United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Us 7.621,237 B2: Krowech Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 24, 2009
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Us 7.621,237 B2: Krowech Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 24, 2009
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Us 7.621,237 B2: Krowech Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 24, 2009
(54) ECONOMIZER FOR A STEAM GENERATOR 3,835,920 A 9/1974 Mondt ......................... 165,81
4,052,962 A * 10/1977 Dauthuille ..... 122/20 A
(75) Inventors: Robert J. Krowech, Eden Prairie, MN 4,196,700 A 4, 1980 Keseru et al. ............ 122,406.1
(US); Edward B. Congdon, Eden Prarie, tK-1
A Ch tal CWC (a
MNS sy M. Morales, Eden 6,019,070 A * 2/2000 Duffy ...................... 122.209.1
rar1e, 6,055,803 A 5/2000 Mastronarde
6,186.221 B1 2/2001 Beauregard et al.
(73) Assignee: HRST, Inc., Enden Prairie, MN (US) 6,481,386 B2 11/2002 Wittchow
- 7.357,100 B2 * 4/2008 Waseda et al. .............. 122,511
(*) Notice: Subject to any site the t
patent 1s extended or adjusted under
2008/0282997 A1* 1 1/2008 Gayheart et al. ............ 122,441
U.S.C. 154(b) by 143 days. * cited by examiner
(21) Appl. No.: 11/892,306 Primary Examiner—Gregory A Wilson
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Richard C. Litman
(22) Filed: Aug. 21, 2007 (57) ABSTRACT
(65) Prior Publication Data
An economizer for a heat recovery steam generator utilized to
US 2009/OOSOO79 A1 Feb. 26, 2009 improve the efficiency of the Rankine cycle by preheating the
51) Int. C water that flows to the evaporator section. The economizer
(51) E. 7/6 2006.O1 multi-pass sections include up-flow tubes only. This arrange
( .01) ment greatly reduces thermal stresses on the tubes by ensur
(52) U.S. Cl. .......... 122/7 R; 122/235.23; 122/235.14 ing that each individual tube in any fluid-flow pass operates at
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 122/7 R, the same or similar temperature. The design of the invention
122/235.11, 235.14, 235,23, 459, 511 does this by causing all tubes in any fluid-flow pass to have the
See application file for complete search history. same upwards fluid flow direction and similar fluid flow
(56) References Cited velocity. No unstable backflow (i.e. flow in the reverse direc
tion) occurs in any of the tubes. Heated down-flow tube
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS sections are totally eliminated in this design. Respective
3.267.914. A 8, 1966 Connell ...................... 122,510
jumper pipes are provided to conduct the water from the top
3.318,290 A * 5/1967 Gorzegno ................... 122,510 of an economizer panel to the bottom of an adjacent panel.
3,515, 101 A * 6/1970 Unthank et al. ............. 122/365
3,703,161 A * 1 1/1972 O'Connor .............. 122/235.11 3 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
Nov. 24, 2009 Sheet 1 of 4
run . . ."
it 12d
24 14
U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2009 Sheet 2 of 4 US 7.621,237 B2
24 O 26 24
IIL ) 24
U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2009 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7.621,237 B2
U.S. Patent US 7.621,237 B2
US 7,621,237 B2
1. 2
ECONOMIZER FOR A STEAM GENERATOR FIG. 2 is a partial, elevational, front view of an economizer
for a heat recovery steam generator according to the present
FIG.3 is a partial, bottom view of an economizer for a heat
1. Field of the Invention 5 recovery steam generator according to the present invention.
The present invention generally relates to heat transfer FIG. 4 is a partial, top view of an economizer for a heat
devices. More specifically, the present invention is drawn to recovery steam generator according to the present invention.
an economizer unit for a heat recovery steam generator Similar reference characters denote corresponding fea
(HRSG). tures consistently throughout the attached drawings.
2. Description of the Related Art 10
Maintaining the integrity of water tubes in heat recovery DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
systems has been problematic in that the tubes are subjected EMBODIMENT
to high mechanical stresses due to thermal expansion and
contraction. Load changes, frequent stops and starts, water Attention is first directed to FIGS. 1 and 2 wherein the
temperature differential, etc., all contribute to stresses that 15 economizer of the present invention is generally indicated at
can lead to the degradation of the tubes. Leaking tubes usually 10 and is shown positioned downstream from a source of hot
require shutdown of the system so that the degraded tubes can gas with a horizontal flow path 12 (indicated in phantom
be replaced. Such shutdowns obviously result in economic lines). Economizer10 comprises an array of vertical tubes 14,
loss. Heretofore, attempted solutions to prolong the life of the which tubes extend perpendicularly from lower manifolds 16
tubes have included adding bends to the tubes, increasing the to upper manifolds 18. Tubes 14 are secured in manifolds 16,
size and radius of existing bends, adding a re-circulation 18 in a conventional manner and expand and contract when
system or just accepting tube leaks and repairing them as they Subjected to thermal changes caused by hot gas flow 12a on
occur. These solutions have proven to be uneconomical, espe the outer surfaces and relatively cool water flow on the inner
cially since leaks are not easily anticipated. The art would surfaces. The economizer is designed so that the water flow in
certainly welcome an uncomplicated and efficient econo 25 the tube sections is in a vertically upward direction only. That
mizer design that would alleviate the above discussed prob is, water to be pre-heated flows from lower manifolds 16
lems. upward into upper manifolds 18. Supports 20 are tied to tubes
There are many economizer designs described in the 14 and Support tubes 14 in a horizontal orientation. Although
related art. Pertinent examples of such related art are cited and illustrated with two tube ties, it is obvious that different steam
described in the accompanying IDS. However, none of the 30 generating installations could require more or fewer ties.
above cited and described related art, taken either singly or in As best illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4, tubes 14 are arranged
combination, is seen to disclose an economizer as will be in six panels, (numbered 1-6) each panel having forty-eight
Subsequently described and claimed in the instant invention. tubes. Each panel comprises an upper manifold a lower mani
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION fold and a bank of forty-eight tubes. A respective jumper pipe
35 24 connects respective upper and lower manifolds in each of
The present invention is a multi-pass economizer for a heat five of the six panels. Supports 20 are also employed to
recovery steam generator, which economizer is utilized to stabilize jumper pipes 24. Panel 6 has its upper manifold
connected with the economizer outlet 26. Panel 1 has its lower
improve the efficiency of the Rankine cycle by preheating the manifold connected with the economizer inlet 28.
water that flows to the evaporator section of the steam gen 40 In the above-described arrangement, water flow is always
erator. The economizer of the instant invention incorporates directed vertically upward in the tubes 14 of each panel and
multi-pass sections comprising only up-flow tubes. The up
flow only arrangement has been found to greatly reduce ther downward in each respective jumper pipe 24 in the multi-pass
mal stresses on the tubes by ensuring that each individual tube operation. Although illustrated with six panels, it is obvious
in any fluid-flow pass operates at the same or similar tempera that different steam generating installations could require
ture. The design of the invention does this by causing all tubes
45 more or fewer panels and/or tubes.
in any fluid-flow pass to have the same upwards fluid flow It is to be understood that the present invention is not
direction and similar fluid flow velocity. Hydrostatic buoy limited to the embodiment described above, but encompasses
ancy pressures decrease flow stability in multi-circuit down any and all embodiments within the scope of the following
flow tube sections, but it increases flow stability in up-flow claims.
sections. Therefore, no unstable backflow (i.e. flow in the We claim:
reverse direction) occurs in any of the tubes. Heated down 1. A multi-pass upflow economizer for a HRSG, compris
flow tube sections are totally eliminated in this design. 1ng:
Accordingly, the invention presents an economizer, which an array of heat transfer panels arranged in adjacent rela
economizer is efficient, uncomplicated in design and is able 55 tionship;
to better withstand thermal stress. The invention provides for each panel of said array comprising an upper manifold and
improved elements thereof in an arrangement for the pur a lower manifold positioned beneath said upper mani
poses described that are inexpensive, dependable and fully fold:
effective in accomplishing their intended purposes. an array of tubes connecting said upper manifold to said
A clear understanding of the present invention will become 60 lower manifold of each respective panel, wherein said
readily apparent upon further review of the following speci array of tubes extend in a perpendicular, Vertical direc
fication and drawings. tion between said upper manifold and said lower mani
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS fold thereby providing flow in a vertically upward direc
tion only;
FIG. 1 is a partial, elevational, side view of an economizer 65 a respective jumper pipe connecting the upper manifold of
for a heat recovery Steam generator according to the present each respective panel of said array of heat transfer panels
invention. to respective lower manifold of an adjacent panel
US 7,621,237 B2
3 4
thereby recircuiting the total volume of flow between 2. The multi-pass economizer for a HRSG according to
each heat transfer panel so that the flow in each of the claim 1, wherein the array includes six panels and each panel
tubes is upflow: comprises forty-eight tubes.
an economizer outlet connected to the upper manifold of 3. The multi-pass economizer for a HRSG according to
one of the said array of panels; and 5 claim 1, wherein support members stabilize each of the
iumper pipes.
an economizer inlet connected to the lower manifold of one Jumper p1p
of said array of panels. k . . . .