The Background of The Study
The Background of The Study
The Background of The Study
In addition, Chamot (1993, cited in Madsa, 2012) argued that the students in class
experienced the poorest condition of speaking. That was a result from lack of
speaking practice. Moreover, the students, especially Asian students tend to be
reluctant to speak English in class and after class. They need lecturer to encourage
and motivate them to speak.
Similarly, based on researcher observation, students of English Education 18 A
have difficulties to speak English. They spent to much time to think what to say and
how to start. Also, when lecturer asks students to speak, almost all of them were lack
in accuracy, fluency, and comprehension.
They do not know how to pronounce the words correctly. It is also proven on the
data that researcher got that they have low grade in speaking test. The number of
students who got the score higher than 4minimum standard score (KKM) in that
university that is 148 is only 44 %.
To solve this problem, it can be done by some techniques or strategies of learning
speaking to improve students’ speaking skill. In the research, a World Cafe Strategy
(WCS) strategy is assumed able to improve students’ speaking skill. The researcher
believes that the WCS strategy can improve the students’ speaking skill because in
this strategy, the students could speak about what they think in the group in informal
situation. So, the students will be enjoying speaking. In addition, if the students
practice more in speaking they will get better in their speaking skill.
WCS is a learning strategy that allows students to gather and share information
from one group to another group. The information can be the new learning point, a
review of previously learnt information or a reflection of understanding about the
topic (Brown, 2001).
There are two previous researches that had been done by other researchers. First,
Hornett (2007) conducted a research entitle “World café: simulating seminar
dialogues in a large class” in Penn State, Great Valley. It found that the students in the
larger class using World café reported in course evaluation and in conversational
anecdotes that they enjoyed the learning experiences in the course. Second, Anderson
(2012) conducted a research entitle “Use the World Café concept to create an
interactive learning environment” in Cardiff University. It is found that the World
Cafe idea is suitable for use during a full day or a half a day meeting if the topic
relates to complex clinical experiences or encounters.
Beside that, the WCS is a friendly way for creating meaningfuland cooperative
dialogue around question. It could gather for collaborative thought. It build in small,
intimate conversations link and build each other as people move between groups.
2.1 Speaking Skills
2.1.1 Definition of Speaking Skills
Speaking is the capability of someone to communicate orally with others. It is
the skill that use real life situation (Liao, 2009). Therefore, Nazarah (2011) argued
that speaking is specific spoken discourses that entail the elements of language when
also consider its function and social norm. It means to speak foreign language learners
should use the culturally acceptable ways of interacting with others in different
situations and relationship (Hanh, 2011).
Furthermore, speaking is verbal way of communication that has two purposes,
transactional and intransactional (Nunan, 1999, cited in Nazarah, 2011). Transactional
is the way for one direction communication while intransactional is the way for two
direction communication. Then, making the intransactional is the most dominate
speaking context for social purposes such as to inform, ask information, describe
something, and give direction.
Moreover, speaking is a skill that required ability to process information and
language (Madsa, 2012). It is human’s brain that does process as complex process. It
uses brain to process sound input to brain. Then, the input that have been received
will be processed in brain. It will analyze information and then the language faculty in
brain will produce some words for respons. It such something that human can master
years since they were a baby then they can extend their ability with learning and
Similarly, Ann (1999) said that speaking skill is active production skill and use
as oral production. It is a complex term that need multi sensory speech event that
topic could become unpredictable. The sensory is the sensitive area of human
brain. Human use sensor to interprete something. It is done by brain in speaking. It
needs multisensory speech event. It needs ability to use linguistic and social linguistic
as the consideration to communicate orally. It is mostly spontaneous, open-ended, and
In addition, Widiati and Cahyono (2006) said: Spoken language involves
paralinguistic feature such as tamber (breathy, creaky), voice qualities, tempo,
loudness, facial and bodily gestures, as well as prosodic features such as intonation,
pitch, stress, rhythm, and pausing. Thus, spoken language which employs variability
and flexibility is in fact as complex as written language, meaning that each is complex
in its own way.
Then, Somdee and Suppasetseree (2012) stated that speaking is oral
productionskillwhichentailsrequirestheprocessofcommunicative competence,
pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary to improve for the way of communication.
Also, Ur (1996, cited in Chi, 2011) said:
. . . of all the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing),
speaking seems intuitively the most important: people who know the
language are referred to as “speakers” of that language, as if speaking
included all other kinds of knowing; and many if not most foreign
language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak.
Hurlock then said that the interest is more permanent or direct (persistent) as
interest in satisfying an important need in someone's life. The stronger the need, the
more powerful and enduring interest to meet those needs. The more frequently
expressed interest in activities, then the stronger that interest. Interests will be
extinguished when not channeled in activities and even when it cannot provide
satisfaction , then at some point will feel less interested even boring . Hurlock define
boredom as an opponent and interest consisting of feeling bored and discontent.
In addition, Guilford in Hamzah et al. (2011) defined that person's interest as a
tendency to behave as a particular case. Furthermore , Semiawan in Hamzah et al.
(2011) argues that interest is a mental state that produces a response directed to a
specific situation or object that is fun and raises satisfaction . Thus the interest that
arises from a person caused more by external factors that are nearby. That is, when
one is confronted with an object or an atmosphere, if an object or an atmosphere that
appeals to a person, then there will be interest in the object or the atmosphere.
Other experts argued that the interest is part of the motivation. Motivation is
generally known as internal motivation and external motivation, and then the interest
is an encouragement for someone to like something that is internal. Taylor in Hamzah
(2011) stated that interest as feelings of dislike towards something specific or
particular situation. In the interest of such a position, it can be predicted that the
interest effect on learning outcomes. In this case the interest is an aspect of the human
psyche that can be pushed toachieve the goal. A student or students, who have a
greater interest towards certain subjects, tend to give greater attention to the lesson.
Furthermore, Gibson in Hamzah (2011) suggested that his view of interest include
(a) viewed from the cognitive aspect, can be a boost interest in achieving the
objectives or needs, so that everything he was doing to add value to him. While the
aspect of attitude, something he does to give pleasure, happiness and does not cause
boredom. Therefore ,the interest becomes a source of energy to carry out activities in
achieving objectives or needs, (b) interest in emphasizing the election in which the
likes and dislikes of values, objects, understanding, skills/ experience, pleasure, desire
or volition, attentio, and participation in an activity that one likes.
From those theories above it can be conclude that the interest and motivation
influence students to be active while the interest in learning English is the tendency of
a person motivation , interest , want to learn English in order to obtain satisfaction on
learning objects English.
The World Cafe is a user-friendly method for creating meaningful and cooperative
dialogue around questions that count. As an organizational or social design process
the World Café offers a practical way to enhance the human capacity for collaborative
thought. Born out of the worldwide interest in dialogue methodologies and readily
applicable to organizations and communities, it catalyzes dynamic conversations and
opens new possibilities for action. (Schieffer et al, 2004)
In addition, the World Cafe strategy allows students to gather and share
information quickly. They share ideas, thoughts and experiences. The key idea is to
move from conversations that keep us in the past into dialogue around ideas that
matter. It is design for tackling one major issue (Lowe, 2012).
The participant assumption of their wisdom and creativity. They given appropriate
context and focus (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2012). They could
use their present knowledge to deeper knowledge. It is useful in making knowledge
share fairly in students member. Because they share idea to their friend.It can be said
that World Cafe is the way to create environment which participants responses to
problem (Aldred, 2009). It will group the whole number of students. Each group name
their table as cafe name. Then they speak in informal situation. They speak about
topic that lecturer given. Theycan speak what they want to speak but all in English.
They can speak with their friend as enjoy. While this process happen. There is one
student who record the flow of the conversation. Then after every several time that
have been decide before. For example, every five minutes, the lecturer command the
student to move to other cafe. It is the way to make such network of conversation that
talking about question as means sharing knowledge. (Apline, 2007). It is like speaking
and discussing in cafe shop.
It is as a way to success do conversation like in large cafe. (Senge, 2005). It is for
discussing about something. It makes the people devided in some group. The group
may consist forum until five member each of it. The people do not stay in that group
until the discussion over because it will come the time that some of them should move
to the other cafe of table of disscussion.
Participate together in evolving rounds of dialogue at small cafe style tables while
at the same time remaining part of a single, larger, connected conversation.
Participants record key insights in words and pictures on paper table cloths (Steward,
Theoretical Framework
One of the important skills that should be learned by the students is speaking
skill. In English Education Department, the English material tends to English practice
such as the communicative English that will be useful to the students. Many problems
then arise when the students try to speak. The students are lack of English ability and
no opportunity given by the the lecturer. Those several reasons make the students can
not speaking English in a good way. The researcher suggests the technique named
World Cafe Strategy (WCS), which is one of the Cooperative Learning method, that
may solve the problems. By doing the technique ,the students’s speaking skills are
expected to improve.