Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects For Multiple Outcome Models & Commands (Including Ologit, Mlogit, Oglm, & Gologit2)

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Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models &

Commands (including ologit, mlogit, oglm, & gologit2)

Richard Williams, University of Notre Dame,
Last revised January 29, 2019

As was the case with logit models, the parameters for an ordered logit model and other multiple
outcome models can be hard to interpret. Adjusted predictions and marginal effects can again
make results more understandable. Stata 14 made the margins command much easier to use
after multiple outcome commands like ologit, oprobit, mlogit, oglm and
gologit2. While the examples here use ologit, the same procedures can be used with other
commands. If you are condemned to using Stata 12 or 13, the appendix describes the much more
tedious process that is required. However, regardless of which version of Stata you are using,
you may prefer to use spost13 commands (findit spost13_ado) like mtable as they can
produce easier to read output.

Consider the following. We will once again use the Nhanes2f data, but this time the dependent
variable will be self-reported health, whose values range between 1 (poor) and 5 (excellent):
. version 14.1
. webuse nhanes2f, clear
. keep if !missing(diabetes, black, female, age)
(2 observations deleted)
. label define black 0 "nonBlack" 1 "black"
. label define female 0 "male" 1 "female"
. label values black black
. label values female female
. fre health

health -- 1=poor,..., 5=excellent

| Freq. Percent Valid Cum.
Valid 1 poor | 729 7.05 7.05 7.05
2 fair | 1670 16.16 16.16 23.21
3 average | 2938 28.43 28.43 51.64
4 good | 2591 25.07 25.07 76.71
5 excellent | 2407 23.29 23.29 100.00
Total | 10335 100.00 100.00

. ologit health i.female c.age, nolog

Ordered logistic regression Number of obs = 10335

LR chi2(3) = 1682.10
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -14923.345 Pseudo R2 = 0.0534

health | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
female |
female | -.1170992 .0355732 -3.29 0.001 -.1868215 -.0473769
black |
black | -.8845093 .0583106 -15.17 0.000 -.998796 -.7702227
age | -.0410673 .0010907 -37.65 0.000 -.043205 -.0389295
/cut1 | -4.910859 .0743281 -5.056539 -4.765179
/cut2 | -3.428162 .0648869 -3.555338 -3.300986
/cut3 | -2.004318 .0586634 -2.119296 -1.88934
/cut4 | -.7512595 .0561222 -.8612569 -.6412621

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 1
The results tell us that, on an all other things being equal basis, females, blacks, and older people
tend to have lower levels of self-reported health. However, other than sign and significance, it is
difficult to get a tangible feel for how large and important these differences are.

Using the Margins and Spost13 Commands. Now let’s see what happens when we use the
margins command to get the AAPs (Average Adjusted Predictions) for whites and blacks:

. * AAPs using margins

. margins black

Predictive margins Number of obs = 10,335

Model VCE : OIM

1._predict : Pr(health==1), predict(pr outcome(1))

2._predict : Pr(health==2), predict(pr outcome(2))
3._predict : Pr(health==3), predict(pr outcome(3))
4._predict : Pr(health==4), predict(pr outcome(4))
5._predict : Pr(health==5), predict(pr outcome(5))

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
_predict#black |
1#nonBlack | .0635826 .0023288 27.30 0.000 .0590182 .068147
1#black | .1374343 .0070777 19.42 0.000 .1235622 .1513064
2#nonBlack | .1548809 .0034868 44.42 0.000 .1480469 .161715
2#black | .2475271 .0072026 34.37 0.000 .2334102 .261644
3#nonBlack | .2846398 .0043742 65.07 0.000 .2760666 .293213
3#black | .3054912 .0048495 62.99 0.000 .2959863 .3149961
4#nonBlack | .2540548 .0043035 59.03 0.000 .2456201 .2624894
4#black | .1863406 .0057371 32.48 0.000 .1750961 .197585
5#nonBlack | .2428419 .0041509 58.50 0.000 .2347062 .2509776
5#black | .1232068 .0060262 20.45 0.000 .1113957 .135018

You get the AAPs for blacks and whites for each category of the ordinal dependent variable.
Looking at the results, you can see that, on an all other things equal basis, blacks are more than
twice as likely as whites to say they are in poor health (13.7% as opposed to 6.4%), about as
likely to report they are in average health (30.5% to 28.5%) and about half as likely to say they
are in excellent health (12.3% versus 24.3%).

Long & Freese’s mtable command (findit spost13_ado) produces output that is easier
to read and that does not require Stata 14:
. *spost13
. mtable, at(black = (0 1))

Expression: Pr(health), predict(outcome())

| black poor fair average good excellent

1 | 0 0.064 0.155 0.285 0.254 0.243
2 | 1 0.137 0.248 0.305 0.186 0.123

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 2
You could simplify this a bit and say things like, according to the model, on an all other things
being equal basis, almost 50% of whites say their health is good or excellent, compared to less
than 31% of blacks. Or, if you prefer, you can say that more than 38% of blacks say their health
is fair or poor, compared to less than 22% of non-blacks. (Note that the AAPs for each group
sum to 1, i.e. everybody has to fall into one of the five health categories.)

Given that there are a lot of numbers here, it might be easier to look at the AMEs:

. * AMEs using margins

. margins, dydx(black)

Average marginal effects Number of obs = 10,335

Model VCE : OIM

dy/dx w.r.t. :

1._predict : Pr(health==1), predict(pr outcome(1))
2._predict : Pr(health==2), predict(pr outcome(2))
3._predict : Pr(health==3), predict(pr outcome(3))
4._predict : Pr(health==4), predict(pr outcome(4))
5._predict : Pr(health==5), predict(pr outcome(5))

| Delta-method
| dy/dx Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- |
_predict |
1 | .0738517 .006432 11.48 0.000 .0612452 .0864582
2 | .0926462 .0061925 14.96 0.000 .0805091 .1047833
3 | .0208514 .0018031 11.56 0.000 .0173174 .0243855
4 | -.0677142 .0053068 -12.76 0.000 -.0781153 -.0573131
5 | -.1196351 .0064726 -18.48 0.000 -.1323211 -.106949
Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.

. mtable, dydx(black)

Expression: Marginal effect of Pr(health), predict(outcome())

poor fair average good excellent

0.074 0.093 0.021 -0.068 -0.120

Consistent with the earlier results, the marginal effects show you that, on average, blacks are 7.4
percentage points more likely than whites to say their health is poor, and about 12 percentage
points less likely to say their health is excellent. Personally, I find numbers like this much more
tangible and meaningful than the raw coefficients.

Here is an example of how you can use Long & Freese’s mtable command to compute
adjusted predictions for prototypical cases. The first command does everything with one
command but the subsequent commands produce an easier to read table.

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 3
. * mtable
. mtable, at (black = (0 1) age = 20 ) at (black = (0 1) age = 47 ) at (black = (0 1) age = 74 ) dec(4)

Expression: Pr(health), predict(outcome())

| black age poor fair average good excellent

1 | 0 20 0.0175 0.0553 0.1731 0.2869 0.4672
2 | 1 20 0.0414 0.1184 0.2813 0.2930 0.2659
3 | 0 47 0.0513 0.1410 0.3046 0.2786 0.2245
4 | 1 47 0.1157 0.2498 0.3395 0.1882 0.1068
5 | 0 74 0.1407 0.2781 0.3305 0.1634 0.0872
6 | 1 74 0.2839 0.3517 0.2430 0.0834 0.0380

. quietly mtable, at (black = 0 age = 20 ) rown(20 year old white) dec(4)

. quietly mtable, at (black = 1 age = 20 ) rown(20 year old black) dec(4) below
. quietly mtable, at (black = 0 age = 47 ) rown(47 year old white) dec(4) below
. quietly mtable, at (black = 1 age = 47 ) rown(47 year old black) dec(4) below
. quietly mtable, at (black = 0 age = 74 ) rown(74 year old white) dec(4) below
. mtable, at (black = 1 age = 74 ) rown(74 year old black) dec(4) below

Expression: Pr(health), predict(outcome())

| poor fair average good excellent

20 year old white | 0.0175 0.0553 0.1731 0.2869 0.4672
20 year old black | 0.0414 0.1184 0.2813 0.2930 0.2659
47 year old white | 0.0513 0.1410 0.3046 0.2786 0.2245
47 year old black | 0.1157 0.2498 0.3395 0.1882 0.1068
74 year old white | 0.1407 0.2781 0.3305 0.1634 0.0872
74 year old black | 0.2839 0.3517 0.2430 0.0834 0.0380

Specified values of covariates

| black age
Set 1 | 0 20
Set 2 | 1 20
Set 3 | 0 47
Set 4 | 1 47
Set 5 | 0 74
Current | 1 74

Producing readable graphs can be a little tricky since so many different lines can be produced at
the same time because of the multiple outcomes for the dependent variable. The spost13 mgen
command might be useful for this purpose. I’ll just show the commands and then the final graph.

* Graphics using mgen

* mgen for all groups pooled together
mgen, at(age = (20(5)75)) stub(all)
list allpr1 allpr2 allpr3 allpr4 allpr5 allage in 1/15
line allpr1 allpr2 allpr3 allpr4 allpr5 allage, scheme(sj) name(pooled)

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 4

20 40 60 80
age in years

pr(y=poor) from margins pr(y=fair) from margins

pr(y=average) from margins pr(y=good) from margins
pr(y=excellent) from margins

The line that starts at the top left shows that the probability of being in excellent health is around
45% for twenty year olds and less than 10% by age 70. Conversely, the line that starts at the
bottom left shows that hardly anyone is in poor health at age 20 but by age 70 close to 20% are.

If you are doing multiple groups (e.g. blacks and whites) you may want to graph only some of
the outcomes. In the following graph we include only the predicted probabilities of poor health
and excellent health, separately for blacks and whites.

* mgen for groups

drop allpr1 - allCpr5
mgen, at(age = (20(5)75) black = 0) stub(wh) predn(whpr)
mgen, at(age = (20(5)75) black = 1) stub(bl) predn(blpr)
line whwhpr1 blblpr1 whwhpr5 blblpr5 whage, scheme(sj) name(byrace)

20 40 60 80
age in years

whpr(y=poor) from margins blpr(y=poor) from margins

whpr(y=excellent) from margins blpr(y=excellent) from margins

If you look at the two lines that start at the bottom left, you see that the likelihood of being in
poor health increases with age and that at every age blacks are more likely to be in poor health
than are whites (and the gap increases with age). Conversely the top two lines show you that the

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 5
probability of being in excellent health decreases with age and that at every age blacks are less
likely to have excellent health.

You may also want to look at the user-written combomarginsplot, available from SSC. It
shows how you can combine categories (e.g. poor and fair, good and excellent) when doing a

Finally the spost13 mchange command can be good for producing lots of potentially useful
statistics. Read the help for the command if you aren’t already familiar with it.

. * mchange
. mchange black female age, stats(change start end) dec(5) delta(10)

ologit: Changes in Pr(y) | Number of obs = 10335

Expression: Pr(health), predict(outcome())

| poor fair average good excellent

black |
black vs nonBlack | 0.07385 0.09265 0.02085 -0.06771 -0.11964
From | 0.06358 0.15488 0.28464 0.25405 0.24284
To | 0.13743 0.24753 0.30549 0.18634 0.12321
female |
female vs male | 0.00743 0.01179 0.00652 -0.00681 -0.01893
From | 0.06707 0.15829 0.28411 0.25087 0.23966
To | 0.07450 0.17008 0.29062 0.24406 0.22074
age |
+1 | 0.00266 0.00415 0.00220 -0.00244 -0.00657
From | 0.07100 0.16450 0.28747 0.24726 0.22977
To | 0.07365 0.16865 0.28967 0.24482 0.22321
+delta | 0.03077 0.04251 0.01537 -0.02859 -0.06006
From | 0.07100 0.16450 0.28747 0.24726 0.22977
To | 0.10177 0.20701 0.30284 0.21867 0.16972
Marginal | 0.00261 0.00413 0.00227 -0.00239 -0.00663
From | .z .z .z .z .z
To | .z .z .z .z .z

Average predictions

| poor fair average good excellent

Pr(y|base) | 0.07100 0.16450 0.28747 0.24726 0.22977

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 6
Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands
(Stata 13 and Earlier)

NOTE: Stata 14 made it much easier to estimate adjusted predictions and marginal effects for multiple outcome
commands like mlogit and ologit and oglm and gologit2. Therefore use Stata 14, or the spost13
commands, if at all possible. However if you are condemned to using Stata 12 or 13 and do not want to use spost13,
this appendix shows the (much more tedious) commands that are needed. Otherwise you can skip this appendix.
ologit is used in these examples but similar and probably identical procedures can be used with other multiple
outcome commands.

As was the case with logit models, the parameters for an ordered logit model can be hard to
interpret. Adjusted predictions and marginal effects can again make results more understandable.
The margins command, however, is harder to use, because we need to issue a separate
command for each of the outcomes of the ordinal variable. Consider the following. We will once
again use the Nhanes2f data, but this time the dependent variable will be self-reported health,
whose values range between 1 (poor) and 5 (excellent):
. version 13.1
. webuse nhanes2f, clear
. keep if !missing(diabetes, black, female, age)
(2 observations deleted)
. label define black 0 "nonBlack" 1 "black"
. label define female 0 "male" 1 "female"
. label values black black
. label values female female
. fre health

health -- 1=poor,..., 5=excellent

| Freq. Percent Valid Cum.
Valid 1 poor | 729 7.05 7.05 7.05
2 fair | 1670 16.16 16.16 23.21
3 average | 2938 28.43 28.43 51.64
4 good | 2591 25.07 25.07 76.71
5 excellent | 2407 23.29 23.29 100.00
Total | 10335 100.00 100.00

. ologit health i.female c.age, nolog

Ordered logistic regression Number of obs = 10335

LR chi2(3) = 1682.10
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -14923.345 Pseudo R2 = 0.0534

health | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
female |
female | -.1170992 .0355732 -3.29 0.001 -.1868215 -.0473769
black |
black | -.8845093 .0583106 -15.17 0.000 -.998796 -.7702227
age | -.0410673 .0010907 -37.65 0.000 -.043205 -.0389295
/cut1 | -4.910859 .0743281 -5.056539 -4.765179
/cut2 | -3.428162 .0648869 -3.555338 -3.300986
/cut3 | -2.004318 .0586634 -2.119296 -1.88934
/cut4 | -.7512595 .0561222 -.8612569 -.6412621

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 7
The results tell us that, on an all other things being equal basis, females, blacks, and older people
tend to have lower levels of self-reported health. However, other than sign and significance, it is
difficult to get a tangible feel for how large and important these differences are.

Using the Margins Command. Now let’s see what happens when we use the margins
command to get the AAPs (Average Adjusted Predictions) for whites and blacks:
. margins black

Predictive margins Number of obs = 10335

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==1), predict()

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
nonBlack | .0635826 .0023288 27.30 0.000 .0590182 .068147
black | .1374343 .0070777 19.42 0.000 .1235622 .1513064

We see that blacks score more than 7 percentage points higher than do whites – which may seem
odd given that the coefficient for black is negative. However, you have to realize that this is
ONLY the predicted probability for health = 1, i.e. the probability that somebody will say their
health is poor. So, it is not surprising that blacks are more than twice as likely to report they are
in poor health as whites are. This is only one of the five possible outcomes though; if we want to
get all of them we need to run five separate margins commands.
. * AAPs using margins
. margins black, predict(outcome(#1))

Predictive margins Number of obs = 10335

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==1), predict(outcome(#1))

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
nonBlack | .0635826 .0023288 27.30 0.000 .0590182 .068147
black | .1374343 .0070777 19.42 0.000 .1235622 .1513064

. margins black, predict(outcome(#2))

Predictive margins Number of obs = 10335

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==2), predict(outcome(#2))

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
nonBlack | .1548809 .0034868 44.42 0.000 .1480469 .161715
black | .2475271 .0072026 34.37 0.000 .2334102 .261644

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 8
. margins black, predict(outcome(#3))

Predictive margins Number of obs = 10335

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==3), predict(outcome(#3))

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
nonBlack | .2846398 .0043742 65.07 0.000 .2760666 .293213
black | .3054912 .0048495 62.99 0.000 .2959863 .3149961

. margins black, predict(outcome(#4))

Predictive margins Number of obs = 10335

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==4), predict(outcome(#4))

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
nonBlack | .2540548 .0043035 59.03 0.000 .2456201 .2624894
black | .1863406 .0057371 32.48 0.000 .1750961 .197585

. margins black, predict(outcome(#5))

Predictive margins Number of obs = 10335

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==5), predict(outcome(#5))

| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
nonBlack | .2428419 .0041509 58.50 0.000 .2347062 .2509776
black | .1232068 .0060262 20.45 0.000 .1113957 .135018

Looking at the results, you can see that, on an all other things equal basis, blacks are more than
twice as likely as whites to say they are in poor health (13.7% as opposed to 6.4%), about as
likely to report they are in average health (30.5% to 28.5%) and about half as likely to say they
are in excellent health (12.3% versus 24.3%). You could simplify this a bit and say things like,
according to the model, on an all other things being equal basis, almost 50% of whites say their
health is good or excellent, compared to less than 31% of blacks. Or, if you prefer, you can say
that more than 38% of blacks say their health is fair or poor, compared to less than 22% of non-
blacks. (Note that the AAPs for each group sum to 1, i.e. everybody has to fall into one of the
five health categories.)

You also get the marginal effects one outcome at a time. For variety, rather than use the dydx
option, I will use the r. operator, which gives you some additional useful output. For
convenience, I will just show the two most extreme outcomes, poor health (outcome 1) and
excellent health (outcome 5).

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 9
. * AMEs using margins
. margins, predict(outcome(#1))

Contrasts of predictive margins

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==1), predict(outcome(#1))

| df chi2 P>chi2
black | 1 131.83 0.0000

| Delta-method
| Contrast Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
(black vs nonBlack) | .0738517 .006432 .0612452 .0864582

. margins, predict(outcome(#5))

Contrasts of predictive margins

Model VCE : OIM

Expression : Pr(health==5), predict(outcome(#5))

| df chi2 P>chi2
black | 1 341.63 0.0000

| Delta-method
| Contrast Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
black |
(black vs nonBlack) | -.1196351 .0064726 -.1323211 -.106949

Consistent with the earlier results, the marginal effects show you that, on average, blacks are 7.4
percentage points more like than whites to say their health is poor, and about 12 percentage
points less likely to say their health is very good.

Personally, I find numbers like this much more tangible and meaningful than the raw
coefficients; but the process of generating them is tedious and prone to error. It is probably even
worse when you want to make statements about the effects of continuous variables. Fortunately,
the m* commands in Spost13 and other user-written routines can make these tasks easier.

Adjusted Predictions & Marginal Effects for Multiple Outcome Models & Commands Page 10

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