Thematic Exploration of Digital, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing PDF
Thematic Exploration of Digital, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing PDF
Thematic Exploration of Digital, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing PDF
Keywords: digital marketing, social media, mobile marketing, research agenda, marketing practice
ver the past decade and a half, marketing academics most interestingly, how technology has facilitated novel market
8,000 7,612
5,000 4,164
672 498
1,000 177 27 7
psychological phenomena in DSMM domains or using extant “crowdfunding,” “direct marketing,” “freemium”) or were
“off the shelf” theories to explain effects, rather than advancing more general or methodological and cut across many topic areas
our knowledge of psychology by examining truly novel digital (e.g., “market dynamics,” “optimization,” “complex systems”).
phenomena. Finally, we also examined the prevalence of DSMM topics/
Fifth, DSMM work has a “long tail” that includes many keywords in the popular business press over our 15-year time
other types of keywords. Note that Figure 1, Panel A, does frame. This is depicted in Figure 1, Panel B. A comparison of
not include the entire “long tail” of topics but only ones that the prevalence of topics in academic journals and practitioner-
appeared at least five times. Fifty other words appeared five focused press is mostly encouraging when considered in the
times or fewer. Many of these words are related to topics aggregate. While it is not surprising to see that practitioners
that were important at some time because they reflected have been less focused on the development of analytical
an intriguing phenomenon of substantive interest (e.g., methods than have academics, some of the more strongly
WOM 0 0 6 4 17 49 69 115 163 225 321 391 512 524 132 2528 168.5
Social networks 0 4 19 23 30 42 47 52 59 74 122 147 253 239 32 1143 76.20
Decision aids 2 11 32 27 31 40 37 45 56 69 53 66 54 66 14 603 40.20
UGC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 11 14 33 92 178 110 441 29.40
Community 0 0 2 7 11 17 24 23 36 50 50 56 57 55 13 401 26.73
Consumer-focused 0 0 0 1 6 9 23 22 38 36 39 38 67 84 20 383 25.53
Sales-focused 0 0 0 4 9 15 15 21 30 27 29 28 49 50 13 290 19.33
Legal/regulation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 23 48 107 73 259 17.27
Paid search 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 31 36 64 61 209 13.93
Retailing 0 0 0 1 4 14 9 13 22 30 19 25 18 36 10 201 13.40
Pricing 0 2 4 7 12 15 9 13 13 15 14 15 12 17 10 158 10.53
Display/banner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 10 15 14 12 31 9 107 7.13
Diffusion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 35 55 3 100 6.67
Keyword 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 11 15 32 5 71 4.73
Search engines 0 1 0 4 0 5 2 3 6 6 6 3 4 10 1 51 3.40
Mobile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 10 .67
Individual expression Benefits the consumer by Benefits the consumer via sharing Benefits both the consumer and the Benefits the firm differently with
augmenting offline life: of opinions and narratives: firm through viral transmission and regard to volume vs. valence:
• Kozinets (2002) • Kozinets et al. (2010) content creation: • You, Vadakkepatt, and Joshi
• Schau and Gilly (2003) • Schlosser (2005) • Berger and Milkman (2012) (2015)
Benefits the firm through WOM: Benefits the firm through WOM: • Toubia and Stephen (2013)
• Dellarocas (2003) • Chevalier and Mayzlin (2006)
• Godes and Mayzlin (2004) • Godes and Mayzlin (2004)
• Trusov, Bucklin and Pauwels
The Internet as a tool For consumers to raise choice For firms and consumers to gain For marketers, who can benefit from For firms and consumers, who can
quality without higher price/effort: information from network position: UGC: benefit by using or buying search
• Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) • Chen, Liu, and Whinston (2009) • Albuquerque et al. (2012) terms:
• Häubl and Trifts (2000) • Ghose and Yang (2009) • Ghose and Han (2011) • Narayanan and Kalyanam (2015)
• Lynch and Ariely (2000) • Goldenberg, Oestreicher-Singer, • Ghose, Ipeirotis, and Li (2012)
and Reichman (2009) • Goldenberg, Oestreicher-Singer,
• Trusov, Bodapati, and Bucklin and Reichman (2012)
(2010) • Moe and Trusov (2011)
• Katona and Sarvary (2008) • Shriver, Nair, and Hofstetter (2013)
• Katona, Zubcsek, and Sarvary • Stephen and Galak (2012)
(2011) • Tirunillai and Tellis (2012)
• Stephen and Toubia (2010) • Wang, Mai, and Chiang (2014)
• Villanueva, Yoo, and Hanssens
• Watts and Dodds (2007)
Marketing intelligence For observing, analyzing and • Wilbur and Zhu (2009) From specific social media At lower cost than other methods:
source predicting behavior: platforms: • Du, Hu, and Damangir (2015)
• Ansari, Essegaier, and Kohli • Naylor, Lamberton, and West • Kim and Krishnan (2015)
(2000) (2012)
• Bradlow and Schmittlein (2000) • Toubia and Stephen (2013)
• Bucklin and Sismeiro (2003) • Wilcox and Stephen (2012)
• Chatterjee, Hoffman, and Novak
• Montgomery et al. (2004)
discontinuity analysis, the authors are able to present causal important development in this literature. However, we can
arguments without conducting costly field experiments. It still benefit from testing these theories comprehensively and
is likely that new analytic techniques, coupled with rele- developing a better understanding of how the mobile and
vant behavioral theory, multiple data sources, and creative nonmobile DSMM contexts relate to each other (e.g., Ghose
methods, will help us to further understand the immersive and Han 2011; Shriver, Nair, and Hofstetter 2013). As noted
experience that consumers have with DSMM technologies in Ghose and Han (2011) and Shriver, Nair, and Hofstetter
across multiple channels and goals and, therefore, to identify (2013), results from the mobile domain appear to be a bit
the best stand-alone or combined uses of channels of both different from those found in the nonmobile context. It may
communication and sales available to marketers. New work be that these findings can be reconciled by recognizing that
that considers “social TV”—how consumers use social media mobile may present a more task-oriented focus for con-
while watching television—and how this multitasking behavior sumers, while nonmobile Internet use lends itself more to
affects advertising effectiveness (Fossen and Schweidel 2016) network building and relationship development. At present,
is a good example of this approach that will become increasingly though, such explanations are only speculative. That said, as
important moving forward. the world becomes heavily “mobile first” with respect to how
consumers use the Internet, mobile versus nonmobile com-
parative research might lose relevance rapidly. Thus, we
Toward a Theory of Mobile Marketing advocate that researchers focus on understanding the mar-
Relatedly, mobile use represents a domain of online–offline keting value of aspects of mobile technology that allow
convergence that warrants independent consideration—and, marketers and/or consumers to do things that cannot be done
importantly, will require the development of a data-driven with nonmobile technology (e.g., geo-located ad targeting;
theory. There are good reasons to push at this point for a making use of sensors in mobile devices that measure ambient
comprehensive theory of mobile marketing. This is not to say contextual attributes, or even user biometrics, in the case of
that no theories of mobile use have been offered. In fact, wearable devices).
conceptualizations of mobile marketing were described five Arguably the best way to develop a more comprehen-
to six years ago in specialized journals (e.g., Shankar and sive understanding and more generalizable theory of mobile
Balasubramanian 2009; Shankar et al. 2010). A recent review consumer behavior and mobile marketing will be to combine
and agenda-setting article by Grewal et al. (201) is also an big data with field experiments that enable consumer-level
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