19 - Online Examinations
19 - Online Examinations
19 - Online Examinations
At the outset, the COE outlined the various steps taken by the University for
implementing online teaching in the University necessitated due to the extraordinary
and unprecedented circumstances – and disruption – caused by the COVID-19
pandemic leading to NATIONAL LOCKDOWN under National Disaster Act ordered
by the Government of India and the need to be prepared for conducting online
final/end-semester examinations to safeguard the academic career of the students in
the eventuality of extension of the lockdown.
Members were of the opinion that for conduct of online examinations, it has to ensured
that the syllabus for each paper is covered fully through online teaching. The
limitations of availability of internet/bandwidth in remote locations was also discussed
and after detailed deliberations the following was agreed upon:
Online Teaching:
1. Each teacher shall upload the relevant study material for the concerned paper
on his/her webpage on the University website www.amu.ac.in
2. If possible PPTs (Power Point) with embedded voice, explaining the subject
matter may also be uploaded for the benefit of the students.
3. Each teacher may form a WhatsApp group and email group of his/her students
to facilitate the teaching-learning process. (If required, the registered mobile
number and email of students can be obtained from the office of COE by the
concerned departments.)
4. Teachers and students may make use of additional facilities/apps like Google
Class Room, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Hangouts etc. as per mutual
6. It shall be ensured that all the study material is not uploaded in a single session
but in a step wise manner as per progression of teaching.
7. A report of the progress in teaching for each paper shall be submitted by the
concerned teacher as per Performa given in Appendix-I to the Chairman for
onward transmission to the Dean.
Online Examination:
1. Students shall fill-in the online Registration-cum-examination form on the
website www.amucontrollerexams.com for the current semester.
4. The continuous evaluation shall have 80% weightage while the final/end-
semester examination shall have 20% weightage.
Dean of the Faculty and Chairman of the department concerned shall ensure
that the above is implemented by all teachers for each paper/course/class.
2. Dates for examination of remaining papers of Class X and Class XII Board
examinations may be notified in due course of time as and when the situation
becomes conducive for conducting the same.
3. Study material for all classes of the new session (i.e. 2020-21) which was
scheduled to start in mid-April for the period for which classes were to be held
before vacations may be uploaded on the website of the Directorate/concerned
school. Efforts may also be made to ensure that same reaches the respective
Controller of Examinations
1. Members of the Committee
2. SPA to Registrar /Controller of Examinations
3. Assistant Registrar Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat
4. Guard file.