Syllabus - Electronic Materials - 2nd Semester 2019.2020

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Najjad Zeenni Department of

Faculty of Materials
Engineering Engineering

Al-Quds University

Course syllabus
Second Semester 2019/2020

0703342 Electronic Materials

Level: 3rd year.
Prerequisites: 0703201 Introduction to Materials Engineering.
0701211 Introduction to Circuit Theory & Electronics.
Weight: 3 credit hours.
Instructor: Dr. Omar Ayyad
Meeting place: Faculty of Engineering, EN102
Office: Faculty of Engineering,
Phone: Voip/6345
E-mail: [email protected]
Lecture Time: N,T: 14:00-15:30
Office hours: See my office door

1- Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices: 3rd Edition, by S.O. Kasap, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
2- Materials Science and Engineering: An introduction, William D. Callister, Jr. and David G.
Rethwisch, 8th edition, 2011.

1- Foundation of Materials Science and Engineering, William F. Smith. 3rd edition, 2004.
2- Electronic Properties of Engineering Materials, J. D. Livingston, Wiley, 1999.
3- Introduction to Solid State Physics, by C. Kittel, Wiley, 8th Edition, 2004.
4- Electronic Properties of Materials: R.E. Hummel, Springer, 4th edition, 2011.

Course Description
Semiconductors. Properties of d-electron metals, domains, data storage, and power transformers.
Superconducting behavior, mechanism, technological application. Electronic structure of oxides,
dielectricity, ferroelectricity. Conducting polymers, dielectric loss. Electrical properties and
conduction in polymers, ceramics, and superconductors, magnetic phenomena and optical
properties in materials with applications in recording media. Optical fibers: performance and

Course Objectives
The primary aim of this course is to expose students to the fundamentals underpinning electronic
properties of materials. This spans everything from the basics of electron behavior in solids to the
design of magnets and optoelectronic devices. The goals of this course are:
1. To study electronic materials – insulators, dielectrics, conductors, semiconductors, and
2. Understand the difference between electronic structures and physical properties of
semiconductors, metals, and dielectrics.
3. To study conductivity in electronic materials.
4. To present a summary of fundamental principles that have guided applications of optical
5. To explore two avenues by which we can use the optical properties of materials: emission
of photons from materials and interaction of photons with materials.
6. To discuss heat capacity, thermal expansion properties, and the thermal conductivity of
7. To study the fundamental basis for responses of certain materials to the presence of
magnetic fields.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’s)

Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain classical solid state theory and apply it vis-à-vis electrical and thermal
conduction in solids.
2. Explain modern theory of solids vis-à-vis electronic band structure.
3 . Describe the physics of semiconductors, intrinsic/extrinsic semiconductors, temperature
dependence of conductivity, and transport in terms of diffusion and drift, and generation
and recombination processes.
4. Describe the construction and operation of fundamental semiconductor devices.
5. Explain various applications of semiconductor devices; for example, LEDs, photovoltaics,
6. Describe the physics of dielectric materials vis-à-vis polarization concepts.
7. Explain dielectric strength and insulation breakdown.
8. Describe optical properties of materials.
9. Explain the functioning of several optoelectronic devices.

Course Contents:
Topics To Be Covered
* Before attending the class, review of Atomic Structure and Interatomic
Bonding, Crystal Structures and Crystallography.
1. Electrical Properties of Materials /Conduction Materials
• Ohm’s Law and Electrical Conductivity. Band Structures of Solids. Conductivity of Metals
and Alloys. Conductivity in Other Materials. Semiconductors. Applications of
Semiconductors. Insulators and Dielectric Properties. Electrostriction, Piezoelectricity,
Pyroelectricity, and Ferroelectricity.
2. Optical Properties of Materials
• The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Electromagnetic Radiation. Light Interactions with Solids,
Atomic and Electronic Interactions. Refraction, Reflection, Absorption, and Transmission.
Selective Absorption, Transmission, or Reflection. Luminescence. Examples and Use of
Emission Phenomena. Materials of Importance–Light-Emitting Diodes, Photoconductivity,
3. Thermal Properties of Materials
• Heat Capacity and Specific Heat, Relationship between electrical and thermal conductivity,
Thermal Expansion, Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Shock.
4. Magnetic Properties of Materials (if time allows)
• Magnetism, basic terminology. Magnetic hysterezis. Dia-, para- and ferromagnetism,
temperature effect on magnetic behavior, domains and hysteresis. Classification on soft
and hard magnetic materials, properties and applications.

Grades Distribution

1st hour exam 3.3.2020 25 %

2nd hour exam 7.4.2020 25 %
Final exam 40 %
Course work 10 %
Note: Course work includes class attendance, participation activities, homework’s and quizzes.

Teaching and Learning Methods:

1. Lecture and power point presentations.
2. Discussion.
3. Collaborative and problem-based learning techniques.
4. Home works.

Facilities Required for Teaching and Learning: Board, LCD and Power Point Presentations.

Good Luck

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