Installation Instructions: Protector Trip Relays DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series Paralleling & Reverse Power

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DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Ref: IW250DLQRST – Rev 8– Oct 03
Paralleling & Reverse Power
Products Covered • To protect the product against incorrect operation or permanent
256-PLL 256-PLD 256-PAS damage, surge transients must be controlled. It is good EMC
256-PAQ 256-PAT 256-PAR practice to suppress differential surges to 2kV or less at the
source. The unit has been designed to automatically recover
Introduction from typical transients, however in extreme circumstances it may
Models 256-PLL, 256PLD be necessary to temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply for a
period of greater than 5 seconds to restore correct operation.
Paralleling Protector modules provide manual/automatic switching of • Screened communication and small signal leads are
generator to busbar. recommended and may be required. These and other connecting
leads may require the fitting of RF suppression components, such
The volt free relay contacts change state when voltage, phase as ferrite absorbers, line filters etc., if RF fields cause problems.
relationship and frequency are within the selected synchronising limits. • It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments that
are performing critical functions in EMC enclosures that protect
Models 256-PAS, 256-PAT, 256-PAQ, 256-PAR against electrical interference causing a disturbance in function.
Reverse Power Protectors monitor the current and power factor of a.c
generators connected in parallel with another generator or with the a.c Fusing and connections
mains and give an alarm or control signal should power flow into the 1. This unit must be fitted with external fuses in voltage and
generator (i.e. reverse power) exceed a user-adjusted level. auxiliary supply lines.
2. Voltage input lines must be fused with a quick blow fuse 1A
Model 256-PAQ and 256-PAR have a push to test button. maximum.
3. Auxiliary supply lines must be fused with a slow blow fuse rated
Warning 1A maximum.
• During normal operation, voltages hazardous to life may be 4. Choose fuses of a type and with a breaking capacity appropriate
present at some of the terminals of this unit. Installation and to the supply and in accordance with local regulations.
servicing should be performed only by qualified, properly trained 5. Where fitted, CT secondaries must be grounded in accordance
personnel' abiding by local regulations. Ensure all supplies are with local regulations.
de-energised before attempting connection or other procedures.
Screw torque
• It is recommended adjustments be made with the supplies de-
Main terminal screws should be tightened to 1.35Nm or 1.0 ft/lbf only.
energised, but if this is not possible, then extreme caution should
Detachable terminal connector screws should be tightened to 0.9Nm
be exercised.
or 0.7 ft/lbf only. Where fitted, terminal covers are held in place by
• Terminals should not be user accessible after installation and
miniature self tapping screws into plastic. These screws should be
external installation provisions must be sufficient to prevent
tightened by hand only, sufficiently to secure the terminal cover and
hazards under fault conditions.
prevent it vibrating.
• This unit is not intended to function as part of a system providing
the sole means of fault protection - good engineering practice Setting Up
dictates that any critical function be protected by at least two
independent and diverse means. Model 256-PLL
• Never open circuit the secondary winding of an energised current The module is connected to monitor voltage values from both busbar
transformer. and incoming generator systems. The generator supply powers the
electronics and the relay. The input signals are compared for voltage
Installation level and phase relationship and when the resultant is below the
The Protector should be installed in a dry position, not in direct sunlight selected limit a command signal energises the relay. A time delay
and where the ambient temperature is reasonably stable and will not ensures frequencies are virtually equal at synchronising.
be outside the range 0-60 degrees Celsius. Mounting will normally be
on a vertical surface but other positions will not affect the operation Model 256-PLD
and vibration should be kept to a minimum. The Protectors are This operates in the same way as the type 256-PLL, with the addition
designed for mounting on a 35mm rail to DIN 46277. Alternatively they of the "Dead Bus" facility. This extra feature enables the relay to
may be screw fixed. energise with a generator supply only. Thus the 256-PLD will allow the
generator to power the busbar during mains failure.
To mount a protector on a DIN rail, the top edge of the cut-out on the
back is hooked over one edge of the rail and the bottom edge carrying Models 256-PLL and 256-PLD
the release clip clicked into place. Check that the unit is firmly fixed. The front mounted, calibrated control should be set to suit operational
Removal or repositioning may be achieved by levering down the requirements. A red LED on the front indicates, when lit, that the
release clip and lifting the unit up and off the rail. output relay is in the energised state.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Models 256-PAS, 256-PAT, 256-PAQ & 256-PAR

This unit has been designed to provide protection against EM (electro- All reverse power units have front mounted, calibrated controls and
magnetic) interference in line with requirements of EU and other these should be set to suit operational requirements. A red LED on
regulations. Precautions necessary to provide proper operation of this the front indicates, when lit, that the output relay is in the energised
and adjacent equipment will be installation dependent and so the state. The output relay is normally arranged to energise on trip. Note,
following can only be general guidance:- this means that it is necessary to know whether the output relay is
• Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and products arranged to energise or de-energise on trip before the tripped or
that are, or could be, a source of interference. untripped state of a Protector can be determined from the condition of
• The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to excessive the LED. The working range is power factors between 0.5 inductive /
interference. In some cases, a supply line filter may be required. Unity / 0.25 Capacitive
Ref: IW250DLQRST – Rev 8 – Oct 03 Protector Trip Relays
DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Paralleling & Reverse Power

All Models
The calibration marks around the controls are provided as a guide if the installer does not have access to accurate equipment.
The maximum error of the calibration marks is typically 10% of the span of the control concerned.

The unit should be inspected to normal standards for this class of equipment. For example remove accumulations of dust and check all
connections for tightness and corrosion. In the unlikely event of a repair being necessary it is recommended that the unit be returned to
the factory or to the nearest Crompton Instruments Service Centre.

Connection diagrams
Connection diagrams should be carefully followed to ensure correct polarity and phase rotation. External current and voltage transformers
may be used to extend the range.

Models 256-PAS, 256-PAT, 256-PAQ & 245-PAR Dimensions

Note: Only one CT connection is required

256-PAS & 256-PAQ 256-PAT & 256-PAR

Single Phase or 3 Phase 4 Wire 3 Phase 3 Wire

Models 256-PLL & 256-PLD

Note: When systems are in synchronism and within the selected
limits contacts 5 & 6 are closed and contacts 7 & 8 are open.

The Information contained in these installation instructions is for use only by installers trained to make electrical power installations and is intended to describe the
correct method of installation for this product. However, Tyco Electronics has no control over the field conditions, which influence product installation.
It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the installation method in the user's field conditions. Tyco Electronics' only obligations are those in Tyco
Electronics' standard Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will Tyco Electronics be liable for any other incidental, indirect or consequential damages
arising from the use or misuse of the products. Crompton is a trade mark.

Tyco Electronics UK Limited

Crompton Instruments
Freebournes Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 3AH, UK
Phone: +44 1376 509 509 Fax: +44 1376 509 511

Page 1 of 2 Protector Trip Relays

Ref: IW250PRC – Rev 4 – Sept 02 DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Hot Spot 3 & Hot Spot 6

Model 256-PRA 3 RTD inputs 3 set points auxiliary supply for a period of greater than 5
256-PRB 3 RTD inputs 2 set points seconds to restore correct operation.
256-PRC 3 RTD inputs 1 set point • Screened communication and small signal leads are
256-PCC 6 RTD inputs 1 set point recommended and may be required. These and other
connecting leads may require the fitting of RF
Introduction suppression components, such as ferrite absorbers,
Hot spot 3 temperature trip relays (256-PRA, 256-PRB line filters etc., if RF fields cause problems.
and 256-PRC) monitor three temperature zones, using • It is good practice to install sensitive electronic
Resistance Temperature Detectors. The highest of three instruments that are performing critical functions in
temperatures is automatically selected and a 0 to 1mA EMC enclosures that protect against electrical
signal produced for indication or record purposes. Model interference causing a disturbance in function.
256-PCC accepts up to six inputs from resistance
temperature detector (RTD) elements. The temperature Setting Up The 256-PRA, 256-PRB, 256-PRC
trip point, common to all channels, is user adjustable. The working temperature range for the 0/1mA output is
The outputs are volt free contacts from a single pole adjusted before despatch. The set points can be adjusted
changeover relay, with LED indication of normal (green) to any value within this working range. Adjustments are
or tripped (red) conditions. Additional red LED’s are fitted made via screw driver operated 20-turn potentiometer,
to show which of the inputs are exceeding the trip point. accessible from the front panel. Turn this control anti-
clockwise to raise the trip point, clockwise to lower it. Most
Installation products are supplied with the set points pre-set at the
The Protector should be installed in a dry position, not in required values, If specific instructions were supplied at
direct sunlight and where the ambient temperature is the time of ordering. Adjustment example: If the working
reasonably stable and will not be outside the range 0 to range of the product is 0/100°C, and the set points were
60 degrees Celsius. pre-set to 50°C, then one clockwise turn of the set point
adjuster will lower this setting to 45°C (because 1/20 of
Mounting will normally be on a vertical surface but other
100°C = 5°C).
positions will not affect the operation and vibration should
be kept to a minimum. The Protectors are designed for
If any of the three temperature inputs exceed a set point,
mounting on a 35mm rail to DIN 46277. To mount a
a relay will trip and a red LED will illuminate to indicate the
protector on a DIN rail, the top edge of the cut-out on the
tripped condition.
back is hooked over one edge of the rail and bottom edge
carrying the release clip clicked into place. Check that the
Setting Up The 256-PCC
unit is firmly fixed. Removal or repositioning may be
The working temperature range is adjusted before
achieved by levering down the release clip and lifting the
despatch. The set point can be adjusted to any value
unit up and off the rail. Input cables must be mounted
within this working range. Adjustment can be made via a
away from high voltages and heavy current carrying
screw driver operated 20-turn potentiometer, accessible
cables and may require screening. Connection diagrams
from the front panel. Turn this control anti-clockwise to
should be carefully followed to ensure correct polarity.
raise the trip point, clockwise to lower it. Most products
are supplied with the set point pre-set at the required
Electromagnetic Compatibility
value, If specific instructions were supplied at the time of
This unit has been designed to provide protection against
EM (electro-magnetic) interference in line with
ordering. Adjustment example: If the working range of the INS
product is 0/100°C, and the set point was pre-set to 50°C,
requirements of EU and other regulations. Precautions
then one clockwise turn of the set point adjuster will lower
necessary to provide proper operation of this and th
adjacent equipment will be installation dependent and so this setting to 45°C (because 1/20 of 100°C = 5°C).
the following can only be general guidance:-
If any of the six temperature inputs exceed the set point,
• Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and
the relay will trip and a red LED will illuminate to indicate
products that are, or could be, a source of
the tripped condition.
• The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject
to excessive interference. In some cases, a supply
The unit should be inspected to normal standards for this
line filter may be required.
class of equipment. For example, remove accumulations
• To protect the product against incorrect operation or
of dust and check all connections for tightness and
permanent damage, surge transients must be
corrosion. In the unlikely event of a repair being
controlled. It is good EMC practice to suppress
necessary, it is recommended that the unit be returned to
differential surges to 2kV or less at the source. The
the factory or to the nearest Crompton Instruments
unit has been designed to automatically recover from
Service Centre.
typical transients, however in extreme circumstances
it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect the
Ref: IW250PRC – Revision 4 – Sept 02 Protector Trip Relays
DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Hot Spot 3 & Hot Spot 6

Dimensions Model 256-PCC

When used for less than 6 RTD inputs the unused
terminals 1, 2 & 3 must be linked together.

Model 256-PRA 3 RTD inputs

256-PRB 2 RTD inputs
256-PRC 1 RTD input

The Information contained in these installation instructions is for use only by installers trained to make electrical power installations and is intended to describe the
correct method of installation for this product. However, Tyco Electronics has no control over the field conditions, which influence product installation.
It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the installation method in the user's field conditions. Tyco Electronics' only obligations are those in Tyco
Electronics' standard Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will Tyco Electronics be liable for any other incidental, indirect or consequential damages
arising from the use or misuse of the products. Crompton is a trade mark.

Tyco Electronics UK Limited

Crompton Instruments
Freebournes Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 3AH, UK
Phone: +44 1376 509 509 Fax: +44 1376 509 511

Protector Trip Relays

Page 1 of 2
DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Ref: IW250PABHTV – Rev 7 – Sept 03
Current, Voltage, Phase Sequence,
Models Covered
252-PAO 252-PVH 253-PAV 252-PAU Transducer, Millivolt & Thermocouple
252-PVJ 253-PAP 252-PBA 252-PVK Screw torque
253-PBV 252-PBB 252-PVO 253-PHD Main terminal screws should be tightened to 1.35Nm or 1.0 ft/lbf
252-PBS 252-PVP 253-PVB 252-PBT only. Detachable terminal connector screws should be tightened to
252-PVR 253-PVE 252-PHO 252-PVS 0.9Nm or 0.7 ft/lbf only. Where fitted, terminal covers are held in
253-PVM 252-PHU 252-PVU 253-PAD place by miniature self tapping screws into plastic. These screws
252-PTU 252-PVV 252-PTO 252-PVX should be tightened by hand only, sufficiently to secure the terminal
256-PHV 252-PVA 252-PVZ 252-PVC cover and prevent it vibrating.

Introduction Electromagnetic Compatibility

Protector Trip relay inputs are monitored within settable limits. In This unit has been designed to provide protection against EM
the event of the input moving outside these limits, the unit will (electro-magnetic) interference in line with requirements of EU and
initiate a trip signal via a double pole changeover relay. other regulations. Precautions necessary to provide proper
An illuminated red LED indicates when the relay is energised. operation of this and adjacent equipment will be installation
Relays normally energise on over or high and de-energise on under dependent and so the following can only be general guidance:-
or low conditions. This function may be reversed on request when • Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and products
ordering. that are, or could be, a source of interference.
• The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to
Warning excessive interference. In some cases, a supply line filter may
• During normal operation, voltages hazardous to life may be be required.
present at some of the terminals of this unit. Installation and • To protect the product against incorrect operation or
servicing should be performed only by qualified, properly permanent damage, surge transients must be controlled. It is
trained personnel' abiding by local regulations. Ensure all good EMC practice to suppress differential surges to 2kV or
supplies are de-energised before attempting connection or less at the source. The unit has been designed to
other procedures. automatically recover from typical transients, however in
• It is recommended adjustments be made with the supplies de- extreme circumstances it may be necessary to temporarily
energised, but if this is not possible, then extreme caution disconnect the auxiliary supply for a period of greater than 5
should be exercised. seconds to restore correct operation.
• Terminals should not be user accessible after installation and • Screened communication and small signal leads are
external installation provisions must be sufficient to prevent recommended and may be required. These and other
hazards under fault conditions. connecting leads may require the fitting of RF suppression
• This unit is not intended to function as part of a system components, such as ferrite absorbers, line filters etc., if RF
providing the sole means of fault protection - good engineering fields cause problems.
practice dictates that any critical function be protected by at • It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments
least two independent and diverse means. that are performing critical functions in EMC enclosures that
• Never open circuit the secondary winding of an energised protect against electrical interference causing a disturbance in
current transformer. function.

Installation Installation
The Protector should be installed in a dry position, not in direct The Protector should be installed in a dry position, not in direct
sunlight and where the ambient temperature is reasonably stable sunlight and where the ambient temperature is reasonably stable
and will not be outside the range 0-60ºC. Mounting will normally be and will not be outside the range 0-60ºC. Mounting will normally be
on a vertical surface but other positions will not affect the operation. on a vertical surface but other positions will not affect the operation
Vibration should be kept to a minimum. The Protectors are and vibration should be kept to a minimum. The Protectors are
designed for mounting on a 35mm rail to DIN 46277. Alternatively designed for mounting on a 35mm rail to DIN 46277. Alternatively
they may be screw fixed; a special adaptor is supplied to mount they may be screw fixed; a special adaptor is supplied to mount
252 types. To mount a protector on a DIN rail, the top edge of the 252 types. To mount a protector on a DIN rail, the top edge of the
cut-out on the back is hooked over one edge of the rail and the cut-out on the back is hooked over one edge of the rail and the
bottom edge carrying the release clip clicked into place. Check that bottom edge carrying the release clip clicked into place. Check that
the unit is firmly fixed. (Removal or repositioning may be achieved the unit is firmly fixed. (Removal or repositioning may be achieved
by levering down the release clip and lifting the unit up and off the by levering down the release clip and lifting the unit up and off the
rail). rail).

Fusing and connections Setting Up

1. This unit must be fitted with external fuses in voltage and All Protectors have front mounted; calibrated controls and these
auxiliary supply lines. should be set to suit operational requirements. A red LED on the
2. Voltage input lines must be fused with a quick blow fuse 1A front indicates, when lit, that the output relay is in the energised
maximum. state.
3. Auxiliary supply lines must be fused with a slow blow fuse Note, this means that it is necessary to know whether the output
rated 1A maximum. relay is arranged to energise or de energise on trip before the
4. Choose fuses of a type and with a breaking capacity tripped or untripped state of a Protector can be determined from the
appropriate to the supply and in accordance with local condition of the LED. The calibration
regulations. marks around the controls are provided as a guide if the installer
5. Where fitted, CT secondaries must be grounded in does not have access to accurate equipment. The maximum error
accordance with local regulations. of the calibration marks is typically 10% of the span of the control
Connection diagrams should be carefully followed to ensure correct
polarity and phase rotation. External current and voltage
transformers may be used to extend the range.
Ref: IW250PABHTV – Rev 7 – Sept 03 Protector Trip Relays
DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Current, Voltage, Phase Sequence,
Transducer, Millivolt & Thermocouple

The unit should be inspected to normal standards for this class of 252-PVA 252-PVR
equipment. For example remove accumulations of dust and check 252-PVC
all connections for tightness and corrosion. In the unlikely event of 252-PVJ
a repair being necessary it is recommended that the unit be 252-PVK
returned to the factory or to the nearest Crompton Instruments 252-PVP
Service Centre 252-PVS
252-PBA 252-PTU 252-PVX
252-PBB 252-PAO
252-PBS 252-PAU
252-PBT 252-PVH
252-PHO 252-PVO
252-PHU 252-PVU
252-PTO 252-PVZ
253-PBV 253-PVE
253-PAD 253-PVM



Model 252

Model A B
253 75 60
256 150 135

Model 252

The Information contained in these installation instructions is for use only by installers trained to make electrical power installations and is intended to describe the
correct method of installation for this product. However, Tyco Electronics has no control over the field conditions, which influence product installation.
It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the installation method in the user's field conditions. Tyco Electronics' only obligations are those in Tyco
Electronics' standard Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will Tyco Electronics be liable for any other incidental, indirect or consequential damages
arising from the use or misuse of the products. Crompton is a trade mark.

Tyco Electronics UK Limited

Crompton Instruments
Freebournes Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 3AH, UK
Phone: +44 1376 509 509 Fax: +44 1376 509 511

Page 1 of 2 Protector Trip Relays

DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Ref: IW250PMSH – Rev 6 – Sept 02
Thermistor Trip, Speed Sensing &
Models Covered Phase Angle
252-PMM 252-PMT 252-PSF 252-PSG Installation
253-PH3 252-PMM 252-PMT The Protector should be installed in a dry position, not in
direct sunlight and where the ambient temperature is
Introduction reasonably stable and will not be outside the range 0 to 60
Thermistor Trip Relay (252-PMM & 252-PMT). degrees Celsius. Mounting will normally be on a vertical
The trip inputs are monitored within settable limits. In the surface but other positions will not affect the operation.
event of the input moving outside these limits, the unit will Vibration should be kept to a minimum. The Protectors are
initiate a trip signal via a double pole changeover relay. An designed for mounting on a 35mm rail to DIN 46277.
illuminated green LED indicates when the thermistor Alternatively they may be screw fixed; a special adaptor is
temperature is within normal working limits. The unit is supplied to mount 252 types.
designed such that the alarm relay is energised when normal
temperatures are reached. To mount a protector on a DIN rail, the top edge of the cutout
Model 252-PMM has the facility for manual resetting, so that on the back is hooked over one edge of the rail and the
the trip condition remains after normal operating temperature bottom edge carrying the release clip clicked into place.
is reached, until manual intervention occurs. Check that the unit is firmly fixed. Removal or repositioning
may be achieved by levering down the release clip and lifting
Phase Balance Relay (252-PSF & 252-PSG) the unit up and off the rail.
Trip inputs are monitored within settable limits. In the event
of the input moving outside these limits, the unit will initiate a Connection diagrams should be carefully followed to ensure
trip signal via a double pole changeover relay. An illuminated correct polarity and phase rotation where applicable.
red LED indicates that the supply is within limits. External voltage transformers may be used on 252-PSF and
252-PSG to extend the range.
Speed Sensing Relay (253-PH3)
Trip inputs are monitored within settable limits. In the event 252-PMM, 252-PMT & 253-PH3
of the input moving outside these limits, the unit will initiate a Pick up, input and output leads should be kept separate from
trip signal. The illuminated red LED’s indicates that the single any other wiring.
pole output relays are in an energised state and at normal
running speed all three relays should be energised. Units Setting Controls (252-PSF, 252-PSG)
are factory adjusted for normal running speed = 0.75mA These products have two calibration facilities that can be set
output. The meter adjust pot on the product front is used for to suit operating requirements and they are factory calibrated
this requirement, which also ensures the trip levels are set to as follows:-
the calibrated values. Terminal 8 is connected to terminal 5 1. % unbalance set points
internally. Terminals 15 and 16 give a 0/1mA signal Voltages of and below 380 volts L-L are calibrated to
proportional to speed. 1.0% class index of rated voltage. Voltages above 380
volts L-L are calibrated to 1.5% class index of rated
No.1 Relay energises on rising speed voltage.
No.2 Relay energises on rising speed 2. Time Delay
No.3 Relay de-energises on rising speed For all voltage ranges 10% maximum delay.
3. Voltage Withstand
This product is designed for use only with magnetic coil Continuous overload = 1.35 x rated voltage
inductive sensors.
Setting Up (all other models)
Warning The calibration marks around the controls are provided as a
• During normal operation, voltages hazardous to life may guide if the installer does not have access to accurate
be present at some of the terminals of this unit. equipment. The maximum error of the calibration marks is
Installation and servicing should be performed only by typically 10% of the span of the control concerned.
qualified, properly trained personnel' abiding by local
regulations. Ensure all supplies are de-energised before Maintenance
attempting connection or other procedures. The unit should be inspected to normal standards for this
• It is recommended adjustments be made with the class of equipment. For example remove accumulations of
supplies de-energised, but if this is not possible, then dust and check all connections for tightness and corrosion.
extreme caution should be exercised. In the unlikely event of a repair being necessary it is
• Terminals should not be user accessible after installation recommended that the unit be returned to the factory or to the
and external installation provisions must be sufficient to nearest Crompton Instruments Service Centre
prevent hazards under fault conditions.
• This unit is not intended to function as part of a system Electromagnetic Compatibility
providing the sole means of fault protection - good This unit has been designed to provide protection against EM
engineering practice dictates that any critical function be (electro-magnetic) interference in line with requirements of
protected by at least two independent and diverse EU and other regulations. Precautions necessary to provide
means. proper operation of this and adjacent equipment will be
Never open circuit the secondary winding of an energised installation dependent and so the following can only be
current transformer. general guidance:-
• Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and
products that are, or could be, a source of interference.
Ref: IW250PMSH – Rev 6 – Sept 02 Protector Trip Relays
DIN Rail & Wall Mounted 250 Series
Thermistor Trip, Speed Sensing &
Phase Angle

• The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to

excessive interference. In some cases, a supply line • Screened communication and small signal leads are
filter may be required. recommended and may be required. These and other
• To protect the product against incorrect operation or connecting leads may require the fitting of RF
permanent damage, surge transients must be controlled. suppression components, such as ferrite absorbers, line
It is good EMC practice to suppress differential surges to filters etc., if RF fields cause problems.
2kV or less at the source. The unit has been designed It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments
to automatically recover from typical transients, however that are performing critical functions in EMC enclosures that
in extreme circumstances it may be necessary to protect against electrical interference causing a disturbance
temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply for a period in function.
of greater than 5 seconds to restore correct operation.

252-PMM can operate in either

an automatic or a manual reset
For automatic the reset link
R1-R2 is to be disconnected.
For manual the reset link
R1-R2 must be inserted.

The Information contained in these installation instructions is for use only by installers trained to make electrical power installations and is intended to describe the
correct method of installation for this product. However, Tyco Electronics has no control over the field conditions, which influence product installation.
It is the user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the installation method in the user's field conditions. Tyco Electronics' only obligations are those in Tyco
Electronics' standard Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will Tyco Electronics be liable for any other incidental, indirect or consequential damages
arising from the use or misuse of the products. Crompton is a trade mark.

Tyco Electronics UK Limited

Crompton Instruments
Freebournes Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 3AH, UK
Phone: +44 1376 509 509 Fax: +44 1376 509 511

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