Internal Teacher: " No One Was Really Taught by Another. Each of Us Has To Teach Himself

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Internal Teacher

“ No one was really taught by another. Each of us

has to teach himself.

The external teacher offers only suggestions that

arouse the internal teacher to understand things.”
Swami Vivekanand
What is Success
• Achieving Goals
• Hitting the Target
• Getting the desired results
• Ability to do a job, the way you wanted

Success is not a destination.

It’s continuous journey.
First & most important
• Desire, Dream
A Burning Desire
• “Swapn” “Khwab” “Eksha” “Lakshya”
• Goal - Target
A Positive Attitude
S M AR T Target ?
• S- Specific
• M- Measurable
• A- Achievable
• R- Realistic / Relevant
• T- Time bound
Second Element of Success

Knowledge of your field / job you are doing

• You need practice to acquire SKILL to
perform the job

• And there fore the third basic element for


What type of skills ?
• Skill of doing your job properly / correctly
• Communication skills
• Complaint handling skills
• Negotiation skills
• Managing skills
• Skill of dealing with people……etc.
• Listening Skills
Hard Work & Hard Work
• There is no substitute of HARD WORK

Keep doing your best

“Winners don’t do different
They do things
differently ”
- Shiv Khera
• One of the reasons why we don’t use
what we know is
lack of follow-up.
• The key to doing that is known-

Repetition is the key to overcoming each

of the reasons people don’t do what
they know.
• Without immediate follow up after
being exposed to new ways of doing

they will revert back to

their old habits.
• Focused repetition,
positive thinking,
and a follow-up structure
changed people’s lives.
To keep RECALL high (75%)
• Review within 24 hrs. of learning
• Then after one week
• Then after one month
• There after every 6 months
-from a book by John Townsend
For more effective use of
• People should learn less information
more often, rather than learn more
information less often.

• Rather than reading a large number of

books, people should read a smaller
number of books more times.
Training methods
Analyzing the training need
Defining Training Objectives.
Developing the training scenario
(way of conducting training)
Selecting the training material
Deliver the training
Assessing (Evaluation)
MIS (Reports)
What is the purpose of a training objective?

– Develop a training course.

– Select the training methods adapted to each
individual training sequence.
– Identify required training material.
– Measure learning after or during training and
adjust accordingly.
2 - What is a training objective?
• A training objective describes
what trainees should achieve and how.
• Once the objective is defined, move to the
next step:

• Developing the training scenario

• The explanatory / demonstrative method.
– The interrogative / participative method.
– The discovery method (exploratory). Why
do we use different training

– What is a training material/aid?

• The different training aids.
– Equipment.
– Parts & written material .
– Trainee material.
– Trainer material.
– What to assess and why?

– An assessment is a benchmark:
– Achievement vs. Objective;
– Before vs. After
• analysis,
• design,
• development,
• delivery, and
• Evaluation
• MIS (Reports)
• Follow up
In Short-
• 1. Prepare list of your workshop people on
Excel sheet. Write down their training needs.
2. Prepare training plan on the prescribed format
supplied by us (For One To One training &
Group Training on the same Excel sheet) as per
the training need and guidelines provided by
MILE and send the plan to your M&M CCM,
MILE & Tekliner on or before 28th of every month
for the next month
• For one to one training give priority to
those good technicians who may be
promoted as Electro-Technicians (ETEKs).
Train them on the topics attached with my
mail sent to coteks on 25th July 09.
• Eligibility – English & computer
literates, basic Scorpio trained. Having
interest in learning
• 3. Conduct training as per the Plan.
• 4. Send the training completion report on
the same plan Excel sheet by filling green
color in the cells on which training was
done and red in the cells on which training
was not done because of some reason.
Give the reason attaching tag with the cell.
Send this report by 3rd of every month for
the last month.
(Attach the details of groups along with the
plan and report)
Palan’s FUN formula

• FUN multiplied by Content = Results

• Content- Scale 0 to 10
• (0 no content, 10 full content)
• FUN- scale 0 to 10 scale
• (0 no FUN, 10full FUN
• Full Content (10) * No FUN(0)= Result 0
• No Content (0) * Full FUN(10)= Result 0
(It must be a balance of content & Fun)
Wrap ups-

• -Powerful close, lasting impressions

• -Encourage application back on the job.

• -Summaries key points in FUN way.

 Close session by creating excitement

Communication is

expressing and understanding

self and others
Elements of communication
• Sender
• Receiver
• Message
• Medium (face to face, phone, mail, letter video
conferencing etc.)
Elements of communication
Sender Receiver
Medium (face to face, phone, mail, letter video
conferencing etc.)

Desired Response

Effective Communication
Elements of Effective
(Keep It Short & Simple)


Feed back
Elements of Effective



Elements of Effective

And the most important is –

(which carries more than 50% importance)

Reasons for not completing an
assigned JOB.
The most common reason is
T I M E !

(I was too busy SIR and could not complete this job)
We had TIME

but busy in some

other jobs like – watching movie, cricket
match or some other serial over TV,
gossiping with friends etc.
Give Priority to the jobs which

are important and which would

give us desired results.
• “You will never find time for
anything. If you want time, you
must make (plan).”

- Charls Btxton
Happiness forever
If you want to be happy for ever
and every day-

your JOB!
your Profession!
How can we love the present

By learning to do your job in a professional

By learning how to do your job
perfectly-> You will enjoy 70-80%
time of your life every day

(Job satisfaction would bring happiness at

your home also)
LEARN & practice
Knowing is not DOING
DOING is Doing

Revise the learning

Practice the learning
Is there any thing free to improve
your looks ?
YES !!!

Smile a lot ; it costs nothing
You are never completely dressed without a

“He who is without a smile

should not be a merchant”
Thank You .

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