Electronic fuel injection
Richard Bohuslav Kosik
Richard Kosik
The Dean
School of Engineering
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, 4072
This work was completed under the guidance and supervision of Dr Geoff
Yours faithfully,
Richard Kosik
Dr David Mee from the Mechanical Department for allowing me to use the
VTE-2 VISI-Trainer Engine.
My fellow friends in the solar car room for their support, constant questions,
and suggestions.
My parents and family, for their patience during my absences at family outings,
and for their continual support.
- ii -
Table of Contents
AKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................. II
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................ III
TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... VI
CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 OVERVIEW OF ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS .............................................. 1
1.2 THESIS OVERVIEW ........................................................................................... 3
1.3 SCOPE OF WORK FOR THIS THESIS ................................................................... 3
1.4 OUTLINE OF CHAPTER HEADINGS AND CONTENTS ........................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER 3 .......................................................................................................... 20
- iii -
CHAPTER 4 .......................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 5 .......................................................................................................... 43
CHAPTER 6 .......................................................................................................... 52
CHAPTER 7 .......................................................................................................... 60
- iv -
7.1 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................60
7.2 FUTURE WORK ...............................................................................................61
Table of Figures
- vi -
Chapter 1 - Introduction
- vii -
problem and an understanding of how the improvement of one factor can lead
to the degradation of another.
The aim of this thesis is to revise, design and build a digital ignition and
electronic fuel injection driver. The hardware should be relatively inexpensive,
and must easily connect to various types of engines, making it a universal EMS
while providing engine performance second-to-none. The Internal
Combustion (IC) engine used is the VTE-2 VISI-Trainer Engine. This engine
is a standard 2.6kw 4-cycle engine that as been highly modified. The
modifications are a reduction in compression to 2.14:1 to enable a glass head
for viewing into the cylinder, while in operation. Plexiglass viewing windows
also enable visibility of the camshaft and valve rotation.
The work achieved in this thesis covers the entire design of hardware
and software, from personal computer (PC) simulations to printed circuit board
(PCB) development and construction, installation and testing of the ignition
and injection driver hardware. High level software C code was written for the
controlled operation of ignition and injection for a single cylinder engine.
However, important sensory information concerning fuel injection was not
before introducing this mixture into the combustion chamber during the
induction cycle.
The name four stroke IC combustion engine resides from the distinct
four stroke operating cycle, which supplies kinetic energy to the crankshaft.
The four strokes involve, firstly the induction stroke, secondly the compression
and ignition stroke, thirdly the combustion stroke, and finally the exhaust
stroke. Induction stroke involves an open intake valve, closed exhaust valve,
and the piston travel to be in the downward motion. As the piston moves
downwards, it increases the cylinders effective volume. Thus creating a
vacuum effect, this draws in the gasoline-air mixture through the open intake
valve. The compression stroke sees both the intake and exhaust valves closed,
and the piston moving in the upward motion. The upward sweeping motion of
the piston, combined with the closure of the valves decreases the volume in the
cylinder, thus compressing the mixture within the combustion chamber. The
power stroke comprises of a closed exhaust and intake valve, forcing the piston
downward due to the rapidly expanding hot gasses produced after igniting the
compressed petroleum-air mixture. Finally, the exhaust stroke with a closed
intake valve, open exhaust valve, and the piston moving in the upward motion
expels the hot gasses from the cylinder chamber. The whole cycle then
proceeds to repeat its self again with a new induction stroke. Figure 2
illustrates visually the complete four stroke cycle, and it is seen how one cycle
takes 720 degrees to complete which is equivalent to two turns of the crank
shaft [7].
consumption rises. If the mixture is at a lean ratio of 15:1 the engine is running
most economically and emissions are low, yet power is running at a loss and
this may cause engine overheating. Figure 3 depicts the output power and fuel
consumption with respect to air/fuel ratio [3].
The by-product of the air/fuel combustion process is CO, HC, and NOX.
To reduce emissions and still have satisfactory engine performance, the air/fuel
ratio should be at the theoretical stoichiometric ratio. To provide a satisfactory
combustion process precise fuel metering combined with fine mixture vapour
are mandatory. If the mixture is not diminutive, then fuel droplets will form
along the walls of the inlet manifold, leading to higher HC emissions.
This section plays a major role on the fuel efficiency, the engines
starting performance, overall engine performance, and the ability to control the
effects of knocking in each cylinder. Today’s efficient engines use fuel
injection technology, rather than inefficient carburettors.
There are several possibilities of fuel induction that have been used, all
having their own reason or purpose for using that method. The different
methods of induction are as follows, from most primitive to most recent:
carburettor, throttle body injection (TBI), multi-point injection (MPI). The two
last systems mentioned are the fuel injection methods. From these, the MPI is
the most expensive to implement, as it requires one injector solenoid for each
cylinder. TBI on the other hand only requires one injector solenoid for a
multitude of cylinders. The advantages of MPI outweigh the effect of
implementation costs in automobiles. With such a system, the injectors can be
positioned to channel their spray directly into the intake valve, thus reducing
the possibility of fuel touching the chamber walls. The major issues for using
multi-point fuel injection over carburettors or throttle body are lower exhaust
model for the autotransformer primary side enables the calculation of the coil’s
rise time, and hence the maximum spark frequency can be determined. From
the ignition coil equivalent model, the primary side model is just the resistor
R1 in series with the inductor L1 as illustrated in figure 15.
the solenoid was open, one minute, thus FLrate = γ in cc per minute.
The injector solenoid, in figure 16, consists of a valve body and the
needle valve with fitted solenoid armature [6]. The valve body contains the
solenoid winding and the guide for the needle valve. When there is no current
flowing in the solenoid winding, the valve needle is pressed against its seat on
the valve outlet by a helical spring. When current is passed through the
solenoid winding, the needle valve is lifted from its seat and the fuel can
stream through the annular orifice. The rise time of the injector valve is
important when calculating the amount of fuel to be injected into the chamber.
This is particularly true because the fuelling equation will need to take this rise
time factor into consideration and suitable flow rate compensation will be
necessary during the transition from fully closed to fully open. Typical rise
times are in the order of 1msec to 1.5 msec depending on the RL circuit values
of the injector and downward force of the spring.
The closed loop EMS calculates variables detected via the various
input sensors on the engine and then sets the completely separate timer module
that runs the engine. Every new scan cycle of the program, new variables are
calculated. If change has occurred from the previous cycle, the timer module
will be updated. A sophisticated on board diagnostics (OBD) system monitors
the engine sensors and actuators to determine a fault, if one were to occur.
The Jaguar EMS has a 50% coding split reserved for OBD. This is particularly
important as faults could prove to be disastrous.
was released. The table in figure 18, illustrates the component sections for the
different ignition designs proposed [7]. Moving from left to right, the table
begins with the first ignition system to the most recent and advanced system
available on the market today. The system provides the following advantages
over other systems;
• Ease of manufacturing.
Bosch’s first ignition method was the coil ignition system (see figure
19, below) [7]. This system was a mechanical feat at the time, requiring no
fixed magnets and providing mechanical advance, the first for the time.
Some of the hardware that was included in the designs of the time is
reproduced in black and white in figure 20, [7]. This illustrates the prime of
semiconductor ignition systems that were introduced at the time. Systems like
this one include electronic advance, knock control, and engine map storage
capabilities. The printed circuitry board (PCB) technology was preceded with
predominantly surface mount device (SMD) components, leading to the ease of
4.1 Specifications
4.2 Circuit Design
4.21 Ignition Circuit
4.22 Injector Circuit
4.3 EMI Consideration for PCB Design
4.1 Specifications
There are two major options to the operation of this system. Firstly,
the features mentioned above could be integrated into a microcontroller-based
system, although this may be rather costly if it could be achieved via analogue
circuitry. The analogue circuitry consists of an operational amplifier being
used as a comparator stage, controlling the flow of current through the coil.
The implementation cost of a system like this would be far more economical
than a microcontroller system. The benefits of such a system include no
programming of microcontrollers, hardware is less expensive, and users could
easily adjust limits to their system via potentiometers.
The large voltage spikes present on the secondary coil when the switch
is turned off are also present at the primary coil, with different magnitude.
This can become a problem for a semiconductor-switching device. Different
types of semiconductor switches have different resistance to high-voltage
spikes. The types of semiconductor switching devices considered for the
circuit, to name a few, are; Thyristor, BJT, Darlington transistor, MOSFET,
and IGBT. From these devices the switches with highest resistances to voltage
transients (in order from highest to lowest) are; Thyristor, IGBT, Darlington
transistor, BJT, MOSFET, with the last three devices having very similar high-
voltage resistances. Thyristors and IGBTs are best suited to the high-voltage
characteristic and cost effective demands. However, it is possible to select
MOSFET’s that will sufficiently handle the high-voltage demands, but these
are several times more expensive. As the switching device must be able to
limit the current through the ignition coil, the use of a Thyristor is
unquestionable, with its inability to turn off on demand. The IGBT is
perceived as the best-suited semiconductor-switching device, considering cost
and functionality for this application.
Having chosen the switching device for this application, the switch, U4
in figure 22, can now be replaced with the equivalent model IGBT. The IGBT
used in this design was the SGP10n60, manufactured by Infineon
Technologies. Please refer to Appendix D for complete data on this device. The next
important matter to look at is the rise time of the primary coil and switch to
determine the time for ip to reach 4A, from an initial open circuit. By doing
this, it is possible to find out two things; firstly what the maximum spark
frequency is, while delivering 20mJ of energy; secondly, in a timed based
control system, like a microcontroller system, the delay time for the current to
build up to 4A can be incorporated into control calculations. Thus, minimising
the power that would normally be dissipated in the form of heat, for a
distributor control system. The model, which can be used for determining the
rise time, is shown in figure 23. V2 is used in this instance to drive the IGBT
gate on and off. When this circuit is simulated in OrCAD - PSPICE, the
following rise time was observed, as portrayed in
figure 24. It is visually evident here that the delay time for 4A to be reached is
roughly 1.25msec. From this, it is
possible to calculate the amount of
power loss for a time based control
system, assuming the turn-on time is
1.25msec. Determined from the data
sheets, the voltage across the IGBT
switch at 4A is 1.5V, so P = IV(D)
where D is the ratio of time the
switch is on divided by the time it
takes to complete one engine cycle at
Figure 23 – Coil rise-time model
10,000rpm, D = ton/tcycle where tcycle = 12msec. This calculation only gives the
maximum possible power dissipation. The actual power loss would be several
times less. The calculation is ⇒ P = 1.5 x 4 x (1.2/12) = 0.6W worst case
scenario for a time based control system. Equally, the power dissipation for an
engine at idle (800rpm) is ⇒ P = 1.5 x 4 x (1.2/150) = 0.048W. It is clear that
the IGBT would not need to be mounted to a heatsink (operating in the ohmic
region reduces power dissipation) for this proposed design. However, were the
ignition circuit controlled via a distributor, where precise values of ton =
1.2msec are not realistic (anywhere in the area of > 5msec), the power
dissipation of the switching device will rapidly increase. In this case, a
heatsink would be necessary as the device would be using the current
regulation circuitry, thus the IGBT would be operating in the active region of
the component.
To limit the current in a distributor control system, the control loop for
the IGBT needs to hold the current at 4A until such time when the coil will be
fired. For this type of system the controller necessary is that shown in figure
The ignition coil primary is connected to the collector of the IGBT and
positive 12V rail. In case of external micro control, or if triggering from a
distributor, the input, Ing Trig Sig 01, allows triggering of the ignition coil in
case of a +ve 5V signal. Effectively, by supplying a +ve 5V signal to M2 gate,
M2 will close circuit, forcing the gate of G1 to ground, which open circuits G1,
disallowing current to flow through the device. R28 supplies a source of
voltage feedback, to close the control loop of the differential amplifier in figure
26. The other circuitry to the right of the IGBT constitutes a snubber circuit
and over voltage protection for the IGBT. The voltage transient suppressor
diode D2, clamps at a maximum voltage of 548V across G1 so its limits are
never exceeded. Please refer to Appendix D for complete data on this device. The
snubber circuit of D5, C10 and R18 limits the rate of voltage rise time (dv/dt)
across the IGBT, assisting in the reduction of voltage transients that appear
across G1 during ignition. Please refer to Appendix A for a complete schematic
diagram of the design.
The injector solenoid used in the project was a Bosch injector solenoid
with the product inscriptions 0208 150 203. This particular injector is
considered to have standard coil characteristics, not comparable to a
performance solenoid. The equivalent injector coil model from figure 17 of the
Bosch injector is as follows; R1 = 16.5 Ohms and L1 = 17mH. These values
were obtained by inspection. The
typical values for a performance
injector coil are; R1 = 1 Ohms and
L1 = 2mH. For this reason, the
following design revolves around
the worst-case scenario of the
performance injector coil while
providing the ability of driving the
high resistance counterpart of the Figure 28 – Injection control loop
Bosch coil.
The control loop for the injector coil is somewhat similar to the
ignition controller, with only some extra things added for the max limit level.
The whole idea for the max current limit level and hold current level is to
provide performance injectors with the fastest rise time response possible. This
is achieved by supplying an initial higher current through the coil, so the
solenoid overcomes the initial mechanically resistive force from the helical
spring. Once the maximum limit is achieved and the solenoid is fully open, the
controller lowers the current through the coil to a suitable holding current limit.
This minimises the power dissipation through the solenoid while holding the
solenoid in the on state. Both maximum and hold current limits are fully
adjustable to suit every coil. The maximum current level break points are from
1A up to 5A with the hold current levels ranging from 0.5A to 4A. This
provides more than enough leeway for all performance injectors, while still
having the ability of servicing standard injector coils such as the Bosch injector
integrated in this design.
The control block diagram in figure 28 has only one additional voltage
reference of Vref2 to the diagram from that of the ignition constituent. The
injector coil has less (negligible in some cases) voltage spike when the switch
open circuits. Here the same switching devices were taken into consideration
as for the ignition circuit. The following switching technologies were
evaluated; thyristor, BJT, Darlington transistor, MOSFET and IGBT. As this
controller requires the ability to limit the amount of current flowing through the
device, the thyristor is automatically eliminated. As the current through the
coil can reach up to 5A, the switch needs a rating of at least 5A. Ideally, a
component with minimal power dissipation would be preferable, allowing
smaller space restrictions. The BJT, Darlington transistor and IGBT all have a
BJT final drive in common, thus restricting the devices on resistance to a
higher value than that of a MOSFET. Although the BJT has better spike
voltage resistance over the MOSFET, these phenomena can be reduced via
appropriate snubbing and voltage transient suppressing techniques. The
appropriate switching device chosen was the MOSFET, because of its lower
power dissipation and higher switching speeds, with relatively similar costs.
The injector drive circuit (as shown in figure 29) is identical to the
ignition final drive circuit in figure 27, with only some minor component
selection differences. The operation is identical, so its functionality will not be
repeated here. However, the component selection of M3 and D2 is different to
that of the ignition circuit. M3 is a BUZ11 MOSFET device with a 50V
maximum voltage limit. This device is manufactured by ST Microelectronics,
for complete data on this device please refer to Appendix D. To protect the M3
from large voltage spikes that are present during the switching off transition,
the snubber circuit reduces the rate dv/dt. D2 with its maximum clamping
voltage of 22.5V ensures M3 will never be damaged by over voltage spikes.
The on resistance of the switching device is Ron = 0.03 Ohms. The
corresponding conduction losses for the circuit can then be calculated.
Assuming the performance model described previously to be valid and the
maximum current level to be 4A with standard holding current of 1A, the
initial current rise time is displayed in figure 30.
For the power loss calculation, it must be noted that this value is
dependent on the input fuel pressure into the injector as this dictates, from a
fluid flow perspective, the length of time the injector is required to be open. In
addition, engine speed is proportional to the time the injector is needed to be
held open. Ultimately, the variable that determines the fuel pressure will be the
ability of the fuelling system to provide adequate amounts of fuel into the
combustion chamber while the engine is operating at maximum rpm. As a
guide, it is possible to calculate the maximum time the intake valve may take to
inject fuel into the cylinder, assuming worst-case of 10,000rpm engine speed
for a high-performance engine. The corresponding rps = 10,000/60 =
166.66rps, this is equivalent to 166.66Hz or T = 1/166.66 = 6msec.
This value of T is only for 360 degrees, so one engine cycle, or 720
degrees, is 2 x 6msec = 12msec. Now the induction cycle, from figure 2, takes
¼ of one full cycle to complete. Thus, 12msec/4 = 3msec for the induction
cycle. It should be noted however, the actual time available for injecting fuel
into the combustion chamber will be somewhat less than 3msec. A maximum
current limit of 4A, and a hold current level of 1A were assumed. From figure
30, the time duration for the current in the coil to rise to a value of 4A is
roughly 1msec, thus leaving 3-1 = 2msec in the hold state. During the hold
state period the MOSFET is operating in the active region of the device. This
means significant power will be dissipated through the device during this
It is now possible to work out the power loss in the switching device.
The working in this section is similar to the ignition power loss calculations
and equations. The equation for power loss is P = IV(D), where D is ton/tcycle,
the maximum rise time loss, while in the ohmic region, is Pr = (4)(0.12)(1/12)
= 0.04W. The maximum conduction loss, during active region operation, is
Pc = (1)(11)(2/12) = 1.833W. The 11V was determined from V = IR, if 1A
current is passing through the coil, then V = IR = (1)(1) = 1V across the coil.
So the MOSFET has to carry the other 12V – 1V = 11V. The total power loss
of the MOSFET at 10,000rpm engine speed is Pt = Pr + Pc = 0.04 + 1.833 =
1.873W, which is at absolute worse case. Again it should be mentioned, the
power dissipation under normal operation would be several magnitudes smaller
than the figure for continuous extreme running conditions.
The two new additions to the injector controller are a maximum current
limit Schmitt trigger circuit and a voltage signal amplifier-conditioner feeding
into the Schmitt trigger circuitry. Firstly, the signal conditioner and non-
inverting amplifier, as presented in figure 32, takes the voltage across R28 in
figure 29 and amplifies it using the operational amplifier LM324. With the
feedback capacitance, the output
voltage spikes are reduced. The
amplifier is tuned to a gain factor of
48. This signal then supplies the
Schmitt trigger circuit the input
signal, which controls the maximum
current limit.
and P5 together allow the adjustment of the maximum current limit value. The
BJT labelled M4 is a BC807-40 surface mount device (SMD) transistor that
acts as a switch which either allows or disallows the hold circuit to operate.
The section that permits the initial turning on of the MOSFET M3 from figure
29 is the input of M2.
Figure 38 shows the final high power PCB section design of the
ignition and injection circuits. The power connectors seen towards the bottom
of the board below are Mini-Fit, Jr headers manufactured by Molex. This
connector can withstand voltages of up to 600V with currents up to 9 Amperes.
This selection of component leaves adequate leverage for this design. To make
integration to external microcontroller or distributor easy, a three-way header
is supplied in the control section. Please refer to Appendix B for the complete PCB
artwork of the design.
Software Implimentation
5.1 Software
5.2 Peripheral Initialisation and Configuration
5.3 Main Program Loop
5.4 Timer A0 Interupt Service Routine (ISR)
5.5 External Interupts
5.51 Advance / Retard ISR
5.52 Engine Position ISR
5.53 Engine TDC ISR
5.6 Programming the Microcontroller
5.1 Software
Next, the three 16 bit timers are initialised. Timer 0 is used for the
ignition coil rise time counter. It is placed in continuous counting mode and is
set to down-count with 1.2msec stored in its reload register. An interrupt
occurs every time counting reaches
zero. The timer flag is activated,
initialising counting, every 1.2msec Start Main
before the ignition coil is to be
triggered, thus allowing 4A current to
Initialise interupts, timers, port data
flow through the ignition coil. Timer 1 direction, pull-ups, clear ignition & injection
port, initialise & clear variables.
is placed into free running counter
mode and is used for calculating the
average time between every 10 degrees
Coil On time No
of the flywheel rotation. The reload <=
Actual time
counter register is reset to 0xFFFF,
corresponding to a maximum count of
131msec, for a frequency pre-scaling
of f/32 from the main clock at 16Mhz.
Has TA2 Overflow Yes
An interrupt is generated every time
the counter reaches zero. Timer 2 is
set into free running counter mode and
operates as the real time base for each
360 degrees cycle. The reload register
Spark count No
is set to 0xFFFF, equivalent to =
131msec, with the system configured
to automatically reload every time an
interrupt occurs. The timer’s interrupt
Add one to Spark count,
levels are initialised to 3, 4, and 5 clear Multiple Spark,
One time Spark
respectively before both timers 1 and 2
are activated by writing a one to their
corresponding counter flag.
The main program loop checks continually whether the calculated spark
time equals or is smaller than the actual elapsed time from the beginning of the
cycle. If this is true, the program goes on to check whether a timer overflow
has occurred. If no overflow occurred during the cycle and if no other spark
occurred during the current cycle, the program
will branch to the subroutine ‘one time spark’. Start
The operational flow chart of the main program One time
can be referred to in figure 41. The program
loop is checked continually while not servicing
ISRs or subroutines. For this reason a record of
Set ignition bit to zero,
whether a spark occurred during this cycle is start Ignition timer TA0
important to eliminate the chance of repeated
sparks. However, the program is written in such
a way that if the above were to happen, no spark
Return from
would be induced at all. This happens as the One time
subroutine ‘one time spark’ only initiates the
counter flag, enabling counting of timer 0.
Figure 42- Subroutine spark
The subroutine ‘one time spark’, as exhibited in figure 42, allows the
flow of current through the ignition coil via activating G1. At the same time,
timer 0 initiates counting of 1.2msec and the program returns from the
subroutine to the main program. The
spark at the plug occurs only when the Start Timer A0
timer 0 reaches a count of zero, and it’s
respective ISR is serviced.
Set Ignition bit to one,
reload timer TA0, restart
timer TA0, reset interupts
Advance No Advance No
< >=
40? 1?
Yes Yes
The program then checks if the variable multi-spark has been activated. If so,
the program initialises spark counting before adding one to the variable multi-
spark. Otherwise, if multiple sparking has not been selected only one spark
will be activated before exiting the ISR. If the variable multi-spark is set to
two then a delay of 0.5msec is activated between spark ignition, and allowing
the coil to charge again.
Average time
5.52 Engine Position ISR =
1/4(New t) + 3/4(Ave t)
span of 40 degrees. This is a working average, which means the variable gets
updated every 10 degrees. The average time is with respect to 10 degrees of
rotation. This system calculates the spark time over a 360 degree span. The
ignition would normally be at the end of every half a cycle or 360 degrees, due
to lack of sensory data. The calculation then becomes ⇒ spark time = [(360 –
advance) x (average time)]/10, from this the coil start time can be calculated ⇒
coil time = spark time – 1.2msec. The coil time is then the time, with reference
to the last TDC, at which current should be
allowed to flow through the coil for ignition to
occur another 1.2msec after activation. Start Interupt 3
The M16C evaluation board comes with its own C compiler and
download program from Mitsubishi. After compiling the C program the .x30
target file can be downloaded to controller via the Windows-run KD30
software program. Downloading the compiled C code is done across a DB-9
serial link to the development board. On completion of downloading the C
program, the microcontroller requires resetting before the controller can be run.
During any period the controller board is not running, power to the driver
board must be cut to prevent burning of the MOSFET and IGBT. Their inputs
are prone to floating which can lead to the ramping of current through the
ignition and injector coil. The pull-up resistors that are a feature built into the
microcontroller, are disabled while power down.
The waveform marked with (3) is the ignition drive signal. A logic of
‘1’ corresponds to the IGBT being open circuited, inversely if the signal has a
logic ‘0’ then the IGBT is closed circuited, allowing current to flow through
the coil. In total a time span of 2.4msec is necessary between spark
occurrence. This allows the coil harmonics to settle after triggering, and
energise the coil a second time.
The simulations that were carried out through the aid of PSPICE for the
ignition circuit showed confidence of successful operation. The current
waveform, once set to regulate at 4A, levelled out quite nicely to store 20mJ of
energy in the core of the ignition coil. To test the ignition circuit a 5V square
wave input signal with a period of 6msec was connected to the ignition driver
input. The PSPICE simulated current waveform through the coil is displayed
in figure 49, below. The consistent temperature range that was used for all
simulations is in the following order; -40°C, 0°C, 27°C, 100°C and 150°C
The voltage spike induced across the IGBT during ignition can reach
dangerous levels if not effectively suppressed. However, there is an inversely
proportional ratio between the amount of suppression applied and the voltage
at the spark plug. There has to be a compromise to the amount of suppression,
which is acceptable. Pushing the IGBT to its upper limits is not always
desirable, yet setting the spike to ¾ the IGBT’s limit is quite acceptable for
continuous operation. Thus, voltage levels of around 450V under normal
The actual voltage at the IGBT, in figure 51, during a spike occurrence,
closely correlates to the simulated version in figure 50, above. Close
inspection indicates the maximum primary coil spike voltage to be at ≈450V.
In both the simulated and actual graphs, this level is acceptable for continuous
operational mode of the ignition circuit. This reinforces the importance of the
snubber and suppression circuitry, and the effect they have on constraining the
voltages across the IGBT to conservative levels, which ensure the life of the
The stresses of this project set in during the sudden departure from the
software programmer at the end of the first semester. This has set back the
project’s initial goal of a complete ‘engine management system’ to just ‘digital
ignition and electronic fuel injection’. The workload of the initial goal was too
involved for only one thesis student, as both software and hardware were to be
developed. The project continued with the development of hardware and
software, however on a slightly smaller scale then initially sought.
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Future Work
7.1 Conclusion
[4] H.A. Kuck, H.D. Erdmann, and M. Lowel, “The knock detection of
Volkswagen’s supercharged 1.3 L SI-Engine,” Sixth International Conference
on Automotive Electronics, IEE, London, UK, pp.70-76.
[12] J. Clarke, “Universal High Energy Ignition System,” Silicon Chip, Vol.
11, No. 6, June. 1998, pp. 18-27.
C.1 – Motor3.c