ABB Drives For Water and Wastewater: ACQ580, 0.75 To 500 KW

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ABB drives for water and wastewater

ACQ580, 0.75 to 500 kW

ACQ580 series
Always flowing. Never still.

Water utilities require reliable

solutions securing the flow
of water and wastewater.
The ACQ580 drive for water
is part of ABB’s all-compatible
drives portfolio. This robust
drive is designed to secure
optimal operation of water
and wastewater pumps,
while ensuring low energy

Table of contents
04–11 The energy efficient drive for water and wastewater pumping
06–07 All-compatible solutions for water and wastewater applications
08–09 Optimizing the flow of water and wastewater in your
pumping solutions
10 Built-in pump application software
11 General software features of the drive

12–19 How to select a drive
13 Technical specification
14 Securing the flow of water and wastewater with the ACQ580
15 Complete offering from wall-mounted drives to
cabinet installations
16–17 Overcome challenges of harmonics
18–23 Ratings, types and voltages
24 Dimensions

25–41 Options
25 Comprehensive connectivity
26 Hand-Off-Auto control panel
27 Effortless drive commissioning and use with control panels
28 ABB Ability™ smartphone apps
29 High protection for operation in harsh environments
29 Flange mounting
29 Advanced cooling
30 Quick configuration for unpowered drives
31 Flexible connectivity to automation
32 Thermistor protection modules for increased safety
33 Main disconnect switch for increased safety
34 EMC – electromagnetic compatibility
36 du/dt filters
37–38 du/dt filter selection
39–41 Cooling and fuses

42–45 Motors control and automation products

42 Choose the motor for your water application
43 Ultimate efficiency and reliability to minimize your system cost
of ownership
44 ABB automation products
45 Securing the flow of water and wastewater in the pump system

46–47 Services to match your needs

48 A lifetime of peak performance

49 ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring for drives

4 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

The energy efficient drive
for water and wastewater pumping

Whether your pump system requires redundancy in multi-pump applications

or built-in pump applicaton functionalities designed for the water and
wastewater industry, the ACQ580 is designed to meet your requirements.

Simplicity at your fingertips

The control panel’s straightforward primary
settings menu with assistants helps you
set up the drive quickly and effectively.
See more on pages 26-27.

Speaks water-specific terminology

The drive has built-in pump application control programs to
secure optimal operation of the water and wastewater pumps.
See more on page 11.

Boosting energy efficiency

The energy optimizer helps you to save energy, and the energy
efficiency information made available to you help monitor and
save the energy used in your processes. The drive meets
IE2 energy efficiency requirements.
See more on page 11.

Reliable, integrated safety

Safe torque off (STO) built-in as standard
and the ATEX certified thermistor protection
module, EX II (2) GD, CPTC-02 provides enhanced
process safety and easy, simplified installation.
See more on page 32-33.

Remote monitoring solutions

Remote monitoring via standard web browsers
will help lower costs by reducing the amount
of routine site visits.
See more on page 30.

The ACQ580 water and wastewater drives are part of ABB’s all-compatible drives
portfolio. The drives secure the flow of water and wastewater in the pumping system
throughout their whole life cycle. The ACQ580 drive is easy to commission and use.
With built-in pump functionalities, the drive keeps the pumping system operating
optimally, lowering the energy bill. The drive is used in water and wastewater
treament plants, pumping stations, desalination plants, industrial wastewater
facilities and irrigation environments. The drive is used with inflow pumps, transfer
pumps, dosing pumps, sludge pumps, booster pumps, submersible pumps and
compressors, blowers, decanter centrifuges, mixers and fans.

Controls virtually any kind of motor

The drive has the ability to control almost any motors from induction
and permanent magnet motors to synchronous reluctance motors.
See more on pages 42-45.

Startup and maintenance tool

Drive composer PC tool for startup,
configuration, monitoring and process tuning.
The PC tool is connected to the driveʼs control
panel with a standard USB cable.
See more on page 30.

Robust with built-in features

A robust performer with enclosure class up to IP55, that is simple
to select, and easy to install and use. Built-in features such as an
EMC filter, choke, a Modbus RTU fieldbus interface and safe torque
off (STO) functionality simplify drive selection, installation and use.
See more on pages 29, 37.

Reliable communication
With its wide range of optional fieldbus
adapters and embedded RTU Modbus, the drive
enables connectivity with all major automation
networks and control systems.
See more on page 31.

Input/output extensions
In addition to the standard interfaces,
the drive has a built-in slot for additional
input/output extension modules.
See more on page 31.

Ultra-low harmonic (ULH) solution for a clean network

The ACQ580 ultra-low harmonic drive is designed to minimize the
effect of harmonics distortion on your electrical system. The drive
keeps the network in the waterutility clean and stable. As a result
electrical equipments in the plant wastes less energy in heat and
less unwelcome disturbance occur.
See more on pages 16-17.
6 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

All-compatible solutions for water
and wastewater applications
Environment all-compatible Process all-compatible
Achieve your environmental goals with our energy-efficient Water and wastewater processes consist of many phases
drive for water and wastewater. The all-compatible drives which require optimal performance of your pump solution
offer built-in energy efficiency calculators. They help you from start to finish. Our robust drives are available with
to analyze and optimize your pump processes to reduce enclosures up to IP55. The drive controls virtually any kind
stress on the environment. Other environmentally friendly of motors from induction and permanent magnet motors
features include the built-in soft pipe fill function to to synchronous reluctance motors up to 500 kW. The drive
ensure less water hammering on the water pipes, thus is compatible with a wide range of fieldbus protocols,
preventing the risk of unwanted leaks, unplanned outage ensuring reliable communication between the drive and
and repair costs. automation system in use.

Business all-compatible Human all-compatible

As a reliable global partner, we provide water process You can feel confident using our all-compatible drives
solutions that help to keep the life cycle costs of your pump for water and wastewater. The drive speaks the language
solution stable. Additionally, we help keep your water of your pump application, making it easy to set up,
process productive and consistent in an energy efficient configure and use. The intuitive Hand-Off-Auto control
way. Our wide range of water industry products and panel ensures that you have access to the essential
solutions offer optimal flow of water all hours of the day. information quickly. For accessing your drive from
This means lower energy consumption, improved a distance and receiving valuable analytics, we offer
productivity, flexibility and ease of use. With offices in remote monitoring solutions.
over 90 countries and a global technical partner network,
we offer technical advice and local support worldwide.
8 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Optimizing the flow of water and
wastewater in your pumping solutions
The ACQ580 water and wastewater drive is built to help users, designers, OEMs,
system integrators and EPC professionals secure pumping of water and wastewater
in municipal utilities, pumping stations, industrial wastewater facilities, desalination
plants and irrigation environments. It offers long-term, technically-compatible drive
solutions supported by full service and support.

Soft pipe filling

Increase the lifetime of the piping
and pump system by avoiding
pressure peaks.

Quick ramps
Extend the lifecycle of a submersible
pumps by reducing wear of the
mechanical parts using ramp sets to
accelerate and decelerate the pumps.

Pump priority
Achieve energy savings with optimal
pump alternation by running the higher
capacity pumps when the consumption
rate is higher.

Multi-pump control
Ensure stable and uninterrupted production with
multi-pump controls by optimizing the speed and
number of running pumps.

Sleep boost Auto-change

Save energy while extending the life Increase the mean time between repairs
time of the pumps and motors by and save in service costs by balancing
decreasing start/stop cycles during the long-term operation time of all
all hours of the day. pumps in a parallel pumping system.

Level control
Ensures optimal efficiency
when filling or emptying a tank.

Sensorless flow calculation

Reduce costs by eliminating the
need for external components
or backup the flow meters to
avoid interruptions in the

Flow and pressure protection

The drive protects the pumping
system from a low and / or high
pressure and flow, as well as
prevents the pump from
running dry.

Pump cleaning
Achieve savings by preventing unplanned
downtime. This is made possible as a result of
accumulating obstructions being removed
from the impeller of the pump.
10 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Built-in pump application software
The built-in pump application software in the ACQ580 drives is designed to enhance
the reliability and durability of the water and wastewater application in which it is
used. The functions protect the pump and secure its optimal functionality, increasing
cost efficiency. The built-in functionalities also support the user in securing the flow
of the water and wastewater in the pump solution.

Multi-pump functionality Pump cleaning

The function maintains stable Keeps the impeller of the pump clean by running
process conditions for several parallell a sequence of aggressive ramps between
pumps (up to 8 pumps at the same minimum and maximum pump speed.
time) operating together. It is possible to optimize the
speed and number of pumps needed when the required
flow or pressure rate is variable. This built-in functionality Turbidity reduction
ensures continuous operation for multipump systems When a pump starts as slow as possible, it
even if one or more pumps fails or requires maintenance. creates the lowest turbidity values for the water
being moved or extracted. When you combine
quick ramps and long normal ramps, the drive will protect
Sensorless flow calculation and run submersible pump most optimal way.
Measures the amount of water flowing without
the need for external sensors. This will enable
you to reduce costs as there is no need for Pump protection
setting up and using additional sensors or back up the flow The built-in protection functionalities ensures
meters to avoid interruptions in the process. that pumps can operate at the best possible
conditions. The maximum pressure protections
help to protect the pump and the system in case of a
Level control blockage in the pipeline. In case of a pipe rupture, the
Control the filling or emptying of wastewater minimum pressure protection can generate an alarm or fault
storage and water tower tanks. Level control can or can be programmed to run at certain speed to avoid dirty
be used within a station controlling up to eight water entering the pipeline. The inlet pressure protection
pumps. The level control function has varying pre-set water can help to avoid cavitation. When the inlet pressure of a
levels and the pumps will start and stop based on measured water pump falls below pump design specifications, tiny
level. This method allows the pumps to run at an efficicent vapor bubbles form. These bubbles collapse when they meet
speed and ensures the pump sump does not become over the impeller, causing shock waves and points of high
contaminated by sediment. temperature that can corrode the surface of the impeller.

Soft pipe fill Dry run protection

The soft pipe fill function manages the pressure This function prevents the pump from running
of water by filling the pipeline with a gentle dry. The water pump shaft and impeller are
approach. This helps to avoid sudden pressure rotating at fast rates. If there is no dry pump
peaks and reduces the risk of water hammer which can protection, the released heat can damage the pump over
cause damage to the water pipes. time, limiting its lifetime.

Protect bearings when a submersible pump is
started without water. Quick ramp allows your
pump to reach optimal speed to extend pump
life, ensure operation and prevent unplanned outages.
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 11

General software features of the drive

With a pump control software one drive controls several pumps

or blowers in parallel and eliminates the need for an external
programmable logic controller. This results in reduced stress
on the mains and the system as well as in lower
maintenance and operation costs.

Startup assistant allows first-time users to quickly

customize the drive, out of the box, according to
their needs. This is complemented by a built-in help
function to make parameter-by-parameter setting easy.

Enjoy sophisticated process control in scalar and

vector control modes. They support a wide range of
motors including induction, permanent magnet
and synchronous reluctance motors.

The energy optimizer feature operates both in

scalar and vector control modes, ensuring
maximum torque per ampere and reducing energy
drawn from the supply. You can follow the saved
energy, CO₂ emissions or money, and see how fast
the drive brings you a return on investment.

The drive reduces motor noise by spreading the

switching frequencies over a user-specified range.
The higher used switching frequency reduces motor
noise at low load without limiting
full current at maximum load.

Diagnostic assistant helps in locating the cause of

any disturbance to the drive, and even suggests
possible remedies. This reduces process downtime
by making repairs or adjustments effortless.

A built-in and stand-alone process PID/loop controller makes

the drive a self-governing unit that requires no external logic input from
the control room but requires only an external process measurement.

Load profile feature collects drive values, such as current and stores them in a log.
This enables you to analyze and optimize the application with the help of historical data load.

Adaptive programming provides extra flexibility by offering

easy alternative for simple programming needs.
12 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

How to select a drive?
It is very easy to select the right drive. This is how you build up
your own ordering code using the type designation key.

3 4
Start with identifying your supply voltage. 1
This tells you what rating table to use.
The ACQ580 supports 200 to 480 V. Type designation: ACQ580 – 01 – XXXX – X + XXXX

Product series
Choose your motor’s nominal power rating 2 31
from the ratings table on pages 18-23. 34
Types and construction
Select your drive’s type code 3
Example configuration:
from the rating table based on your
motor's nominal power rating.
Wall-mounted 145 A, 400 V drive in IP55 enclosure with Hand-Off-Auto
control panel and internal CMOD-01 input/output option

Choose your options. 4 18 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 18 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Details about each option begin on page 26. —

Ratings, types and voltages

Ratings, types and voltages
Add the option codes to the end of the drive’s ACQ580-01, wall-mounted drives ACQ580-01, wall-mounted drives

ordering code. Remember to use a "+" before

2 3
each option code.
3-phase, U N = 230 V (range 200 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V (0.75 to 75 kW) 3-phase, U N = 230 V (range 200 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V (0.75 to 75 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum
size output current size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Max IN PN I Ld PLd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A) (A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACQ580-01-04A7-2 R1 4.7 0.75 4.6 0.75 6.3 ACQ580-01-04A7-2 R1 4.7 0.75 4.6 0.75 6.3

Control panels....................................................... 26-27

ACQ580-01-06A7-2 R1 6.7 1.1 6.6 1.1 8.9 ACQ580-01-06A7-2 R1 6.7 1.1 6.6 1.1 8.9
ACQ580-01-07A6-2 R1 7.6 1.5 7.5 1.5 11.9 ACQ580-01-07A6-2 R1 7.6 1.5 7.5 1.5 11.9
ACQ580-01-012A-2 R1 12 3 11.8 3 19.1 ACQ580-01-012A-2 R1 12 3 11.8 3 19.1
ACQ580-01-018A-2 R1 16.9 4 16.7 4 22 ACQ580-01-018A-2 R1 16.9 4 16.7 4 22
ACQ580-01-025A-2 R2 24.5 5.5 24.2 5.5 32.7 ACQ580-01-025A-2 R2 24.5 5.5 24.2 5.5 32.7

Protection classes...................................................... 29
ACQ580-01-032A-2 R2 31.2 7.5 30.8 7.5 43.6 ACQ580-01-032A-2 R2 31.2 7.5 30.8 7.5 43.6
ACQ580-01-047A-2 R3 46.7 11 46.2 11 62.4 ACQ580-01-047A-2 R3 46.7 11 46.2 11 62.4
ACQ580-01-060A-2 R3 60 15 59.4 15 83.2 ACQ580-01-060A-2 R3 60 15 59.4 15 83.2
ACQ580-01-089A-2 R5 89 22 88 22 135 ACQ580-01-089A-2 R5 89 22 88 22 135
ACQ580-01-115A-2 R5 115 30 114 30 158 ACQ580-01-115A-2 R5 115 30 114 30 158

Flange mounting......................................................... 29
ACQ580-01-144A-2 R6 144 37 143 37 205 ACQ580-01-144A-2 R6 144 37 143 37 205
ACQ580-01-171A-2 R7 171 45 169 45 257 ACQ580-01-171A-2 R7 171 45 169 45 257
ACQ580-01-213A-2 R7 213 55 211 55 304 ACQ580-01-213A-2 R7 213 55 211 55 304
ACQ580-01-276A-2 R8 276 75 273 75 380 ACQ580-01-276A-2 R8 276 75 273 75 380

Quick configuration.................................................. 30
Remote monitoring .................................................. 30
Fieldbus adapters....................................................... 31
I/O extension and
thermistor protection modules........................ 32-33
EMC............................................................................... 34 Pages 18-23 Pages 18-23

du/dt....................................................................... 36-38
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 27

Effortless drive commissioning
and use with control panels
A variety of different control panel variants and panel accessories are available for
the ACQ580 drives. Drive setup, maintenance, diagnostics and process monitoring
is done via the control panel in an effortless manner.

— — — —
01 02 03 04

— —
01 Hand-Off-Auto control panel and 04 The DPMP-01 control panel
Help function are included as standard. mounting platform is for flush
USB connection as standard. mountings. It does not include the
control panel. When using this with
— ACQ580, also CDPI-01 is required.
02 The optional Hand-Off-Auto control
panel with Bluetooth functionality. —
USB connection as standard. 05 The DPMP-02 mounting platform
is for surface mounting. It does
— not include the control panel.
03 By using the panel bus adapter, When using this with ACQ580,
CDPI-01 the assistant control panel also CDPI-01 is required.
is able to manage up to 32 drives.

— — 06 The door mounting kit DPMP-
05 06 EXT is a ready-made kit consisting

of the DPMP-02 and CDPI-01.

Control panel options

Option code Description Type designation

+J400 The Hand-Off-Auto control panel as standard in the delivery ACH-AP-H
+J429 Control panel with Bluetooth interface ACH-AP-W
+J425 Assistant Control panel with local/remote -logic ACS-AP-I
+J424 Blank control panel cover (no control panel delivered) CDUM-01
3AXD50000004419 Panel bus adapter CDPI-01
3AUA0000108878 Control panel mounting platform DPMP-01
(flush mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive)
3AXD50000009374 Control panel mounting platform DPMP-02
(surface mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive)
3AXD50000016230 * )
Control panel mounting platform DPMP-03
(surface mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive, only for ACQ580-04/34)
3AXD50000217717 *) Control panel mounting kit for outdoor installation DPMP-04
3AXD50000240319 *) Control panel mounting kit for outdoor installation, only for ACQ580-04/34 DPMP-05
3AXD50000010763 Door mounting kit for the panel (for one drive, contains both DPMP-02 and CDPI-01) DPMP-EXT
*) For availability please contact your local ABB

Pages 27-41
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 13

Technical specification

Mains connection Environmental limits

Voltage range 3-phase, U N Ambient
Power range ACQ580-01 0.75 to 250 kW
wall-mounted (frame sizes R1 to R9) Transport -40 to +70 °C
Storage -40 to +70 °C
ACQ580-04 250 to 500 kW
module (frame sizes R10 to R11) Operation area ACQ580-01/-31 -15 °C to 50 °C. No frost
ACQ580-07 75 to 500 kW From +40 °C to +50 °C with
cabinet (frame sizes R6 to R11) derating1% per 1 °C.
ACQ580-31 4 to 110 kW ACQ580-04/-34 -15 °C to 55 °C. No frost
ULH wall-mounted (frame sizes R3, R6 and R8) allowed.
ACQ580-34 132 to 355 kW From +40 °C to +55 °C with
ULH module (frame size R11) derating 1% per 1 °C.
Frequency 50/60 Hz ±5% ACQ580-07 0 °C to +50 °C. No frost
Power factor
From +40 °C to +50 °C with
(-01, -04, -07) cosϕ = 0.98
derating 1% per 1 °C.
(-31, -34) cosϕ = 1
Cooling method
Efficiency Air-cooled Dry clean air
(at nominal power) 98%
Motor connection 0 to 1.000 m Without derating
Voltage 0 to U N , 3-phase 1.000 to 4.000 m With derating of 1%/100 m

Frequency 0 to 500 Hz Relative humidity 5 to 95%. no condensation allowed

Degree of ACQ580-01/-31 IP21 (UL Type 1) and
Motor control Scalar and vector control
protection IP55 (UL Type 12)
Speed control Static accuracy: 20% of motor nominal slip
ACQ580-04/-34 IP00 as standard and
Dynamic accuracy: 1% seconds with
IP20 as option
100% torque step
ACQ580-07 IP21 as standard,
Product compliance IP42 and IP54 as option
CE Functional safety Safe torque off
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, EN 61800-5-1:2007 (STO according EN 61800-5-2)
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, EN 61800-5-2:2007 IEC 61508 ed2: SIL 3, IEC 61511: SIL 3,
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, EN 61800-3:2004 + A1:2012 IEC 62061: SIL CL 3, EN ISO 13849-1: PL e
RoHS directive 2011/65/EU Contamination
Waste electrical and electronic equipment directive (WEEE) 2000/96/EC levels No conductive dust allowed
Quality assurance system ISO 9001 and Environmental system
Storage IEC 60721-3-1. Class 1C2 (chemical gases).
Class 1S2 (solid particles)*)
TÜV Nord (safety functions)
Operation IEC 60721-3-3. Class 3C2 as standard and 3C3 as
EMC according to EN 61800-3:2004 + A1:2017 option (chemical gases). Class 3S2 (solid particles)*)
ACQ580-01/-31 Class C2 as standard Transportation IEC 60721-3-2. Class 2C2 (chemical gases).
ACQ580-04/-34 Class C3 as standard Class 2S2 (solid particles)*)

ACQ580-07 Class C2 as standard for powers 75 kW to 250 kW and *) C = chemically active substances
S = mechanically active substances
Class C3 as standard for powers 250 kW to 500 kW
Harmonic mitigation
Built-in swinging choke as standard in ACQ580-01 meets the
requirements of IEC 61000-3-12: 2011.
ACQ580-31 and ACQ580-34 in addition meets the requirements
of IEEE519 and G5/4.
14 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Securing the flow of water and
wastewater with the ACQ580
The ACQ580 is a robust and compact drive ensuring low energy consumption
and continuous, reliable motor control with a power and voltage range from
0.75 to 500 kW and 200 to 480 V. It has coated boards and offers enclosure
classes up to IP55 for different environments. The drive is designed for water
and wastewater pumps, blowers, mixers, centrifuges and fans.

01 The ACQ580 Built-in pump functionality for optimal flow of water
drive series
Built-on ABB’s common drives architecture, the drive
— offers pump operation, energy savings and usability
02 Flange mounting
for panel installation
benefits supported by a local network of service and
ensures less thermal support. The water and wastewater drive has several
load inside the panel
by keeping most of
different built-in pump application features for
the losses outside optimal pump operation (see page 10).
the panel.

Intuitive usability supported by simple connectivity

To ensure fast set-up and operation of the drive,
adjusting drive settings has been made easy with
the robust and intuitive Hand-Off-Auto control panel.
The control panel has a powerful diagnostics menu
that makes it possible to quickly access information,
even in facilities with poor visibility. Drive usability is
further enhanced via wireless Bluetooth connectivity
between the drive and mobile devices, making it easy
to access the drive in difficult-to-reach locations.

Connectivity to automaton systems is ensured with 01
the drive connecting to various fieldbus protocols.
To ensure compliance with electric grids, the ACQ580
has a built-in 1st environment EMC filter and choke.
The drive also supports functional safety design,
as it offers integrated safety features with safe
torque off (STO) built-in as standard.

The wall-mounted drive (ACQ580-01, -31) offers

flange mounting as an option, separating the control
electronics from the main circuit cooling airflow, saving
space and ensuring optimal cooling and extends the
lifetime of the drive. The cabinet-built drive (ACQ580-07)
offers flange mounting as a standard solution. This results
in better thermal management in panel installation.
The advanced pedestal system and ramp of the drive
module (ACQ580-04, -34) ensure easy installation and —
reduce time needed for setup and commissioning. 02
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 15

Complete offering from wall-mounted
drives to cabinet installations
No matter the frame size or power range, all ACQ580 drives
bring you ease of use, scalability and quality.

01 Wall-mounted IP21 The wall-mounted IP21 drives
drive (ACQ580-01)
The wall-mounted IP21 drives are available with the
— power and voltage range from 0.75 to 250 kW and 3-ph —
02 Wall-mounted IP55 01
drive (ACQ580-01+B056)
200 to 480 V. Side-by-side mounting, flange mounting
and horizontal mounting are all available for the

03 Drive module
wall-mounted ACQ580 drives.
IP00 (ACQ580-04)

The wall-mounted IP55 drives
04 Cabinet-built IP42 The IP55 drive is designed for applications exposed to
drive (ACQ580-07+B054)
dust, moisture, vibrations and other harsh environments.
It is similar in size to the compact IP21 drives, which —
provides significant savings in space, maintenance,
engineering, material costs, as well as in setup and
commissioning time.

Drive modules for cabinet installations

The ACQ580 drive modules are optimal for system
integrators, cabinet builders or OEMs who want to
optimize the cabined design in the 250 to 500 kW range,
but do not want to compromise the easy installation,
commissioning and maintenance.

Cabinet-built drives —
The cabinet-built drives are type tested ABB solutions 03

offering robust but easy to use cabinets with a new and

innovative cooling arrangement. The ABB made cabinets
have many in-built features as standard, delivered with
short lead times and always made according to ABB’s
high quality standards. The design is available as standard
for all available protection classes IP21 / 42 / 54 in frames
R6 to R11. The power and voltage range is from 75 kW to
500 kW, 3-ph 380 to 480 V.

To select IP classes for the drive see page 24.

16 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Overcome challenges of harmonics
ACQ580 ultra-low harmonic drives have excellent harmonics performance
and are perfectly suited for places that cannot handle high harmonic content
in the network.

The problem with harmonics Harmonics may cause premature failure or

Generators in power plants rotate at constant reduced lifespan of other electrical equipment
and regulated speed, resulting in a sine-wave caused by the overheating of network
shaped current in an AC grid in the ideal case. components like transformers and cables.
Harmonics in the network are also responsible
for disturbing other electrical equipment in
the network that require a pure sinusoidal
AC-waveform. Harmonics may also cause
unstable operation in back-up generators.

All-in-one concept for a clean network

ABBʼs ultra-low harmonic (ULH) drives for water
are designed with built-in harmonic avoidance
systems and complies with IEC61000-3-12.
However, in the modern world, the network is not
Also extremely low harmonic content helps your
pure sine wave. Electricity networks are affected
system to meet IEEE519 and G5/4 harmonic
by harmonics: higher-order oscillations introduced
recommendations. Compared to other
by various types of electrical equipment.
harmonic mitigation solutions, the problems
caused by harmonics are avoided in the first
place. ULH drives have excellent harmonic
performance technology built-in, including active
supply unit and integrated low harmonic line
filter. There is no need for external harmonic
filters or multi-pulse transformers, leading to
significant savings in the footprint.

Full water functionality and

clean supply (THDi less than 3%)
The benefits of a drive
without the inconvenience
of harmonics

Savings on investments
and during the lifetime

Effortlessly meets
harmonic standards
and specification

Reliability for
your facility

Quick and easy Simple to install – three wires in, three wires out.
maintenance No external hardware required.

Reliable operation under special conditions factor. With an integrated design that leverages
ULH drives ensure that the motor receives the drive technology as part of the harmonic
full voltage, even in low-voltage utility condition solution, there is no risk of nuisance trips due
or in a fluctuating network. Thanks to the drives’ to incompatible components, no need for
capability to provide an output voltage up to additional hardware and no additional
15 percent greater than the supply voltage, cooling requirements.
applications can overcome voltage drops caused
by long supply or motor cables. All this is done Compared to other harmonic mitigation
without costly additional equipment or oversizing solutions, like passive and active filters, system
of drive system components. level efficiency is better when there are less
components in the network. Also there is savings
Savings in total cost of ownership in the installation and maintenance costs.
Electrical utilities may charge additional penalties
for consuming reactive power. The ULH drives In retrofit projects, the transformer might not be
has unity true power factor as a result of its low dimensioned to meet the harmonic levels caused
harmonics and no consumption of reactive power. by non-linear loads such as standard 6-pulse
Additionally, the drive is able to compensate the drives, so there is a risk of overloading the
displacement power factor of the network, to transformer. Thanks to the extremely low
which it is connected. This reduces the risk harmonic content of ULH drives there is no need
of having additional running costs or buying to overdimension the transformer, switchgear,
additional capacitor banks to correct the power or cables.
18 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Ratings, types and voltages
ACQ580-01, wall-mounted drives

3-phase, U N = 230 V (range 200 to 240 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 230 V (0.75 to 75 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum
size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACQ580-01-04A7-2 R1 4.7 0.75 4.6 0.75 6.3
ACQ580-01-06A7-2 R1 6.7 1.1 6.6 1.1 8.9
ACQ580-01-07A6-2 R1 7.6 1.5 7.5 1.5 11.9
ACQ580-01-012A-2 R1 12 3 11.8 3 19.1
ACQ580-01-018A-2 R1 16.9 4 16.7 4 22
ACQ580-01-025A-2 R2 24.5 5.5 24.2 5.5 32.7
ACQ580-01-032A-2 R2 31.2 7.5 30.8 7.5 43.6
ACQ580-01-047A-2 R3 46.7 11 46.2 11 62.4
ACQ580-01-060A-2 R3 60 15 59.4 15 83.2
ACQ580-01-089A-2 R5 89 22 88 22 135
ACQ580-01-115A-2 R5 115 30 114 30 158
ACQ580-01-144A-2 R6 144 37 143 37 205
ACQ580-01-171A-2 R7 171 45 169 45 257
ACQ580-01-213A-2 R7 213 55 211 55 304
ACQ580-01-276A-2 R8 276 75 273 75 380
R AT I N G S , T Y P E S A N D V O LTA G E S 19

3-phase, U N = 400 V (range 380 to 480 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V (0.75 to 250 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum
size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACQ580-01-02A7-4 R1 2.6 0.75 2.5 0.75 3.2
ACQ580-01-03A4-4 R1 3.3 1.1 3.1 1.1 4.7
ACQ580-01-04A1-4 R1 4 1.5 3.8 1.5 5.9
ACQ580-01-05A7-4 R1 5.6 2.2 5.3 2.2 7.2
ACQ580-01-07A3-4 R1 7.2 3 6.8 3 10.1
ACQ580-01-09A5-4 R1 9.4 4 8.9 4 13
ACQ580-01-12A7-4 R1 12.6 5.5 12 5.5 14.1
ACQ580-01-018A-4 R2 17 7.5 16.2 7.5 22.7
ACQ580-01-026A-4 R2 25 11 23.8 11 30.6
ACQ580-01-033A-4 R3 32 15 30.4 15 44.3
ACQ580-01-039A-4 R3 38 18.5 36.1 18.5 56.9
ACQ580-01-046A-4 R3 45 22 42.8 22 67.9
ACQ580-01-062A-4 R4 62 30 58 30 76
ACQ580-01-073A-4 R4 73 37 68.4 37 104
ACQ580-01-088A-4 R5 88 45 83 45 122
ACQ580-01-106A-4 R5 106 55 100 55 148
ACQ580-01-145A-4 R6 145 75 138 75 178
ACQ580-01-169A-4 R7 169 90 161 90 247
ACQ580-01-206A-4 R7 206 110 196 110 287
ACQ580-01-246A-4 R8 246 132 234 132 350
ACQ580-01-293A-4 R8 293 160 278 160 418
ACQ580-01-363A-4 R9 363 200 345 200 498
ACQ580-01-430A-4 R9 430 250 400 200 545

Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start, then as long as allowed by drive temperature.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-overload use.
The ratings apply for the frames R1 to R9 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP class 21/55.
For derating at high altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the user’s HW manual, document code: 3AXD50000035866.
20 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Ratings, types and voltages
ACQ580-04, drive modules

3-phase, U N = 400 V (range 380 to 480 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V (250 to 500 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum
size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACQ580-04-505A-4 R10 505 250 485 250 560
ACQ580-04-585A-4 R10 585 315 575 315 730
ACQ580-04-650A-4 R10 650 355 634 355 730
ACQ580-04-725A-4 R11 725 400 715 400 1020
ACQ580-04-820A-4 R11 820 450 810 450 1020
ACQ580-04-880A-4 R11 880 500 865 500 1100

Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start, then as long as allowed by drive temperature.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-overload use.
The ratings apply for the frames R10 to R11 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP class 00/20.
For derating at high altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the user’s HW manual, document code: 3AXD50000048677.
R AT I N G S , T Y P E S A N D V O LTA G E S 21

Ratings, types and voltages
ACQ580-07, cabinet-built drives

3-phase, U N = 400 V (range 380 to 480 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V (75 to 250 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum
size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACQ580-07-0145A-4 R6 145 75 138 75 178
ACQ580-07-0169A-4 R7 169 90 161 90 247
ACQ580-07-0206A-4 R7 206 110 196 110 287
ACQ580-07-0246A-4 R8 246 132 234 132 350
ACQ580-07-0293A-4 R8 293 160 278 160 418
ACQ580-07-0363A-4 R9 363 200 345 200 498
ACQ580-07-0430A-4 R9 430 250 400 200 545
ACQ580-07-0505A-4 R10 505 250 485 250 560
ACQ580-07-0585A-4 R10 585 315 575 315 730
ACQ580-07-0650A-4 R10 650 355 634 355 730
ACQ580-07-0725A-4 R11 725 400 715 400 1020
ACQ580-07-0820A-4 R11 820 450 810 450 1020
ACQ580-07-0880A-4 R11 880 500 865 500 1100

Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start, then as long as allowed by drive temperature.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-overload use.
The ratings apply for the frames R6 to R11 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP class 21/42/54.
For derating at high altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the user’s HW manual, document code: 3AXD50000045817.
22 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Ratings, types and voltages
ACQ580-31, ultra-low harmonic drives

3-phase, UN = 400 V (range 380 to 480 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V (4 to 110 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum
size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACQ580-31-09A5-4 R3 9.4 4 8.9 4 12.2
ACQ580-31-12A7-4 R3 12.6 5.5 12 5.5 16.1
ACQ580-31-018A-4 R3 17 7.5 16 7.5 21.4
ACQ580-31-026A-4 R3 25 11 24 11 28.8
ACQ580-31-033A-4 R6 32 15 30 15 42.5
ACQ580-31-039A-4 R6 38 18.5 36 18.5 54.4
ACQ580-31-046A-4 R6 45 22 43 22 64.6
ACQ580-31-062A-4 R6 62 30 59 30 77.5
ACQ580-31-073A-4 R6 73 37 69 37 105.4
ACQ580-31-088A-4 R6 88 45 84 45 124.1
ACQ580-31-106A-4 R8 106 55 101 55 149.6
ACQ580-31-145A-4 R8 145 75 138 75 181.3
ACQ580-31-169A-4 R8 169 90 161 90 246.5
ACQ580-31-206A-4 R8 206 110 196 110 287.3

Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-duty use.
The ratings apply for frames R3, R6 and R8 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP class 21/55.
For derating at higher altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the HW manual, document code 3AXD50000045935.
R AT I N G S , T Y P E S A N D V O LTA G E S 23

Ratings, types and voltages
ACQ580-34, ultra-low harmonic drives

3-phase, UN = 400 V (range 380 to 480 V). The power ratings are valid at nominal voltage 400 V (132 to 355 kW)
Drive type Frame Nominal ratings Light-overload use Maximum
size output current
IN PN I Ld PLd I Max
(A) (kW) (A) (kW) (A)
ACQ580-34-246A-4 R11 246 132 234 132 350.2
ACQ580-34-293A-4 R11 293 160 278 160 418.2
ACQ580-34-365A-4 R11 365 200 347 200 498.1
ACQ580-34-442A-4 R11 442 250 420 250 620.5
ACQ580-34-505A-4 R11 505 250 480 250 631.3
ACQ580-34-585A-4 R11 585 315 556 315 751.4
ACQ580-34-650A-4 R11 650 355 618 355 858.5

Nominal ratings
IN Rated current available continuously without overloadability at 40 °C.
PN Typical motor power in no-overload use.
Maximum output current
I max Maximum output current. Available for 2 seconds at start.
Light-overload use
I Ld Continuous current allowing 110% I Ld for 1 minute every 10 minutes at 40 °C.
P Ld Typical motor power in light-duty use.
The ratings apply for frame R11 up to +40 °C in enclosed IP class 00/20.
For derating at higher altitudes, temperatures or switching frequencies, see the HW manual, document code 3AXD50000420035.
24 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W


ACQ580-01, IP21 and IP55

Frames Height IP21*)/IP55*) Width IP21/IP55 Depth IP21 Depth IP55 Weight IP21 Weight IP55
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (kg)
R1 373/403 125/128 223 233 4.6 4.8
R2 473/503 125/128 229 239 6.6 6.8
R3 490 203/206 229 237 11.8 13
R4 636 203 257 265 19 20
R5 732 203 295 320 28.3 29
R6 727 252 369 380 42.4 43
R7 880 284 370 381 54 56 D
R8 965 300 393 452 69 77
R9 955 380 418 477 97 103
*) Front height of the drive with glandbox

Frames Height Width Depth Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) H
R10 1432 350 529 162
R11 1662 350 529 200


Frames Height IP21 Width IP21 Depth IP21 Weight IP21
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
R6 2145 430 673 210
R7 2145 430 673 220
R8 2145 530 673 255
R9 2145 530 673 275
R10 2145 830 698 535
R11 2145 830 698 581

ACQ580-31, IP21 and IP55
Frames Height Width Depth IP21 Depth IP55 Weight IP21 Weight IP55
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) (kg)
R3 495 205 354 360 21.3 21.3
R6 771 252 392 449 61 63
R8 965 300 438 496 112 118 H

ACQ580-34, IP00
Frames Height Width Depth IP00 Weight IP00
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) W
R11 1722 636.5 504.5 365
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 25

Comprehensive connectivity

The ACQ580 drives offer a wide range —

Default control connections
of standard interfaces. In addition,
the drive has two option slots that Terminal Meaning Default connections
can be used for extensions including X1 Reference voltage and analog inputs and outputs
fieldbus adapter modules and input/ 1 SCR Signal cable shield (screen)
output extension modules. 2 AI1 Output frequency/speed reference: 0 to 10 V
1…10 kohm
3 AGND Analog input circuit common
4 +10 V Reference voltage 10 V DC
5 AI2 Actual feedback: 0 to 20 mA
6 AGND Analog input circuit common
1 2 Max. 7 AO1 Output frequency: 0 to 10 V
500 ohm
8 AO2 Motor current: 0 to 20 mA
9 AGND Analog output circuit common
1) X2 & X3 Aux. voltage output and programmable digital inputs
3 10 +24 V Aux. voltage output +24 V DC, max. 250 mA
11 DGND Aux. voltage output common
4 2)
12 DCOM Digital input common for all
5 13 DI1 Stop (0)/Start (1)

6 14 DI2 Not configured

15 DI3 Constant frequency/speed selection
7 16 DI4 Start interlock 1 (1 = allow start)
8 17 DI5 Not configured

9 18 DI6 Not configured

X6, X7, X8 Relay outputs
19 RO1C Ready run Ready run
11 Ready run 20 RO1A 250 V AC/30 V DC 19 connected
21 2A to 21
22 RO2C Running Running
12 13 Run status 23 RO2A 250 V AC/30 V DC 22 connected
24 2A to 24
25 RO3C Fault (-1) Fault condition
Fault status
26 RO3A 250 V AC/30 V DC 25 connected
27 2A to 26
X5 Embedded fieldbus
29 B+
30 A- Embedded fieldbus, EFB (EIA-485)
S4 TERM Termination switch
1. Panel port (PC tools, control panel)
S5 BIAS Bias resistors switch
2. ABB drive customizer port
X4 Safe torque off
for programming the drive
without mains 34 OUT1
2) Safe torque off. Factory connection.
3. Analog inputs (2 × AI) 2)
35 OUT2 Both circuits must be closed for the drive
4. Analog outputs (2 × AO) 36 SGND to start. See chapter The Safe torque off
37 function in the hardware manual of
5. 24 V AC/DC output IN1
the drive.
6. Digital inputs (6 × DI) 38 IN2
7. Safe torque off (STO) X10 24 V AC/DC
8. Embedded fieldbus 40 24 V AC/DC+ in R6 to R11 and all ACQ580-31: Ext. 24 V AC/DC
input to power up the control unit when the
9. Communication options (fieldbuses)
41 24 V AC/DC- in main supply is disconnected.
10. I/O extensions
11. Relay outputs (3 × RO) 1)
Ground the outer shield of the cable 360° under the grounding
12. Mains connection clamp on the grounding shelf for the control cables.
Connected with jumpers at the factory.
13. Motor connection
26 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Hand-Off-Auto control panel
The control panel features intuitive use and easy navigation.
High resolution display enables visual guidance.

Almost anyone can set up and 1. With the customizable Home views, you can monitor
the values that matter most, e.g. speed, torque or motor
commission the ACQ580 drive using
temperature. Select the signals from a ready-made list
available control panels. You do not or choose user-defined parameters.
need to know any drive parameters, 1
2. Options are used to set a reference, change the motor
as the control panel helps you to set up
direction, select the drive, edit Home view pages, and see
the essential settings quickly and get the fault and warning status.
the drive into action.
3 3. All functions of the control panel are accessed through
the main menu. It is possible to organize parameters in
Control of multiple drives 2
different ways and store essential parameters for different
One control panel can be connected configurations for any specialized application needed.
to several drives simultaneously using 4
4. The help key provides context-sensitive guidance.
the panel network feature. The user Faults or warnings can be resolved quickly since the help
can also select the drive to operate key provides troubleshooting instructions.
in the panel network.
5. The PC tool can be easily connected to the drive through
the USB connector on the control panel.

Assistant control panel display

— — — —
01 02 03 04

— — — —
05 06 07 08

— —
01 Help button 05 Primary settings for ACQ580
• Detailed descriptions related to faults and warnings With the primary settings you can set motor values, commission multipump,
• More information about Primary settings options set level control, set soft pipe filling etc. pumping features. When using Primary
— settings, there is no need to browse the parameters.
02 Language options —
Access to a selection list that consists of mutually exclusive options such 06 I/O Menu
as the language selection list (Access through the main menu) . • Access to each terminal name, number and electrical status
— • Possibility to force inputs and outputs
03 Diagnostics • Access to sub-menus that provides further information on the menu item
• Diagnostic information, such as faults and warnings and allow to make changes to the I/O connections
• Helps to resolve potential problems —
• Helps to make sure that the drive setup is functioning correctly 07 Backups
— Possibility to save parameter settings in the control panel memory and restore
04 Energy efficiency parameter settings from a backup to the drive.
View and configure parameters related to energy savings, —
such as kWh counters. 08 Text editor
Add information, customize text and label the drive.
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 27

Effortless drive commissioning
and use with control panels
A variety of different control panel variants and panel accessories are available for
the ACQ580 drives. Drive setup, maintenance, diagnostics and process monitoring
is done via the control panel in an effortless manner.

— — — —
01 02 03 04

— —
01 Hand-Off-Auto control panel and 04 The DPMP-01 control panel
Help function are included as standard. mounting platform is for flush
USB connection as standard. mountings. It does not include the
control panel. When using this with
— ACQ580, also CDPI-01 is required.
02 The optional Hand-Off-Auto control
panel with Bluetooth functionality. ­—
USB connection as standard. 05 The DPMP-02 mounting platform
is for surface mounting. It does
— not include the control panel.
03 By using the panel bus adapter, When using this with ACQ580,
CDPI-01 the assistant control panel also CDPI-01 is required.
is able to manage up to 32 drives.

— — 06 The door mounting kit DPMP-
05 06 EXT is a ready-made kit consisting
of the DPMP-02 and CDPI-01.

Control panel options

Option code Description Type designation

+J400 The Hand-Off-Auto control panel as standard in the delivery ACH-AP-H
+J429 Control panel with Bluetooth interface ACH-AP-W
+J425 Assistant Control panel with local/remote -logic ACS-AP-I
+J424 Blank control panel cover (no control panel delivered) CDUM-01
3AXD50000004419 Panel bus adapter CDPI-01
3AUA0000108878 Control panel mounting platform DPMP-01
(flush mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive)
3AXD50000009374 Control panel mounting platform DPMP-02
(surface mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive)
3AXD50000016230 *) Control panel mounting platform DPMP-03
(surface mounted, requires also panel bus adapter on the drive, only for ACQ580-04/34)
3AXD50000217717 *) Control panel mounting kit for outdoor installation DPMP-04
3AXD50000240319 *) Control panel mounting kit for outdoor installation, only for ACQ580-04/34 DPMP-05
3AXD50000010763 Door mounting kit for the panel (for one drive, contains both DPMP-02 and CDPI-01) DPMP-EXT
*) For availability please contact your local ABB
28 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

ABB Ability™ smartphone apps

Better connectivity and user Services and support

experience with Drivetune on the go with Drivebase

Easy and fast access to product information Search for support documents and contacts
and support

Startup, commission and tune Instantly access drive status and Access your product and service View your drives installed base and
your drive and application configuration with a information in the cloud plan service activities
simplified user guidance from anywhere

Optimize performance via drive Create and share backups and Use dynamic QR code to Report service events
troubleshooting features support packages troubleshoot your drive

Access information anywhere

Download the apps using the QR codes below or directly from the app stores

Drivetune for commissioning and managing drives Drivebase for ensured reliability and reduced downtime on production sites
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 29

High protection for operation
in harsh environments
The ACQ580 can be installed in normal equipment rooms, or even dusty
and wet environments, thanks to the drive’s compact (or optimized)
wall-mountable construction in both IP21 and IP55 configurations.
The module variant is as standard IP00 but available as IP20 with
additional finger shrouds. The cabinet-built variant comes with IP21
as standard and is also available with IP42 and IP54 protection class
for use in harsh environments.

Option code Description

+B051 IP20 finger shrouds for modules
+B054 +B055 IP42, IP54 for cabinet-built drives
+B056 IP55 for wall-mountable drives

The robust and protective design ensures that no additional enclosures

or components, such as filters and fans, are needed. Overall, the harsh
protection drives provide smaller capital expenses by avoiding or
advancing maintenance of external components, which in turn improves
the reliability of the drive and the process. To ensure reliable operation,
the printed cuircuit boards are also offered with coating to comply
with class 3C3 in ACQ580-01 IP55 drives.

Option code Description

+C218 +B056 3C3 rated PCBs

Flange mounting
The ACQ580 wall-mounted drive offers flange mounting as an option,
separating the control electronics from the main circuit cooling airflow,
saving space and ensuring optimal cooling. This results in better
thermal management in panel installation.

Option code Description

+C135 Flange mounting

Advanced cooling
The simple and robust design of the ACQ580-07 ensures reliable
operation even in the harsh environments. The flange mounting feature
comes as standard for cabinet-built ACQ580 drive, which makes the
whole cooling arrangement of the cabinet advanced.
30 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Quick configuration for unpowered drives

— Cold configuration adapter CCA-01 provides a serial

Cold configuration
adapter CCA-01 communication interface for unpowered ACQ580 drives,
among other selected drives. With the adapter and
Drive Composer PC tool you can set the parameters
and pre-configure the drive before sending it to site.
The panel makes it also possible to isolate both the serial
communication and power supply of the control unit.
The power supply is taken from a PC USB port.

Cold configurator adapter PC tool for drive monitoring and
process tuning capabilities
Ordering code Description Type designation
The Drive composer PC tool offers fast and harmonized
3AXD50000019865 Cold configurator CCA-01
adapter, packed kit
setup, commissioning and monitoring for the whole
all-compatible drives portfolio. The free version of the
tool provides startup and maintenance capabilities and
gathers all drive information such as parameter loggers,
faults, backups and event lists into a support diagnostics

The Drive composer file with a single mouse click. This provides faster fault
PC tool
tracking, shortens downtime and reduces operational
and maintenance costs. The entry version also includes
AP programming.

The Drive composer tool is connected to the drive using

the mini USB connection on the assistant control panel
or to the CCA-01 adapter.

Drive composer pro offers extended functionality

Drive composer pro provides additional features such
as custom parameter windows, graphical control diagrams
of the drive’s configuration and improved monitoring
and diagnostics. The control diagrams save users from

Remote monitoring browsing long lists of parameters and help set the drive’s
tool NETA-21
logic quickly and easily. The tool has fast monitoring
capabilities of multiple signals from several drives in
the panel bus. Full backup and restore functions are
also included.

Remote monitoring access worldwide

The remote monitoring tool, NETA-21, gives easy access
— to the drive via the Internet or local Ethernet network.
Remote monitoring option NETA-21 comes with a built-in web server. Compatible
Ordering code Description Type designation
with standard web browsers, it ensures easy access to
3AUA0000094517 2 x panel bus interface, NETA-21 a web-based user interface. Through the web interface,
2 x 32 = max. 64 drives the user can configure drive parameters, monitor drive
2 x Ethernet interface log data, load levels, run time, energy consumption,
SD memory card I/O data and bearing temperatures of the motor
USB port for WLAN/3G
connected to the drive.
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 31

Flexible connectivity to automation

— The drives for water and wastewater are compatible with

ACQ580 is compatible
with many fieldbus a wide range of fieldbus protocols. The drive comes with
protocols and input/ a Modbus RTU fieldbus interface as standard. Optional
output extension
modules fieldbus adapters can easily be mounted inside the drive.

Drive monitoring
The drive monitors and controls its parameters and s
ignals including speed, torque, power, speed reference and
pressure preference. Start/stop is monitored and controlled
via the drives communication protocols. A set of drive
parameters and/or actual signals, such as torque, speed,
current, etc., can be selected for cyclic data transfer,
providing fast data access.

Fieldbus module
FDNA-01 Drive diagnostics
Accurate and reliable diagnostic information can be obtained
through the alarm, limit and fault words, allowing easy
interfacing with plantwide HMIs.

Fieldbus adapters Cabling
Option code Fieldbus protocol Adapter
Substituting the large amount of conventional drive control
cabling and wiring with a single cable reduces costs and
increases system reliability and flexibility.
+ K451 DeviceNet FDNA-01
+ K457 CANopen FCAN-01
+ K458 Modbus/RTU FSCA-01
+ K490 Two-Port EtherNet/IP™ Adapter FEIP-21
The use of a fieldbus control reduces engineering time at
+ K491 Two-Port Modbus/TCP Adapter FMBT-21
installation due to the modular structure of the hardware
+ K492 Two-Port PROFINET IO Adapter FPNO-21
and software and the simplicity of the connections to
the drives.

Commissioning and assembly

The modular product configuration allows precommissioning
— of single machine sections and provides easy and fast
02 Input/output assembly of the complete installation.
extension module

Input/output extension modules

I/O options Standard input and output can be extended by using
optional analog and digital input/output extension modules.
Option code Description Type designation
The modules are easily installed in the extension slots located
+L501 External 24 V AC and DC CMOD-01
2 x RO and 1 x DO on the drive. The CMOD options also enable connection to an
+L523 External 24 V and isolated CMOD-02 external +24 V supply, which allows the control panel, control
PTC interface board, fieldbus and I/O to stay on when mains supply is cut off.
+L512 115/230 V digital input CHDI-01 With the external supply, drive diagnosis and fault finding can
6 x DI and 2 x RO
still be carried out.
32 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Thermistor protection modules
for increased safety

— Standard input and output can be extended by

ACQ580 supports
the ATEX certified using optional digital input/output extension modules.
thermistor protection The modules are easily installed in the extension
module, EX II (2) GD
slot located on the drive. The CMOD options also enable
connection to an external +24 V supply, which allows
the control panel, control board, fieldbus and I/O to
stay on when main supply is cut off. With the external
supply, drive diagnosis and fault tracing can still be
— carried out.
Thermistor protection module

Option code Description Type designation The ATEX certified thermistor protection module
+L537 +Q971 ATEX certified PTC interface, CPTC- 02 CPTC-02 provides enhanced process safety and easy,
EX II (2) GD and external 24V
simplified installation.

ABB’s ATEX thermistor protection module,

EX II (2) GD, CPTC-02
With the option +L537 +Q971:

1. Motor temperature rises above the PTC sensor limit

3 temperature
4 5
2. The sensor resistance increases very sharply and
CPTC-02 (ACQ580)
indicates overheating to the ATEX-certified module
3. The module switches the STO (safe torque off) circuit off,
which activates the STO function
4. The STO function disables the control voltage in the
power semiconductors of the drive output stage
Ex Motor 5. The drive is prevented from generating torque to
rotate the motor
Ex Zone

▶ The safe state is guaranteed

A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 33

Main disconnect switch
for increased safety

— Main disconnect switch

Main disconnect
switch possibility The main disconnect switch option provides a possibility
to disconnect the to disconnect the drive from the main supply when needed.
drive from the
main supply This prewired main disconnect switch option saves time,
money and space as it is integrated in the drive. There is no
need to install an additional, external isolation devices to
the supply side of the drive. The option improves safety as
it is always visible, when operating on the drive.

Auxiliary contact allows signalling the switch position to

PLC to avoid unnecessary controller alarms. The switch
can be padlocked to open position to disable drive
operation during e.g. maintenance.

Main disconnect switch

Option code Description

+B056 +F278 ACQ580-01 IP55 drive and main disconnect switch
with auxiliary contact (NO)
34 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

EMC – electromagnetic compatibility

The ACQ580 drive has been designed to meet the EMC EMC standards
requirements set in the product standard IEC/EN61800-3. The EMC product standard (EN 61800-3) covers the
The wall-mounted ACQ580-01, ACQ580-31 and the small specific EMC requirements stated for drives (tested with
power cabinet-built ACQ580-07 drives meet category C2 motor and motor cable) within the EU. EMC standards
high frequency emission limits as standard. The single such as EN 55011 or EN 61000-6-3/4 are applicable to
standing drive module ACQ580-04, ACQ580-34 and high industrial and domestic equipment and systems including
power ACQ580-07 cabinet-built drives meet category C3 components inside the drive. Drive units complying with
limits without options. the requirements of EN 61800-3 are compliant with
comparable categories in EN 55011 and EN 61000-6-3/4,
but not necessarily vice versa. EN 55011 and EN 61000-6-3/4
do not specify cable length or require a motor to be
connected as a load. The emission limits are comparable
to EMC standards according to the table below.

— Domestic environments versus public

Immunity and emission compatibility
low voltage networks
1st environment includes domestic premises. It also
Disturbance level
Immunity level
includes establishments directly connected without
an intermediate transformer to a low voltage power
Immunity limit
supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic
Compatibility purposes. 2nd environment includes all establishments
margin directly connected to public low voltage power supply
Emission limit networks.
Emission level
Built-in chokes to mitigate harmonics
ACQ580 drives are equipped with built-in chokes which
Independent variable e.g. frequency
provide sufficient level of harmonic mitigation for most
operation environments. The ACQ580-31 ultra-low harmonic
drives are available for cases where extremely good low
harmonic mitigation is required.

Comparison of EMC standards

EMC according to EN 61800-3 EN 61800-3 EN 55011. product family EN 61000-6-4, generic EN 61000-6-3, generic
product standard product standard for industrial, emission standard for emission standard for
standard scientific industrial environments residential, commercial
and medical (ISM) and light-industrial
equipment environment
1st environment. unrestricted distribution Category C1 Group 1. Class B Not applicable Applicable
1st environment. restricted distribution Category C2 Group 1. Class A Applicable Not applicable
2nd environment. unrestricted distribution Category C3 Group 2. Class A Not applicable Not applicable
2 environment. restricted distribution
Category C4 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
36 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

du/dt filters
du/dt filtering suppresses inverter output voltage spikes and rapid voltage changes that stress motor insulation.
Additionally, du/dt filtering reduces capacitive leakage currents and high frequency emission of the motor cable
as well as high frequency losses and bearing currents in the motor. The need for du/dt filtering depends on the
motor insulation. For information on the construction of the motor insulation, consult the manufacturer.
More information on the du/dt filters can be found in the ACQ580 hardware manual.
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 37

du/dt filter selection
External du/dt filters
du/dt filter type
Unprotected IP00 Protected to IP22 Protected to IP54













ACQ580-01, 400 V
ACQ580-04, 400 V
ACQ580-07, 400 V
38 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

du/dt filter selection
External du/dt filters
du/dt filter type
Unprotected IP00 Protected to IP22 Protected to IP54











ACQ580-31, 400 V
ACQ580-31-018A-4 *) *) *)
ACQ580-31-073A-4 *) *) *)
ACQ580-34, 400 V
*) Filter can be used if full load current is not required
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 39

Cooling and fuses
Cooling Fuse connection
ACQ580 drives are fitted with variable-speed cooling fans. Standard fuses can be used with the ACQ580 drives.
The speed-controlled fans cool the drive only when For input fuses, see the table below:
needed, reducing overall noise level and energy

Wall-mounted drives, ACQ580-01

Cooling air flow and recommended input protection fuses for 380 to 415 V units
Type designation Frame Cooling air flow 380 to 415 V units Recommended input protection fuses
size for 380 to 415 V units ***)
Heat dissipation *) Air flow Max. noise level **) IEC fuses UL fuses
(W) (BTU/Hr) (m3/h) (ft3/min) (dBA) (A) Fuse type (A) Fuse type
ACQ580-01-02A7-4 R1 69 235 43 25 59 4 gG 15 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-03A4-4 R1 78 267 43 25 59 6 gG 15 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-04A1-4 R1 87 298 43 25 59 6 gG 15 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-05A7-4 R1 113 384 43 25 59 10 gG 15 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-07A3-4 R1 127 435 43 25 59 10 gG 15 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-09A5-4 R1 165 562 43 25 59 16 gG 15 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-12A7-4 R1 237 808 43 25 59 16 gG 15 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-018A-4 R2 265 907 101 59 64 25 gG 30 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-026A-4 R2 418 1426 101 59 64 32 gG 30 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-033A-4 R3 514 1756 179 105 76 40 gG 40 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-039A-4 R3 570 1947 179 105 76 50 gG 60 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-046A-4 R3 709 2422 179 105 76 63 gG 60 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-062A-4 R4 957 3269 134 79 69 80 gG 80 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-073A-4 R4 1230 4200 134 79 69 100 gG 100 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-088A-4 R5 1316 4496 139 82 63 100 gG 110 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-106A-4 R5 1589 5426 139 82 63 125 gG 150 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-145A-4 R6 2492 8509 435 256 67 160 gG 200 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-169A-4 R7 2536 8660 450 265 67 250 gG 225 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-206A-4 R7 3391 11580 450 265 67 315 gG 300 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-246A-4 R8 3945 13474 550 324 65 355 gG 350 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-293A-4 R8 5174 17670 550 324 65 425 gG 400 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-363A-4 R9 6294 21495 1150 677 68 500 gG 500 UL Class T
ACQ580-01-430A-4 R9 8231 28109 1150 677 68 630 gG 600 UL Class T
*) Heat dissipation value is a reference for cabinet thermal design.
**) The maximum noise level at full fan speed. When the drive is not operating at full load and at maximum ambient temperature the noise level is lower.
***) For detailed fuse sizes and types, please see the A CQ580-01 HW manuals, document code: 3AXD50000035866
40 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Cooling and fuses
Drive modules, ACQ580-04
Cooling air flow and recommended input protection fuses for 380 to 415 V units
Type designation Frame Cooling air flow 380 to 415 V units Recommended input protection fuses
size for 380 to 415 V units ***)
Heat dissipation *) Air flow Max. noise level **) IEC fuses UL fuses
(W) (BTU/Hr) (m3/h) (ft3/min) (dBA) (A) Fuse type (A) Fuse type
ACQ580-04-505A-4 R10 7722 26374 1200 707 72 800 170M6812D 600 JJS-600
ACQ580-04-585A-4 R10 8754 29896 1200 707 72 1000 170M6814D 800 A4BY800
ACQ580-04-650A-4 R10 10378 35441 1200 707 72 1000 170M6814D 800 A4BY800
ACQ580-04-725A-4 R11 10498 35854 1200 707 72 1250 170M8554D 800 A4BY800
ACQ580-04-820A-4 R11 12678 43299 1200 707 72 1600 170M8557D 900 A4BY900
ACQ580-04-880A-4 R11 14166 48380 1420 848 72 1600 170M8557D 1000 A4BY1000
*) Heat dissipation value is a reference for cabinet thermal design.
**) The maximum noise level at full fan speed. When the drive is not operating at full load and at maximum ambient temperature the noise level is lower.
***) For detailed fuse sizes and types, please see the ACQ580-04 HW manual 3AXD50000048677

Cabinet-built drives, ACQ580-07

Cooling air flow and recommended input protection fuses for 380 to 415 V units
Type designation Frame Cooling air flow 380 to 415 V units Recommended input protection fuses
size for 380 to 415 V units ***)
Heat dissipation *) Air flow Max. noise level **) IEC fuses UL fuses
(W) (BTU/Hr) (m3/h) (ft3/min) (dBA) (A) Fuse type (A) Fuse type
ACQ580-07-0145A-4 R6 2487 8485 685 982 67 250 170M3816D 250 DFJ-250
ACQ580-07-0169A-4 R7 2497 8519 700 1004 67 250 170M3816D 300 DFJ-300
ACQ580-07-0206A-4 R7 3314 11307 700 1004 67 315 170M3817D 300 DFJ-300
ACQ580-07-0246A-4 R8 3806 12987 800 1147 65 400 170M5408 400 170M5408
ACQ580-07-0293A-4 R8 4942 16863 800 1147 65 500 170M5410 500 170M5410
ACQ580-07-0363A-4 R9 5868 20024 1400 2007 68 630 170M6410 630 170M6410
ACQ580-07-0430A-4 R9 7600 25932 1400 2007 68 700 170M6411 700 170M6411
ACQ580-07-0505A-4 R10 8353 28502 2950 1837 72 800 170M6412 800 W1046956F
ACQ580-07-0585A-4 R10 9471 32317 2950 1837 72 900 170M6413 900 X1046957F
ACQ580-07-0650A-4 R10 11200 38215 2950 1837 72 1000 170M6414 1000 Y1046958F
ACQ580-07-0725A-4 R11 11386 38851 2950 1837 72 1250 170M6416 1250 A1046960F
ACQ580-07-0820A-4 R11 13725 46831 2950 1837 72 1250 170M6416 1250 A1046960F
ACQ580-07-0880A-4 R11 15300 52207 3170 1978 72 1400 170M6417 1400 B1046961F
*) Heat dissipation value is a reference for cabinet thermal design.
**) The maximum noise level at full fan speed. When the drive is not operating at full load and at maximum ambient temperature the noise level is lower.
***) For detailed fuse sizes and types, please see the ACQ580-07 HW manuals, document code: 3AXD50000045817

Ultra-low harmonic drives, ACQ580-31

Cooling air flow and recommended input protection fuses for 380 to 415 V units
Type designation Frame Cooling air flow 380 to 415 V units Recommended input protection fuses
size for 380 to 415 V units ***)
Heat dissipation *) Air flow Max. noise level **) IEC fuses UL fuses
(W) (BTU/Hr) (m3/h) (ft3/min) (dBA) (A) Fuse type (A) Fuse type
ACQ580-31-09A5-4 R3 226 772 361 212 57 16 gG 20 UL class T
ACQ580-31-12A7-4 R3 329 1124 361 212 57 16 gG 20 UL class T
ACQ580-31-018A-4 R3 395 1349 361 212 57 25 gG 35 UL class T
ACQ580-31-026A-4 R3 579 1977 361 212 57 32 gG 35 UL class T
ACQ580-31-033A-4 R6 625 2134 550 324 71 40 gG 60 UL class T
ACQ580-31-039A-4 R6 751 2565 550 324 71 50 gG 60 UL class T
ACQ580-31-046A-4 R6 912 3115 550 324 71 63 gG 60 UL class T
ACQ580-31-062A-4 R6 1088 3716 550 324 71 80 gG 110 UL class T
ACQ580-31-073A-4 R6 1502 5130 550 324 71 100 gG 110 UL class T
ACQ580-31-088A-4 R6 1904 6503 550 324 71 100 gG 110 UL class T
ACQ580-31-106A-4 R8 1877 6410 800 412 68 - - 150 UL class T
ACQ580-31-145A-4 R8 2963 10119 800 412 68 - - 200 UL class T
ACQ580-31-169A-4 R8 3168 10819 800 412 68 - - 225 UL class T
ACQ580-31-206A-4 R8 3990 13627 800 412 68 - - 300 UL class T
*) Heat dissipation value is a reference for cabinet thermal design.
**) The maximum noise level at full fan speed. When the drive is not operating at full load and at maximum ambient temperature the noise level is lower.
***) For detailed fuse sizes and types, please see the ACQ580-31 HW manual 3AXD50000045935

Ultra-low harmonic drives, ACQ580-34

Cooling air flow and recommended input protection fuses for 380 to 415 V units
Type designation Frame Cooling air flow 380 to 415 V units Recommended input protection fuses
size for 380 to 415 V units ***)
Heat dissipation *) Air flow Max. noise level **) IEC fuses UL fuses
(W) (BTU/Hr) (m3/h) (ft3/min) (dBA) (A) Fuse type (A) Fuse type
ACQ580-34-246A-4 R11 5280 18032 2100 1279 72 - - 400 aR ; Flush end
ACQ580-34-293A-4 R11 6400 21857 2100 1279 72 - - 500 aR ; Flush end
ACQ580-34-365A-4 R11 8000 27321 2100 1279 72 - - 630 aR ; Flush end
ACQ580-34-442A-4 R11 10000 34152 2100 1279 72 - - 700 aR ; Flush end
ACQ580-34-505A-4 R11 10000 34152 2100 1279 72 - - 800 aR ; Flush end
ACQ580-34-585A-4 R11 12600 43031 2100 1279 72 - - 1000 aR ; Flush end
ACQ580-34-650A-4 R11 14200 48496 2100 1279 72 - - 1000 aR ; Flush end
*) Heat dissipation value is a reference for cabinet thermal design.
**) The maximum noise level at full fan speed. When the drive is not operating at full load and at maximum ambient temperature the noise level is lower.
***) For detailed fuse sizes and types, please see the ACQ580-34 HW manual 3AXD50000420025
42 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Choose the motor for your
water application

Induction motors and the ACQ580

form a reliable combination
Induction motors are used throughout the industry in
many water and wastewater applications and in a wide
range of environments. ACQ580 drives fit perfectly together
with this type of motor by providing comprehensive
functionality yet simple operation. IE3 motors and our
drives provide a perfect foundation for­energy efficiency,
while delivering capabilities such as exceeding nominal
motor speed when maximum power is needed.

Permanent magnet motors and

the ACQ580 for smooth operation
Permanent magnet technology is used for improved
motor characteristics in terms of energy efficiency and
compactness. This technology is particularly well-suited
for low speed control applications, as they eliminate the
need to use gear boxes. Even without speed or rotor
position sensors, the ACQ580 drives control most types
of permanent magnet motors.

IE4 synchronous reluctance motors and the

ACQ580 for optimized energy efficiency
Our drive and motor pairings guarantee your energy
efficiency levels. The key is in the rotor design. Combining
the ACQ580’s control technology with our synchronous
reluctance motors (SynRM) will give you a motor and a
drive package that guarantees energy efficiency, reduces
motor temperatures and provides a significant reduction
in motor noise.
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 43

Ultimate efficiency and reliability
to optimize your system’s total
cost of ownership

Traditional IE2 induction motor IE4 synchronous reluctance motor SynRM


Induction motor I 2 R Stator Other I 2 R Rotor 100%

SynRM I 2 R Stator Other 60%

Innovation inside Superior reliability to minimize the cost of not running

The idea is simple. Take a conventional, proven stator IE4 synchronous reluctance motors have very low winding
technology and a totally new, innovative rotor design. temperatures, which increases the reliability and lifetime of
Then combine them with a dedicated water industry drive the winding. More importantly, the cool synchronous
loaded with new, application-designed software. Most of reluctance rotor means significantly lower bearing
the pumps are constantly running at partial loads due to temperatures – an important factor because bearing failures
conservative design. With the Synchronous reluctance cause about 70 percent of unplanned motor outages.
motor (SynRM) the energy efficiency remains at excellent
levels also at partial loads.

Magnet-free design
Synchronous reluctance technology combines the
performance of the permanent magnet motor with the
Total cost of
simplicity and service-friendliness of an induction motor.
The new rotor has neither magnets nor windings and suffers
virtually no power losses. And because of identical Purchase Cost of Cost of
footprints, maintenance is as straightforward as with running not running
induction motors.
44 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

ABB automation products

AC500 AC500-XC
ABB’s powerful flagship PLC offering “Extreme conditions” modules with
provides wide range of performance extended operating temperature,
levels and scalability within a single immunity to vibration and hazardous
simple concept where most competitors gases. for use at high altitudes, in
require multiple product ranges to humid conditions. etc. It replaces
deliver similar functionality. expensive cabinets with its built-in
protection against dirt, water, gases
AC500-S and dust.
A PLC based modular automation
solution that makes it easier than Control panels
before to mix and match standard and Our control panels offer a wide range
safety I/O modules to expertly meet of touchscreen graphical displays from
your safety requirements in all 3.5” up to 15”. They are provided with
functional safety applications. user-friendly configuration software
“Extreme conditions” version is that enables tailor made customized
also offered. HMI solutions. Rich sets of graphical
symbols and the relevant drivers
Programmability for ABB automation products are
Automation Builder integrates the provided. Control panels for
engineering and maintenance for PLC, visualization of AC500 web server
drives, motion. HMI and robotics. applications are available.
It complies with the IEC 61131-3
standard offering all five IEC All-compatible drives portfolio
programming languages for PLC and The all-compatible drives share the
drive configuration. Automation same architecture; software platform,
Builder supports a number of tools, user interfaces and options.
languages and comes with new Yet, there is an optimal drive from the
libraries. FTP functions, SMTP, SNTP, smallest water pump to the biggest
smart diagnostics and debugging cement kiln, and everything in the
capabilities. between. When you have learned to
use one drive it, is easy use the other
AC motors drives in the portfolio.
ABB’s low voltage AC motors are
designed to save energy, reduce Water library package
operating costs and enable demanding ABB’s water library is compatible with
motor applications to perform reliably the AC500 series PLC’s. They provide
and without unscheduled downtime. advance pumping functions, data
General performance motors combine logging, remote access and reliable
convenience and easy handling data communication. The libraries
seamlessly with ABB’s engineering ensure saved engineering time and
expertise. Process performance motors costs as well as ease of use with fast
provide the most comprehensive. programming possibilities.

AC500-eCo Softstarters
Meets the cost-effective demands of ABB’s softstarters increase a motor’s
the small PLC market while offering lifetime by protecting it from electrical
total inter-operability with the core stresses. With everything that you
AC500 range. Web server, FTP server need in one unit, from bypass contactor
and Modbus-TCP for all Ethernet to overload protection, a single
versions. A Pulse Train Out-put module Softstarter makes for a compact and
is available for multi-axis positioning. complete starting solution.
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 45

Securing the flow of water and
wastewater in the pump system
We want to be part of securing the operation of your water and wastewater utilities
and distribution system. We want to help prevent any interruptions in your pump
operation. We also want to ensure that the water is flowing in an effortless and
energy efficient manner in accordance with required standards and regulations.

Complete offering of devices and services Proactive maintenance for minimizing disruption
for the water industry to your pump and water distribution system
As a global partner, we can manage your water assets Motor-driven applications can be found throughout the
and bring you clear benefits from a total cost of ownership water and wastewater industry. They have a high degree
perspective. We do this by reducing costs throughout the of reliance placed upon them and often perform critical
whole life cycle of your pumping solution. Our portfolio duties and have a high in-service value. A possible failure
includes drives, motors, PLCs and sensors. We also offer of a device in the water and wastewater distribution system
remote monitoring solutions to access information from can result in loss of production, and introduce safety and
a pump operating at a distance, saving time and reducing environmental consequences. To reduce the risk of failure,
costs. Our devices have been designed to be compatible each element of the pump solution – whether a drive, motor,
with each other, which ensures reliable communication bearing, coupling or gearing – must be properly maintained
and functionality. at the right times in their life cycle. From the moment you
make the first enquiry to the disposal and recycling of each
component, the services offered by ABB span the entire life
cycle of your pump. Throughout the value chain, training,
technical support and customized contracts are also
46 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Services to match your needs

Your service needs depend on your operations, the life cycle of

your equipment, and your business priorities. We have identified
our customers’ four most common needs, and we created service
options to satisfy them. Which will you choose to keep your
drives at peak performance?

Is rapid response
a key consideration?
If your drives need immediate action,
Is uptime your priority? our global network is at your service.

Keep your drives running with precisely Example services include:

planned and executed maintenance. • Technical Support
• On-site Repair
Example services include: • ABB Ability™ Remote Assistance
• ABB Ability™ Life Cycle Assessment • Response time agreements
• Installation and Commissioning • Training
• Spare Parts
• Preventive Maintenance
• Reconditioning
• ABB Drive Care agreement
• Drive Exchange

Rapid response

Operational efficiency
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 47

Drives service
Your choice, your future

The longevity of your drives is influenced by Your choice, your business efficiency
the service you choose. ABB Drive Care lets you focus on your core
Whatever you choose, it should be a well- business. A selection of predefined service
informed decision. We have the expertise and options matching your needs provides optimal,
experience to help you find and implement the more reliable performance, extends your drive’s
right service for your drive equipment. Start by lifetime, and controls costs. This reduces the
asking yourself these two critical questions: risk of unplanned downtime and makes it easier
• Why would my drive be serviced? to budget for maintenance.
• What would my optimal service options be?
We can help you more if we know where you are!
From here, count on our guidance and full support Register your drive for advanced services.
throughout the entire lifetime of your drives.

Need to extend your

assets’ lifetime?
Maximize the lifetime of your drive Is performance most
with our services.
critical to your operation?
Example services include:
Get optimal performance out of your
• ABB Ability™ Life Cycle Assessment
machinery and systems.
• Upgrades, Retrofits and Modernization
• Replacement, Disposal and Recycling
Example services include:
• ABB Ability™ Remote Services
• Engineering and Consulting
• Inspection and Diagnostics
• Upgrades, Retrofits and Modernization
• Workshop Repair
• Tailored services

Life cycle management

Performance improvement
48 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

A lifetime of peak performance

You’re in control of every life cycle phase of your

drives. At the heart of drive services is a four- Now it’s easy for you to see the
phase product life cycle management model.
This model defines the services recommended
exact service and maintenance
and available throughout drives lifespan. available for your drives.

ABB drives life cycle phases explained:

Active Classic Limited Obsolete

Full range of life cycle services and support Limited range of life cycle Replacement and
services and support end-of-life services

Serial production has Product is no Product is no longer

ceased. Product may be longer available.

available for plant available.

extensions, as a spare
part or for installed
base renewal.

Full range of life cycle Limited range of life Replacement and

services is available. cycle services is end-of-life services

Product enhancements available. are available.

may be available Spare parts availability
through upgrade and is limited to available
retrofit solutions. stock.

Keeping you informed Step 1

We notify you every step of the way using Life Cycle Status Announcement
life cycle status statements and Provides early information about the upcoming
announcements. life cycle phase change and how it affects the
availability of services.
Your benefit is clear information about your
drives’ status and precise services available.
It helps you plan the preferred service actions
Step 2
Life Cycle Status Statement
ahead of time and make sure that continuous
Provides information about the drive's current life
support is always available.
cycle status, availability of product and services,
life cycle plan and recommended actions.
A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W 49

ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring
for drives
ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring
for Drives is a service that
delivers you accurate, real-time
information about drive events
to ensure your equipment is
available, reliable and maintenable.
When you have the facts, you can
make the right decisions.

Make best decisions Reduce the risks

You know your process, we know You have the information when
the drives. Our monitoring system needed most. Our monitoring system
provides you with data and is continuously collecting data for
information from the drives for you to set warning limits and to
your best decisions. trouble-shoot potential problems.

Available on your need

You can combine Remote Assistance
Service with Condition Monitoring.
Our experts will always be on hand
to consult with you.

Check the service availability for Need help?

your drive types with your local Contact ABB or third party channel company.
ABB representative.
50 A B B D R I V E S F O R WAT E R A N D WA S T E WAT E R , A C Q 5 8 0 , 0 .7 5 TO 5 0 0 K W

Additional information
We reserve the right to make technical
changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice. With
regard to purchase orders, the agreed
particulars shall prevail. ABB does not
accept any responsibility whatsoever for
potential errors or possible lack of infor-
mation in this document.

We reserve all rights in this document

and in the subject matter and illustra-
tions contained therein. Any reproduc-
tion, disclosure to third parties or
utilization of its contents – in whole or
in parts – is forbidden without prior
written consent of ABB.

For more information, please contact
your local ABB representative or visit

Online manuals for wall-mounted ACQ580 drives

Online manuals for ACQ580 drive modules

Online manuals for cabinet-built ACQ580 drives

Online manuals for ACQ580-31 wall-mounted low-harmonic drives

Online manuals for ACQ580-34 low-harmonic drive modules

3AUA0000194172 REV F EN 10.3.2020

© Copyright 2020 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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