DMDS-246: Step 1: Laying The Ground Work
DMDS-246: Step 1: Laying The Ground Work
DMDS-246: Step 1: Laying The Ground Work
1. Ans:- A capital replacement plan lists all the major building components, such as
windows, doors, siding, roofs, heating systems, and flooring, and provides an estimate
for the remaining useful life of the components, and their replacement cost. With this
information, an organization can calculate how much to set aside in annual reserves to
meet future repair and replacement needs.
A capital replacement plan is not a maintenance plan. A maintenance plan is also a useful
tool, but it focuses on yearly maintenance items, such as painting, cleaning, minor building
repairs and upkeep, rather than on the replacement or repair of major building components.
2 Ans:- Maintenance activities are related with repair, replacement and service of
components or some identifiable group of components in a manufacturing plant so that it may
Thus maintenance management is associated with the direction and organisation of various
resources so as to control the availability and performance of the industrial unit to some
specified level.
The minimization of machine breakdowns and down time has been the main objective of
maintenance but the strategies adopted by maintenance management to achieve this aim have
undergone great changes in the past.
Maintenance has been considered just to repair the faulty equipment and put them back in
order in minimum possible time.
4 Ans:-
Criticality analysis is the way your team will determine how much an asset will cost you if it fails.
The higher an asset’s criticality, the higher its potential costs. Some facilities evaluate criticality
strictly by the impact an equipment failure would have on their process. Others use a more holistic
approach, evaluating the effects failure would have on safety, maintenance costs, production, and
the environment, as in the graphic below.
Once you have a clear ranking of what each asset might cost upon failure, you’ll need to assess the
possible strategies to use on each one. Typically, the more monitoring intensive a strategy is, the
more it will cost. As such, the possible strategies you’d use might be ranked like so from high to low
With the cost of failure and the cost of maintenance in hand, it’s time to determine the best
maintenance strategy for your equipment. Using our chart from earlier, each of our example
companies plots their assets:
Once you determine the strategy to use for each asset, it’s time to implement it. In some cases, doing
so may represent a major shift in your maintenance team’s culture, so this will take some planning.
For instance, the toy manufacturer has been using a run-to-failure approach with their conveyor
system. As such, switching over to a condition-based model will be a bit of a jump, though they do
have some recurring PMs in place on other assets.
Once you’ve implemented your maintenance strategy, it’s not the end. You need to monitor its
progress and make adjustments as you go. Logging work orders and costs into your CMMS, seeing
if downtime decreases, and so forth are all part of this process.
Going back to our examples:
5 Ans:-
The portion of an operating budget that is set aside in a single fiscal
year for maintenance activities on the organiazation's assets. The budget is typically that fall
into the following categories:
Routine Maintenance
Time-Based Maintenance (TbM)
An inadequate maintenance budget may potentially result in the following concerns:
Lean Maintenance
Under Maintenance
6 Ans:-
Life cycle costing is a system that tracks and accumulates the actual costs
and revenues attributable to cost object from its invention to its
abandonment. Life cycle costing involves tracing cost and revenues on a
product by product base over several calendar periods.
“The total cost throughout its life including planning, design, acquisition
and support costs and any other costs directly attributable to owning or using
the asset”.
Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of an item represents the total cost of its ownership,
and includes all the cots that will be incurred during the life of the item to
acquire it, operate it, support it and finally dispose it. Life Cycle Costing
adds all the costs over their life period and enables an evaluation on a
common basis for the specified period (usually discounted costs are used).
7. Ans:-
Safety management systems (SMS) are changing from a prescriptive style to a more ‘self-
regulatory’ and ‘performance oriented’ model that is more proactive, participative and better
integrated with business activities. So far, the integration of safety with other management
systems (e.g., quality, environment and productivity) has been addressed either at a strategic
level or a standardization level (e.g., cross referencing across ISO 9001, ISO 14000, OSHA
18001). This article looks at the coordination between business processes that are common to
these management systems and proposes several principles of Total Safety Management on the
basis of earlier studies and a three-year experience with a European project (Total Operations
management of Safety Critical Activities). To realize the TSM principles, four safety processes
are proposed that are compatible to ISO 31000 and CCPS (2008) standards. The TSM
principles and processes are furnished with practical methods and tools to demonstrate their
values to the organization. Although the TSM approach takes a system view of safety, other
approaches relying on complexity theory can be mapped onto TSM and provide a basis for
further developments.
8 Ans:-
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) provides a means to logically and graphically display the paths to
failure for a system or component. One way to manage a complex system is to start with
a reliability block diagram (RBD). Then create a fault tree for each block in the RBD.
1. Define the system. This includes the scope of the analysis including defining what is
considered a failure. This becomes important when a system may have an element fail or a
single function fails and the remainder of the system still operates.
2. Define top-level faults. Whether for a system or single block define the starting point for
the analysis by detailing the failure of interest for the analysis.
3. Identify causes for top-level fault. What events could cause the top level fault to occur?
Use the logic gate symbols to organize which causes can cause the failure alone (or), or
require multiple events to occur before the failure occurs (and).
4. Identify next level of events. Each event leading to the top level failure may also have
precipitating events.
5. Identify root causes. For each event above continue to identify precipitating events or
causes to identify the root or basic cause of the sequence of events leading to failure.
6. Add probabilities to events. When possible add the actual or relative probability of
occurrence of each event.
7. Analysis the fault tree. Look for the most likely events that lead to failure, for single events
the initiate multiple paths to failure, or patterns related to stresses, use, or operating
conditions. Identify means to resolve or mitigate paths to failure.
8. Document the FTA. Beyond the fault tree, graphics include salient notes from the
discussion and action items.