David Mond ( )
David Mond ( )
David Mond ( )
(*) David Mond. Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, England
E-mail: [email protected] .
This paper is concerned with this and other related questions. Our main result,
in Section 6, is an infinitesimal condition for the commutativity of such diagrams.
We begin by placing these questions in a more general context, in the category of
factorisations of a function. The questions about commutativity of these diagrams
become questions about the functoriality of certain maps from this category to the
categories of OX /Jg -modules and algebras.
∈ F2∗ (Jf2 )
= k (∂f2 /∂yk ) ◦ F2 ∂αk /∂xj ◦ F1
We will refer to the natural algebra-homomorphism O/F1∗ (Jf1 ) → O/F2∗ (Jf2 ) which
results from this inclusion as the comparison map.
Proposition 2.4. The map C : F(g) → O/Jg -algebras taking (f, F ) to
O/F ∗ (Jf ), and taking a morphism α : (f1 , F1 ) → (f2 , F2 ) to the comparison map
O/F1∗ (Jf1 ) → O/F2∗ (Jf2 ), is a covariant functor F(g) → O/Jg -algebras. 2
Here and where possible in the rest of the paper, we use O in place of OX ,
where X is the domain of the map g whose factorisations we are considering.
Example 2.5. As initial and final objects in F(g) we have the factorisations
id m g
(Cm , 0) −→
(Cm , 0) −→ (C, 0)
g id
(Cm , 0) −→ (Cn , 0) −→
(C, 0),
since for any other factorisation f ◦ F = g there are unique diagrams
Cm Cm
idCm . &F F . &g
α α∞
Cm 0
−→ Cn and Cm −→ C
g& .f f& . idC
in which α0 = F and α∞ = f . We have C(g, idCm ) = O/Jg and C(idC , g) = 0.
Thus C takes the initial and final objects of F(g) to the initial and final objects of
the category of O/Jg -algebras.
3. KV and Kf -equivalence
In [1], Jim Damon generalised the notion of contact equivalence of map-germs
(X, x0 ) → (Y, y0 ), as follows.
Definition 3.1. Given the germ of a subvariety (V, y0 ) ⊂ (Y, y0 ) the map-germs
F, G : (X, x0 ) → (Y, y0 ), are KV -equivalent if there are diffeomorphisms Φ of
(X × Y, (x0 , y0 )) and ϕ of (X, x0 ) such that
(1) πX ◦ Φ = ϕ ◦ πX , (i.e. Φ lifts ϕ)
(2) Φ takes X × V to itself, and
(3) Φ induces a diffeomorphism graph(F ) → graph(G).
Here πX : X × Y → X is projection. In the analytic category, “diffeomor-
phism” means bianalytic automorphism. Ordinary contact equivalence becomes
KV -equivalence with V = {y0 }.
In the case that V is a hypersurface in Y with equation f , the closely related
group of equivalences Kf was introduced in [3]; the definition is that of KV except
that (2) is replaced by the condition
2 0 . f ◦ πY ◦ Φ = f ◦ πY .
Lemma 3.2. (i) If F and F 0 are Kf -equivalent then f ◦ F and f ◦ F 0 are right-
equivalent. (ii) If F and F 0 are KV -equivalent then f ◦ F and f ◦ F 0 are contact-
Proof By (1) and (3) of the definition,
Φ(x, F (x)) = (ϕ(x), F 0 (ϕ(x))). (7)
Now (2’) implies
f (F (x)) = f ◦ πY (Φ(x, F (x)) = f ◦ πY (ϕ(x), F 0 (ϕ(x))) = f (F 0 (ϕ(x))),
i.e. f ◦ F and f ◦ F 0 are right-equivalent, while (2) implies
F −1 (V ) = (gr(F ))−1 (X × V ) = (gr(F ))−1 (Φ−1 (X × V ))
which is equal to (F 0 ◦ ϕ)−1 (V ) by (7). Thus (f ◦ F )−1 (0) = (f ◦ F 0 ◦ ϕ)−1 (0),
from which contact-equivalence follows. 2
In 4.4 below we show that the converse to both parts of this Lemma is in general
Damon showed that when X and Y are smooth, the tangent space to the KV -
orbit of a germ F is
T KV F = tF (θX,x0 ) + F ∗ (Der(− log V )),
where Der(− log V ) is the OY,y0 -module of germs of vector fields on Y which are
tangent to V at its smooth points.
The T 1 ’s for the deformation theory of the germ F under Kf and KV -equivalence
have usually been denoted by TK1 f F and TK1 V F . In keeping with our change of
viewpoint in this paper, we will call them T 1 (f, F ) and Te1 (f, F ) instead. That is,
θ(F ) θ(F )
T 1 (f, F ) = , Te1 (f, F ) = .
Example 3.3.
T 1 (g, idCm ) = 0 = Te1 (g, idCm ).
T 1 (idC , g) = OX /Jg , Te1 (idC , g) = OX /(g + Jg ).
F f
Proposition 3.4. For any factorisation X −→ Y −→ C of g, T 1 (f, F ) and
Te1 (f, F ) are O/Jg -modules.
Proof Let x1 , . . . , xm and y1 , . . . , yn be variables on X and Y respectively. We
have to show that for each i and j,
∂g ∂
∈ T Kf F.
∂xi ∂yj
This is easy: since Der(− log f ) contains the Hamiltonian vector fields
∂f ∂ ∂f ∂
χk,` (f ) := − ,
∂yk ∂y` ∂y` ∂yk
we have
∂g ∂ X ∂f ∂Fk ∂ X ∂Fk ∂f ∂
= ◦F = χk,j (f )◦F +tF ◦F
∂xi ∂yj ∂yk ∂xi ∂yj ∂xi ∂yk ∂xi
k k6=j
Remark 3.7. (i) Let g = f ◦F . Then OCm /Jg is the T 1 of g for right-equivalence.
The morphism TK1 f F → T 1 g in (8) is a map between deformation functors, telling
us which of the first order deformations of g we can get by deforming F alone. A
similar statement holds for TK1 V F → OCm /(g) + Jg ), with contact-equivalence in
place of right-equivalence.
Λ : B → S. Because of the freeness of TR/S G := OCm ×Cµ /Jrel G over OS , the
Kodaira-Spencer map gives an isomorphism
TSs ' π∗ (TR/S
G)s = 1
TR/S G(x,s)
π∗ (TK1 f /B F)b 1
−→ π∗ TR/S G Λ(b)
↑ ↑' (10)
db Λ
TBb −→ TSΛ(b)
in which the vertical maps are the Kodaira-Spencer morphisms and the map at
the top is the relative version of the morphism TK1 f F → OCm /Jg in the long exact
sequence (8). It follows from commutativity that Λ is a submersion at precisely
those points b over which OCm /Fu∗ (Jf ) vanishes.
(iii) Where the left hand Kodaira Spencer map is an isomorphism also (e.g. for
symmetric matrix families in two and three variables, with f = det, as shown in
[5]), the relative version of the morphism TK1 f F → OCn /Jg can be identified with
the derivative of the inducing map Λ. As a consequence of this, Λ is an immersion
at those points b over which H 1 (L• (f )) (which is of course just TorO
(OCn /Jf ,
OCm )) vanishes.
(iv) In [6], V. V. Goryunov and V. Zakalyukin observe that for simple symmetric
matrix families M in two variables, and with f = det, the Kdet -codimension of M
is equal to the Re -codimension (= Milnor number) of det M , and that morover
the discriminant of the inducing map Λ is the image under Λ of the set of points
u such that for some x ∈ C2 , Mu (x) has corank ≥ 2. They conjecture that the
assumption of simplicity can be omitted in these statements. The first part of this
conjecture was proved in [5]. That the second part also holds follows from (ii)
above, since V (Jdet ) is precisely the set of matrices of corank ≥ 2.
4. Is T 1 a functor?
From now on we consider only T 1 = T 1 Kf . An analogous theory can be developed
for Te1 .
0, so that Der(− log f ) and Der(− log V ) are contained in mC4 ,0 θ(f ). Since tα = α
is a linear injection, tα(Der(− log f ◦ α))⊆ / α∗ (Der(− log f )) and
−1 ∗
tα(Der(− log α (V )))⊆ / α (Der(− log V )).
A straightforward calculation shows that T 1 (f ◦α) has length 1 and T 1 (f, α◦F )
has length 5.
Remark 4.4. The previous examples make clear that the converse to Lemma
3.2 does not in general hold. In the case of Example 4.3, the family Ft (u, v) =
(u2 + t, u2 − t, v) is Kf ◦α - trivial, from which it follows, by 3.2, that f ◦ α ◦ Ft
is R-trivial. Nevertheless α ◦ Ft is not Kf -trivial, nor even KV -trivial (where
V = {f = 0}).
4.1. T 1 (α) as a C-linear map. Suppose that for j = 1, 2, T 1 (fj , Fj ) has finite
length, and let Fj be a Kfj -miniversal deformation of Fj , with base BFj . Since
α ◦ F1 is a deformation of F2 , it is isomorphic to a deformation induced from F2
by a base change map ρ1,2 : BF1 → BF2 . Although the map ρ1,2 is not unique, its
derivative at 0 ∈ BF1 is. Modulo the identification of T0 BFj with T 1 (fj , Fj ), it is
the map
dF1,t d(α ◦ F1,t )
7→ .
dt |t=0 dt |t=0
In other words, this map is induced by Fj∗ (tfj ) : θ(F ) → θ(g), and coincides with
the map T 1 (f, F ) → OX /Jg in the long exact sequence 8).
Lemma 4.5. We can always choose ρ1 = ρ2 ◦ρ1,2 and thus ensure that the diagram
B F1 −→ B F2
ρ1 & . ρ2 (12)
Proof Given a group of equivalences G acting on a space of map-germs, let Gun
denote the corresponding group of parametrised equivalences acting on deforma-
By definition of ρ1,2 , we have
α ◦ F1 ∼Kf2 ,un ρ∗1,2 (F2 ).
From this it follows, by the parametrised version of Lemma 3.2, that
f2 ◦ α ◦ F1 ∼Run f2 ◦ ρ∗1,2 (F2 ) = ρ∗1,2 (f2 ◦ F2 ).
But f2 ◦ α = f1 , so
f1 ◦ F1 ∼Run ρ∗1,2 (f2 ◦ F2 ).
f2 ◦ F2 ∼Run ρ∗2 G,
f1 ◦ F1 ∼Run ρ∗1,2 (ρ∗ (G)) = (ρ ◦ ρ1,2 )∗ (G).
Therefore we can take, as ρ1 , the composite ρ2 ◦ ρ1,2 . 2
5. Coherent morphisms
Continuing with the notation and assumptions of the previous section, let H :
(Cm ×B) → (Cn , 0) be any deformation of F1 . Then H also induces a deformation
α◦H of F2 . The deformations H and α◦H are, respectively, Kf1 ,un -equivalent and
Kf2 ,un -equivalent to the deformations of F1 and F2 induced by base-change maps
1i 2 i
B −→ BF1 and B −→ BF2 , whose derivatives at 0 are uniquely determined.
Thus, there is a diagram
BB (13)
|| BB
|| BBi2
|| BB
} || B!
BF1 / BF2
Example 4.3 shows that the maps i1 and i2 cannot always be chosen so as to
make this diagram commute. For example, in 4.3 the 1-parameter deformation
H(u, v, t) = (u2 +tu, u2 , v) of F1 is infinitesimally Kf1 -trivial, so that i1 : B → BF1
has vanishing derivative at 0. On the other hand, the deformation α ◦ H of F2 is
not infinitesimally Kf2 -trivial, so that i2 : B → BF2 is an immersion.
Example 4.3 shows that immersions are not necessariy coherent. Projection,
however, always defines a coherent morphism.
Proposition 5.3. The morphism π in the diagram
(F, G) . &F
Cn × Cp −→ Cn ,
f ◦π & .f
is coherent.
Proof Suppose that (Fi , Gi ) for i = 1, 2 are Kf ◦π un -equivalent deformations of
(F, G) on base B. Let Φ : B × X × Y1 × Y2 → B × X × Y1 × Y2 be a diffeo-
morphism in Kf ◦π un which transforms the graph of (F1 , G1 ) to that of (F2 , G2 ).
Write Φ(u, x, y1 , y2 ) = (u, ΦX (u, x), ΦY1 (u, x, y1 , y2 ), ΦY2 (u, x, y1 , y2 ) (using the
subindices merely as labels). Note that by definition of Kf ◦π un -equivalence, we
(1) Φ(0, x, y1 , y2 ) = (0, x, y1 , y2 ) for all (x, y1 , y2 ) (Φ is an unfolding of the
identity on X × Y1 × Y2 ), and
(2) f (ΦY1 (u, x, y1 , y2 )) = f (y1 ) for all (u, x, y1 , y2 ).
Define Ψ : B × X × Y1 → B × X × Y1 by
Ψ(u, x, y1 ) = (u, ΦX (u, x), ΦY1 (u, x, y1 , G1 (u, x)).
By (1) and the inverse function theorem, Ψ is a diffeomorphism, and unfolds the
identity on X × Y1 , by (2) it preserves the value of f , and evidently it transforms
This example of coherence, though trivial, will be useful in the proof of the
main theorem of the next section.
Proposition 5.4. The canonical morphisms α0 and α∞ associated to the initial
and terminal object,
Cm Cm
idCm . &F F . &g
α α
Cm 0
−→ Cn and Cm −→ C ,
g& .f f& . idC
(where α0 = F, α∞ = f ) are coherent.
Proof If F : Cm × B → Cm is any deformation of idCm , then there is an unfold-
ing of idCm , Φ : Cm ×B → Cm ×B, such that F ◦Φ = π, where π : Cm ×B → Cm
is projection. It follows that α0 ◦ F ◦ Φ = F ◦ π. Thus every deformation of F
arising as the composite with α of a deformation of idCm is trivial. Hence any two
such are equivalent to one another, and a fortiori α0 is coherent.
Coherence of α∞ , is essentially a parametrised version of 3.2(i). For KidC is
just right-equivalence R; so it is necessary to show that if F1 ∼Kf un F2 then
f ◦ F1 and f ◦ F2 are Run -equivalent deformations of g. Suppose Φ(u, x, y) =
(u, φX (u, x), ΦY (u, x, y)) is a Kf un -equivalence transforming the graph of F1 to
that of F2 . Then
ΦY (u, x, F1 (u, x)) = F2 (u, ΦX (u, x)).
But by definition of Kf un -equivalence, f (ΦY (u, x, y)) = f (y) for every u, x, y, and
in particular
f (F1 (u, x)) = f (F2 (u, ΦX (u, x)).
In other words f ◦ F1 and f ◦ F2 are Run -equivalent. 2
The vector field η := j ηj ∂y∂ j lies in Der(− log f ◦ α) ⊗ OB×X×Y , since the value
of f ◦ α is preserved along the flow lines. The hypothesis, (15), implies that η
extends to a vector field η̃ ∈ Der(− log f ) ⊗ OB×X×Y ×N . The map Φ̃ sending
(0, x, y, n) to its image under the time t integral flow of the extended vector field
+ χ(u, x, y) + η̃(u, x, y, n)
is a Kf un -equivalence extending Φ.
To deal with the general case where B is smooth of dimension d, we identify B
with Cd and let B1 = C × {0}, B2 = C2 × {0}, . . . , Bd = B. Suppose inductively
that the diffeomorphism Φj := Φ|Bj−1 ×X×Y has been extended to a diffeomor-
phism Φ̃j−1 of Bj−1 × X × Y × N which preserves the value of f as required. Let
t1 , . . . , tj be coordinates on Bj . Once again, Φ((t1 , . . . , tj , 0, . . . , 0)), x, y) is the
image of Φ((t1 , . . . , tj−1 , 0, . . . , 0), x, y) under the integral flow of a tj - dependent
vector field
+ ξ(t1 , . . . , tj , x, y) + η(t1 , . . . , tj , x, y)
with η ∈ Der(− log f ◦ α) ⊗ OBj ×X×Y . By (15), η extends to η̃ ∈ Der(− log f ) ⊗
OBj ×X×Y ×N , and now we extend Φj to Φ̃j of Bj ×X ×Y ×N by the now standard
procedure. This completes the proof. 2
The converse to 6.3 does not hold. For example, (15) does not always hold for
the morphism α0 : (g, idCm ) → (f, F ), but α0 is always coherent.
It is useful to keep in mind the diagram
ker{α∗ (tf ) : θ(α) → θ(f ◦ α)}
% -
tα(Der(− log f ◦ α)) --→ α∗ (Der(− log f )) ,
↑ ↑
tα(Ham(f ◦ α)) → α∗ (Ham(f ))
where Ham(f ) denotes the module generated by the Hamiltonian vector fields
ηij (f ). The inclusion (15) is the broken arrow.
Two cases in which, in view of 6.2, (15) obviously holds, are
(1) where Tor1OCp (OCp /Jf , OCn ) = 0, in which case the right upper arrow is
an equality, and
(2) where f ◦ α has isolated singularity, in which case the left lower arrow is
an equality.
The first of these two occurs, of course, if α is flat. So there are two subcategories
of Cg in which all morphisms are coherent:
(1) The subcategory whose objects are those of Cg , and whose morphisms are
the flat morphisms of Cg , and
(2) The full subcategory of Cg consisting of factorisations (f, F ) where f has
isolated singularity.
Since (2) excludes, for example, determinantal factorisations, it is rather restric-
tive. More interesting than (1) is the subcategory whose objects are Cohen-
Macaulay factorisations (f, F ), that is, where OCn /Jf is Cohen-Macaulay, and
whose morphisms are those morphisms α of Cg such that the codimension of
V (α∗ (Jf )) in Cn is equal to the codimension of Jf in Cp . For such morphisms,
α∗ (L• (f )) is acyclic, condition (1) above holds, and thus α is coherent.
Given a factorisation (f, F ) of g, call codim V (Jf ) − codim V (F ∗ (Jf )) the di-
mensional defect of (f, F ) and denote it by defect(f, F ). The dimensional defect
plays an important role in the relation bewteen τ := dimC T 1 Kf F and the rank of
the vanishing homology of g = f ◦ F under perturbations of F — see [5].
We will say a morphism α : (f1 , F1 ) → (f2 , F2 ) has finite length if T 1 (f, α) has
finite length.
Lemma 6.4. Suppose that α has finite length. Then a necessary and sufficient
condition for equality of codim V (α∗ (Jf )) and codim V (Jf ) is that defect(f, α◦F ) =
defect(f ◦ α, F ).
Proof By exactness of S(f, α), the finite length of T 1 (f, α) implies that
codim V (Jf ◦α ) = codim V (α∗ (Jf )). So
defect(f, α ◦ F ) = defect(f ◦ α, F ) ⇔ codim V (Jf ) = codim V (Jf ◦α )
The morphism p• exists despite the fact that i∗ (GN• ) is not acyclic. The diagram
above shows that H1 (i∗ (GN• )) ' Ext3 (O/Jdet , O). The fact that p1 = ti lifts to
a morphism J2 → i∗ (GN2 ) is equivalent to the image of p1 not meeting the ho-
mology of i∗ (GN• ).
It is of course well-known that OMatn (C) /Jdet is Gorenstein and that GN• is self-
dual. Does this, together with the Z2 -action generated by transposition, of which
Symn (C) is the fixed-point set, explain the remarkable split extension (19)?
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Personal note: Jairo Charris was the first person I spoke to when I went to enquire
about doing a Master’s degree in the National University in 1975. He opened his
office door as I walked nervously along the corridor, dripping from a recent down-
pour, and asked me, in English, if he could help. He could, and did. Enormously.
He invited me into mathematics, and taught me that it was worth doing and
that I could do it. His combination of informality, friendliness and passion for
mathematics was incredibly attractive. To him, I owe my career.