A Discrete Study of The SIR Model: Grant Boquet, Brandy Stigler May 7, 2004
A Discrete Study of The SIR Model: Grant Boquet, Brandy Stigler May 7, 2004
A Discrete Study of The SIR Model: Grant Boquet, Brandy Stigler May 7, 2004
Modeling epidemics has played a vital role in predicting the im-
pact of a disease in a population and the ability of the population
to overcome it. In particular, the Kermack–McKendrick model has
been used extensively to describe the spread of various infectious dis-
eases. While the formal model is simple, in general it cannot be solved
analytically, rendering complete descriptions of dynamics intractable.
Typically numerical methods are employed, which can only discover
some of the dynamical properties of the model. We propose the use
of discrete models to qualitatively capture all the dynamics of these
1 Introduction
In 1927, W. Kermack and A. McKendrick first proposed a model to “explain
the rapid rise and fall in the number of infected patients observed in epidemics
such as the plague (London 1665-1666, Bombay 1906) and cholera (London
1865)” [8]. In 1979, M. Anderson and M. May resurrected the Kermack–
McKendrick model, as known as the SIR model, for the spread of infectious
diseases [8]. More recently, this simple epidemiological model consisting of
three coupled ordinary differential equations has been used for a variety of
epidemics, including HIV and SARS ([3], [7]). Due to its applicability, it
has become the foundation for more complex, more realistic epidemiological
In the next section, we present a formal description of the class of SIR
models, as well as some mathematical properties. For a particular model,
we construct two discrete models in Section 3, and show that their dynamics
are qualitatively similar to the continuous dynamics in Section 4. We then
apply these techniques to an SIR model for the spread of the plague in 1665
and discuss the results in Section 5. We close with some remarks on further
application of these discrete models.
−βSI + βSI − γI + γI = 0.
Moreover, the model has a special constant r0 associated to it, called the
reproductive number, which is an indicator of the ability of a disease to prop-
r0 =
where S0 is the initial number of susceptible people. If r0 < 1, then the
disease will die out, whereas if r0 > 1, it may become an epidemic [8].
The system in Equation 1 is a set of coupled ODEs that have the potential
to be stiff (not well-posed for perturbations that are too large) depending
on the size of the population. In this study, we set the population size to be
500,000. In addition, the values of β = 0.00001 and γ = 0.5 were chosen,
thus defining an instance of an SIR model for a disease with reproductive
number 10. It is for this model that we perform the following analysis using
discrete models.
states. Therefore, the following function was used to Booleanize the states
of S, I, and R:
0 x < 25, 000
B(x) =
1 x ≥ 25, 000.
001 011
101 111
000 010
100 110
Boolean trajectories, that is, orientation of the edges on the 3–cube, are
obtained as follows. Starting at a feasible vertex, initial values for the pop-
ulations S, I, and R that correspond to the Boolean state are chosen. Then
the Boolean model is numerically solved. For the initial state (1,0,0), the
Figure 2: The solution for the Boolean model with initial conditions S0 =
499, 999, I0 = 1, and R0 = 0, which corresponds to the Boolean state (1,0,0).
Red = S, green = I, and blue = R.
numerical solution is given in Figure 2. Each time the solution crosses the
threshold, a new Boolean state has been visited and an edge is given an ori-
entation. For example, the trajectory corresponding to the solution in Figure
2 is
100 → 110 → 111 → 011 → 001 → 001.
(We suppress parentheses and commas to facilitate readability.) In this way
we were able to orient the edges on the 3–cube. Dynamics can then be read
from the directed paths on the cube. The resulting hypercube projection is
displayed in Figure 1 and all trajectories are listed in Table 1.
We find that there is one fixed point, 001, and one “unstable source” (a
vertex with outdegree > 1), 101. Two trajectories are possible from 101,
depending on the value of S or R being close to the threshold. Further-
more, there are two edges without orientation: 110 — 010 and 101 — 100.
We note that the transitions 110 → 010 and 100 → 101 are viable, though
we were unable to find initial conditions that made these transitions. The
opposite directions, however, are not viable: by the definition of the con-
tinuous system, the susceptible population cannot grow in size, nor can the
recovered/removed group decrease.
Data1-Data2-Data4 Data1-Data2-Data3
f1 = x1 (x3 + 1) f1 = x2 x3 + (x2 + x3 )(x1 + 1) + 1
f2 = x1 x2 + (x1 + x2 )(x3 + 1) f2 = x3 (x1 + 1) + 1
f 3 = x 2 x3 + x 2 + x 3 f 3 = x 2 x3 + x 2 + x 3 .
Figure 3: State space of the model for (a) Data1-Data2-Data4 and (b) Data1-
Data2-Data3. A cross indicates omission of a node and all adjacent links.
for I in the second model translates to S ∨ ¬R, which also has a similar
interpretation. The update functions for R in both models are identical:
I ∨ R.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: (a) Solutions for S. (b) Solutions for I. (c) Solutions for R.
Using this time series of Boolean states, we computed the polynomial model
and showed its dynamics in Figure 6.
These functions were computed using only a single time series. To gain
insight from the form of the polynomials, we rewrite them using Boolean
250 ’R.out’
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 5: The solution of the Boolean Eyam model. Red = S, dark blue =
I, light blue = R.
f1 = x1
f2 = x3 + 1
f 3 = x 2 x3 + x 2 + x 3
Figure 6: (a) The polynomial model for the Eyam data and (b) its state
6 Conclusion
Presented were two discrete methods for simulating continuous models (sys-
tems of coupled ODEs). Both proved to correctly capture behavior of the
continuous model by numerical simulation. One approach that may be taken
to further validate their capabilities is to apply these methods to a system
with periodic steady states. Detecting these cycles in the hypercube would
demonstrate this method’s applicability to more complicated biological sys-
tems. This could be done by adding support for a changing population size
in the used SIR model by introduction of a birth rate and migration.
[1] Discrete visualizer of dynamics. http://dvd.vbi.vt.edu.
[5] J. Lewis and L. Glass. Steady states, limit cycles, and chaos in models
of complex biological networks. Intl J Bifur Chaos, 1, 1991.
[7] Turinici G. Ng, T. and A. Danchin. A double epidemic model for the sars
propagation. BMC Infect Dis, 3:19, 2003.