Bridge Repair M Anual

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General Directorate of Techniques

Road Infrastructure Department

Bridge Repair Manual

February 2018

1.1 Purpose of bridge repair -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1
1.2 Process of bridge maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-3
1.3 Glossary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-4
1.3.1 Types of bridges --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-5
1.3.2 Basic Bridge Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-8
1.3.3 Glossary of bridges ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-10


2.1 Outline ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-1
2.2 Schedule --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-3
2.3 Jurisdiction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-4
2.3.1 Bridge repair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-4
2.3.2 Bridge Repair Record ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-10
2.3.3 Bridge Repair Seminar and Workshop ---------------------------------------------------- 2-12


3.1 For keeping safety repair work ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1
3.1.1 Introduction of safety work ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-1
3.1.2 Confirmation before repair work ----------------------------------------------------------- 3-4
3.1.3 Confirmation during repair work ---------------------------------------------------------- 3-7
3.2 Routine maintenance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-11
3.2.1 Purpose of Routine maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------ 3-11
3.2.2 Application Criteria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-12
3.2.3 Work Sequence ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-13


4.1 Maintenance Room ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1
4.2 Concrete Material --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-6
4.2.1 Composition of Concrete --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-6
4.2.2 Aggregate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-7
4.2.3 Cement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-8
4.3 Damages due to construction failures --------------------------------------------------------- 4-9
4.3.1 Honeycombing and Cavity ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-9
4.3.2 Bubble and Sand Texture --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-11
4.3.3 Cracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-12
4.3.4 Cold Joint ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-14
4.4 Concrete Work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-16
4.4.1 Requirements of Fresh Concrete materials ----------------------------------------------- 4-16
4.4.2 Storage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-17
4.4.3 Concrete work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-18
4.4.4 Work and placement of reinforcement ----------------------------------------------------- 4-22
4.5 Concrete quality verification test --------------------------------------------------------------- 4-23
4.5.1 Slump test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-23
4.5.2 Air content test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-25
4.5.3 Compressive strength test -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-27
4.5.4 Chloride Ion Content Test -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-29


5.1 Planning of Concrete structure repair -------------------------------------------------------- 5-1
5.2 Case of Concrete structure repair ------------------------------------------------------------- 5-2
C-1 Concrete crack ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-2
C-2 Carbon Fiber Cloth (CFC) Reinforcement Method -------------------------------------- 5-12
C-3 Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete pier column ------------------------------------- 5-65
C-4 Damages on concrete pier plinth ------------------------------------------------------------- 5-67
C-5 Cavity in the lower flange ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-70
C-6 Water leakage from the lower flange -------------------------------------------------------- 5-71
C-7 Cracking damage on slab ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-73
C-8 Fracture damage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-77
C-9 Corrosion of man Re-bars in concrete railing --------------------------------------------- 5-82
C-10 Vehicle Collision Damage on Concrete Railing ------------------------------------------ 5-86
C-11 Longitudinal Crack in the Lower Flange of PC Girder -------------------------------- 5-91
C-12 Concrete Pier Damaged by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction -------------------------------- 5-94


6.1 Planning of Steel structure repair ------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1
6.2 Case of Steel structure repair ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-2
S-1 Corrosion on steel girder due to water leakage -------------------------------------------- 6-2
S-2 Cracks the jammed part connecting cross beam and vertical stiffener of I-girder - 6-6
S-3 M-Cracks on connected part of gusset or lateral bracing around support of steel
I-girder ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-10
S-4 Crack at haunch girder ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-13
S-5 Steel pier corrosion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-17


7.1 Case of other bridge structure repair -------------------------------------------------------- 7-1
J-1 Damage on Expansion joint ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-1
J-2 Bridge scour -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-12

Code : 1-0001 Concrete Crack Repair
Code : 1-0002 Concrete Defect repair
Code : 1-0003 Carbon Fiber Cloth (CFC) Reinforcement method
Code : 1-0004 Reinforcement by Steel Plate (Concrete structure)

Code : 2-0001 Steel Corrosion Repair

Code : 2-0002 Reinforcement by Steel Plate (Steel structure)

1.1 Purpose of bridge repair

Using a metaphor, the road network which serves for the national socio -economic activities such
as logistics, travels and communications, is compared to the vascular network in a human -body
(Fig. 1.1.1). To maintain a healthy human body, people may check their physical condition daily,
and may have some advices from their doctors periodically and then keep their body condition in
well, and sometimes people may receive medical treatment or surgery.
It is same manner for road infrastructure for logistics. Therefore, the road infrastructure is
essential for Cambodia economy.
Bridges are important parts of road infrastructure. Bridges crossing rivers are vital components of
the road network that contribute greatly to the national development and people ’s daily lives.
And damages or collapses of bridges can risk the lives of road users as well as create serious
influence to the entire country. Furthermore, the reconstruction of bridges needs considerable
amount of money and time. In fact, Ethiopia has experienced many cases of bridge collapse and
their serious consequences remain over decades.

Fig. 1.1.1 Road Network is Equivalent to Blood Vessels

Structure’s lifespan is a period of keeping the performance level it is required. And the length of
lifespan largely depends on design, quality of construction, with or without the implementation of
repair and reinforcement. Although maintenance-free is ideal during the designed lifespan, the period
when maintenance is needed is very long. Health of structure is reduced by age, but the lifespan is

extendable by appropriate maintenance. Hence, maintenance gives a significant effect on the structure’s
performance level and lifespan.
It is important for prolonging the lifespan to conduct systematical inspection according to structural type,
designed function and required performance level, as well as to detect damage in its earlier stage, to
diagnose the cause, to estimate the future progress damage, and to repair it preventively. It is also
significant to accumulation the data collected during the maintenance activities.
‘Fig. 1.1.2’ shows a concept of preventive maintenance. Generally, the soundness of structures goes down
over years but their condition can be recovered by repair work. If the current condition and the progress
of deterioration can be monitored and identif ied in the early stage, the recovery can be made with minor
repairing. However, if the deterioration is neglected until reaching to the minimum standard , major repair
work is needed for the whole recovery. In order to reduce the burden of future maintenanc e to minimize
the life cycle cost consequently, constant and timely inspection and repair work are essential.

The purpose of this manual is to describe and introduce standard repair methods against
defects commonly found in bridges owned and managed by MPWT (Ministry of Public Work
and Transport) and DPWT (Department of Public Work and Transport).

Fig. 1.1.2 Concept of Preventive Maintenance

1.2 Process of bridge maintenance
Structural maintenance is a series of actions which consists of inspection, performance evaluation
(diagnosis of defect cause, deterioration prediction), determination of necessity of repairing, work
implementation and data recording They all should be carried out promptly based on maintenance
plan to ensure structural performance throughout the lifespan.


1. Establishment of Review of maintenance plan

Finalization on maintenance plan

maintenance plan

2. Inspection

3. Evaluation of performance

4. Estimation of deterioration mechanism

7. Records
& deterioration prediction


5. Repair Judgement


6. Repair

Fig. 1.2.1 Basic Procedure of Bridge Maintenance

1.3 Glossary
Bridge component consists of deck slab, superstructure, bearing and substructure (pier, abutment
and foundation) as shown in Fig.1.3.1 and Fig.1.3.2.

Fig. 1.3.1 Single Span Bridge

Concrete median Lighting
Overhead sign barrier Emergency exit
Marking parking bay

Traffic sign

Pavement Drain
Falling prevention

Concrete railing
Expansion joint


Fig. 1.3.2 Glossary of Bridge Structure

Cross girder

Main girder

Photo 1.3.1 Girder Components

Drainage facility
Concrete railing

Expansion joint


Photo 1.3.2 Superstructure Component on Road Surface

1.3.1 Types of bridges

Bridge configuration consists of two sections: superstructure comprising deck/floor and
girder/beam, and substructure supporting superstructure. Type of superstructure is categorized in
terms of material and structural feature as follows.

(a) Category by material

1) Steel bridge: Bridge mainly made by steel
2) Reinforced concrete (RC) bridge: Bridge mainly made by reinforced concrete
3) Pre-stressed concrete (PC) bridge:Bridge mainly made by pre-stressed concrete
(b) Category by structural feature resisting integrally against vehicle load.
1) Girder bridge
Mechanical feature of girder bridge is that
girder is utilized as sole resisting element
against bending moment and shear force. I-
shaped steel and H-shaped steel are most
commonly used for steel bridge and called
“Plate girder bridge” (Photo 1.3.1).
“Composite girder bridge” is the combination
of reinforced concrete deck and steel girder
Photo 1.3.3 Box girder bridge
Bridge with box-shaped girder is called “Box girder bridge” (Photo 1.3.3).

2) Concrete deck bridge

Concrete deck bridge is applied for relatively short span bridge since dead load becomes heavier
due to its span length. Also, it is advantageous to shortening construction period and saving
workload at the site because of its structural simplicity and workability.

Photo 1.3.4 Concrete deck bridge

3) Bailey Bridge
The Bailey bridge is portable and pre-fabricated
truss bridge type. It was invented in UK during the
World War II for military use and widely used by
both British and the American military
engineering units.
It has “through” type of steel deck girder which
is situated between and supported by two main
girders. The main girders are consisted of 3m-
Photo 1.3.5 Bailey Bridge
long modular elements each of which can be pinned together for quick assembly

4) Cable stayed bridge

Cable stayed bridge applies pre-stress to
continuous girders by cables set up between tower
on center pier and girder. Compressive force to the
girder and tensile force to the cable are equilibrant
on both sides of tower. Though this bridge type
used to be most economical for center span of up
to 400m, recently it is applicable to the span
length of more than 800m. Orthotropic plate
members are usually adopted for its deck structure Photo 1.3.6 Cable stayed bridge
in case of steel girder. (Tsubasa bridge)

5) Truss bridge
Truss is a frame structure with members arranged
in triangle-geometry and connected each other
with pins. Its mechanical feature is that truss
members are designed to carry only axel
compression or tension force assuming no bending
moment generated on them.
Photo 1.3.7 Truss bridge
6) Arch bridge
Arch structure rigidly supports girders from both sides with truss beam with chamber. Arch rib is
principal resisting against compressive axle force and bending moment. Bridge which is
supported by arch structure is called as “Arch bridge”.

Photo 1.3.8 Arch bridge

1.3.2 Basic Bridge Configuration
(a) Superstructure and substructure
Configuration of bridge is shown in Fig. 1.3.3
Superstructure is the main bridge part
comprise deck/floor and girder/beam.
Substructure supports superstructure and
transmits its load to the ground. It comprises
abutment, pier and foundation.
Layer of asphalt or Double Bituminous
Surface Treatment (DBST) or concrete
provides smooth riding surface.
(Wearing Surface)

Fig. 1.3.3 Configuration of bridge

(b) Bearing
Generally, bearing intermediates connection of
bridge girder and pier. Bearings sustain vertical
load such as dead load or live load from the
superstructure as well as lateral load by wind or

(c) Deck plate and floor system

Deck plate is one of the structural components
sustaining live load directly and transmitting it to Photo 1.3.9 Bearing

girder directly or through floor system. It

comprises reinforced concrete deck slab, pre -
stressed concrete deck slab or orthotropic steel
deck slab. Pavement is applied on it.

(d) Lateral bracing and sway bracing

Girders are connected each other with truss
structure such as lateral bracing on lateral
direction and sway bracing on vertical direction.
Fig. 1.3.4 Bracing
Lateral bracing resists against wind and seismic
force and sway bracing avoids cross-sectional deformation.
(e) Road furniture
1) Drainage facility
In order to collect and smoothly lead rainwater on the
bridge down to the ground, drainage pits are set on a
certain interval on the bridge surface. Rainwater is
induced from the drainage pit to ground along girder
and pier with polyvinyl chloride drainage pipe.

2) Expansion joint Photo 1.3.10 Drainage facility

Expansion joint allows displacement of girder due to

temperature change and keeps flatness of road
surface. In addition, it has a function of drainage.
Generally, joint type is selected depending on the
assuming girder displacement. Rubber and steel
finger type are mainly used.

Photo 1.3.11 Expansion joint

1.3.3 Glossary of bridges
There is a list of engineering words that are use d in this manual and their meanings.
( :Important Word )

Abutment – end support of the superstructure of bridges and usually have the additional
functions of retaining earth fill for the bridge approaches. (Fig. 1.3.1)
Approach Embankment – the earth work or earth fill that forms a transition road up to the bridge
abutment. (Fig. 1.3.1)
Approach Road – the road near abutting the bridge. (Fig. 1.3.1)
Bank Seat Abutment – an abutment set well up the river bank; above the usual river level.
Barrel – the main part of an arch which supports fill and roadway.
Beam – a narrow structural member such as girders, stringers, floor beams, cross beams
(diaphragms), edge beams, etc.
Bearing – the part between the superstructure and the coping of pier or abutment. It transmits the
load from the superstructure to the substructure and may be movable or fixed depending on the
allowed degree of movement. (Photo 1.3.9)
Bearing Bolt – type of fixing for joints in steel or timber.
Bearing Shelf – part of the abutment, where the superstructure rests.
Boom – the upper (top chord) and lower (bottom chord) longitudinal members extending the full
length of a truss.
Box Girder – a hollow beam with box shape. (Photo 1.3.3)
Bracing – parts of a bridge which help to resist lateral forces and keep it stiff so as not to change
shape, e.g., lateral braces and sway braces in steel truss and steel Deck Girders.
Bulging – where a flat place changes shape and is bent.
Camber – the slight convexity (curve) required for construction of bridges, provided to
compensate for the dead load deflection.
Caissons – type of masonry or concrete foundations,
built like a tube.
Cantilever – a beam, fixed at one end and free to
move at the other.
Compression – being pushed together.
Corrosion - It is the gradual destruction of materials
(usually metals) by chemical reaction (more stable oxide).
Corrugated Steel – thin sheet of steel which have been shaped to make strong .
Cross Beam – commonly called FLOOR BEAMS, the beams that connect two trusses wherein
the stringers are connected.
Debris – rubbish and other unwanted things.
Decay – rotting of wood, making it soft and weak; caused by dampness and fungus.
Deck Slab – top of bridge superstructure. This allows bear vehicular loads directly. (Fig. 1.3.3)
Deformation - Permanent deformation of steel members can take the form of bending, buckling,
twisting or elongation, or any combination of these.
Delamination - defined as a discontinuity in the surface concrete which is substantially separated
but not completely detached from concrete below or above it .
Diaphragm – a beam connecting the girders of concrete and steel deck girder bridge
Disconnection - Loose or defected joints can seriously affect the strength of the timber bridge.
Disintegration - the physical deterioration or breaking down of the concrete into small fragments
or particles.
Downstream – where the river flows away from a bridge.
Drainage – system for taking away water (usually rainwater) (Photo 1.3.9)
Embankment – soil bank which supports the roadway pavement.
Fill – soil placed in front of the abutment.
Fixed (Fixed Bearing) – not able to move.
Flange – the top and bottom plates of a girder; the enlarged top/bottom portion of a concrete Deck
Girder e.g., an AASHTO Standard I-section and steel I-Beam for steel girder bridge.
Foundations – the lowest part of the bridge which sits
or in the ground. (Fig. 1.3.3)
Fretting -This defect is caused by the loss of
cementing or binding agents by leaching due to the
percolation of water through the structures.
Gabion – wire basket filled with stones.
Galvanizing – a thin layer of zinc on steel to protect it
against corrosion.
Gi rder – a beam usually made of steel and reinforced
concrete. (Fig. 1.3.2)
Groyne (or Spurdike) – a wall built to change the
flow of a river and protect the river bank from scour.
Headwall – a wall at the end of a culvert to hold the
soil fill above the culvert pipe.
Honeycombing – badly made concrete with lots of
Impact – to hit hard, as when a vehicle hits a
bridge parapet.
Curb – the step between the road and Sidewalk.
Landslide – soil and rocks slipping down a
mountain or hill.
Loose connections - Loose tightening or missing
in bolted or riveted connections
Lubrication System – a system to supply oil or
grease to a mechanical bridge bearing.
Maintain (as in Well Maintained) - to look after carefully and repair when it is necessary
Masonry – bricks or stones set together with mortar.
Mass Concrete – concrete without any steel in it.
Moisture – some water or dampness.
Overloaded – carrying too much weight.


Panel – a flat frame or plate.

Parapet – a wall or rail along the edge of bridge.
Rebar – steel bars in reinforced concrete, to make it stronger.
Pier – a support between abutments for bridges with more than one span. (Fig. 1.3.2)
Pile – a long, thin, foundation driven deep into the ground; bored pile - a cast-in-place pile. (Fig.
Piled Walls – walls made of long pieces of material driven into the ground.
Plate – a flat, stiff piece of steel.
Pointing – the mortar between bricks or stones on masonry.
Pre-stressed – a way of making concrete stronger with pre-stressing steel bars or cables.
PTFE – a slippery white material used in bearings.
Rendering – a thin layer of mortar put on masonry or brickwork to protect it.
Reno Mattress – a long thin gabion.
Retaining Wall – a wall to hold back soil.
River Bed – the bottom of the river.
Riprap – layer of loose rocks to protect the river bank
from scour.
Rust - Usually red oxide formed by the redox reaction
of iron and oxygen in the presence of water or air
Safety Pins – the small clips on a bailey bridge, that
stop the panel pins from falling out.
Scaling - the local flaking or loss of the surface
portion of concrete or mortar.
Scouring – erosion of the river bed or bank caused by
the flow of the river.
Seating – the place where one-part rest on another part.
For example, the place where a bearing is set on a
pier or abutment. Scouring
Services – cables and pipes for service facilities and utilities such as water, electricity and tele-
communication belonging to other authorities.
Settlement – small movement downwards of a structure.
Sheet Piled Wall - a wall made from steel panels, concrete piles or timber bored hammered into
the ground to form a wall.
Shrinkage (in Timber) - Shrinkage happens when the timber dries up below its fiber saturation
Slab – a large piece of concrete (For example a bridge deck).
Spacer Plates – plates which are put between two other parts.
Spall – to break off in a piece.
Spalling – an area where concrete has broken away; e.g. due to corrosion of reinforcing steel bars.
Span – the part of a bridge, or the distance, between the supports; span length refers to the length
of a bridge.
Spandrel Walls – the side walls of a masonry arch bridge.
Splitting - Splitting happens when the interior member remains above the fiber saturation point
while the outer layers shrink.
Spread Foundations – wide base to a pier or abutment, usually made of reinforced concrete.
Stiffener – in a steel plate girder, in prevents buckling of the web due to bending; also bearing
stiffeners which are provided directly over the bearing in a steel plate Deck Girder to prevent
buckling of web as well as to prevent bending failure of the bottom flange.
Stone Pitching – stones set in cement mortar to cover a sloping or an invert.
Stringer – a horizontal deck member.
Structural Member – all members which contribute to the structural integrity of a bridge.
Substructure – all parts of a bridge below the bridge seats, or below the springing line of arches,
and including abutments, piers, wingwalls and bents below the level of the top of cap. (Fig. 1.3.3)
Superstructure – all of the deck, including parapets, trusses, beams and running surface. (Fig.
Suspended Span (or Drop-in Span) – the middle span of a cantilever bridge.
Tension – pulling apart.
Upstream – the direction where the water is coming from.
Vibration – repeated small movements caused by a heavy vehicle or perhaps an earthquake.
Web – the part of a girder that joins the top and bottom flanges.
Weephole – a hole to allow water to come through.
Wingwalls – walls which are at the side of the abutments and part of it.

【Definition of Terms】
Maintenance – All engineering work provided to maintain structures’ performance at the
required level or higher, sometimes simply called, “maintenance”
Required Performance – Performance required for structures based on the purpose and the
Scheduled Maintenance – Necessary measures are selected in accordance with the evaluation
and determination that are made based on the inspection and the examination of maintaining the
structure’s required performance so as to optimize LCC (life cycle cost). Maintenance is
scheduled so as to prevent it from being concentrated in a certain period of time. (Preventive
maintenance and corrective maintenance are included.)
Life Cycle Cost (LCC) – Total costs required for future maintenance and operation (This is
abbreviated to LCC.)
Preventive Maintenance – Operation and maintenance that are implemented for the purpose of
preventing deterioration which results in the degradation of structure performance
Corrective Maintenance – Operation and maintenance that are implemented in accordance with
the degradation of structure performance
Scheduled In-service Period – Planned period that a structure is intended to be in service, which
is subject to change in accordance with the reviewed maintenance plan.
Design Service Period – Period that a structure or member should fully ca rry out its function.
The period is decided during the design phase.
Remaining Scheduled In-service Period – Period from inspection or study to the end of
scheduled in-service period
Remaining Design Service Period – Period from inspection or study to the end of design service
Function of Structure (Member) – Function that the structure (member) carries out in
accordance with the purpose or requirement
Performance of Structure (Member) – Performance that the structure (member) exercises in
accordance with the purpose or requirement
Durability – Resistance held by the structure against degradation over time, caused by
deterioration of materials in the structure under normal conditions
Safety – Structure performance that prevents lives and property of u sers and third parties from
being harmed
Usability – Structure’s Performance that enables users to use the structure problem free or that
prevents negative impacts to the surrounding environment, and performance for the purpose of
properly maintaining other functions required for the structure
Impact on Third Parties – Degree of impact on property or injury of a person caused by falling
concrete pieces that separated from the structure
Inspection – Collective term for diagnostic examinations to discover any abnormalities on the
structure or members
Monitoring – To observe conditions of structures and members through sensors mounted on
structures and members
Repair – Measures intended to remove impact to a third party or, restore/enhance structure ’s
aesthetic appearance or durability, including measures to restore safety or usability (mechanical
performance) to a degree that the structure had when constructed
Reinforcement – Measures to restore safety or usability (mechanical performance) to a higher
degree than when originally constructed
Defect – Collective term for initial flaw, damage, and deterioration
Initial Flaw – Cracks, honey comb, and cold joint which occur during construction
Damage – Damage that occurs in a short period time by an earthquake or a collision and does not
progress as time passes
Deterioration – Deterioration that progress as time passes.
Soundness – Level of current performance against required performance for the structure

2.1 Outline
As described in CHAPTER1, it is important to conduct a routine maintenance of bridge structures
for keeping their sound condition and prolong their lifespan, and it is necessary to establish a
basic and feasible management cycle as shown in Fig. 2.1.1 in the management entity.

Fig. 2.1.1 Routine Bridge Maintenance Cycle

In order to implement this routine bridge maintenance cycle in a sustainable manner, it is essential
to determine in advance the unit in charge in the relevant departments for each segment of the
cycle. Furthermore, the range of responsibility and the relevant annual schedule should be
prescribed in an official document is useful for sharing the understandings among units.
The following chapters prescribe the field of inspection as a core portion of bridge maintenance
and clarify the units in charge of each inspection work and its standard procedures.

It should be noted that each unit is not independent from others and the mutual cooperation is the
key for smooth flow of this inspection cycle. Each unit should respond any request from the
correspondent units accordingly and sincerely. Also, the request should be given with the deadline
and be as concrete as possible.
In addition, in order to exchange and share information, challenging issues, and necessary actions
taken in the next step among the relevant units, it is highly recommended to organize regular joint
meetings. Here, information on inspection technology is shared, identified damages are briefed
and necessary type of repairing intervention is planned.

The organization charts of RID and DPWT are shown in Fig. 2.1.2, and Fig. 2.1.3 respectively.

Fig. 2.1.2 Organization Chart of RID

Fig. 2.1.3 Organization Chart of DPWT (In case of Kandal Province)

2.2 Schedule
Annual action plan for bridge repair is shown in Fig. 2.2.1. It is preferable to conduct each action
by reflecting this schedule.

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

Proje ct and Budge t

MEF allocation
(IncludingaDie t approval)

Ne gotiation
MPWT & (Lower the price )
MEF N e gotiation

Next-year planning & Ne xt-year proje
budgeting in
Nationwide cts
finalize d

MPWT & N e gotiation

DPWT (Priority of projects)

Next-year planning & Determination of

budge ting
inspected bridges
Ins pection &
Ins pe ction & re pair work repair work
Imple me ntation Implementation

Fig. 2.2.1 Inspection and Maintenance Budgeting Schedule

MPWT: Ministry of Public Work and Transport

DPWT: Department of Public Works and Transportation
MEF: Ministry of Economy and Finance
2.3 Jurisdiction
2.3.1 Bridge repair
When bridge repair is carried out, the following responsibilities of bridge repair are necessary to
be assigned to a certain unit.
(a) Annual Implementation Plan
(b) Cost Estimation
(c) Budget Management
(d) Implementation
(e) Technical advisory

(a) Annual Implementation Plan

Annual implementation plan includes bridge repair location, its volume, methodology and
schedule. Along with repair budget estimates prepared in (b), the plan is used for budget request
and negotiation with MEF. The plan should consider metrological condition like squall and flood
and be prepared to secure the efficient implementation.
The unit in charge and the formulation process are as follows:

1) The annual implementation plan is prepared by each Bureau of Public Work, DPWT by
referring to the inspection database and previous inspection record. The plan shall be sent to
Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office of RID, MPWT.
2) In order to collect necessary information for the negotiation with MEF, Road Inventory &
Routine Maintenance Office questions to and receives answer from each Bureau of Public
Work on the content if any.
3) Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office summarizes the collected information and
edited it as a plan.

The rough timing of the abovementioned actions is shown in Fig. 2.2.1. The specific deadline of
submission shall be informed by Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office every year.
Table 2.3.1 The unit in charge of Annual Implementation Plan

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

1)To Prepare the annual implementation Road Inventory & Routine

Bureau of Public Work, DPWT
plan Maintenance Office of RID

2)To quest and to receives answer about Road Inventory & Routine
Bureau of Public Work, DPWT
the plan Maintenance Office of RID

Road Inventory & Routine

3)The collected information and edited Bureau of Public Work, DPWT
Maintenance Office of RID

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

Proje ct and Budge t

MEF allocation
(IncludingaDiet approval)

1) Ne gotiation
Road Inventory MPWT &
Ne gotiation (Lower the price )

Bureau of
& Routine MPWT
Next-year planning & Ne xt-year proje cts
budgeting in Nationwide
Public Work, finalize d

MPWT & Ne gotiation
DPWT DPWT (Priority of projects)

Office of RID
2), 3) Next-year planning &
Determination of
inspected bridges


Ins pection &

Inspection & repair work Implementation repair work

Fig. 2.3.1 Image of Annual Implementation Plan

(b) Cost Estimation

Properly estimated cost is a key reference for the negotiation with MEF. The unit in charge and
the formulation process are as follows:

1) The cost shall be estimated by each Bureau of Planning Accounting, DPWT based on the
annual implementation plan. The estimated cost shall be sent to Road Inventory & Routine
Maintenance Office of RID.
2) Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office questions to and receives answer from each
Bureau of Planning Accounting on cost-related matters if any.
3) Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office summarizes and edited the bill of quantity
The rough timing of the abovementioned actions is shown in Fig. 2.2.1. The specific deadline of
submission shall be informed by Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office every year.

Table 2.3.2 The unit in charge of Cost Estimation

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

Bureau of Planning Road Inventory & Routine

1) To estimate the cost
Accounting, DPWT Maintenance Office of RID

2)To quest and to receives answer about the Road Inventory & Routine Bureau of Planning

Cost Estimation Maintenance Office of RID Accounting, DPWT

Road Inventory & Routine Bureau of Planning

3)To summarize and to edit the estimation
Maintenance Office of RID Accounting, DPWT

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

Proje ct and Budge t

MEF allocation
(IncludingaDiet approval)

Bureau of
Ne gotiation
MPWT & (Lower the price )
MEF Ne gotiation

Accounting and
Planning MPWT
Next-year planning &
budgeting in Nationwide
Ne xt-year proje

Finance Office of cts

finalize d

Accounting, MPWT & Ne gotiation

RID DPWT (Priority of projects)

2), 3) Next-year planning &
budge ting
Determination of
inspected bridges


Ins pection &

Inspection & repair work Implementation repair work

Fig. 2.3.2 Image of Cost Estimation

(c) Budget Management

Proper management of the given repair budget prevents from the shortage of repair payment and
the consequent negative reaction from MEF, which may cause problems on the next budget
request. Therefore, routine check and assurance of budget implementation should be made if any
diversion or misuse of the budget to irrelevant purposes occurs . The unit in charge and the
formulation process are as follows:
1) Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office of RID is responsible for the management
of overall national budget. And each Bureau of Planning Accounting , DPWT manages the
budget of jurisdiction in charge.
2) By the end of September, Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office checks and
confirms the balance between budget and actual spending in each Bureau of Planning
Accounting. If any shortage is identified, Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office
shall conduct the budget reallocation.

Table 2.3.3 The unit in charge of Budget Management

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

Road Inventory & Routine Bureau of Planning

1) Management of overall national budget
Maintenance Office of RID Accounting, DPWT

2)To checks and to confirm the balance between Road Inventory & Routine Bureau of Planning

budget and actual spending Maintenance Office of RID Accounting, DPWT

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

Proje ct and Budge t

MEF allocation
(IncludingaDiet approval)

Bureau of Road Inventory MPWT &
MEF Negotiation
(Lower the price )

Planning & Routine Next-year planning & Ne xt-year proje

budgeting in Nationwide

finalize d
Maintenance MPWT & Ne gotiation
DPWT (Priority of projects)

DPWT Office of RID

2) Next-year planning &
budge ting
Determination of
inspected bridges


Ins pection &

Inspection & repair work Implementation repair work

Fig. 2.3.3 Image of Budget Management

(d) Implementation
Repair methodologies are shown in ‘CHAPTER, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7’. The unit in charge and the
formulation process are as follows:

1) Bridge repair is conducted by designated repair staffs belonging to each Road and Bridge
Unit, DPWT regardless of the presence or absence of damages, Repair workers must register
and input the inspection and repair results in the Bridge Inspection Database System.
2) For the repair budget management, each Road and Bridge Unit must report the actual repair
cost to the Bureau of Planning Accounting, DPWT within one week after the payment.
3) If any excessive spending is assumed, the Road and Bridge Unit must report to the Bureau
of Planning Accounting in advance.

Table 2.3.4 The unit in charge of Implementation

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

Road and Bridge Unit,

1) To conduct bridge repair ―

Road and Bridge Unit, Bureau of Planning

2) To report the actual repair cost
DPWT Accounting, DPWT

3) The report repair cost (In case of excessive Road and Bridge Unit, Bureau of Planning

spending) DPWT Accounting, DPWT

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

Proje ct and Budge t

MEF allocation
(IncludingaDiet approval)
Bureau of MPWT &
(Lower the price )

Road and

Planning Next-year planning &

Bridge Unit, MPWT Ne xt-year proje
budgeting in Nationwide

finalize d

DPWT 2), 3) MPWT &

N e gotiation
(Priority of projects)

Next-year planning & Determination of
budgeting inspected bridges


Ins pection &

Inspection & repair work Implementation repair work

Fig. 2.3.4 Image of Implementation

(e) Technical Advisory
When a new structural material is introduced on a certain bridge and repair staffs need some
technical guidance on the repair methodology, they can contact the designated department for
technical advice. The unit in charge and the formulation process are as follows:

1) Planning and Technical Office for Road & Bridge of RID and Road Inventory & Routine
Maintenance Office of RID are responsible for the technical advisory
2) Planning and Technical Office and Road Inventory & Routine Maintenance Office shall
record the consultation contents for the future reference to the similar cases and the basic
information for the revision of Bridge Repair Manual.

Table 2.3.5 The unit in charge of Technical Advisory

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

Planning and Technical Office

for Road & Bridge of RID /

1) Technical advisory DPWT, MPWT
Road Inventory & Routine

Maintenance Office of RID

Planning and Technical Office

for Road & Bridge of RID /

2) To record the consultation contents DPWT, MPWT
Road Inventory & Routine

Maintenance Office of RID

2.3.2 Bridge Repair Record
The results input in the Bridge Inspection Database S ystem include not only inspection result but
also repair result. If the updating of the Bridge Inspection Database System does not carry out for
repaired bridges, they remain registered as the damaged ones. In this case, it may influence
negatively on plan and bridges budget for bridge repair. Therefore, when bridge repair is carried
out, the following responsibilities of bridge inspection are necessary to be assigned to a certain

(a) Data Input of Repair Results

(b) Confirmation of the Data Input
(c) Database Management

(a) Data Input of Repair Results

The unit in charge and the formulation process are as follows:

1) Repair workers in each Road and Bridge Unit, DPWT shall be responsible for inputting the
repair result data in the Bridge Inspection Database System. It is preferable that the input shall
be done on the site right after the repair unless the site condition is not allowed

Table 2.3.6 The unit in charge of Data Input

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

Repair workers
1) Inputting the repair result data in the Bridge
(Road and Bridge Unit, ―
Inspection Database System
(b) Confirmation of the Data Input
The confirmation is to make sure that the given budget is properly spent without diversions to any
misappropriate cause. This process is helpful for gaining trust relationship with MEF and
facilitating the future budget negotiations. The unit in charge and the formulation process are as

1) The chief of repair team is responsible for input data confirmation. Intermediate check for
the balance between the initial schedule in the repair implementation plan and the actual
progress shall be conducted in every December.

Table 2.3.7 The unit in charge of Confirmation

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

1) Input confirmation The chief of repair team Repair workers

(c) Database Management

The database server of Bridge Inspection Database System shall be in the computer system of the
RID. The unit in charge and the formulation process are as follows:
1) Data, Equipment & Material Management Office of RID is responsible for the database
server management. The server shall be kept activated constantly so that anyone can access to
the system and input and reference actions can be made at any time.

Table 2.3.8 The unit in charge of Database Management

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

Data, Equipment & Material

1) The database server management ―
Management Office of RID,
2.3.3 Bridge Repair Seminar and
It is very beneficial to share information on new know-hows and technologies and the tendency
of damage patterns through seminars and workshops which are held nationwide. Seminars and
workshops shall be held in a regular basis in order to build partnerships and network among
DPWT staffs.
In addition, it is preferable to establish and promote an information sharing mechanism in each
DPWT. The unit in charge and the formulation process are as follows:
1) Planning and Technical Office for Road & Bridge of RID is responsible for the
organization and implementation of national seminars and workshops.
2) Local workshop an information sharing are carried out by each Deputy Director, Bureau of
Public Work, DPWT and Deputy Director, Bureau of Road and Bridge Unit , DPWT.

Table 2.3.9 The unit in charge of Bridge Inspection Seminar and Workshop

Content The unit in charge Relevant division

for Road &and Technical
Bridge of RID Office
1) The organization and implementation of
national seminars and workshops

Deputy Director, Bureau of

2) To carry out local workshop an information Public Work, DPWT

sharing. Deputy Director, Bureau of

Road and Bridge Unit, DPWT


3.1 For keeping safety repair work

3.1.1 Introduction of safety work

Construction site are often exposed to the risk of life compared to other industries.
Fig. shows the accident ratio of construction work for the all industries in Japan. Although
accident rate of construction work is about 15% in all accidents (all injuries and deaths), it is more
fatal and more than half of all accidents are caused by construction.
From this fact, it should be fully aware of the any danger hidden in construction works. Also it is
necessary to consider safety measures for repair workers not only during the construction period but
also before the commencement of construction. In addition to supervisors understanding it is
important to share among and educate engaged workers about the danger of repair work and safety

Fig Accidents result in all industries (In Japan)

Fig the proportion of death cause in construction sites in Japan. Fall’, and ‘Traffic
accident’ are the main cause of fatality.
Fall accident of the construction site often occurs when workers are on the high place (Photo
or when workers are accessing to the vicinity of the bridge (Photo
When scaffolding is needed, work floor must not have wide gaps (Photo3.1.1.3). In addition,
handrails should be attached for fall prevention (Fig.
And, if possible, it is necessary to provide measures for easy accessing ice to bridge such as
temporary step under the bridge (Photo or bush clearing around bridge during routine
maintenance (cleaning).

Fig Accidents rate in death (In Japan)


Photo High place work

The slope has no step

We can access easily!


Photo Steps on the slope



(a) Work floor opening (b) Handrail of scaffolding

Photo Scaffolding

Fatal traffic accidents occur more often in repair work than construction work because repair work is
likely to be conducted near traffic flow (Photo As a countermeasure of reducing traffic
accident, it is effective to put a “men-at-work” signboard on the road for the extra attention to
drivers (Photo

Photo Serviced road Photo Working signboard

Thus, the accident can be reduced substantially if appropriate safety measures are prepared in
advance and arranged during the construction period. Also accident is likely to occur when workers
get accustomed to work routines and start losing concentration. Supervisor should not be off guard
and keep attention even if no accident period continues.

It is essential that repair work should be carried out under the condition where worker safety is
completely ensured.
If the worker safety cannot be guaranteed, any work must not be carried out.
3.1.2 Confirmation before repair work
Before repair work is commenced, it is necessary to check the site (Photo in order to confirm
target damages to be repaired (making the inspection sheet (Fig. and how to access to them.
Based on the site check, temporary facilities such as scaffoldings, work schedule, tools and material
shall be prepared. At the same time, it is necessary to plan the safety management during the work.

Photo Site check (Before repair work)

Fig Inspection sheet

After the site check, in order to share the work proceedings and the relevant information among
participants, it is better to have a preliminary meeting (Photo In this meeting, detail work
procedure, schedule, safety measures, number of workers dispatched, material, tools, and
assignment of each worker are discussed and confirmed based on newly-obtained knowledge from
site check and
inspection sheet (Fig.

Photo Meeting for repair (Before repair work)

Weeds, bushes and trash on the work site sometimes cause workers to stumble or slip, and make
scaffoldings unstable. Also some trash contains hazardous substances such as glass, cutlery and
syringes, and they may be hidden under weeds and bushes (Photo Therefore, it is important
to remove weeds, bushes and trash before repair work. (Photo
As it takes considerable time to remove them, this clearing period should be included in repair work
schedule, and in some cases it should be done in a day before repair work is commenced.

Photo Hazardous materials in repair site

It is difficult for him to
fine the hole because the
grass is overgrown

Fig Hidden holes under the grass

Photo Cutting grass

3.1.3 Confirmation during repair work
All people entering the work site, not only the workers but also the supervisors, must wear the
protection helmet (photo, working shoes or leather shoes (photo Sandals are not
allowed in the site. Rubber protection gloves (Photo should be worn in case of using harmful
material harmful to skin.

Photo Protection helmet

(a) Sandal (b) Working shoes

Photo Sandal and working shoes
Photo Gloves

Before the repair work, the supervisor have to gather the all workers and have a meeting in order to
confirm the procedure of the day’s work and caution for safety (Photo

Photo Meeting on site before start of repair work

After the site meeting, all members carry out site cleaning at first if necessary (Photo -
Ideally site cleaning should be carried out every day to keep its safe workable condition.
Photo Site cleaning (During repair work)

When scaffolding is set up, ground around its columns should be leveled or column length should be
adjusted so that its floorboards are kept horizontal and stable (Photo The floorboards are
firmly fixed with the frame and level of different floorboards should be kept even in order to remove
the risks of stumbling and falling (Fig

Fixed with the frame

Fixed on the ground

Photo Fixed scaffolding
× Difference in level

Fig Accident by difference in level

Repair work is commenced after the scaffolding setting. Any worker is refrained from smoking in the
work site because there is repair material is highly flammable.
Supervisor should monitor workers actions carefully to make sure there are obeying safety

The work of the day shall be finished and supervisor shall allow workers to dismiss after the
confirmation of the contents of next-day work is done. It should be noted that any waste generated
from the work should brought back without leaving in the site.

It is necessary to carefully use repair tools. And after the day's repair work, keep cleaning (Example:
By using thinner and paper towel) and take care of repair tools (Photo


Paper towel

Photo Keep cleaning and take care of repair tools

3.2 Routine maintenance

3.2.1 Purpose of Routine maintenance

To prevent deterioration of the bridge structure, cleaning works should be performed including
removal of all accumulated foreign materials from the entire areas of bridge such as deck, sidewalk,
curbs, pier top, truss and web members, lower flanges of beams or girders, expansion joints,
bearings, wind bracing and drain facilities. After the cleaning, it is better to be ensured that there is
no remaining sand, gravel, dirt, and other foreign materials on the areas.
Especially drainage must be cleaned regularly to prevent from the remnant of rainwater which may
often trigger the rusting of structural members.
3.2.2 Application Criteria
The bridge shall be kept clean and in good condition to prolong its service life, as well as to provide
safety and comfort to road users. Recommended criteria for cleaning applied to the bridge including
its steel surface, deck and substructure are as follows:

a) Bridge Deck Slab

All surface areas of the bridge deck should be cleaned, including the drain pits, curbs, expansion
joints and railings. This could be performed using high pressure water blasting or manual
shoveling/sweeping works.

b) Bridge Substructure
All areas under the superstructure should be cleaned, including the bearings, parapet wall, pier caps
and concrete diaphragms. This could be executed using high pressure water blasting or manual

c) Surface of Steel Plate

All surface areas of a steel bridge should be cleaned, including the top and bottom part of flanges,
web plates, diaphragms, lateral members and gusset plates. This should be washed using high
pressure water blasting. Inspection vehicle is utilized effective to carry out cleaning of the high
bridge soffit parts.
3.2.3 Work Sequence
a) Bridge Deck and Drainage Cleaning
All foreign materials such as dirt, dust, sand, rain water, and moss on concrete surfaces in the gaps
between girders shall be completely removed manually and then washed using a high pressure water
bluster. Drainage facilities and expansion joints on the deck should also be carefully cleaned:

Drainage pipe
Drainage pipe

Photo Clogged drainage facility

Photo Expansion joint clogged with sand Photo Drainage cleaning with water jet
and dust

Photo Manual drainage cleaning

b) Cleaning of Bridge Substructure
All foreign materials such as dirt, dust, sand, rain water, and moss on surfaces of abutment and pier
bearing seats and coping shall also be completely removed manually and then washed using a high
pressure water bluster. Mud and sand deposits at the sides of abutment shall be excavated to
its original distance from the river bank.

Photo Vegetation in the deck Photo Mud, debris and sand deposits
around Bearing seat areas

Photo Cleaning of pier bearing seat

Fig. Removal of grass and shrubs around bridge

4.1 Maintenance Room

Even for any bridge structure, it is advised that spatial allowance for maintenance activities be
secured for sides of alignment and under the girders so that scaffolding can be installed properly.
Except for long-span bridges, concrete bridges in general have a short span and small gap between
girders. Also as there is a little girder expansion allowance and supporting load of substructure is
relatively small, small size of expansion joints and bearings are generally used. Consequently,
there is little space available for working on pier top and that makes inspection and repairing
difficult to carry out. Therefore, even for a concrete structure, it is essential to secure enough
maintenance room (working and preliminary space) as defined hereafter.

Enough maintenance room should be secured for the following structures (Photo 4.1.1).
(a) Bridge structure over river and waterways
(b) Bridge structure over crossing road
(c) Bridge structure adjacent to immovable structures

(a) Over waterway (b) Above road

Photo 4.1.1 Limited Maintenance

Expecting future requirement of inspection, repairing and strengthening by deterioration due to

aging and unexpected causes, in the planning and design stages, any bridge structure is advised to
secure enough maintenance room around the main structure.

Maintenance room includes the scaffolding space on both sides of and under the girders, working
space for inspection, repair and strengthening, and any probable room as deemed necessary in the
future. Scaffolding also needs enough spaces for suspension devices, worker’s passage and staircase
and protection panel.
Examples of maintenance room are shown in Fig. 4.1.1and Table 4.1.1.

Fig. 4.1.1 Standard Setting of Scaffolding

Photo 4.1.1 Scaffold

Table 4.1.1 Standard Maintenance Space for Bridge Repairing

space under

space under
pier girder

Details of
Table 4.1.2 compares worker’s positioning and the associated fatigue level during maintenance work.
When a worker works on the bottom side of lower flange of main girder near the bearing, his/her
fatigue level may double. Enough working space should be provided as much as possible so that
workers can work and move without physical hindrance.

As shown in Fig 4.1.2, in the case of a structure layered with other roads, enough space between
right- of-ways of parallel roads and adjacent pier girder and column should be generally kept for
maintenance room.

Fig. 4.1.2 Minimum Dimensions for Maintenance Space of Layered Structure

Table 4.1.2 Working Positions and Worker’s Fatigue

Working Position Required Space Fatigue

Resting Position
Sketch (Standard size) : m (Reference)
Side view Front view Height Width Length standard Short Medium Long

1 Standing Free to Work without restriction 1.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 Free

Unable to work unless slightly

2 Hunching 1.5 0.8 1.0 1.5 Squatting sitting

3 Squatting Unable to work unless squatting 1.2 0.8 1.0 1.2 Squatting sitting

Kneeling Unable to work unless kneeling or Sitting

4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 Stretching legs
or sitting sitting on chair

Prone position
Unable to work unless lying face down
> 0.6 Stretching body Supine
5 or face up and stretching or flexing 0.8 1.6 2.0
Supine on floor position
lower limbs
position > 0.6

Lying Unable to work unless lying sideways

6 0.7 0.8 1.8 2.5 Supine position
and stretching or flexing lower limbs

Working in most difficult position

7 lying face down, with arms and 0.4 0.8 1.8 2.5 Supine position
abdomen on the floor, or lying face up
NOTES: 1. In the resting position column, short, medium, and long refer to short rest, medium rest, and long rest, respectively
2. Rest means taking a rest at the same place, as differentiated from a coffee break or the like
4.2 Concrete Material

4.2,1 Composition of Concrete

Concrete is the mixture of cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and admixture (Fig.
4.2.1). Coarse aggregate has the largest share in cubical volume followed by fine aggregate, water,
cement, and admixture in order.

Fig. 4.2.1 Composition of Concrete

Fig.4.2.2 Component comparison in different mixture states

4.2.2 Aggregate
Sand or gravel component of concrete material is generally called aggregate. Aggregate is classified
into coarse and fine ones by particle dimension. Coarse aggregate is the gravel mass whose 85% of
weight volume can remain on 5mm wire sieve (equivalent of gravel over 5mm in dimension). Fine
aggregate is the sand mass all of which goes through 10mm wire sieve and whose 85% of weight
volume go through the 5mm one.
Since total cubical volume of aggregate consists of about 70% of concrete, its quality largely
influences on the overall concrete performance.

(a)Coarse aggregate (b)Fine aggregate

Photo 4.2.1 Aggregate
4.2.3 Cement
Cement is the concrete component with gray colored and powdery state and hardened by hydrate and
polymerized effects when mixed with water or liquid material.
Cement is roughly classified into three types: portland cement, blended cement and special cement.
Generally, portland cement is used for regular concrete.
4.3 Damages due to construction failures
Any concrete structure requires specified strength, durability, water-tightness and external
appearance according to its intended purpose. When it is constructed, careful execution is critical to
meet the required qualities.
However, since concrete is a complex mixture of cement, aggregates and water, it is very vulnerable
of bleeding failures with poor execution of mixing, transport and casting. Also, concrete’s smaller
tensional strength may induce initial cracks due to construction misconducts.
As these failures and cracks during the construction stage may cause many problems on strength,
durability, water-tightness and external appearance of finished products, careful and proper quality
management is essential at this stage. Common failures and their countermeasures are shown in the
following (Fig. 4.3.1).

Fig. 4.3.1 Typical construction failures and their causes

4.3.1 Honeycombing and Cavity

Since fresh concrete is a state where materials with different specific weight such as cement and
aggregates are distributed in the water, uneven mixture and the consequent bleeding failure may
happen with poor mixing and casting. Here, bleeding is a phenomenon where a part of water
component is concentrated on the surface with sedimentation of aggregate and cement particle.
When bleeding occurs and coarse aggregates concentrate disproportionately without enough mortar
infusion, section with many small voids may appear. This failure is usually called honeycombing.
Also, when there is a poor concrete workability with crowded reinforcements, large void or cavity is
prone with insufficient compaction.
Honeycombing and cavity cause not only poor external appearance but also significant deterioration
on durability and water-tightness. When there is a partial areal loss, structural strength may also be

Photo 4.3.1 Honeycombing

(1) Causes of honeycombing and cavity

Honeycombing and cavity are likely to appear when casting improper workability concrete for a
required dimension.

1) Concrete mix design

When aggregate proportion against cement is higher than regular mixture, cement component
does not reach to the entire area and honeycombing may occur

2) Insufficient concrete compaction

When concrete is casted in a section where vibrator cannot reach or reinforcements are placed
densely with smaller gap, concrete cannot come through entirely and honeycombing or cavity is
likely to appear.

3) High concrete casting position

Structures like high wall and pier for which fresh concrete has to be casted from relatively higher
position, it collides with formwork and reinforcements and bleeding is likely to occur.

(2) Preventive measures

The execution of right mix design based on standard specification is the key to avoid forming voids.
Also concrete with proper workability should be chosen by considering the size and shape of cross-
section and reinforcement arrangement, while concrete should be casted and compacted with a well-
examined plan.
When formwork is high, casting hole in the intermediate height and supplementary casting devices
such as vertical shoot, pump or concrete hopper should be provided.
If possible in the design stage, enough lateral space between reinforcements should be secured so
that vibrator can be inserted easily.
4.3.2 Bubble and Sand Texture
Although bubble and sand texture are not structural problems but they cannot be accepted when
external appearance shall be taken into account.

(1) Causes of bubble and sand texture

When bleeding occurs and the water remains along the formwork panel, bubble holes appear on the
concrete surface after dry-up. Sand texture is a phenomenon where the water washes away the
cement component and fine aggregated stand out on the surface.

(2) Preventive measures

To avoid or reduce bubble or sand texture due to bleeding, good workability concrete should be used
and the height of one casting unit should be less than 40-50cm with sufficient compaction.

Photo 4.3.2 Sand Texture

4.3.3 Cracking
Concrete cracking causes bad effects on structural strength, durability, water-tightness and external
appearance. They occur by the four main types of cause as follows:

(1) Related to construction performance

(2) Related to concrete material behaviors
(3) Related to use conditions and ambient environment
(4) Related to structural and loading conditions

Table 4.3.1 shows the causes categorized in the abovementioned types. Most of the actual cracks
occur with the combination of multiple causes.
Table 4.3.1 Causes categorized in concrete crack
Classifications Causes
Concrete Mixing Work Uneven dispersion of Materials
Mixture Prolonged mixing time
Transport Change of mixing design at pumping
Casting Inappropriate casting order
Overquick casting
Compaction Inappropriate compaction
Curing Vibration/loading before setting
Overquick drying at initial stage
Freezing at curing
Casting Joint Inappropriate casting joint
Reinforcement Re-bar Random interval placemen
Placement Insufficient coverage depth
Formwork Formwork Swelling
Panel Water leakage
Removal before concrete setting
Supports Support sagging
Material Cement Abnormal setting
Components Existence of hydration water
Abnormal swelling
Aggregates Clay content in aggregates
Use of low-quality aggregates
Silica reaction
Fresh Concrete Chlorides in concrete
Material sedimentation, bleeding
Dry shrinkage of concrete
Physical Temperature, Change of ambient condition
Use Condition

Humidity Difference between structural sides

Surface heating
Ambient Environment

Chemical Chemical Acid/chloride reactions

Reaction Re-bar corrosion by concrete carbonation
Re-bar corrosion by chlorides in concrete
Loading Dead/Long-term Loads Excessive loads beyond design
Loading Structural

Condition Live/Short-term Loads Excessive loads beyond design

Structural Design Insufficient dimension or reinforcement
Supporting Condition Uneven sedimentation
4.3.4 Cold Joint
When massive volume of concrete is casted, the casting is done incrementally. If one layer of
concrete is casted after the previous layer becomes solidified, material discontinuity called “cold
joint” sometimes appear in the boundary section between layers.
Cold joint not only becomes the main factor of deterioration on structural strength but also brings
negative effects on external appearance, water-tightness and durability.

Photo 4.3.3 Cold Joint

(1) Causes of cold joint

The dominant causes of cold joint are concrete solidification time and casting interval between
layers. The factors to dictate each duration are as follows:

1) Factors for concrete solidification time

- Type of cement and admixture
- Slump
- Water-cement ratio
- Temperature
- Humidity
- With or without re-vibration
2) Factors for casting interval between layers
- Casting order
- Casting time
- Transport time
- With or without stand-by time before casting

(2) Standard specification on casting interval

When more than two layers of concrete are casted, concrete of upper layer shall be casted before the
one of the previous layer begins to be solidified. Also in order to avoid cold joint, allowable
casting intervals are set as in Table 4.3.2. Since works are conducted in daytime in Cambodia, target
interval should be less 2 hours
These intervals are defined as the hours between the time when concrete is mixed and finished being
casted in the lower layer and the time concrete is casted in the upper layer with a certain curing

Table 4.3.2 Allowable Maximum Casting Interval

Ambient Temperature Allowable Maximum Casting Interval
Over 25 ℃ 2.0 hours

Less than 25 ℃ 2.5 hours

(3) Preventive measures

The best way to prevent the occurrence of cold joints is to make a well-examined casting plan before
hand and execute casting accordingly. Also cold joint forming can be avoided by using admixture
for setting retarding
4.4 Concrete Work

4.4.1 Requirements of Fresh Concrete materials

(1) The slump shall be 80mm.
This workability is generally determined by the ease with which fresh concrete can be deformed
and resistance to the separation of materials. For general concrete, it may be established from the
slump and maximum size of the coarse aggregate.

(2) The unit cement concrete shall be determined from the unit water content and water-cement
ratio. For the minimum unit cement content, the values in Table 4.3.1 shall generally be taken.

Fig. 4.3.1 Minimum unit cement content (kg/m3)

Component Member type Minimum unit cement content

Reinforced concrete member 230
Pre-stressed concrete member Pre-tensioning method 350
Post-tensioning method 300

The unit cement content shall be determined from the unit water content and water-cement ratio.
Here, in the pre-tensioning method, the bond strength between the concrete and the PC tendon
shall be adequately ensured. Therefore, the minimum unit cement content in the pre-tensioning
method is stipulated to be larger than in the post-tensioning method.
Because there is a risk of a large water content having a detrimental effect on the structure such as
cracking due to thermal stress and drying shrinkage, an examination shall be performed regarding
the construction method and curing method when the unit cement content is high.

(3) The sand ratio shall be determined so that the unit water content is minimized within the limits of
easy work execution.

(4) The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be 40 mm or less, and not greater than 1/5 of the
minimum dimensions of the member and not greater than 3/4 of the minimum clear distance of the
The maximum coarse aggregate size depends on the amount and arrangement of the steel; however,
it is desirably taken at 20 or 25 mm.
4.4.2 Storage
The materials shall be stored so that their quality does not change.
It is desirable to store materials paying attention to the following matters to ensure their quality.

1) Storage of steel
Reinforcing bars and structural steel shall be supported at appropriate spacing and stored in
storage facilities or, if stored outdoors,under appropriate cover instead of being placed directly
on the ground surface.

2) Storage of cement
When cement that has been stored for a long period of time is , the cement shall be tested to
ascertain its quality prior to the use.
When the temperature of cement is excessively high, the temperature of the cement shall be
lowered prior to the use.
If bags of cement are stored for a relatively long period of time or during a high-humidity
it is good practice to take weathering prevention measures such as using bags lined with a damp-
proof membrane. If bags of cement are stacked while in storage,the cement in the lower bags
might consolidate. A recommended limit to the number of layers of stacked bags of cement,
therefore about 13.

Photo 4.4.1 Storage of concrete material

4.4.3 Concrete work
(1) General
In performing concrete work, a plan shall be established beforehand concerning the concrete
transport method, transport route, site placed, placement method, placement procedure, amount of
one placement, curing method, and construction joint treatment method so that the prescribed
quality can be ensured.

(2) Transport
Concrete shall be transported and placed using an appropriate method so that no separation of
materials occurs.
When a concrete pump is used, an appropriate type of concrete pump shall be chosen considering
the concrete placement method. In placing a pipeline, it shall be ensured that the pipeline does not
impart harmful vibrations or deformation to the reinforcement, formwork or support. The pipeline
is desirably placed horizontally or upward. Since the pipeline to a pump moves around while the
concrete is being pumped, it should not be placed directly on the reinforcement, formwork or the
like but desirably placed on supports.

(3) Placement
1) Concrete placement shall not generally be performed in rain or strong wind.

2) Before concrete placement, the placing facilities and formwork shall be cleaned to prevent
miscellaneous matter from penetrating the concrete. Parts that may absorb the moisture of the
concrete shall be placed in wet conditions beforehand.

3) Time from Mixing to Finishing the Placement

As a standard, the time from the completion of mixing to the completion of placement should be
2 hours or less or l.5 hours or less when outdoor air temperature is 25 degree Celsius or lower or
higher than 25 degree Celsius, respectively.

4) If concrete is placed in two or more layers, placement shall be carried out so that an overlying
layer becomes integral with an underlying layer. The area of each concreting zone, concrete
supply capacity, allowable placement interval, etc., shall be determined so that cold joints do not
result. The term allowable placement interval is the time after completion of the placement and
compaction of the underlying layer of concrete until the overlying layer of concrete is placed
after a period of standing time. Standard allowable placement intervals are shown in Table 4.3.2.

(4) Compaction
1) In principle,internal vibrators should be used for compacting concrete. Form vibrators may be
used for such structures as thin walls where the use of internal vibrators is difficult.
2) In conducting concrete compaction, it shall be ensured that concrete is spread around the
reinforcement and to every corner of the formwork.

3) Scaffold installation and concreting methods shall be determined so that the compaction height
does not exceed the planned value.

4) Concrete adjacent to the sheathing board shall be properly compacted around the sheathing board
to ensure that the final concrete surface is as flat as possible.

5) During compaction using vibration, the internal vibrator shall be inserted about 10cm into the
lower layer of concrete.

6) The spacing should not be greater than a diameter in the range in which vibration is effective,
which is usually 50 cm or less for concrete with the average level of fluidity and viscosity.

7) The spacing of interval vibrators and the vibration time at each location shall be determined so
that concrete can be adequately compacted. Internal vibrators shall be withdrawn gradually so
that holes are not left in the concrete.
As a rule of thumb, vibration time is about 5 to 15 seconds. Pulling out vibrators slowly is very important in
order to make sure that holes are not left in the concrete.

8) The time for re-vibration should be as late as possible to the extent that the compaction of
concrete is possible and there is no adverse effect such as cracking on the concrete.

9) Internal vibrators must not be used for lateral movement, which may cause segregation.

Photo 4.4.2 Compaction

(5) Curing

Photo 4.4.3 Curing

1) Concrete shall be cured so that it is not subjected to the effects of drying, low temperature or
rapid temperature changes after placement.

2) Concrete shall be cured so that it is not subjected to the effects of harmful vibrations, impact or
the like while it being hardened.

3) The curing method shall generally be wet curing. When ordinary Portland cement is used, the
concrete shall be cured for at least 5 days after placement, and if high-early-strength Portland
cement is used, the concrete shall be cured for at least 3 days after placement. Seawater shall not
be used for the curing water.

(6) Construction joint

1) The construction joint shall be formed at a position of small shear force and perpendicular to the
direction of action of compressive forces on the member.

2) For the construction joint, consideration shall be given so that cracks due to thermal stresses and
drying shrinkage do not occur.
At the construction joint, there is a risk of cracking by thermal stress due to heat of hydration,
thermal stress due to the effects of ambient air temperature, drying shrinkage and other causes.
Therefore, construction work shall be performed in a manner that minimizes the temperature
difference between the new and existing concrete. Near the construction joint, it is necessary to
place stirrups, transverse bars and other reinforcement densely compared to the other parts or to
take other measures.
3) At the construction joint, the concrete surface shall be cleared of laitance, loose aggregate or the
like and allowed to absorb water sufficiently before new concrete is placed.
The water remaining on the existing concrete surface shall be removed before placing new

4) As for structures exposed to salt environment such as sea side, it is advised the number of
construction joints should be minimized and the vertical joint should be averted as far as possible.

5) When concrete is placed several times in multiple layers, integrity shall be ensured at the layer
interfaces between the upper – and lower – layer concrete, and cracks or cold joints with an
adverse effect on durability shall not occur.
When the lower concrete beings to harden, there is a risk of the formation of a cold joint when the
upper concrete is placed without consideration. To prevent this, it is important to set and control
placement intervals considering the effects of the type and quality of concrete, the elapsed time
from the start of kneading to the completion of placement, concrete temperature, compaction
method, and other factors.
4.4.4 Work and placement of reinforcement
(1) Reinforcement shall be assembled firmly using spacers made of concrete or mortar that is
equivalent or superior in quality to the body concrete so as not to cause dislocation during
concrete placement.

(2) Reinforcement shall be bended at normal temperature and the bending work shall be performed
using a bending machine in a manner that causes no change in material property.

(3) At assembling reinforcement, loose rust or other matter that may impair the bond with concrete
shall be removed.
Matter including loose rust, mud, oil, paint or others impairs the bond between concrete and
reinforcement. Not only should they be removed in assembling the reinforcement but it should
also be ensured that they do not adhere to the reinforcement during storage or working.

(4) When a lap joint is used, the prescribed length shall be lapped and firmly bound by annealed iron
wire of 0.9 mm or more in diameter.

(5) Reinforcement jutting from the structure in an exposed state for future extension shall be
protected from damage, corrosion and the like.
When reinforcement is exposed for a long time for future extension, it shall be coated with
cement paste or shielded by a vinyl cover or otherwise treated to protect it from damage or the
adverse effects of corrosion.
4.5 Concrete quality verification test

4.5.1 Slump test

Slump test is used to know the workability of fresh concrete and the easiest way to know the
concrete properties. The concrete slump test is used for the measurement of a property of fresh
concrete. The test is an empirical test that measures the workability of fresh concrete. More
specifically, it measures consistency between batches. The test is popular due to the simplicity of
apparatus used and simple procedure.
The big slump means high workability. But it is not so good for concrete durability. And bigger
slump concrete is easy to produce materials separation, contains much water and produce materials
separation easily and quality of the concrete after the ramming down is easy to become the often
heterogeneity, and its dry shrinkage is also big.
So, it is important to minimize the slump water content within the limits of workability for casting.

Photo 4.5.1 Slump Test

Slump test method is as following (Fig. 4.5.1).

①The tester called slump cone is set. The steel slump cone is placed on a solid, impermeable, level
②Filling the slump cone with fresh concrete in 3 steps in three equal layers.
③Each steps, tamping 25 times by a stick. Each layer is rodded 25 times to ensure compaction.
④Finishing the top flat, and lifting the slump cone up vertically and slowly. And, slump is measured.
The third layer is finished off level with the top of the cone. The cone is carefully lifted up,
leaving a heap of concrete that settles or ‘slumps’ slightly. The difference in level between the
height of the slump cone and that of the highest point of the subsided concrete is measured. This
difference in height in mm is the slump of the concrete.
Fig. 4.5.1 Step of Slump Test
4.5.2 Air content

Photo 4.5.2 Air content test

Air content test is to measure air content

contained in concrete.
Test for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method is based on
Boyle’s law, which states that the volume occupied by air is proportional to the
applied pressure. The meter shown in the photograph, a separate air chamber is
connected through a valve to the test bowl that is filled with concrete. With the valve
closed, the separate chamber is pressurized to a predetermined operating pressure.
When the valve is opened, the air expands into the test chamber, and the pressure
drops in proportion to the air contained within the concrete sample. The pressure
gauge is read in units of air content.
When concrete is mixed, minimal air is put into concrete. The more amount of air is
large, workability of concrete is good. However, if air is put in too much, compressive
strength is reduced.
So, suitable air content should
be designed.

Air content test method is as

following (Fig. 4.5.2).
① The tester is set on
the level stock.
② The taster is filled with fresh concrete in 3 steps in three
equal layers.
③ Each steps is tamped 25
times by a stick.
④ The side of tester is tapped
with a hummer
⑤ The cover is set up, and the inside of tester is made
into a vacuum.
⑥ Air content
is measured.
⑦ Weight of this
tester is measured.
⑧ Unit water content can be calculated by air content and
specimen weight.
Fig. 4.5.2 Step of Air content test
4.5.3 Compressive compressive strength of three specimens is
strength test adopted as the result.
This test measures the compressive
strength of hardened concrete.
We confirm that cast-in-site concrete
strength exceeds the design one. This test
measures the compressive strength of
hardened concrete to confirm whether the
concrete has design strength or not.
We test three pieces and compressive
strength is the average of them. Average
Photo 4.5.3 Compressive strength test

(1) Sampling method (Photo 4.5.4)

1) In case of sampling from agitator
To get homogeneous fresh concrete, sample should be taken equally after high speed
stirring and excluding first 50 or 100 litter concrete.
2) In case of sampling from concrete pomp
Sample should be taken from three place of discharged concrete.

(a) From agitator (b) From concrete pomp

Photo 4.5.4
Sampling method
(2) Specimens making
*Three specimens should be made every 150m3 – 300m3 concrete casting.
*Specimens should be made as cylinder with diameter of more or 100mm and more or 3 times of
maximum aggregates and height of more or 2 times of diameter. (for example φ100×200mm)
(Photo 4.5.5)
*Filling the mold with fresh concrete in more or 2 equal layers and each layer is rodded 1 time
10 times ensure compaction.
* Mold should be removed after 16 to 72 hours. Specimens should be kept away from impacts or
vibration and protected from drying during molded time.
* After that specimens should be kept in the constant temperature water tank and compressive test
will be carried out on 28th day.

Photo 4.5.5 Cylinder

4.5.4 Chloride Ion Content Test
When there is a certain amount of chloride ion in concrete, reinforcements are vulnerable for
rusting. Also, the existence of sodium chloride in concrete may induce alkali-silica reaction. In order
to avoid the chloride-related failures, the total amount of chloride ion content in concrete shall be
less than
0.30kg/m3 in principle.
Test methods to measure the volume of chloride ion concrete includes test strip (Quan Tab Test),
machine test, and dry analysis method using concrete powder drilled by depth from core samples.
Recently Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) can measure the chloride content precisely and

Photo 4.5.6 Chloride Ion Content Test

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