Project Schedule

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1.1 Introduction to Manet

1.2 Existing System

1.2.1 Disadvantage of Existing System

1.3 Proposed System

1.3.1 Advantage of Proposed System

1.4 Feasibility Study

1.5 Hardware and Software Requirement

1.6 Functional Requirement

1.7 Non Functional Requirement

2. Literature Survey

2.1 Previous Workdone

3. Analysis and Design

3.1 Modules

3.3 Data Flow Diagram

3.4 Uml Diagram

4. Implementation
4.1 4.1 Process Specification
4.2 Technology Description

5. Output Screens

6. Testing and Debugging

7. 7. Conclusion
4.2.1 Java Technology

4.2.2 The Java Platform

4.2.3 ODBC

4.2.4 JDBC

4.2.5 JDBC Goals

4.3 Sampling Code

4.3.1 Sample Code for Sender

4.3.2 Sample Code for Receiver

5. Output Screens

6. Testing and Debugging

6.1 Types of Testing

6.1.1 Black Box Testing

6.1.2 White Box Testing

6.1.3 Unit Testing

6.1.4 Test Strategy

6.2 Test Objectives

6.3 Features to be Tested

6.3.1 Integration Testing

6.3.2 Functional Testing

6.3.3 System Testing

6.3.4 Acceptance Testing

7.1 Future Enhancement

8. References/Bibliography

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