, speed sensor failures and brake sensor failures. The effects and causes of these ACC parts are identified by
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