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Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112 – 1121

Strength properties of high-volume fly ash roller compacted and

workable concrete, and influence of curing condition
Cengiz Duran AtiY*
Civil Engineering Department, Çukurova University, 01330, Balcalı-Adana, Turkey
Received 20 September 2002; accepted 23 July 2004


A laboratory investigation was carried out to evaluate the strength properties of high-volume fly ash (HVFA) roller compacted
and superplasticised workable concrete cured at moist and dry curing conditions. Concrete mixtures made with 0%, 50% and 70%
replacement of normal Portland cement (NPC) with two different low-lime Class F fly ashes, good and low quality, were prepared.
Water–cementitious material ratios ranged from 0.28 to 0.43. The compressive, flexural tensile and cylinder splitting tensile strengths
were measured and presented. The relationship between the flexural tensile and compressive strengths was discussed. The influence
of loss on ignition (LOI) content of fly ash on water demand and the strength of concrete was also discussed. The influence of
moist and dry curing conditions on the high-volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete system was assessed through a proposed simple
efficiency factor. The study showed that producing high-strength concrete was possible with high-volume fly ash content. LOI
content increased the water demand of fresh concrete. HVFA concrete was found to be more vulnerable to dry curing conditions
than was NPC concrete. It was concluded that HVFA concrete was an adequate material for both structural and pavement
D 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High-volume fly ash; Concrete; Strength; Superplasticizer; Curing; Efficiency factor

1. Introduction disposal problem of fly ash, which is an industrial waste or

by-product, is also solved by the use of fly ash in concrete;
Energy saving, high cost of cement and pressure of otherwise, fly ash has to be disposed of in landfills at a
environmental lobbyists strengthen the use of by-product considerable cost [9–12].
cementing materials, such as fly ash, silica fume and rice On the other hand, the use of superplasticizer is made
husk ash to replace cement in concrete. possible to produce a workable concrete with low water–
Currently, blending cement with fly ash, silica fume, slag cement ratio, resulting in higher strength and better
or a natural pozzolan and using a fly ash in concrete or in durability properties. In general, the use of superplasti-
roller compacted concrete (RCC) for pavement and dam cizer in concrete results with higher early compressive
applications are widespread in practice. The use of fly ash in strength and equal long-term strength compared with
concrete is both economical and modifies the properties of concrete containing no superplasticizer. It is believed that
concrete in both the fresh and hardened states, with higher early strength, which is caused by the use
improvements to workability, strength, abrasion, heat superplasticizer, is a result of a cement dispersing
evolution and shrinkage [1–8]. In addition, the storage and mechanism of the superplasticizer. The cement dispersing
mechanism makes available more cement grain surfaces
to be accessible for the water, thus, early hydration is
* Tel.: +90 322 338 6084x27; fax: +90 322 338 6126. more complete [11,13–15]. The use of superplasticizer
E-mail address: [email protected]. promoted the use of mineral admixture in concrete,
0008-8846/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121 1113

particularly the use of high-volume fly ash (HVFA) in 0.5, 0.3, 0.24 and 0.19 water–cementitious material ratios,
concrete with a low water–cementitious material ratio. respectively.
A literature survey on the compressive strength of Class Jiang et al. [29] replaced cement with 70% fly ash
F fly ash concrete and replacement ratio of fly ash with by mass and reported 26 MPa at 28 days and 36 MPa
cement has been carried out. This is given in the succeeding at 3 months cylinder compressive strength of concrete
discussions. made with 0.37 water–cementitious material ratio. The
Mukherjee et al. [16] reported the results of a super- concrete reported was containing 333 kg/m3 cementing
plasticised fly ash concrete mixture containing 37% fly ash material.
by weight of total cementitious material (600 kg/cm3) and a Xie et al. [30] replaced cement with 30% fly ash by mass,
0.28 water–cemetitious material ratio. They reported 35–37, while they were optimizing the mix parameters of high-
51–54, 62–67 and 63–74 MPa cylinder sample compressive strength self-compacting concrete with ultrapulverized fly
strengths at 7 and 28 days, 3 months and 1 year, ash. They reported a 38-MPa compressive strength of
respectively. concrete at 28 days. The concrete reported was made with
Swamy and Mahmud [17] worked on superplasticised 0.38 water–cementitious material ratio and 475 kg/m3
concrete containing 50% low-lime fly ash as cement cementing material.
replacement. The amount of cement was 470 kg/m3 for a Yin et al. [31] replaced cement with 53% fly ash
unit volume of a concrete mixture. The water–cementi- while investigating on the compounding and application
tious material ratio and dosage of superplasticizer were of C80–C100 high-performance concrete. They reported
0.3 and 1.8% of the total cementitious material by mass, 37.2- and 95.2-MPa 7- and 28-day cube compressive
respectively. They reported 63- and 53-MPa cube strengths, respectively, of fly ash concrete made with
compressive strength at 28 days for moist and dry 0.23 water–cementitious material ratio. The concrete
curing, respectively. reported was containing 580 kg/m3 cementing materials.
Jiang and Malhotra [18] studied on non-air-entrained There were numerous studies on the strength character-
concretes containing 55% fly ash as cement replacement by istics of concrete containing fly ash. However, there is little
mass. The water–cementitious material ratios ranged from study in the literature regarding the strengths of very HVFA
0.34 to 0.39. The quantity of the cement was 400 kg/m3 for concrete (i.e., 70% replacement) with very low and optimal
a unit volume of a concrete mixture. There were reported water–cementitious material ratio (i.e., 0.28–0.29). Thus,
ranges of the cylinder sample compressive strengths of the aim of this work is to provide more data for the strengths
concrete containing various fly ash, i.e., 18.0–42.2 MPa at 7 of very HVFA concrete. Another aim of this work is to
days, 30.7–55.8 MPa at 28 days and 43.9–65.2 MPa at 3 prove that a high-performance concrete with moderate and
months. high strength could be produced using very high volumes of
Bouzoubaa and Lachemi [19] reported the compres- fly ash as cement replacement (i.e., 70% replacement).
sive strength of HVFA self-compacting concrete contain- These are achieved through designing an RCC (zero slump)
ing 60% fly ash by weight of total cementitious concrete and superplasticized-workable concrete containing
materials (400 kg/m3) and water–cementitious material HVFA for pavements and structural purposes, and measur-
ratio 0.45. The compressive strengths of cylinder samples ing their strength properties cured at different relative
were 5.2, 15.6 and 30.2 MPa at 1, 7 and 28 days, humidity conditions. Another aim of this study was to
respectively. assess the influence of the loss on ignition (LOI) contents of
Poon et al. [20] replaced the cement with 45% fly ash fly ash on water demand because it was believed that LOI
by mass and reported 89 MPa at 28 days and 107 MPa content increases the water demand of a concrete mixture
at 90 days cube compressive strength of concrete made for a given consistency [15,32,33].
with 0.24 water–cementitious materials ratio. The con- Most of the studies cited in this paper, regarding high-
crete reported contains superplasticizer and 640 kg/m3 volume fly ash concrete, presented the strength character-
cementing material. istics up to 3 months. A few works presented the results of 6
Malhotra and his associates replaced the cement with fly months and 1 year or more. The current work presents the
ash up to 55–58 mass% [21–27] and utilized various results of strength characteristics up to 1 year.
amounts of superplasticizer to maintain the workability. Various concrete mixtures with different water–cementi-
They reported 18, 30 and 42 MPa average cylinder tious material ratios were prepared with the inclusion of
compressive strength at 7 and 28 days and 3 months, high volumes of two different fly ashes as cement replace-
respectively. The water–cementitious material ratio of the ment and a superplasticizer to assess the ashes’ influence on
concrete reported was in the range of 0.33, and contains 370 the strengths.
kg/m3 cementing materials. In this paper, only strength characteristic results are
Lam et al. [28] replaced cement with 45% fly ash by presented. Other properties of the concrete, made with
mass to evaluate the degree of hydration of a fly ash good-quality fly ash, including abrasion, shrinkage, heat
cement paste. They reported 23.3, 58.9, 95 and 94.9 MPa evolution and carbonation, were published elsewhere
28-day compressive strength of fly ash paste made with [6,7,34,35].
1114 C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121

The present laboratory measurements were carried out in Table 2

the laboratory of Civil Engineering Material Unit at Leeds Limits of standards for the chemical composition and physical properties of
fly ash
University in England.
ASTM (1992) BSI (1993) EN (1994)
Class F [36] [37] [38]
Max moisture 3 0.5 –
2. Materials used in the investigation
Max LOI [%] 12 7.0 5.0
Max SO3 [%] 5 2.5 3.0
2.1. Cement Max MgO [%] 5 4.0 –
Max Alkali [%] 1.5 – –
The cement used was normal Portland cement (NPC), Min SiO2 [%] – – –
Min SAF 70 – –
which conforms to the current specifications as described in
BS12 [36]. Its chemical and physical properties are given in Fe2O3) [%]
Table 1. The specific gravity of the cement was 3.15. Its Max free lime – – 1.0–2.5
Blaine specific surface area was 3500 cm2/g. (CaO) [%]
Pozzolanic activity 75 – 75% at 28
index (PAI) min [%] days; 85%
2.2. Fly ash at 90 days
Max fineness (remaining 34 12.5 40
The fly ashes used were obtained from the electricity- on 45 Am sieve) [%]
generating Drax and Aberthaw Power Station in Eng- Max expansion [mm] – – 10
land. Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes are classified as low-
calcium Class F fly ash in ASTM-C618 [37] since they
are obtained from butimunios coal. The chemical and European standard [39] and ASTM [37] require that the
physical properties of the ashes are given in Table 1. fineness of a fly ash should be no greater than 40% and
The specific gravity of the Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes 34%, respectively. However, BSI [38] restricts this value
were 2.40 and 2.28, respectively. The Blaine specific 12.5%. Drax fly ash satisfied these three standards [37–39].
surface areas were 3100 and 2870 cm2/g in the same The Aberthaw fly ash failed BSI [38]; however, it satisfied
respect. ASTM [37] and EN [39] because its retention on the 45-Am
Some standard specifications, ASTM C-618 [37], BSI sieve was 22.5%.
3892 [38] and EN 450 [39], for the chemical and physical The loss on ignition (LOI) value of fly ash was also
properties of a fly ash are given in Table 2. restricted by the standards. BSI [38], ASTM [37] and EN
ASTM [37] requires that a Class F fly ash shall have at [39] restrict the maximum LOI to 7%, 12% and 5%,
least the total of SAF (SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3) of 70%. Both respectively. Drax fly ash satisfied these restrictions because
fly ashes comply with this criterion because the total SAF of its LOI value is 2.8%. Aberthaw fly ash failed these criteria
the Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes are 92% and 77.6%, with its 15.60% LOI. The Aberthaw fly ash was specially
respectively. selected so that the effect of LOI could be studied in HVFA
ASTM [37], BSI [38] and EN [39] restrict the SO3 concrete. High carbon content is believed to interfere with
content of fly ash 5%, 2.5% and 3.0%, respectively. ASTM the hydration reactions, as well as reducing the workability
[37] and BSI [38] also restrict the MgO content of fly ash and increasing the water demand when used in concrete
5% and 4%, respectively. Both fly ashes satisfied these [15,32,33].
The remains of the fly ashes on the 45-Am sieve, which is 2.3. Aggregate
considered an indication of fineness, were 8.50% and
22.50% for Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes, respectively. The sand and aggregate used were uncrushed-clean,
quartzitic, natural aggregate. The sand complied with the
requirements of BS812 [40]. The absorption value is 0.1%,
Table 1 and its relative density at the saturated surface dry (SSD)
Oxide composition of cement and fly ash condition is 2.65.
Oxide Cement Drax fly ash Aberthaw fly ash The gravel was 10 mm, maximum nominal size, with a
SiO2 20.80 50.20 44.90 0.6% absorption value, and its relative density (SSD) was
Al2O3 4.90 28.60 25.20 2.63.
Fe2O3 3.10 13.20 7.50
CaO 63.30 2.60 2.40
MgO 2.40 1.30 1.20 2.4. Superplasticizer
SO3 3.00 0.60 0.28
K2 O 0.70 2.40 2.90 The superplasticizer used was a commercial carboxylic-
Na2O 0.28 1.00 1.00 type high-range water-reducing agent suitable for fly ash
LOI 0.80 2.80 15.60
C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121 1115

3. Concrete mixture composition 4. Results and discussion

The proportions of the control NPC concrete mixtures are 4.1. Influence of LOI content of fly ash on the water demand
1:1.5:3 by mass NPC, sand and gravel, respectively. The of a mixture
approximate quantity of NPC was 400 kg/m3. High-volume
fly ash (HVFA) concrete systems were made using two NPC The optimum water content of the mixtures is given in
replacement levels, 50 and 70 mass%. Two fly ashes were Table 3. When a comparison was made between the
used in the study. The mixtures were made with and without M0Z, M2 and M4 mixtures (comparing NPC and Drax
a superplasticizer. fly ash), it can be observed that when 50% of cement
The first step in the determination of water content for was replaced with Drax fly ash, the optimum water
the control cement and HVFA concretes was to find the content drops from 0.32 to 0.3; furthermore, it drops
optimum water content for maximum compactability using from 0.32 to 0.29 if the fly ash replacement is 70%.
the vibrating slump test described elsewhere [33]. The When another comparison was made between the M0Z,
optimum water content was determined because it was M6 and M8 mixtures (comparing NPC and Aberthaw fly
shown that it provided the maximum strength from the ash), it can be observed that when 50% of cement was
mixture [2]. The optimum water contents obtained from the replaced with Aberthaw fly ash, optimum water content
vibrating slump test were then used to produce the control increases from 0.32 to 0.39; furthermore, it increases
cement and HVFA concrete mixtures with zero slump. from 0.32 to 0.40 if the fly ash replacement is 70%.
These mixtures were made workable by the use of the Based on above statements, it can be concluded that Drax
superplasticizer. fly ash has a capacity to reduce the water demand of a
Table 3 presents the composition of the concrete mixtures mixture, while Aberthaw fly ash increases it. This is
produced and tested. M0W (workable) and M0Z (zero attributed to the high LOI content of Aberthaw fly ash
slump) correspond to control Portland cement concretes. because LOI contents consist of unburned carbon that is
M1, M2, M3 and M4 are HVFA concretes made with Drax generally present in the form of cellular particles larger
fly ash. M5, M6, M7 and M8 are HVFA concretes made than 45 Am. It is believed that cellular particles of
with Aberthaw fly ash. unburned carbon tend to increase the water demand for a
M1, M2, M5 and M6 mixtures are made with 70% fly given consistency [15].
ash replacement. M3, M4, M7 and M8 mixtures are made
with 50% fly ash replacement. The mixtures M0Z, M2, M4, 4.2. Compressive strength
M6 and M8, with zero slump, are called RCC. The mixtures
M0W, M1, M3, M5 and M7 contain also superplasticizer. The results of the compressive strength obtained in this
The use of the superplasticizer was very effective. The study are from cubes (100 mm a side), according to the
mixtures containing the superplasticizer were practically procedures described in BS1881 [41].
flowable. The values from the flow table measurements are The compressive strength developments of HVFA con-
given in Table 3. The mixtures were very stable, they did crete system and NPC control concrete are presented in
not bleed; their entrapped air content varied from 1% to Tables 4 and 5. It can be seen from Tables 4 and 5 that, at 1
2.9%, and final setting times were in the order of 2–5 h. day, the M8 mixture made with 50% Aberthaw fly ash
The concrete specimens were made with vibration until replacement attained lower compressive strength than did
complete compaction was obtained. All the test specimens the corresponding control mixture (M0Z). However, the
were demoulded at 1 day and then cured under constant strength of the M4 mixture made with 50% Drax fly ash is
temperature 20 8C and relative humidity conditions of 65% comparable with the strength of corresponding NPC
and 100% RH. concrete (M0Z) at 1 day.

Table 3
Mixture proportions for a cubic-meter of concrete
M0W M0Z M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
Cement (kg) 400 400 120 120 200 200 120 120 200 200
Fly ash (kg) – – 280 280 200 200 280 280 200 200
Sand (kg) 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Gravel (kg) 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
Water (l) 136 128 112 116 132 120 172 160 172 156
Optimum W/C ratio 0.32 0.32 0.29 0.29 0.3 0.3 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.39
Actual W/C ratio 0.34 0.32 0.28 0.29 0.33 0.3 0.43 0.40 0.43 0.39
SP (l) 5.6 – 5.6 – 5.6 – 5.6 – 5.6 –
Flow table (mm) 540 0 550 0 600 0 560 0 570 0
1116 C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121

Table 4
Compresssive strength (MPa) of concrete cured at 65% RH with 20 8C
Age M0W M0Z M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
1 Day 12.05 33.51 1.76 7.09 5.62 28.25 NA 4.29 3.20 15.73
3 Days 38.41 45.27 16.34 16.64 31.85 35.30 7.98 10.90 20.22 26.14
7 Days 49.27 52.63 24.01 18.60 38.00 48.30 12.29 14.40 25.36 34.30
28 Days 60.75 64.95 33.25 30.55 57.00 66.55 21.10 22.60 36.60 45.85
3 Months 65.03 68.10 40.75 41.10 60.20 79.90 24.21 28.01 42.65 54.55
6 Months 69.13 72.29 42.45 43.00 67.30 81.60 27.50 29.65 49.70 55.65
1 Year 71.00 77.08 45.00 48.05 67.60 83.60 30.7 31.90 53.00 60.20

Furthermore, the M1, M2 and M3, made with Drax fly ash, water–cemetitious material ratio of the concrete made with
and M5, M6 and M7, made with Aberthaw fly ash, concrete Drax fly ash. This was a direct result of the high LOI
mixtures had considerably lower strength than did the content of Aberthaw fly ash that resulted in higher water
corresponding control mixtures M0W and M0Z at 1 day of demand for the mixtures. Moreover, concrete containing
age for dry and moist curing conditions. Nevertheless, they 50% fly ash as cement replacement developed higher
gained enough strength to be demoulded and placed in the compressive strength than did the concrete containing
appropriate curing environment. 70% fly ash for both Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes.
The concretes containing superplasticizer developed Based on the above results and discussion, it can be
lower compressive strength than did their counterpart concluded that Aberthaw fly ash can be used in concrete up
nonsuperplastised concrete at 1 day (see Tables 4 and 5). to 50% replacement of cement, but it is not suitable for very
This is attributed to the use of large dosage of super- high replacement of cement, such as 70% or more, for
plasticizer in concrete, which caused a retardation in producing high-strength concrete. However, it can be safely
hydration. However, the retarding influence of superplasti- used for lean concrete application, as well as for concrete
cizer was disappeared at 3 days and beyond. subbase application of road construction.
The compressive strengths of the mixtures (M1–M2 and
M5–M6) containing 70% Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes, 4.3. Flexural tensile strength
respectively, were lower than the compressive strength of
the corresponding control mixtures (M0W–M0Z) at all ages When concrete materials are used for the construction of
covering both dry and moist curing conditions. beams and concrete slabs, either for structural purposes or
The compressive strengths of the mixtures (M3–M4) road-paving purposes, they will be subjected to tensile
containing 50% Drax fly ash were comparable or higher stresses due to bending action. For this case, flexural tensile
than the strength of the corresponding control mixtures strength is of utmost significance.
(M0W–M0Z) at 28 days of age and beyond. However, the The flexural tensile strength data obtained by testing a
compressive strengths of the mixtures (M7–M8) containing 100100500 mm prism specimen according to the
50% Aberthaw fly ash were lower than the strength of the relevant standards BS1881 [42] are given in Tables 6 and 7.
corresponding control mixtures (M0W–M0Z) at 28 days of It can be seen from Tables 6 and 7 that the flexural tensile
age and beyond. Nevertheless, some mixtures attained strengths of the mixtures containing 70% Drax and
satisfactory moderate strength, while some mixtures attained Aberthaw fly ashes (M1–M2 and M5–M6, respectively)
high strength at 28 days and beyond. were lower than the strength of the corresponding control
In general, the compressive strengths of concrete con- mixtures M0W and M0Z at all ages for dry and moist
taining Drax fly ash was higher than the strength of its curing. However, the flexural tensile strengths of the
counterpart equivalent concretes made with Aberthaw fly mixtures containing 50% Drax (M3–M4) and Aberthaw
ash because the water–cemetitious material ratio of the fly ashes (M7–M8) were comparable or higher than the
concrete containing Aberthaw fly ash was higher than the strength of the control mixtures at 3 days of age and beyond

Table 5
Compresssive strength (MPa) of concrete cured at 100% RH with 20 8C
Age M0W M0Z M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
1 Day 12.05 33.51 1.76 7.09 5.62 28.25 NA 4.29 3.20 15.73
3 Days 40.72 49.44 17.83 19.80 32.75 36.90 7.07 11.05 19.11 26.55
7 Days 51.54 56.27 24.86 20.09 40.75 49.60 12.05 13.50 24.41 35.10
28 Days 62.66 69.12 43.10 34.10 63.50 70.30 19.34 22.94 41.15 49.60
3 Months 76.85 81.54 63.40 48.75 81.60 83.70 30.15 41.80 59.25 66.40
6 Months 78.53 82.40 70.45 59.90 90.50 84.75 44.15 47.05 64.00 72.65
1 Year 80.21 84.72 75.10 65.50 94.35 87.85 50.25 51.20 72.10 77.40
C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121 1117

Table 6 Table 8
Flexural tensile strength (MPa) of concrete cured at 65% RH with 20 8C Tensile splitting strength (MPa) of concrete cured at 65% RH with 20 8C
Age M0W M0Z M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 Age M0W M0Z M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
1 Day 1.45 3.49 0.96 1.14 1.32 3.78 NA 0.81 0.48 2.12 7 Days 2.55 2.96 2.07 1.81 2.92 3.32 1.24 1.47 2.19 2.75
3 Days 3.50 3.92 2.17 2.36 3.30 4.17 1.45 1.9 2.88 3.38 28 Days 3.10 3.48 2.53 2.51 4.06 4.20 1.92 2.10 2.93 3.45
7 Days 3.84 4.43 2.73 2.77 4.09 5.21 2.15 2.32 3.33 3.90
28 Days 4.92 5.37 3.81 4.60 5.63 6.11 3.62 3.78 4.15 4.88
3 Months 5.91 6.27 4.53 5.07 5.84 6.87 3.66 4.43 4.95 6.05
6 Months 6.10 6.37 4.58 5.37 6.33 7.35 3.76 4.59 5.42 6.27
presented in Tables 8 and 9. The test was carried out
1 Year 6.40 6.55 4.95 5.31 6.90 8.19 3.93 4.88 5.61 6.38 according to the current specifications [44].
The tensile splitting strengths of test cylinders made from
the mixtures containing 70% Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes
for dry and moist curing. The mixtures containing 70%
were lower than the strength of the control NPC mixture at 7
Drax fly ash attained comparable flexural tensile strength to
and 28 days. The tensile splitting strengths of mixtures
the corresponding control concrete at 3 months of age and
containing 50% Drax fly ash were higher than the strength
beyond for both curing.
of the control NPC mixture at 7 and 28 days, while the
In general, concretes made with Drax fly ash showed
splitting tensile strengths of the mixtures containing 50%
higher flexural tensile strength than did the equivalent
Aberthaw fly ash were comparable with the strength of
concretes made with Aberthaw fly ash. Moreover, concrete
corresponding NPC concrete for both dry and moist curing.
containing 50% fly ash as cement replacement developed
In general, as seen in compressive and flexural tensile
higher flexural tensile strength than did the concrete
strengths, the concretes made with Drax fly ash showed
containing 70% fly ash for both Drax and Aberthaw fly
higher splitting tensile strength than did equivalent con-
cretes made with Aberthaw fly ash. Moreover, concrete
The flexural tensile strength of the concrete under
containing 50% fly ash as cement replacement developed
investigation followed a similar trend to compressive
higher splitting tensile strength than did concrete containing
strength. As the compressive strength increased, flexural
70% fly ash for both Drax and Aberthaw fly ashes.
strength also increased, but at a decreasing rate. It was
Current specifications for bridge and road construction
expected that the compressive and tensile strengths of
specify that concrete to be used in road construction shall
concrete would be closely related. The relation between
have at least 1.85 MPa splitting tensile strength at 7 days
compressive and flexural tensile strengths is presented after
[45]. It can be seen from Tables 8 and 9 that fly ash
the topic of splitting tensile strength.
concretes studied in this work complied with the relevant
Because the British Airport Authority (BAA) limits the
specification, apart from those M5 and M6 for both dry
flexural strength of 4 MPa at 28 days [43], it can be
and moist curing. Nevertheless, M2 mixture can be taken
concluded that M1, M2, M3, M4, M7 and M8 concrete
into consideration with regard to relevant specifications.
mixtures can be used as airport pavement quality concrete
(PQC) because their flexural strengths were found to be in
4.5. Relation between compressive and flexural strengths
the range of 4–6 MPa for both curing conditions studied. It
is found that M5 and M6 concrete mixtures containing 70%
The compressive strength data and corresponding
Aberthaw fly ash are not useful for PQC; nevertheless, these
flexural tensile strength of fly ash concrete, regardless
concrete mixtures can be used in lean concrete application
of fly ashes and curing conditions, are represented in Fig.
for subbase construction.
1. A power relation was established for the current
results. The relation obtained was compared with the
4.4. Splitting tensile strength
relevant literature, i.e., Ahmad and Shah [46], ACI 1992
[47], ACI 1995 [48] and TS500 [49], which are also
Tensile splitting strength data taken from cylinder speci-
represented in Fig. 1.
men with a height of 300 mm and a diameter of 150 mm are
In the current analysis, the cube compressive strengths
have been converted into cylinder compressive strength by
multiplying the cube compressive strength with 0.85
Table 7 because the regarding literature for the relation between
Flexural tensile strength (MPa) of concrete cured at 100% RH with 20 8C flexural tensile and compressive strengths is mainly based
Age M0W M0Z M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
1 Days 1.45 3.49 0.96 1.14 1.32 3.78 NA 0.81 0.48 2.12
3 Days 4.35 4.52 2.45 2.63 4.11 4.77 1.24 1.66 2.85 3.35 Table 9
7 Days 4.72 5.45 3.14 3.09 4.74 5.53 2.03 2.22 3.62 4.52 Tensile splitting strength (MPa) of concrete cured at 100% RH with 20 8C
28 Days 6.58 6.98 4.38 4.92 6.33 6.59 2.70 3.43 4.45 5.01
3 Months 7.22 7.61 5.61 5.76 7.02 7.59 3.84 5.18 5.40 6.86 Age M0W M0Z M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
6 Months 7.67 7.81 6.71 6.28 7.47 7.89 4.77 5.83 6.14 7.19 7 Days 2.73 3.26 2.03 1.95 3.37 3.48 1.30 1.40 2.23 2.65
1 Year 7.86 8.04 6.92 6.35 7.50 8.22 5.23 6.80 6.45 7.43 28 Days 3.61 3.94 2.88 2.82 4.46 4.59 1.82 2.04 3.19 3.69
1118 C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121

Fig. 1. The relation between flexural tensile and compressive strengths.

on cylinder specimen, bwith a height that is twice the size of with efficiency factor ((cfa)+kfa) at a specific age (see Eq.
its diameterQ, compressive strength. (1)). Here, it is assumed that the curing condition and water–
Fig. 1 shows that the equation of ACI 1992 [47] highly cementitious ratio of the corresponding mixtures are equal
overestimates the flexural tensile strength from its com- or similar (i.e., optimal).
pressive strength data when the compressive strength is
fc ðt Þnpc fc ðt Þfa
lower than 40 MPa; however, it gives a reasonable estimate ¼ ð1Þ
when the compressive strength is higher than 40 MPa. The c ðc  faÞ þ kfa
equation proposed by ACI 1995 [48] and TS500 [49]
underestimates the flexural tensile strength from the From Eq. (1), the efficiency factor (k) of fly ash can be
compressive strength, and this underestimation is higher written as follows (Eq. (2)),
for higher-strength concrete (Fig. 1). Ahmad and Shah [46] !
and current relation give a better and conservative estimate c fc ðt Þfa
k¼ 1 þ1 ð2Þ
of flexural tensile strength from compressive strength. It can fa fc ðt Þnpc
be seen in Fig. 1 that current relation almost coincides with
The c/fa means the inverse of the fly ash replacement ratio
the relation proposed by Ahmad and Shah [46]. Rashid et al.
(r fa). When this value is substituted into Eq. (2), then Eq. (3)
[50], who studied the correlations between mechanical
is obtained.
properties of high-strength concrete, gave similar conclusion
for the equations given by ACI 1992 [47], ACI 1995 [48] fc ðt Þfa
and Ahmad and Shah [46]. 1
fc ðt Þnpc
k¼ þ1 ð3Þ
4.6. Influence of curing conditions and efficiency factor of
fly ash where, k is the efficiency factor of fly ash, c is the quantity
of total cementitious material(s), fa is the quantity of fly ash,
The influence of curing conditions on the compressive r fa is the replacement ratio of fly ash (i.e., 0.3 for 30%, 0.5
strength of HVFA concrete system was evaluated through a for 50% and 0.7 for 70% replacement), f c(t)npc is the
simple efficiency factor proposed in this study. The compressive strength of NPC concrete at time t, f c(t)fa :
proposed simple efficiency factor is described as in the compressive strength of FA concrete at time t.
following. It is based on the normalization of the compres-
sive strength with the quantity of cementitious materials. Based on the above equations and compressive strengths,
The normalization of compressive strength of NPC concrete the efficiency factors of the fly ashes used in this study were
with the quantity of cement is assumed to be equal to the calculated according to its counterpart NPC concrete
normalization of the compressive strength of fly ash mixtures through curing time. The results are presented in
concrete with its total cementitious materials content treated graphical form in Fig. 2 (a–h).
C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121 1119

Fig. 2. Influence of curing conditions and time on development of efficiency factor of fly ash concrete. (a) 70% Drax Ash with SP; (b) 70% Drax Ash without
SP; (c) 50% Drax Ash with SP; (d) 50% Drax Ash without SP; (e) 70% Aberthaw Ash with SP; (f) 70% Aberthaw Ash without SP; (g) 50% Aberthaw Ash
with SP; and (h) 70% Aberthaw Ash without SP.

It can be seen from Fig. 2 (a and b) that the efficiency considered a constant about 1 for dry curing conditions.
factor of HVFA concrete made with Drax fly ash and 70% The efficiency factor is about 1.4 for moist-curing con-
mass replacement is negative at a very early age. It can be ditions at 6 months of age, which means Drax fly ash is
considered a constant (0.4) after 3 months of dry curing more efficient than the cement itself. Fig. 2 (d) showed
conditions. However, it changes for moist curing conditions contradictory results, which was attributed to the variation.
and doubles up when compared with dry curing conditions, It can be seen from Fig. 2 (e and f) that the efficiency
until 1 year of age. Fig. 2 (c) shows that the efficiency factor factor of HVFA concrete made with Aberthaw fly ash and
of HVFA concrete made with Drax fly ash and 50 mass% 70% mass replacement is negative at an early age and very
replacement is almost 1 at 28 days for moist and dry curing. small at 28 days and beyond for dry curing conditions.
The development of efficiency factor continues in moist Although it improves in time for moist curing condition, it is
curing conditions beyond 28 days, while it can be smaller when compared with the efficiency factor of Drax
1120 C. Duran AtiY / Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 1112–1121

fly ash. It can be considered a constant (0.1–0.2) after 28 influence of superplasticizer disappeared at 3 days and
days for dry curing conditions. However, it changes for beyond.
moist curing conditions, it seems to increase three times 5. HVFA concrete attained satisfactory or higher compres-
until 1 year of age when compared with dry curing sive and tensile strengths when compared with NPC
condition. concrete.
Fig. 2 (g and h) shows that the efficiency factor of HVFA 6. The concrete containing 50% Drax fly ash developed
concrete made with Aberthaw fly ash and 50% mass high strength, while 70% fly ash replacement concrete
replacement is about 0.3 at 28 days for moist and dry developed moderate strength. The concrete containing
curing. Development of efficiency factor continues in moist 50% Aberthaw fly ash developed satisfactory strength at
curing conditions beyond 28 days. The efficiency factor is 28 days and high strength at 1 year.
about 0.8 for moist curing conditions at 1 year of age, while 7. HVFA concrete was found to be more vulnerable to dry
it can be considered a constant of 0.4–0.5 for dry curing. curing conditions than that of NPC concrete.
Fig. 2 (a and h) shows how the curing conditions 8. With its high strength properties, HVFA roller compacted
influence the long-term compressive strength of HVFA concrete becomes a possible alternative to NPC concrete
system through the efficiency factor. Fig. 2 (a–h) proved used for road pavements applications and large industrial
that the efficiency factor of fly ash concrete is not only floors.
dependent on curing time but also on the replacement level
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